changeset 0 62f9d29f7211
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:        Class implements the most common value object used in WSF,
    15 *                which is used to  describe some invocable service.
    16 *
    17 */
    26 #ifndef SEN_WS_DESCRIPTION_H
    27 #define SEN_WS_DESCRIPTION_H
    29 //  INCLUDES
    30 #include "SenXmlServiceDescription.h"
    32 /*
    33 *  @lib SenServDesc.lib
    34 *  @since Series60 3.0
    35 */
    36 class CSenWSDescription : public CSenXmlServiceDescription
    37     {
    38     public:  // Constructors and destructor
    40         /**
    41         * Standard 2 phase constructor
    42         * @return a pointer to a new CSenWSDescription instance.
    43         */
    44         IMPORT_C static CSenWSDescription* NewL();
    46         /**
    47         * Standard 2 phase constructor
    48         * @return a pointer to a new CSenWSDescription instance,
    49         *        which is left on cleanup stack.
    50         */
    51         IMPORT_C static CSenWSDescription* NewLC();
    53         /**
    54         * Standard 2 phase constructor
    55         * @param aNamespaceURI namespace URI for the service description.
    56         * @return a pointer to a new CSenWSDescription instance
    57         */
    58         IMPORT_C static CSenWSDescription* NewL(const TDesC8& aNamespaceURI);
    60         /**
    61         * Standard 2 phase constructor
    62         * @param aNamespaceURI namespace URI for the service description.
    63         * @return a pointer to a new CSenWSDescription instance,
    64         *        which is left on cleanup stack.
    65         */
    66         IMPORT_C static CSenWSDescription* NewLC(const TDesC8& aNamespaceURI);
    68         /**
    69         * Standard 2 phase constructors
    70         * @param aEndpoint the service endpoint. Note that endpoint cannot
    71         *        include characters which are illegal in XML. If endpoint
    72         *        is an URL which contains illegal characters (like '&'-char),
    73         *        those need to be encoded into XML entity form (like &).
    74         *        EncodeHttpCharactersLC() method from XmlUtils can be used
    75         *        for encoding of basic XML entities.
    76         * @param aContract identifies the service type.
    77         * @return a pointer to a new CSenWSDescription instance
    78         */
    79         IMPORT_C static CSenWSDescription* NewL(const TDesC8& aEndPoint,
    80                                                         const TDesC8& aContract);
    82         /**
    83         * Standard 2 phase constructors
    84         * @param aEndpoint the service endpoint. Note that endpoint cannot
    85         *        include characters which are illegal in XML. If endpoint
    86         *        is an URL which contains illegal characters (like '&'-char),
    87         *        those need to be encoded into XML entity form (like &).
    88         *        EncodeHttpCharactersLC() method from XmlUtils can be used
    89         *        for encoding of basic XML entities.
    90         * @param aContract identifies the service type.
    91         * @return a pointer to a new CSenWSDescription instance,
    92         *        which is left on cleanup stack.
    93         */
    94         IMPORT_C static CSenWSDescription* NewLC(const TDesC8& aEndPoint,
    95                                                          const TDesC8& aContract);
    97         /**
    98         * Destructor.
    99         */
   100         IMPORT_C virtual ~CSenWSDescription();
   102         // New functions
   103         /**
   104         * Method returns ETrue if the primary keys of this service description
   105         * are equal. Definition of primary keys varies on concrete implementations.
   106         *
   107         * In a typical XML sub class implementation the primary keys are Contract
   108         * and Endpoint elements.
   109         *
   110         * Difference to Match() method is that primary keys - often descriptors -
   111         * MUST be equal both in this service description and in aCandidate, unlike
   112         * in Match(), where argument is more like wildcard pattern matching even
   113         * in cases where it includes fewer fields (less information).
   114         *
   115         * @since Series60
   116         * @param    aCandidate is a service description, which primary keys are
   117         *           checked in this comparison.
   118         *
   119         * @return TBool ETrue if primary keys are equal, EFalse otherwise.
   120         */
   121         IMPORT_C virtual TBool HasEqualPrimaryKeysL(MSenServiceDescription& aCandidate);
   123         /*
   124         * Method checks specific pieces of information to determine, whether this
   125         * service description is local or not. Typically this is defined by the
   126         * endpoint's scheme, which is KSenTransportSchemeLocal in most of the cases,
   127         * when this method returns true.
