changeset 0 62f9d29f7211
child 1 272b002df977
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:62f9d29f7211
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:           
    15 *
    16 */
    29 #include "wsstartrustclient.h"
    31 #include <s32mem.h>
    32 #include <f32file.h>
    33 #include <s32file.h>
    34 #include <SenXmlUtils.h>
    35 #include "sencryptoutils.h"
    37 #include "wsstarservicesession.h"
    38 #include "SenXmlUtils.h"
    39 #include "msencoreservicemanager.h"
    40 #include "sendebug.h"
    41 #include "senlogger.h"
    42 #include "MSenServiceDescription.h"
    43 #include "senlogger.h"
    44 #include "SenServiceConnection.h"
    45 #include "seninternalserviceconsumer.h"
    46 #include "wsstarrstresponse.h"
    47 #include <SenCredential.h>
    48 #include "wsstarpolicy.h"
    49 #include "wsstarplugin.h"
    50 #include <SenTransportProperties.h>
    51 #include "senwspattern.h"
    53 using namespace WSTrust;
    54 using namespace WSPolicy;
    56 _LIT8(KRemoteConsumer,       "RemoteConsumer");
    58 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    59 // Creates and returns a new instace of this class.
    60 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 //
    62 CWSStarTrustClient* CWSStarTrustClient::NewL(
    63                                                         CSIF& aSIF,
    64                                                         RFileLogger& aLogger)
    65     {
    66     CWSStarTrustClient* pNew = NewLC(aSIF, aLogger);
    67     CleanupStack::Pop(pNew);
    68     return pNew;
    69     }
    71 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    72 // Creates and returns a new instace of this class and leaves the object on the cleanup stack
    73 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 //
    75 CWSStarTrustClient* CWSStarTrustClient::NewLC(
    76                                                         CSIF& aSIF,
    77                                                         RFileLogger& aLogger)
    78     {
    79     CWSStarTrustClient* pNew =
    80         new (ELeave) CWSStarTrustClient(
    81                     aSIF,
    82                     MSenServiceDescription::EWSStarSTSClient,
    83                     aLogger);
    85     CleanupStack::PushL(pNew);
    86     pNew->BaseConstructL();
    87     return pNew;
    88     }
    90 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    91 // Constructor
    92 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    93 //
    94 CWSStarTrustClient::CWSStarTrustClient(
    95                                                 CSIF& aSIF,
    96                                                 TDescriptionClassType aType,
    97                                                 RFileLogger& aLogger)
    98     : CSenInternalServiceConsumer(aType, aSIF),
    99     iLog(aLogger)
   100     {
   101     }
   103 void CWSStarTrustClient::BaseConstructL()
   104     {
   105     CSenInternalServiceConsumer::ConstructL();
   106     iTpCounter = 0;
   107     TLSLOG(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CWSStarTrustClient::ConstructL()")));
   108     }
   110 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   111 // Destructor
   112 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   113 //
   114 CWSStarTrustClient::~CWSStarTrustClient()
   115     {
   116     TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::~CWSStarTrustClient");
   117     delete iSTSSession;
   118     delete iEntropyClient;
   119     delete iAppliesTo;
   120     delete ipTransport;
   121     delete iTokenType;
   122     delete iSTSOrginalEndpoint;
   123     }
   126 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   127 // The most siginificant method of this class. Make validation of session, 
   128 //    credentails obtained if needed.
   129 //    Sequential logic, synchronized, step bye SOAP exchange scenrio.
   130 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   131 //
   132 TInt CWSStarTrustClient::ValidateL( CWSStarServiceSession& aSession,
   133                                     TBool aRenewing,
   134                                     HBufC8*& aErrorMessage,
   135                                     TBool aOnlySharing )
   136     {
   137     iSTSSession->CompleteServerMessagesOnOffL(ETrue);
   138     TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::ValidateL(..)");
   139     TInt retVal(KErrNone);            // for returning error codes
   140     iWSStarServiceSession = &aSession;            // save session
   142 //----------------------
   143 //0  token sharing
   144 //----------------------
   145     TBool sharingSucceed = EFalse;
   146     HBufC8* clusterUsed = CWSStarPolicy::GetPolicyValueL(KIssuedToken, KRPSCluster, *iHndCtx, iSTSSession);
   147     CleanupStack::PushL(clusterUsed);
   149     //its mean - if our provider uses cluster template, 
   150     //so we can try copy MT and SCT form other msn services which use same provider ID
   151     if (clusterUsed)
   152         {
   153         RPointerArray<CSenWSDescription> msnSDs;
   154         CleanupClosePushL(msnSDs);
   155         CSenWSPattern* pattern = CSenWSPattern::NewLC();
   157         //select * from session_of_SD where session is (ws* framework, and has same provideId)
   158         //here we assume that provider use cluster template
   160         pattern->SetFrameworkIdL(KDefaultWSStarFrameworkID);
   161         pattern->AsElement().AddElementL(KSenIdpProviderIdLocalname).SetContentL(iIdentityProvider->ProviderID());
   162         //pattern->AsElement().AddElementL(WSStarSession::KProviderIdElementLocalName).SetContentL(iIdentityProvider->ProviderID());
   163         //seeking
   164         CWSStarServiceSession* msnSession = NULL;
   165         TRAPD(leaveError, retVal = Framework().Manager().ServiceDescriptionsL(msnSDs, *pattern));
   166         if(!retVal && !leaveError)
   167             {
   168             TInt count = msnSDs.Count();
   169             TBool pMTwasReplaceBySCT = EFalse;
   170             TBool seekSCT = EFalse;
   171             for(TInt i = 0; i < msnSDs.Count(); i++)
   172                 {
   173                 //all sessions (so in practice we have also access to SCT, not only MT),
   174                 // to eliminate client, just for case we check type
   175                 TDescriptionClassType dt = msnSDs[i]->DescriptionClassType();
   176                 if (dt == MSenServiceDescription::EWSStarServiceSession)
   177                     {
   178                     msnSession = (CWSStarServiceSession*)msnSDs[i];
   179                     //dont share to itself
   180                     if (msnSession != iWSStarServiceSession)
   181                         {
   182                         TRAPD(err, retVal = msnSession->ShareTokenWithL(
