changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:29b1cd4cb562
     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // SDP Database library test code
    15 // 
    16 //
    19 #include <e32test.h>
    20 #include <f32file.h>
    21 #include <e32math.h>
    22 #include <btsdp.h>
    23 #include <e32def.h>
    24 #include <e32const.h>
    25 #include <e32std.h>
    26 #include "listener.h"
    27 #include "reqhandler.h"
    28 #include "SDPDatabase.h"
    29 #include "protocolmanl.h"
    30 #include "MAttributeVisitor.h"
    31 #include "ServiceSearchVisitor.h"
    32 #include "DataEncoder.h"
    33 #include "ExtractorVisitor.h"
    34 #include "EncoderVisitor.h"
    35 #include "responsesizevisitor.h"
    36 #include "debug.h"
    37 //#ifdef __EPOC32__
    38 #include <c32comm.h>
    39 //#endif
    41 GLDEF_D RTest test(_L("SDP database DLL tests"));
    43 #if defined (__WINS__)
    44 #define PDD_NAME _L("ECDRV")
    45 #define LDD_NAME _L("ECOMM")
    46 #else  // __GCC32__
    47 #define PDD_NAME _L("EUART1")
    48 #define LDD_NAME _L("ECOMM")
    49 // #define ETNA_PDD_NAME _L("EUART2") // for debugging over com2
    50 #endif
    52 CSdpDatabase *BuildDbL();
    53 CSdpDatabase *BuildUpf4DbL();
    54 CSdpDatabase* BuildContinuationDbL();
    55 CSdpDatabase* BuildNestedListDbL();
    56 CSdpDatabase* BuildPrequalDbL();
    57 // in Builddb.cpp
    59 void LoadLDD_PDD()
    60 	{
    61 	TInt r;
    62 //#ifdef __EPOC32__
    63 	r=StartC32();
    64 	if (r!=KErrNone && r!=KErrAlreadyExists)
    65 		{
    66 		test.Printf(_L("Failed %d!\n\r"),r);
    67 		test(r==KErrNone);
    68 		}
    69 	else
    70 		test.Printf(_L("Started C32\n"));
    71 //#endif
    72 	test.Printf(_L("Loading PDD\n"));
    73 	r=User::LoadPhysicalDevice(PDD_NAME);
    74 	if (r!=KErrNone && r!=KErrAlreadyExists)
    75 		{
    76 		test.Printf(_L("Failed %d!\n\r"),r);
    77 		test(r==KErrNone);
    78 		}
    79 	else 
    80 		test.Printf(_L("Loaded PDD\n"));
    81 	test.Printf(_L("Loading LDD\n"));
    82 	r=User::LoadLogicalDevice(LDD_NAME);
    83 	if (r!=KErrNone && r!=KErrAlreadyExists)
    84 		{
    85 		test.Printf(_L("Failed %d!\n\r"),r);
    86 		test(r==KErrNone);
    87 		}
    88 	else
    89 		test.Printf(_L("Loaded LDD\n"));
    90 	}
    92 // plagiarised from tsdp.cpp
    93 // actually Mel can't cast from Shortest form (TPtrC8) to a TDesC8 without this call
    94 void HexDes(const TDesC8& aDes)
    95 	{
    96 	for (TInt i = 0; i < aDes.Length(); ++i)
    97 		test.Printf(_L("%02x"), aDes[i]);
    98 	}
   100 class CAttrPrintVisitor : public CBase, public MAttributeVisitor
   101 	{
   102 public:
   103 	CAttrPrintVisitor(CConsoleBase& aConsole) : iConsole(aConsole) {iIndent=0;}
   104 	~CAttrPrintVisitor() {/*iConsole.Getch();*/}
   105     void VisitAttributeL(CSdpAttr &aAttribute)
   106 		{
   107 		Indent();
   108 		test.Printf(_L("\nID:0x%x:"), aAttribute.AttributeID());
   109 		}
   110 	void VisitAttributeValueL(CSdpAttrValue & aValue, TSdpElementType aType)
   111 		{
   112 // FIXME need a new object like the match list that will just store the object in
   113 // FIXME an array, or perhaps just print it ? Is it a visitor ?
   114 //		CSdpSearchPattern* encAttrList = new (ELeave) CSdpSearchPattern;
   115 //		CleanupStack::PushL(encAttrList);
   117 //		CElementParser* parser = CElementParser::NewL(encAttrList);
   118 //		CleanupStack::PushL(parser);
   120 //		TInt rem;
   122 		TBuf16<64> iString;
   123 //		TInt iFound;
   124 		switch (aType)
   125 			{
   126 			case ETypeString:
   127 				iString.Copy(aValue.Des());
   128 				test.Printf(_L("\"%S\""),&iString);
   129 				break;
   130 			case ETypeDES:
   131 				test.Printf(_L(" DES"));
   132 				break;
   133 			case ETypeUint:
   134 				test.Printf(_L(" UInt:0x%x"), aValue.Uint());
   135 				break;
   136 			case ETypeUUID:
   137 				test.Printf(_L(" UUID:0x"));
   138 				HexDes(aValue.UUID().ShortestForm());
   139 				break;
   140 			case ETypeEncoded:
   141 				HexDes(aValue.Des());  // simplest
   142 //parse out the elements in this encoded attribute
   143 //				rem = parser->ParseElementsL(aValue.Des());
   144 //				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(/*parser*/);
   145 //				for (iFound=0 ; iFound++ ; (iFound < (encAttrList->Length())))
   146 //				{
   147 //					VisitAttributeValueL(encAttrList->At(iFound).Value, encAttrList->At(iFound).Type);
   148 //				}
   149 //				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(/*encAttrList*/);
   150 				break;
   151 			default:
   152 				test.Printf(_L("type %d\n"), aType);
   153 			}
   154 		}
   155 	void StartListL(CSdpAttrValueList &/*aList*/)
   156 		{
   157 		++iIndent;
   158 		test.Printf(_L("{"));
   159 		}
   160     void EndListL()
   161 		{
   162 		if(iIndent<=0)
   163 			{
   164 			test.Printf(_L("\nERROR! Unmatched EndList!\n"));
   165 			__DEBUGGER();
   166 			}
   167 		test.Printf(_L("}"));
   168 		--iIndent;
   169 		}
   170 private:
   171 	void Indent() {/*test.SetPos(iIndent)*/;}
   172 	CConsoleBase &iConsole;
   173 	TInt iIndent;
   174 	};
   176 void PrintDb(CSdpDatabase& aDb, CConsoleBase& aConsole)
   177 	{
   178 	aConsole.Printf(_L("Printing Database...\n"));
   180 	for(TServRecordIter recIter(aDb.RecordIter()); recIter; recIter++)
   181 		{// Iterate thru records in Db
   182 		aConsole.Printf(_L("\n...Printing Record 0x%x\n"), (*recIter).Handle());
   183 		for(TServAttrIter attrIter((*recIter).AttributeIter()); attrIter; attrIter++)
   184 			{// Iterate thru attributes in record
   185 			CAttrPrintVisitor* theVisitor = new CAttrPrintVisitor(aConsole);
   186 			(*attrIter).AcceptVisitorL(*theVisitor);
   187 			delete theVisitor;
   188 			}
   189 		}
   190 	}
   192 class CAttrFlogVisitor : public CBase, public MAttributeVisitor
   193 	{
   194 public:
   195 	CAttrFlogVisitor(){}
   196     void VisitAttributeL(CSdpAttr &aAttribute)
   197 		{
   198 		Indent();
   200 		//3 lines for one here, but prevents warning.
