changeset 0 62f9d29f7211
child 1 272b002df977
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:62f9d29f7211
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:           
    15 *
    16 */
    29 #include "wsstarplugin.h"
    30 #include "SenServiceConnection.h" // framework IDs, error codes
    31 #include "sendebug.h"
    32 #include "senlogger.h"
    33 #include "MSenServiceDescription.h"
    34 #include "wsstarservicesession.h"
    35 #include "SenXmlUtils.h"
    36 #include "wsstarpolicy.h"
    37 #include "senguidgen.h"
    39 #include "wsstarpolicyhandler.h"
    40 using namespace WSStarConfig;
    42 // Local CONSTANTS
    43 const TInt KMaxLengthXml  = 1280; 
    45 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    46 // Create instance of concrete ECOM interface implementation
    47 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    48 //
    49 CWSStarPlugin* CWSStarPlugin::NewL(TAny* aManager)
    50     {
    51     MSenCoreServiceManager* manager =
    52         reinterpret_cast<MSenCoreServiceManager*>(aManager);
    54     CWSStarPlugin* self = new (ELeave) CWSStarPlugin(*manager);
    55     CleanupStack::PushL (self);
    56     self->ConstructL();
    57     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    58     return self;
    59     }
    61 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62 // Constructor
    63 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64 //
    65 CWSStarPlugin::CWSStarPlugin(MSenCoreServiceManager& aManager)
    66     : iManager(aManager),
    67       iVersions(ETrue, ETrue),
    68       iDbReadDone(EFalse)
    69     {
    70     }
    72 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    73 // Destructor
    74 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    75 //
    76 CWSStarPlugin::~CWSStarPlugin()
    77     {
    78     iMsgHandlers.ResetAndDestroy();
    79     iSessionHandlers.ResetAndDestroy();
    80     iHandlerContexts.ResetAndDestroy();
    81     iVersions.Reset();
    82     delete iDeviceId;
    83     TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::~CWSStarPlugin()")));
    84     }
    86 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    87 // Second phase construction.
    88 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    89 //
    90 void CWSStarPlugin::ConstructL()
    91     {
    92     TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::ConstructL")));
    94     BaseConstructL(KFrameworkXMLNS, KFrameworkLocalName);
    95     GenerateDeviceIdL();
    96     //load default setup of handlers
    97     AddHandlerL(KValidateValue, KNullDesC8, SenHandler::ESessionHandler);//old http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/04/trust
    98     AddHandlerL(KRegisterValue, KNullDesC8, SenHandler::ESessionHandler);
    99     AddHandlerL(KServiceUpdateValue, KNullDesC8, SenHandler::ESessionHandler);//new http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing
   101     AddHandlerL(KEnveloperValue, KNullDesC8, SenHandler::EMessageHandler);//old http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope
   102     AddHandlerL(KCredentialCollectorValue, KNullDesC8, SenHandler::EMessageHandler);
   103     AddHandlerL(KAddressingValue, KNullDesC8, SenHandler::EMessageHandler);//new http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing
   104     AddHandlerL(KPassportValue, KNullDesC8, SenHandler::EMessageHandler);
   105     AddHandlerL(KSecurityValue, KNullDesC8, SenHandler::EMessageHandler);
   106     AddHandlerL(KPolicyValue, KNullDesC8, SenHandler::ESessionHandler); //Initalize policy
   107 #ifdef RD_SEN_VTCP_SUPPORT        
   108     AddHandlerL(KCoBrandingValue, KNullDesC8, SenHandler::ESessionHandler); //Initalize co-branding
   109 #endif//RD_SEN_VTCP_SUPPORT	
   110     }
   112 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   113 // Getter for logger. Works only in debug mode.
   114 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   115 //
   116 /*RFileLogger* CWSStarPlugin::Log() const
   117     {
   118     return iManager.Log();
   119     }
   120 */
   122 //========================================================
   123 //                MSIF SPecific
   124 //========================================================
   126 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   127 // Attempt to register the ServiceDescription to the ServiceManager 
   128 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   129 //
   130 TInt CWSStarPlugin::RegisterServiceDescriptionL(
   131     MSenServiceDescription& aServiceDescription )
   132     {
   133     TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::RegisterServiceDescriptionL(.)")));
   134     TInt error(KErrNone);
   136     CWSStarPolicyHandler* pPolicyHandler = (CWSStarPolicyHandler*)Handler(WSStarConfig::KPolicyValue);    
   137     CWSStarSessionContext* pSessionRegisterCtx = CWSStarSessionContext::NewLC(Manager().XMLReader(), &aServiceDescription, pPolicyHandler);
   138     pSessionRegisterCtx->Add(WSStarContextKeys::KServiceDescription(),
   139             (CSenWSDescription*)&aServiceDescription);
   140     pSessionRegisterCtx->Add(WSStarContextKeys::KRegisterAction(),
   141             WSStarContextValues::KActionRegister());
   142 //policy initalization    
   143     TPtrC8 contract = aServiceDescription.Contract();
   144     TRAPD(policyError, pPolicyHandler->InvokeL(contract));
   145     if (policyError!=KErrNone)
   146         {
   147         TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::RegisterServiceDescriptionL() !!!!leave from PolicyHandler")));
   148         }
   150 //SOA for S60 Composable Handler Framework v0.1 - point 1)            
   151     CSenSessionHandler* pregisterHandler = 
   152                 (CSenSessionHandler*)Handler(KRegisterValue());
   154     TRAPD(errorL,error= pregisterHandler->InvokeL(*pSessionRegisterCtx));
   155     if (errorL!=KErrNone)
   156         {
   157         TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::RegisterServiceDescriptionL() !!!!leave from RegisterHandler")));
   158         error = errorL;
   159         }
   160     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pSessionRegisterCtx);
   161     return error;
   162     }
   164 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   165 // Attempt to unregister the ServiceDescription from the ServiceManager 
   166 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   167 //
   168 TInt CWSStarPlugin::UnregisterServiceDescriptionL(
