changeset 25 f28ada11abbf
parent 24 63be7eb3fc78
--- a/wlanutilities/wlanwizard/src/wlanwizardpagesecuritymode.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:18:40 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* WLAN Wizard Page: Security mode Selection.
-// System includes
-#include <HbDocumentLoader>
-#include <HbWidget>
-#include <HbRadioButtonList>
-#include <HbMainWindow>
-#include <HbLabel>
-#include <cmmanagerdefines_shim.h>
-// User includes
-#include "wlanwizard_p.h"
-#include "wlanwizard.h"
-#include "wlanwizardpagesecuritymode.h"
-#include "wlanwizardscanlist.h"
-#include "OstTraceDefinitions.h"
-#include "wlanwizardpagesecuritymodeTraces.h"
- * Constructor method for the Sequrity mode query view object.
- * @param [in] parent pointer to parent object.
- */
-    WlanWizardPrivate* parent) :
-    WlanWizardPageInternal(parent), 
-    mWidget(NULL),
-    mList(NULL),
-    mLabel(NULL),
-    mLoader(NULL),
-    mValid(false)
- * Destructor. Loader widget is deleted.
- * All document widgets are deleted by wlanwizard_p destructor.
- */
-    delete mLoader;
- * Page initialization. If view widget is already loaded, does nothing.
- * @return pointer to widget "occ_add_wlan_02".
- */
-HbWidget* WlanWizardPageSecurityMode::initializePage()
-    OstTrace0(
-        TRACE_NORMAL,
-        "WlanWizardPageSecurityMode::initializePage");
-    if (mWidget==NULL) {
-        mLoader = new HbDocumentLoader(mWizard->mainWindow());
-        bool ok;
-        mLoader->load( ":/docml/occ_add_wlan_02_03.docml", &ok );
-        Q_ASSERT(ok);
-        // Initialize orientation
-        loadDocmlSection( mWizard->mainWindow()->orientation() );
-        // Load widgets
-        mWidget = qobject_cast<HbWidget*> (mLoader->findWidget("occ_add_wlan_02"));
-        Q_ASSERT(mWidget != NULL);
-        mList = qobject_cast<HbRadioButtonList*> (mLoader->findWidget("list"));
-        Q_ASSERT(mList != NULL);
-        mLabel = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (mLoader->findWidget("dialog_6"));
-        Q_ASSERT(mLabel != NULL);
-        mLabel->setPlainText(hbTrId("txt_occ_dialog_select_network_security_mode"));
-        // Connect orientation signal from the main window to orientation
-        // loader.
-        ok &= connect( mWizard->mainWindow(),
-                 SIGNAL(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)),
-                 this, SLOT(loadDocmlSection(Qt::Orientation)));
-        Q_ASSERT(ok);
-        // Connect signal from the radio button list indicating that an item
-        // has been selected to validation handler.
-        ok &= connect( mList, SIGNAL(itemSelected(int)),
-                 this, SLOT(itemSelected())); 
-        Q_ASSERT(ok);
-    }
-    // Create contents to the security mode radio button list.
-    populateSecModeList();
-    return mWidget;
- * Validates the Sequrity more selection and sets the configuration in
- * the wlanwizard.
- * @param [out] removeFromStack returns false.
- * @return depending on the sequrity mode, returns the appropriate view
- * identifier.
- */
-int WlanWizardPageSecurityMode::nextId(bool &removeFromStack) const
-    removeFromStack = false;
-    // The configuration is selected from the mSecModes list, which is ordered
-    // during the page initialization.
-    mWizard->setConfiguration(
-        WlanWizardPrivate::ConfSecurityMode,
-        mSecModes.at(mList->selected()));
-    // The configuration is selected from the mUsePsk list, which is ordered
-    // during the page initialization.
-    mWizard->setConfiguration(
-        WlanWizardPrivate::ConfUsePsk,
-        mUsePsk.at(mList->selected()));
-    return mPageIds.at( mList->selected() );
- * This method is overrides the default implementation from WlanWizardPage.
- * It indicates whether the Next-button should be enabled or not.
- * @return true, if a mode has been selected.
- */
-bool WlanWizardPageSecurityMode::showPage()
-    return mValid;
- * Is invoked when user selects a mode from the radio button list.
- * (HbRadioButtonList's itemSelected-signal)
- */
-void WlanWizardPageSecurityMode::itemSelected()
-    OstTrace0(
-        TRACE_BORDER,
-        "WlanWizardPageSecurityMode::itemSelected");
-    mValid = true;
-    mWizard->enableNextButton(mValid);
- * Loads the document orientation information from occ_add_wlan_02_03.docml
- * This is called each time phone orientation changes.
