changeset 0 cec860690d41
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:cec860690d41
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include <kernel.h>
    19 #include <mmc.h>
    20 #include <locmedia.h>
    22 #include "mmcldd.h"
    23 #include "d_mmcsdif.h"
    27 const TInt KMajorVersionNumber=1;
    28 const TInt KMinorVersionNumber=0;
    29 const TInt KBuildVersionNumber=0;
    31 // global Dfc Que
    32 TDynamicDfcQue* gDfcQ;
    37 	{
    38 	return new DLddFactoryMmcCntrlInterface;
    39 	}
    41 /**
    42  * DLddFactoryMmcCntrlInterface constructor
    43  *
    44  * @return N/A
    45  *
    46  * @leave N/A
    47  */
    48 DLddFactoryMmcCntrlInterface::DLddFactoryMmcCntrlInterface()
    49 	{
    50     iParseMask=KDeviceAllowUnit;  // Pass stack number as unit
    51 	iUnitsMask=0xffffffff;
    52 	iVersion=TVersion(KMajorVersionNumber,KMinorVersionNumber,KBuildVersionNumber);
    53 	}
    55 /**
    56  * Create logical channel
    57  *
    58  * @param DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel - logical channel
    59  *
    60  * @return TInt the error code
    61  *
    62  * @leave N/A
    63  */
    64 TInt DLddFactoryMmcCntrlInterface::Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel)
    65 	{
    66 	aChannel = new DLddMmcCntrlInterface;
    67 	return aChannel ? KErrNone : KErrNoMemory;
    68 	}
    70 const TInt KDMmcThreadPriority = 27;
    71 _LIT(KDMmcThread,"DMMCSDThread");
    74 /**
    75  * Install driver
    76  *
    77  * @return TInt the error code
    78  *
    79  * @leave N/A
    80  */
    81 TInt DLddFactoryMmcCntrlInterface::Install()
    82 	{
    83 	// Allocate a kernel thread to run the DFC
    84 	TInt r = Kern::DynamicDfcQCreate(gDfcQ, KDMmcThreadPriority, KDMmcThread);
    86 	if (r != KErrNone)
    87 		return r;
    88 	__KTRACE_OPT(KHARDWARE,MMCSDLOG("installing driver name from factory"));
    89 	return SetName(&KLddName);
    90     }
    92 /**
    93  * Get the Pc Card Contoller Interface ldd's version info
    94  *
    95  * @param TDes8 &aDes - Buffer to contain version info
    96  *
    97  * @return N/A
    98  *
    99  * @leave N/A
   100  */
   101 void DLddFactoryMmcCntrlInterface::GetCaps(TDes8 &aDes) const
   102 	{
   103     TCapsMmcIfV01 b;
   104 	b.version=TVersion(KMajorVersionNumber,KMinorVersionNumber,KBuildVersionNumber);
   105 	aDes.FillZ(aDes.MaxLength());
   106 	aDes.Copy((TUint8 *)&b,Min(aDes.MaxLength(),sizeof(b)));
   107 	}
   109 /**
   110  * Destructor
   111  *
   112  * @return N/A
   113  *
   114  * @leave N/A
   115  */
   116 DLddFactoryMmcCntrlInterface::~DLddFactoryMmcCntrlInterface()
   117 	{
   118 	if (gDfcQ)
   119 		gDfcQ->Destroy();
   120 	}
   122 /**
   123  * DLddMmcCntrlInterface constructor
   124  *
   125  * @return N/A
   126  *
   127  * @leave N/A
   128  */
   129 DLddMmcCntrlInterface::DLddMmcCntrlInterface()
   130 	{
   131 	iClient = &Kern::CurrentThread();
   132 	((DObject*)iClient)->Open();	// can't fail since thread is running
   133     }
   135 /**
   136  * Destructor
   137  *
   138  * @return N/A
   139  *
   140  * @leave	N/A
   141  */
   142 DLddMmcCntrlInterface::~DLddMmcCntrlInterface()
