author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Thu, 07 Jan 2010 13:31:53 +0200
changeset 1 d07e190ed096
parent 0 56b72877c1cb
child 2 6e4b6261703d
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 200951 Kit: 201001

* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Implementation of CWsfWlanScanner

#include <wlanmgmtclient.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <utf.h>
#include <wlancontainer.h>
#include <commsdattypeinfov1_1.h>
#include <wlanscaninfo.h>
#include <cmdestinationext.h>
#include <commdb.h>

#ifdef __WINS__
#include <e32math.h>

#include "wsfwlanscanner.h"

#include "wsfwlaninfoarray.h"
#include "wsfwlanscaninfodefines.h"
#include "wsfwlanconnectiondetailsprovider.h"
#include "wsfwlansettingsaccessor.h"

#include "wsflogger.h"

using namespace CMManager;

* Microseconds in a second 
static const TInt KMicrosecPerSecond = 1000 * 1000;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CWsfWlanScanner* CWsfWlanScanner::NewL( CommsDat::CMDBSession& aDbSession )
    CWsfWlanScanner* self = CWsfWlanScanner::NewLC( aDbSession );
    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    return self;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::NewLC
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CWsfWlanScanner* CWsfWlanScanner::NewLC( CommsDat::CMDBSession& aDbSession )
    CWsfWlanScanner* self = new( ELeave ) CWsfWlanScanner( aDbSession );
    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    return self;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::~CWsfWlanScanner
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::~CWsfWlanScanner" );
    delete iActiveConnectionName;
    delete iScanResults;
    delete iWlanMgmtClient;
    delete iWlanSettingsAccessor;
    delete iScanInfo;
    delete iScanArray;
    iDbSession = NULL; // not owning
    iConnectionDetailsProvider = NULL;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::CWsfWlanScanner
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CWsfWlanScanner::CWsfWlanScanner( CommsDat::CMDBSession& aDbSession ): 
    CActive( EPriorityStandard ),
    iDbSession( &aDbSession ),
    iScanState( EIdle )

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::ConstructL()
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::ConstructL" );
#ifndef __WINS__ // client is not available on wins
    iWlanMgmtClient = CWlanMgmtClient::NewL();

    iScanInfo = CWlanScanInfo::NewL();

    iScanArray = CWsfWlanInfoArray::NewL();
    User::LeaveIfError( iTimer.CreateLocal() );
    iScanResults = KNullDesC8().AllocL();

    iWlanSettingsAccessor = CWsfWlanSettingsAccessor::NewL( *iDbSession );
    iScanningInterval = iWlanSettingsAccessor->ScanInterval() * 
    iShowAvailability = iWlanSettingsAccessor->ShowAvailability();
    LOG_WRITEF( "initial bgScanInterval = %d sec", 
                iWlanSettingsAccessor->ScanInterval() );
    LOG_WRITEF( "initial showAvailability = %d", iShowAvailability );
    CActiveScheduler::Add( this );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::DoCancel
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::DoCancel()
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::DoCancel" );
#ifndef __WINS__
    iScanState = EIdle;    

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::RunL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::RunL()
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::RunL" );
     * Scan logic
     * 1. Do broadcast scan - state = EIdle
     * 2. Get available IAPs - state = EBroadcastScan
     * 3. Process broadcast scan results state = EBroadcastScan
     * 4. Do direct scans for remaining known networks
     *    from step 2. Get available IAPs - state = EDirectScan
     * 5. Add connected network - state = EFinished
     * 6. Set names and priorities for known networks - state = EFinished

    if ( iScanState == EIdle )
        LOG_WRITE( "broadcast scan phase" );

        // prepare things for direct scans
        // notify clients
        if ( iObserver )

        // do broadcast scan
#ifndef __WINS__
        iWlanMgmtClient->GetScanResults( iStatus, *iScanInfo );
        // for testing
        TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
        User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
        iScanState = EBroadcastScan;
    else if ( iScanState == EBroadcastScan )
        // process broadcast scan results
        // now it's time to initiate direct scan 
        // for remaining known networks
        if ( iDirectScanSsids.Count() )
#ifdef _DEBUG
            HBufC* ssid = TWsfWlanInfo::GetSsidAsUnicodeLC( 
                                                        iDirectScanSsids[0] );
            LOG_WRITEF( "requesting direct scan for [%S]", ssid );
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ssid );
#ifndef __WINS__
            // run direct scan
            iWlanMgmtClient->GetScanResults( iDirectScanSsids[0], 
                                             iStatus, *iScanInfo );
            // for testing
            TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
            User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );

            iScanState = EDirectScan;
            LOG_WRITE( "direct scan skipped" );
            iScanState = EFinished;
    else if ( iScanState == EDirectScan )
        LOG_WRITE( "direct scan results" );