   201 		TUint id;
   202 		id= aAttribute.AttributeID(); 
   203 		FTRACE(FPrint(_L("Attribute ID: 0x%x\n"), id));
   205 		(void)(id != 0); // keep compiler happy by referencing id as an r-value in urel
   206 		}
   207 	void VisitAttributeValueL(CSdpAttrValue & aValue, TSdpElementType aType)
   208 		{
   209 		TBuf16<64> iString;
   210 		switch (aType)
   211 			{
   212 			case ETypeString:
   213 				iString.Copy(aValue.Des());
   214 				FTRACE(FPrint(_L("\"%S\""),&iString));
   215 				break;
   216 			case ETypeDES:
   217 				FTRACE(FPrint(_L(" DES")));
   218 				break;
   219 			case ETypeUint:
   220 				FTRACE(FPrint(_L(" UInt:0x%x"), aValue.Uint()));
   221 				break;
   222 			case ETypeUUID:
   223 				FTRACE(FPrint(_L(" UUID:0x")));
   224 				HexDes(aValue.UUID().ShortestForm());
   225 				break;
   226 			case ETypeEncoded:
   227 				HexDes(aValue.Des());  // simplest
   228 				break;
   229 			default:
   230 				FTRACE(FPrint(_L("type %d\n"), aType));
   231 			}
   232 		}
   233     //void VisitAttributeValueL(CSdpAttrValue &aValue, TSdpElementType aType)
   234 	//	{
   235 	//	Indent();
   236 	//	FTRACE(FPrint(_L("(Val: type %d)\n"), aType));
   237 	//	if(aType==ETypeUUID)
   238 	//		{
   239 	//		TUUID u = aValue.UUID();
   240 	//		FTRACE(FPrint(_L("(Val: uuid 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x)\n"), 
   241 	//					  u[0],u[1],u[2],u[3],u[4],u[5],u[6],u[7],u[8],u[9],u[10],u[11],u[12],u[13],u[14],u[15]));
   242 	//		}
   243 	//
   244 	//		}
   245     void StartListL(CSdpAttrValueList &/*aList*/)
   246 		{
   247 		++iIndent;
   248 		Indent();
   249 		FTRACE(FPrint(_L("{\n")));
   250 		}
   251     void EndListL()
   252 		{
   253 		if(iIndent<=0)
   254 			{
   255 			FTRACE(FPrint(_L("\nERROR! Unmatched EndList!\n")));
   256 			__DEBUGGER();
   257 			}
   258 		Indent();
   259 		FTRACE(FPrint(_L("}\n")));
   260 		--iIndent;
   261 		}
   262 private:
   263 	void HexDes(const TDesC8& aDes)
   264 		{
   265 		for (TInt i = 0; i < aDes.Length(); ++i)
   266 			{
   267 			FTRACE(FPrint(_L("%02x"), aDes[i]));
   268 			}
   269 		}
   271 	void Indent() 
   272 		{
   273 		for(TInt i=0; i<iIndent;++i)
   274 			{
   275 			FTRACE(FPrint(_L("  ")));
   276 			}
   278 		}
   279 	TInt iIndent;
   280 	};
   283 void FlogDb(CSdpDatabase& aDb)
   284 	{
   285 	FTRACE(FPrint(_L("\n\nPrinting Database...\n\n")));
   287 	for(TServRecordIter recIter(aDb.RecordIter()); recIter; recIter++)
   288 		{// Iterate thru records in Db
   289 		FTRACE(FPrint(_L("\n...Printing Record 0x%x\n"), (*recIter).Handle()));
   290 		for(TServAttrIter attrIter((*recIter).AttributeIter()); attrIter; attrIter++)
   291 			{// Iterate thru attributes in record
   292 			CAttrFlogVisitor* theVisitor = new CAttrFlogVisitor();
   293 			(*attrIter).AcceptVisitorL(*theVisitor);
   294 			delete theVisitor;
   295 			}
   296 		}
   297 	FTRACE(FPrint(_L("\n\nEnd Printing Database...\n\n\n\n")));
   298 	}
   302 class CSearchObserver : public CBase, public MServiceSearchHandler
   303 	{
   304 public:
   305 	void RecordFoundL(CSdpServRecord& aMatchingRec)
   306 		{
   307 		++iMatchesFound;
   308 		test.Printf(_L("Match %d found in record 0x%x\n"), iMatchesFound, aMatchingRec.Handle());
   309 		};
   310 	TInt iMatchesFound;
   311 	};
   313 void SearchDbL(CSdpDatabase &aDb, const CSdpSearchPattern &aPattern, TInt aExpectedMatches)
   314    	{
   315 	CSearchObserver *ob = new(ELeave) CSearchObserver;
   316 	CleanupStack::PushL(ob);
   317 	CServiceSearchVisitor::SearchDbL(aDb, aPattern, *ob);
   318 	test(aExpectedMatches==ob->iMatchesFound);
   319 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   320 	}
   322 void RegisterDatabaseInServerL (RSdpDatabase& aDb, CSdpDatabase& aDbStruct)
   323 	{
   324 	for(TServRecordIter recIter(aDbStruct.RecordIter()); recIter; recIter++)
   325 		{// Iterate thru records in Db
   326 		TServAttrIter attrIter((*recIter).AttributeIter());
   327 		if(!attrIter) 
   328 			continue;
   329 		if((*attrIter).AttributeID() == 0)
   330 			attrIter++;	//Skip rec handle
   331 		if(!attrIter) 
   332 			continue;
   333 		if((*attrIter).AttributeID() != 1 || (*attrIter).Value().Type() != ETypeDES)
   334 			continue;
   335 		// Get service class list
   336 		TSdpServRecordHandle handle;
   337 		aDb.CreateServiceRecordL((CSdpAttrValueDES&)(*attrIter).Value(), handle);
   338 		attrIter++;
   339 		for(; attrIter; attrIter++)
   340 			{// Iterate thru attributes in record
   341 			aDb.UpdateAttributeL(handle, (*attrIter).AttributeID(), (*attrIter).Value());
   342 			}
   343 		}
   344 	}
   346 TSdpServRecordHandle BuildPagonisL(RSdpDatabase& aDb, TUUID aUUID, TUint8 aCN)
   347 /**
   348  Record Pagonis should be used when building a record with a protocol ID
   349  list consisting of L2CAP and RFCOMM. This record is for a service of class
   350  "serial port" - UUID16 0x1101
   351  note that attributes 2, 5 and 0x201 should be updated.
   352  also note only English, pas de Francais, keine Deutsch, non Espanol
   353 **/
   354 	{
   355 	TBuf8<4> value1;
   356 	TBuf8<4> value2;
   357 	TSdpServRecordHandle recHandle;
   358 	CSdpAttrValue* attrVal = 0;
   359 	CSdpAttrValueDES* attrValDES = 0;
   362 	value1.FillZ(4);
   363 	value2.FillZ(4);
   365 	// Set Attr 1 (service class list) to list with UUID = 0x1101 (serial port)
   366 	//													 or 0x1102 (LANP)
   367 	aDb.CreateServiceRecordL(aUUID, recHandle);
   368 	test.Printf(_L("Service Record Created - Handle: 0x%x!\n\n"), recHandle);
   370 	// Set Attr 2 (service record state) to 0
   371 	value1.FillZ(4);
   372 	attrVal = CSdpAttrValueUint::NewUintL(value1);
   373 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrVal);
   374 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x02, *attrVal);
   375 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   376 	attrVal = 0;
   378 	// Set attr 4 (protocol list) to L2CAP, and RFCOMM
   379 	value1.FillZ(4);
   380 	value1[3] = 3;
   381 	value2.FillZ(4);
   382 	value2[3] = aCN;
   383 	attrValDES = CSdpAttrValueDES::NewDESL(0);
   384 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrValDES);
   385 	attrValDES
   386 		->StartListL()
   387 			->BuildDESL()
   388 			->StartListL()
   389 				->BuildUUIDL(TUUID(TUint16(0x0100))) // L2CAP
   390 				->BuildUintL(value1)
   391 			->EndListL()
   392 			->BuildDESL()
   393 			->StartListL()
   394 				->BuildUUIDL(TUUID(TUint16(0x0003))) // RFCOMM
   395 				->BuildUintL(value2)
   396 			->EndListL()
   397 		->EndListL();
   398 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x04, *attrValDES);
   399 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   400 	attrValDES = 0;
   402 	// Set Attr 5 (browse group list) to list with one UUID
   403 	// 0x1101 (serial port class)
   404 	// this should be updated with other service classes when other services are added.
   405 	attrValDES = CSdpAttrValueDES::NewDESL(0);
   406 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrValDES);
   407 	attrValDES
   408 		->StartListL()
   409 			->BuildUUIDL(TUUID(TUint32(0x1002)))
   410 		->EndListL();
   411 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x05, *attrValDES);
   412 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   413 	attrValDES = 0;
   416 	// Set Attr 0x006 (language base)
   417 	value1.FillZ(4);
   418 	value1[2] = 0x65;
   419 	value1[3] = 0x6e;
   420 	TBuf8<4> val2;
   421 	TBuf8<4> val3;
   422 	val2.FillZ(4);
   423 	val3.FillZ(4);
   424 	val2[3] = 0x6a;
   425 	val3[2] = 0x01;
   427 	attrValDES = CSdpAttrValueDES::NewDESL(0);
   428 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrValDES);
   429 	attrValDES
   430 		->StartListL()
   431 			->BuildUintL(value1) // english
   432 			->BuildUintL(val2) // UTF-8
   433 			->BuildUintL(val3) // language base
   434 		->EndListL();
   435 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x06, *attrValDES);
   436 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   437 	attrValDES = 0;
   439 	// Set Attr 0x007 (time to live) to 1200 (0x4B0) seconds (20 minutes)
   440 	value1.FillZ(4);
   441 	value1[2]=4;
   442 	value1[3]=0xb0;
   443 	attrVal = CSdpAttrValueUint::NewUintL(value1);
   444 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrVal);
   445 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x07, *attrVal);
   446 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   447 	attrVal = 0;
   449 	// Set Attr 0x008 (availability) to 0xff - fully available - not in use
   450 	value1.FillZ(4);
   451 	value1[3]=0xff;
   452 	attrVal = CSdpAttrValueUint::NewUintL(value1);
   453 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrVal);
   454 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x08, *attrVal);
   455 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   456 	attrVal = 0;
   459 	// Set Attr 0x100 (default Name) to string
   460 	attrVal = CSdpAttrValueString::NewStringL(_L8("Pagonis Service"));
   461 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrVal);
   462 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x0100, *attrVal);
   463 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   464 	attrVal = 0;
   466 	// Set Attr 0x101 (def. description) to string
   467 	attrVal = CSdpAttrValueString::NewStringL(_L8("It's all Greek to me!"));
   468 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrVal);
   469 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x0101, *attrVal);
   470 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   471 	attrVal = 0;
   473 	// Set Attr 0x102 (def. provider) to Symbian
   474 	attrVal = CSdpAttrValueString::NewStringL(_L8("Symbian Ltd."));
   475 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrVal);
   476 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x0102, *attrVal);
   477 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   478 	attrVal = 0;
   480 	// Set Attr 0x201 (service database state) to 0
   481 	value1.FillZ(4);
   482 	attrVal = CSdpAttrValueUint::NewUintL(value1);
   483 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrVal);
   484 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x0201, *attrVal);
   485 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   486 	attrVal = 0;
   488 	return recHandle;
   489 }
   492 TSdpServRecordHandle BuildWAPL(RSdpDatabase& aDb, TUint8 aCN)
   493 /**
   494  Record Wap should be used when building a record with a protocol ID
   495  list consisting of L2CAP and RFCOMM, similar to Pagonis but containing
   496  a profile descriptor list with LAN access using PPP.