   143 	{
   144 	Kern::SafeClose((DObject*&)iClient,NULL);
   145 	iAsyncList.ResetAndDestroy();
   146     }
   148 /**
   149  * Create driver ojects
   150  *
   151  * @param TInt aUnit - Socket ID
   152  * @param const TDesC8* aInfo - Buffer for logging
   153  * @param const TVersion& aVer - Current version
   154  *
   155  * @return TInt the error code
   156  *
   157  * @leave N/A
   158  */
   159 TInt DLddMmcCntrlInterface::DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* aInfo, const TVersion& aVer)
   160 	{
   161 	if (!Kern::QueryVersionSupported(TVersion(KMajorVersionNumber,KMinorVersionNumber,KBuildVersionNumber),aVer))
   162 		return(KErrNotSupported);
   164 	MMCSDLOG2("DLddMmcCntrlInterface::DoCreate called aInfo(%S)", aInfo);
   166 	// create the socket - there is only a DMMCSocket
   167 	iSocket = static_cast<DMMCSocket*>(DPBusSocket::SocketFromId(aUnit));
   168 	if(!iSocket)
   169 		return(KErrNoMemory);
   171 	//Obtain the appropriate card from the stack
   172 	iStack = static_cast<DMMCStack*>(iSocket->Stack(KStackNo));
   173 	if(iStack == NULL)
   174 		return(KErrNoMemory);
   176 	//Obtain the appropriate card power supply
   177 	iPsu=static_cast<DMMCPsu*>(iSocket->iVcc);
   178 	if (iPsu==NULL)
   179 		return(KErrNoMemory);
   181 	//Obtain the appropriate card  Media change
   182 	iMediaChange=static_cast<DMMCMediaChange*>(iSocket->iMediaChange);
   183 	if (iMediaChange==NULL)
   184 		return(KErrNoMemory);
   186 	SetDfcQ(gDfcQ);
   187 	iMsgQ.Receive();
   189 	iUnit = aUnit;  // save the unit - needed for regitering callbacks for subsequent bus events
   191     return(KErrNone);
   192 	}
   194 /**
   195  * Request cancelled callback
   196  *
   197  * @param TInt sReqNo - Request Number
   198  *
   199  * @return N/A
   200  *
   201  * @leave N/A
   202  */
   203 void DLddMmcCntrlInterface::DoCancel(TInt /*aReqNo*/)
   204 	{
   205 	}
   207 /**
   208  * Handle kernel side message
   209  *
   210  * @param TMessageBase* aMsg - The kernel side message
   211  *
   212  * @return N/A
   213  *
   214  * @leave N/A
   215  */
   216 void DLddMmcCntrlInterface::HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg)
   217     {
   218     TThreadMessage& m=*(TThreadMessage*)aMsg;
   219     TInt id=m.iValue;
   221 	if (id==(TInt)ECloseMsg)
   222 		{
   223 		m.Complete(KErrNone, EFalse);
   224 		return;
   225 		}
   226     else if (id==KMaxTInt)
   227 		{
   228 		// DoCancel
   229 		m.Complete(KErrNone,ETrue);
   230 		return;
   231 		}
   233     if (id<0)
   234 		{
   235 		// DoRequest
   236 		TRequestStatus* pS=(TRequestStatus*)m.Ptr0();
   237 		TInt r=DoRequest(~id, pS, m.Ptr1(), m.Ptr2());
   238 		if (r!=KErrNone)
   239 	    	Kern::RequestComplete(iClient, pS, r);
   240 		m.Complete(KErrNone,ETrue);
   241 		}
   242     else
   243 		{
   244 		// DoControl
   245 		TInt r=DoControl(id,m.Ptr0(),m.Ptr1());
   246 		if(r != KErrCompletion)
   247 			{
   248 			m.Complete(r,ETrue);
   249 			}
   250 		}
   251 	}
   253 /**
   254  * Do a kernel side request
   255  *
   256  * @param TInt aFunction - Request Function ID
