changeset 0 62f9d29f7211
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:62f9d29f7211
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:           
    15 *
    16 */
    29 #include "senbasicwebservicesession.h"
    30 #include "SenHttpTransportProperties.h" // could be system included (ADO task)
    31 #include "senservicesession.h"
    32 #include "SenSoapMessage.h"
    33 #include "SenSoapConstants.h"           // KSenSoapActionHeaderName
    34 #include "senwsdescription.h"
    35 #include "msencoreservicemanager.h"
    36 #include "msenremoteserviceconsumer.h"
    37 #include "SenXmlUtils.h"
    38 #include "SenDateUtils.h"
    39 #include "msentransport.h"
    40 #include "SenServiceConnection.h"
    41 #include "sendebug.h"
    42 #include "senlogger.h"
    43 #include <SenSoapFault.h>
    46 CSenBasicWebServiceSession* CSenBasicWebServiceSession::NewL(MSIF& aFramework)
    47     {
    48     CSenBasicWebServiceSession* pNew =
    49         CSenBasicWebServiceSession::NewLC(aFramework);
    50     CleanupStack::Pop();
    51     return pNew;
    52     }
    54 CSenBasicWebServiceSession* CSenBasicWebServiceSession::NewLC(MSIF& aFramework)
    55     {
    56     CSenBasicWebServiceSession* pNew =
    57         new (ELeave) CSenBasicWebServiceSession(EBasicWebServiceSession,
    58                                                 aFramework);
    59     CleanupStack::PushL(pNew);
    60     // bugfix 2004-09-08,
    61     // removed faulty call to CSenServiceSession::BaseConstructL
    62     pNew->ConstructL();
    63     return pNew;
    64     }
    66 CSenBasicWebServiceSession::CSenBasicWebServiceSession(
    67                                         TDescriptionClassType aType,
    68                                         MSIF& aFramework)
    69 :
    70 CSenWebServiceSession(aType, aFramework)
    71     {
    72     }
    74 void CSenBasicWebServiceSession::ConstructL()
    75     {
    76     // Sets the local name to "ServiceDescription" and initiates the inner ipElement
    77     CSenWebServiceSession::ConstructL();
    78     }
    80 CSenBasicWebServiceSession::~CSenBasicWebServiceSession()
    81     {
    82     }
    84 // Override compute status to make BWS sessions to be ALWAYS valid (ready)
    85 TInt CSenBasicWebServiceSession::ComputeStatusL()
    86     {
    87     // session is ready, if an endpoint is defined
    88     return CSenServiceSession::ComputeStatusL();
    89     }
    91 TInt CSenBasicWebServiceSession::InitializeFromL(MSenServiceDescription& aServiceDescription)
    92     {
    93     TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CSenWebServiceSession::InitializeFromL")));
    95     // Call superclass method to initialize facets, transport (endpoint) cue, etc..
    96 	TInt retVal = CSenWebServiceSession::InitializeFromL(aServiceDescription);
    97     CSenWSDescription& xmlSD = (CSenWSDescription&)aServiceDescription;
    98     TPtrC8 transportCue = xmlSD.TransportCue();
    99     if( transportCue.Length() > 0 )
   100         {
   101         SetTransportCueL( transportCue );
   102         }
   103 	return retVal;
   104     }
   107 TInt CSenBasicWebServiceSession::SubmitSoapL( const TDesC8& aSoapMessage, 
   108                                               const TDesC8& aTransportProperties,
   109                                               MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
   110                                               HBufC8*& aResponse )
   111     {
   112     CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId()  , KMinLogLevel,"CSenWsiPlugin::RegisterServiceDescriptionL");
   113     CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMinLogLevel,"CSenBasicWebServiceSession::SubmitSoapL(TDesC8&)");
   114 	TPtrC8 endpoint = Endpoint();
   115 #ifdef _SENDEBUG
   116     CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMaxLogLevel,"///////////////////////////////////////////////////////");
   117     CSLOG_FORMAT((aConsumer.ConnectionId()  , KMinLogLevel, _L8("- Endpoint: %S"), &endpoint));
   118 	CSLOG_FORMAT((aConsumer.ConnectionId()  , KMaxLogLevel, _L8("- Message (%d bytes):"), aSoapMessage.Length()));
   119     CSLOG_ALL(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMaxLogLevel,( aSoapMessage ));
   120     CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMaxLogLevel,"///////////////////////////////////////////////////////");
   121 #endif
   123     MSenTransport& transport = aConsumer.TransportL();
   124     SetFrameworkPropertiesL( transport );
   125     TInt retVal = transport.SubmitL( endpoint, aSoapMessage, aTransportProperties, aResponse, aConsumer);
   127     if(!aResponse)
   128         {
   129         // response was NULL: probably either out
   130         // of heap or some transport malfunction.