   128         * @return boolean indicating whether this endpoint is local or not.
   129         */
   130         IMPORT_C virtual TBool IsLocalL(); 
   133         /*
   134         * Method for binding transport plug-in type with the endpoint in question.
   135         * Function adds/sets XML attribute called "cue" for <Endpoint> element:
   136         *
   137         *  <ServiceDescription>
   138         *    <Endpoint cue="com.nokia.wsf.transport.plugin.hostlet">
   139         *      urn:nokia.com.test.hostlet
   140         *    </Endpoint>
   141         *  </ServiceDescription>
   142         *
   143         * In above example, eventhough endpoint scheme "local://" would normally
   144         * invoke different type of plug-in, the "cue" attribute overrides this, and
   145         * forces hostlet transport plugin to be loaded.
   146         *
   147         * Transport plug-in types (cues):
   148         *
   149         *    _LIT8(KSenTransportCueHTTP,              "com.nokia.wsf.transport.plugin.httpchannel");
   150         *    _LIT8(KSenTransportCueVirtualTCP,        ""); 
   151         *    _LIT8(KSenTransportCueLocalEcom,         "com.nokia.wsf.transport.plugin.local");
   152         *    _LIT8(KSenTransportCueHostletConnection, "com.nokia.wsf.transport.plugin.hostlet");
   153         *
   154         *
   155         * Note that this method does not attempt to load the plug-in - it might not
   156         * even exist in the system. Neither is this attribute checked when XML service
   157         * description is parsed. As a conclusion, if non-existant plug-ins are bind
   158         * to endpoints, they will be ignored, and the transport is created in normal
   159         * way and plug-in is chosen based on endpoint scheme and/or defaults.
   160         *
   161         * @param aTransportCue is the ECOM cue of CSenTransport implementation.
   162         * @return KErrNone on success
   163         *         KErrSenNoEndpoint, if actual endpoint element does not exist
   164         *
   165         */
   166         IMPORT_C virtual TInt SetTransportCueL(const TDesC8& aTransportCue);
   169         /**
   170         * Getter for transport cue, assuming that attribute has been set,
   171         * and that has "cue" -attribute.
   172         * @return transport plug-in ECOM cue, or KNullDesC8, if it has
   173         * not been set in this service description.
   174         */
   175         IMPORT_C virtual TPtrC8 TransportCue();
   177         /**
   178         * Method provides convenient way to ensure up-casting of a subclass instance,
   179         * when it is seen via CSenWSDescription handle.
   180         * Each subclass has to implement this method.
   181         * @return boolean indicating whether the class in question has a super class
   182         * of requested type. ETrue is returned if any super class up in the inheritance
   183         * chain has mathing parent, via recursion. Method returns EFalse, if none of the
   184         * classes in the inheritance chain derives from requested type.
   185         */
   186         IMPORT_C virtual TBool HasSuperClass( TDescriptionClassType aType );
   188         /**
   189         * Getter for (web) service policy
   190         * @return pointer to service policy, or NULL, if it is not available
   191         */
   192         IMPORT_C virtual MSenServicePolicy* ServicePolicy();
   194         /**
   195         * Method provides convenient way to add a new value in Client Policy
   196         * This method will add attributes such as <SOAP12> or <UsernameTokenOverTLS>
   197         * in the Policy to be used by stack. Infact this method adds a new element
   198         * in xml representation of ServicePolicy.
   199         * @param aName is the Name of the attribute.
   200         * @return KErrNone on success, KErrArgument if any of the arguments
   201         * (descriptors) is of zero-length, or one of the system-wide
   202         * error codes otherwise.
   203         */
   204         IMPORT_C virtual TInt SetPolicyL(const TDesC8& aName);
   206         /**
   207         * Method provides convenient way to add a new value in Client Policy
   208         * This method will add attributes such as <Addressing>
   209         * in the Policy to be used by stack. Infact this method adds a new element
   210         * in xml representation of ServicePolicy and adds its value as contents of the element.
   211         * <Addressing>http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/03/addressing</Addressing>
   212         * @param aName is the Name of the Policy attribute.
   213         * @param aValue is the Contents of the Policy attribute.
   214         * @return KErrNone on success, KErrArgument if any of the arguments
   215         * (descriptors) is of zero-length, or one of the system-wide
   216         * error codes otherwise.