   257  * @param TRequestStatus* aStatus - Request Status
   258  * @param TAny* a1 - Given parameter
   259  * @param TAny* a2 - Given parameter
   260  *
   261  * @return TInt the error code
   262  *
   263  * @leave N/A
   264  */
   265 TInt DLddMmcCntrlInterface::DoRequest(TInt aFunction, TRequestStatus* aStatus, TAny* a1, TAny *a2)
   266 	{
   268 	TTCFunctionId fid = TTCFunctionId(aFunction);
   269 	switch(fid.TestType())
   270 		{
   271 		case EMmcTestSocket:
   272 			return SocketDoRequest(aStatus, a1, a2, aFunction);
   274 		case EMmcTestStack:
   275 		case EMmcTestPsu:
   276 		case EMmcTestMediaChange:
   277 	  	case EMmcGeneralTest:
   278 		default:
   279 			break;
   280 		};
   282     switch(fid.FunctionId())
   283 		{
   284         case RMMCSDTestControllerInterface::EReadSector:
   285             {
   286             // read sector a1 is block number, a2 is client descriptor
   287             // data will be written back to upon completion
   288 			MMCSDLOG3("RMMCSDTestControllerInterface::EReadSector a1(%d) a2(%x)", (TUint32)a1, a2);
   289 			if(!iCard)
   290 				{
   291 				MMCSDLOG("RMMCSDTestControllerInterface::EReadSector NULL card\n");
   292 				return KErrNotReady;
   293 				}
   295 			DMmcSessionAsyncRequest* request = CreateAsyncSessionRequest(EMmcSesReadBlk, aStatus);
   297 			TUint32 srcAddr=((TUint32)a1)<<KSectorSizeShift;
   298 			TUint readBlLen = 1 << iCard->MaxReadBlLen();
   299 			TUint readBlMask=(readBlLen-1);
   300 			request->iBlkOffet=srcAddr-(srcAddr&(~readBlMask));
   301 			request->iClientDesPtr = a2;
   302 			srcAddr &= (~readBlMask);
   304 			MMCSDLOG("RMMCSDTestControllerInterface::EReadSector #2");
   305 			TMMCArgument da(srcAddr);
   307 			request->Session().SetupCIMReadBlock(da,readBlLen,&(request->iBuf[0]));
   308 			request->Session().Engage();
   310 			MMCSDLOG("RMMCSDTestControllerInterface::EReadSector #3");
   311 			break;
   312             }
   313         case RMMCSDTestControllerInterface::EWriteSector:
   314             {
   315 			MMCSDLOG3("RMMCSDTestControllerInterface::EWriteSector a1(%d) a2(%x) #1", (TUint32)a1, a2);
   316 			if(!iCard)
   317 				{
   318 				MMCSDLOG("RMMCSDTestControllerInterface::EWriteSector NULL card\n");
   319 				return KErrNotReady;
   320 				}
   322 			TUint32 destAddr=((TUint32)a1)<<KSectorSizeShift;
   323 			TUint writeBlLen=1 << iCard->MaxWriteBlLen();
   325 			DMmcSessionAsyncRequest* request = CreateAsyncSessionRequest(EMmcSesWriteBlk, aStatus);
   327 			TUint writeBlMask=(writeBlLen-1);
   328 			request->iBlkOffet=destAddr-(destAddr&(~writeBlMask));
   329 			TPtr8* srcDes = (TPtr8*)a2;
   330 			TPtr8 ptr(&(request->iBuf[request->iBlkOffet]),KSectorSizeInBytes,KSectorSizeInBytes);
   331 			TInt r = Kern::ThreadDesRead(iClient, srcDes, ptr, 0, KChunkShiftBy0);
   332 			if(r != KErrNone)
   333 				{
   334 				return(r);
   335 				}
   337 			destAddr&=(~writeBlMask);
   338 			request->Session().SetupCIMWriteBlock(TMMCArgument(destAddr),writeBlLen,&(request->iBuf[0]));
   339 			request->Session().Engage();
   341 			MMCSDLOG("RMMCSDTestControllerInterface::EWriteSector #4");
   342 			break;
   343 			}