   183                                 iWSStarServiceSession, pMTwasReplaceBySCT,
   184                                 seekSCT));
   185                         if ((retVal == KErrNone) && (err == KErrNone))
   186                             {
   187                             sharingSucceed = ETrue;
   188                             if (pMTwasReplaceBySCT)
   189                                 {
   190                                 break;    
   191                                 }
   192                             else
   193                                 {
   194                                 seekSCT = ETrue;//in order to find other session which can have additioanly SCT
   195                                 }
   196                             }    
   197                         }
   198                     }
   199                 }
   200             if ( !pMTwasReplaceBySCT && !sharingSucceed )
   201                 {
   202                 // Did not find valid MT      (<=> sharingSucceed     == EFalse)
   203                 // AND did not find valid SCT (<=> pMTwasReplaceBySCT == EFalse) 
   204                 // 
   205                 // Try to search valid MT directly from CredentialManager
   206                 // (This is needed especially in case when MT is imported
   207                 //  through Public API
   208                 //  => There is not yet Session which holds imported MT)
   209                 if ( iWSStarServiceSession->TryToSearchValidCredentialL() == KErrNone )	//codescannerwarnings
   210                     {
   211                     iWSStarServiceSession->SetStatusL();
   212                     iWSStarServiceSession->AddSecurityTokenToContextL();
   213                     sharingSucceed = ETrue;
   214                     }
   215                 }
   216             }
   217         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &msnSDs);
   218         }
   219     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(clusterUsed);
   221     if (sharingSucceed)
   222         {
   223         iWSStarServiceSession->SetTrustAnchorL(iIdentityProvider->ProviderID());
   224         TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::ValidateL(..) - sharing succed, we don't need more validation");
   225         return KErrNone;
   226         }
   227     if (aOnlySharing)
   228         {
   229         TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::ValidateL(..) - only sharing was allowed so NO continuation");
   230         return KErrNone;
   231         }
   234 //-----------------
   235 //1 Init session
   236 //-----------------
   238     if (!iSTSSession)// if trustClient has NOT been registered earlier
   239         {
   240         iSTSSession = CWSStarServiceSession::NewL(Framework());
   241         iSTSSession->InitializeFromL(*this);
   242         iSTSSession->SetEndPointL(iIdentityProvider->Endpoint());
   243         iSTSSession->SetContractL(KWSStarSTSContract);
   244         iSTSSession->AddConsumerL(*this);
   245         }
   246     CSenXmlReader* reader = Framework().Manager().XMLReader();
   247     CWSStarSessionContext* stsSsnContext = iSTSSession->SessionContext();
   248     iPassportMode = CWSStarPolicy::CheckPolicyValueL(KPassportExtensions, iSTSSession);
   249     if (iPassportMode)
   250         {
   251         stsSsnContext->Update(WSStarContextKeys::KPassportEnabled, ETrue);
   252         aRenewing = FALSE; //MS passport doesn't support renewing binding. So we force here issue binding
   253         }
   254     iRenewingMode = aRenewing;
   256 //-----------------
   257 //2.preparing context    
   258 //-----------------------WS-TRUST 2005-02 chapter 6 -  RST issue-------------------------    
   259     stsSsnContext->Update(WSStarContextKeys::KAction, GetAction());
   261     TInt retryCounter(0);
   262     TBool retry(ETrue);
   263     TBool authenticationInfoPromptedFromUser(EFalse);
   264     TPckgBuf<TSenAuthentication> authInfo;
   265     HBufC8* responseXML = NULL;
   266     HBufC8* pBodyXML = NULL;
   267     MSenRemoteServiceConsumer* pConsumer = NULL;
   269     while ( retry ) // Authentication loop starts
   270         {
   271         retry = EFalse;
   273         //setting secure profile of authentication with sts, can X509, so in future some factory calling
   274     if (CWSStarPolicy::CheckPolicyValueL(KUsernameTokenOverTLS, iSTSSession))
   275             {
   276             HBufC8* token = NULL;
   277             if ( authenticationInfoPromptedFromUser )
   278                 {
   279                 CSenWsSecurityHeader::UsernameTokenL(authInfo().iUsername,
   280                                                      authInfo().iPassword,
   281                                                      token);
   282                 }
   283             else
   284                 {
   285                 CSenWsSecurityHeader::UsernameTokenL(iIdentityProvider->UserName(),
   286                                                      iIdentityProvider->Password(),
   287                                                      token);
   288                 }
   289             stsSsnContext->Update(WSStarContextKeys::KSecurityToken, *token);    
   290         delete token;    
   291         token = NULL;
   292         }
   294     //building body
   295     CWSStarPlugin& frmWSStar = (CWSStarPlugin&)Framework();
   296     CSenElement* pBody = CreateBodyL();
   297     stsSsnContext->Update(WSStarContextKeys::KBodyElement, pBody);
   298         pBodyXML = pBody->AsXmlL();
   299         CleanupStack::PushL(pBodyXML);
   300     //-----------------    
   301     //_____________________________________SYNC Sending____________________________________________
   303         CSenTransportProperties* transProp = CSenTransportProperties::NewLC();
   304 		const TDesC8* value =stsSsnContext->GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KAction);
   305 		if(value)
   306         transProp->SetSoapActionL(*value);
   308         // IAP dialog used to appear though IAP id is provided as a part of Service Description
   309         // Get the IAP setting and accordingly set the transport properties
   310     	TUint32 id = 0;
   311     	TInt getIapRetCode = IapId(id);
   313     	    ;
   314     	// Check whether IAP ID is pre-defined, and copy it only if such property value is found
   315     	//if ( getIapRetCode == KErrNone && id < 4294967295) // unsigned 4294967295 == -1 signed
   316     	if ( getIapRetCode == KErrNone && id < (TUint32)KErrNotFound) // unsigned 4294967295 == -1 signed
   317     	    {
   318     	    transProp->SetIapIdL(id); 
   319     	    }
   320     	// ETMI-6WAGDB end
   322     	//limit http timeout, 
   323     	//  if sts hangs and can not send any response, then we block every async client method.