   497  This record is for a service of class "WAP bearer" - UUID16 0x1113
   498 **/
   499 	{
   500 	TBuf8<4> value1;
   501 	TBuf8<4> value2;
   502 	TSdpServRecordHandle recHandle;
   503 	CSdpAttrValue* attrVal = 0;
   504 	CSdpAttrValueDES* attrValDES = 0;
   507 	value1.FillZ(4);
   508 	value2.FillZ(4);
   510 	// Set Attr 1 (service class list) to list with UUID = 0x1113 (WAP access device)
   511 	aDb.CreateServiceRecordL(TUUID(TUint16(0x1113)), recHandle);
   512 	test.Printf(_L("WAP Service Record Created - Handle: 0x%x!\n\n"), recHandle);
   514 	// Set Attr 2 (service record state) to 0
   515 	value1.FillZ(4);
   516 	attrVal = CSdpAttrValueUint::NewUintL(value1);
   517 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrVal);
   518 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x02, *attrVal);
   519 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   520 	attrVal = 0;
   522 	// Set attr 4 (protocol list) to L2CAP, and RFCOMM
   523 	value1.FillZ(4);
   524 	value1[3] = 3;
   525 	value2.FillZ(4);
   526 	value2[3] = aCN;
   527 	attrValDES = CSdpAttrValueDES::NewDESL(0);
   528 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrValDES);
   529 	attrValDES
   530 		->StartListL()
   531 			->BuildDESL()
   532 			->StartListL()
   533 				->BuildUUIDL(TUUID(TUint16(0x0100))) // L2CAP
   534 				->BuildUintL(value1)
   535 			->EndListL()
   536 			->BuildDESL()
   537 			->StartListL()
   538 				->BuildUUIDL(TUUID(TUint16(0x0003))) // RFCOMM
   539 				->BuildUintL(value2)
   540 			->EndListL()
   541 		->EndListL();
   542 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x04, *attrValDES);
   543 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   544 	attrValDES = 0;
   546 	// Set Attr 5 (browse group list) to list with one UUID
   547 	// 0x1101 (serial port class)
   548 	// this should be updated with other service classes when other services are added.
   549 	attrValDES = CSdpAttrValueDES::NewDESL(0);
   550 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrValDES);
   551 	attrValDES
   552 		->StartListL()
   553 			->BuildUUIDL(TUUID(TUint32(0x1002)))
   554 		->EndListL();
   555 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x05, *attrValDES);
   556 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   557 	attrValDES = 0;
   560 	// Set Attr 0x006 (language base)
   561 	value1.FillZ(4);
   562 	value1[2] = 0x65;
   563 	value1[3] = 0x6e;
   564 	TBuf8<4> val2;
   565 	TBuf8<4> val3;
   566 	val2.FillZ(4);
   567 	val3.FillZ(4);
   568 	val2[3] = 0x6a;
   569 	val3[2] = 0x01;
   571 	attrValDES = CSdpAttrValueDES::NewDESL(0);
   572 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrValDES);
   573 	attrValDES
   574 		->StartListL()
   575 			->BuildUintL(value1) // english
   576 			->BuildUintL(val2) // UTF-8
   577 			->BuildUintL(val3) // language base
   578 		->EndListL();
   579 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x06, *attrValDES);
   580 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   581 	attrValDES = 0;
   583 	// Set Attr 0x007 (time to live) to 1200 (0x4B0) seconds (20 minutes)
   584 	value1.FillZ(4);
   585 	value1[2]=4;
   586 	value1[3]=0xb0;
   587 	attrVal = CSdpAttrValueUint::NewUintL(value1);
   588 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrVal);
   589 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x07, *attrVal);
   590 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   591 	attrVal = 0;
   593 	// Set Attr 0x008 (availability) to 0xff - fully available - not in use
   594 	value1.FillZ(4);
   595 	value1[3]=0xff;
   596 	attrVal = CSdpAttrValueUint::NewUintL(value1);
   597 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrVal);
   598 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x08, *attrVal);
   599 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   600 	attrVal = 0;
   602 	// Set Attr 0x009 (profile descriptor) to confuse the BTCOMM client when looking for LANP
   603 	value1.FillZ(4);
   604 	value1[3] = 1;
   605 	attrValDES = CSdpAttrValueDES::NewDESL(0);
   606 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrValDES);
   607 	attrValDES
   608 		->StartListL()
   609 			->BuildDESL()
   610 			->StartListL()
   611 				->BuildUUIDL(TUUID(TUint16(0x1102))) // LAN access using PPP
   612 				->BuildUintL(value1)
   613 			->EndListL()
   614 		->EndListL();
   615 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x09, *attrValDES);
   616 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   617 	attrValDES = 0;
   620 	// Set Attr 0x100 (default Name) to string
   621 	attrVal = CSdpAttrValueString::NewStringL(_L8("Pagonis Service"));
   622 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrVal);
   623 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x0100, *attrVal);
   624 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   625 	attrVal = 0;
   627 	// Set Attr 0x101 (def. description) to string
   628 	attrVal = CSdpAttrValueString::NewStringL(_L8("It's all Greek to me!"));
   629 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrVal);
   630 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x0101, *attrVal);
   631 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   632 	attrVal = 0;
   634 	// Set Attr 0x102 (def. provider) to Symbian
   635 	attrVal = CSdpAttrValueString::NewStringL(_L8("Symbian Ltd."));
   636 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrVal);
   637 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x0102, *attrVal);
   638 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   639 	attrVal = 0;
   641 	// Set Attr 0x201 (service database state) to 0
   642 	value1.FillZ(4);
   643 	attrVal = CSdpAttrValueUint::NewUintL(value1);
   644 	CleanupStack::PushL(attrVal);
   645 	aDb.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x0201, *attrVal);
   646 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   647 	attrVal = 0;
   649 	return recHandle;
   650 }
   654 void Test0()
   655 /**
   656 	Client/server test.
   657 **/
   658 	{
   659 	FLOG(_L("Running test 0"));
   660 	//FIXME: TRAPD? 
   661 	test.Start(_L("Test 0 -- Client/Server"));
   662 	TInt ret;
   663 	LoadLDD_PDD();
   665 	RSdp sdp;
   666 	ret = sdp.Connect();
   667 	if(ret!=KErrNone)
   668 		{
   669 		test.End();
   670 		return;
   671 		}
   672 	RSdpDatabase db;
   673 	ret = db.Open(sdp);
   674 	if(ret!=KErrNone)
   675 		{
   676 		test.End();
   677 		return;
   678 		}
   679 	TSdpServRecordHandle recHandle = 0;
   680 	TUUID uuid = TUUID(0x20000); //prevents warning
   681 	db.CreateServiceRecordL(uuid, recHandle);
   682 	test.Printf(_L("Service Record Created - Handle: 0x%x!\n\n"), recHandle);
   683 		CSdpAttrValueDES* list = CSdpAttrValueDES::NewDESL(NULL);
   684 		MSdpElementBuilder* bldr= list;
   685 		CleanupStack::PushL(list);
   687 		bldr
   688 			->StartListL()
   689 				->BuildUUIDL(TUUID(TUint32(0x20002000)))
   690 				->BuildUUIDL(TUUID(TUint32(0x11112222), TUint32(0x33334444), 
   691 									  TUint32(0x55556666), TUint32(0x77778888)))
   692 				->BuildUUIDL(TUUID(TUint32(0x40000)))
   693 			->EndListL();
   694 		//db.CreateServiceRecordL(*list, recHandle);
   695 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //list
   696 		//test.Printf(_L("Service Record Created - Handle: 0x%x!\n\n"), recHandle);
   697 	//User::WaitForRequest(status);
   698 	//if(status==KErrNone)
   699 	//	test.Printf(_L("Service Record Created - Handle: 0x%x!\n\n"), recHandlePckgBuf());
   700 	//else
   701 	//	test.Printf(_L("Service Record Creation ERROR %d!\n\n"), status.Int());
   703 	TBuf8<8> buf8(_L8("Mel!"));
   704 	buf8[1] = 'E';
   705 	buf8[2] = 'L';
   706 	TDesC16 buf16(_L("Nicky!"));
   707 	db.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x3454, buf8);
   708 	db.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x3455, _L("Nicky!"));
   709 	db.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x3455, _L("Micky!"));
   710 	db.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x3456, 0x9999);
   711 	db.DeleteAttributeL(recHandle, 0x3456);
   712 	db.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle, 0x3456, 0x7777);
   713 	db.DeleteAttributeL(recHandle, 0x5555); //does not exist!
   714 	//db.DeleteRecordL(recHandleSpecial);
   715 	db.Close();
   716 	sdp.Close();
   717 	test.End();
   718 	}
   721 void Test1()
   722 /**
   723 	Client/server test for use with John Pagonis.
   724 	Suitable database built on client side, and placed in server.
   725 	Server left alive till user chooses to kill it.
   726 **/
   727 	{
   728 	FLOG(_L("Running test 1"));
   729 	//FIXME: TRAPD? 