   344         }
   345 	return(KErrNone);
   346 	}
   348 /**
   349  * Do a kernel side control
   350  *
   351  * @param TInt aFunction - Request Function ID
   352  * @param TAny* a1 - Given parameter
   353  * @param TAny* a2 - Given parameter
   354  *
   355  * @return TInt the error code
   356  *
   357  * @leave N/A
   358  */
   359 TInt DLddMmcCntrlInterface::DoControl(TInt aFunction,TAny* a1,TAny* a2)
   360 	{
   361 	TInt r = KErrNotSupported;
   362 	TTCFunctionId fid = TTCFunctionId(aFunction);
   363 	MMCSDLOG4("DLddMmcCntrlInterface::DoControl aFunction(%d) \
   364 			fid.FunctionId()(%d) fid.TestType(%d)"
   365 			, aFunction, fid.FunctionId(), fid.TestType());
   367 	switch(fid.TestType())
   368 		{
   369 		case EMmcTestStack:
   370 			return StackDoControl(aFunction, a1, a2);
   371 		case EMmcTestSocket:
   372 			return SocketDoControl(aFunction, a1, a2);
   373       	case EMmcTestPsu:
   374 			return PsuDoControl(aFunction, a1, a2);
   375 		case EMmcTestMediaChange:
   376 			return MediaChangeDoControl(aFunction, a1, a2);
   377 		case EMmcGeneralTest:
   378 		default:
   379 			break;
   380 		};
   382 	switch (fid.FunctionId())
   383 		{
   384       	case RMMCSDTestControllerInterface::EReadCSD:
   385       		{
   386 			iCSD = iCard->CSD();
   387 				{				
   388 				TCSDInfo csdInfo(iCSD);
   389 	    		r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, a1, &csdInfo, sizeof(csdInfo));
   390 				}
   391       		}
   392 	  		break;
   394       	case RMMCSDTestControllerInterface::EReadExtCSD:
   395       		{
   396 			iExtendedCSD = iCard->ExtendedCSD();
   397 			TExtendedCSDInfo extendedCSDInfo(iExtendedCSD);
   398     		r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, a1, &extendedCSDInfo, sizeof(extendedCSDInfo));
   399       		}
   400 	  		break;
   402 		case RMMCSDTestControllerInterface::ECardInfo:
   403 			{
   404 			TMMCCardInfo cardInfo;
   405 			cardInfo.SetCardInfo(*iCard);
   406 			r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, a1, &cardInfo, sizeof(cardInfo));
   407 			}
   408 			break;
   410 		case RMMCSDTestControllerInterface::ECard:
   411       		{
   412 			r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, a1, &iCard, sizeof(iCard));
   413       		}
   414 	  		break;
   416 		case RMMCSDTestControllerInterface::ECardIsPresent:
   417 			{
   418 			TBool isPresent = iCard->IsPresent();
   419 			r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, a1, &isPresent, sizeof(isPresent));
   420 			}
   421 			break;
   423 		case RMMCSDTestControllerInterface::ECardIsReady:
   424 			{
   425 			TBool isReady = iCard->IsReady();
   426 			r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, a1, &isReady, sizeof(isReady));
   427 			}
   428 			break;
   430 		case RMMCSDTestControllerInterface::ECardIsLocked:
   431 			{
   432 			TBool isLocked = iCard->IsLocked();
   433 			r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, a1, &isLocked, sizeof(isLocked));
   434 			}
   435 			break;
   437        default:
   438         	{
   439         	MMCSDLOG2("DLddMmcCntrlInterface::DoControl - Invalid FunctionId()(%d)", fid.FunctionId());        	
