* Copyright (c) 2006-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Header declaration
#include "msenremoteserviceconsumer.h"
#include "msenserviceinvocationframework.h"
#include "wsstarplugin.h"
#include "senwebservicesession.h"
#include "wsstarsessionconsumer.h"
#include <xmlengfilecontainer.h>
#include <xmlengchunkcontainer.h>
#include <xmlengelement.h>
#include "sensoapmessagedom2.h"
class CWSStarCredentialObserver;
namespace WSStarSession
_LIT8(KProviderIDTag, "<ProviderID>");
_LIT8(KProviderIDEndTag, "</ProviderID>");
_LIT8(KTrustAnchorTag, "<TrustAnchor>");
_LIT8(KTrustAnchorEndTag, "</TrustAnchor>");
_LIT8(KPOPBase64Tag, "<POP>");
_LIT8(KPOPBase64EndTag, "</POP>");
_LIT8(KTokenTypeTag, "<TokenType>");
_LIT8(KTokenTypeEndTag, "</TokenType>");
_LIT8(KSTRTag, "<STR>");
_LIT8(KSTREndTag, "</STR>");
_LIT8(KBinaryTypeTag, "<BinaryType>");
_LIT8(KBinaryTypeEndTag, "</BinaryType>");
_LIT8(KClusterTypeTag, "<Cluster>");
_LIT8(KClusterEndTypeTag, "</Cluster>");
_LIT8(KServiceInterval, "<ServiceInterval>");
_LIT8(KServiceIntervalEnd, "</ServiceInterval>");
//related to ticket
_LIT8(KPhoneTimeWhenMTResolvedTag, "<PhoneTimeWhenMTResolved>");
_LIT8(KPhoneTimeWhenMTResolvedEndTag, "</PhoneTimeWhenMTResolved>");
_LIT8(KCreatedTag, "<Created>");
_LIT8(KCreatedEndTag, "</Created>");
//_LIT8(KProviderIdElementLocalName, "ProviderID");
_LIT8(KPOPBase64LocalName, "POP");
_LIT8(KSTRLocalName, "STR");
_LIT8(KBinaryTypeLocalName, "BinaryType");
_LIT8(KTrustAnchorElementLocalName, "TrustAnchor");
_LIT8(KClusterLocalName, "Cluster");
_LIT8(KPhoneTimeWhenMTResolvedLocalName, "PhoneTimeWhenMTResolved");
_LIT8(KCreatedLocalName, "Created");
_LIT8(KTokenType, "TokenType");
* WSStar Service Session.
* Represent session between client and service in ws* framework.
class CWSStarServiceSession : public CSenWebServiceSession
friend class CWSStarPlugin;
public: // Constructors and destructor
static CWSStarServiceSession* NewL(MSIF& aFramework);
static CWSStarServiceSession* NewLC(MSIF& aFramework);
virtual ~CWSStarServiceSession();
// From SenServiceSession
virtual MSenRemoteServiceConsumer* RemoteConsumerL(
const TDesC8& aSenderID);
virtual TBool Matches(MSenServiceDescription& aPattern);
virtual TInt ScoreMatchL(MSenServiceDescription& aPattern);
virtual void WriteExtensionsAsXMLToL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream);
//From SenWebServiceSession
virtual TInt SendL( const TDesC8& aMessage,
const TDesC8& aTransportProperties,
MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
TInt& aTxnId,
HBufC8*& aRevalidationError );
virtual TInt SubmitL(const TDesC8& aMessage,
const TDesC8& aTransportProperties,
MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
HBufC8*& aResponse);
virtual TInt SubmitSoapL(const TDesC8& aSoapMessage,
const TDesC8& aTransportProperties,
MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
HBufC8*& aResponse);
virtual TInt SendSoapL( const TDesC8& aSoapMessage,
const TDesC8& aTransportProperties,
MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
TInt& aTxnId,
HBufC8*& aRevalidationError );
virtual void StartTransaction();
virtual void TransactionCompleted();
virtual TInt InitializeFromL(MSenServiceDescription& aDescription, CWSStarPolicyHandler* aPolicyHandler = NULL);
add consumer. Eeach session has multiple consumers.From 3rd parties point of view
its mean 2 connection per the same service description.Consumers are distinguished by addressing id (MessagesID and RelatesTo)
virtual TInt AddConsumerL(MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer);
remove consumer
virtual TInt RemoveConsumerL(MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer);
Framework specific method. Process message before sending to network
In other words add specific headers, and store correlation info in proper consumer
virtual TInt MessageForSendingL( const TDesC8& aBody,
const TDesC8& aSenderID,
CSenSoapMessage*& aMessage ); //out param
During parsing Inbound new SoapMessage is created, based on active soap version.
Method is called by framework
virtual TInt NewMessageL( CSenSoapMessage*& aMessage );
//virtual TInt ParseResponseL(const TDesC8& aResponse,CSenSoapMessage*& aMessage);
virtual TInt ParseMessageL( CSenSoapMessage& aSOAPMessage );
//aConsumer is not used, becouse session holds many consumers, and first has to establish correct one
virtual TInt SendSoapMessageToConsumerL( CSenSoapMessage* apMessage,
const TInt aTxnId,
MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
MSenProperties* aResponseTransportProperties );
virtual TInt SetTransportPropertiesL( const TDesC8& aProperties,
MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer );
//in WS* and SCHarF methiod disabled.