   169     MSenServiceDescription& aServiceDescription)
   170     {
   172     TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::UnRegisterServiceDescriptionL(.)")));
   173 //SOA for S60 Composable Handler Framework v0.1  - point 1)            
   174     TInt error(KErrNone);
   175     CSenSessionHandler* pregisterHandler = 
   176                 (CSenSessionHandler*)Handler(KRegisterValue());
   178     CWSStarSessionContext* pSessionRegisterCtx = CWSStarSessionContext::NewLC(Manager().XMLReader(), &aServiceDescription);
   179     pSessionRegisterCtx->Add(WSStarContextKeys::KServiceDescription(),
   180             (CSenWSDescription*)&aServiceDescription);
   181     pSessionRegisterCtx->Add(WSStarContextKeys::KRegisterAction(),
   182             WSStarContextValues::KActionUnregister());
   183     CWSStarPolicyHandler* pPolicyHandler = (CWSStarPolicyHandler*)Handler(WSStarConfig::KPolicyValue);    
   184     TRAPD(policyError, pPolicyHandler->UnRegisterWsPolicyL(aServiceDescription));
   185     if (policyError!=KErrNone)
   186         {
   187         TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::UnRegisterServiceDescriptionL() !!!!leave from PolicyHandler")));
   188         }
   190     TRAPD(errorL,error = pregisterHandler->InvokeL(*pSessionRegisterCtx));
   191     if (errorL!=KErrNone)
   192         {
   193         TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::UnregisterServiceDescriptionL() !!!!leave from RegisterHandler")));
   194         error = errorL;
   195         }
   196     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pSessionRegisterCtx);
   197     return error;
   198     }
   200 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   201 // Getter of framework (like "WS-STAR")
   202 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   203 //
   204 const TDesC8& CWSStarPlugin::Id()
   205     {
   206     return KDefaultWSStarFrameworkID();
   207     }
   209 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   210 // Try to find one or more services that match the given ServiceDescription.
   211 //    Adding is only invoked if NO! session in cache. 
   212 //    Its mean that we have create new one.
   213 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   214 //
   215 TInt CWSStarPlugin::AddServiceDescriptionL( MSenServiceDescription& aPattern,
   216                                             MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aRemoteConsumer,
   217                                             HBufC8*& aErrorMessage )
   218     {
   219     TInt addedSD(0);
   220     //-----1.no disco phase
   221     //-----2.establish credential and put to session
   222     //-----3.set validator. Enables re-auth for cases when credential is expired between init and send
   223     if(aPattern.FrameworkId() != KDefaultWSStarFrameworkID)
   224         {
   225         CSLOG_L(aRemoteConsumer.ConnectionId(),KNormalLogLevel ,"CWSStarPlugin::AddServiceDescriptionL - this is not KDefaultWSStarFrameworkID");
   226         addedSD = 0; // zero added
   227         }
   228     else if( aPattern.Endpoint().Length() > 0 && aPattern.Contract().Length() > 0 )
   229         {
   230         CWSStarServiceSession* pNewSession = CWSStarServiceSession::NewL(*this);
   231         CleanupStack::PushL(pNewSession);
   233         // InitializeFromL copies the contract and endpoint of concrete service
   234         //  also context will be set
   235         CWSStarPolicyHandler* policyHandler = (CWSStarPolicyHandler*)Handler(WSStarConfig::KPolicyValue);
   236         pNewSession->InitializeFromL(aPattern, policyHandler);
   237         pNewSession->AddConsumerL(aRemoteConsumer);
   238         TSenDataTrafficDetails policyDetails; 
   239         policyHandler->DataTrafficDetails(policyDetails);
   240         aRemoteConsumer.SetDataTrafficDetails(policyDetails);
   241         pNewSession->SessionContext()->Update(WSStarContextKeys::KOnlySharing, EFalse);
   242 //SOA for S60 Composable Handler Framework v0.1  - point 3)        
   243         TInt error = ProcessOutboundValidationL( aPattern, 
   244                                                 (MSenRemoteServiceSession*)pNewSession,
   245                                                 aErrorMessage );
   246         CSLOG_FORMAT((aRemoteConsumer.ConnectionId(), KMinLogLevel , _L8("CWSStarPlugin::AddServiceDescriptionL - ProcessOutboundValidation returned: %d"), error));
   247         if ( !error )
   248             {
   249             CWSStarSessionContext* pSessionRegisterCtx = pNewSession->SessionContext();            
   250             TPtrC8 cont = aPattern.Contract();
   251             TInt policyLeaveCode(KErrNone);
   252             TRAP( policyLeaveCode, error = policyHandler->InvokeL(cont); )
   253             if ( policyLeaveCode )
   254                 {
   255                 CSLOG_FORMAT((aRemoteConsumer.ConnectionId(), KMinLogLevel , _L8("CWSStarPlugin::AddServiceDescriptionL - PolicyHandler->Invoke() leaved: %d"), policyLeaveCode));
   256                 CSLOG_L(aRemoteConsumer.ConnectionId(),KMinLogLevel ,"CWSStarPlugin::AddServiceDescriptionL() - FATAL: leave from PolicyHandler->Invoke()");
   257                 error = policyLeaveCode;
   258                 }
   259 #ifdef _SENDEBUG
   260             else
   261                 {
   262                 CSLOG_FORMAT((aRemoteConsumer.ConnectionId(), KMinLogLevel , _L8("CWSStarPlugin::AddServiceDescriptionL - PolicyHandler->Invoke() returned: %d"), error));
   263                 }
   264 #endif // _SENDEBUG
   265             }
   266         if ( error )
   267             {
   268             addedSD = error;
   269             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pNewSession);
   270             }
   271         else // BOTH outbound validation and policy handler invokation OK(!):
   272             {
   273             Manager().AddServiceDescriptionL((CSenWSDescription*)pNewSession);
   274             addedSD = 1;
   275             CleanupStack::Pop(pNewSession); //now session is owned by Core / XML DAO
   276             }
   277         }
   278     else
   279         {
   280         CSLOG_L(aRemoteConsumer.ConnectionId(),KMinLogLevel ,"CWSStarPlugin::AddServiceDescriptionL - No endpoint AND no contract; new session could not be added.");
   281         addedSD = 0; // zero added
   282         }
   283     return addedSD;
   284     }
   286 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   287 // Create a ServiceSession based upon the given ServiceDescription.
