--- a/webservices/wshttpchanneltransportplugin/src/senhttpchannelimpl.cpp Tue Apr 27 17:46:55 2010 +0300
+++ b/webservices/wshttpchanneltransportplugin/src/senhttpchannelimpl.cpp Tue May 11 17:14:12 2010 +0300
@@ -16,15 +16,6 @@
#include <uri8.h>
#include <es_sock.h>
#include <in_sock.h>
@@ -185,10 +176,6 @@
// Ask IAP from user
void CSenHttpChannelImpl::ConstructL()
- // Open connection to the file logger server
- TLSLOG_OPEN(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase, KSenHttpChannelLogLevel, KSenHttpChannelLogDir, KSenHttpChannelLogFile);
- TLSLOG(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,(_L("CSenHttpChannelImpl::ConstructL - Log file opened")));
// Open the RHTTPSession
TLSLOG(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,(_L("- Opening HTTP/TCP session.")));
@@ -252,10 +239,11 @@
#ifndef __ENABLE_ALR__
- const TInt result = SetIapPrefsL(aIapId, ETrue, iConnection, iSockServ);
- User::LeaveIfError( result );
+ if(aIapId > 0)
+ {
+ const TInt result = SetIapPrefsL(aIapId, ETrue, iConnection, iSockServ);
+ User::LeaveIfError( result );
+ }
@@ -292,18 +280,16 @@
- // Close the log file and the connection to the server.
- TLSLOG(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,(_L("Log file closed.")));
- TLSLOG_CLOSE(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase);
+ TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,"CSenHttpChannelImpl::~CSenHttpChannelImpl() Completed");
TInt CSenHttpChannelImpl::SetIapPrefsL( TUint32 aIapId, TBool aDialogPref, RConnection& aConnection, RSocketServ& aSocketServer )
- TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("- SetIapPrefsL , IAP ID (%d)"), aIapId));
+ TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("- SetIapPrefsL , aIapId (%d)"), aIapId));
+ TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("- SetIapPrefsL , iIapId (%d)"), iIapId));
// Check whether IAP ID is not equal with the one that is currently in effect:
- if(iExplicitIapDefined && iIapId == aIapId )
+ if(iExplicitIapDefined || iIapId == aIapId && iIapId > 0)
TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,"- SetIapPrefsL: Iap Id is same as currently in effect");
return KErrNone;
@@ -323,13 +309,21 @@
- // Connect to a socket server
- TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,"- SetIapPrefsL: Connecting to new socket server");
- User::LeaveIfError( aSocketServer.Connect() );
- // Open new connection
- TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,"- SetIapPrefsL: Opening new RConnection using the socket server.");
- User::LeaveIfError( aConnection.Open(aSocketServer) );
+ if(aConnection.SubSessionHandle())
+ {
+ TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,"- SetSnapPrefsL: Re-using existing RConnection => calling RConnection::Stop");
+ aConnection.Stop();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Connect to a socket server
+ TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,"- SetIapPrefsL: Connecting to new socket server");
+ User::LeaveIfError( aSocketServer.Connect() );
+ // Open new connection
+ TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,"- SetIapPrefsL: Opening new RConnection using the socket server.");
+ User::LeaveIfError( aConnection.Open(aSocketServer) );
+ }
// Set the IAP selection preferences (IAP ID, do not prompt)
@@ -419,17 +413,39 @@
//TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, "- Setting up OCC Silent Connection");
- extPrefs.SetIapId(aId);
- extPrefs.SetSnapId(0);
+ if(aId != 0)
+ {
+ extPrefs.SetIapId(aId);
+ extPrefs.SetSnapId(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ extPrefs.SetSnapPurpose(CMManager::ESnapPurposeInternet);
+ extPrefs.SetConnSelectionDialog(ETrue);
+ }
retVal = aConnection.Start(prefList);
if(retVal == KErrNone)
- iIapId = aId;
+ if(aId == 0)
+ {
+ aConnection.GetIntSetting( _L("IAP\\Id"), iIapId);
+ TName name;
+ retVal = aConnection.Name(name);
+ if(retVal == KErrNone)
+ {
+ TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("IAP Name [%S]"), &name));
+ }
+ TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("GetIntSetting returned IAP [%d]"), iIapId));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iIapId = aId;
+ }
- TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("IAP ->Start retVal [%d]"), retVal));
+ TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("IAP ->Start retVal [%d]"), retVal));
@@ -457,6 +473,7 @@
TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, "- Setting SnapPurpose Internet");
if(aDialogPref) //If it fails because of unavailibility of access points
+ TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, "- Fails because of unavailibility of access points");
@@ -474,6 +491,7 @@
+ TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, "SetID: RConnection Start");
retVal = aConnection.Start(prefList);
TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("RConnection Start retval[%d]"), retVal));
if(retVal == KErrNone)
@@ -494,7 +512,7 @@
- if (!retVal)
+ if (!retVal && !aSNAP)
iExplicitIapDefined = ETrue;
@@ -505,7 +523,7 @@
TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("- CSenHttpChannelImpl::SetSnapPrefsL, SNAP ID (%d)"), aSnapId));
// Check whether SNAP ID is not equal with the one that is currently in effect:
- if(iExplicitIapDefined && iSnapId == aSnapId )
+ if(iExplicitIapDefined && iSnapId == aSnapId)
TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,"- SetSnapPrefsL: Sanp is same as currently in effect");
return KErrNone;
@@ -524,13 +542,21 @@
- // Connect to a socket server
- TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,"- SetSnapPrefsL: Connecting to new socket server");
- User::LeaveIfError( aSocketServer.Connect() );
- // Open new connection
- TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,"- SetSnapPrefsL: Opening new RConnection using the socket server.");
- User::LeaveIfError( aConnection.Open(aSocketServer) );
+ if(aConnection.SubSessionHandle())
+ {
+ TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,"- SetSnapPrefsL: Re-using existing RConnection => calling RConnection::Stop");
+ aConnection.Stop();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Connect to a socket server
+ TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,"- SetSnapPrefsL: Connecting to new socket server");
+ User::LeaveIfError( aSocketServer.Connect() );
+ // Open new connection
+ TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,"- SetSnapPrefsL: Opening new RConnection using the socket server.");
+ User::LeaveIfError( aConnection.Open(aSocketServer) );
+ }
@@ -557,7 +583,7 @@
// there is NO direct API to query effective SNAP ID from CommsDB.
if (!retVal)
- iExplicitIapDefined = ETrue;
+ //iExplicitIapDefined = ETrue;
iSnapId = aSnapId;
return retVal;
@@ -697,13 +723,20 @@
// => only if property is set, and has value "FALSE", show PROMPT
prompt = ETrue;
+ TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("CSenHttpChannelImpl::InvokeHttpMethodL - iIapId [%d]"), iIapId));
#ifndef __ENABLE_ALR__
+ TInt propRetVal = aProps.IapIdL(id);
// Independent of dialog preference (property's existance), if IAP was predefined, it must be set
- if(((aProps.IapIdL(id)) == KErrNone))
+ if(propRetVal == KErrNone)
+ TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("CSenHttpChannelImpl::InvokeHttpMethodL SetIapPrefs - id [%d]"), id));
retVal = SetIapPrefsL(id, prompt, iConnection, iSockServ);
+ else if(iIapId > 0)
+ {
+ TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("CSenHttpChannelImpl::InvokeHttpMethodL SetIapPrefs - iIapId [%d]"), iIapId));
+ retVal = SetIapPrefsL(iIapId, prompt, iConnection, iSockServ);
+ }
else if(((aProps.SnapIdL(id)) == KErrNone))
retVal = SetSnapPrefsL(id, prompt, iConnection, iSockServ);
@@ -726,7 +759,8 @@
TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("Set Snap/IAP prefs retVal [%d]"), retVal));
TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,"CSenHttpChannelImpl::InvokeHttpMethodL After User::Leave");