#ifndef __WINS__
        // delete the processed item (first)
        iDirectScanSsids.Remove( 0 );
        iDirectScanIapIDs.Remove( 0 );

        if ( iDirectScanSsids.Count() )
            // repeated direct scans for known networks
#ifdef _DEBUG
            HBufC* ssid = TWsfWlanInfo::GetSsidAsUnicodeLC( 
                                                        iDirectScanSsids[0] );
            LOG_WRITEF( "requesting direct scan for [%S]", ssid );
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ssid );
#ifndef __WINS__
            // run direct scan
            iWlanMgmtClient->GetScanResults( iDirectScanSsids[0], 
                                             iStatus, *iScanInfo );        
            // for testing
            TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
            User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
            // there is nothing more to do
            iScanState = EFinished;
    if ( iScanState == EFinished )
        LOG_WRITE( "scanning finished" );
#ifndef __WINS__
        TWsfWlanInfo* info(NULL);
        TInt scanArrayCount( iScanArray->Count() );
        for ( TInt i(0) ; i < scanArrayCount ; i++ )
            info = (*iScanArray)[ i ];
            if( info->iIapId )
                TRAPD( error, UpdatePriorityL( *info ) );
                if ( error )
                    // Ignore error and just continue
                    LOG_WRITE( "Prio update failed" );
            if( info->iIapId && info->iConnectionState != EConnected )
                ReplaceSsidsWithIapName( *info );
#endif //_WINS_
        // sort the array
        HBufC8* results = iScanArray->SerializeContentLC();
        CleanupStack::Pop( results );
        delete iScanResults;
        iScanResults = results;

        // we may let go the scan array contents...
#ifdef _DEBUG
        DumpScanResultsL( iScanArray );
        // notify clients that data is ready
        if ( iObserver )

        if ( !iShowAvailability )
            // reset the timer if we are responsible for scheduling scans
            iTimer.After( iStatus, 
                          TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32( iScanningInterval ) );
        iScanState = EIdle;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::AddConnectedWLANInfo
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::AddConnectedWLANInfoL()
    // Get the possible connection
    if ( iConnectionDetailsProvider )
        TWsfWlanInfo* connectedInfo = new (ELeave) TWsfWlanInfo();
        CleanupStack::PushL( connectedInfo );
        if ( iConnectionDetailsProvider->ConnectedWlanConnectionDetailsL(
                connectedInfo) )
            TBuf8<KWlanMaxAccessPointNameLength> connectedSsidOrIap;
            connectedSsidOrIap.Copy( connectedInfo->iSsid );
            // ConnectedWlanConnectionDetailsL() may have returned an IAP name instead of SSID.
            // make sure that we really have SSID in connectedInfo->iSSID at this phase.
            TWlanSsid connectedSsid;
            iWlanMgmtClient->GetConnectionSsid( connectedSsid );
            connectedInfo->iSsid.Copy( connectedSsid );
            connectedInfo->iCoverage = 0;
            connectedInfo->iVisibility = 1;

            TBool connectedInfoAppended = EFalse;

            RPointerArray<TWsfWlanInfo> matchArray;
            CleanupClosePushL( matchArray );

            if ( connectedInfo->iIapId )
                LOG_WRITEF( "Connected iap [%d]", connectedInfo->iIapId );
                iScanArray->MatchWithIapIDL( connectedInfo->iIapId,
                        iScanArray->Count(), matchArray );
                if ( !matchArray.Count() )
                    LOG_WRITE( "Not found with Iap id" );
                    iScanArray->MatchL( connectedInfo->iSsid,
                                        matchArray );
                LOG_WRITE( "Easy WLAN connection" );
                iScanArray->MatchL( connectedInfo->iSsid,
                        connectedInfo->iNetMode, iScanArray->Count(),
                        matchArray );

            if ( matchArray.Count() )
                LOG_WRITE( "Info found" );
                TWsfWlanInfo* temp = matchArray[0];
                temp->iConnectionState = EConnected;
                temp->iSsid.Copy( connectedSsidOrIap );
                LOG_WRITE( "Info not found - append" );
                connectedInfo->iSsid.Copy( connectedSsidOrIap );
                iScanArray->AppendL( connectedInfo );
                connectedInfoAppended = ETrue;

            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &matchArray );
            if ( connectedInfoAppended )
                CleanupStack::Pop( connectedInfo );
                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( connectedInfo );
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( connectedInfo );
        LOG_WRITE( "No connection details provider" );

#ifdef _DEBUG
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::DumpScanResultsL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::DumpScanResultsL( CWsfWlanInfoArray* aArray )
    _LIT( Kopen, "open" );
    _LIT( Kwep, "wep" );
    _LIT( Kwpa, "wpa" );
    _LIT( Kwpa2, "wpa2" );        
    _LIT( K802, "802.1x" );
    const TDesC* secModes[4] = { &Kopen, &Kwep, &K802, &Kwpa };
    _LIT( Kpsk, "psk" );
    _LIT( Keap, "eap" );
    _LIT( Khidden, "<hidden>" );

    for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < aArray->Count(); ++i )
        TWsfWlanInfo* wi( (*aArray)[i] );
        const TDesC* sm( 0 );

        switch ( wi->iSecurityMode )
            case EWlanSecModeOpen:
                sm = &Kopen;
            case EWlanSecModeWep:
                sm = &Kwep;
            case EWlanSecModeWpa:
                sm = &Kwpa;
            case EWlanSecModeWpa2:
                sm = &Kwpa2;
            case EWlanSecMode802_1x:
                sm = &K802;
        const TDesC* psk = wi->UsesPreSharedKey()? &Kpsk:             
                               ( ( wi->iSecurityMode == EWlanSecMode802_1x || 
                                   wi->iSecurityMode == EWlanSecModeWpa ||
                                   wi->iSecurityMode == EWlanSecModeWpa2 )? 
                                      &Keap: &KNullDesC );
        HBufC16 *ssid = TWsfWlanInfo::GetSsidAsUnicodeLC( wi->iSsid );
        LOG_WRITEF( "[%S] %S %S %S", ssid, sm, psk, 
                    wi->iVisibility? &KNullDesC: &Khidden );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ssid );
#endif // _DEBUG

