changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:29b1cd4cb562
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <bluetooth/logger.h>
    17 #include <cs_port.h>
    18 #include "btcomm.h"
    19 #include "btstate.h"
    21 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
    22 _LIT8(KLogComponent, LOG_COMPONENT_BT_COMM);
    23 #endif
    25 //**********************************************************************
    26 //			            BTCOMM CSY ENTRY POINT CODE
    27 //**********************************************************************
    29 extern "C"
    30 	{
    31 	IMPORT_C CSerial* LibEntry();	// Force export 
    32 	}
    34 EXPORT_C CSerial* LibEntry()
    35 /**
    36 	Lib main entry point.
    37 **/
    38 	{
    39 	CBTPortFactory* c=NULL;
    40 	TRAPD(ret,c=CBTPortFactory::NewL());
    41 	if (ret!=KErrNone)
    42 		return NULL;
    43 	return c;
    44 	}
    48 //**********************************************************************
    49 //			            BTCOMM PORT FACTORY CODE
    50 //**********************************************************************
    52 #pragma warning (disable : 4100)  // Unreferenced formal parameter
    54 static void CleanupCObject(TAny* aCObject)
    55 /**
    56 	Clean up a CObject.
    57 	This static callback is invoked upon destruction of factory 
    58 	by c32 to close it down.
    59 **/
    60     {
    62     ((CObject*)aCObject)->Close();
    63     }
    65 CPort* CBTPortFactory::NewPortL(const TUint aUnit)
    66 /**
    67 	CBTPortFactory NewPortL.
    68 	Create a new port for the supplied unit number.
    69 **/
    70 	{
    71 	LOG_FUNC
    72 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aUnit<=KCommHighUnit,User::Leave(KErrNotSupported));
    73 	// need to pass the factory instance through to the port.
    74 	CBTPort *port=CBTPort::NewL(aUnit,iPortStateFactory);
    75 	return port;
    76 	}
    78 void CBTPortFactory::Info(TSerialInfo& aSerialInfo)
    79 /**
    80 	Fill in the supplied structure.
    81 **/
    82 	{
    83 	LOG_FUNC
    84 	aSerialInfo.iDescription=SERIAL_DESCRIPTION;
    85 	aSerialInfo.iName=SERIAL_NAME;
    86 	aSerialInfo.iLowUnit=KCommLowUnit;
    87 	aSerialInfo.iHighUnit=KCommHighUnit;
    88 	}
    90 void CBTPortFactory::ConstructL()
    91 /**
    92 	Construct CBTPort Factory.
    93 	Also construct the CBTPortStateFactory here too.
    94 **/
    95 	{
    97 	LOG_FUNC
    99 	iPortStateFactory=CBTPortStateFactory::NewL();
   100 	TName name(SERIAL_NAME);
   101 	SetNameL(&name);
   102 	}
   104 CBTPortFactory* CBTPortFactory::NewL()
   105 /**
   106 	Create new CBTPortFactory.
   107 	This factory is derived from CSerial.
   108 	Corresponds to the BTCOMM in BTCOMM::0 etc.
   109 **/
   110 	{
   112 	CBTPortFactory* c=new(ELeave) CBTPortFactory;
   113 	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanupCObject, c));
   114 	c->ConstructL();
   115 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   116 	return c;
   117 	}
   119 CBTPortFactory::CBTPortFactory()
   120 /**
   121 	CBTPortFactory c'tor.
   122 **/
   123 	{
   124 	LOG_FUNC
   125 //	iVersion=TVersion(KMajorVersion,KMinorVersion,KBuild);
   126 	}
   128 CBTPortFactory::~CBTPortFactory()
   129 /**
   130 	CBTPortFactory destructor.
   131 **/
   132 	{
   133 	LOG_FUNC
   134 	delete iPortStateFactory;
   137 	}
   139 TSecurityPolicy CBTPortFactory::PortPlatSecCapability (TUint /**aPort*/) const
   140 	//return the security policy for the given port number, aPort.  All the ports
   141 	//are treated the same so always return a security policy defining local services
   142 	{
   143 	LOG_FUNC
   144 	return TSecurityPolicy(ECapabilityLocalServices);	