- TInt ret= iConnection.GetIntSetting(_L("IAP\\Id"), iUsedIapId);
+ //TInt ret= iConnection.GetIntSetting(_L("IAP\\Id"), iUsedIapId);
+ iUsedIapId = iIapId;
// Check transport properties
TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("IAP/SNAP %d"), id));
@@ -1588,6 +1622,7 @@
void CSenHttpChannelImpl::HandleRunErrorL(RHTTPTransaction aTransaction,
TInt aError)
+ TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMaxLogLevel,"CSenHttpChannelImpl::HandleRunErrorL()");
TInt txnId = aTransaction.Id();
TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("CSenHttpChannelImpl::HandleRunErrorL( %d ): %d"),txnId, aError));
CSenTxnState* pTxnState = FindTxnState(txnId);
@@ -1598,6 +1633,7 @@
+ TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMaxLogLevel,"CSenHttpChannelImpl::HandleRunErrorL() Completed");
void CSenHttpChannelImpl::HandleRedirectRequiresConfirmationL(
@@ -1905,22 +1941,25 @@
TBool CSenHttpChannelImpl::EffectiveIapId( TUint32 &aIapId )
- TInt handle = iConnection.SubSessionHandle();
+ /*
+ TInt handle = iConnection.SubSessionHandle();
if (handle>0)
- TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("CSenHttpChannelImpl::EffectiveIapId(): Current RConnection's subsession handle(%d)"), handle ));
- TUint connEnum(0);
- TInt err = iConnection.EnumerateConnections(connEnum);
- if (!err && !connEnum)
- {
- return EFalse;
- }
+ TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("CSenHttpChannelImpl::EffectiveIapId(): Current RConnection's subsession handle(%d)"), handle ));
+ TUint connEnum(0);
+ TInt err = iConnection.EnumerateConnections(connEnum);
+ TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("CSenHttpChannelImpl::EffectiveIapId - EnumerateConnections retVal [%d]"), err ));
+ if (!err && !connEnum)
+ {
+ TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,"CSenHttpChannelImpl::EffectiveIapId returns");
+ return EFalse;
+ }
TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel," -> RConnection has not been initialized.");
+ */
if( iExplicitIapDefined )
TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8(" - IAP ID is known: %d"), iIapId ));
@@ -1930,24 +1969,25 @@
TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel," - IAP ID is not known.");
- if( handle && !iExplicitIapDefined )
- {
+ if(/* handle && */!iExplicitIapDefined )
+ {
// Eventhough IAP was not explicitely set (through Serene API), this
// code can check what IAP end-user provided via IAP selection dialog:
TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,"CSenHttpChannelImpl::EffectiveIapId: about to call RConnection::GetIntSetting()");
- _LIT( KIapIdKey, "IAP\\Id" );
- iConnection.GetIntSetting( KIapIdKey, iIapId);
- if ( iIapId > 0 )
- {
+ //_LIT( KIapIdKey, "IAP\\Id" );
+ //iConnection.GetIntSetting( KIapIdKey, iIapId);
+ if ( iIapId > 0 )
+ {
TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("---- GetIntSetting(): retuens IAP(%d)"), iIapId ));
- // Treat the end-user selection as "explicit" definition as well(!):
- iExplicitIapDefined = ETrue;
- }
- }
- if( iExplicitIapDefined )
- {
- aIapId = iIapId;
- }
+ // Treat the end-user selection as "explicit" definition as well(!):
+ iExplicitIapDefined = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ if( iExplicitIapDefined )
+ {
+ aIapId = iIapId;
+ }
+ TLSLOG_FORMAT((KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel, _L8("CSenHttpChannelImpl::EffectiveIapId() returns(%d)"), iExplicitIapDefined ));
return iExplicitIapDefined;
@@ -1968,4 +2008,17 @@
return iUsedIapId;
+void CSenHttpChannelImpl::ResetIapId()
+ {
+ TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,"CSenHttpChannelImpl::ResetIapId()");
+ iIapId = 0; //Reset to Zero in case of errors to enable other IAP
+ }
+void CSenHttpChannelImpl::ResetUsedIapId()
+ {
+ TLSLOG_L(KSenHttpChannelLogChannelBase , KMinLogLevel,"CSenHttpChannelImpl::ResetUsedIapId()");
+ iUsedIapId = 0; //Reset to Zero in case of errors to enable other IAP
+ }