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::RunError
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CWsfWlanScanner::RunError( TInt aError )
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::RunError" );
    LOG_WRITEF( "error = %d", aError );
    if ( iObserver && aError != KErrNotReady )
        // KErrNotReady is excluded as it indicates that the WLAN engine
        // has not yet set up itself, which we cannot help
        iObserver->NotifyError( aError );    

    iScanState = EIdle;
    if ( !iShowAvailability )
        // the scanning has failed, re-issue the scan timer
        iTimer.After( iStatus, 
                      TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32( iScanningInterval ) );
    return KErrNone;    

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::SetObserver
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::SetObserver( MWsfWlanScannerObserver& aObserver )
    iObserver = &aObserver;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::StartScanningL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::StartScanningL()
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::StartScanningL" );

    if ( iScanState == EIdle && !IsActive() )
        LOG_WRITE( "request notifications" );
#ifndef __WINS__
        iWlanMgmtClient->ActivateNotificationsL( *this );
        iWlanSettingsAccessor->RequestNotificationL( *this );
        iScanState = EIdle;

        if ( !iShowAvailability )
            // in case show wlan availability is off, carry out a scan now
            TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
            User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::StartScanningL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::StopScanning()
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::StopScanning" );


#ifndef __WINS__       
    if ( iWlanMgmtClient )
    if ( iWlanSettingsAccessor )

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::RestartScanning
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CWsfWlanScanner::RestartScanning()
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::RestartScanning" );

    TBool restarted( EFalse );
    if ( iScanState == EIdle && ( IsActive() || iShowAvailability ) )
        // we have been waiting for the timer to complete
        // cancel it manually
        // then complete ourselves
        TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
        User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
        restarted = ETrue;
    return restarted;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::AbortScanning
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::AbortScanning()
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::AbortScanning" );
    if ( iScanState != EIdle )
        // cancel the current scanning

        if ( !iShowAvailability )
            // still, life goes on
            iTimer.After( iStatus, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32( 
                                                        iScanningInterval ) );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::ConnectionStateChanged
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::ConnectionStateChanged( 
                                            TWlanConnectionMode /*aNewState*/ )
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::ConnectionStateChanged" );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::BssidChanged
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::BssidChanged( TWlanBssid& /*aNewBSsid*/ )
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::BssidChanged" );
    if ( iScanState == EIdle && !IsActive() )
        // complete ourselves
        TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
        User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::BssLost
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::BssLost()
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::BssLost" );
    if ( iScanState == EIdle && !IsActive() )
        // complete ourselves
        TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
        User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::BssRegained
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::BssRegained()
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::BssRegained" );
    if ( iScanState == EIdle && !IsActive() )
        // complete ourselves
        TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
        User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::NewNetworksDetected
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::NewNetworksDetected()
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::NewNetworksDetected" );
    if ( iScanState == EIdle && !IsActive() )
        // complete ourselves
        TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
        User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::OldNetworksLost
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::OldNetworksLost()
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::OldNetworksLost" );
    if ( iScanState == EIdle && !IsActive() )
        // complete ourselves
        TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
        User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::TransmitPowerChanged
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::TransmitPowerChanged( TUint /*aPower*/ )
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::TransmitPowerChanged" );
    if ( iScanState == EIdle && !IsActive() )
        // complete ourselves
        TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
        User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::RssChanged
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::RssChanged( TWlanRssClass /*aRssClass*/, TUint /*aRss*/ )
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::RssChanged" );
    if ( iScanState == EIdle && !IsActive() )
        // complete ourselves
        TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
        User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::PrepareDirectScan
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::PrepareDirectScan()
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::PrepareDirectScanL" );

    // flush the arrays
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::ProcessDirectScanResultL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::ProcessDirectScanResultL()
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::ProcessDirectScanResultL" );
    for ( iScanInfo->First(); !iScanInfo->IsDone(); iScanInfo->Next() )
        RPointerArray<TWsfWlanInfo> matchArray;
        iScanArray->MatchWithIapIDL( iDirectScanIapIDs[0], iScanArray->Count(), matchArray );
        TInt matchcount = matchArray.Count();

        if ( matchcount == 0 )
            // not found yet
#ifdef _DEBUG
            HBufC* ssid = TWsfWlanInfo::GetSsidAsUnicodeLC( iDirectScanSsids[0] );
            LOG_WRITEF( "[%S] found in direct scan", ssid ); 
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ssid );
            LOG_WRITEF( "[%d] iap id is in scanarray", iDirectScanIapIDs[0] ); 
            for( TInt i(0); i < matchcount; i++ )
            	//if already found increase coverage
                TWsfWlanInfo* temp = matchArray[i];
                RefreshSignalStrength( *temp );
                RefreshMaxRate( *temp );
        // Close() for matchArray
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &matchArray );  
        } // for iScanInfo              

