* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Status codes used by Browser Engine
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef signed int TBrowserStatusCode;
** Includes
#define BRSR_STAT_IS_SUCCESS(a) ((a) == KBrsrSuccess)
#define BRSR_STAT_IS_FAILURE(a) ((a) != KBrsrSuccess)
/* Used by NW_HED_DocumentNode_HandleError to specify the error "class" */
#define KBrsrSuccess 0
#define KBrsrFailure -26000
#define KBrsrFileNotFound -26003
#define KBrsrFileWriteError -26008
#define KBrsrFileDiskFullError -26009
#define KBrsrOutOfMemory -26011
#define KBrsrUnexpectedError -26012
#define KBrsrNotImplemented -26013
#define KBrsrWaitTimeout -26014
#define KBrsrBufferTooSmall -26015
#define KBrsrBadInputParam -26016
#define KBrsrMissingInputParam -26017
#define KBrsrMalformedUrl -26018
#define KBrsrNotFound -26021
#define KBrsrBufferEnd -26022
#define KBrsrIterateMore -26023
#define KBrsrIterateDone -26024
#define KBrsrUnknownScheme -26026
#define KBrsrBadRedirect -26027
#define KBrsrTooManyRedirects -26028
#define KBrsrHttpStatus -26035
#define KBrsrMissingAuthHeader -26037
#define KBrsrCancelled -26038
#define KBrsrWpsaNoActiveTransactions -26067
#define KBrsrNoContentLength -26068
#define KBrsrTransactionCompete -26069
#define KBrsrWimiInvalidPin -26072
#define KBrsrWimiPinBlocked -26073
#define KBrsrWimiNoCard -26075
#define KBrsrWimiNoInit -26084
#define KBrsrWimiBadCert -26085
#define KBrsrWimiWimErr -26089
#define KBrsrWimiSessionNotSet -26090
#define KBrsrWimiCertNotFound -26091
#define KBrsrWimiKeyNotFound -26092
#define KBrsrWimiDuplicateCert -26093
#define KBrsrWtlsHandshakeFail -26102
#define KBrsrWtlsUnknowCertAuth -26110
#define KBrsrWtlsUcNotYetValid -26111
#define KBrsrWtlsUcExpired -26112
#define KBrsrWtlsUnsupCert -26114
#define KBrsrWtlsDecodeFail -26116
#define KBrsrScriptCardNotInDeck -26131
#define KBrsrScriptNoAccess -26132
#define KBrsrScriptBadContent -26133
#define KBrsrScriptErrorUserExit -26134
#define KBrsrScriptErrorUserAbort -26135
#define KBrsrScriptErrorStackUnderflow -26136
#define KBrsrScriptErrorStackOverflow -26137
#define KBrsrScriptFatalLibFuncError -26138
#define KBrsrScriptInvalidFuncArgs -26139
#define KBrsrScriptVerificationFailed -26140
#define KBrsrScriptExternalFunctionNotFound -26141
#define KBrsrScriptUnableToLoadCompilationUnit -26142
#define KBrsrScriptAccessViolation -26143
#define KBrsrWmlbrowserCardNotInDeck -26144
#define KBrsrWmlbrowserNoAccess -26145
#define KBrsrWmlbrowserBadContent -26146
#define KBrsrWmlbrowserBadContentType -26148
#define KBrsrWmlbrowserInputNonconformingToMask -26149
#define KBrsrWmlbrowserOnPickEx -26150
#define KBrsrXhtmlBadContent -26151
#define KBrsrCryptoUserCancel -26152
#define KBrsrCryptoNoCert -26153
#define KBrsrUnsupportedFormCharset -26156
#define KBrsrScrproxyScrAbort -26163
#define KBrsrScrproxyScrBusy -26164
#define KBrsrScrproxyScrNotResponding -26165
#define KBrsrWaeNavigationCancelled -26167
#define KBrsrConnCancelled -26172
#define KBrsrConnFailed -26173
#define KBrsrLmgrConstraintTooSmall -26189
#define KBrsrLmgrNotConstrained -26190
#define KBrsrLmgrFormatOverflow -26191
#define KBrsrLmgrSplitOk -26192
#define KBrsrLmgrNoSplit -26194
#define KBrsrLmgrNotClear -26196
#define KBrsrDomNoStringReturned -26199
#define KBrsrDomNodeTypeErr -26200
#define KBrsrDomNoValuePrefix -26201
#define KBrsrWbxmlErrorBytecode -26202
#define KBrsrWbxmlErrorCharsetUnsupported -26203
#define KBrsrHedNoCurrentHistEntry -26211
#define KBrsrHedNoPreviousHistEntry -26212
#define KBrsrHedNoNextHistEntry -26213
#define KBrsrHedContentDispatched -26215
#define KBrsrTcpHostUnreachable -26223
#define KBrsrSavedPageFailed -26224
#define KBrsrRestartParsing -26225
#define KBrsrMvcConverterNotFound -26226
#define KBrsrContinue -26227
#define KBrsrLastErrorCode -26999
// HTTP status codes
#define KBrsrHTTP100 -25100
#define KBrsrHTTP101 -25101
#define KBrsrHTTP102 -25102
#define KBrsrHTTP200 -25200
#define KBrsrHTTP201 -25201
#define KBrsrHTTP202 -25202
#define KBrsrHTTP203 -25203
#define KBrsrHTTP204 -25204
#define KBrsrHTTP205 -25205
#define KBrsrHTTP206 -25206
#define KBrsrHTTP300 -25300
#define KBrsrHTTP301 -25301
#define KBrsrHTTP302 -25302
#define KBrsrHTTP303 -25303
#define KBrsrHTTP304 -25304
#define KBrsrHTTP305 -25305
#define KBrsrHTTP400 -25400
#define KBrsrHTTP401 -25401
#define KBrsrHTTP402 -25402
#define KBrsrHTTP403 -25403
#define KBrsrHTTP404 -25404
#define KBrsrHTTP405 -25405
#define KBrsrHTTP406 -25406
#define KBrsrHTTP407 -25407
#define KBrsrHTTP408 -25408
#define KBrsrHTTP409 -25409
#define KBrsrHTTP410 -25410
#define KBrsrHTTP411 -25411
#define KBrsrHTTP412 -25412
#define KBrsrHTTP413 -25413
#define KBrsrHTTP414 -25414
#define KBrsrHTTP415 -25415
#define KBrsrHTTP500 -25500
#define KBrsrHTTP501 -25501
#define KBrsrHTTP502 -25502
#define KBrsrHTTP503 -25503
#define KBrsrHTTP504 -25504
#define KBrsrHTTP505 -25505
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#endif /* BRSR_STATUS_CODES_H */