   440         	}
   441 			break;
   442 		}
   445 	return (r);
   446 	}
   448 /**
   449  * Check if a request status exists
   450  *
   451  * @param TRequestStatus* aStatus - Request Status
   452  *
   453  * @return TBool A request status exists
   454  *
   455  * @leave N/A
   456  */
   457 TBool DLddMmcCntrlInterface::RequestStatusExists(TRequestStatus* aStatus)
   458 	{
   460 	// check whether this request status already exists in the async request list
   461 	for(int i=0;i<iAsyncList.Count();i++)
   462 		{
   463 		MMCSDLOG3("Checking index(%d) iAsyncList[i]->Status(%x)", i, iAsyncList[i]->Status());
   465 		if(iAsyncList[i]->Status() == aStatus)
   466 			{
   467 			MMCSDLOG3("WaRNING - adding duplicate TRequestStatus index[%d] aStatus(%x)", i, aStatus);
   468 			return ETrue;
   469 			}
   470 		}
   472 	return EFalse;
   473 	}
   475 /**
   476  * Create Asynchronous Session Request
   477  *
   478  * @param TMmcAsyncCmd aFunctionId - Request Function ID
   479  * @param TRequestStatus* aStatus - Request Status
   480  *
   481  * @return DMmcSessionAsyncRequest* Poniter to the created session request object
   482  *
   483  * @leave N/A
   484  */
   485 DMmcSessionAsyncRequest* DLddMmcCntrlInterface::CreateAsyncSessionRequest(TMmcAsyncCmd aFunctionId, TRequestStatus* aStatus)
   486 	{
   488 	MMCSDLOG3("DLddMmcCntrlInterface::CreateAsyncRequest aStatus(%x) num requests in list (%d)",
   489 			aStatus, iAsyncList.Count());
   491 	// create an async request & append to async request list	
   492 	DMmcSessionAsyncRequest* request = new  DMmcSessionAsyncRequest(aFunctionId, aStatus, *this, gDfcQ, *iStack, *iCard);	
   493 	iAsyncList.Append(request);		
   494 	MMCSDLOG4("DLddMmcCntrlInterface::CreateAsyncSessionRequest created OK Status(%x) functionID(%d) aFunctionId(%d)",
   495 			request->Status(), request->FunctionId(), aFunctionId);
   496 	return request;
   497 	}
   499 /**
   500  * Create Asynchronous Bus Event Request
   501  *
   502  * @param TMmcAsyncCmd aFunctionId - Request Function ID
   503  * @param TRequestStatus* aStatus - Request Status
   504  * @param TInt aUnit - Socket ID
   505  *
   506  * @return DBusEventRequest* Poniter to the created bus event request object
   507  *
   508  * @leave N/A
   509  */
   510 DBusEventRequest* DLddMmcCntrlInterface::CreateAsyncBusEventRequest(TMmcAsyncCmd aFunctionId, TRequestStatus* aStatus, TInt aUnit)
   511 	{
   512 	MMCSDLOG3("DLddMmcCntrlInterface::CreateAsyncBusEventRequest aStatus(%x) num requests in list (%d)",
   513 			aStatus, iAsyncList.Count());
   515 	MMCSDLOG4("gDfcQ(%x), iStack(%x), iCard(%x)", gDfcQ, iStack, iCard);
   517 	// create an async request & append toS async request list
   518 	DBusEventRequest* request = new  DBusEventRequest(aFunctionId, aStatus, *this, aUnit, gDfcQ, *iStack, *iCard);
   519 	iAsyncList.Append(request);
   520 	MMCSDLOG4("DLddMmcCntrlInterface::CreateAsyncBusEventRequest created OK Status(%x) functionID(%d) aFunctionId(%d)",
   521 			request->Status(), request->FunctionId(), aFunctionId);
   522 	return request;
   524 	}
   526 /**
   527  * Clears an asynchronous Request from list