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::ReplaceSsidsWithIapName
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::ReplaceSsidsWithIapName(TWsfWlanInfo& aWlanInfo)
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::ReplaceSsidsWithIapName" );
    if ( aWlanInfo.iNetworkName.Length() )
        LOG_WRITE( "Replace ssid" );
        aWlanInfo.iSsid.Copy( aWlanInfo.iNetworkName );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::UpdatePriorityL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::UpdatePriorityL( TWsfWlanInfo& aWlanInfo )
    LOG_WRITE( "CWsfWlanScanner::updatePriority" );

    TUint32 priority( 0 );
    TInt exists( KErrNotFound );
    TInt count( 0 );   

    // search for the destination of it                                                        
    RArray<TUint32> destinations;                                                              
    CleanupClosePushL( destinations );

    LOG_WRITE( "CWsfWlanScanner::updatePriority get all destinations" );

    count = destinations.Count();                                                         
    LOG_WRITEF( "destination count %d", count);

    for( TInt i = 0; i < count && exists != KErrNone; i++ )                                    
        RCmDestinationExt destination;                                                              
        destination = iCmManagerExt.DestinationL( destinations[ i ] );                         
        CleanupClosePushL( destination );  

        LOG_WRITE( "check if connection method belongs to destination" );

        RCmConnectionMethodExt connectionMethod;
        TRAP( exists,                                                                      
                connectionMethod = destination.ConnectionMethodByIDL(                            
                        aWlanInfo.iIapId ) ); 

        LOG_WRITEF( "exists %d", exists );
        if( exists == KErrNone )                                                           
            CleanupClosePushL( connectionMethod ); 
            // correct destination found                                                   
            priority = destination.PriorityL( connectionMethod );
            aWlanInfo.SetPriority( priority );

            LOG_WRITEF( "priority %d", priority );
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &connectionMethod ); 
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &destination );                                           
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &destinations );

#ifndef __WINS__
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::DoScanForNetworksL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::DoScanForNetworksL()
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::DoScanForNetworksL" );
    // start by making sure the scan array is empty

    LOG_WRITEF( "GetScanResults returned %d", iStatus.Int() );
    if ( iStatus.Int() )
        // if the status is not KErrNone, we cannot be sure that iScanInfo
        // doesn't cause a crash, so it's better to leave
        User::Leave( iStatus.Int() );
    TInt nElem = 0;
    TBool isHidden( EFalse );

    // get available iaps
    // (this only shows iaps with security mode matching to scan results
    // and  also finds hidden wlans for which an iap has been configured)
    RArray<TUint> availableIaps;
    TInt avIapCount = availableIaps.Count();

    LOG_WRITEF( "Available iap count %d", avIapCount ); 

    for( TInt i(0); i < avIapCount; i++ )
        TBool addToArray( ETrue ); 
        TWsfWlanInfo* availableInfo = new ( ELeave ) TWsfWlanInfo();       
        CleanupStack::PushL( availableInfo );
        availableInfo->iIapId = availableIaps[i];
        TRAPD( error, GetWlanInfoFromIapL( *availableInfo ) );

        if ( error == KErrNotFound )
            LOG_WRITEF( "Iap id = %d does not exist", availableInfo->iIapId );
            addToArray = EFalse;
        else if ( error )
            LOG_WRITEF( "GetWlanInfoFromIapL failed err = %d", error );
            User::Leave( error );

        if( addToArray )
            LOG_WRITE( "Add to array" );
            availableInfo->iCoverage = 0;
            availableInfo->iVisibility = 1;
            availableInfo->iStrengthLevel = EWlanSignalUnavailable;
            availableInfo->iTransferRate = 0;
            availableInfo->iConnectionState = ENotConnected;

            if ( availableInfo->iIapId )
                LOG_WRITEF( "Append available iap [%d] for direct scan", availableInfo->iIapId );
                iDirectScanIapIDs.Append( availableInfo->iIapId );
                iDirectScanSsids.Append( availableInfo->iSsid );

            CleanupStack::Pop( availableInfo );
            LOG_WRITE( "Info not added" );
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( availableInfo );
    // Process the scanned results
    for( iScanInfo->First(); !iScanInfo->IsDone(); iScanInfo->Next() )
        TWsfWlanInfo* wlanInfo = iScanArray->At( nElem );
        if ( !wlanInfo )
            wlanInfo = new ( ELeave ) TWsfWlanInfo();
            CleanupStack::PushL( wlanInfo );
            iScanArray->AppendL( wlanInfo );
            CleanupStack::Pop( wlanInfo );
        isHidden = RefreshNetworkNameL( *wlanInfo );
        wlanInfo->iVisibility = !isHidden;
        wlanInfo->iStrengthLevel = EWlanSignalUnavailable;
        wlanInfo->iTransferRate = 0;
        wlanInfo->iConnectionState = ENotConnected;

        if( !isHidden )
            // not hidden
            RefreshNetworkMode( *wlanInfo );
            RefreshSecurityMode( *wlanInfo );
            RefreshMaxRate( *wlanInfo );