   145 	}
   146 //**********************************************************************
   147 //			            BTCOMM PORT CODE
   148 //**********************************************************************
   150 CBTPort::CBTPort()
   151 /**
   152 	C'Tor sets-up the TCommconfigV01 and TCommCapsV02 structs of the CSY.
   153 **/
   154 	{
   155 	LOG_FUNC
   157 	iConfig.iRate            = EBps9600;
   158 	iConfig.iDataBits        = EData8;
   159 	iConfig.iStopBits        = EStop1;
   160 	iConfig.iParity          = EParityNone;
   161 	iConfig.iFifo            = EFifoEnable;
   162 	iConfig.iHandshake       = 0;	// KConfigObeyCTS
   163 	iConfig.iParityError     = KConfigParityErrorIgnore;
   164 	iConfig.iSIREnable       = ESIRDisable;
   165 	iConfig.iTerminatorCount = 0;
   166 	iConfig.iXonChar         = 0x11; // XON
   167 	iConfig.iXoffChar        = 0x13; // XOFF
   168 	iConfig.iSpecialRate     = 0;
   169 	iConfig.iParityErrorChar = 0;
   171 	// set CSY TCommCapsV02 capabilities struct
   172 	iCaps.iRate              = KCapsBps9600;
   173 	iCaps.iDataBits          = KCapsData8;
   174 	iCaps.iStopBits          = KCapsStop1;
   175 	iCaps.iParity            = KCapsParityNone;
   176 	iCaps.iHandshake         = 0;
   177 	iCaps.iSignals           = 0;
   178 	iCaps.iFifo              = KCapsHasFifo;
   179 	iCaps.iSIR               = 0;
   180 	iCaps.iNotificationCaps  = 0;		
   181 	iCaps.iRoleCaps          = 0;
   182 	iCaps.iFlowControlCaps   = 0;
   183 	}
   185 CBTPort* CBTPort::NewL(TUint aUnit,CBTPortStateFactory* aFactory)
   186 /**
   187 	CBTPort NewL, make a new CPort for the Comm server.
   188 	This port is derived from CPort. This CBTPort is used by 
   189 	the Comms server to serve all the client RComm requests. 
   191 	@param		aUnit		Corresponds to the digit in BTCOMM::0 etc.
   192 							Note that each digit corresponds to a different
   193 							legacy CSY port.  
   194 	@param		aFactory    Is the factory object used to reach each state
   195 */
   196 	{
   198 	CBTPort* p=new(ELeave) CBTPort;
   199 	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanupCObject, p));
   200 	p->ConstructL(aUnit,aFactory);
   201     CleanupStack::Pop();
   202 	return p;
   203 	}
   205 void CBTPort::ConstructL(TUint aUnit,CBTPortStateFactory* aFactory)
   206 /**
   207 	ConstructL(..) is the second phase construction of CBTPort.
   209 	This sets the CSY role to DTE, instantiates the state machine and 
   210 	registers the CPort name to whatever the aUnit is.
   212 	@param	aUnit		is the virtual BTComm port number
   213 	@param	aFactory	is the state machine factory used to access the 
   214 						proxy states
   215 **/
   216 	{
   217 	LOG_FUNC
   218 	iRole=ECommRoleDTE;	// set to DTE by default.
   219 	iPortProxy=CBTPortProxy::NewL(TUint32(aUnit),this,aFactory);
   220 	TName name;
   221 	name.Format(_L("%d"), aUnit);
   222 	SetNameL(&name);
   223 	}
   225 CBTPort::~CBTPort()
   226 /**
   227 	The CBTPort destructor is either invoked immediately from destruct or
   228 	via deferred deletion mechanism via the "active shutterdowner".
   229 **/
   230 	{
   231 	LOG_FUNC
   232 	delete iPortProxy;
   233 	}
   235 void CBTPort::Destruct()
   236 /**
   237 	CBTPort Destruct, is invoked by c32 to destroy the port.  	
   239 	At this point it is necessary to either destroy the port immediately or 
   240 	invoke a deferred deletion "active shutterdowner" mechanism.