   217         */
   219         IMPORT_C virtual TInt SetPolicyL(const TDesC8& aName, const TDesC8& aValue);
   220         /**
   221         * Method provides convenient way to add a new value in Client Policy
   222         * This method will add attributes such as <Addressing>
   223         * in the Policy to be used by stack. Infact this method adds a new element
   224         * in xml representation of ServicePolicy and adds its value as contents of the element.
   225         * <MetadataEndpoint method = "GET">http://www.mypolicyendpoint.com/policy2/</MetadataEndpoint>
   226         * @param aName is the Name of the Policy attribute.
   227         * @param aValue is the Contents of the Policy attribute.
   228         * @param aAttribName is the Name of the attribute in element aName
   229         * @param aAttribValue is the Contents of the aAttribName attribute.
   230         * @return KErrNone on success, KErrArgument if any of the arguments
   231         * (descriptors) is of zero-length, or one of the system-wide
   232         * error codes otherwise.
   233         */
   235         IMPORT_C virtual TInt SetPolicyL(const TDesC8& aName, const TDesC8& aValue, const TDesC8& aAttribName, const TDesC8& aAttribValue);
   237         /**
   238         * Setter for (identity) provider ID
   239         * @since Series60 5.0
   240         * @param aProviderID the unique identifier of the (identity) provider
   241         * @return KErrNone on success, KErrArgument if aProviderID is of zero-length,
   242         * or one of the system-wide Symbian error codes otherwise.
   243         */
   244         IMPORT_C virtual TInt SetProviderIdL( const TDesC8& aProviderID );
   246         /**
   247         * Getter for (identity) provider ID
   248         * @since Series60 5.0
   249         * @return the (locally) unique identifier of the (identity) provider
   250         * @return KErrNone on success, KErrArgument if aProviderID is of zero-length,
   251         * or one of the system-wide Symbian error codes otherwise.
   252         */
   253         IMPORT_C TPtrC8 ProviderId();
   255         /**
   256         * Setter for userinfo attribute, which determinates whether the username
   257         * - password notifier dialog is shown to end-user or not, when authentication
   258         * fails (due wrong, or incomplete userinfo).
   259         * @param aPromptUserInfoMode
   260         *  EFalse dictates that an error must be returned when creating
   261         *         a service connection and userinfo is not accepted by
   262         *         (remote) authentication, instead of showing the dialog.
   263         *  ETrue (or if attribute does not exist in this XML SD) means that
   264         *         end-user should be prompted (default behaviour). The number
   265         *         of retry attempts (each showing a dialog) is service invocation
   266         *         framework spesific; typically 3 retries are permitted.
   267         */
   268         IMPORT_C void SetPromptUserInfoL( TBool aPromptUserInfoMode );
   270         /**
   271         * Getter for current userinfo mode (attribute).
   272         * @return Boolean that indicates the mode:
   273         *  EFalse means that end-user prompts (notifier dialogs) have been
   274         *  explicitely surpressed, and thus will not be shown to end-user:
   275         *  attribute value is exactly as follows: "false"
   276         *  ETrue means that attribute does not exist (default), or it has ANY OTHER
   277         *  value, but NOT "false"
   278         */
   279         IMPORT_C TBool PromptUserInfo();
   281     protected:  // New functions
   283         /**
   284         * C++ default constructor.
   285         * @param aType enumeration defining the type of this class.
   286         */
   287         IMPORT_C CSenWSDescription(TDescriptionClassType aType);
   289 	public:
   290 		/**
   291         * Sets the SNAP ID.
   292         * @param aSnapId  A Snap ID
   293         */
   294 	   	IMPORT_C virtual void SetSnapIdL(TUint32 aSnapId); 
   295 		/**
   296         * Gets the SNAP ID.
   297         * @param aCurrentSnapId  A TUint32 reference to be filled in with the
   298         *                       value of the SNAP ID.
   299         * @return               KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
   300         *                       wide error codes.
   301         */
   302        IMPORT_C virtual TInt SnapId(TUint32& aCurrentSnapId); 	
   304     private: // Data
   305         CSenServicePolicy* 	iServicePolicy;
   306     };
   308 #endif // SEN_WS_DESCRIPTION_H
   310 // End of File