   288 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   289 //
   290 TInt CWSStarPlugin::CreateServiceSessionL( MSenServiceDescription& aServiceDescription,
   291                                            MSenServiceDescription& aPattern,
   292                                            CSenServiceSession*& aNewSession,
   293                                            MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aRemoteConsumer,
   294                                            HBufC8*& aErrorMessage )
   295     {
   296     TInt error(KErrNone);
   297     if( aServiceDescription.DescriptionClassType() == MSenServiceDescription::EWSStarServiceSession )
   298         {
   299         //example:  when init connection with not registered description, nothing in db
   300         //example:  when bootup and description was already in db (registered during parsing db.file)
   301         aNewSession = (CWSStarServiceSession*) &aServiceDescription;
   302         CSLOG_L(aRemoteConsumer.ConnectionId(),KMinLogLevel ,"CWSStarPlugin::ServiceDescription is already a ServiceSession");
   303         }
   304     else
   305         {
   306         aNewSession = (CWSStarServiceSession*) NewServiceDescriptionL();
   307         error = ((CWSStarServiceSession*)aNewSession)->InitializeFromL( aServiceDescription );
   308         CSLOG_FORMAT((aRemoteConsumer.ConnectionId(), KMinLogLevel , _L8("CWSStarPlugin::ServiceDescription is not a ServiceSession, creating new one returned: %d"), error));
   309         }
   310     if(aNewSession && !error)//if session was just created, its possible that its not validate
   311         {
   312         //((CWSStarServiceSession*)aNewSession)->DetachCredentialsL() ; //invalidating session to recompute the status
   313         TBool isHostlet = ((CWSStarServiceSession*)aNewSession)->AmIHostletSession() ;
   314 		TInt credentialValidityError = KErrNone ;
   315 		TBool delegateToSTS = EFalse ;
   316         if (!isHostlet)
   317             {
   318 			credentialValidityError = ((CWSStarServiceSession*)aNewSession)->TryToSearchValidCredentialL() ;
   319 			if (KErrNone == credentialValidityError)
   320 				{
   321 				CSLOG_L(aRemoteConsumer.ConnectionId(),KMinLogLevel ,"CWSStarPlugin::CreateServiceSessionL() Valid credential found");
   322 				}
   323 			else
   324 				{
   325 				delegateToSTS = ETrue ;
   326 				CSLOG_FORMAT((aRemoteConsumer.ConnectionId(), KMinLogLevel , _L8("CWSStarPlugin::CreateServiceSessionL() No Valid credential found credentialValidityError = [%d]"), credentialValidityError));
   327 				}
   328 			}      
   329 		if(!aNewSession->IsReadyL())
   330 			{
   331 			delegateToSTS = ETrue ;
   332 			CSLOG_L(aRemoteConsumer.ConnectionId(),KMinLogLevel ,"CWSStarPlugin::CreateServiceSessionL() ServiceSession is not ready !!");
   333 			}
   334 		else
   335 			{
   336 			CSLOG_L(aRemoteConsumer.ConnectionId(),KMinLogLevel ,"CWSStarPlugin::CreateServiceSessionL() ServiceSession is ready");
   337 			}
   339 //        if(!aNewSession->IsReadyL())
   340         if(delegateToSTS)
   341             {
   342 //            CSLOG_L(aRemoteConsumer.ConnectionId(),KMinLogLevel ,"CWSStarPlugin::ServiceSession is not ready");
   343             //example: when credentail was parsed(exist) and additionally expired.
   344             //         We dont need revalidate if credentials doesnt exist at all
   347             CWSStarSessionContext* pSessionValidateCtx = ((CWSStarServiceSession*)aNewSession)->SessionContext();
   348             if (!pSessionValidateCtx) //sessionCts exist if revalidation is processing
   349                 {
   350                 CWSStarPolicyHandler* policyHandler = (CWSStarPolicyHandler*)Handler(WSStarConfig::KPolicyValue);
   351                 pSessionValidateCtx = CWSStarSessionContext::NewLC(Manager().XMLReader(), &aPattern, policyHandler);
   352                 pSessionValidateCtx->Add(WSStarContextKeys::KServiceSession(), *(MSenRemoteServiceSession*)aNewSession);
   353                 ((CWSStarServiceSession*)aNewSession)->SetSessionContext(pSessionValidateCtx);
   354                 CleanupStack::Pop(pSessionValidateCtx);
   355                 }
   357             pSessionValidateCtx->Update(WSStarContextKeys::KRemoteConsumer(),
   358                                         &aRemoteConsumer);
   359             aNewSession->AddConsumerL(aRemoteConsumer);
   360             pSessionValidateCtx->Update(WSStarContextKeys::KOnlySharing, EFalse);    
   361             error = ProcessOutboundValidationL( aPattern, 
   362                                                (MSenRemoteServiceSession*)aNewSession,
   363                                                aErrorMessage );
   364             if (error) aNewSession->RemoveConsumerL(aRemoteConsumer);
   365             }
   366         }
   367     return error;
   368     }
   370 TInt CWSStarPlugin::IssuePolicyDownloadL( CSenWSDescription* apSession )
   371     {
   372     TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarPlugin::IssuePolicyDownloadL");
   373     TInt retCode(KErrNone);
   374     CWSStarPolicyHandler* pPolicyHandler =  (CWSStarPolicyHandler*)Handler(KPolicyValue());
   375     TInt policyLeave(KErrNone);
   376     TRAP(policyLeave, retCode = pPolicyHandler->DownloadPolicyL( apSession ));
   377     if (policyLeave!=KErrNone)
   378         {
   379         TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarPlugin::IssuePolicyDownloadL - FATAL: leave from PolicyHandler");
   380         retCode = policyLeave;
   381         }
   382     retCode = pPolicyHandler->UpdatePolicyL(); 
   383     return retCode;
   384     }
   386 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   387 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   388 //
   389 TInt CWSStarPlugin::OnEvent( const TInt aEvent, TAny* apArgument )
   390     {
   391     TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarPlugin::OnEvent");
