--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/webservices/wsstar/wsstarplugin/inc/wsstarplugin.h Thu Jan 07 16:19:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Header declaration
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <flogger.h>
+#include "senserviceinvocationframework.h" // internal Framework\inc
+#include "wsstarcons.h"
+#include "sensessionhandler.h"
+#include "senmessagehandler.h"
+#include "wsstarhandlercontext.h"
+#include "wsstarsessioncontext.h"
+#include "wsstarmessagecontext.h"
+#include "SenSoapMessage.h"
+#include "SenXmlConstants.h"
+#include "SenSoapConstants.h"
+typedef RSenPointerMap<TDesC8, TDesC8> RMapHandlers;
+ * WSStar Plugin framework.
+ * An implementation of the CSIF definition. This is concrete
+ * class, instance of which ECOM framework gives to ECOM clients.
+ */
+class CWSStarPlugin : public CSIF
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Function: NewL
+ *
+ * Description: Create instance of concrete implementation. Note that ECOM
+ * interface implementations can only have two signatures for
+ * NewL:
+ * - NewL without parameters (used here)
+ * - NewL with TAny* pointer, which may provide some client
+ * data
+ *
+ * @return Instance of this class.
+ *
+ * Note: The interface, which is abstract base class of this
+ * implementation, also provides NewL method. Normally abstract
+ * classes do not provide NewL, because they cannot create
+ * instances of themselves.
+ * @since S60 4.0
+ */
+ static CWSStarPlugin* NewL(TAny* aManager);
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Methods implementing CSIF ECOM interface
+ * For convenience of components classes
+ * @since S60 4.0
+ */
+ //RFileLogger* Log() const;
+ /**
+ * Return a system wide unique string to identify this framework
+ *
+ * @return TDesC8 that uniquely identifies this framework.
+ * @since S60 4.0
+ */
+ virtual const TDesC8& Id();
+ /**
+ * Try to find one or more session services that match the given
+ * ServiceDescription.If not finded new session is created and added into
+ * coreManager
+ * Return the number of ServiceDescriptions that were added.
+ *
+ * @param aPattern - A ServiceDescriptin that should be treated as a
+ * pattern
+ * @param aRemoteConsumer - the consumer sending the request
+ * @param aErrorMsg - in case that return value is negative, this may contain
+ * error as descriptor (SOAP Fault etc)
+ * @return (TInt) count of matching ServiceDescriptions that were added or error
+ * @since S60 4.0
+ */
+ virtual TInt AddServiceDescriptionL( MSenServiceDescription& aPattern,
+ MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aRemoteConsumer,
+ HBufC8*& aErrorMsg );
+ /**
+ * Attempt to register the ServiceDescription.
+ * In fact session is created but not vaidated and added into CoreManager.
+ * So registering different to adding that it doesnt validate, just register.
+ * Common issue is increase core database by one session (validated or not)
+ * @param aServiceDescription A ServiceDescription
+ *
+ * @return TInt aError - indicates the error or KErrNone if successful
+ * @since S60 4.0
+ */
+ virtual TInt RegisterServiceDescriptionL(MSenServiceDescription& aServiceDescription);
+ /**
+ * Attempt to unregister the ServiceDescription from the ServiceManager
+ * that owns the framework.
+ * This is a callback used by the ServiceManager.
+ *
+ * @param aServiceDescription A ServiceDescription
+ *
+ * @return TInt aError - indicates the error or KErrNone if successful
+ * @since S60 4.0
+ */
+ virtual TInt UnregisterServiceDescriptionL(
+ MSenServiceDescription& aServiceDescription);
+ /**
+ * Create a ServiceSession based upon the given ServiceDescription.
+ * The ServiceSession is expected to be "valid", i.e. ready for use
+ * by a client.
+ *
+ * @param aServiceDescription A ServiceDescription
+ *
+ * @param aNewSession (CSenServiceSession)
+ *
+ * @return TInt error or KErrNone if successful
+ * @since S60 4.0
+ */
+ virtual TInt CreateServiceSessionL( MSenServiceDescription& aServiceDescription,
+ MSenServiceDescription& aPattern,
+ CSenServiceSession*& aNewSession,
+ MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aRemoteConsumer,
+ HBufC8*& /* aErrorMsg */ );
+ /**
+ * Return a new instance of a framework specific class that
+ * implements the ServiceDesccription interface.
+ *
+ * @param new service description
+ * (which typically derives from CSenServiceSession)
+ *
+ * @return TInt error or KErrNone if successful
+ * @since S60 4.0
+ */
+ virtual CSenWSDescription* NewServiceDescriptionL();
+ /**
+ * Return the ServiceManager for which this instance is working.
+ * This is used by the ServiceSession instances created by this framework.
+ *
+ * Note, in Sen, MSenCoreServiceManager IS SINGLETON(!), so all Frameworks
+ * return their "owner" - that is - the only service manager in
+ * Sen Framework
+ *
+ * @return (MSenCoreServiceManager)
+ * @since S60 4.0
+ */
+ virtual MSenCoreServiceManager& Manager();
+ /**
+ * Set the ServiceManager to which this instance reports.