   730 	test.Start(_L("Test 1 -- Client/Server for BTCOMM testing...\n"));
   731 	test.Printf(_L("This builds a database with three service records\n"));
   732 	test.Printf(_L("The First one (UUID 1101) containing protocol attribute value: L2CAP, 3; RFCOMM, 1\n"));
   733 	test.Printf(_L("the second (UUID 1102 LANP) containing protocol attribute value: L2CAP, 3; RFCOMM, 2.\n"));
   734 	test.Printf(_L("the third (UUID 1103) containing protocol attribute value: L2CAP, 3; RFCOMM, 3.\n"));
   735 	test.Printf(_L("the third is a WAP server record and should never be selected\n"));
   736 	test.Printf(_L("The server then remains in listening mode\n"));
   737 	test.Printf(_L("until the user of Test 1 types 'x'.\n\n\n\n"));
   739 	TChar c;
   740 	RSdp sdp;
   741 	RSdpDatabase db;
   742 //	User::After(5000000);
   743 	TInt ret;
   744 	LoadLDD_PDD();
   746 	ret = sdp.Connect();
   747 	if(ret!=KErrNone)
   748 		{
   749 		test.End();
   750 		return;
   751 		}
   752 	ret = db.Open(sdp);
   753 	if(ret!=KErrNone)
   754 		{
   755 		test.End();
   756 		return;
   757 		}
   759 	TSdpServRecordHandle recHandle1;
   760 	TSdpServRecordHandle recHandle2;
   761 	TSdpServRecordHandle recHandle3;
   763 	test.Printf(_L("SDP server with record 0, type 'x' to continue.\n"));
   764 	c = test.Getch();
   765 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   766 		c = test.Getch();
   768 	recHandle1 = BuildPagonisL(db,TUUID(TUint32(0x1101)), 1);
   769 	test.Printf(_L("Pagonis record (0x1101), type 'x' to continue.\n"));
   770 	c = test.Getch();
   771 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   772 		c = test.Getch();
   775 	recHandle2 = BuildPagonisL(db,TUUID(TUint32(0x1102)), 2);
   776 	test.Printf(_L("Pagonis record (0x1102), type 'x' to continue.\n"));
   777 	c = test.Getch();
   778 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   779 		c = test.Getch();
   781 	recHandle3 = BuildWAPL(db, 3);
   782 	test.Printf(_L("one WAP record, type 'x' to continue.\n\n"));
   783 	c = test.Getch();
   784 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   785 		c = test.Getch();
   787 	test.Printf(_L("The database is now ready to test, type 'x' to exit.\n\n"));
   788 	c = test.Getch();
   789 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   790 		c = test.Getch();
   791 /**/
   792 	db.DeleteRecordL(recHandle2);
   794 	test.Printf(_L("The database has now had the second Pagonis record removed.\
   795 					\nWhen you have finished using this database please type 'x'.\n\n"));
   796 	c = test.Getch();
   797 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   798 		c = test.Getch();
   799 	db.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle1, 0x3455, _L("Nicky!"));
   800 	test.Printf(_L("\nTo check on updating record STATE attribute we have now\
   801 		            \nupdated one random attribute in the first Pagonis record.\
   802 					\nPlease type 'x' AGAIN.\n\n"));
   803 	c = test.Getch();
   804 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   805 		c = test.Getch();
   806 	db.UpdateAttributeL(recHandle1, 0x3455, _L("Nicky!"));
   807 	test.Printf(_L("\nTo check on updating record STATE attribute we have now\
   808 		            \nupdated ONCE AGAIN a random attribute in the first Pagonis\
   809 					\nrecord.\
   810 					\nPlease type 'x' ONCE AGAIN.\n\n"));
   811 	c = test.Getch();
   812 	db.DeleteAttributeL(recHandle1, 0x3455);
   813 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   814 		c = test.Getch();
   815 	test.Printf(_L("\nTo check on updating record STATE attribute we have now\
   816 		            \ndeleted an attribute in the first Pagonis\
   817 					\nrecord.\
   818 					\nPlease type 'x' YET AGAIN - THIS TIME TO KILL THE DATABASE.\n\n"));
   819 	c = test.Getch();
   820 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   821 		c = test.Getch();
   822 	db.DeleteAttributeL(recHandle1, 0x3455);
   823 /**/
   824 	db.DeleteRecordL(recHandle3);
   825 	// Record with recHandle2 has already been deleted
   826 	db.DeleteRecordL(recHandle1);
   827 	db.Close();
   828 	sdp.Close();
   831 	test.End();
   832 	}
   837 void TestD()
   838 /**
   839 	Client/server test for use with John Pagonis.
   840 	Suitable database built on client side, and placed in server.
   841 	Server left alive till user chooses to kill it.
   842 **/
   843 	{
   844 	FLOG(_L("Running test D"));
   845 	//FIXME: TRAPD? 
   846 	test.Start(_L("Test D -- Client/Server for BTCOMM testing...\n"));
   847 	test.Printf(_L("This builds a database with four service records\n"));
   848 	test.Printf(_L("The first one (UUID 1103 WAP) containing protocol attribute value: L2CAP, 3; RFCOMM, 3\n"));
   849 	test.Printf(_L("the second (UUID 1101) containing protocol attribute value: L2CAP, 3; RFCOMM, 1.\n"));
   850 	test.Printf(_L("the third (UUID 1103 WAP) containing protocol attribute value: L2CAP, 3; RFCOMM, 4.\n"));
   851 	test.Printf(_L("the forth (UUID 1102 LANP) containing protocol attribute value: L2CAP, 3; RFCOMM, 2.\n"));
   852 	test.Printf(_L("The server then remains in listening mode\n"));
   853 	test.Printf(_L("until the user of Test D types 'x'.\n\n\n\n"));
   855 	TChar c;
   856 	RSdp sdp;
   857 	RSdpDatabase db;
   858 //	User::After(5000000);
   859 	TInt ret;
   860 	LoadLDD_PDD();
   862 	ret = sdp.Connect();
   863 	if(ret!=KErrNone)
   864 		{
   865 		test.End();
   866 		return;
   867 		}
   868 	ret = db.Open(sdp);
   869 	if(ret!=KErrNone)
   870 		{
   871 		test.End();
   872 		return;
   873 		}
   875 	TSdpServRecordHandle recHandle1;
   876 	TSdpServRecordHandle recHandle2;
   877 	TSdpServRecordHandle recHandle3;
   878 	TSdpServRecordHandle recHandle4;
   880 	test.Printf(_L("SDP server with record 0, type 'x' to continue.\n"));
   881 	c = test.Getch();
   882 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   883 		c = test.Getch();
   885 	recHandle3 = BuildWAPL(db, 3);
   886 	test.Printf(_L("one WAP record, type 'x' to continue.\n\n"));
   887 	c = test.Getch();
   888 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   889 		c = test.Getch();
   891 	recHandle1 = BuildPagonisL(db,TUUID(TUint32(0x1101)), 1);
   892 	test.Printf(_L("Pagonis record (0x1101), type 'x' to continue.\n"));
   893 	c = test.Getch();
   894 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   895 		c = test.Getch();
   897 	recHandle4 = BuildWAPL(db, 4);
   898 	test.Printf(_L("one WAP record, type 'x' to continue.\n\n"));
   899 	c = test.Getch();
   900 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   901 		c = test.Getch();
   903 	recHandle2 = BuildPagonisL(db,TUUID(TUint32(0x1102)), 2);
   904 	test.Printf(_L("Pagonis record (0x1102), type 'x' to continue.\n"));
   905 	c = test.Getch();
   906 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   907 		c = test.Getch();
   910 	test.Printf(_L("The database is now ready to test, type 'x' to exit.\n\n"));
   911 	c = test.Getch();
   912 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   913 		c = test.Getch();
   914 	db.DeleteRecordL(recHandle4);
   915 	db.DeleteRecordL(recHandle3);
   916 	db.DeleteRecordL(recHandle2);
   917 	db.DeleteRecordL(recHandle1);
   918 	db.Close();
   919 	sdp.Close();
   922 	test.End();
   923 	}
   926 void TestE()
   927 /**
   928 	Client/server test for use with John Pagonis.
   929 	Suitable database built on client side, and placed in server.
   930 	Server left alive till user chooses to kill it.
   931 **/
   932 	{
   933 	FLOG(_L("Running test D"));
   934 	//FIXME: TRAPD? 
   935 	test.Start(_L("Test E -- Client/Server for BTCOMM testing...\n"));
   936 	test.Printf(_L("This builds a database with four service records\n"));
   937 	test.Printf(_L("The first one (UUID 1103 WAP) containing protocol attribute value: L2CAP, 3; RFCOMM, 3\n"));
   938 	test.Printf(_L("the second (UUID 1101) containing protocol attribute value: L2CAP, 3; RFCOMM, 1.\n"));
   939 	test.Printf(_L("the third (UUID 1102 LANP) containing protocol attribute value: L2CAP, 3; RFCOMM, 2.\n"));
   940 	test.Printf(_L("the forth (UUID 1103 WAP) containing protocol attribute value: L2CAP, 3; RFCOMM, 4.\n"));
   941 	test.Printf(_L("The server then remains in listening mode\n"));
   942 	test.Printf(_L("until the user of Test E types 'x'.\n\n\n\n"));
   944 	TChar c;
   945 	RSdp sdp;
   946 	RSdpDatabase db;
   947 //	User::After(5000000);
   948 	TInt ret;
   949 	LoadLDD_PDD();
   951 	ret = sdp.Connect();
   952 	if(ret!=KErrNone)
   953 		{
   954 		test.End();
   955 		return;
   956 		}
   957 	ret = db.Open(sdp);
   958 	if(ret!=KErrNone)
   959 		{
   960 		test.End();
   961 		return;
   962 		}
   964 	TSdpServRecordHandle recHandle1;
   965 	TSdpServRecordHandle recHandle2;
   966 	TSdpServRecordHandle recHandle3;
   967 	TSdpServRecordHandle recHandle4;
   969 	test.Printf(_L("SDP server with record 0, type 'x' to continue.\n"));
   970 	c = test.Getch();
   971 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   972 		c = test.Getch();
   974 	recHandle3 = BuildWAPL(db, 3);
   975 	test.Printf(_L("one WAP record, type 'x' to continue.\n\n"));
   976 	c = test.Getch();
   977 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   978 		c = test.Getch();
   980 	recHandle1 = BuildPagonisL(db,TUUID(TUint32(0x1101)), 1);
   981 	test.Printf(_L("Pagonis record (0x1101), type 'x' to continue.\n"));
   982 	c = test.Getch();
   983 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   984 		c = test.Getch();
   986 	recHandle2 = BuildPagonisL(db,TUUID(TUint32(0x1102)), 2);
   987 	test.Printf(_L("Pagonis record (0x1102), type 'x' to continue.\n"));
   988 	c = test.Getch();
   989 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   990 		c = test.Getch();
   992 	recHandle4 = BuildWAPL(db, 4);
   993 	test.Printf(_L("one WAP record, type 'x' to continue.\n\n"));
   994 	c = test.Getch();
   995 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
   996 		c = test.Getch();
   999 	test.Printf(_L("The database is now ready to test, type 'x' to exit.\n\n"));
  1000 	c = test.Getch();
  1001 	while (c!='x' && c!='X')
  1002 		c = test.Getch();
  1003 	db.DeleteRecordL(recHandle4);
  1004 	db.DeleteRecordL(recHandle3);
  1005 	db.DeleteRecordL(recHandle2);
  1006 	db.DeleteRecordL(recHandle1);
  1007 	db.Close();
  1008 	sdp.Close();
  1011 	test.End();
  1012 	}
  1014 void WhichTest()
  1015 	{
  1016 	TChar c;
  1017 	test.Printf(_L("\nwhich test? "));
  1018 	test.Printf(_L("\npress 0 for UUID 1101, 1102, 1103 "));
  1019 	test.Printf(_L("\npress 1 for UUID 1103, 1101, 1103, 1102 "));
  1020 	test.Printf(_L("\npress 2 for UUID 1103, 1101, 1102, 1103 "));
  1021 	c = test.Getch(); 
  1022 	switch (c) 
  1023 		{
  1024 	case '0':
  1025 		Test1();
  1026 		break;
  1027 	case '1':
  1028 		TestD();
  1029 		break;
  1030 	case '2':
  1031 		TestE();
  1032 		break;
  1033 	default:
  1034 		break;
  1035 		}
  1036 	}
  1043 void Test2()
  1044 /**
  1045 	Builds up a static DB, and prints it,
  1046 	using the record and attribute iteraotrs, and a
  1047 	simple console-printing attribute value visitor.
