author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Wed, 09 Jun 2010 10:53:28 +0300
changeset 16 56092bff76ba
parent 9 6abf3d6055cd
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201021 Kit: 2010123

* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:           

#include "sensyncrequester.h"
#include "msentransport.h"
#include "msencoreservicemanager.h" // internal: Core\inc
#include "senidentifier.h"
#include "senguidgen.h"             // internal: Utils\inc
#include "MSenHostlet.h"
#include "MSenProperties.h"

EXPORT_C CSenSyncRequester* CSenSyncRequester::NewL(MSenTransport& aTransport,
                                                    MSenCoreServiceManager& aManager)
    CSenSyncRequester* pNew = CSenSyncRequester::NewLC(aTransport, aManager);
    return pNew;

EXPORT_C CSenSyncRequester* CSenSyncRequester::NewLC(MSenTransport& aTransport,
                                                     MSenCoreServiceManager& aManager)
    CSenSyncRequester* pNew = new (ELeave) CSenSyncRequester(aTransport, aManager);
    return pNew;

EXPORT_C CSenSyncRequester::~CSenSyncRequester()
    delete ipResponse;
    delete ipResponseProperties;
    delete ipConsumerId;
    delete ipIdentifier;

EXPORT_C CSenSyncRequester::CSenSyncRequester(MSenTransport& aTransport,
                                     MSenCoreServiceManager& aManager)

:   iTransport(aTransport),

EXPORT_C void CSenSyncRequester::BaseConstructL()
    ipConsumerId =  iServiceManager.RandomGuidL();
    ipIdentifier = CSenIdentifier::NewL(SenIdentifier::ESession, *ipConsumerId);

TInt CSenSyncRequester::SubmitL(const TDesC8& aEndpointUri,
                                const TDesC8& aMessage,
                                const TDesC8& aRequestTransportProperties,
                                HBufC8*& apResponseTo)
    iStatusCode = KErrNone;
    TInt txnId(KErrNone);
    TInt retCode = iTransport.SendL(aEndpointUri,
        // Wait here until a callback from transport is received:
        // Now read the response and return code from member variables,
        // and assign them to the references passed by the SubmitL caller:

        apResponseTo = ipResponse;
        ipResponse = NULL;
        //apResponseProperties = ipResponseProperties; // transport properties of the response.
        //ipResponseProperties = NULL;

        // On success, always return the transaction ID received from the transport:
        return txnId;
    else // error occurred
        // SendL failed, return the error immediately:
        return retCode;

TInt CSenSyncRequester::SendToConsumerL(HBufC8* apMessage,
                                        const TInt aTxnId,
                                        MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
                                        MSenProperties* aResponseTransportProperties)
    // SendToConsumerL method will be changed to provide reference to 
    // the transport properties which describe the RESPONSE, not request..
    return aConsumer.HandleMessageL(apMessage, aTxnId, aResponseTransportProperties);

TInt CSenSyncRequester::SendErrorToConsumerL(const TInt aErrorCode,
                                             HBufC8* apError,
                                             const TInt aTxnId,
                                             MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
                                             MSenProperties* aResponseTransportProperties)
    // SendErrorToConsumerL method will be changed to provide reference to 
    // the transport properties which describe the RESPONSE, not request..
    return aConsumer.HandleErrorL(apError, aErrorCode, aTxnId, aResponseTransportProperties);

// Note: this method is meant for those SESSION implementations, which
// actually are capable of handling certain errors between transport
// and session.
TInt CSenSyncRequester::HandleErrorL(const TInt aErrorCode,
                                     HBufC8* apError,
                                     const TInt /*aTxnId*/,
                                     MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& /*aConsumer*/,
                                     MSenProperties* /*aResponseTransportProperties*/)
    // NONE of the errors between transport and session are handled in this level:
    	delete apError;
    	apError = NULL;
    return aErrorCode; // simply bounce the error back to the caller

const TDesC8& CSenSyncRequester::Id() const
    return *ipConsumerId;

TInt CSenSyncRequester::SetSessionL(MSenRemoteServiceSession& /*aServiceSession*/)
    return KErrNone;

// From MSenRemoteServiceConsumer
TInt CSenSyncRequester::HandleMessageL(HBufC8* apMessage,
                                       const TInt aTxnId,
                                       MSenProperties* aResponseTransportProperties)
    iStatusCode = KErrNone;
    ipResponse = apMessage;
    if( aResponseTransportProperties ) 
        iResponsePropertiesType = aResponseTransportProperties->PropertiesClassType();
        ipResponseProperties = aResponseTransportProperties->AsUtf8L();
    // Now stop the SYNC wait in the SubmitL, so that the main thread 
    // of the Serene Core Active Scheduler can continue it's execution
    return aTxnId;

// From MSenServiceSession
TInt CSenSyncRequester::HandleErrorL(HBufC8* apError,
                                     const TInt aErrorCode,
                                     const TInt aTxnId,
                                     MSenProperties* aResponseTransportProperties)
    iStatusCode = aErrorCode;
    ipResponse = apError;
    if( aResponseTransportProperties ) 
        iResponsePropertiesType = aResponseTransportProperties->PropertiesClassType();
        ipResponseProperties = aResponseTransportProperties->AsUtf8L();
    // Now stop the SYNC wait in the SubmitL, so that the main thread 
    // of the Serene Core Active Scheduler can continue it's execution
    return aTxnId;

void CSenSyncRequester::SetStatusL(const TInt /*aStatus*/)
    // not implemented

MSenTransport& CSenSyncRequester::TransportL()
    return  (MSenTransport&)iTransport;

CSenIdentifier& CSenSyncRequester::Identifier() const
    return *ipIdentifier;

TInt CSenSyncRequester::ChunkByTxnIdL(TInt /* aTxnId */, CSenChunk*& /* aChunk */)
    return KErrNotSupported;

MSenRemoteHostlet* CSenSyncRequester::Hostlet() const
    return NULL;

TInt CSenSyncRequester::SendToHostletL(MSenRemoteHostlet& /* aReceiver */,
                                       const TDesC8& /* aMessage */,
                                       const TInt /* aTxnId */,
                                       MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& /* aFrom */,
                                       MSenProperties* /* aProperties */)
    return KErrNotSupported;

void CSenSyncRequester::FileProgress(TInt /*aTxnId*/, TBool /*aIncoming*/, TBool /*aIsSoap*/,
                const TDesC8& /*aSoapOrCid*/, TInt /*aProgress*/) 
void CSenSyncRequester::SetDataTrafficDetails( TSenDataTrafficDetails& /*aDetails*/)		
//  End of File