* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Defines the ECom interface for Sen Service Invocation
* Framework plug-ins
#include <SenCredential2.h>
// Interface's (abstract base class's) static factory method implementation.
// Asks ECOM plug-in framework to instantiate appropriate concrete plug-in
// implementation.
inline CSIF* CSIF::NewL(MSenCoreServiceManager& aManager)
// Caller wants to instantiate the default plug-in - ID-WSF
const TUid KIDWSFInterfaceUid = {0x101F96FA};
const TUid KIDWSFInterfaceUid = {0x101F9731};
TAny* constructorParameters = reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(&aManager);
// Find implementation for our interface.
// - KIDWSFInterfaceUid is the UID of our custom ECOM interface.
// - This call will leave, if the plugin architecture cannot find any implementation.
// - The returned pointer points to one of the interface implementations.
TUid dtor_id_key;
TAny* intf = REComSession::CreateImplementationL ( KIDWSFInterfaceUid, dtor_id_key, constructorParameters );
//TAny* intf = REComSession::CreateImplementationL ( KIDWSFUid, _FOFF (CSIF, dtor_id_key), constructorParameters );
CSIF* sif = reinterpret_cast <CSIF*> (intf);
if ( sif )
// Resolve the DataType of this plug-in (ECOM cue):
RImplInfoPtrArray ecomInfoArray;
REComSession::ListImplementationsL( KIDWSFInterfaceUid, ecomInfoArray );
TInt infoCount(ecomInfoArray.Count());
// NOTE: current code uses the plug-in that has highest version number
//TInt index_with_highest_version(0);
CImplementationInformation* match = NULL;
for (TInt i=0; i<infoCount; i++)
CImplementationInformation* candidate = ecomInfoArray[i];
if( !match || candidate->Version() > match->Version() )
match = candidate;
// index of plug-in with highest version number
//index_with_highest_version = i;
CleanupStack::PushL( sif );
sif->iData = new (ELeave) TSifData();
sif->iData->iDtor_ID_Key = dtor_id_key;
if( match )
sif->iData->iCue = match->DataType().AllocL();
CleanupStack::Pop( sif );
return sif;
// Interface's (abstract base class's) static factory method implementation.
// Asks ECOM plug-in framework to instantiate appropriate concrete plug-in
// implementation.
inline CSIF* CSIF::NewL(const TDesC8& aCue, MSenCoreServiceManager& aManager)
const TUid KCSIFInterfaceUid = {0x101F96F9};
const TUid KCSIFInterfaceUid = {0x101F9730};
//const TUid KCSIFResolverUid = {0x101F614E}; // default resolver used, not needed..
TEComResolverParams resolverParams;
resolverParams.SetDataType( aCue );
TAny* constructorParameters = reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(&aManager);
// Find implementation for our interface.
// - XXX is the UID of our custom ECOM
// interface. It is defined in EComInterfaceDefinition.h
// - This call will leave, if the plugin architecture cannot find implementation.
// - The returned pointer points to one of the interface implementations
TUid dtor_id_key;
TAny* intf = REComSession::CreateImplementationL (KCSIFInterfaceUid, dtor_id_key, constructorParameters, resolverParams);
// TAny* intf = REComSession::CreateImplementationL (KCSIFInterfaceUid, _FOFF (CSIF, dtor_id_key), constructorParameters, resolverParams);
CSIF* sif = reinterpret_cast<CSIF*> (intf);
if ( sif )
CleanupStack::PushL( sif );
sif->iData = new (ELeave) TSifData();
sif->iData->iDtor_ID_Key = dtor_id_key;
sif->iData->iCue = aCue.AllocL();
CleanupStack::Pop( sif );
return sif;
// Interface's (abstract base class's) destructor
inline CSIF::~CSIF()
// If in the NewL some memory is reserved for member data, it must be
// released here.
if( iData ) // actually, this MUST always be true
// Inform the ECOM framework that this specific instance of the
// interface has been destroyed.
REComSession::DestroyedImplementation ( iData->iDtor_ID_Key );
iData->Close(); // de-allocates iData members
delete iData;
iData = NULL;
inline TPtrC8 CSIF::Cue() const
if(iData && iData->iCue)
return *(iData->iCue);
return KNullDesC8();
inline void CSIF::TSifData::Close()
delete iCue;
iCue = NULL;
// End of File