changeset 0 62f9d29f7211
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: Header declaration
    15 *
    16 */
    25 #ifndef M_SEN_CONTEXT_H
    26 #define M_SEN_CONTEXT_H
    29 // INCLUDES
    30 #include <e32std.h>
    33 class CSenElement;
    34 class CSenXmlReader;
    36 // CONSTANTS
    37 namespace SenContext
    38     {
    40     _LIT8(KSenCtxKeyCoreServiceManager,     "urn:com.nokia.serene:core:service-manager");
    41     _LIT8(KSenCtxKeySessionInitializer,     "urn:com.nokia.serene:framework:session-initializer");    
    42     _LIT8(KSenCtxKeyServiceSession,         "urn:com.nokia.serene:framework:service-session");        
    43     _LIT8(KSenCtxKeyTransportProperties,    "urn:com.nokia.serene:framework:transport-properties");   
    45     _LIT8(KSenCtxKeyMessage,                "urn:com.nokia.serene:framework:message"); 
    46     _LIT8(KSenCtxKeyChunk,                  "urn:com.nokia.serene:framework:chunk"); 
    47     _LIT8(KSenCtxKeyMessageProperties,      "urn:com.nokia.serene:framework:message:properties"); 
    48 //    _LIT8(KSenCtxKeyXmlParser,              "urn:com.nokia.serene:framework:xml-parser"); 
    51     // DEPRECATED KEYS,
    52     _LIT8(KSenCtxKeyCurrentSoapMessage,  "urn:com.nokia.serene:framework:current-soap-msg"); 
    53     _LIT8(KSenCtxKeyCurrentMessageAsDesc,"urn:com.nokia.serene:framework:current-msg-desc");
    56     enum TContextType
    57         {
    58         EContextBase = 0,
    59         EHandlerContext, 
    60         ESessionContext, 
    61         EMessageContext, 
    62         ETransportContext
    63         };
    65     enum TContextDirection
    66         {
    67         EOutgoing = 1, 
    68         EIncoming,
    69         EBoth
    70         };
    71     }
    75 /**
    76 * This is the abstract super class for all WSF context classes, providing 
    77 * convenience methods for basic, excessively used data types, and some
    78 * foundation methods for general context properties, like context type and
    79 * direction.
    80 *
    81 */
    82 class MSenContext
    83     {
    84     public:
    86         // New functions
    88         /**
    89         * Method is used to resolve concrete type (class)
    90         * for this context.
    91         * 
    92         * @return the class type of this handler
    93         */
    94         virtual SenContext::TContextType Type() const = 0;        
    96     	/**
    97     	* Indicates the direction this context is serving.
    98         * 
    99     	* @return enum, which tells where this handler will 
   100     	* be applied - outgoing, incoming, or on both directions.
   101     	*/
   102     	virtual SenContext::TContextDirection Direction() const = 0;
   104         /**
   105         * Adds new const TDesC8& type value into context, identified by given key.
   106         * 
   107         * @param aKey identifies new value
   108         * @param aValue is the value being added. 
   109         * 
   110         * @return KErrNone on success, 
   111         *         KErrAlreadyExists, if the key is reserved,
   112         *         or some other system-wide error code.
   113         */
   114         virtual TInt Add(const TDesC8& aKey, const TDesC8& aValue) = 0;
   116         /**
   117         * Updates new const TDesC8& type value into context, identified by given key.
   118         * If some value for the same key already exists, it is destroyed and replaced 
   119         * by the new value. If key does not already exist, a new one will be added.
   120         * 
   121         * @param aKey identifies new value
   122         * @param aValue is the updated value, which may replace
   123         *         any existing value, which used same key.
   124         *         Ownership is transferred to this context.
   125         * 
   126         * @return KErrNone on success, 
   127         *         or some other system-wide error code.
   128         */
   129         virtual TInt Update(const TDesC8& aKey, const TDesC8& aValue) = 0;
   131         /**
   132         * Method returns TDesC8* type value.
   133         * 
   134         * @param aKey identifies descriptor object
   135         * 
   136         * @return value behind given key, or NULL, if
   137         * not found.
   138         * Ownership is  not transferred, but remains
   139         * to be held by this context.   
   140         * NOTE: Method leaves with KErrSenTypeMismatch error code,
   141         * if value behind this key of UCS8 descriptor type.   
   142         */
   143         virtual const TDesC8* GetDesC8L(const TDesC8& aKey) = 0;
   145         /**
   146         * Adds new TInt type value into context, identified by given key.
   147         * 
   148         * @param aKey identifies new value
   149         * @param aValue is the value being added.
   150         * @return KErrNone on success, 
   151         *         KErrAlreadyExists, if the key is reserved,
   152         *         or some other system-wide error code.
   153         */
   154         virtual TInt Add(const TDesC8& aKey, TInt aValue) = 0;
   156         /**
   157         * Updates new TInt type value into context, identified by given key.
   158         * If some value for the same key already exists, it is destroyed and
   159         * replaced by the new value.
   160         * 
   161         * @param aKey identifies new value
   162         * @param aValue is the updated value, which may replace
   163         *         any existing value, which used same key.
   164         * 
   165         * @return KErrNone on success, 
   166         *         or some other system-wide error code.
   167         */
   168         virtual TInt Update(const TDesC8& aKey, TInt aValue) = 0;
   170         /**
   171         * Method returns TInt* type value.
   172         * 
   173         * @param aKey identifies integer object
   174         * 
   175         * @return value behind given key, or NULL, if
   176         * not found.