  1048 **/
  1049 	{
  1050 	//FIXME: TRAPD?
  1051 	test.Start(_L("Test 2 -- Build and print Db"));
  1052 //	CSdpDatabase *theDb = BuildDbL();
  1053 	CSdpDatabase *theDb = BuildUpf4DbL();
  1054 	test(theDb!=NULL);
  1055 	PrintDb(*theDb, *test.Console());
  1056 	delete theDb;
  1058 	test.End();
  1059 	}
  1061 void Test3()
  1062 /**
  1063 	Builds up a static DB, and copies it into the RSdpDatabase
  1064 **/
  1065 	{
  1066 	//FIXME: TRAPD?
  1067 	test.Start(_L("Test 3 -- Build and print Db"));
  1068 //	CSdpDatabase *theDb = BuildDbL();
  1069 	CSdpDatabase *theDb = BuildUpf4DbL();
  1070 	test(theDb!=NULL);
  1071 	CleanupStack::PushL(theDb);
  1073 	RSdp sdp;
  1074 	RSdpDatabase db;
  1075 	TInt ret;
  1076 	LoadLDD_PDD();
  1078 	test.Next(_L("Opening SDP Database"));
  1079 	ret = sdp.Connect();
  1080 	test(ret==KErrNone);
  1081 	CleanupClosePushL(sdp);
  1082 	ret = db.Open(sdp);
  1083 	test(ret==KErrNone);
  1084 	CleanupClosePushL(db);
  1086 	test.Next(_L("Storing database"));
  1087 	RegisterDatabaseInServerL(db, *theDb);
  1089 	test.Next(_L("Database stored. Now run your tests! Press any key to close SDDB"));
  1090 	test.Getch();
  1092 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // db, sdp, theDb
  1094 	test.End();
  1095 	}
  1098 void Test4()
  1099 /**
  1100 	Builds a static DB and searches it for a 
  1101 	UUID search pattern (as per SDP service search
  1102 	requests)
  1103 **/
  1104 	{
  1105 	test.Start(_L("Test 2 -- Service search over Db"));
  1106 	CSdpDatabase *theDb = BuildDbL();
  1108 	CSdpSearchPattern* thePattern = CSdpSearchPattern::NewL();
  1109 	//Service pattern with one UUID in it...
  1110 	test.Next(_L("Doing un-encoded tests"));
  1111 	test.Next(_L("Searching for SDP server service UUID (0x1000)"));
  1112 	thePattern->AddL(TUUID(TUint16(0x1000)));
  1113 	SearchDbL(*theDb, *thePattern, 2); // Expect 2 matches
  1115 	test.Next(_L("Searching for SDP server service and bogoid UUID"));
  1116 	thePattern->AddL(TUUID(TUint32(0x55667788)));	
  1117 	SearchDbL(*theDb, *thePattern, 1); // Expect 1 matches
  1119 	test.Next(_L("Searching for SDP server service and two bogoid UUID"));
  1120 	thePattern->AddL(TUUID(TUint32(0x11112222)));	
  1121 	SearchDbL(*theDb, *thePattern, 0); // Expect 0 matches
  1123 	test.Next(_L("Searching for RFCOMM uuid"));
  1124 	thePattern->Reset();
  1125 	thePattern->AddL(TUUID(TUint16(0x0003)));	
  1126 	SearchDbL(*theDb, *thePattern, 1); // Expect 1 matches
  1129 	thePattern->Reset();
  1131 	theDb->EncodeDbL();
  1133 	test.Next(_L("Doing encoded tests"));
  1134 	test.Next(_L("Searching for SDP server service UUID (0x1000)"));
  1135 	thePattern->AddL(TUUID(TUint16(0x1000)));
  1136 	SearchDbL(*theDb, *thePattern, 2); // Expect 2 matches
  1138 	test.Next(_L("Searching for SDP server service and bogoid UUID"));
  1139 	thePattern->AddL(TUUID(TUint32(0x55667788)));	
  1140 	SearchDbL(*theDb, *thePattern, 1); // Expect 1 matches
  1142 	test.Next(_L("Searching for SDP server service and two bogoid UUID"));
  1143 	thePattern->AddL(TUUID(TUint32(0x11112222)));	
  1144 	SearchDbL(*theDb, *thePattern, 0); // Expect 0 matches
  1146 	test.Next(_L("Searching for RFCOMM uuid"));
  1147 	thePattern->Reset();
  1148 	thePattern->AddL(TUUID(TUint16(0x0003)));	
  1149 	SearchDbL(*theDb, *thePattern, 1); // Expect 1 matches
  1153 	delete thePattern;
  1154 	delete theDb;
  1155 	test.End();
  1156 	}
  1158 void TestEncoder(TInt aType, CSdpDatabase *aDb)
  1159 	{
  1160 	TInt64 seed = aType * 49;
  1162 	test.Start(_L("Test 3 -- Encoder & Parser"));
  1163 	CSdpDatabase *builtDb = CSdpDatabase::NewL();
  1165 	HBufC8* outbuf = HBufC8::New(1024);
  1166 	TPtr8 writePtr (outbuf->Des());
  1167 	TElementEncoder theEncoder(writePtr);
  1168 	CElementParser* theParser = CElementParser::NewL(0);
  1169 	CSdpAttrIdMatchList *theAttrList = CSdpAttrIdMatchList::NewL();
  1171 	theAttrList->AddL(KAttrRangeAll);
  1173 	test.Next(_L("Encode and parse ref DB"));
  1174 		{
  1175 		for(TServRecordIter recIter(aDb->RecordIter()); recIter; recIter++)
  1176 			{// Iterate thru records in Db
  1177 			TInt startPos = writePtr.Length();
  1178 			CAttrExtractVisitor::EncodeAttributesL(theEncoder, *recIter, *theAttrList);
  1179 			// grows writePtr
  1181 			CSdpServRecord* builtRec = CSdpServRecord::NewL();
  1182 			theParser->Reset(builtRec);
  1183 			TInt incr = 1;
  1184 			TBool moreExpected = ETrue;
  1185 			for (TInt i = startPos; i < writePtr.Length(); i += incr)
  1186 				{// parse it back, in inreasing chunks
  1187 				switch(aType)
  1188 					{
  1189 				case 0:
  1190 					incr += 1;
  1191 					break;
  1192 				case 1:
  1193 					incr <<= 1;
  1194 					break;
  1195 				case 2:
  1196 				default:
  1197 					incr = Math::Rand(seed) % (i+2);
  1198 					}
  1199 				incr=Min(incr, writePtr.Length() - i);
  1200 				moreExpected = theParser->BufferedParseL(writePtr.Mid(i, incr));
  1201 				}
  1202 			test(!moreExpected);
  1203 			builtDb->AddRecord(builtRec);
  1204 			}
  1205 		}
  1207 	HBufC8* outbuf2 = HBufC8::New(outbuf->Size());
  1208 	writePtr.Set (outbuf2->Des());
  1210 	test.Next(_L("Re-Encode the DB built from parser"));
  1211 		{
  1212 		for(TServRecordIter recIter(builtDb->RecordIter()); recIter; recIter++)
  1213 			{// Iterate thru records in Db
  1214 			CAttrExtractVisitor::EncodeAttributesL(theEncoder, *recIter, *theAttrList);
  1215 			}
  1216 		}
  1218 //	test(*outbuf == *outbuf2);
  1220 	// The bit below is equivalent to the above line, only easier to debug
  1221 	test(outbuf->Length() == outbuf2->Length());
  1222 	for (TInt i = 0; i < outbuf->Length(); ++i)
  1223 		{
  1224 		test((*outbuf)[i] == (*outbuf2)[i]);
  1225 		}
  1227 	delete outbuf;
  1228 	delete outbuf2;
  1229 	delete theParser;
  1230 	delete theAttrList;
  1231 	delete builtDb;
  1232 	test.End();
  1233 	}
  1236 void Test5()
  1237 	{
  1238 	for (TInt i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
  1239 		{
  1240 		test.Next(_L("Doing tests with ref Db"));
  1241 		CSdpDatabase *theDb = BuildDbL();
  1242 		TestEncoder(i, theDb);
  1243 		delete theDb;
  1245 		test.Next(_L("Doing tests with UPF4 Db"));
  1246 		theDb = BuildUpf4DbL();
  1247 		TestEncoder(i, theDb);
  1248 		delete theDb;
  1249 		}
  1250 	}
  1252 void Test6()
  1253 	{
  1254 	test.Start(_L("Test 6 -- Database size and encoding stuff"));
  1255 	CSdpDatabase *theDb = BuildDbL();
  1257 	const TUint KExpectedSizes[] = 
  1258 		{
  1259 		5,  5,  12, 28,
  1260 		14, 5,  5,  22,
  1261 		23, 35, 5,  10,
  1262 		3,  15, 19,
  1263 		};
  1264 	test.Next(_L("Testing the size functions"));
  1265 	TInt ind = 0;
  1266 	for(TServRecordIter recIter(theDb->RecordIter()); recIter; recIter++)
  1267 		{// Iterate thru records in Db
  1268 		for(TServAttrIter attrIter((*recIter).AttributeIter()); attrIter; attrIter++)
  1269 			{// Iterate thru attributes in record
  1270 			TUint size = TElementEncoder::EncodedSize((*attrIter).Value().Type(), (*attrIter).Value().DataSize());
  1271 			test.Printf(_L("Attribute value Encoded size is %d\n"), size);
  1272 			test(size == KExpectedSizes[ind]);
  1273 			++ind;
  1274 			}
  1275 		}
  1277 	delete theDb;
  1279 	test.Next(_L("Testing attribute match list stuff"));
  1280 	CSdpAttrIdMatchList *theAttrList = CSdpAttrIdMatchList::NewL();
  1282 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(10, 15));	// insert at beginning ->	10-15
  1283 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(30, 40));	// insert at end	->	10-15,30-40
  1284 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(18, 19));	// insert between 2	->	10-15, 18-19, 30-40
  1285 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(27, 29));	// append to start of another range	->	10-15, 18-19, 27-40
  1286 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(41, 45));	// append to end of another range	->	10-15, 18-19, 27-45
  1287 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(16, 17));	// join 2 ranges together	->	10-19,  27-45
  1288 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(21, 24));	// insert between 2	->	10-19, 21-24, 27-45
  1289 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 3);
  1291 	TInt posn;
  1292 	test(theAttrList->InMatchListRange(10, posn));
  1293 	test(theAttrList->InMatchListRange(11, posn));
  1294 	test(theAttrList->InMatchListRange(15, posn));
  1296 	test(theAttrList->InMatchListRange(21, posn));
  1297 	test(theAttrList->InMatchListRange(22, posn));
  1298 	test(theAttrList->InMatchListRange(23, posn));	
  1299 	test(theAttrList->InMatchListRange(24, posn));	
  1301 	test(theAttrList->InMatchListRange(45, posn));	
  1303 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(12, 14));	// mid-range ->	10-11, 15-19, 21-24, 27-45
  1304 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 4);
  1306 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(12, 14));	// 	no change ->	10-11, 15-19, 21-24, 27-45
  1307 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(14, 16));	// overlap start	->	10-11, 17-19, 21-24, 27-45
  1308 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 4);	
  1309 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(17, 20));	// remove one item	->	10-11, 21-24, 27-45
  1310 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(40, 45));	// end of range 	->	10-11, 21-24, 27-39
  1311 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(28, 28));	// range of one 	->	10-11, 21-24, 27, 29-39
  1312 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 4);	
  1313 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(27));	
  1314 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(26, 28));	// remove range of one 	->	10-11, 21-24, 29-39
  1315 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 3);
  1317 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(15, 15));	// insert between 2	->	10-11, 15, 21-24, 29-39
  1318 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(17, 18));	// insert between 2	->	10-11, 15, 17-18, 21-24, 29-39
  1319 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 5);
