* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Header declaration
#include <SenTransportProperties.h>
_LIT8(KDeviceLCIDLocalName, "DeviceLCID");
_LIT8(KConnectionBoundLocalName, "ConnectionBound");
_LIT8(KConnectionTimeOutLocalName, "ConnectionTimeOut");
class CSenVtcpTransportProperties : public CSenTransportProperties
* Basic constructor.
* @return a pointer to new CSenVtcpTransportProperties class instance.
IMPORT_C static CSenVtcpTransportProperties* NewL();
* Basic constructor.
* @return a pointer to new CSenVtcpTransportProperties class instance.
IMPORT_C static CSenVtcpTransportProperties* NewLC();
* Basic constructor.
* @param aXmlUtf8
* @param aParser It is a XML reader
* @return a pointer to new CSenVtcpTransportProperties class instance.
IMPORT_C static CSenVtcpTransportProperties* NewL(const TDesC8& aXmlUtf8,
CSenXmlReader& aParser);
* Basic constructor.
* @param aXmlUtf8
* @param aParser It is a XML reader
* @return a pointer to new CSenVtcpTransportProperties class instance.
IMPORT_C static CSenVtcpTransportProperties* NewLC(const TDesC8& aXmlUtf8,
CSenXmlReader& aParser);
* Basic constructor.
* @param aElement
* @return a pointer to new CSenVtcpTransportProperties class instance.
IMPORT_C static CSenVtcpTransportProperties* NewL(const CSenElement& aElement);
* Basic constructor.
* @param aElement
* @return a pointer to new CSenVtcpTransportProperties class instance.
IMPORT_C static CSenVtcpTransportProperties* NewLC(const CSenElement& aElement);
// From MSenProperties
virtual void SetReader(CSenXmlReader& aReader);
virtual TSenPropertiesClassType PropertiesClassType();
virtual void WriteToL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream);
virtual void ReadFromL(const TDesC8& aBuffer);
virtual HBufC8* AsUtf8L();
virtual HBufC8* AsUtf8LC();
virtual TBool IsSafeToCast(TSenPropertiesClassType aClass);
virtual MSenProperties* CloneL() const;
virtual TInt SetPropertyL(const TDesC8& aName, const TDesC8& aValue);
virtual TInt PropertyL(const TDesC8& aName, TPtrC8& aValue);
virtual TInt SetPropertyL(const TDesC8& aName, const TDesC8& aValue, const TDesC8& aType);
virtual TInt PropertyL(const TDesC8& aName, TPtrC8& aValue, TPtrC8& aType);
virtual TInt SetIntPropertyL(const TDesC8& aName, const TInt aValue);
virtual TInt IntPropertyL(const TDesC8& aName, TInt& aValue);
virtual TInt SetBoolPropertyL(const TDesC8& aName, const TBool aValue);
virtual TInt BoolPropertyL(const TDesC8& aName, TBool& aValue);
* Gets the IAP ID.
* @param aCurrentIapId A TUint32 reference to be filled in with the
* value of the IAP ID.
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual TInt IapIdL(TUint32& aCurrentIapId);
* Sets the IAP ID.
* @param aIapId is the new IAP ID.
virtual void SetIapIdL(TUint32 aIapId);
* Gets the Proxy Port.
* @param aProxyPort A TInt reference to be filled in with the
* value of the Proxy Port.
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual TInt ProxyPortL(TInt& aProxyPort);
* Sets the Proxy Port.
* @param aProxyPort is the new Proxy Port.
virtual void SetProxyPortL(TInt aProxyPort);
* Gets the Proxy Host.
* @param aProxyHost A TPtrC8 reference to be filled in with the
* value of the Proxy Host.
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual TInt ProxyHostL(TPtrC8& aProxyHost);
* Sets the Proxy Host.
* @param aProxyHost is the new Proxy Host.
virtual void SetProxyHostL(const TDesC8& aProxyHost);
* Gets the Proxy Usage flag.