   131         return retVal;
   132         }
   133     else if(aResponse->Length() < KSenSoapEnvelopeName().Length()*2)
   134         {
   135         // no use parsing, Envelope -root element not there
   136         // deliver non-soap body to consumer
   137         return retVal;
   138         }
   140     CleanupStack::PushL(aResponse);
   142     CSenSoapMessage* pResponseSoapMsg = NULL;
   143     TInt leaveCode(KErrNone);
   145     // attempt to parse the response
   146     // here. SOAP faults are to be
   147     // searched after,
   149     TInt parseRetCode(KErrNone);
   150     TRAP( leaveCode, (parseRetCode =
   151         ParseResponseL(*aResponse, pResponseSoapMsg)) );
   153     if(leaveCode!=KErrNone)
   154         {
   155         // THE RESPONSE could not be parsed
   156         delete pResponseSoapMsg;
   158         // THE RESPONSE IS NOT SOAP
   159         if(retVal==KErrNone)
   160             {
   161             // indicate with return value, that response is
   162             // invalid - even though submit was ok, the
   163             // response could NOT be parsed!
   164             retVal = leaveCode;
   165             }
   166         CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMinLogLevel,"(NOK) Response is not a SOAP message");
   167         }
   168     else
   169         {
   171         if (parseRetCode != KErrNone)
   172             {
   173             CSLOG_FORMAT((aConsumer.ConnectionId()  , KMinLogLevel, _L8("(NOK) Parsing SOAP msg failed (%d)"),
   174                     parseRetCode));
   176             if(retVal==KErrNone) // submit was ok
   177                 {
   178                 // indicate with return value, that response is
   179                 // invalid - even though submit was ok, the
   180                 // response could NOT be parsed!
   181                 retVal = parseRetCode;
   182                 }
   184             // THE RESPONSE could not be parsed
   185             delete pResponseSoapMsg;
   186             }
   187         else
   188             {
   189             CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMinLogLevel,"WS-I: (OK) Response is a SOAP message");
   190             CleanupStack::PushL(pResponseSoapMsg);
   192             TBool completeServerMessages(ETrue);
   193             HasFacetL(KCompleteMessagesFacet, completeServerMessages);
   195             // response is OK and in SOAP form.
   196 			if(pResponseSoapMsg)
   197 				{
   198 				if (pResponseSoapMsg->IsFault())
   199 					{
   200 					// response is SOAP fault
   201 					CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMinLogLevel,"WS-I: Response is a SOAP fault.");
   202 					retVal = KErrSenSoapFault;
   204                 if (!completeServerMessages)
   205                     {
   206                     CleanupStack::Pop(pResponseSoapMsg);
   207                     // try to detach the SOAP fault
   208                     HBufC8* pDetached = NULL;
   209                     retVal = HandleSoapFaultL(pResponseSoapMsg, pDetached);
   210                     if(retVal == KErrSenSoapFault || retVal == KErrNone)
   211                         {
   212                         // KErrNone means that original fault was handled
   213                         // properly and we now have the wanted result 
   214                         // and consumer may receive it (message body)
   216                         // Note: currently we don't handle any SOAP faults
   217                         // in WebServiceSession class, so KErrNone should
   218                         // not be returned. The OR clause (||) here is 
   219                         // only for future extensions.
