* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Header declaration
#include <e32base.h>
#include "msenremoteserviceconsumer.h"
#include "senpointermap.h"
#include "SenSoapMessage.h"
#include "wsovimessagecontext.h"
typedef RSenPointerMap<TDesC8, HBufC8> RSentMessagesPointerMap;
class RFileLogger;
class CSenHttpTransportProperties;
Its wrapper for remote consumer. In the same time it inherits from remote consumer. Why?
Because we can not cast inside framework pluging to our WSOvi session a remote consumer,
which was created in core
Object can ot be extended to more complex class. Can be cast to narrow class, but not in other way
class CWSOviSessionConsumer : public CBase, public MSenRemoteServiceConsumer
public: // Constructors and destructor
static CWSOviSessionConsumer* NewL(MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aServiceConsumer);
static CWSOviSessionConsumer* NewLC(MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aServiceConsumer);
virtual ~CWSOviSessionConsumer();
// From MSenRemoteServiceConsumer:
TInt HandleMessageL(HBufC8* aMessage,
const TInt aTxnId,
MSenProperties* aResponseTransportProperties);
TInt HandleErrorL(HBufC8* aError,
const TInt aErrorCode,
const TInt aTxnId,
MSenProperties* aResponseTransportProperties);
void SetStatusL(const TInt status);
TInt MessageForSendingL(CSenHttpTransportProperties*& aTP,
CWSOviMessageContext*& aCtx);
// New functions
const TDesC8& Id() const;
TInt SetSessionL(MSenRemoteServiceSession& iServiceSession);
CSenIdentifier& Identifier() const;
const TDesC8& TransportProperties(const TDesC8& aMessageID) const;
MSenTransport& TransportL();
virtual TInt ChunkByTxnIdL(TInt aTxnId, CSenChunk*& aChunk);
virtual void FileProgress(TInt aTxnId, TBool aIncoming, TBool aIsSoap,
const TDesC8& aSoapOrCid, TInt aProgress);
TBool HasAuthenticationCallback();
TInt ReauthenticationNeededL(CSenIdentityProvider*& aIdp);
virtual void SetDataTrafficDetails(TSenDataTrafficDetails& aDetails) ;
* C++ default constructor.
CWSOviSessionConsumer(MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aServiceConsumer);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
private: // Data
MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& iConsumer;
RSentMessagesPointerMap iSentMessages; // owned
RMapDescriptors iSendReplyTo; // owned
RMapDescriptors iTranspProp;
// End of File