   392     TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KNormalLogLevel, _L8("  -event code: %d"), aEvent));
   393     TInt retCode(KErrNone);
   394     TInt leaveCode( KErrNone );
   396     switch( aEvent)
   397         {
   399         case KSenEventConsumerAdded:
   400             {
   401             ++iConsumerCount;
   402             CSenWSDescription* pSD = NULL; // not required
   403             TRAP( leaveCode, retCode = IssuePolicyDownloadL( pSD ); )
   404             if( leaveCode )
   405                 {
   406                 TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarPlugin::OnEvent( KSenEventConsumerAdded ) - leave from IssuePolicyDownloadL");
   407                 if( !retCode )
   408                     {
   409                     retCode = leaveCode;
   410                     }
   411                 }
   412             break;
   413             }
   415         case KSenEventConsumerRemoved:
   416             {
   417             --iConsumerCount;
   418             break;
   419             }
   421         case KSenEventWsfReady:
   422             {
   423             iDbReadDone = ETrue;
   424             }
   425             break;
   427         case KSenEventRegisterNewServiceDescription:
   428             {
   429             if( iDbReadDone/* && iConsumerCount > 0*/ )
   430                 {
   431                 CSenWSDescription* pSD = (CSenWSDescription*)apArgument;
   432                 TInt policyLeave(KErrNone);
   433                 TRAP(policyLeave, retCode = IssuePolicyDownloadL( pSD ); )
   434                 if ( policyLeave & !retCode )
   435                     {
   436                     TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarPlugin::OnEvent( KSenEventSessionsDbReadComplete ) - leave from IssuePolicyDownloadL");
   437                     retCode = policyLeave;
   438                     }
   439                 }
   440             }        
   441             break;
   443         case KSenEventSessionsDbReadComplete:
   444             {
   445             // Current implementation downloads policy independent of (whether or not)
   446             // the session database has been read or not
   447             if( iConsumerCount > 0 )
   448                {
   449             CSenWSDescription* pSD = (CSenWSDescription*)apArgument;
   450             TInt policyLeave(KErrNone);
   451             TRAP(policyLeave, retCode = IssuePolicyDownloadL( pSD ); )
   452             if ( policyLeave & !retCode )
   453                 {
   454                 TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarPlugin::OnEvent( KSenEventSessionsDbReadComplete ) - leave from IssuePolicyDownloadL");
   455                     if( !retCode )
   456                         {
   457                 retCode = policyLeave;
   458                         }
   459                  }
   460                }
   461             }
   462             break;
   464         case KSenEventRegisterIdentityProvider:
   465         case KSenEventUnregisterIdentityProvider:
   466             {
   467             TInt policyLeave(KErrNone);
   468             TRAP(policyLeave, VerifyPermissionOnEachSessionL(); )
   469             if ( policyLeave & !retCode )
   470                 {
   471                 TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarPlugin::OnEvent( KSenEventSessionsDbReadComplete ) - leave from VerifyPermissionOnEachSessionL");
   472                 if( !retCode )
   473                     {
   474                 retCode = policyLeave;
   475                     }
   476                 }
   477             }
   478             break;
   480         default:
   481             {
   482             // do nothing
   483             }
   484         }
   485     return retCode;
   486     }
   489 void CWSStarPlugin::VerifyPermissionOnEachSessionL()
   490     {
   491 //--    LOG_WRITE_L("CWSStarPlugin::VerifyPermissionOnEachSessionL");
   493     CSenWSDescription* pOpenMask = CSenWSDescription::NewLC( KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8 ); // this matches with *any* ServDescription
   494     pOpenMask->SetFrameworkIdL(KDefaultWSStarFrameworkID); // now it matches with any WS-* session
   496     RWSDescriptionArray all;
   497     iManager.ServiceDescriptionsL(all, *pOpenMask);
   498     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pOpenMask);
   499     CleanupClosePushL(all);
   501     TInt count(all.Count());
   503 //--    LOG_WRITEFORMAT((_L("- %d WS-* service session(s) found."), count));
   505 #ifdef _SENDEBUG
   506 //--    TInt verified = 0;
   507 #endif // _SENDEBUG    
   509     for(TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
   510         {   
   511         CSenWSDescription* pSD = (CSenWSDescription*)all[i];
   513         if(pSD->DescriptionClassType() == MSenServiceDescription::EWSStarServiceSession)
   514             {
   515             CWSStarServiceSession* pSession = (CWSStarServiceSession*)pSD;
   516             pSession->VerifyPermissionL(); // accessible through friendship
   517 #ifdef _SENDEBUG            
   518 //--            verified++;
   519 //--            LOG_WRITEFORMAT((_L("- Verified a session (#%d)"), verified));
   520 #endif // _SENDEBUG              
   521             }
   522         }
   523     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&all);
   524     }
   526 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   527 // There is no extended interface in WSStar framework at the moment.
   528 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   529 //
   530 TAny* CWSStarPlugin::ExtendedInterface()
   531     {
   532     return NULL;
   533     }
   535 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   536 // Return a new instance of a framework specific class that
   537 //     implements the ServiceDesccription interface.