   241 **/
   242 	{
   243 	LOG_FUNC
   245 	if (iPortProxy)
   246 		iPortProxy->Close();
   247 	}
   249 void CBTPort::DestructNow()
   250 /**
   251 	To be called by CBTPortProxy to signal the shutdown.
   252 */
   253 	{
   254 	LOG_FUNC
   255 	delete this;
   256 	}
   258 void CBTPort::StartRead(const TAny* aClientBuffer,TInt aLength)
   259 /**
   260 	Reads any inbound data into the client buffer supplied.
   262 	The read is passed over to the CBTPortProxy for completion and when it is 
   263 	eventually completed to RFComm; read completion is signalled to the client
   264 	by invoking the CPort::ReadCompleted mechanism.
   266 	@param	aClientBuffer	is the pointer to the client buffer to be filled
   267 	@param	aLength			the desired amount of bytes to be filled in the buffer
   268 **/
   269 	{
   270 	LOG_FUNC
   271 	iPortProxy->Read(aClientBuffer,aLength);
   272 	}
   274 void CBTPort::ReadCancel()
   275 /**
   276 	Cancels the pending read.
   277 **/
   278 	{
   279 	LOG_FUNC
   280 	iPortProxy->ReadCancel();
   281 	}
   283 TInt CBTPort::QueryReceiveBuffer(TInt& aLength) const
   284 /**
   285 	Retrieval of the number of bytes waiting in the receive buffer.
   287 	@param		aLength		is set to zero
   288 	@return		KErrNone
   289 */
   290 	{
   291 	LOG_FUNC
   292 	return iPortProxy->QueryReceiveBuffer(aLength);
   293 	}
   295 void CBTPort::ResetBuffers(TUint aFlags)
   296 /**
   297 	Resets the Rx buffers, does nothing about the Tx buffer.
   298 	The reason why we don't do anything about the Tx buffer is 
   299 	because the CSY passes the client data straight to ESock.
   301 	@param aFlags may be KCommResetRx, KCommResetTx or KCommResetRx|KCommResetTx
   302 **/
   303 	{
   304 	LOG_FUNC
   305 	if((aFlags==KCommResetTx)||(aFlags==0)) //only
   306 		{
   307 		return; //nothing to do
   308 		}
   309 	iPortProxy->ResetRxBuffer();// holds true for the case > KCommResetRx|KCommResetTx
   310 								// as well, since we cannot signal the client
   311 	}
   313 void CBTPort::StartWrite(const TAny* aClientBuffer, TInt aLength)
   314 /**
   315 	Uses the supplied buffer to read out data from. 
   316 	These data are destined to be send to the RFComm layer of the Bluetooth stack.
   318 	@param	aClientBuffer	the pointer to the clients buffer from which to read from
   319 	@param	aLength			the number of desired bytes to be read out.
   320 */
   321 	{
   322 	LOG_FUNC
   323 	iPortProxy->Write(aClientBuffer,aLength);
   324 	}
   326 void CBTPort::WriteCancel()
   327 /**
   328 	Cancels the last requested Write if possible.
   329 */
   330 	{
   331 	LOG_FUNC
   332 	iPortProxy->WriteCancel();
   333 	}
   335 void CBTPort::Break(TInt /*aTime*/)
   336 /** 
   337 	CBTPort Break is Not supported.
   338 **/
   339 	{
   340 	LOG_FUNC
   341 	}
   343 void CBTPort::BreakCancel()
   344 /** 
   345 	CBTPort BreakCancel is not supported.
   346 **/
   347 	{
   348 	LOG_FUNC
   349 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* BreakCancel *) used by client"));
   350 	}
   352 TInt CBTPort::GetConfig(TDes8& aPackage) const
   353 /**
   354 	CBTPort GetConfig gives the CSY's configuration TCommConfigV01 to the client.
   356 	@param	aPackage	is the packaged TCommConfigV01 supplied by the client, to be filled.
