* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Header declaration
#include "senwebservicesession.h"
#include "SenHttpTransportProperties.h"
class MSenServiceConsumer;
class MServiceDescription;
class CSenCredential;
class CSenSoapMessage;
_LIT8(KConsumerIdLocalname, "ConsumerID");
class CSenBasicWebServiceSession : public CSenWebServiceSession
public: // Constructors and destructor
static CSenBasicWebServiceSession* NewL(MSIF& aFramework);
static CSenBasicWebServiceSession* NewLC(MSIF& aFramework);
virtual ~CSenBasicWebServiceSession();
virtual TInt InitializeFromL(MSenServiceDescription& aServiceDescription);
virtual TInt SubmitL(const TDesC8& aMessage,
const TDesC8& aTransportProperties,
MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
HBufC8*& aResponse);
virtual TInt SendL( const TDesC8& aMessage,
const TDesC8& aTransportProperties,
MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
TInt& aTxnId,
HBufC8*& aRevalidationError );
virtual TInt SubmitSoapL(const TDesC8& aMessage,
const TDesC8& aTransportProperties,
MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
HBufC8*& aResponse);
virtual TInt SendSoapL( const TDesC8& aMessage,
const TDesC8& aTransportProperties,
MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
TInt& aTxnId,
HBufC8*& /*aRevalidationError */ );
virtual TInt HandleSoapFaultL(CSenSoapMessage* apSOAPMessage,
const TInt aErrorCode,
const TInt aTxnId,
MSenRemoteServiceConsumer& aConsumer,
MSenProperties* aResponseTransportProperties) ;
virtual TInt HandleSoapFaultL(CSenSoapMessage* apSOAPMessage,
HBufC8*& aResponse);
virtual TInt ComputeStatusL();
* @see CSenWSDescription
virtual TBool HasSuperClass( TDescriptionClassType aType );
CSenBasicWebServiceSession(TDescriptionClassType aType, MSIF& aFramework);
void ConstructL();
// NOTE: this is temporary method which MUST be removed when message context is made available in SendL/SubmitL
TInt SetFrameworkPropertiesL(MSenTransport& aTransport);
// Helper method, which allows sending of "unwrapped" descriptor (UTF-8 data)
// in case of HTTP GET or DELETE. Otherwise, for example http query string
// would be illegally "wrapped" inside SOAP body(!).
TInt HttpMethodFromPropertiesL( const TDesC8& aProperties, CSenHttpTransportProperties::TSenHttpMethod& aMethod );
// End of File