   528  *
   529  * @param DLddAsyncRequest* aRequest - Pointer to the request
   530  *
   531  * @return N/A
   532  *
   533  * @leave N/A
   534  */
   535 void DLddMmcCntrlInterface::ClearRequest(DLddAsyncRequest* aRequest)
   536 	{
   537 	if(!aRequest)
   538 		{
   539 		MMCSDLOG("ERROR IN DLddMmcCntrlInterface::ClearRequest NULL request");
   540 		return;
   541 		}
   543 	TInt i = iAsyncList.Find(aRequest);
   544 	if(i >= 0)
   545 		{
   546 		iAsyncList.Remove(i);
   547 		}
   548 	else
   549 		{
   550 		MMCSDLOG2("ERROR IN DLddMmcCntrlInterface::ClearRequest err(%d)", i);
   551 		}
   553 	delete aRequest;
   555 	}
   557 /**
   558  * Callback when request has completed
   559  *
   560  * @param DLddAsyncRequest& aRequest - The completed request
   561  *
   562  * @return N/A
   563  *
   564  * @leave N/A
   565  */
   566 void DLddMmcCntrlInterface::Notify(DLddAsyncRequest& aRequest)  // callback from DLddAsyncRequest
   567 	{
   568 	MMCSDLOG("DLddMmcCntrlInterface::Notify called");
   569 	TRequestStatus* status =  aRequest.Status();
   570 	switch (aRequest.FunctionId())
   571 		{
   572 		case DLddMmcCntrlInterface::EMmcSesReadBlk:
   573 			{
   574 			DMmcSessionAsyncRequest& request = (DMmcSessionAsyncRequest&) aRequest;
   575 			MMCSDLOG("DLddMmcCntrlInterface::ReadBlockComplete");
   576 			TInt r = KErrNone;
   577 			if (request.iClientDesPtr) // have we supplied descriptor to hold returned data
   578 				{
   579 				TPtr8 ptr(&(request.iBuf[request.iBlkOffet]), KSectorSizeInBytes, KSectorSizeInBytes);
   580 				TPtrC8* srcDes = (TPtrC8*)request.iClientDesPtr;
   581 				r = Kern::ThreadDesWrite(iClient, srcDes, ptr, 0, iClient);
   582 				if(r != KErrNone)
   583 					{
   584 					MMCSDLOG2("ERROR DLddMmcCntrlInterface::ReadBlockComplete Kern::ThreadDesWrite returned r(%d)", r);
   585 					}
   586 				}
   587 			else
   588 				{
   589 				MMCSDLOG("ERROR DLddMmcCntrlInterface::ReadExtCSDComplete - No pointer provided to hold returned data");
   590 				Kern::PanicCurrentThread(_L("PBUS-MMC"), 0);				
   591 				}
   592 			Kern::RequestComplete(iClient, status, (r == KErrNone) ? aRequest.Error() : r);
   593 			}
   594 			break;
   596 		case DLddMmcCntrlInterface::EMmcSesWriteBlk:
   597 			{
   598 			MMCSDLOG("DLddMmcCntrlInterface::WriteBlockComplete)");
   599 			TRequestStatus* status =  aRequest.Status();
   600 			Kern::RequestComplete(iClient, status, aRequest.Error());
   601 			}
   602 			break;
   604 		case DLddMmcCntrlInterface::EMmcSesReadCSD:
   605 			{
   606 			DMmcSessionAsyncRequest& request = (DMmcSessionAsyncRequest&) aRequest;
   607 			MMCSDLOG("DLddMmcCntrlInterface::ReadCSDComplete");
   608 			TInt r = KErrNone;
   609 			if (request.iClientDesPtr) // have we supplied pointer to hold returned data
   610 				{
   611 					{
   612 					TCSDInfo csdInfo(iCSD);
   613 		    		r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, request.iClientDesPtr, &csdInfo, sizeof(csdInfo));
   614 					}
   615 				if(r != KErrNone)
   616 					{
   617 					MMCSDLOG2("ERROR DLddMmcCntrlInterface::ReadCSDComplete Kern::ThreadRawWrite returned r(%d)", r);
   618 					}