* @param aProxyUsage A TBool reference to be filled in with the
* value of the Proxy Usage.
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual TInt ProxyUsageL(TBool& aProxyUsage);
* Sets the Proxy Usage flag.
* @param aProxyUsage is the new value for Proxy Usage.
virtual void SetProxyUsageL(TBool aProxyUsage);
* Gets the information if SecureDialog is shown or not.
* @param aProxyUsage A TBool reference to be filled in with the
* value of the SecureDialog flag.
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual TInt SecureDialogL(TBool& aSecureDialog);
* Sets the flag which controls showing of SecureDialog.
* @param aSecureDialog is the new value for SecureDialog flag.
virtual void SetSecureDialogL(TBool aSecureDialog);
* Gets the UserAgent.
* @param aUserAgent A TPtrC8 reference to be filled in with the
* value of the UserAgent.
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual TInt UserAgentL(TPtrC8& aUserAgent);
* Sets the UserAgent.
* @param aUserAgent is the new User Agent.
virtual void SetUserAgentL(const TDesC8& aUserAgent);
* Gets the device ID
* @param aDeviceID A TPtrC8 reference to be filled in with the
* value of the Device ID.
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual TInt DeviceIDL(TPtrC8& aDeviceID);
* Sets the Device ID.
* @param aDeviceID is the new Device ID.
virtual void SetDeviceIDL(const TDesC8& aDeviceID);
* Gets the Action of message
* @param aAction A TPtrC8 reference to be filled in with the
* value of the Action.
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual TInt SoapActionL(TPtrC8& aAction);
* Sets the Action.
* @param aAction is the new Soap Action.
virtual void SetSoapActionL(const TDesC8& aAction);
* Apply binding.
* @param aSoapVersion is the version of Soap (1.1 or 1.2).
virtual void ApplyBindingL(TSOAPVersion aSoapVersion);
* Gets the device LCID
* @param aDeviceLCID A TPtrC8 reference to be filled in with the
* value of the Device LCID.
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual TInt DeviceLCIDL(TPtrC8& aDeviceLCID);
* Sets the Device LCID.
* @param aDeviceLCID is the new Device LCID.
virtual void SetDeviceLCIDL(const TDesC8& aDeviceLCID);
* Gets connection bound mode
* @param aConnectionBound A boolean reference used to return the
* connection value (ETrue if bounded).
* With virtual TCP, default is EFalse
* (unbound == persistant connection).
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual TInt ConnectionBoundL(TBool& aConnectionBound);
* Sets the connection bound mode.
* @param aConnectionBound is the connection bound mode
virtual void SetConnectionBoundL(const TBool& aConnectionBound);
* Gets virtual connection timeout
* @param aConnectionTimeOut A TPtrC8 reference to be filled in with the
* value of the connection time out
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual TInt ConnectionTimeOutL(TInt& aConnectionTimeOut);
* Sets the connection time out
* @param aConnectionTimeOut is the connection time out
virtual void SetConnectionTimeOutL(const TInt& aConnectionTimeOut);
* Gets download folder for incoming BLOB (binary large objects)
* @param aDownloadFolder - A TPtrC8 reference to be filled in with the
* value of the shared, public folder for downloaded
* content
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual TInt DownloadFolderL(TPtrC8& aDownloadFolder);
* Sets download folder for incoming BLOB (binary large objects)
* @param aDownloadFolder - shared, public folder for downloaded content
virtual void SetDownloadFolderL(const TDesC8& aDownloadFolder);
* Gets filename of file attachment
* @param aCid - cid for filename
* @param aFileName - filename of file attachment with current cid
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual TInt FileAttachmentL(const TDesC8& aCid, HBufC8*& aFileName);
* Sets filename of file attachment
* @param aCid - cid for filename
* @param aFileName - filename of file attachment with current cid
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual TInt SetFileAttachmentL(const TDesC8& aCid, const TDesC8& aFileName);
* Gets namespace of Microsoft schema
* @param aMwsNamespace - namespace
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual TInt MwsNamespaceL(TPtrC8& aMwsNamespace);
* Sets namespace of Microsoft schema
* @param aMwsNamespace - namespace
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual void SetMwsNamespaceL(const TDesC8& aMwsNamespace);
* Gets message ID
* @param aMessageId - is the id of the message
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual TInt MessageIdL(TPtrC8& aMessageId);
* Sets message ID. Typically, this property is set per each message, instead of
* applying the same message ID for whole consumer session (service connection)
* @param aMessageID - is the ID of the message
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual void SetMessageIdL(const TDesC8& aMessageId);
* Gets one-way message mode.