+ * The (singleton) ServiceManager calls this method when
+ * it instantiates a framework.
+ *
+ * @param aServiceManager The singleton ServiceManager in the system.
+ * @since S60 4.0
+ */
+ virtual void SetManager(MSenCoreServiceManager& aServiceManager);
+ /**
+ * Return an object that can do SAX based parsing of a XML fragment
+ * that contains framework specific configuration information.
+ * The ServiceManager asks for this BaseFragment upon startup
+ * in order to give this framework a chance to read its configuration
+ * information from the central ServiceManager configuration document.
+ *
+ * @return (CSenBaseFragment)
+ * @since S60 4.0
+ */
+ virtual CSenBaseFragment& ConfigParser();
+ /**
+ * Read the ServiceInvocationFramework configuration.
+ * This method is invoked by the ServiceManager when it read config.
+ * @since S60 4.0
+ */
+ virtual void StartElementL(const TDesC8& aNsUri,
+ const TDesC8& aLocalName,
+ const TDesC8& aQName,
+ const RAttributeArray& aAttrs);
+ /**
+ * Read the ServiceInvocationFramework configuration.
+ * This method is invoked by the ServiceManager when it read config.
+ * @since S60 4.0
+ */
+ virtual void EndElementL(const TDesC8& aNsUri,
+ const TDesC8& aLocalName,
+ const TDesC8& aQName);
+ //derived from SenBaseFragment
+ virtual HBufC8* AsXmlL();
+ virtual HBufC* AsXmlUnicodeL();
+ //derived from SIF
+ virtual TInt OnEvent(const TInt aEvent,
+ TAny* /* aArgument */);
+ virtual TAny* ExtendedInterface();
+ virtual TInt SetTransportPropertiesL(MSenTransport& /* aTransport */);
+ //----------------------Outbound direction
+ /**
+ * Function: temporary. Call in proper order session handlers during validation phase
+ * @return number of added descriptions into coreManager or error
+ * @since S60 4.0
+ */
+ TInt ProcessOutboundValidationL( MSenServiceDescription& aPattern,
+ MSenRemoteServiceSession* aRemoteServiceSession,
+ HBufC8*& aErrorMessage );
+ /**
+ * Function: temporary. Call in proper order message handlers during outbound message phase
+ * @return symbian error
+ * @since S60 4.0
+ */
+ TInt ProcessOutboundMessageL( CWSStarMessageContext*& aMsgCtx,
+ const TDesC8* aBody,
+ CSenSoapMessage*& aReadyMsg );
+ //----------------------Inbound direction
+ /**
+ * Function: temporary. Call in proper order message handlers during inbound message phase
+ * @return symbian error
+ * @since S60 4.0
+ */
+ TInt ProcessInboundMessageL( CWSStarMessageContext*& aMsgCtx,
+ CSenSoapMessage*& aMsg );
+ /**
+ * Function: temporary. Call in proper order session handlers during inbound dispatch phase
+ * @return symbian error
+ * @since S60 4.0
+ */
+ TInt ProcessInboundDispatchL( MSenRemoteServiceSession* aRemoteServiceSession,
+ CSenSoapMessage*& aMsg );
+ //----------------------temporary methods
+ // (till moment when engine with handlers will be available)
+ MSenHandler* Handler(const TDesC8& aCue);
+ TInt DeviceId(TPtrC8& aValue);
+ MSenHandler* PolicyHandler();
+ TInt PolicyConsumerAddedL(CSenServiceSession* aNewSession, MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aRemoteConsumer);
+ public: // destructor
+ virtual ~CWSStarPlugin();
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * Function: CSenWsiPlugin
+ *
+ * Discussion: Perform the first phase of two phase construction
+ */
+ CWSStarPlugin(MSenCoreServiceManager& aManager);
+ /**
+ * Function: ConstructL
+ *
+ * Discussion: Perform the second phase construction of a
+ * CImplementationClassPlus object.
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ private:
+ void AddHandlerTag(TPtr8& aXml, const TDesC8& aHandlerClassName);
+ void AddHandlerL(const TDesC8& aHandlerClassName, const TDesC8& aVersion, SenHandler::THandlerType aType);
+ void RemoveHandler(const TDesC8& aCue);
+ void GenerateDeviceIdL();
+ TInt IssuePolicyDownloadL( CSenWSDescription* aSession );
+ void VerifyPermissionOnEachSessionL();
+ private: // data
+ MSenCoreServiceManager& iManager;
+ //mesg handlers has to be separate to session handlers (separate table) becouse common handlerBase
+ // doesnt have name method
+ RPointerArray<CSenMessageHandler> iMsgHandlers;
+ RPointerArray<CSenSessionHandler> iSessionHandlers;
+ RSenPointerMap<TDesC8, TDesC8> iVersions;
+ RPointerArray<CWSStarHandlerContext> iHandlerContexts;
+ HBufC8* iDeviceId;
+ TBool iDbReadDone;
+ TInt iConsumerCount;
+ };
+#endif // WSSTAR_PLUGIN_H