   324     	//  Possibel revalidation during sendL can take too long time therefore we create new limit
   325     	transProp->SetMaxTimeToLiveL(WSStarSession::KMaxHttpTimeOut);
   327         HBufC8* transPropAsXml = transProp->AsUtf8LC();
   328     /*
   329         if( iWSStarServiceSession )
   330             {
   331             iWSStarServiceSession->SendStatusToConsumerL( KSenStatusAuthentication );
   332             }
   333     */        
   334         //overwrite passport endpoint (provided by GUI)  by endpoint provided by policy
   335         AdaptStsEndpointL();	//codescannerwarnings
   336         iTpCounter++;
   337         retVal = iSTSSession->SubmitL(*pBodyXML, *transPropAsXml, *this, responseXML);
   338         iTpCounter--;
   339         CWSStarSessionContext* pSessionCtxt = iWSStarServiceSession->SessionContext();// redundant code 
   340         TAny* ptr = pSessionCtxt->GetAnyL(KRemoteConsumer());	//codescannerwarnings
   341         if ( ptr )
   342             {
   343             pConsumer = REINTERPRET_CAST(MSenRemoteServiceConsumer*, ptr);
   344             }
   345         else
   346             {
   347             pConsumer = iWSStarServiceSession->Consumer();
   348             }
   350         pConsumer->SetDataTrafficDetails(iTrustDetails);
   351         AdaptStsEndpointL(ETrue);
   352         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(transPropAsXml);
   353         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(transProp);
   354         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pBodyXML);
   356         CleanupStack::PushL(responseXML);
   358         if ( retVal == KErrSenSoapFault )
   359             {
   360             //CREDLOG_L(KSenCredsLogLevelNormal,".......failed (SOAP Fault)");
   361             CWSStarSessionContext* pSessionContext = iWSStarServiceSession->SessionContext();
   362             TAny* ptr = pSessionContext->GetAnyL(KRemoteConsumer());	//codescannerwarnings
   363             if ( ptr )
   364                 {
   365                 pConsumer = REINTERPRET_CAST(MSenRemoteServiceConsumer*, ptr);
   366                 }
   367             else
   368                 {
   369                 pConsumer = iWSStarServiceSession->Consumer();
   370                 }
   372             if ( pConsumer && !pConsumer->HasAuthenticationCallback() &&
   373                  retryCounter < 3 )
   374                 {
   375                 TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::ValidateL - Consumer does not have AuthenticationCallback");
   377                 const TDesC8* pValue = iIdentityProvider->AsElement().AttrValue( KSenAttrPromptUserInfo );
   380                 if ( pValue && *pValue != _L8("false") )
   381                 // attribute has to exist, otherwise logic defaults to: DO NOT PROMPT
   382 #else
   383                 if ( !pValue || *pValue != _L8("false") )
   384                 // even when attribute does NOT exist, or when it does and has any other value but "false", default to: PROMPT
   385 #endif                
   386                     {
   387                     const TBool* renewingPtr = stsSsnContext->GetIntL(WSStarContextKeys::KReAuthNeeded);
   388 					if ( renewingPtr )
   389                      	{
   390                     if ( *renewingPtr )
   391                         {
   392                             TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KNormalLogLevel,"- Prompt is used to get AuthenticationInfo");
   393                         TInt ret = (Framework().Manager()).AuthenticationForL(*iIdentityProvider,
   394                                                                               authInfo);
   395                         if ( ret == KErrNone )
   396                             {
   397                             retryCounter++;
   398                             retry = ETrue;
   399                             authenticationInfoPromptedFromUser = ETrue;
   400                             }
   401                         }
   402                      	}
   403                     }
   404                 else
   405                     {
   406                     TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KNormalLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::ValidateL - promptUserInfo = false");
   407                     TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KNormalLogLevel," => prompt is not used.");
   408                     }
   409                 }
   410             if ( pConsumer && pConsumer->HasAuthenticationCallback() &&
   411                              retryCounter < 3 )
   412             	{
   413                 TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KNormalLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::ValidateL - Consumer has AuthenticationCallback");
   415                 const TDesC8* pValue = iIdentityProvider->AsElement().AttrValue( KSenAttrPromptUserInfo );
   417                 if ( !pValue || *pValue != _L8("false") )
   418                     {
   419                     const TBool* renewingPtr = stsSsnContext->GetIntL(WSStarContextKeys::KReAuthNeeded);
   420                     if ( renewingPtr && *renewingPtr )
   421                         {
   422                         const TBool* renewingByCredObserv = iWSStarServiceSession->SessionContext()->GetIntL(WSStarContextKeys::KReAuthNeededFromCredObserv);
   423                         if( renewingByCredObserv != NULL && *renewingByCredObserv )
   424                         	{
   425                         	// Credential Observer -> call reauthenticatino through connection agent
   426                         	CSenIdentityProvider* newIdP = iIdentityProvider;
   427                         	TRAPD(error, retVal = pConsumer->ReauthenticationNeededL(newIdP));
   428     	                    if(error == KErrNone && retVal == KErrNone)
   429     	                    	{
   430     	                    	// Update identity provider in case old one got corrupted
   431     	                    	iIdentityProvider = newIdP;