  1320 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(13, 26));	// obliterate 3 with one big insertion ->	10-11, 13-26, 29-39
  1321 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 3);			
  1322 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(15, 17));	//->	10-11, 13-14, 18-26, 29-39		
  1323 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(19, 21));	//->	10-11, 13-14, 18, 22-26, 29-39
  1324 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(23, 24));	//->	10-11, 13-14, 18, 22, 25-26, 29-39	
  1325 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 6);	
  1326 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(16, 28));	// obliterate 3 with one big deletion ->	10-11, 13-14, 29-39
  1327 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 3);	
  1329 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(31, 31));	//->		10-11, 13-14, 29-30 32-39
  1330 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 4);	
  1331 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(28, 31));	// new range contiguous with 2 current ranges ->	10-11, 13-14, 28-39	
  1332 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 3);				
  1334 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(0, 45)); // remove all entries
  1336 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(50, 300));	// 50-300
  1338 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(50));
  1339 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(256));	
  1340 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(300));
  1342 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(301) == EFalse);
  1343 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(49) == EFalse);
  1345 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(302, 304));	// 50-300, 302-304
  1346 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 2);
  1348 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(50, 50));
  1349 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 2);
  1351 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(45, 310));		// 45-310
  1352 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 1);
  1353 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(45));
  1354 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(310));
  1355 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(311) == EFalse);
  1356 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(44) == EFalse);
  1358 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(45, 200));		// 45-310
  1359 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 1);
  1361 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(50, 60));		// 45-49 61-310
  1362 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 2);
  1363 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(49));
  1364 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(50) == EFalse);
  1365 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(60) == EFalse);
  1366 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(61));
  1367 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(45));
  1368 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(310));
  1369 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(311) == EFalse);
  1371 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(55, 65));		// 45-49 66-310
  1372 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 2);
  1373 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(66));
  1374 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(65) == EFalse);
  1376 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(55, 55));
  1377 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 2);
  1378 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(1, 2));
  1379 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(400, 500));
  1380 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 2);
  1382 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(40, 70));		// 71-310
  1383 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 1);
  1385 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(5, 39));			// 5-39, 71-310
  1386 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 2);
  1388 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(38, 38));		// 5-37, 39, 71-310
  1389 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 3);
  1390 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(36, 36));		// 5-35, 37, 39, 71-310
  1391 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 4);
  1393 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(30, 70));		// 5-29, 71-310
  1394 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 2);
  1396 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(1, 309));		// 310
  1397 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 1);
  1398 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(310));
  1399 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(309) == EFalse);
  1400 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(311) == EFalse);
  1402 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(1, 310));		// none
  1403 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 0);
  1406 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(45, 310));			// 45-310
  1407 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 1);
  1409 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(2000));			// 45-310, 2000
  1410 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 2);
  1411 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(2000));
  1412 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(2001) == EFalse);
  1414 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(2002));			// 45-310, 2000, 2002
  1415 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 3);
  1417 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(2004));			// 45-310, 2000, 2002, 2004
  1418 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 4);
  1419 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(2004));
  1420 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(2003) == EFalse);
  1422 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(2003));			// 45-310, 2000, 2002-2004
  1423 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 3);
  1425 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(301, 2001));		// 45-2004
  1426 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 1);
  1427 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(45));
  1428 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(2004));
  1429 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(0) == EFalse);
  1430 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(2010) == EFalse);
  1432 	TInt count = theAttrList->Count();
  1433 	for (TUint16 i = 3000; i < 4000; i += 2)
  1434 		{
  1435 		theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(i, i));
  1436 		++count;
  1437 		test(theAttrList->Count() == count);
  1438 		test(theAttrList->InMatchList(i));
  1439 		test(theAttrList->InMatchList(TUint16(i-1)) == EFalse);
  1440 		test(theAttrList->InMatchList(TUint16(i+1)) == EFalse);
  1441 		}
  1443 	for (TUint16 j = 3001; j < 3501; j += 2)
  1444 		{
  1445 		theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(j, j));
  1446 		--count;
  1447 		test(theAttrList->Count() == count);
  1448 		test(theAttrList->InMatchList(j));
  1449 		test(theAttrList->InMatchList(TUint16(j-1)));
  1450 		test(theAttrList->InMatchList(TUint16(j+1)));
  1451 		}
  1453 	for (TUint16 k = 3001; k < 3400; k += 2)
  1454 		{
  1455 		theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(k, k));
  1456 		++count;
  1457 		test(theAttrList->Count() == count);
  1458 		test(theAttrList->InMatchList(k) == EFalse);
  1459 		test(theAttrList->InMatchList(TUint16(k-1)));
  1460 		test(theAttrList->InMatchList(TUint16(k+1)));
  1461 		}
  1463 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(0, 5000));
  1464 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 1);
  1465 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(0));
  1466 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(5000));
  1467 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(5001) == EFalse);
  1468 	test(theAttrList->InMatchList(KMaxTUint16) == EFalse);
  1470 	theAttrList->RemoveL(TAttrRange(0, 5000));
  1471 	test(theAttrList->Count() == 0);
  1473 	delete theAttrList;
  1475 	test.End();
  1477 	}
  1479 /* moved out to the database dll as a utility method
  1480 CSdpDatabase * EncodeDb(CSdpDatabase * nonEncodedDb)
  1481 {
  1482 	CSdpDatabase *encDb = CSdpDatabase::NewL();
  1484 	TUint8 outbuf[72];
  1485 	TPtr8 writePtr (outbuf, 0, 72);
  1486 	CSdpServRecord *theRec = CSdpServRecord::NewL();
  1487 	TElementEncoder theEncoder(writePtr);
  1489 	test.Next(_L("Test attribute encoder"));
  1490 	for(TServRecordIter recIter(nonEncodedDb->RecordIter()); recIter; recIter++)
  1491 		{// Iterate through records in Db
  1493 		for (TServAttrIter attrIter((*recIter).AttributeIter()); attrIter; attrIter++)
  1494 			{// iterate through attributes in record
  1495 			writePtr.Set(outbuf, 0, 72);  // bug, just declaring this (see above) didn't reset the pointer on each loop
  1497 			CAttrEncoderVisitor::EncodeAttributeL(theEncoder, (*attrIter).Value());
  1498 			TBuf8<sizeof(TUint)> val(2);
  1499 			TElementEncoder::PutUint(&val[0], (*attrIter).AttributeID(), 2);
  1500 			test.Printf(_L("AttrID:0x%02x%02x, <"), val[0], val[1]);
  1501 			HexDes(writePtr);
  1502 			test.Printf(_L(">\n"));
  1503 			theRec->BuildUintL(val)->BuildEncodedL(writePtr);
  1504 			}
  1505 		encDb->AddRecord(theRec);
  1506 		theRec = CSdpServRecord::NewL(); // need a new one
  1507 		}
  1508 	delete theRec;
  1509 	return encDb;
  1510 }
  1511 */
  1513 // build an encoded version of the database then print it.
  1514 void Test7()
  1515 	{
  1516 	test.Start(_L("Test 7 -- Encoded database"));
  1517 	CSdpDatabase *theDb = BuildUpf4DbL();
  1518 	theDb->EncodeDbL();
  1520 	test.Next(_L("Print encoded attributes"));
  1521 	PrintDb(*theDb, *test.Console());
  1523 	delete theDb;
  1524 	test.End();
  1525 	}
  1527 // test the access routines.