- * @param [in] orientation indicates whether the phone is in portrait or
- * landscape mode.
- */
-void WlanWizardPageSecurityMode::loadDocmlSection(Qt::Orientation orientation)
-    OstTrace1(
-        TRACE_NORMAL,
-        "WlanWizardPageSecurityMode::loadDocml - orientation;orientation=%x",
-        (TUint)orientation);
-    WlanWizardPageInternal::loadDocmlSection(
-        mLoader,
-        orientation,
-        ":/docml/occ_add_wlan_02_03.docml", 
-        "portrait_section",
-        "landscape_section");
- * Support function that creates the contents of the security mode list. 
- */
-void WlanWizardPageSecurityMode::populateSecModeList()
-    QStringList items;
-    mSecModes.clear();
-    mPageIds.clear();
-    mUsePsk.clear();
-    // A list is created. Since there is no practical way of knowing whether
-    // the new contents are different from the previous contents (if there
-    // even were any in the first place) the validity is always reset.
-    mValid = false;
-    // Create the radio button list to correspond to correct security mode
-    // identifiers and page identifiers.
-    // Populate the list according to network mode selection.
-    addToList(
-        items,
-        hbTrId("txt_occ_list_open"), 
-        CMManagerShim::WlanSecModeOpen,
-        WlanWizardPage::PageProcessSettings,
-        false);
-    addToList(
-        items,
-        hbTrId("txt_occ_list_wep_1"),
-        CMManagerShim::WlanSecModeWep,
-        WlanWizardPageInternal::PageKeyQuery,
-        true);
-    // In case of Ad-hoc network, exclude wpa, eap and 802.1X modes.
-    if (mWizard->configuration(WlanWizardPrivate::ConfNetworkMode).toInt()
-        != CMManagerShim::Adhoc) {
-        addToList(
-            items,
-            hbTrId("txt_occ_list_wpa_with_password"),
-            CMManagerShim::WlanSecModeWpa,
-            WlanWizardPageInternal::PageKeyQuery,
-            true);
-        addToList(
-            items,
-            hbTrId("txt_occ_list_wpa_with_eap"),
-            CMManagerShim::WlanSecModeWpa,
-            WlanWizardPage::PageEapStart,
-            false);
-        addToList(
-            items,
-            hbTrId("txt_occ_list_8021x_1"),
-            CMManagerShim::WlanSecMode802_1x,
-            WlanWizardPage::PageEapStart,
-            false);
-    }
-    mList->setItems(items);
- * A support function to map the radio button list to a generic network
- * mode list. This enables the changing of button order without it
- * affecting the entire class.
- * @param [out] list is a reference to a local list that will be placed as an
- * argument to the radio button list.
- * @param [in] item is a reference to the text value that is appended to the
- * list
- * @param [in] mode is the security mode associated with the item
- * @param [in] page is the id of the next wizard page when this item is selected.
- * @param [in] psk indicates whether password needs to be queried. 
- */
-void WlanWizardPageSecurityMode::addToList(
-    QStringList &list,
-    const QString &item,
-    int mode,
-    int page,
-    bool psk)
-    if (mWizard->configurationExists(WlanWizardHelper::ConfAvailableNetworkOptions)) {
-        WlanNetworkSetting netMode;
-        netMode.mode = mWizard->configuration(WlanWizardPrivate::ConfNetworkMode).toInt();
-        netMode.hidden = mWizard->configuration(WlanWizardPrivate::ConfWlanScanSSID).toBool();
-        netMode.wpsSupported = mWizard->configuration(WlanWizardPrivate::ConfWpsSupported).toBool();
-        WlanWizardScanList networkOptions = mWizard->configuration(
-            WlanWizardHelper::ConfAvailableNetworkOptions).value<WlanWizardScanList>();
-        for (int i = 0; i < networkOptions.secModes(netMode); i++) {
-            WlanSecuritySetting secMode = networkOptions.getSecMode(netMode, i);
-            if (secMode.mode == mode && secMode.usePsk == psk) {
-                list << item;
-                mSecModes.append(mode);
-                mPageIds.append(page);
-                mUsePsk.append(psk);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        list << item;
-        mSecModes.append(mode);
-        mPageIds.append(page);
-        mUsePsk.append(psk);
-    }