   432     	                    	retryCounter++;
   433     	                    	retry = ETrue;
   434     	                    	}
   435     	                    else
   436     	                    	{
   437     	                    	retVal = KErrSenFailedAuthentication;
   438     	                    	}
   439                         	}
   440                         else
   441                         	{
   442                         	retVal = KErrSenFailedAuthentication;
   443                         	}
   444                         }
   445                     }
   446                 else
   447                     {
   448                     TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KNormalLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::ValidateL - UserInfoPrompt = false");
   449                     TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KNormalLogLevel," => AuthenticationCallback is not used.");
   450                     }
   452             	}
   453             }
   455         if ( retry )
   456             {
   457             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(responseXML);
   458             }
   459         }  // Authentication loop ends
   461     if (!retVal)
   462         {
   463         const TDesC8* responseAction = stsSsnContext->GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KResponseAction);
   464         if  (responseAction &&
   465                 responseAction->Length())
   466             {
   467             if (*responseAction != GetActionResponse())
   468                 {
   469                 TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KNormalLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::ValidateL - wrong action in response");
   471                 retVal = KErrNotFound;
   472                 //no ws-trust specifiv fault defined for invalid RESPONSE. I can only answer iwth addressign fault
   473                 //but no access to addressing handler directly
   474                 }
   475             }
   476         }
   477     if (retVal != KErrNone)
   478         {
   479         TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KNormalLogLevel, _L8("CWSStarTrustClient::ValidateL - error when submit to STS %d"), retVal));
   481         if (responseXML)
   482             {
   483             aErrorMessage = responseXML;
   484             }
   486         CleanupStack::Pop(responseXML);
   487         if (! iTpCounter)
   488             {
   489             //we don't have to keep transport. Important expecially during night test, 
   490             //  when transport and its RConnection exceed idle timeout
   491             delete ipTransport;
   492             ipTransport = NULL;
   493             }
   494         return retVal;
   495         }
   496     TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::ValidateL - response from STS is a valid SOAP");
   497 	#ifdef RD_SEN_VTCP_SUPPORT
   498 	//#ifdef RD_SEN_CO_BRAND_SUPPORT
   499 	//stsSsnContext->Update(WSStarContextKeys::KBrandIDEnabled, EFalse);
   500     const TDesC8* mainBrandID = stsSsnContext->GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KMainBrandID);
   501     if  (mainBrandID && mainBrandID->Length())
   502         {
   503         if(iPassportMode)
   504             {
   505             //Call Back Consumer
   506             CWSStarSessionContext* pSessionContext = iWSStarServiceSession->SessionContext();
   507             TAny* ptr = pSessionContext->GetAnyL(KRemoteConsumer());	//codescannerwarnings
   508             if ( ptr )
   509                 {
   510                 pConsumer = REINTERPRET_CAST(MSenRemoteServiceConsumer*, ptr);
   511                 }
   512             else
   513                 {
   514                 pConsumer = iWSStarServiceSession->Consumer();
   515                 }
   517             if ( pConsumer && pConsumer->HasCoBrandingCallback() )
   518                 {
   519                 	TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KNormalLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::HasCoBrandingCallback");
   520                     const TDesC8* brandIDList = stsSsnContext->GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KBrandIDList);
   522                     RBuf8 selectedBrandId;
   523                     //User will reply with go/no go optoin
   524                     if(pConsumer->OnGetBrandIdL(*brandIDList,selectedBrandId))
   525                     {
   526                 		TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KNormalLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::Brand ID Is Enabled");
   527                         // co-branding - Add co branding details in context
   528                         stsSsnContext->Update(WSStarContextKeys::KBrandIDEnabled, ETrue);
   529                     }
   530                     else
   531                     {
   532                 		TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KNormalLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::Brand ID Is Disabled");
   533                         // co-branding - Add co branding details in context
   534                         stsSsnContext->Update(WSStarContextKeys::KBrandIDEnabled, EFalse);
   535                     }
   537                 }
   539             }
   540         }
   542     TBool cacheToken = ETrue;
   543     const TBool* brandID = stsSsnContext->GetIntL(WSStarContextKeys::KBrandIDEnabled);
   544     if(brandID && !(*brandID))
   545     {
   546     	cacheToken = EFalse;
   547     	retVal = KErrSenBrandNotSupported;
   548     }
   550     if(cacheToken)
   551 	{
   552 	//#endif//RD_SEN_CO_BRAND_SUPPORT	
   553    #endif//RD_SEN_VTCP_SUPPORT
   554 //-----------------
   555 //4 building response    
   556 //-----------------
   557     CWSStarRSTResponse* rstResponse = CWSStarRSTResponse::NewLC(FALSE, *iAppliesTo, iVersion);
   558     rstResponse->SetPolicyVersion(&GetPolicyNs());
   559     rstResponse->UpdateAddressingHoldersL(*stsSsnContext);