   538 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   539 //
   540 CSenWSDescription* CWSStarPlugin::NewServiceDescriptionL()
   541     {
   542     CWSStarServiceSession* pSD =
   543         CWSStarServiceSession::NewL(*this);
   544     CleanupStack::PushL(pSD);    
   545     pSD->SetFrameworkIdL(KDefaultWSStarFrameworkID);
   546     CleanupStack::Pop(pSD);
   547     return pSD;
   548     }
   550 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   551 // Getter for manager
   552 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   553 //
   554 MSenCoreServiceManager& CWSStarPlugin::Manager()
   555     {
   556     return iManager;
   557     }
   558 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   559 // Setter for manager
   560 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   561 //
   562 void CWSStarPlugin::SetManager(MSenCoreServiceManager& aServiceManager)
   563     {
   564     TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::SetManager(.)")));
   565     iManager = aServiceManager;
   566     }
   567 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   568 // Getter for configParser
   569 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   570 //
   571 CSenBaseFragment& CWSStarPlugin::ConfigParser()
   572     {
   573     TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::ConfigParser()")));
   574     return *this;
   575     //return callbacks which will be invoked during parsing rest of config
   576     //this callbacks will be responsible for loading features
   577     }
   579 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   580 // UCS2 serializer
   581 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   582 HBufC* CWSStarPlugin::AsXmlUnicodeL()
   583     {
   584     HBufC8* pUtf8 = AsXmlL();
   585     CleanupStack::PushL(pUtf8);
   586     HBufC* pAsAxlInUnicode = SenXmlUtils::ToUnicodeLC(*pUtf8);
   587     CleanupStack::Pop(pAsAxlInUnicode);
   588     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pUtf8); 
   589     return pAsAxlInUnicode;
   590     }
   592 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   593 // UTF8 serializer
   594 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   595 HBufC8* CWSStarPlugin::AsXmlL()
   596     {
   597     HBufC8* retVal = HBufC8::NewLC(KMaxLengthXml);
   598     TPtr8 ptr = retVal->Des();
   599     ptr.Append(KSenLessThan);
   600     ptr.Append(KFrameworkLocalName);
   601     ptr.Append(KSenSpace);
   602     ptr.Append(KSenSpaceXmlns);
   603     ptr.Append(KSenEqualsDblQuot);
   604     ptr.Append(KFrameworkXMLNS);
   605     ptr.Append(KSenDblQuot);
   607     ptr.Append(KSenSpace);
   608     ptr.Append(KClassAttr);
   609     ptr.Append(KSenEqualsDblQuot);
   610     ptr.Append(KFrameworkCue);
   611     ptr.Append(KSenDblQuot);
   612     ptr.Append(KSenGreaterThan);
   615 //deviceId
   616     ptr.Append(KSenLessThan);
   617     ptr.Append(KDeviceIdLocalName);
   618     ptr.Append(KSenGreaterThan);
   619     if (iDeviceId)
   620         {
   621         ptr.Append(*iDeviceId);
   622         }
   623     ptr.Append(KSenLessThanSlash);	
   624     ptr.Append(KDeviceIdLocalName);
   625     ptr.Append(KSenGreaterThan);
   627 //--message handlers    
   628     for (TInt i=0; i < iMsgHandlers.Count(); i++)
   629         {
   630         AddHandlerTag(ptr, iMsgHandlers[i]->Name());
   631         }
   632 //--session handlers    
   633    for (TInt i=0; i < iSessionHandlers.Count(); i++)
   634         {
   635         AddHandlerTag(ptr, iSessionHandlers[i]->Name());
   636         }  
   638     ptr.Append(KSenLessThanSlash);
   639     ptr.Append(KFrameworkLocalName);
   640     ptr.Append(KSenGreaterThan);
   641     CleanupStack::Pop(retVal);
   642     return retVal;
   643     }
   647 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   648 //  used during reading configuration of WSStar framework in order to load 
   649 //  proper handlers.
   650 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   651 //
   652 void CWSStarPlugin::StartElementL(const TDesC8& /*aNsUri*/,
   653                                     const TDesC8& aLocalName,
   654                                     const TDesC8& /*aQName*/,
   655                                     const RAttributeArray& aAttrs)
   656     {
   657     if(aLocalName.Compare(KDeviceIdLocalName)==0)
   658         {
   659             ResetContentL();
   660             TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::Found deviceId tag")));
   661         }
   662     else if(aLocalName.Compare(KHandlerLocalName) == 0)
   663         {
   664         TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::Found handler")));
   665         TPtrC8 pClass = SenXmlUtils::AttrValue(aAttrs, KClassAttr);
   666         TPtrC8 pVersion = SenXmlUtils::AttrValue(aAttrs, KVersionAttr);
   668         //message handlers
   669         if ((pClass == KAddressingValue) ||
   670             (pClass == KEnveloperValue) ||
   671             (pClass == KCredentialCollectorValue )||
   672             (pClass == KSecurityValue) ||
   673             (pClass == KPassportValue))
   674             {
   675             AddHandlerL(pClass, pVersion, SenHandler::EMessageHandler);
   676             }
   677         //session handlers
   678         else if((pClass == KValidateValue) ||
   679                 (pClass == KServiceUpdateValue) ||
   680                 (pClass == KRegisterValue) || 
   681                 (pClass == KPolicyValue) )
   682             {
   683             AddHandlerL(pClass, pVersion, SenHandler::ESessionHandler);
   684             }
   685         else
   686             {
   687             TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin but can not load it")));
   688             }
   690         }
   691     }
   692 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   693 //  used during reading configuration of WSStar framework 
   694 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   695 //
   696 void CWSStarPlugin::EndElementL(const TDesC8& aNsUri,
   697                                     const TDesC8& aLocalName,
   698                                     const TDesC8& aQName)
   699     {
   700     if(aLocalName.Compare(KDeviceIdLocalName)==0)
   701         {
   702         TPtrC8 content = Content();
   703         if (content.Length()>0)
   704             {
   705             delete iDeviceId;
   706             iDeviceId = NULL;
   707             iDeviceId = HBufC8::NewL(content.Length());
   708             TPtr8 deviceIdDes = iDeviceId->Des();
   709             deviceIdDes.Copy(content);
   710             }
   711         else
   712             {
   713             GenerateDeviceIdL();
   714             }
   715         }
   716     else