   357 	@return		KErrNone always
   358 */
   359 	{
   360 	LOG_FUNC
   361     // copy back local iConfig
   362 	aPackage.FillZ();
   363     TPckg<TCommConfigV01> cfg(iConfig);
   364 	aPackage.Copy(cfg);
   365 	return KErrNone;
   366 	}
   368 TInt CBTPort::SetConfig(const TDesC8& aPackage)
   369 /**
   370 	CBTPort SetConfig allows for the configuration of the CSY.
   371 	Currently the only configuration which is allowed and is meaningful, is the
   372 	configuration associated with terminated reads; the rest are not honoured.
   374 	@param aPackage		is a packaged TCommConfigV01 struct.
   375 	@return		KErrNone or KErrNotSupported if the terminator count is 
   376 				greater than KConfigMaxTerminators
   378 */
   379 	{
   380 	LOG_FUNC
   381     TCommConfigV01 c;
   382     Mem::FillZ(&c,sizeof(c));
   383 	TInt len=Min(aPackage.Length(),sizeof(c));
   384 	Mem::Copy(&c, aPackage.Ptr(),len);
   385 	if(c.iTerminatorCount)
   386 		{
   387 		if (c.iTerminatorCount>KConfigMaxTerminators)
   388 			{
   389 			return KErrNotSupported;
   390 			}
   391 		else
   392 			{
   393 			iPortProxy->iTerminatedReads=ETrue;
   394 			iPortProxy->iTerm.iTerminatorCount=c.iTerminatorCount;
   395 			for (TInt i=0;i<c.iTerminatorCount;i++)
   396 				{
   397 				iPortProxy->iTerm.iTerminatorChars[i]=c.iTerminator[i];
   398 				}
   399 			}
   400 		}
   401 	else
   402 		{
   403 		iPortProxy->iTerminatedReads=EFalse;
   404 		}
   405 	iConfig=c;
   406 	return KErrNone;
   407 	}
   409 TInt CBTPort::SetServerConfig(const TDesC8& /*aTCommServerConfigV01-Package*/)
   410 /** 
   411 	CBTPort SetServerConfig is not supported.
   412 	SetServerConfig is otherwise used to mandate the buffering strategy within 
   413 	the CSY. The Bluetooth CSY uses it's own buffering startegy which is not
   414 	exposed to the client nor it is reconfigurable by it.
   416 	@return KErrNotSupported
   417 **/
   418 	{
   419 	LOG_FUNC
   420 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* SetServerConfig *) used by client"));
   421 	return KErrNotSupported;
   422 	}
   424 TInt CBTPort::GetServerConfig(TDes8& /*aPackage*/)
   425 /**
   426 	CBTPort GetServerConfig is not supported
   428 	@return KErrNotSupported
   429 **/
   430 	{
   431 	LOG_FUNC
   432 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* GetServerConfig *)  used by client"));
   433 	return KErrNotSupported;
   434 	}
   436 TInt CBTPort::GetCaps(TDes8& aPackage)
   437 /**
   438 	Get current Bluetooth CSY serial port emulation capabilities.
   439 	Capabilities are defined in c32comm.h.
   441 	@param aPackage		can either be a packaged TCommCapsV01 or TCommCapsV02
   442 	@return				KErrNone
   443 */
   444 	{
   445 	LOG_FUNC
   446     aPackage.FillZ();
   447 	TPckg<TCommCapsV02> caps(iCaps);
   448 	TInt len=Min(caps.Length(),aPackage.Length());
   449 	//to be on the safe side just in case the package is v01
   450 	aPackage.Copy(caps.Left(len));
   451 	return KErrNone;
   452 	}
   454 TInt CBTPort::GetSignals(TUint& /*aSignals*/)
   455 /**
   456 	GetSignal is not supported.
   457 	Would otherwise gets current signal emulation states.
   459 	@return		KErrNotSupported
   460 */
   461 	{
   462 	//	Signals are set as follows (from c32comm.h):
   463 	//	KSignalCTS, KSignalDSR, KSignalDCD, KSignalRNG, KSignalRTS, KSignalDTR.
   465 	LOG_FUNC
   466 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* GetSignals *) used by client"));
   467 	return KErrNotSupported;
   468 	}
   470 TInt CBTPort::SetSignalsToMark(TUint /*aSignals*/)
   471 /**
   472 	SetSignalsToMark is not supported.
   474 	@return		KErrNotSupported
   475 **/
   476 	{
   477 	// Set signals to Mark (high).