//virtual void SetFrameworkHeadersL(CSenSoapMessage& aMsg);
virtual TInt HandleSoapFaultL( CSenSoapMessage* apSOAPMessage,
HBufC8*& aResponse);
virtual TInt HandleSoapFaultL( CSenSoapMessage* apSOAPMessage,
const TInt aErrorCode,
const TInt aTxnId,
MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
MSenProperties* aTransportProperties );
virtual TBool IsExpiredL();
* Clear credential for current session , make it invalid.
* @since S60 5.0
void ClearCredentialL();
* Share token. Copy SCT and MT into new star session
* @since S60 5.0
TInt ShareTokenWithL(CWSStarServiceSession* aWSStarSessionDst, TBool& aMTwasReplaceBySCT, TBool aSeekSCT);
* Getter of Provider ID (STS which represents this session)
* @return TDesC8 id of provider
* @since S60 5.0
* Overload addcredential from WebServiceSession. Calucate also state,
* @since S60 5.0
void AddCredentialL(const TDesC8& aSecurity, TTime aValidUntil);
void AddCredentialL(RSenCredentialPtr aCredentialPtr, TTime aValidUntil);
TPtrC8 ProviderID();
void SetTrustAnchorL(const TDesC8& aURI);
TPtrC8 TrustAnchor();
TInt ComputeStatusL();
void SetSessionContext(CWSStarSessionContext* aContext);
CWSStarSessionContext* SessionContext();
TInt UpdatePolicyL(CWSStarPolicyHandler* aPolicyHandler, MSenServiceDescription* aSD);
void AddSecurityTokenToContextL();
void AddPropertiesFromSessionContextToCredentialL();
virtual void CredentialChanged(TSenCredentialChange aChange, TAny* aPointer);
void ActiveTicketObserverL();
//virtual TInt RefreshMTL(HBufC8*& aErrorMessage);
TInt RevalidateMobileTicketIfExpiredL(HBufC8*& aErrorMessage);
TBool ExistConsumerL();
// Add ProviderID to primary keys (in addition to Endpoint, Contract and FrameworkID):
TBool HasEqualPrimaryKeysL( MSenServiceDescription& aCandidate );
* DetachCredentialL
* This function invalidates the session by deleting the credential
* This also call setStatusL to recompute the status
void DetachCredentialsL() ;
TBool AmIHostletSession();
* C++ default constructor.
CWSStarServiceSession(TDescriptionClassType aType, MSIF& aFramework);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
// New functions
* To obtain consumer during processing INBOUND. We have to dispatch using wsa:RelatesTo
TInt SessionConsumerL(CWSStarMessageContext*& aMessage,
CWSStarSessionConsumer*& aSessionConsumer);
* To obtain consumer during processing OUTBOUND.
TInt SessionConsumerL( const TDesC8& aSenderID, CWSStarSessionConsumer*& aSessionConsumer);
TInt CanHandleErrorL();
void CreateAndParseSoapMessageL(const TDesC8& aSoapMessage, CSenSoapMessage*& aMessage, HBufC8*& aBody);
HBufC8* ApplyTransportPropertiesL(const TDesC8& aTransportProperties);
void PrepareOutCtxL(const TDesC8& aTransportProperties);
TBool HasSuperClass( TDescriptionClassType aType );
// TBool AmIHostletSession();
void FindAndShareSCTL();
void ParseToSoapMessage2L( const TDesC8& aSoapMessage, MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer, TInt& aTxnId );
TInt ListBinaryElementsL( RArray<TXmlEngElement>& aElementArray, TXmlEngElement& aElement );
virtual void FillCredentialIdentifierL(CSenCredentialIdentifier& aIdentifier);
CSenIdentityProvider* LookupIdentityProviderL();
void VerifyPermissionL();
void ClearCredentialPropertiesFromContext();
// Add ProviderID to primary keys (in addition to Endpoint, Contract and FrameworkID):
//TBool HasEqualPrimaryKeysL( MSenServiceDescription& aCandidate );
void ReattachCredentialsL() ;
private: // Data
CWSStarMessageContext* iOutContext;//owned, live only within one sending
CWSStarMessageContext* iInContext;//owned, live only within one sending
CWSStarSessionContext* iSessionContext;//owned
//trust anchor is a pointer to providerID.
//ProviderId identify SD which represent STS, and in order to distinguis who validate whom;
// STS has providerID which is pointed by trustAnchor in validatet WebService
// Unfortuantely webService inherits same classes as STS (it is still XmlSD) so webservice has both TrustAnchor
// and ProviderId which are equal
HBufC8* iTrustAnchor;
//to keep transaction chain
HBufC8* ipReceivedMessageIdInTrans;//owned
TBool iMessageThread;
TInt iSubmitState;
TInt iRetryCounter;
TInt iRenewCounter;
TInt iRedirectCounter;
HBufC8* iProviderID;
HBufC8* iTransProp;
TTime iClientTime;
TTime iServerTime;
CWSStarCredentialObserver* iTicketObs;
// End of File