  1528 void ShowCollected(	CSizeAccumulator* aCollector)
  1529 {
  1530 	__UHEAP_MARK;
  1531 	CAttrPrintVisitor* theVisitor = new CAttrPrintVisitor(*test.Console());
  1532 	TInt indRec, indAtt;
  1533 	TUint leftOver;
  1534 	TInt startSize = 0;
  1535 	TInt nextLeft;
  1536 	TInt nextSize;
  1537 	TBool succ = EFalse;
  1538 	TInt orig = aCollector->SizeLeft();
  1539 	TInt hcount = aCollector->HandleCount();
  1540 	test.Printf(_L("Size:%d, handles %d\n"), orig, hcount);
  1541 	for (TInt i = 0; i<hcount; i++)
  1542 	{
  1543 		TSdpServRecordHandle hhand = aCollector->HandleAt(i);
  1544 		TInt atcount = aCollector->AttrCount(i);
  1545 		test.Printf(_L("HandleID:%x, attrib count:%d\n"), hhand, atcount);
  1546 		for (TInt j = 0; j<atcount; j++)
  1547 		{
  1548 			CAttrSizeItem* atpointer = aCollector->AttributeOf(i, j);
  1549 			test.Printf(_L("Attribute Pointer:%x\n"), atpointer);
  1550 			test.Printf(_L("Attr:"));
  1551 //			HexDes(atpointer->Attr()->Value().Des());
  1552 // just in case we get a non-encoded attribute
  1553 			theVisitor->VisitAttributeL(*atpointer->Attr());
  1554 			theVisitor->VisitAttributeValueL(atpointer->Attr()->Value(), atpointer->Attr()->Value().Type());
  1555 			test.Printf(_L("\n"));
  1556 			nextSize = atpointer->Size();
  1557 			startSize += nextSize;
  1558 			startSize += 3;			// the header size...
  1559 			indRec = 0;
  1560 			indAtt = 0;
  1561 			leftOver = 0;
  1562 			succ = aCollector->StartAt(startSize, leftOver, indRec, indAtt);
  1563 			if (succ)
  1564 			{
  1565 				nextLeft = aCollector->SizeLeft();
  1566 				test.Printf(_L("updated start point by (%d+3) from %d to %d\n"), nextSize, orig, nextLeft);
  1567 				test.Printf(_L("indices are L:%d, R:%d, A:%d\n"),leftOver, indRec, indAtt);
  1568 				orig = nextLeft;
  1569 			}
  1570 			else
  1571 				test.Printf(_L("failed to update start point by %d from %d\n"), nextSize, orig);
  1574 		}
  1575 	}
  1576 	delete theVisitor;
  1577 	__UHEAP_MARKEND;
  1578 	test.Getch();
  1579 }
  1581 void Test8()
  1582 	{
  1583 	__UHEAP_MARK;
  1584 	test.Start(_L("Test 8 -- Size visitor"));
  1585 	CSdpDatabase *theDb = BuildUpf4DbL();
  1586 	theDb->EncodeDbL();
  1588 //	test.Next(_L("Testing sizes of records"));
  1589 	CSdpAttrIdMatchList *theAttrList = CSdpAttrIdMatchList::NewL();
  1591 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(4)); // protocol descriptor list
  1593 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(50, 300)); // mostly text based stuff
  1595 	CSdpSearchPattern* thePattern = CSdpSearchPattern::NewL();
  1596 //Service pattern with one UUID in it...
  1597 	thePattern->AddL(TUUID(TUint16(0x1103)));
  1598 	CSizeAccumulator* collector = CSizeAccumulator::NewL();
  1599 	test.Next(_L("Testing for UUID 1103\n"));
  1600 	CResponseSizeVisitor::SizeRespSSL(*theDb, *thePattern, *collector);
  1601 	ShowCollected(collector);
  1602 // Iterate thru records in Db for SizeRespARL
  1603 	test.Next(_L("Testing for attr 4, 50-300\n"));
  1604 	for(TServRecordIter recIter(theDb->RecordIter()); recIter; recIter++)
  1605 		{
  1606 		test.Printf(_L("\n...Sizing Record 0x%x\n"), (*recIter).Handle());
  1607 		delete collector;
  1608 		collector = CSizeAccumulator::NewL();
  1609 		CResponseSizeVisitor::SizeRespARL((*recIter), *theAttrList, *collector); // what does it do if the collectors been used ?
  1610 		ShowCollected(collector);
  1611 		}
  1612 //
  1613 	test.Next(_L("Testing for attr 100\n"));
  1614 	delete theAttrList;
  1615 	theAttrList = CSdpAttrIdMatchList::NewL();
  1616 	theAttrList->AddL(TAttrRange(0x0100)); // names
  1617 	delete thePattern;
  1618 	thePattern = CSdpSearchPattern::NewL();
  1619 //Service pattern with one UUID in it...
  1620 	thePattern->AddL(TUUID(TUint16(0x1002)));
  1621 	delete collector;
  1622 	collector = CSizeAccumulator::NewL();
  1623 	CResponseSizeVisitor::SizeRespSAL(*theDb, *thePattern, *theAttrList, *collector);
  1624 	ShowCollected(collector);
  1625 	delete collector;
  1626 	delete theAttrList;
  1627 	delete thePattern;
  1628 	delete theDb;
  1629 	__UHEAP_MARKEND;
  1630 	test.End();
  1631 	}
  1634 void Test9(TInt flag)
  1635 	{
  1636 	CSdpDatabase *theDb;
  1637 	__UHEAP_MARK;
  1638 	TChar c = 'c';
  1639 	if(!flag)
  1640 		{
  1641 		c = test.Getch();
  1642 		switch (c)
  1643 			{
  1644 		case 'A': case 'a':
  1645 			test.Start(_L("Test 9 -- \"Rhubarb\" Continuation"));
  1646 			//FIXME: TRAPD?
  1647 			theDb = BuildContinuationDbL();
  1648 			break;
  1649 		case 'B': case 'b':
  1650 			test.Start(_L("Test 9 -- Continuation with Nested Lists"));
  1651 			//FIXME: TRAPD?
  1652 			theDb = BuildNestedListDbL();
  1653 			break;
  1654 		default:
  1655 		return;
  1656 			}
  1657 		}
  1658 	else
  1659 		{
  1660 		test.Start(_L("Test 9 -- Prequal Database"));
  1661 		//FIXME: TRAPD?
  1662 		theDb = BuildPrequalDbL();
  1663 		}
  1665 	test(theDb!=NULL);
  1666 	CleanupStack::PushL(theDb);
  1667 	TServRecordIter recIter(theDb->RecordIter());
  1668 	TServAttrIter attrIter((*recIter).AttributeIter());
  1669 	TServAttrIter attrIter2((*recIter).AttributeIter());
  1670 	for(; recIter; recIter++)
  1671 		{// Iterate thru records in Db
  1672 		attrIter = (*recIter).AttributeIter();
  1673 		for(; attrIter; attrIter++)
  1674 			{// Iterate thru attributes in record
  1675 			if((*attrIter).Value().Type()==ETypeString)
  1676 				{
  1677 				TPtrC8 ptr((*attrIter).Value().Des());
  1678 				if(ptr.Length()<0x100)
  1679 					{
  1680 					attrIter2 = attrIter;
  1681 					}
  1682 				}
  1683 			}
  1684 		}
  1685 	if((*attrIter2).Value().Type()==ETypeString)
  1686 		{
  1687 		TPtrC8 ptr1((*attrIter2).Value().Des());
  1688 		TBuf16<0x100> ptr(0);
  1689 		for(TInt i = 0;i<ptr1.Length()&&i<(ptr.MaxLength()-3);++i)
  1690 			ptr.Append(ptr1[i]);
  1691 		if(c=='a'||c=='A')
  1692 			{
  1693 			test.Printf(_L("Id: %d\n"),(*attrIter2).AttributeID());
  1694 			test.Printf(_L("String length: %d\n"),ptr.Length());
  1695 			if(ptr.Length()<0x100)
  1696 				test.Printf(_L("%s\n"),&ptr[0]);
  1697 			}
  1698 		}
  1700 	RSdp sdp;
  1701 	RSdpDatabase db;
  1702 	TInt ret;
  1703 	LoadLDD_PDD();
  1705 	test.Next(_L("Opening SDP Database"));
  1706 	ret = sdp.Connect();
  1707 	if(ret!=KErrNone)
  1708 		{
  1709 		if(ret==KErrNotFound)
  1710 			test.Printf(_L("Cannot start sdp server, could not find bluetooth.\n"));
  1711 		else
  1712 			test.Printf(_L("Cannot start sdp server.\n"));
  1713 		test.Next(_L("PRESS ANY KEY.\n"));
  1714 		test.Getch();
  1716 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // theDb
  1717 		goto end;
  1718 		}
  1719 	test(ret==KErrNone);
  1720 	CleanupClosePushL(sdp);
  1721 	ret = db.Open(sdp);
  1722 	test(ret==KErrNone);
  1723 	CleanupClosePushL(db);
  1725 	test.Next(_L("Storing database"));
  1726 	RegisterDatabaseInServerL(db, *theDb);
  1728 	test.Next(_L("Database stored. Now run your tests!"));
  1729 	test.Next(_L("Press any key to close SDDB"));
  1730 	test.Getch();
  1732 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // db, sdp, theDb
  1733 end:
  1734 	__UHEAP_MARKEND;
  1735 	test.End();
  1736 	}
  1738 void Test10()
  1739 {
  1740 	__UHEAP_MARK;
  1741 //TUint32
  1742 	TInt64 putVal32 = static_cast<TInt64>(0xBA1EFACE);
  1743 	TPckgBuf<TUint32> value32Packaged;	
  1744 	SdpUtil::PutUint(&value32Packaged[0], putVal32, 4);
  1746 	TUint32 getVal32= SdpUtil::GetUint(value32Packaged);
  1747 	test.Printf(_L("SdpUtil: TPckgBuf<TUint32> created with 0x%08lx would return 0x%x\n"), putVal32, getVal32);
  1750 	TBuf8<32/8> testValue32Packaged;
  1751 	testValue32Packaged.SetLength(4);
  1752 	testValue32Packaged = value32Packaged;
  1754 	CSdpAttrValue* attrVal = 0;	
  1755 	attrVal = CSdpAttrValueUint::NewUintL(testValue32Packaged);
  1756 	TUint getter = attrVal->Uint();
  1757 	delete attrVal;
  1759 	test.Printf(_L("SdpUtil: CSdpAttrValueUint created with 0x%08lx returns 0x%x\n"), putVal32, getter);
  1762 // Now we have confirmed that exercising SdpUtil this way is equivalent to using CSdpAttrValueUint's methods.