   560     rstResponse->SetReader(*Framework().Manager().XMLReader());
   561     //shouldnt be error, parsing is done earlier by core so we can be sure, that it is valid SOAP XML
   562     TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::ValidateL - building RSTResponse");
   563     rstResponse->BuildFrom(*responseXML);
   565     if (! iWSStarServiceSession->ExistConsumerL())
   566         {
   567         retVal = KErrNotFound;
   568         }
   569    else
   570         {
   571     iWSStarServiceSession->SetTrustAnchorL(iIdentityProvider->ProviderID());
   572     if (rstResponse->IsResponse())
   573         {
   574             TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::ValidateL - set ctx basing on RSTR");
   575 	            //const TBool* brandID = stsSsnContext->GetIntL(WSStarContextKeys::KBrandIDEnabled);
   576 	            TBool isWAPExists = CWSStarPolicy::CheckPolicyValueL(WSStarContextKeys::KWAPGW, iSTSSession);
   577 			#ifdef RD_SEN_VTCP_SUPPORT
   578 			//#ifdef RD_SEN_CO_BRAND_SUPPORT
   579 				if(isWAPExists && (brandID && *brandID))
   580 			#else
   581         if(isWAPExists)
   582       //#endif//RD_SEN_CO_BRAND_SUPPORT   
   583 			#endif//RD_SEN_VTCP_SUPPORT				
   584 	            {
   585 	                retVal = iWSStarServiceSession->SessionContext()->SetTokenKeysL(
   586 	                        *rstResponse, iEntropyClient,EFalse);                        
   587 	            }
   588 	            else
   589 	            {
   590 	                retVal = iWSStarServiceSession->SessionContext()->SetTokenKeysL(
   591 	                        *rstResponse, iEntropyClient,ETrue);
   592 	            }
   593             iWSStarServiceSession->ActiveTicketObserverL();
   594         //SetTokenKeys call indirectly SetStatus in order to signal session's consumers that connection is ready for sending                
   595         if (retVal)
   596             {
   597                 TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::ValidateL - response from STS is wrong RSTR, maybe some nested Fault");
   598                 //CREDLOG_L(KSenCredsLogLevelNormal,".......failed, problem with RSTR analizing");
   599             aErrorMessage = responseXML;
   600 					if (retVal == KErrNotFound)
   601 						{
   602 						retVal = KErrSenSoapFault;
   603 		                TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel," ------- returning SOAP Fault for MS and clearing the credential if any");
   604 						iWSStarServiceSession->DetachCredentialsL();
   605 						}
   606 	                }
   607             /*else
   608                 {
   609                 #ifdef _SENDEBUG
   610                     _LIT8(KCredsLogLine, "...Token has been issued (period = %S - %S)");
   611                     CREDLOG_FORMAT((KSenCredsLogChannel, KSenCredsLogLevelNormal, KCredsLogLine,  &(rstResponse->CredentialCreated()),  &(rstResponse->CredentialExpires())));
   612                  #endif           
   613                 }*/
   614         }
   615     else
   616         {
   617             TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::ValidateL - response from STS is not a proper RSTR");
   618         aErrorMessage = responseXML;
   619         retVal = KErrNotFound;
   620         }
   621         TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KNormalLogLevel, _L8("CWSStarTrustClient::ValidateL - building session Ctx: %d"), retVal));
   622        }
   624     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(rstResponse);
   625 #ifdef RD_SEN_VTCP_SUPPORT
   626 //#ifdef RD_SEN_CO_BRAND_SUPPORT
   627 	}
   628 //#endif//RD_SEN_CO_BRAND_SUPPORT	
   629 #endif//RD_SEN_VTCP_SUPPORT	
   630     if (!aErrorMessage)
   631         {
   632         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(responseXML);
   633         }
   634     else
   635         {
   636         CleanupStack::Pop(responseXML);
   637         }
   638     if (! iTpCounter)
   639         {
   640         delete ipTransport;
   641         ipTransport = NULL;
   642         }
   643     return retVal;
   644     }
   648 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   649 // SetStatus
   650 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   651 //
   653 void CWSStarTrustClient::SetStatus(TInt /*aStatus */)
   654     {
   655     // No implementation in Java
   656      }
   658 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   659 // SetAccount
   660 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   661 //
   662 void CWSStarTrustClient::SetAccount(
   663                                     CSenIdentityProvider* aIdentityProvicer)
   664     {
   665     iIdentityProvider = aIdentityProvicer;
   666     }
   667 /*CSenIdentityProvider* CWSStarTrustClient::Account()
   668     {
   669     return iIdentityProvider;
   670     }*/
   671 /*TInt CWSStarTrustClient::SetProviderIdL(const TDesC8& aProviderID)
   672     {
   673     HBufC8* pNew = NULL;
   674     if(aProviderID.Length()>0)
   675         {
   676         pNew = aProviderID.AllocL();
   677         }
   678     delete ipProviderId;
   679     ipProviderId = pNew;
   680     return KErrNone;
   681     }
   682 TPtrC8 CWSStarTrustClient::ProviderId()
   683     {
   684     if(ipProviderId)
   685         return *ipProviderId;
   686     else
   687         return KNullDesC8();
   688     }*/
   690 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   691 // ServiceSession
   692 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   693 //
   694 CSenServiceSession* CWSStarTrustClient::ServiceSession()
   695     {
   696     return iWSStarServiceSession;
   697     }
   699 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   700 // Obtain Transport using a factory from Core Manager
   701 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   702 //
   703 MSenTransport& CWSStarTrustClient::TransportL()
   704     {
   705     if(!ipTransport)
   706         {
   707         // Core is capable of working as transport factory, too.