* @param aOnewayMsgOnOff A TBool reference to be filled in with the
* value of the one-way message mode.
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
IMPORT_C virtual TInt OnewayMessageOnOffL(TBool& aOnewayMessageOnOff);
* Sets the one-way message mode on/off. Typically, one-way
* messages are rarely used by default: instead, a request-
* response pair (consumer[request]<->[response]provider)
* transaction takes place.
* However, if one-way message mode is enabled, sending such
* message will typically result immediate callback from
* the transport (plug-in) itself. This means, that the
* actual service response from the provider is not being
* waited.
* Common use case to enable one-way message is when service
* connection is used in transmitting *responses* to notification
* request(s) that some remote consumer (from outside device) has
* sent earlier.
* Such notification requests may thus be received via hostlet
* connection (hc), and by enabling one-way message, once can reply
* via service connection, instead of calling hc->RespondL method.
* Furthermore, application might wish to enable one-way message
* mode to hostlet connection, if it is not interested of replying
* to these two-way notifications via hostlet connection, but wishes
* to use service connection instead.
* @param aOnewayMessageOnOff is the new value of one-way message mode.
IMPORT_C virtual void SetOnewayMessageOnOffL(TBool aOnewayMessageOnOff);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CSenVtcpTransportProperties();
protected: // base class functions
virtual void BaseConstructL(const TDesC8& aLocalname,
const TDesC8& aXml,
CSenXmlReader* aParser = NULL);
virtual void BaseConstructL(const CSenElement& aElement);
public: // Extensions
* Gets the (connection) heartbeat property value as int.
* @param aDelta A TInt reference to be filled in with the
* value of the heartbeat (in seconds).
* Positive value means that a heartbeat
* messages are sent to backend, keeping
* the socket connection open (longlived
* connection). Keeping heartbeat may be
* costy, but increases performance in
* scenarios, where multiple network
* transactions take place within short
* period (time window).
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
* KErrNotFound if shortlive connection defined
virtual TInt HeartbeatL(TInt& aDelta);
* Sets the (connection) heartbeat property value as int.
* Note, that with some transports, like vTCP, the heartbeat
* can also be used to control connection modes (longlive
* vs. shortlive connection).
* Hertbeat value is called also as delta.
* Together with delta You can also set parameters Min & Max TTL
* Long and short connection is set in different way, below guider.
* To setup longlive connection:
* delta : user defined
* min TTL : If not specified then the default value of 90 sec will be used
* max TTL : If not specified then the default value 1800 sec will be used
* To setup shortlive connection:
* delta : -1
* min TTL : If not specified then the default value of 90 sec will be used
* max TTL : ignored
* So, providing a negative value
* (-1) can be utilized to disable heartbeat and to switch
* the connection mode to a short lived state. With vTCP
* transport, if heartbeat of -1 is set, the socket will be
* kept open only for effective timeout value (shortlived),
* @param aDelta TInt reference to be filled in with
* the value of the heartbeat (in seconds)
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual TInt SetHeartbeatL(TInt aDelta);
* Sets the (connection) Max TTL for longlive connection.