            // check if we already have an entry/entries corresponding to a scan result
            // (multiple entries for one scan result possible if GetAvailableIaps()
            // found several iaps configured for same wlan)
            RPointerArray<TWsfWlanInfo> matchArray;
            iScanArray->MatchL( wlanInfo->iSsid, wlanInfo->iSecurityMode, 
                    wlanInfo->iNetMode, nElem, matchArray );

            TInt matchcount = matchArray.Count();

            // if not found
            if( matchcount == 0 )
                wlanInfo->iCoverage = 1;
                RefreshSignalStrength( *wlanInfo );
                RefreshMaxRate( *wlanInfo );
                ++nElem; // new entry, inc index in array
            else // if found inc coverage and refresh signal strength and rate
                for( TInt i(0); i < matchcount; i++ )
                    TWsfWlanInfo* temp = matchArray[i];
                    RefreshSignalStrength( *temp );
                    RefreshMaxRate( *temp );

                    if ( temp->iIapId )
                        TInt index( KErrNone );
                        do {
                            LOG_WRITE( "Not hidden - Searching from direct scan list.." );
                            // remove this item from the direct scan list, if found 
                            index = iDirectScanIapIDs.Find( temp->iIapId  );
                            if ( index != KErrNotFound )
                                LOG_WRITEF( "Found - removing iap id [%d]", iDirectScanIapIDs[index] );
                                iDirectScanSsids.Remove( index );
                                iDirectScanIapIDs.Remove( index );
                        } while ( index != KErrNotFound );
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // results in Close() being called on matchArray
    //get rid of excess items
    iScanArray->DeleteFromTail(iScanArray->Count() - nElem);

#else // __WINS__

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::DoScanForNetworksL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::DoScanForNetworksL()
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::DoScanForNetworksL" );
    // start by making sure the scan array is empty

    TWsfWlanInfo* wlan0 = new (ELeave) TWsfWlanInfo();
    CleanupStack::PushL( wlan0 );    
    wlan0->iConnectionState = EConnected;
    wlan0->iIapId = 666;
    wlan0->iNetMode = EInfra;
    wlan0->iSecurityMode = EWlanSecModeWep;
    wlan0->iSsid = _L8("[C]Known WEP");
    wlan0->iStrengthLevel = EWlanSignalStrengthMax;  
    wlan0->iVisibility = ETrue;
    wlan0->iCoverage = 1;
    if ( Math::Random() % 2 == 0 )
        iScanArray->AppendL( wlan0 );
        delete wlan0;
    CleanupStack::Pop( wlan0 );

    TWsfWlanInfo* wlan1 = new (ELeave) TWsfWlanInfo();
    CleanupStack::PushL( wlan1 );    
    wlan1->iConnectionState = ENotConnected;
    wlan1->iIapId = 666;
    wlan1->iNetMode = EInfra;
    wlan1->iSecurityMode = EWlanSecModeOpen;
    wlan1->iSsid = _L8("Known open");
    wlan1->iStrengthLevel = EWlanSignalStrengthMin;  
    wlan1->iVisibility = ETrue;
    wlan1->iCoverage = 3;
    if ( Math::Random() % 2 == 0 )
        iScanArray->AppendL( wlan1 );
        delete wlan1;

    CleanupStack::Pop( wlan1 );

    TWsfWlanInfo* wlan2 = new (ELeave) TWsfWlanInfo();
    CleanupStack::PushL( wlan2 );    
    wlan2->iConnectionState = ENotConnected;
    wlan2->iIapId = 0;
    wlan2->iNetMode = EInfra;
    wlan2->iSecurityMode = EWlanSecModeWpa2;
    wlan2->iSsid = _L8("Known WPA2 PSK");
    wlan2->iStrengthLevel = EWlanSignalStrengthLow-7;  
    wlan2->iVisibility = ETrue;
    wlan2->iCoverage = 1;
    wlan2->SetUsesPreSharedKey( ETrue );
    if ( Math::Random() % 2 == 0 )
        iScanArray->AppendL( wlan2 );
        delete wlan2;
    CleanupStack::Pop( wlan2 );

    TWsfWlanInfo* wlan3 = new (ELeave) TWsfWlanInfo();
    CleanupStack::PushL( wlan3 );    
    wlan3->iConnectionState = ENotConnected;
    wlan3->iIapId = 0;
    wlan3->iNetMode = EInfra;
    wlan3->iSecurityMode = EWlanSecModeOpen;
    wlan3->iSsid = _L8("Unknown open");
    wlan3->iStrengthLevel = EWlanSignalStrengthMax;  
    wlan3->iVisibility = 1;
    wlan3->iCoverage = 1;    
    if ( Math::Random() % 2 == 0 )
        iScanArray->AppendL( wlan3 );
        delete wlan3;
    CleanupStack::Pop( wlan3 );
    TWsfWlanInfo* wlan4 = new (ELeave) TWsfWlanInfo();
    CleanupStack::PushL( wlan4 );    
    wlan4->iConnectionState = ENotConnected;
    wlan4->iIapId = 0;
    wlan4->iNetMode = EAdhoc;
    wlan4->iSecurityMode = EWlanSecModeWpa;
    wlan4->iSsid = _L8("Unknown WPA");
    wlan4->iStrengthLevel = EWlanSignalStrengthMin;  
    wlan4->iVisibility = 1;
    wlan4->iCoverage = 1;
    wlan2->SetUsesPreSharedKey( ETrue );

    if ( Math::Random() % 2 == 0 )
        iScanArray->AppendL( wlan4 );    
        delete wlan4;
    CleanupStack::Pop( wlan4 );

