changeset 0 62f9d29f7211
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/webservices/wsstar/wsstarpolicy/src/wspolicyreader.cpp	Thu Jan 07 16:19:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:      
+#include "wspolicyreader.h"
+#include "policyassertion.h"
+#include "andcompositeassertion.h"
+#include "xorcompositeassertion.h"
+#include "assertion.h"
+#include "primitiveassertion.h"
+#include "policyreferenceassertion.h"
+using namespace WSPolicy;
+CWSPolicyReader* CWSPolicyReader::NewL()
+     CWSPolicyReader* pSelf = CWSPolicyReader::NewLC();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(pSelf);
+    return pSelf;
+CWSPolicyReader* CWSPolicyReader::NewLC()
+       CWSPolicyReader* pSelf = new (ELeave) CWSPolicyReader();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(pSelf);
+    pSelf->ConstructL();
+    return pSelf;
+void CWSPolicyReader::ConstructL()
+CPolicyAssertion* CWSPolicyReader::GetPolicyL(CSenElement* aPolicy)
+    CPolicyAssertion* policy = ReadPolicyL(aPolicy);
+    if(policy)
+        return policy;
+    else
+        return NULL;
+CPolicyAssertion* CWSPolicyReader::ReadPolicyL(CSenElement* aEle)
+    if(!aEle)
+    return NULL;
+    CPolicyAssertion* policy = CPolicyAssertion::NewL();
+    TPtrC8 kwsuid(KWsuId);
+    TPtrC8 id = GetAttribL(kwsuid, aEle);
+    if (id != KNullDesC8())
+    {
+        policy->SetIdL(id);
+    }
+    RPointerArray<MAssertion> terms;
+    ReadTermsL(aEle, terms);
+    policy->AddTerms(terms);
+    terms.Reset();
+    return policy;
+CAndCompositeAssertion* CWSPolicyReader::ReadAndAssertionL(CSenElement* aEle)
+	CAndCompositeAssertion* andAssert = CAndCompositeAssertion::NewL();
+    RPointerArray<MAssertion> terms;
+    ReadTermsL(aEle, terms);
+    andAssert->AddTerms(terms);
+    terms.Reset();
+    return andAssert;
+CXorCompositeAssertion* CWSPolicyReader::ReadXorAssertionL(CSenElement* aEle)
+	CXorCompositeAssertion* xorAssert = CXorCompositeAssertion::NewL();
+    RPointerArray<MAssertion> terms;
+    ReadTermsL(aEle, terms);
+    xorAssert->AddTerms(terms);
+    terms.Reset();
+    return xorAssert;
+CAssertion* CWSPolicyReader::ReadAssertionL(CSenElement* aEle)
+	TPtrC8 nsUri = aEle->NamespaceURI();
+	TPtrC8 localName = aEle->LocalName();
+	if(nsUri.Length() == 0 || localName.Length() == 0)
+	    return NULL;
+		if (!(nsUri == KWsPolicyNsUri)) 
+		{
+			return ReadPrimitiveAssertionL(aEle);
+		}
+		if (localName == KWsPolicy)
+		{
+			return ReadPolicyL(aEle);
+		}
+		else if (localName == KAndCompositeAssertion)
+		{
+          return ReadAndAssertionL(aEle);
+		}
+		else if (localName == KXorCompositeAssertion)
+		{
+			return ReadXorAssertionL(aEle);
+		}
+		else if (localName == KWsPolicyReference ) 
+		{
+			return ReadPolicyReferenceL(aEle);
+		} 
+		else 
+		{
+		    return NULL;
+		}
+CPolicyReferenceAssertion* CWSPolicyReader::ReadPolicyReferenceL(CSenElement* aEle)
+    TPtrC8 id = GetAttribL(KUri(), aEle);
+    if(id.Length() > 0)
+    {
+        return CPolicyReferenceAssertion::NewL(id);    
+    }
+    return NULL;    
+CPrimitiveAssertion* CWSPolicyReader::ReadPrimitiveAssertionL(CSenElement* aEle)
+    TPtrC8 localName = aEle->LocalName();//GetQname
+    TPtrC8 nsprefix = aEle->NsPrefix();
+    TPtrC8 nsuri= aEle->NamespaceURI();
+    if(localName.Length() == 0 || nsprefix.Length() == 0 || nsuri.Length() == 0)    
+    return NULL;
+    CPrimitiveAssertion* result = CPrimitiveAssertion::NewL(localName,nsprefix,nsuri);
+    RAttributeMap attribs(ETrue,ETrue);
+    GetAttributesL(aEle, attribs);
+    result->SetAttributesL(attribs);
+    attribs.Reset();
+    TPtrC8 isOptional = result->GetAttributeValue(KWspOptinal);
+    if(isOptional == KWspOptinalTrue)
+    {
+        result->SetOptional(ETrue);
+    }
+    else if(isOptional == KWspOptinalFalse)
+    {
+        result->SetOptional(EFalse);
+        result->RemoveAttribute(KWspOptinal);
+    }
+    // setting the text value ..
+    if(aEle->HasContent())
+    {
+        TPtrC8 strValue = aEle->Content();    
+        if(strValue != KNullDesC8())
+    	result->SetStrValueL(strValue);
+    }
+    RPointerArray<CSenElement> childElements = aEle->ElementsL();
+    for (TInt i=0; i<childElements.Count(); i++ )
+    {
+        CSenElement* childElement = childElements[i];
+        if(childElement && childElement->LocalName() == KWsPolicy
+            && childElement->NamespaceURI() == KWsPolicyNsUri)
+        {
+            CPolicyAssertion* policy = ReadPolicyL(childElement);
+    		result->AddTerm(policy);
+    	} 
+    	else
+    	{
+    		CPrimitiveAssertion* pa = ReadPrimitiveAssertionL(childElement);
+    		result->AddTerm(pa);
+    	}
+    }
+    return result;
+void CWSPolicyReader::ReadTermsL(CSenElement* aEle, RPointerArray<MAssertion>& aTerms)
+	RPointerArray<CSenElement> childElements = aEle->ElementsL();
+    for (TInt i=0; i<childElements.Count(); i++ )
+    {
+        CSenElement* obj = childElements[i];
+        if(obj)
+        {
+            MAssertion* ass = ReadAssertionL(obj);
+            if(ass)
+            {
+                aTerms.Append(ass);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void CWSPolicyReader::GetAttributesL(CSenElement* aEle, RAttributeMap& aAttributes)
+	RPointerArray<CSenBaseAttribute> attribs = aEle->AttributesL();
+    for (TInt i=0; i<attribs.Count(); i++ )
+    {
+        CSenBaseAttribute* obj = attribs[i];
+        if(obj)
+        {
+            TPtrC8 name = obj->Name();
+            TPtrC8 value = obj->Value();
+            aAttributes.Append(name.AllocL(), value.AllocL()); 
+        }
+    }
+TPtrC8 CWSPolicyReader::GetAttribL(TPtrC8 aReference, CSenElement* aEle)
+    RPointerArray<CSenBaseAttribute>& attrs = aEle->AttributesL();
+    CSenBaseAttribute* bs = NULL;
+    TInt ele_count = attrs.Count();
+    for (TInt j=0; j < ele_count; j++)
+        {
+         bs = (attrs)[j];
+         if(bs->Name().Compare(aReference) == 0)
+         {
+            return bs->Value();
+         }
+         }
+    return KNullDesC8();