* @see SetHeartbeatL(TInt aDelta)
* @param aMaxTTL TInt reference to be filled in with
* the value of the max TTL (in seconds)
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
IMPORT_C virtual TInt SetMaxTimeToLiveL(TInt aMaxTTL);
* Gets the (connection) max TTL property value as int.
* @see SetHeartbeatL(TInt aDelta)
* @param aMaxTTL A TInt reference to be filled in with the
* value of the max TTL (in seconds).
* @return KErrNotFound if shortlive connection defined
* KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
IMPORT_C virtual TInt MaxTimeToLiveL(TInt& aMaxTTL);
* Sets the (connection) Min TTL
* @see SetHeartbeatL(TInt aDelta)
* @param aMaxTTL TInt reference to be filled in with
* the value of the min TTL (in seconds)
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
IMPORT_C virtual TInt SetMinTimeToLiveL(TInt aMinTTL);
* Gets the (connection) min TTL property value as int.
* @see SetHeartbeatL(TInt aDelta)
* @param aMinTTL A TInt reference to be filled in with the
* value of the min TTL (in seconds).
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
IMPORT_C virtual TInt MinTimeToLiveL(TInt& aMinTTL);
* Sets the SNAP ID.
* @param aSnapId is the new SNAP ID.
virtual void SetSnapIdL(TUint32 aSnapId);
* Gets the SNAP ID.
* @param aCurrentSnapId A TUint32 reference to be filled in with the
* value of the SNAP ID.
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
virtual TInt SnapIdL(TUint32& aCurrentSnapId);
* Sets the (LongLived Retry) Long Lived Retry property value as int.
* Note, that with some transports, like vTCP, the RetryMaxTTL
* can also be used to control only long lived connection retry modes
* RetryMaxTTL value is called also as delta.
* Together with delta You can also set parameters RetryMinTTL & RetryMaxTTL
* Long and short connection is set in different way, below guider.
* @param aDelta TInt reference to be filled in with
* the value of the RetryMaxTTL (in seconds)
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
IMPORT_C virtual TInt SetMaxRetryTTLL(TInt aMaxRetryTTL);
* Gets the (Long Lived Retry)RetryMaxTTL property value as int.
* @param aDelta A TInt reference to be filled in with the
* value of the RetryMaxTTL (in seconds).
* Positive value means that a RetryMaxTTL
* messages are sent to backend, keeping
* the socket connection open (longlived
* connection). Keeping RetryMaxTTL may be
* costy, but increases performance in
* scenarios, where multiple network
* transactions take place within short
* period (time window).
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
* KErrNotFound if shortlive connection defined
IMPORT_C virtual TInt MaxRetryTTLL(TInt& aMaxRetryTTL);
* Sets the (LongLived Retry) RetryDelta
* @see SetMaxRetryTTLL(TInt aDelta)
* @param aMaxTTL TInt reference to be filled in with
* the value of the min TTL (in seconds)
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
IMPORT_C virtual TInt SetRetryDeltaTimeoutL(TInt aTimeout);
* Gets the (LongLived Retry) RetryDelta
* @see SetMaxRetryTTLL(TInt aDelta)
* @param aMaxTTL TInt reference to be filled in with
* the value of the min TTL (in seconds)
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
IMPORT_C virtual TInt RetryDeltaTimeoutL(TInt& aTimeout);
* Sets the (LongLived Retry) RetryMinTTL
* @see SetMaxRetryTTLL(TInt aDelta)
* @param aMaxTTL TInt reference to be filled in with
* the value of the min TTL (in seconds)
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
IMPORT_C virtual TInt SetMinRetryTTLL(TInt aMinRetryTTL);
* Gets the (LongLived Retry) RetryMinTTL
* @see SetMaxRetryTTLL(TInt aDelta)
* @param aMaxTTL TInt reference to be filled in with
* the value of the min TTL (in seconds)
* @return KErrNone if no error, or some of the system
* wide error codes.
IMPORT_C virtual TInt MinRetryTTLL(TInt& aMinRetryTTL);
* Constructor.