    TWsfWlanInfo* wlan5 = new (ELeave) TWsfWlanInfo();
    CleanupStack::PushL( wlan5 );    
    wlan5->iConnectionState = ENotConnected;
    wlan5->iIapId = 12;
    wlan5->iNetMode = EInfra;
    wlan5->iSecurityMode = EWlanSecModeOpen;
    wlan5->iSsid = _L8("SES");
    wlan5->iStrengthLevel = EWlanSignalStrengthLow-5;  
    wlan5->iVisibility = 0;
    wlan5->iCoverage = 1;    
    if ( Math::Random() % 2 == 0 )
        iScanArray->AppendL( wlan5 );
        delete wlan5;
    CleanupStack::Pop( wlan5 );
    TWsfWlanInfo* wlan6 = new (ELeave) TWsfWlanInfo();
    CleanupStack::PushL( wlan6 );    
    wlan6->iConnectionState = ENotConnected;
    wlan6->iIapId = 666;
    wlan6->iNetMode = EInfra;
    wlan6->iSecurityMode = EWlanSecModeWpa;
    wlan6->iSsid = _L8("Sunny 22");
    wlan6->iStrengthLevel = EWlanSignalStrengthMin;  
    wlan6->iVisibility = 1;
    wlan6->iCoverage = 2;    
    if ( Math::Random() % 2 == 0 )
        iScanArray->AppendL( wlan6 );
        delete wlan6;
    CleanupStack::Pop( wlan6 );

    wlan5 = new (ELeave) TWsfWlanInfo();
    CleanupStack::PushL( wlan5 );    
    wlan5->iConnectionState = ENotConnected;
    wlan5->iIapId = 0;
    wlan5->iNetMode = EInfra;
    wlan5->iSecurityMode = EWlanSecModeOpen;
    wlan5->iSsid = _L8("FON_accesspoint");
    wlan5->iStrengthLevel = EWlanSignalStrengthLow-8;  
    wlan5->iVisibility = 1;
    wlan5->iCoverage = 1;    
    if ( Math::Random() % 2 == 0 )
        iScanArray->AppendL( wlan5 );
        delete wlan5;
    CleanupStack::Pop( wlan5 );
    TWsfWlanInfo* wlan7 = new (ELeave) TWsfWlanInfo();
    CleanupStack::PushL( wlan7 );    
    wlan7->iConnectionState = ENotConnected;
    wlan7->iIapId = 667;
    wlan7->iNetMode = EAdhoc;
    wlan7->iSecurityMode = EWlanSecModeWpa;
    wlan7->iSsid = _L8("Ad-hoc WPA");
    wlan7->iStrengthLevel = EWlanSignalStrengthMax;  
    wlan7->iVisibility = ETrue;
    wlan7->iCoverage = 1;    
    if ( Math::Random() % 2 == 0 )
        iScanArray->AppendL( wlan7 );
        delete wlan7;
    CleanupStack::Pop( wlan7 );
    TWsfWlanInfo* wlan8 = new (ELeave) TWsfWlanInfo();
    CleanupStack::PushL( wlan8 );    
    wlan8->iConnectionState = ENotConnected;
    wlan8->iIapId = 667;
    wlan8->iNetMode = EInfra;
    wlan8->iSecurityMode = EWlanSecModeOpen;
    wlan8->iSsid = _L8("Known pri 1");
    wlan8->iStrengthLevel = EWlanSignalStrengthMax;  
    wlan8->iVisibility = ETrue;
    wlan8->iCoverage = 1;   
    wlan8->iPriority = 1;
    if ( Math::Random() % 2 == 0 )
        iScanArray->AppendL( wlan8 );
        delete wlan8;
    CleanupStack::Pop( wlan8 );
    TWsfWlanInfo* wlan9 = new (ELeave) TWsfWlanInfo();
    CleanupStack::PushL( wlan9 );    
    wlan9->iConnectionState = ENotConnected;
    wlan9->iIapId = 668;
    wlan9->iNetMode = EInfra;
    wlan9->iSecurityMode = EWlanSecModeOpen;
    wlan9->iSsid = _L8("Known pri 2");
    wlan9->iStrengthLevel = EWlanSignalStrengthMax;  
    wlan9->iVisibility = ETrue;
    wlan9->iCoverage = 1;  
    wlan9->iPriority = 2;
    if ( Math::Random() % 2 == 0 )
        iScanArray->AppendL( wlan9 );
        delete wlan9;
    CleanupStack::Pop( wlan9 );


#endif // __WINS__

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::GetWlanInfoFromIapL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::GetWlanInfoFromIapL( TWsfWlanInfo& aWlanInfo )
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::GetWlanInfoFromIapL" );

    CCommsDatabase* commsDb = CCommsDatabase::NewL();    
    CleanupStack::PushL( commsDb );
    CCommsDbTableView* commsDbIapTableView = commsDb->OpenViewMatchingUintLC(
        TPtrC( IAP ), TPtrC( COMMDB_ID ), aWlanInfo.iIapId );
    User::LeaveIfError( commsDbIapTableView->GotoFirstRecord() );
    // network name
    TBuf<KCommsDbSvrMaxFieldLength> iapName;
    commsDbIapTableView->ReadTextL( TPtrC( COMMDB_NAME ), iapName);