   220                         delete aResponse;
   221                         aResponse = NULL;
   222                         aResponse = pDetached;
   223                         pDetached = NULL;
   224                         }
   225                     else if(retVal == KErrNotFound)
   226                         {
   228                         // SOAP fault element  could not be found
   229                         CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMinLogLevel,"WS-I: Major; SOAP fault element not found \
   230                                     even though assumed SOAP fault.");
   231                         retVal = KErrSenInternal;
   232                         }
   234 						}
   235 					else
   236 						{
   237 						CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pResponseSoapMsg);
   238 						}
   239 					}
   240 				else
   241 					{
   242 					// Check complete server messages on/off
   243 					if (!completeServerMessages)
   244 						{
   245 						HBufC8* pBody = pResponseSoapMsg->BodyAsStringL();
   246 						if(pBody)
   247 							{
   248 							delete aResponse;
   249 							aResponse = NULL;
   250 							aResponse = pBody;
   251 							pBody = NULL;
   252 							CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KNormalLogLevel,"- Detached SOAP message body.");
   253 							}
   254 						}
   255 					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pResponseSoapMsg);
   256 					}
   257 				}
   258 			}
   259 		}
   260 #ifdef _SENDEBUG
   261     if(aResponse)
   262         {
   263         CleanupStack::PushL(aResponse);
   264         CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KNormalLogLevel,"- Detached SOAP message body.");
   265         CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMinLogLevel,"CSenBasicWebServiceSession::SubmitSoapL:");
   266         CSLOG_FORMAT((aConsumer.ConnectionId()  , KNormalLogLevel, _L8("- Response (%d bytes):"), 
   267             aResponse->Length()));
   268         CSLOG_ALL(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMaxLogLevel,(*aResponse));
   269         CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMaxLogLevel,"--------------------------------------------------");
   270         CleanupStack::Pop(); // aResponse
   271         }
   272 #endif
   273     CleanupStack::Pop(); // aResponse
   274     return retVal;
   275     }
   277 TInt CSenBasicWebServiceSession::SendSoapL( const TDesC8& aSoapMessage, 
   278                                             const TDesC8& aTransportProperties,
   279                                             MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
   280                                             TInt& aTxnId,
   281                                             HBufC8*& /*aRevalidationError*/ ) 
   282     {
   283 	TPtrC8 endpoint = Endpoint();
   284 #ifdef _SENDEBUG
   285     CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMaxLogLevel,"///////////////////////////////////////////////////////");
   286     CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMinLogLevel,"CSenBasicWebServiceSession::SendSoapL:");
   287     CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMinLogLevel,"- Endpoint:");
   288 	TLSLOG(aConsumer.ConnectionId()  , KMinLogLevel,( endpoint ));
   289 	CSLOG_FORMAT((aConsumer.ConnectionId()  , KMaxLogLevel, _L8("- Message (%d bytes):"), aSoapMessage.Length()));
   290     CSLOG_ALL(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMaxLogLevel,(aSoapMessage));
   291     CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMaxLogLevel,"///////////////////////////////////////////////////////");
   292 #endif
   293     MSenTransport& transport = aConsumer.TransportL();
   294     SetFrameworkPropertiesL( transport );
   295     TInt retVal = transport.SendL( endpoint, 
   296                                    aSoapMessage, 
   297                                    aTransportProperties, 
   298                                    *this, 
   299                                    aConsumer, 
   300                                    aTxnId );
   301     CSLOG_FORMAT((aConsumer.ConnectionId()  , KNormalLogLevel, _L8("- Transaction id: %d"), aTxnId));
   302     return retVal;
   303     }
   305 TInt CSenBasicWebServiceSession::HttpMethodFromPropertiesL( const TDesC8& aProperties,
   306                                                             CSenHttpTransportProperties::TSenHttpMethod& aMethod )
   307     {
   308     TInt retVal(KErrNotFound);
   309     if ( aProperties.Length() > 0 && aProperties.Find(KHttpMethodLocalName)!= KErrNotFound && 
   310         (aProperties.Find(KHttpGet)!= KErrNotFound || aProperties.Find(KHttpDelete)!= KErrNotFound) ) 
   311         {
   312         // Properties strings are found, now use CSenHttpProperties instance to validate that HTTP
   313         // method really is either HTTP GET or HTTP DELETE:
   314         CSenHttpTransportProperties* pHttpProperties = CSenHttpTransportProperties::NewLC(); // push tp
   316         // Parse aProperties into HTTP transport properties object:
   317         TInt leaveCode( KErrNone );
   318         TRAP( leaveCode, pHttpProperties->ReadFromL( aProperties ); )
   319         if ( leaveCode == KErrNone )
   320             {
   321             CSenHttpTransportProperties::TSenHttpMethod method;
   322             retVal = pHttpProperties->HttpMethodL( method );
   323             if ( retVal == KErrNone )
   324                 {
   325                 aMethod = method;
   326                 }
   327 #ifdef _SENDEBUG            
   328             else 
   329                 {
   330                 // HttpMethodL failed:
   331                 TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel, _L8("- HttpMethodL call failed. Error code: (%d)"), retVal));
   332                 }
   333 #endif // _SENDEBUG            
   334             }
   335 #ifdef _SENDEBUG            
