* Copyright (c) 2008-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Header declaration
#include <e32math.h>
#include <SenSoapEnvelope2.h>
#include <RSenDocument.h>
#include <xmlengserializer.h>
#include <xmlengchunkcontainer.h>
#include <xmlengfilecontainer.h>
#include <xmlengbinarycontainer.h>
#include <xmlengnodelist.h>
_LIT(KMtomNoRequestSoapEnvelopePanicText, "NULL MTOM request soap envelope");
_LIT(KMtomNoBlobsPanicText, "NULL MTOM BLOB part");
_LIT(KMtomNoContentTypeInBlobHeaderPanicText, "NULL MTOM ContentType in BLOB header");
_LIT(KMtomNoCidPanicText, "NULL MTOM Cid");
_LIT(KMtomSoapVersionInvalidPanicText, "MTOM SOAP version unknown");
_LIT(KMtomBlobContainerTypeInvalidPanicText, "MTOM BLOB container type unknown");
_LIT(KMtomResponseBodyInvalidPanicText, "MTOM response body doesn't conform XOP rules");
_LIT(KMtomCidInvalidPanicText, "MTOM Cid doesn't conform XOP rules");
_LIT(KMtomPanicText, "MTOM panic");
const TUint KTenKBytes = 10240;
/** numbers 11 or 12 at the end of constant names mean SOAP versions (1.1 or 1.2) */
_LIT8(KHeaderRootStart11, "Content-Type: application/xop+xml;charset=UTF-8;type=\"text/xml\"\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\nContent-ID: <");
_LIT8(KHeaderRootStart12, "Content-Type: application/xop+xml;charset=UTF-8;type=\"application/soap+xml\"\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\nContent-ID: <");
_LIT8(KHeaderRootEnd, ">\r\n\r\n");
_LIT8(KContentTypeName, "contentType");
_LIT8(KHeaderBinaryDataContentType, "Content-Type: ");
_LIT8(KHeaderBinaryDataContentID, "\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\nContent-ID: <");
_LIT8(KHeaderBinaryDataEnd, ">\r\n\r\n");
_LIT8(KNewLine, "\r\n");
_LIT8(KDush, "--");
/** the common part of file name where will be stored Blobs from Response */
_LIT(KFileName, "c:\\SenBlobResponses\\SenBlobResponse");
* Prepares XOP message with binary data to transmit it through HTTP Channel
* and extracts BLOBs from XOP message responsed through HTTP channel
* @lib
* @since S60 v3.2
class SenMtomUtils
* different cases of panics
enum TMtomPanics
* ContentType for MTOM consists of
* FiledName = "Content-Type" FiledValue = "Multipart/Related"
* ParamName1 = "boundary" ParamValue1 = BoundaryValue
* ParamName2 = "type" ParamValue1 = TypeValue
* ParamName1 = "start" ParamValue1 = StartValue
* ParamName1 = "start-info" ParamValue1 = StartInfoValue
* ParamName1 = "action" ParamValue1 = ActionValue
* This structure describes ParamName & ParamValue of ConetentType
struct TMtomContentTypeParam
TPtrC8 paramName;
TPtrC8 paramValue;
* This structure describes FieldValue & Params of ContentType
struct TMtomContentType
TPtrC8 fieldValue;
RArray<TMtomContentTypeParam> params;
* Serializes SoapEnvelope message in XOP message
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aSoapEnvelope2 The message with multiparts (usual view of Soap message)
* @param aXopEnvelope The message serialized from usual view to XOP message
IMPORT_C static void SerializeEnvelope2L(CSenSoapEnvelope2& aSoapEnvelope2,
RBuf8& aXopEnvelope);
* Generates random content-ID for header of XOP message and for headers of BLOBs
* as randomNumber@homeTime
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aRootCid Generated content-ID
IMPORT_C static void GenerateRandomRootCidL(RBuf8& aRootCid);
* Generates random boundary for mime header as randomNumber
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aBoundary Generated random boundary
IMPORT_C static void GenerateRandomBoundaryL(RBuf8& aBoundary);
* Generates MimeBoundary to separate mime parts of the message as --randomNumber
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aBoundary random boundary
* @param aBoundaryStart Generated MIME boundary
IMPORT_C static void BoundaryLineStartL(const RBuf8& aBoundary, RBuf8& aBoundaryStart);