   717         {
   718         CSenBaseFragment::EndElementL(aNsUri,aLocalName,aQName);
   719         }
   720     }
   722 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   723 // getter of handler, using its cue
   724 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   725 //    
   727 MSenHandler* CWSStarPlugin::Handler(const TDesC8& aCue)
   728     {
   729     TInt count = iMsgHandlers.Count();
   730     for(TInt i=0;i<count; i++)
   731         {
   732         if (iMsgHandlers[i]->Name() == aCue)
   733             {
   734             return iMsgHandlers[i];
   735             }
   736         }
   737     count = iSessionHandlers.Count();
   738     for(TInt i=0;i<count; i++)
   739         {
   740         if (iSessionHandlers[i]->Name() == aCue)
   741             {
   742             return iSessionHandlers[i];
   743             }
   744         }
   745     return NULL;
   746     }
   747 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   748 // remove handler by cue, used during reloading (another version of handler is 
   749 //      used than deafault setup)
   750 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   751 //    
   752 void CWSStarPlugin::RemoveHandler(const TDesC8& aCue)
   753     {
   754     TInt count = iMsgHandlers.Count();
   755     for(TInt i=0;i<count; i++)
   756         {
   757         if (iMsgHandlers[i]->Name() == aCue)
   758             {
   759             delete iMsgHandlers[i];
   760             iMsgHandlers.Remove(i);
   761             return;
   762             }
   763         }
   764     count = iSessionHandlers.Count();
   765     for(TInt i=0;i<count; i++)
   766         {
   767         if (iSessionHandlers[i]->Name() == aCue)
   768             {
   769             delete iSessionHandlers[i];
   770             iSessionHandlers.Remove(i);
   771             return;
   772             }
   773         }
   774     }
   778 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   779 // Process Outbound validation phase
   780 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   781 //     
   782 TInt CWSStarPlugin::ProcessOutboundValidationL( MSenServiceDescription& aPattern, 
   783                                                 MSenRemoteServiceSession* aRemoteServiceSession,
   784                                                 HBufC8*& aErrorMessage )
   785     {
   786     CSenSessionHandler* pSTShandler = (CSenSessionHandler*)Handler(KValidateValue);
   787     CWSStarSessionContext* pSessionValidateCtx = ((CWSStarServiceSession*)aRemoteServiceSession)->SessionContext();
   788     if (!pSessionValidateCtx) //sessionCts exist if revalidation is processing
   789         {
   790         CWSStarPolicyHandler* policyHandler = (CWSStarPolicyHandler*)Handler(WSStarConfig::KPolicyValue);
   791         pSessionValidateCtx = CWSStarSessionContext::NewLC(Manager().XMLReader(), &aPattern, policyHandler);
   792         pSessionValidateCtx->Add(WSStarContextKeys::KServiceSession(), *(MSenRemoteServiceSession*)aRemoteServiceSession);
   793         ((CWSStarServiceSession*)aRemoteServiceSession)->SetSessionContext(pSessionValidateCtx);
   794         CleanupStack::Pop(pSessionValidateCtx);
   795         }
   796     else
   797         {
   798         pSessionValidateCtx->Update(WSStarContextKeys::KServiceSession(), *(MSenRemoteServiceSession*)aRemoteServiceSession);
   799         }
   800     TInt error(KErrNone);
   801     TRAPD(errorL, error = pSTShandler->InvokeL(*pSessionValidateCtx));
   802     if ( error )
   803         {
   804         const TDesC8* pNotOwnedErrorMsg = pSessionValidateCtx->GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KErrMessage);
   805         if ( pNotOwnedErrorMsg )
   806             {
   807             aErrorMessage = pNotOwnedErrorMsg->AllocL();
   808             }
   809         }
   810     if (errorL!=KErrNone)
   811         {
   812         TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::ProcessOutboundValidationL() !!!!leave from validate handler")));
   813         error = errorL;
   814         }
   815 #ifdef RD_SEN_VTCP_SUPPORT		
   816 	if(error)         
   817        {
   818         return error;        
   819        }
   820     CSenSessionHandler* pCoBrandinghandler = (CSenSessionHandler*)Handler(KCoBrandingValue);
   821     CWSStarSessionContext* pSessionCoBrandingCtx = ((CWSStarServiceSession*)aRemoteServiceSession)->SessionContext();
   822     if (!pSessionCoBrandingCtx) //sessionCts exist if revalidation is processing
   823         {
   824         CWSStarPolicyHandler* policyHandler = (CWSStarPolicyHandler*)Handler(WSStarConfig::KPolicyValue);
   825         pSessionCoBrandingCtx = CWSStarSessionContext::NewLC(Manager().XMLReader(), &aPattern, policyHandler);
   826         pSessionCoBrandingCtx->Add(WSStarContextKeys::KServiceSession(), *(MSenRemoteServiceSession*)aRemoteServiceSession);
   827         ((CWSStarServiceSession*)aRemoteServiceSession)->SetSessionContext(pSessionCoBrandingCtx);
   828         CleanupStack::Pop(pSessionCoBrandingCtx);
   829         }
   830     else
   831         {
   832         pSessionCoBrandingCtx->Update(WSStarContextKeys::KServiceSession(), *(MSenRemoteServiceSession*)aRemoteServiceSession);
   833         }
   835     TRAPD(cberrorL, error = pCoBrandinghandler->InvokeL(*pSessionCoBrandingCtx));
   836     if ( error )
   837         {
   838         const TDesC8* pNotOwnedErrorMsg = pSessionCoBrandingCtx->GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KErrMessage);
   839         if ( pNotOwnedErrorMsg )
   840             {
   841             aErrorMessage = pNotOwnedErrorMsg->AllocL();
   842             }
   843         }
   847     if (cberrorL!=KErrNone)
   848         {
   849         TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::ProcessOutboundValidationL() !!!!leave from validate handler")));
   850         error = cberrorL;
   851         }
   852 #endif//RD_SEN_VTCP_SUPPORT		
   853     return error;
   854     }
   858 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   859 // Process Outbound message phase
   860 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   861 //                                          
   862 TInt CWSStarPlugin::ProcessOutboundMessageL( CWSStarMessageContext*& aMsgCtx,
   863                                              const TDesC8* aBody,
   864                                              CSenSoapMessage*& aReadyMsg )
   865     {
   866 //----------------enveloper
   867     TInt error(KErrNone);
   868     CSenMessageHandler* pHandler = NULL;
   869     aMsgCtx->Update(WSStarContextKeys::KBody, *aBody);
   870     if (aReadyMsg)
   871         {
   872         aMsgCtx->Update(SenContext::KSenCurrentSoapMessageCtxKey, aReadyMsg);
   873         }