   336         else 
   337             {
   338             // ReadFromL leaved:
   339             TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel, _L8("- Reading (parsing) of HTTP properties failed. Leave code: (%d)"), leaveCode));
   341             }
   342 #endif // _SENDEBUG            
   343         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pHttpProperties ); // de-alloc tp
   344         }
   345     return retVal;
   346     }
   350 /*
   351 * @param aMessage contains request which is parsed into a SoapEnvelope object using
   352 *                 CSenWebServiceSession::MessageForSendingL and then SendSoapL is called  
   353 */
   354 TInt CSenBasicWebServiceSession::SendL( const TDesC8& aMessage, 
   355                                         const TDesC8& aTransportProperties,
   356                                         MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
   357                                         TInt& aTxnId,
   358                                         HBufC8*& aRevalidationError )
   359     {
   360     CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMinLogLevel,"CSenBasicWebServiceSession::SendL(TDesC8&, ...)");
   361 #ifdef _SENDEBUG
   362     CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMaxLogLevel,"///////////////////////////////////////////////////////");
   363 	TPtrC8 endpoint = Endpoint();
   364 	CSLOG_FORMAT((aConsumer.ConnectionId()  , KMinLogLevel, _L8("- Endpoint: %S"), &endpoint));
   365 	CSLOG_FORMAT((aConsumer.ConnectionId()  , KMaxLogLevel, _L8("- Message (%d bytes):"), aMessage.Length()));
   366     CSLOG_ALL(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMaxLogLevel,( aMessage ));
   367     CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMaxLogLevel,"///////////////////////////////////////////////////////");
   368 #endif
   369     TInt retVal(KErrNone);
   371     // First check if HTTP GET or DELETE has been spesified via transport properties:
   372     // -- in such case, the raw descriptor should be sent "as it is", without wrapping
   373     // it inside SOAP Body. This way WS-I can support HTTP GET and DELETE and still
   374     // validate that response(s) are SOAP (unlike REST, which does no response validation).
   376     CSenHttpTransportProperties::TSenHttpMethod httpMethod;
   377     TInt readHttpMethodRetVal = HttpMethodFromPropertiesL( aTransportProperties, httpMethod );
   379     if ( readHttpMethodRetVal == KErrNone && 
   380          httpMethod == CSenHttpTransportProperties::ESenHttpGet || 
   381          httpMethod == CSenHttpTransportProperties::ESenHttpDelete )
   382         {
   383         // Perform direct call to service session (and not to web service session!)
   384         retVal = CSenServiceSession::SendL( aMessage, aTransportProperties, aConsumer, aTxnId, aRevalidationError);
   385         }
   386     else
   387         {
   388         // The request data (UTF-8 descriptor) is expected to be serialized content
   389         // for SOAP Body and HTTP GET/DELETE is not taking place. 
   390         // Proceed in standard way and parse the request with SOAP-ENV:
   391     	CSenSoapMessage* pMsg = NULL;
   392         retVal = CSenWebServiceSession::MessageForSendingL( aMessage, aConsumer.Id(), pMsg );
   393         CleanupStack::PushL( pMsg );
   394         if ( retVal!=KErrNone )
   395             {
   396             CSLOG_FORMAT((aConsumer.ConnectionId()  , KMinLogLevel, _L8("- MessageForSendingL returned an error: %d"), retVal));
   397             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pMsg );
   398             }
   399         else // no error
   400             {
   401             HBufC8* pSoapMsg = pMsg->AsXmlL();
   402             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pMsg ); 
   403             CleanupStack::PushL( pSoapMsg ); 
   404             retVal = SendSoapL( *pSoapMsg, aTransportProperties, aConsumer, aTxnId, aRevalidationError);
   405             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pSoapMsg );
   406             }
   407         }
   408     return retVal;
   409     }
   411 /*
   412 * aMessage contains request which is parsed into a SoapEnvelope object using
   413 * CSenWebServiceSession::MessageForSendingL and then SubmitSoapL is called  
   414 */
   415 TInt CSenBasicWebServiceSession::SubmitL( const TDesC8&  aMessage, 
   416                                           const TDesC8&  aTransportProperties ,
   417                                           MSenRemoteServiceConsumer&  aConsumer ,
   418                                           HBufC8*& aResponse )
   419     {
   420     CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMinLogLevel,"CSenBasicWebServiceSession::SubmitL(TDesC8&, ...)");
   421 #ifdef _SENDEBUG
   422     CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMaxLogLevel,"///////////////////////////////////////////////////////");
   423 	TPtrC8 endpoint = Endpoint();
   424 	CSLOG_FORMAT((aConsumer.ConnectionId()  , KMinLogLevel, _L8("- Endpoint: %S"), &endpoint));
   425 	CSLOG_FORMAT((aConsumer.ConnectionId()  , KMaxLogLevel, _L8("- Message (%d bytes) about to submit:"), aMessage.Length()));
   426 	CSLOG_ALL(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMaxLogLevel,( aMessage ));
   427 	CSLOG_L(aConsumer.ConnectionId() , KMaxLogLevel,"///////////////////////////////////////////////////////");
   428 #endif
   429     TInt retVal(KErrNone);
   430     CSenHttpTransportProperties::TSenHttpMethod httpMethod;
   431     TInt readHttpMethodRetVal = HttpMethodFromPropertiesL( aTransportProperties, httpMethod );
   433     if ( readHttpMethodRetVal == KErrNone && 
   434          httpMethod == CSenHttpTransportProperties::ESenHttpGet || 
   435          httpMethod == CSenHttpTransportProperties::ESenHttpDelete )
   436         {
   437         // Perform direct call to service session (and not to web service session!)