   177         * Ownership is  not transferred, but remains
   178         * to be held by this context.   
   179         * Method leaves with KErrSenTypeMismatch error code,
   180         * if value behind this descriptor is not TInt* type.   
   181         */
   182         virtual const TInt* GetIntL(const TDesC8& aKey) = 0;
   184         /**
   185         * Adds new CSenElement* type value into context, identified by given key.
   186         * 
   187         * @param aKey identifies new value
   188         * @param aValue is the value being added. Ownership is transferred
   189         * to this context.
   190         * 
   191         * @return KErrNone on success, 
   192         *         KErrAlreadyExists, if the key is reserved,
   193         *         or some other system-wide error code.
   194         */
   195         virtual TInt Add(const TDesC8& aKey, CSenElement* aValue) = 0;
   197         /**
   198         * Updates new CSenElement* type value into context, identified by given key.
   199         * If some value for the same key already exists, it is destroyed and replaced
   200         * by the new value.
   201         * 
   202         * @param aKey identifies new value
   203         * @param aValue is the updated value, which may replace
   204         *         any existing value, which used same key.
   205         *         Ownership is transferred to this context.
   206         * 
   207         * @return KErrNone on success, 
   208         *         or some other system-wide error code.
   209         */
   210         virtual TInt Update(const TDesC8& aKey, CSenElement* aValue) = 0;
   212         /**
   213         * Method returns CSenElement* type value.
   214         * 
   215         * @param aKey identifies the XML element object
   216         * 
   217         * @return value behind given key, or NULL, if
   218         * not found.
   219         * Ownership is  not transferred, but remains
   220         * to be held by this context.   
   221         * Method leaves with KErrSenTypeMismatch error code,
   222         * if value behind this descriptor is not CSenElement* type.   
   223         */
   224         virtual const CSenElement* GetSenElementL(const TDesC8& aKey) = 0;
   226         /**
   227         * Adds new TAny* type value into context, identified by given key.
   228         * 
   229         * @param aKey identifies new value
   230         * @param aValue is the value being added. Ownership is NOT transferred
   231         * to this context.
   232         * 
   233         * @return KErrNone on success, 
   234         *         KErrAlreadyExists, if the key is reserved,
   235         *         or some other system-wide error code.
   236         */
   237         virtual TInt Add(const TDesC8& aKey, TAny* aValue) = 0;
   239         /**
   240         * Updates new TAny* type value into context, identified by given key.
   241         * If some value for the same key already exists, it is replaced with 
   242         * the new value.
   243         * 
   244         * @param aKey identifies new value
   245         * @param aValue is the updated value, which may replace
   246         *         any existing value, which used same key.
   247         *         Ownership is NOT transferred this context.
   248         * 
   249         * @return KErrNone on success, 
   250         *         or some other system-wide error code.
   251         */
   252         virtual TInt Update(const TDesC8& aKey, TAny* aValue) = 0;
   254         /**
   255         * Method returns TAny* type value.
   256         * 
   257         * @param aKey identifying the requested value
   258         * 
   259         * @return value behind given key, or NULL, if
   260         * not found.
   261         * Ownership can NOT be transferred, since it was NEVER
   262         * held by this context.   
   263         * Caller is supposed to know the type (class) of returned
   264         * value from the pre-defined binding to certain key.
   265         */
   266         virtual TAny* GetAnyL(const TDesC8& aKey) = 0;	//codescannerwarnings
   268         // virtual TInt AddParser(CSenXmlReader* aValue) = 0; // protected context
   269         // virtual TInt UpdateParser(CSenXmlReader* aValue) = 0;  // protected context
   270         /**
   271         * Method returns XML parser (CSenXmlReader*)
   272         * 
   273         * @return pointer to parser or NULL, if not
   274         * found.
   275         * Ownership of returned pointer is NOT transferred.
   276         * Method leaves with KErrSenTypeMismatch error code,
   277         * if value behind this descriptor is not CSenXmlReader* type.   
   278         */
   279         virtual const CSenXmlReader* GetParser() = 0;
   281         /**
   282         * Removes value from the context, possibly destroying the
   283         * value, too - if it is owned by this context.
   284         * 
   285         * @param aKey used to identify value which needs to be removed
   286         * 
   287         * @return the index of removed key-value pair, or
   288         * KErrNotFound, if such key was not found
   289         */
   290         virtual TInt Remove(const TDesC8& aKey) = 0;     	
   292         /**
   293         * Methods tells the count of context items (key-value pairs).
   294         * 
   295         * @return count of current items in this context.
   296         */
   297         virtual TInt Count() const = 0;
   299         /**
   300         * Resolves key at certain index, if it is
   301         * not out of bounds of the current context.
   302         * 
   303         * @return the key at certain index.
   304         * Method can be used to interate through
   305         * context values.
   306         * If index is out of bounds, method leaves
   307         * with either KErrUnderflow (negative index),
   308         *          or KErrOverflow(index>count-1)
   309         */
   310         virtual TPtrC8 KeyAtL(TInt aIndex) = 0;
   312         /**
   313         * Method clears (possibly destroys) the current contents
   314         * of this context, making it possible to re-use this instance.
   315         */
   316         virtual void Reset() = 0;
   320         /**
   321         * Sets the direction (inbound or outbound for this context).
   322         * @return KErrNone or error code (KErrNotSupported is expected,
   323         * if method is not implemented).
   324         */        
   325         virtual TInt SetDirection( SenContext::TContextDirection aDirection ) = 0;
   328     };
   330 #endif // M_SEN_CONTEXT_H
   332 // End of File