   708         // The returned transport instancies may or may not be
   709         // ECOM plugins:
   710         TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::Instantiating new transport");
   711         ipTransport = Framework().Manager().CreateL(*iSTSSession, iSTSSession); 
   712         }
   713     return *ipTransport;
   714     }
   715 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   716 // SetSTSSessionL
   717 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   718 //
   719 void CWSStarTrustClient::SetSTSSessionL(
   720                                                 CWSStarServiceSession* aSession)
   721     {
   722     TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::SetServiceSessionL");
   723     _LIT8(KTouch, "touch");
   724     // free memory
   725     //delete iSTSSession;
   726     const TDesC8* attrValue = aSession->AsElement().AttrValue(KTouch);
   727     if(attrValue != NULL)
   728     	{
   729     	AsElement().AddAttrL(KTouch, *attrValue);
   730     	}
   731     iSTSSession = aSession;
   732     if(iSTSSession)
   733         {
   734         iSTSSession->AddConsumerL(*this);
   735         }
   736     }
   738 CWSStarServiceSession* CWSStarTrustClient::GetSTSSessionL()
   739 {
   740     TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::SetServiceSessionL");
   741     if(iSTSSession)
   742         {
   743         return iSTSSession;
   744         }
   745     else
   746         {
   747         return NULL;            
   748         }
   749 }
   750 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   751 // Create body for STS request
   752 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   753 //
   754 CSenElement* CWSStarTrustClient::CreateBodyL()
   755     {
   756     HBufC8* value = const_cast<HBufC8*>(CWSStarPolicy::GetPolicyValueL(KIssuedToken, KRPSCluster, *iHndCtx, iSTSSession));
   757     CleanupStack::PushL(value);    
   759 //-----------------
   760 //1 RST part (1st otken, proper one)
   761 //-----------------
   762     CSenElement* specificRST = NULL;
   763     if (value && iPassportMode)
   764         {
   765         TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::CreateBodyL - found cluster");
   766         delete iAppliesTo;
   767         iAppliesTo = NULL;
   768         iAppliesTo = value;
   769         specificRST = CreateRSTL(iRenewingMode, value->Des());
   770         CleanupStack::Pop(value);        
   771         value = NULL;
   772         }
   773     else
   774         {
   775         delete iAppliesTo;
   776         iAppliesTo = NULL;
   777         iAppliesTo = iWSStarServiceSession->Endpoint().AllocL();
   778         specificRST = CreateRSTL(iRenewingMode, *iAppliesTo);
   779         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(value);        
   780         //Renewing - check from policy
   781         //@Allow not specified, the default value is true.
   782         //@OK not specified, the default value is false.
   783         specificRST->AddElementL(*iVersion, KRenewingTag);    
   784         }
   785     CleanupStack::PushL(specificRST);
   787 //-----------------
   788 //2 entropy
   789 //-----------------
   791     if (CWSStarPolicy::CheckPolicyValueL(KClientEntropy, iSTSSession))
   792         {
   793         TRAPD(error, RandomEntropyClientL());
   794         if (!error)
   795             {
   796             CSenElement& entrElement = specificRST->AddElementL(*iVersion, KEntropyTag);    
   797             entrElement.AddElementL(*iVersion, KBinarySecretTag).SetContentL(*iEntropyClient);    
   798             }
   799         }
   801 //-----------------
   802 //3 excluding dynamic RST by RST template 
   803 //-----------------
   804     delete iTokenType;
   805     iTokenType = NULL;
   806     iTokenType = CWSStarPolicy::GetPolicyValueL(WSPolicy::KTokenType, iSTSSession);
   807     if (!iTokenType && iPassportMode)
   808         {
   809         iTokenType = WSPassport32::KDefaultTokenType().AllocL();
   810         }
   813     RPointerArray<CSenElement> elements;
   814     if (iTokenType)
   815         {
   816 /*#ifdef _RD_SEN_ENABLE_CREDLOG
   817         _LIT8(KCredsLogLine, "Sending RST to STS to get new token (type %S)....");
   818         CREDLOG_FORMAT((KSenCredsLogChannel, KSenCredsLogLevelNormal, KCredsLogLine,  tokenType));
   819 #endif        */
   820         value  = CWSStarPolicy::GetPolicyValueL(*iTokenType, KIssuedToken, KRequestSecurityTokenTemplate, *iHndCtx, iSTSSession, elements);
   821         }
   822     else
   823         {
   824         value  = CWSStarPolicy::GetPolicyValueL(KIssuedToken, KRequestSecurityTokenTemplate, *iHndCtx, iSTSSession, elements);
   825         }
   826     if (!value)
   827         {
   828        	if (iTokenType)
   829        	    {
   830             specificRST->AddElementL(*iVersion, 
   831                                 KTokenTypeTag).SetContentL(*iTokenType);
   832       	    }
   833         }
   834     else
   835         {
   836             TLSLOG_ALL(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMaxLogLevel,(*value));//in debug we dont have to push to cleanup stack
   837             delete value;
   838             value = NULL;
   839             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(specificRST);
   840             CSenDomFragment* domFrg = CSenDomFragment::NewL(*iVersion, 
   841                                                     KRSTTag, 
   842                                                     KRSTQTag);
   843             CleanupStack::PushL(domFrg);
   844             specificRST = domFrg->ExtractElement();
   845             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(domFrg);
   846             CleanupStack::PushL(specificRST);
   848             for (TInt i = 0; i<elements.Count(); i++ )
   849                 {
   850                 CSenDomFragment* rstTemplate = CSenDomFragment::NewL(*elements[i]);
   851                 CSenElement* rstTemplateEl = rstTemplate->ExtractElement();
   852                 delete rstTemplate;
   853                 rstTemplate = NULL;
   854                 CleanupStack::PushL(rstTemplateEl);
   855                 specificRST->AddElementL(*rstTemplateEl);
   856                 CleanupStack::Pop(rstTemplateEl);
   857                 }
   858             TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::CreateBodyL - added template");
   859             }
   862 //-----------------
   863 //4 add passport RST (redundant info, but passport requires that)
   864 //      and enable multirequest
   865 //-----------------
   866     if (!iPassportMode)
   867         {
   868         CleanupStack::Pop(specificRST);
   869         return specificRST;
   870         }
   871     else
   872         {
   873         CSenElement* passportRST = CreateRSTL(EFalse, WSPassport32::KPassportAppliesTo());
   874         CleanupStack::PushL(passportRST);
   875         CSenDomFragment* domFrg = CSenDomFragment::NewL(WSStarContextKeys::KMultiReqTagMark);
   876         CSenElement* reqMultiple = domFrg->ExtractElement();
   877         delete domFrg;
   878         CleanupStack::PushL(reqMultiple);
   879         reqMultiple->AddElementL(*specificRST);
   880         reqMultiple->AddElementL(*passportRST);
   881         CleanupStack::Pop(3, specificRST);
   882         return reqMultiple;
   883         }
   884     }
   885 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   886 // Create RST skeleton.