   874     else
   875         {
   876         pHandler = (CSenMessageHandler*)Handler(KEnveloperValue);
   877         if (pHandler)
   878             {
   879             TRAPD(errorL, error = pHandler->InvokeL(*aMsgCtx));
   880             if (errorL!=KErrNone)
   881                 {
   882                 TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::ProcessOutboundMessageL() !!!!leave from enveloper handler")));
   883                 error = errorL;
   884                 }
   885             }
   886         aReadyMsg = aMsgCtx->GetCurrentSoapMessage();
   887         }
   889 //----------------passport
   890     if (error) return error;
   891     pHandler = (CSenMessageHandler*)Handler(KPassportValue);
   892     if (pHandler)
   893         {
   894         TRAPD(errorL, error = pHandler->InvokeL(*aMsgCtx));
   895         if (errorL!=KErrNone)
   896             {
   897             TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::ProcessOutboundMessageL() !!!!leave from passport handler")));
   898             error = errorL;
   899             }
   900         }
   901     if (error) return error;
   902 //----------------addresing 
   903 //some  logic which will load oall hanlders and in iteration will produce whole messge
   904 //      see axis2\axis2-M2-src\modules\core\src\org\apache\axis\engine\Phase.java
   905 //      now just addressing
   906     pHandler = (CSenMessageHandler*)Handler(KAddressingValue);
   907     if (pHandler)
   908         {
   909         TRAPD(errorL, error = pHandler->InvokeL(*aMsgCtx));
   910         if (errorL!=KErrNone)
   911             {
   912             TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::ProcessOutboundMessageL() !!!!leave from addressing handler")));
   913             error = errorL;
   914             }
   915         }
   916     if (error) return error;
   917 //--------------------credential collector handler
   918 //adding credentials
   919     pHandler = (CSenMessageHandler*)Handler(KCredentialCollectorValue);
   920     if (pHandler)
   921         {
   922         TRAPD(errorL, error = pHandler->InvokeL(*aMsgCtx));
   923         if (errorL!=KErrNone)
   924             {
   925             TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::ProcessOutboundMessageL() !!!!leave from credentail collector handler")));
   926             error = errorL;
   927             }
   928         }
   929     if (error) return error;
   931 //--------------------signatureContext handler
   932 //getting pop and sign
   933     pHandler = (CSenMessageHandler*)Handler(KSecurityValue);
   934     if (pHandler)
   935         {
   936         TRAPD(errorL, error = pHandler->InvokeL(*aMsgCtx));
   937         if (errorL!=KErrNone)
   938             {
   939             TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::ProcessOutboundMessageL() !!!!leave from security handler")));
   940             error = errorL;
   941             }
   942         }
   943     return error;
   944     }
   949 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   950 // Process Ibound message phase (body as element)
   951 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   952 //   
   953 TInt CWSStarPlugin::ProcessInboundMessageL(CWSStarMessageContext*& aMsgCtx,
   954                              CSenSoapMessage*& aMsg)
   955     {
   956         TInt error(KErrNone);
   957         aMsgCtx->Add(SenContext::KSenCurrentSoapMessageCtxKey, aMsg);
   958         CSenMessageHandler* pHandler(NULL);
   960 //----------------addresing 
   961 //some  logic which will load oall hanlders and in iteration will produce whole messge
   962 //      see axis2\axis2-M2-src\modules\core\src\org\apache\axis\engine\Phase.java
   963 //      now just addressing
   964         pHandler = (CSenMessageHandler*)Handler(KAddressingValue);
   965         if (pHandler)
   966             {
   967             TRAPD(errorL, error = pHandler ->InvokeL(*aMsgCtx));            
   968             if (errorL!=KErrNone)
   969                 {
   970                 TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::ProcessInboundMessageL() !!!!leave from addressing handler")));
   971                 error = errorL;
   972                 }
   973             }
   974         //----------------passport
   975         if (error) return error;
   976         pHandler = (CSenMessageHandler*)Handler(KPassportValue);
   977         if (pHandler)
   978             {
   979             TRAPD(errorL, error = pHandler->InvokeL(*aMsgCtx));
   980             if (errorL!=KErrNone)
   981                 {
   982                 TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::ProcessInboundMessageL() !!!!leave from passport handler")));
   983                 error = errorL;
   984                 }
   985             }
   986         return error;
   987     }
   990 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   991 // Process Ibound dispatch phase (in fact updatinf session)
   992 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   993 //        
   994 TInt CWSStarPlugin::ProcessInboundDispatchL(MSenRemoteServiceSession* aRemoteServiceSession,
   995                                            CSenSoapMessage*& aMsg)
   996     {
   997     CSenSessionHandler* pServiceUpdate = 
   998                     (CSenSessionHandler*)Handler(KServiceUpdateValue);
   999     CWSStarSessionContext* pSessionCtx = ((CWSStarServiceSession*)aRemoteServiceSession)->SessionContext();
  1000     if (pSessionCtx)
  1001         {
  1002         if (!pSessionCtx->GetSenRemoteServiceSessionL(WSStarContextKeys::KServiceSession))
  1003             {
  1004             pSessionCtx->Add(WSStarContextKeys::KServiceSession, *(MSenRemoteServiceSession*)aRemoteServiceSession);
  1005             }
  1006         pSessionCtx->Update(SenContext::KSenCurrentSoapMessageCtxKey, aMsg);
  1007         TInt error(KErrNone);
  1008         TRAPD(errorL, error = pServiceUpdate->InvokeL(*pSessionCtx));
  1009         if (errorL!=KErrNone)
  1010             {
  1011             TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarPlugin::ProcessInboundDispatchL() !!!!leave from Servide Update handler")));
  1012             error = errorL;
  1013             }
  1014         return error;
  1015         }
  1016     else
  1017         {
  1018         //in STS session , sessionContext is not set, no dispatching yet in STS session
  1019         return KErrNotFound;
  1020         }
  1021     /*
  1022     handle error will know after that revalidateNeeded=ETrue and make ValidateOutboud again
  1023         this call Create session in WS*Plugin which checking credential*/
  1025     }
  1028 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1029 // Getter for Device Id.