* Generates MimeBoundaryEnd to end multipart message (MTOM) as --randomNumber--
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aBoundary random boundary
* @param aBoundaryEnd Generated MIME boundary end
IMPORT_C static void BoundaryLineEndL(const RBuf8& aBoundary, RBuf8& aBoundaryEnd);
* Creates Header for Root of XOP message
* The header sould be the next:
* --MIME_boundary
* Content-Type: application/xop+xml;
* charset=UTF-8;
* type="text/xml" (for SOAP 1.1) or "application/soap+xml" (for SOAP 1.2)
* Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
* Content-ID: <randomNumber@homeTime>
* where "Content-ID" is the same as "start" in Header of Outer Package
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aSoapEnvelope2 The message with multiparts (usual view of Soap message)
* @param aRootCid The content ID for the header of XOP
* @param aHeaderRoot11 Header of root of XOP message
IMPORT_C static void HeaderRootL(CSenSoapEnvelope2& aSoapEnvelope2,
const RBuf8& aRootCid, RBuf8& aHeaderRoot);
* Creates Header for Binary Data[aIndex] of XOP message
* The header sould be the next:
* --MIME_boundary
* Content-Type: image/png
* Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
* Content-ID: <randomNumber@homeTime>
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aIndex Which BLOB from array of TXmlEngDataContainer is processed, starts from 0
* @param aBinaryDataList The list of BLOBs
* @param aHeaderBinaryData Header of binary data[aIndex]
IMPORT_C static void HeaderBinaryDataL(TUint aIndex,
RArray<TXmlEngDataContainer>& aBinaryDataList,
RBuf8& aHeaderBinaryData);
* Extracts a part of BLOB (10KB) from a file
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aPart Which part of BLOB should be extracted
* @param aIndex Which BLOB from array of TXmlEngDataContainer is processed, starts from 0
* @param aBinaryDataList The list of BLOBs
* @param aBinaryData Part of BLOB that was extracted from a file
IMPORT_C static void FileDataPartL(TUint aPart, TUint aIndex,
RArray<TXmlEngDataContainer>& aBinaryDataList,
RBuf8& aBinaryData);
* Extracts the rest of BLOB (less than 10KB) from a file
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aParts How many parts of BLOB has already been extracted from a file
* @param aRest How many bytes should be exracted from a file
* @param aIndex Which BLOB from array of TXmlEngDataContainer is processed, starts from 0
* @param aBinaryDataList The list of BLOBs
* @param aBinaryData The last part of BLOB that was extracted from a file
IMPORT_C static void FileDataRestL(TUint aParts, TUint aRest, TUint aIndex,
RArray<TXmlEngDataContainer>& aBinaryDataList,
RBuf8& aBinaryData);
* Extracts CIDs of BLOBs from response MTOM message
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aBlobHeader Header of Blob from that should be extracted CID of BLOB
* @param aCids Array of CIDs for all BLOBs
IMPORT_C static void CidL(const RBuf8& aBlobHeader, RArray<RBuf8>& aCids);
* Extracts BLOB from response MTOM message and writes it in a file
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aIndex Which BLOB from response is processed, starts from 0
* @param aFirst Shows is it First part of BLOB or not
* @param aBlob The part of BLOB from response that should be written in fhe file
* @param aFileNames Array of File names for the all responsed BLOBs
* @return size of file in order to monitor progess
IMPORT_C static TInt SetFileL(TUint aIndex, TBool aFirst, TDesC8& aBlob,
RArray<RBuf8>& aFileNames);
* Generates the file name for BLOB of response MTOM message
* and collects it in array of file names for the all BLOBs
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aIndex Which BLOB from response is processed, starts from 0
* @param aFileNames Array of File names for the all responsed BLOBs
static void FileNameL(TUint aIndex, RArray<RBuf8>& aFileNames);
#endif // SEN_MTOM_UTILS_H
// End of file