   887 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   888 //
   889 CSenElement* CWSStarTrustClient::CreateRSTL(TBool aRenewing, TPtrC8 aAppliesTo)
   890     {
   891     //whole logic for RST factory
   892     TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel, _L8("CWSStarTrustClient::CreateRST - appliesTo: %S"), &aAppliesTo));
   894     CSenDomFragment* domFrg = CSenDomFragment::NewL(*iVersion, 
   895                                                     KRSTTag, 
   896                                                     KRSTQTag);
   897     CSenElement* elementRst = domFrg->ExtractElement();
   898     CleanupStack::PushL(elementRst);
   899     delete domFrg;
   900     domFrg = NULL;
   901     elementRst->AddElementL(*iVersion, KRequestTypeTag).SetContentL(GetRequestType());
   903 //__________ISSUE
   904     if (!aRenewing)
   905         {
   906             CSenElement& applies = elementRst->AddElementL(GetPolicyNs(),
   907                                                             KAppliesToTag,
   908                                                             KAppliesToQTag);
   909             SenXmlUtils::AddAttributeL(applies, WSStarContextKeys::KAddressAttrMark, aAppliesTo);
   911         }
   912 //__________RENEW
   913     //in 7. Renewal Binding
   914     //Other extensions MAY be specified in the request (and the response), but the key
   915     //semantics (size, type, algorithms, scope, etc.) MUST NOT be altered during renewal.
   916     else
   917         {
   918         CSenElement& el = elementRst->AddElementL(*iVersion, KRenewTargetTag);
   919         const TDesC8* oldToken = iWSStarServiceSession->SessionContext()->GetDesC8L(WSStarContextKeys::KSecurityTokenBackup);
   920         if (oldToken)
   921             {
   922             el.SetContentL(*oldToken);
   923             }
   924         }
   925     CleanupStack::Pop(elementRst);
   926     return elementRst;
   927     }
   928 // End of file
   930 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   931 // Getter for endpoint
   932 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   933 //
   934 TPtrC8 CWSStarTrustClient::Endpoint()
   935     {
   936     return iSTSSession->Endpoint();
   937     }
   938 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   939 // Getter for contract
   940 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   941 //
   942 TPtrC8 CWSStarTrustClient::Contract()
   943     {
   944     return iSTSSession->Contract();
   945     }
   946 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   947 // Getter for providerId
   948 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   949 //
   950 TPtrC8 CWSStarTrustClient::ProviderID()
   951     {
   952     return iSTSSession->ProviderID();
   953     }
   955 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   956 // Getter for framework
   957 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   958 //
   959 TPtrC8 CWSStarTrustClient::FrameworkId()
   960     {
   961     return iSTSSession->FrameworkId();
   962     }
   963 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   964 // serialie to xml
   965 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   966 //
   967 void CWSStarTrustClient::WriteAsXMLToL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream)
   968     {
   969     iSTSSession->WriteAsXMLToL(aWriteStream);
   970     }
   971 TInt CWSStarTrustClient::UpdatePolicyL(CWSStarPolicyHandler* aPolicyHandler, MSenServiceDescription* aSD)
   972     {
   973     return iSTSSession->UpdatePolicyL(aPolicyHandler, aSD);
   974     }
   976 MSenServicePolicy* CWSStarTrustClient::ServicePolicy()
   977     {
   978     return iSTSSession->ServicePolicy();
   979     }
   980 TInt CWSStarTrustClient::IapId(TUint32& aCurrentIapId)
   981     {
   982     return iSTSSession->IapId(aCurrentIapId);
   983     }
   984 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   985 // randomize entropy for client
   986 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   987 //
   988 void CWSStarTrustClient::RandomEntropyClientL()
   989     {
   990     HBufC8* hashedRandom = SenCryptoUtils::RandomAndHashMd5LC();
   991     iEntropyClient = SenCryptoUtils::EncodeBase64L(*hashedRandom);
   992     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(hashedRandom);
   993     if (!iEntropyClient)
   994         {
   995         User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   996         }
   997     }
   998 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   999 // setter for ws-trust version
  1000 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1001 //
  1003 void CWSStarTrustClient::SetVersion(const TDesC8* aVersion)
  1004     {
  1005     iVersion = aVersion;
  1006     }
  1008 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1009 // getter for action (depends on version)
  1010 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1011 //
  1012 const TDesC8& CWSStarTrustClient::GetAction()
  1013     {
  1014     if (!iRenewingMode)
  1015         {
  1016         if (*iVersion == KTrustNamespace200502)
  1017             {
  1018             return KActionIssueRST200502;
  1019             }
  1020         else
  1021             {
  1022             return KActionIssueRST200404;   
  1023             }
  1024         }
  1025     else
  1026         {
  1027         if (*iVersion == KTrustNamespace200502)
  1028             {
  1029             return KActionRenewRST200502;      
  1030             }
  1031         else
  1032             {
  1033             return KActionRenewRST200404;
  1034             }
  1035         }
  1036     }
  1037 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1038 // getter for action response (depends on version)
  1039 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1040 //
  1041 const TDesC8& CWSStarTrustClient::GetActionResponse()
  1042     {
  1043     if (!iRenewingMode)
  1044         {
  1045         if (*iVersion == KTrustNamespace200502)
  1046             {
  1047             return KActionIssueRSTR200502;
  1048             }
  1049         else
  1050             {
  1051             return KActionIssueRSTR200404;   
  1052             }
  1053         }
  1054     else
  1055         {
  1056         if (*iVersion == KTrustNamespace200502)
  1057             {
  1058             return KActionRenewRSTR200502;      
  1059             }
  1060         else
  1061             {
  1062             return KActionRenewRSTR200404;
  1063             }
  1064         }
  1065     }
  1066 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1067 // getter for request type (depends on version)
  1068 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1069 //
  1071 const TDesC8& CWSStarTrustClient::GetRequestType()
  1072     {
  1073     if (!iRenewingMode)
  1074         {
  1075         if (*iVersion == KTrustNamespace200502)
  1076             {
  1077             return KRequestTypeIssueRST200502;
  1078             }
  1079         else
  1080             {
  1081             return KRequestTypeIssueRST200404;   
  1082             }
  1083         }
  1084     else
  1085         {
  1086         if (*iVersion == KTrustNamespace200502)
  1087             {
  1088             return KRequestTypeRenewRST200502;      
  1089             }
  1090         else
  1091             {
  1092             return KRequestTypeRenewRST200404;
  1093             }
  1094         }
  1095     }
  1096 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1097 // getter for policy namespace(depends on version)
  1098 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1099 //
  1101 const TDesC8& CWSStarTrustClient::GetPolicyNs()
  1102     {
  1103     if (*iVersion == KTrustNamespace200502)
  1104         {
  1105         return KPolicyNamespace200409;
  1106         }
  1107     else
  1108         {
  1109         return KPolicyNamespace200212 ;   
  1110         }
  1111     }
  1113 TBool CWSStarTrustClient::HasSuperClass( TDescriptionClassType aType )
  1114     {
  1115     if( aType == MSenServiceDescription::ESenInternalServiceConsumer ) // direct superclass!