    TInt error = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( 
                                                        iapName  );
    if ( error )
        LOG_WRITE( "ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8 failed");
        aWlanInfo.iNetworkName.Copy( iapName );
	// service Id
    TUint32 serviceId(0);
    commsDbIapTableView->ReadUintL(TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE), serviceId);
    CCommsDbTableView* wlanTableView = commsDb->OpenViewMatchingUintLC(
             TPtrC( WLAN_SERVICE), TPtrC( WLAN_SERVICE_ID), serviceId);
    User::LeaveIfError(wlanTableView->GotoFirstRecord() );

    // ssid
    wlanTableView->ReadTextL( TPtrC( NU_WLAN_SSID ), aWlanInfo.iSsid );
    // security mode
    TUint32 secMode(0);
    wlanTableView->ReadUintL(TPtrC( WLAN_SECURITY_MODE), secMode);
    // Map Wpa2 to Wpa
    secMode = ( secMode == EWlanSecModeWpa2 )? EWlanSecModeWpa : secMode;
    aWlanInfo.iSecurityMode = static_cast<TWlanSecMode>(secMode);

    // net mode
    TUint32 netMode(0);
    wlanTableView->ReadUintL(TPtrC( WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE), netMode);
    aWlanInfo.iNetMode = static_cast<TWlanNetMode>(netMode);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::SsidIdentity
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CWsfWlanScanner::SsidIdentity( const TWlanSsid& aSsid1, 
                                     const TWlanSsid& aSsid2 )
    return !aSsid1.Compare( aSsid2 );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::RefreshNetworkNameL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CWsfWlanScanner::RefreshNetworkNameL( TWsfWlanInfo& aWlanInfo )
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::RefreshNetworkNameL" );

    TBool isHidden( EFalse );

    TUint8 ieLen( 0 );
    const TUint8* ieData;
    TBuf8<KWlanMaxSsidLength> ssid8;

    TInt ret = iScanInfo->InformationElement( E802Dot11SsidIE, ieLen,
                                              &ieData );

    if ( ret == KErrNone )
        isHidden = IsHiddenSsid( ieLen, ieData );

        if ( ieLen )
            ssid8.Copy( ieData, ieLen );
            aWlanInfo.iSsid.Copy( ssid8 );
            TBuf<KWlanMaxSsidLength> ssid16;
            ssid16.Copy( ssid8 );
            LOG_WRITEF( "SSID: [%S]", &ssid16 );
            LOG_WRITE( "SSID: <hidden>" );
        User::Leave( ret );

    return isHidden;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::IsHiddenSsid
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CWsfWlanScanner::IsHiddenSsid( TUint aSsidLength, const TUint8* aSsid )
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::IsHiddenSsid" );

    if ( !aSsidLength )
        LOG_WRITEF( "result: %d", ETrue );
        return ETrue;

    TInt count( 0 );
    for ( TUint i( 0 ); i < aSsidLength; ++i )
        count |= aSsid[i]; // in hidden networks characters are: 0x00

    LOG_WRITEF( "result: %d", !count );

    return !count;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::RefreshSignalStrength
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::RefreshSignalStrength( TWsfWlanInfo& aWlanInfo  )
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::RefreshSignalStrength" );

    TInt rxLevel = iScanInfo->RXLevel();
    LOG_WRITEF( "rxLevel = %d", rxLevel );
    // yes, it is < and not >, because smaller value means stronger signal

    if ( rxLevel < aWlanInfo.iStrengthLevel )
        LOG_WRITEF( "updating %d to %d", aWlanInfo.iStrengthLevel, rxLevel );
        aWlanInfo.iStrengthLevel = rxLevel;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::RefreshNetworkMode
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::RefreshNetworkMode( TWsfWlanInfo& aWlanInfo )
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::RefreshNetworkMode" );

    aWlanInfo.iNetMode = ( iScanInfo->Capability() & 
                               E802Dot11CapabilityEssMask ) ?
                                   EInfra : EAdhoc ;

    LOG_WRITEF( "netmode = %d", TInt( aWlanInfo.iNetMode ) );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::RefreshSecurityMode
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::RefreshSecurityMode( TWsfWlanInfo& aWlanInfo )
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::RefreshSecurityMode" );
  	TWlanConnectionExtentedSecurityMode extSecMode = iScanInfo->ExtendedSecurityMode(); 
    switch ( extSecMode )
        case EWlanConnectionExtentedSecurityModeWepOpen:
        case EWlanConnectionExtentedSecurityModeWepShared:
            aWlanInfo.iSecurityMode = EWlanSecModeWep;

        case EWlanConnectionExtentedSecurityMode802d1x:
            aWlanInfo.iSecurityMode = EWlanSecMode802_1x;

        case EWlanConnectionExtentedSecurityModeWpa:
        case EWlanConnectionExtentedSecurityModeWpa2:
            aWlanInfo.iSecurityMode = EWlanSecModeWpa;

        case EWlanConnectionExtentedSecurityModeWpaPsk:
        case EWlanConnectionExtentedSecurityModeWpa2Psk:
            aWlanInfo.iSecurityMode = EWlanSecModeWpa;
        case EWlanConnectionExtentedSecurityModeWapi:
        case EWlanConnectionExtentedSecurityModeWapiPsk:
            aWlanInfo.iSecurityMode = EWlanSecModeWAPI;

        case EWlanConnectionExtentedSecurityModeOpen:
            aWlanInfo.iSecurityMode = EWlanSecModeOpen;

            extSecMode == EWlanConnectionExtentedSecurityModeWpa2Psk || 
            extSecMode == EWlanConnectionExtentedSecurityModeWpaPsk );