   478 	// Signals are defined as follows (from c32comm.h):
   479 	// KSignalCTS, KSignalDSR, KSignalDCD, KSignalRNG, KSignalRTS, KSignalDTR.
   481 	LOG_FUNC
   482 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* SetSignalsToMark *) used by client"));
   483 	return KErrNotSupported;
   484 	}
   486 TInt CBTPort::SetSignalsToSpace(TUint /*aSignals*/)
   487 /**
   488 	Set Signals to Space is not supported.
   490 	@return KErrNotSupported
   491 **/
   492 	{
   493 	LOG_FUNC
   494 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* SetSignalsToSpace *) used by client"));
   495 	//	Signals are defined as follows (from c32comm.h):
   496 	//	KSignalCTS, KSignalDSR, KSignalDCD, KSignalRNG, KSignalRTS, KSignalDTR.
   498 	return KErrNotSupported;
   499 	}
   501 TInt CBTPort::SetReceiveBufferLength(TInt /*aLength*/)
   502 /**
   503 	Setting of the  receiver buffer length is not allowed.
   505 	@return KErrNotSupported
   506 **/
   507 	{
   508 	LOG_FUNC
   509 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* SetReceiveBufferLength *) used by client"));
   510 	return KErrNotSupported;
   511 	}
   513 TInt CBTPort::GetReceiveBufferLength(TInt& aLength) const
   514 /**
   515 	Assigns to the parameter the max length of the CSY's receive buffer.
   517 	@param		aLength		the max size of the receive buffer in the CSY
   518 	@return		KErrNone or an appropriate error code
   519 */
   520 	{
   521 	LOG_FUNC
   522 	return iPortProxy->GetReceiveBufferLength(aLength);
   523 	}
   525 void CBTPort::FreeMemory()
   526 /**
   527 	CBTPort FreeMemory, this function is called by nothing and is not supported.
   528 **/
   529 	{
   530 	LOG_FUNC
   531 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* FreeMemory *) used by client"));
   532 	}
   534 //*********************** EXTRAS FOR C32 v6 ************************
   536 void CBTPort::NotifySignalChange(TUint /*aChange*/)
   537 /**
   538 	Signal Change Notification is not supported by the Bluetooth CSY.
   539 	RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
   540 	which indicate that notification is not supported.
   541 */
   542 	{
   543 	LOG_FUNC
   544 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifySignalChange *) used by client"));
   545 	}
   548 void CBTPort::NotifySignalChangeCancel(void)
   549 /**
   550 	Notify Signal Change Cancel is not supported.
   551 	RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
   552 	which indicate that notification is not supported.
   554 	Note:	this method may be called implicitly by RComm::Cancel and will
   555 			have no effect.
   557 */
   558 	{
   559 	LOG_FUNC
   560 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifySignalChangeCancel *) used by client"));
   561 	}
   563 void CBTPort::NotifyConfigChange(void)
   564 /**
   565 	NotifyConfigChange is not supported.
   566 	RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
   567 	which indicate that notification is not supported.
   568 */
   569 	{
   570 	LOG_FUNC
   571 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyConfigChange *) used by client"));
   572 	}
   574 void CBTPort::NotifyConfigChangeCancel(void)
   575 /**
   576 	NotifyConfigChangeCancel is not supported.
   577 	RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
   578 	which indicate that notification is not supported.
   580   	Note:	this method may be called implicitly by RComm::Cancel and will
   581 			have no effect.
   583 */
   584 	{
   585 	LOG_FUNC
   586 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyConfigChangeCancel *) used by client"));
   587 	}
   589 void CBTPort::NotifyFlowControlChange(void)
   590 /**
   591 	NotifyFlowControlChange is not supported.
   592 	RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
   593 	which indicate that notification is not supported.
   595 */
   596 	{
   597 	LOG_FUNC
   598 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyFlowControlChange *) used by client"));
   599 	}
   601 void CBTPort::NotifyFlowControlChangeCancel(void)
   602 /**
   603 	NotifyFlowControlChangeCancel is not supported.
   604 	RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
   605 	which indicate that notification is not supported.