  1030 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1031 //        
  1032 TInt CWSStarPlugin::DeviceId(TPtrC8& aValue)
  1033     {
  1034     if (iDeviceId)
  1035 	    {
  1036         aValue.Set(*iDeviceId);
  1037         return KErrNone;
  1038         }
  1039     else
  1040         {
  1041         return KErrNotFound;
  1042         }
  1043     }
  1045 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1046 // Generate Device Id
  1047 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1048 //        
  1049 void CWSStarPlugin::GenerateDeviceIdL()
  1050     {
  1051     CSenGuidGen* pGuidGenerator = CSenGuidGen::NewLC();
  1052     delete iDeviceId;
  1053     iDeviceId = NULL;
  1054     iDeviceId = pGuidGenerator->GetRandomGuid8LC();
  1055     TPtr8 deviceIdDes = iDeviceId->Des();
  1056     deviceIdDes.LowerCase();
  1057     CleanupStack::Pop(iDeviceId);
  1058     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pGuidGenerator);
  1059     }
  1060 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1061 // Add handler tag into session.xml
  1062 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1063 //        
  1064 void CWSStarPlugin::AddHandlerTag(TPtr8& aXml, const TDesC8& aHandlerClassName)
  1065     {
  1066     aXml.Append(KSenLessThan);
  1067     aXml.Append(KHandlerLocalName);
  1068     aXml.Append(KSenSpace);
  1069     //class attr
  1070     aXml.Append(KClassAttr);
  1071     aXml.Append(KSenEqualsDblQuot);
  1072     aXml.Append(aHandlerClassName);
  1073     aXml.Append(KSenDblQuot);
  1074     TInt index = iVersions.Find(aHandlerClassName);
  1075     if (index != KErrNotFound)
  1076         {
  1077         HBufC8* value = (HBufC8*)iVersions.ValueAt(index);
  1078         if (value->Length())
  1079             {
  1080             aXml.Append(KSenSpace);
  1081             aXml.Append(KVersionAttr);
  1082             aXml.Append(KSenEqualsDblQuot);
  1083             aXml.Append(*value);
  1084             aXml.Append(KSenDblQuot);    
  1085             }
  1086         }   
  1087     aXml.Append(KSenSlashGreaterThan);
  1088     }
  1090 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1091 // Add handler into array, WS* SIF implementation keep handlers after loading
  1092 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1093 //        
  1094 void CWSStarPlugin::AddHandlerL(const TDesC8& aHandlerClassName, const TDesC8& aVersion, SenHandler::THandlerType aType)
  1095     {
  1096     TInt index = iVersions.Find(aHandlerClassName);
  1097     if (index == KErrNotFound)
  1098         {
  1099         MSenHandler* handler  = NULL;
  1100         CWSStarHandlerContext* ctx = NULL;
  1101         ctx = CWSStarHandlerContext::NewL();
  1102         CleanupStack::PushL(ctx);
  1103         //ctx->Add(HandlerContextKey::KLogger, Log());
  1104         ctx->Add(iManager);
  1105         ctx->Update(HandlerContextKey::KVersion, aVersion);
  1106         iVersions.Append(aHandlerClassName.AllocL(), aVersion.AllocL());
  1107         if(aType == SenHandler::EMessageHandler)
  1108             {
  1109             TRAPD(loadError, handler = CSenMessageHandler::NewL(aHandlerClassName, *ctx));    
  1110             if (loadError != KErrNone)
  1111                 {
  1112                 User::Leave(loadError);
  1113                 }
  1114             else
  1115                 {
  1116                 iMsgHandlers.Append((CSenMessageHandler*)handler);    
  1117                 }    
  1118             }
  1119         else if (aType == SenHandler::ESessionHandler)
  1120             {
  1121             ctx->Add(HandlerContextKey::KSIF, this);
  1122             TRAPD(loadError, handler = CSenSessionHandler::NewL(aHandlerClassName, *ctx));
  1123             if (loadError != KErrNone)
  1124                 {
  1125                 User::Leave(loadError);
  1126                 }
  1127             else
  1128                 {
  1129                 iSessionHandlers.Append((CSenSessionHandler*)handler);
  1130                 }        
  1131             }
  1132         CleanupStack::Pop(ctx);
  1133         iHandlerContexts.Append(ctx);
  1134         }
  1135     else
  1136     //reload handler.
  1137     //user info from session.xml (in fact this is only for testing , nobody can have access to session.xml)
  1138         {
  1139         HBufC8* value = (HBufC8*)iVersions.ValueAt(index);
  1140         if (*value != aVersion)
  1141             {//reload
  1142             iVersions.RemoveByKey(aHandlerClassName);
  1143             RemoveHandler(aHandlerClassName);
  1144             //potentail infinitve reccurence!
  1145             AddHandlerL(aHandlerClassName, aVersion, aType);    
  1146             }
  1147         }
  1148     }
  1150 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1151 // SetTransportPropertiesL
  1152 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1153 //        
  1154 TInt CWSStarPlugin::SetTransportPropertiesL(MSenTransport& /* aTransport */)
  1155     {
  1156     return KErrNotSupported; 
  1157     }
  1159 MSenHandler* CWSStarPlugin::PolicyHandler()
  1160 {
  1161     MSenHandler* pPolicyHandler =  Handler(KPolicyValue());
  1162     if(pPolicyHandler)
  1163     return pPolicyHandler;
  1164     else
  1165     return NULL;
  1166 }
  1167 TInt CWSStarPlugin::PolicyConsumerAddedL(CSenServiceSession* aNewSession, MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aRemoteConsumer)
  1168 {
  1169     CWSStarPolicyHandler* policyHandler = (CWSStarPolicyHandler*)Handler(WSStarConfig::KPolicyValue);
  1170     return policyHandler->PolicyConsumerAddedL(aNewSession,aRemoteConsumer);
  1172 }
  1173 // END OF FILE