  1116         {
  1117         // If asked type is the know *direct* father/mother, return true:
  1118         return ETrue; 
  1119         } 
  1120     else
  1121         {
  1122         // Otherwise, ask from superclass (chain, recursively)
  1123         return CSenInternalServiceConsumer::HasSuperClass( aType ); 
  1124         }
  1125     }
  1127 void CWSStarTrustClient::SetHandlerCtx(MSenHandlerContext* aHndCtx)
  1128     {
  1129     iHndCtx = aHndCtx;
  1130     }
  1131 TBool CWSStarTrustClient::HasEqualPrimaryKeysL(MSenServiceDescription& aCandidate)
  1132     {
  1133     TBool retVal(EFalse);
  1134     if ( CSenWSDescription::HasEqualPrimaryKeysL(aCandidate) )
  1135         {
  1136         // Endpoint, Contract and FrameworkID match, all of them.
  1137         // Now, in WS-*, also check ProviderID
  1138         if (aCandidate.DescriptionClassType() == DescriptionClassType())
  1139             {
  1140             CWSStarTrustClient& trustCandidate = (CWSStarTrustClient&)aCandidate;
  1141             if (trustCandidate.ProviderID() == ProviderID())
  1142                 {
  1143                 retVal = ETrue;
  1144                 }
  1145             }
  1146         }
  1147     return retVal; 
  1148     }
  1149 /*
  1150 TBool CWSStarTrustClient::HasEqualPrimaryKeysL(MSenServiceDescription& aCandidate)
  1151     {
  1152     TBool retVal(EFalse);
  1153     //if ( aCandidate.Endpoint() == Endpoint() &&  aCandidate.Contract() == Contract() && aCandidate.FrameworkId() == FrameworkId() )
  1154     if ( CSenWSDescription::HasEqualPrimaryKeysL(aCandidate) )
  1155         {
  1156         // Endpoint, Contract and FrameworkID match, all of them.
  1157         // Now, in WS-*, also check ProviderID
  1158         TPtrC8 providerID = ContentOf( WSStarSession::KProviderIdElementLocalName );
  1159         CSenWSDescription& xmlSD = (CSenWSDescription&)aCandidate;
  1160         CSenElement* idElement = xmlSD.AsElement().Element( WSStarSession::KProviderIdElementLocalName );
  1161         if ( idElement && idElement->Content() == providerID ) 
  1162             {
  1163             // candidate has ProviderID element, which is equal with this sessions's provider ID
  1164             retVal = ETrue;
  1165             }
  1166         }
  1167     return retVal;    
  1168     }
  1169 */
  1171 void CWSStarTrustClient::AdaptStsEndpointL(TBool aToOrginal)	//codescannerwarnings
  1172     {
  1173     if (aToOrginal)
  1174         {
  1175         iSTSSession->SetEndPointL(*iSTSOrginalEndpoint);
  1176         return;
  1177         }
  1179     delete iSTSOrginalEndpoint;
  1180     iSTSOrginalEndpoint = NULL;
  1181     iSTSOrginalEndpoint = iSTSSession->Endpoint().AllocL();        
  1182     HBufC8* address = NULL;
  1183     if (iTokenType)
  1184         {
  1185         address = CWSStarPolicy::GetPolicyValueL(*iTokenType, KIssuedToken, KAddress, *iHndCtx, iSTSSession);    
  1186         }
  1187     else
  1188         {
  1189         address = CWSStarPolicy::GetPolicyValueL(KIssuedToken, KAddress, *iHndCtx, iSTSSession);    
  1190         }
  1192     if (address)
  1193         {
  1194         iSTSSession->SetEndPointL(*address);
  1195         TLSLOG_L(KSenCoreServiceManagerLogChannelBase  , KMinLogLevel,"CWSStarTrustClient::AdaptStsEndpoint() - endpoint replaced by value from policy");
  1196         }
  1197     delete address;
  1198     address = NULL;
  1199     }
  1200 TBool CWSStarTrustClient::Matches(MSenServiceDescription& aOtherServiceDescription)
  1201     {
  1202     return iSTSSession->Matches(aOtherServiceDescription);
  1203     }
  1204 void CWSStarTrustClient::SetDataTrafficDetails( TSenDataTrafficDetails& aDetails) 		
  1205 	{
  1206 	iTrustDetails = aDetails;
  1207 	}
  1208 // End of file