   619 				}
   620 			else
   621 				{
   622 				MMCSDLOG("ERROR DLddMmcCntrlInterface::ReadExtCSDComplete - No pointer provided to hold returned data");
   623 				Kern::PanicCurrentThread(_L("PBUS-MMC"), 0);				
   624 				}
   625 			Kern::RequestComplete(iClient, status, (r == KErrNone) ? aRequest.Error() : r);
   626 			}
   627 			break;
   629 		case DLddMmcCntrlInterface::EMmcSesReadExtCSD:
   630 			{
   631 			DMmcSessionAsyncRequest& request = (DMmcSessionAsyncRequest&) aRequest;
   632 			MMCSDLOG("DLddMmcCntrlInterface::ReadExtCSDComplete");
   633 			TInt r = KErrNone;
   634 			if (request.iClientDesPtr) // have we supplied pointer to hold returned data
   635 				{
   636 				TExtendedCSDInfo extendedCSDInfo(iExtendedCSD);
   637 	    		r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, request.iClientDesPtr, &extendedCSDInfo, sizeof(extendedCSDInfo));
   638 				if(r != KErrNone)
   639 					{
   640 					MMCSDLOG2("ERROR DLddMmcCntrlInterface::ReadExtCSDComplete Kern::ThreadRawWrite returned r(%d)", r);
   641 					}
   642 				}
   643 			else
   644 				{
   645 				MMCSDLOG("ERROR DLddMmcCntrlInterface::ReadExtCSDComplete - No pointer provided to hold returned data");
   646 				Kern::PanicCurrentThread(_L("PBUS-MMC"), 0);				
   647 				}
   648 			Kern::RequestComplete(iClient, status, (r == KErrNone) ? aRequest.Error() : r);
   649 			}
   650 			break;
   652 		case DLddMmcCntrlInterface::EMMcSocketPowerUp:
   653 			{
   654 			DBusEventRequest& request = (DBusEventRequest&) aRequest;
   655 			TInt retCode = KErrNone;
   657 			MMCSDLOG2("DLddMmcCntrlInterface::EMMcSocketPowerUp ret code = %d", aRequest.Error());
   658 			MMCSDLOG2("DLddMmcCntrlInterface::EMMcSocketPowerUp request.BusState() = %d", request.BusState());
   659 			MMCSDLOG2("DLddMmcCntrlInterface::EMMcSocketPowerUp request.BusError() = %d", request.BusError());
   661 			switch(aRequest.Error())
   662 				{
   663 				case TPBusCallBack::EPBusStateChange:
   664 					{
   665 					TPBusState newState = request.BusState();
   666 					retCode = request.BusError();
   668 					if (retCode == KErrNone)
   669 						{
   670 						switch(newState)
   671 							{
   672 							case EPBusCardAbsent:	retCode = KErrNotFound;		break;			
   673 							case EPBusPsuFault:		retCode = KErrBadPower;		break;
   674 							case EPBusOff:
   675 							case EPBusOn:
   676 							case EPBusPowerUpPending:
   677 							case EPBusPoweringUp:
   678 							default:	
   679 								break;
   680 							}
   681 						}
   683 					break;
   684 					}
   685 				}
   687 	   		Kern::RequestComplete(iClient, status, retCode);
   688 			}
   689 			break;
   691 		default:
   692 			MMCSDLOG("#######################################################################");
   693 			MMCSDLOG("## UNHANDLED END DFC DLddAsyncRequest DLddMmcCntrlInterface::Notify  ##");
   694 			MMCSDLOG2("## aRequest.FunctionId(%d)  ##", aRequest.FunctionId());
   695 			MMCSDLOG("#######################################################################");
   696 			Kern::PanicCurrentThread(_L("PBUS-MMC"), 0);
   697 			break;
   698 		};
   700 	ClearRequest(&aRequest);
   702 	}