   438         retVal = CSenServiceSession::SubmitL( aMessage, aTransportProperties, aConsumer, aResponse);
   439         }
   440     else
   441         {
   442         CSenSoapMessage* pMsg = NULL;
   443         retVal = CSenWebServiceSession::MessageForSendingL( aMessage, aConsumer.Id(), pMsg );
   444         CleanupStack::PushL(pMsg);
   445         if ( retVal!=KErrNone )
   446             {
   447             CSLOG_FORMAT((aConsumer.ConnectionId()  , KMinLogLevel, _L8("- MessageForSendingL returned an error: %d"), retVal));
   448             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pMsg );
   449             }
   450         else // no error
   451             {
   452             HBufC8* pSoapMsg = pMsg->AsXmlL();
   453             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pMsg ); // de-alloc SOAP object after de-serialization
   454             CleanupStack::PushL( pSoapMsg );
   455             retVal = SubmitSoapL( *pSoapMsg, aTransportProperties, aConsumer, aResponse );
   456             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pSoapMsg );
   457             }
   458         }
   459 	return retVal; 
   460    }
   463 TBool CSenBasicWebServiceSession::HasSuperClass( TDescriptionClassType aType )
   464     {
   465     if( aType == MSenServiceDescription::EWebServiceSession ) // direct superclass!
   466         {
   467         // If asked type is the know *direct* father/mother, return true:
   468         return ETrue; 
   469         } 
   470     else
   471         { 
   472         // Otherwise, ask from direct superclass (may invoke chain of recursive calls)
   473         return CSenWebServiceSession::HasSuperClass( aType ); 
   474         }
   475     }
   478 // TEMPORARY: remove when "message context"- and "transport factory taking 
   479 // properties from all layers"- tasks are ready
   480 TInt CSenBasicWebServiceSession::SetFrameworkPropertiesL(MSenTransport& aTransport)
   481     {
   482     return iFramework.SetTransportPropertiesL(aTransport);
   483     }
   484 TInt CSenBasicWebServiceSession::HandleSoapFaultL(CSenSoapMessage* apSOAPMessage,
   485                                             const TInt aErrorCode,
   486                                             const TInt aTxnId,
   487                                             MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
   488                                             MSenProperties* aResponseTransportProperties)
   489 	{
   490     LOG_WRITE_L("CSenBasicWebServiceSession::HandleSoapFaultL ");
   492     TInt retVal(KErrNone);
   494     if ( apSOAPMessage )
   495         {
   496         	CleanupStack::PushL( apSOAPMessage ); 
   497 	        CSenSoapFault* pDetached = apSOAPMessage->DetachFaultL();
   498 	        if(pDetached)
   499 	            {
   500 	            LOG_WRITE_L("Detached a SOAP fault");
   501 	            CleanupStack::PushL(pDetached);
   502 	            HBufC8* pAsXml = pDetached->AsXmlL();
   503 	            if(pAsXml)
   504 	                {
   505 	                aConsumer.HandleErrorL(pAsXml, KErrSenSoapFault, aTxnId, aResponseTransportProperties);
   506 	                }
   507 	            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   508 	            retVal = KErrNone; 
   509 	            }
   510 	        else
   511 	            {
   512 	            LOG_WRITE_L("No SOAP fault was received.");
   513 	            aConsumer.HandleErrorL(NULL, aErrorCode, aTxnId, aResponseTransportProperties);
   514 	            retVal = KErrSenInternal;
   515 	            }
   516 	   		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( apSOAPMessage ); 
   517         }
   521     return retVal;
   522     }
   523 TInt CSenBasicWebServiceSession::HandleSoapFaultL(CSenSoapMessage* apSOAPMessage,
   524                                             HBufC8*& aResponse)
   525 {
   526 	return(CSenWebServiceSession::HandleSoapFaultL(apSOAPMessage,aResponse));
   527 }
   529 //  End of File