    LOG_WRITEF( "security mode %d (PSK: %d)", 
                (TInt)aWlanInfo.UsesPreSharedKey() );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::RefreshMaxRate
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::RefreshMaxRate( TWsfWlanInfo& aWlanInfo )
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::RefreshMaxRate" );

    TUint8 ieLen( 0 );
    const TUint8* ieData;
    TUint8 dataRates[KMaxNumberOfRates];
    TUint8 maxDataRate( aWlanInfo.iTransferRate * 2 );

    Mem::FillZ( &dataRates[0], sizeof( dataRates ) );

    // Supported Rates
    iScanInfo->InformationElement( E802Dot11SupportedRatesIE, ieLen, &ieData );

    Mem::Copy( dataRates, ieData, ieLen );

    for ( TInt a = 0; a < ieLen; a++ )
        // ignore the highest bit
        dataRates[a] &= 0x7f;
        if ( maxDataRate < dataRates[a] )
            maxDataRate = dataRates[a];

    // Extended Supported Rates
    Mem::FillZ( &dataRates[0], sizeof( dataRates ) );

    iScanInfo->InformationElement( E802Dot11ExtendedRatesIE, ieLen, &ieData );

    Mem::Copy( dataRates, ieData, ieLen );

    if ( ieData )
        for ( TInt a = 0; a < ieLen; a++ )
            dataRates[a] &= 0x7f;
            if ( maxDataRate < dataRates[a] )
                maxDataRate = dataRates[a];
    aWlanInfo.iTransferRate = maxDataRate / 2;
    LOG_WRITEF( "maxRate = %d", aWlanInfo.iTransferRate );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::ConnectionEstablishedL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::ConnectionEstablishedL( const TDesC& aConnectionName )
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::ConnectionEstablishedL" );
    LOG_WRITEF( "aConnectionName: [%S]", &aConnectionName );
    HBufC* temp = aConnectionName.AllocL();
    if ( iActiveConnectionName )
        delete iActiveConnectionName;
        iActiveConnectionName = NULL;
    iActiveConnectionName = temp;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::ConnectionLostL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::ConnectionLostL()
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::ConnectionLostL" );
    if ( iActiveConnectionName )
        delete iActiveConnectionName;
        iActiveConnectionName = NULL;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::ConnectingFailedL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::ConnectingFailedL( TInt /*aError*/ )
    // no implementation required

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::ConnectedIapReleasedL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::ConnectedIapReleasedL()
    // no implementation required

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::ScanResults
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC8* CWsfWlanScanner::ScanResults()
    return iScanResults;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::SetConnectionDetailProvider
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::SetConnectionDetailProvider( 
                                MWsfWlanConnectionDetailsProvider& aProvider )
    iConnectionDetailsProvider = &aProvider;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWsfWlanScanner::WlanScanIntervalChangedL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWsfWlanScanner::WlanScanIntervalChangedL( TUint aNewScanInterval,
                                                TBool aShowAvailability )
    LOG_ENTERFN( "CWsfWlanScanner::WlanScanIntervalChangedL" );
    LOG_WRITEF( "bgScanInterval = %d sec", aNewScanInterval );
    LOG_WRITEF( "showAvailability = %d", aShowAvailability );
    iScanningInterval = aNewScanInterval * KMicrosecPerSecond;
    if ( iShowAvailability != aShowAvailability )
        // background WLAN scanning status changed
        iShowAvailability = aShowAvailability;        

        if ( iShowAvailability )
            // bgscan is now enabled
            // no reissuing, we rely on the WLAN engine callbacks 
            // from now on
            LOG_WRITE( "background scan enabled" );

            if ( iScanState == EIdle && IsActive() )
                // reset the timer only if we are not in the middle 
                // of another scanning
            // bgscan is now disabled
            // reset the timer with the new interval
            LOG_WRITE( "background scan disabled" );

            if ( iScanState == EIdle )
                LOG_WRITE( "reissuing timer request" );
                // reset the timer only if we are not in the middle 
                // of another scanning 
                // otherwise RunL will take care of the timer
                // doCancel resets timer
                if ( IsActive() )
                iTimer.After( iStatus, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32( 
                        iScanningInterval ) );
    else if ( !iShowAvailability )
        // only the scan interval has changed
        LOG_WRITE( "scan interval changed" );
        if ( iScanState == EIdle && IsActive() )
            // reset the timer only if we are not in the middle of 
            // another scanning 
            // doCancel resets timer
            LOG_WRITE( "reissuing timer request" );
            iTimer.After( iStatus, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32( 
                    iScanningInterval ) );

// End of file