   607 	Note:	this method may be called implicitly by RComm::Cancel and will
   608 			have no effect.
   610 */
   611 	{
   612 	LOG_FUNC
   613 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature  (* NotifyFlowControlChangeCancel *) used by client"));
   614 	}
   616 void CBTPort::NotifyBreak(void)
   617 /**
   618 	Notify Break is not supported.
   619 	RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
   620 	which indicate that notification is not supported.
   621 */
   622 	{
   623 	LOG_FUNC
   624 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyBreak *) used by client"));
   625 	}
   627 void CBTPort::NotifyBreakCancel(void)
   628 /**
   629 	NotifyBreakCancel is not supported.
   630 	RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
   631 	which indicate that notification is not supported.
   633 	Note:	this method may be called implicitly by RComm::Cancel and will
   634 			have no effect.
   636 */
   637 	{
   638 	LOG_FUNC
   639 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyBreakCancel *) used by client"));
   640 	}
   642 void CBTPort::NotifyDataAvailable(void)
   643 /**
   644 	NotifyDataAvailable is not supported.
   645 	RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
   646 	which indicate that notification is not supported.
   647 */
   648 	{
   649 	LOG_FUNC
   650 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyDataAvailable *) used by client"));
   651 	}
   653 void CBTPort::NotifyDataAvailableCancel(void)
   654 /**
   655 	NotifyDataAvailableCancel is not supported.
   656 	RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
   657 	which indicate that notification is not supported.
   659 	Note:	this method may be called implicitly by RComm::Cancel and will
   660 			have no effect.
   662 */
   663 	{
   664 	LOG_FUNC
   665 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyDataAvailableCancel *)used by client"));
   666 	}
   668 void CBTPort::NotifyOutputEmpty(void)
   669 /**
   670 	NotifyOutputEmptyIndication is not supported.
   671 	RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
   672 	which indicate that notification is not supported.
   673 */
   674 	{
   675 	LOG_FUNC
   676 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyOutputEmpty *) used by client"));
   677 	}
   679 void CBTPort::NotifyOutputEmptyCancel(void)
   680 /**
   681 	NotifyOutputEmptyCancel.
   682 	RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
   683 	which indicate that notification is not supported.
   685 	Note:	this method may be called implicitly by RComm::Cancel and will
   686 			have no effect.
   688 */
   689 	{
   690 	LOG_FUNC
   691 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyOutputEmptyCancel *) used by client"));
   692 	}
   694 TInt CBTPort::GetFlowControlStatus(TFlowControl& /*aFlowControl*/)
   695 /**
   696 	Getting of serial port emulation flow control status is not supported.
   698 	@return KErrNotSupported
   699 **/
   700 	{
   701 	LOG_FUNC
   702 	LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* GetFlowControlStatus *) used by client"));
   703 	return KErrNotSupported;
   704 	}
   706 TInt CBTPort::GetRole(TCommRole& aRole)
   707 /**
   708 	Get serial port emulation mode.
   709 	Options in general are: ECommRoleDTE or ECommRoleDCE but the Bluetooth CSY
   710 	only supports the DTE role, hence aRole will always be set to DTE for now.
   711 **/
   712 	{
   713 	LOG_FUNC
   714 	aRole=iRole;
   715 	return KErrNone;
   716 	}
   718 TInt CBTPort::SetRole(TCommRole aRole)
   719 /**
   720 	Set serial port emulation mode, options are: ECommRoleDTE only.
   721 	If the client tries to open the RComm session as a DCE then the client call
   722 	will cause a Leave in CPort::DoOpenL(..), this will subsequently be traped
   723 	and the error will be propagated to the client (which may Panic with a 
   724 	EReqActiveObjectLeave if the error doesn't get handled).
   726 	@param		aRole	should be ECommRoleDTE
   727 	@return		KErrNone or KErrNotSupported
   728 */
   729 	{
   730 	LOG_FUNC
   731 	if(aRole==ECommRoleDTE)
   732 		{
   733 		iRole=aRole;
   734 		return KErrNone;
   735 		}
   736 	return KErrNotSupported;
   737 	}
   739 #pragma warning (default : 4100)  // Unreferenced formal parameter