  1763 // The CSdpAttrValueUint::Uint64 and CSdpAttrValueUint::Uint128 methods are now exported so we can test them, 
  1764 // but they use SdpUtil too, so..
  1766 //TUint64
  1767 //	TPckgBuf<TUint64> putVal64Packaged =0x1234FACE5678ABCD;   // Use this to test the full functionality
  1768 	TPckgBuf<TUint64> putVal64Packaged =0x1234FACE;  	// This number is acceptable to the gcc_xml compiler
  1770 	TUint64 putVal64 = putVal64Packaged();
  1772 	TPckgBuf<TUint64> val64Packaged;
  1773 	SdpUtil::PutUint64(&val64Packaged[0], putVal64);
  1775 	TUint64 getVal64;
  1776 	SdpUtil::GetUint64(val64Packaged, getVal64);
  1778 	test.Printf(_L("SdpUtil: CSdpAttrValueUint created with 0x%lx would return 0x%lx\n"), putVal64, getVal64);
  1780 	TBuf8<64/8> testValue64Packaged;
  1781 	testValue64Packaged.SetLength(8);
  1782 	testValue64Packaged = val64Packaged;
  1784 	CSdpAttrValue* attrVal64 = 0;	
  1785 	attrVal64 = CSdpAttrValueUint::NewUintL(testValue64Packaged);
  1786 	TUint size64 = attrVal64->DataSize();
  1787 	test.Printf(_L("SdpUtil: CSdpAttrValueUint created with 0x%lx would be %d bytes long\n"), putVal64, size64);
  1789 	CSdpAttrValueUint& attrValueUint64 = static_cast<CSdpAttrValueUint&>(*attrVal64);
  1790 	attrValueUint64.Uint64(getVal64);
  1791 	test.Printf(_L("SdpUtil: CSdpAttrValueUint created with 0x%lx would return 0x%lx\n"), putVal64, getVal64);
  1793 	delete attrVal64;
  1796 //two TUint64s	
  1797 //	TUint64 putLoVal = 0x1234FACE5678ABCD;  // Use these to test the full functionality
  1798 //	TUint64 putHiVal = 0x3456789BA1EFACED; 
  1800 	TUint64 putLoVal = 0x1234FACE; 	// These numbers are acceptable to the gcc_xml compiler
  1801 	TUint64 putHiVal = 0xBA1EACED; 
  1803 	TBuf8<128/8> putValue128Packaged;
  1804 	putValue128Packaged.SetLength(16);
  1806 	SdpUtil::PutUint128(&putValue128Packaged[0], putLoVal, putHiVal);
  1807 	test.Printf(_L("SdpUtil: CSdpAttrValueUint created with 0x%lx,0x%lx would be %d bytes long\n"), putHiVal, putLoVal, 16);
  1809 	TUint64 getLoVal128;
  1810 	TUint64 getHiVal128;
  1811 	SdpUtil::GetUint128(putValue128Packaged, getLoVal128, getHiVal128);
  1812 	test.Printf(_L("SdpUtil: CSdpAttrValueUint created with 0x%lx,0x%lx would return 0x%lx,0x%lx\n"), putHiVal, putLoVal, getHiVal128, getLoVal128);
  1814 	TBuf8<128/8> testValue128Packaged;
  1815 	testValue128Packaged.SetLength(16);
  1816 	testValue128Packaged = putValue128Packaged;
  1818 	CSdpAttrValue* attrVal128 = 0;	
  1819 	attrVal128 = CSdpAttrValueUint::NewUintL(testValue128Packaged);
  1820 	TUint size128 = attrVal128->DataSize();
  1821 	test.Printf(_L("SdpUtil: CSdpAttrValueUint created with 0x%lx,0x%lx would be %d bytes long\n"), putHiVal, putLoVal, size128);
  1823 	CSdpAttrValueUint& attrValueUint128 = static_cast<CSdpAttrValueUint&>(*attrVal128);
  1824 	attrValueUint128.Uint128(getLoVal128, getHiVal128);
  1825 	test.Printf(_L("SdpUtil: CSdpAttrValueUint created with 0x%lx,0x%lx would return 0x%lx,0x%lx\n"), putHiVal, putLoVal, getHiVal128, getLoVal128);
  1827 	delete attrVal128;
  1829 	__UHEAP_MARKEND;
  1831 }
  1833 void IntConversionTest()
  1834 /**
  1835 	Checks compiler has done uint-int cast correctly
  1836 	in CSdpAttrValueInt::Int().
  1837 **/
  1838 	{
  1839 	TBuf8<4> tstr;
  1840 	tstr.FillZ(4);
  1841 	tstr[0] = 0xff;
  1842 	tstr[1] = 0xff;
  1843 	tstr[2] = 0xff;
  1844 	tstr[3] = 0xff;
  1845 	TInt ret = 0;
  1846 	CSdpAttrValueInt* avi = 0;
  1847 	avi = CSdpAttrValueInt::NewIntL(tstr);
  1848 	ret = avi->Int();
  1849 	delete avi;
  1850 	avi = 0;
  1851 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(ret==-1, User::Panic(_L("Bad4ByteIntConversion"), KErrGeneral));
  1852 	tstr.SetLength(2);
  1853 	avi = CSdpAttrValueInt::NewIntL(tstr);
  1854 	ret = avi->Int();
  1855 	delete avi;
  1856 	avi = 0;
  1857 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(ret==-1, User::Panic(_L("Bad2ByteIntConversion"), KErrGeneral));
  1858 	//tstr[0] = 0x0e;
  1859 	tstr.SetLength(1);
  1860 	avi = CSdpAttrValueInt::NewIntL(tstr);
  1861 	ret = avi->Int();
  1862 	delete avi;
  1863 	avi = 0;
  1864 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(ret==-1, User::Panic(_L("BadByteIntConversion"), KErrGeneral));
  1866 	(void)(ret != 0); // keep compiler happy by referencing ret as an r-value in urel
  1868 	return;
  1869 	}
  1871 void RunAppL()
  1872 	{
  1873 //	TInt ret;
  1874 	test.Title();
  1875 	test.Start(_L("Running SDP server tests"));
  1876 // For some reason, you have to do the following to
  1877 // ensure that the file server behaves properly.
  1878 	RFs fs;
  1879 	(void)fs.Connect();
  1880 	fs.Close();
  1881 // Run through tests
  1882 	IntConversionTest();
  1883 	FOREVER
  1884 		{
  1885 		test.Printf(_L("Choose the test to run...\n"));
  1886 		test.Printf(_L("************************\n"));
  1887 		test.Printf(_L("0. Run client/server\n"));
  1888 		test.Printf(_L("1. Run client/server building the John Pagonis database\n"));
  1889 		test.Printf(_L("2. Build static DB & print\n"));
  1890 		test.Printf(_L("3. Build static DB & copy it over into the SDP database server\n"));
  1891 		test.Printf(_L("4. Service Search (no continuation)\n"));
  1892 		test.Printf(_L("5. Attribute Request (no continuation)\n"));
  1893 		test.Printf(_L("6. Sizing and encoding stuff\n"));
  1894 		test.Printf(_L("7. encoded database\n"));
  1895 		test.Printf(_L("8. size visitor\n"));
  1896 		test.Printf(_L("9a.(Press keys SLOWLY) Build \"Rhubarb\" continuation database\n"));
  1897 		test.Printf(_L("9b.(Press keys SLOWLY) Build nested lists continuation database\n"));
  1898 		test.Printf(_L("B. Run UPF back to back tests\n"));
  1899 		test.Printf(_L("C. Continuation stress tests\n"));
  1900 //		test.Printf(_L("U. Unplugfest tests\n"));
  1901 		test.Printf(_L("P. Prequal tests database\n"));
  1902 		test.Printf(_L("Q. SdpUtil tests\n"));
  1903 		test.Printf(_L("\n"));
  1904 		test.Printf(_L("A. Run All tests\n"));
  1905 		test.Printf(_L("************************\n"));
  1906 		test.Printf(_L("press Escape to quit\n\n"));
  1908 		__UHEAP_MARK;
  1909 		TChar c = test.Getch();
  1910 		switch (c)
  1911 			{
  1912 		case 'A': case 'a':
  1913 			Test1();
  1914 			__UHEAP_CHECK(0);
  1915 			Test2();
  1916 			__UHEAP_CHECK(0);
  1917 			Test3();
  1918 			__UHEAP_CHECK(0);
  1919 			Test4();
  1920 			__UHEAP_CHECK(0);
  1921 			Test5();
  1922 			__UHEAP_CHECK(0);
  1923 			Test6();
  1924 			__UHEAP_CHECK(0);
  1925 			break;
  1926 		case '0':
  1927 			Test0();
  1928 			break;
  1929 		case '1':
  1930 			WhichTest();
  1931 			break;
  1932 		case '2':
  1933 			Test2();
  1934 			break;
  1935 		case '3':
  1936 			Test3();
  1937 			break;
  1938 		case '4':
  1939 			Test4();
  1940 			break;
  1941 		case '5':
  1942 			Test5();
  1943 			break;
  1944 		case '6':
  1945 			Test6();
  1946 			break;
  1947 		case '7':
  1948 			Test7();
  1949 			break;
  1950 		case '8':
  1951 			Test8();
  1952 			break;
  1953 		case '9':
  1954 			Test9(0);
  1955 			break;
  1956 		case 'B': case 'b':
  1957 			TestBL(test);
  1958 			break;
  1959 		case 'C': case 'c':
  1960 			__UHEAP_MARK;
  1961 			TestCL(test, BuildContinuationDbL());
  1962 			__UHEAP_MARKEND;
  1963 			break;
  1964 		case 'D': case 'd':
  1965 			TestD();
  1966 			break;
  1967 		case 'E': case 'e':
  1968 			TestE();
  1969 			break;
  1970 		case 'P': case 'p':
  1971 			Test9(1);
  1972 			break;
  1973 		case 'Q': case 'q':
  1974 			Test10();
  1975 			break;
  1977 		case EKeyEscape:
  1978 			goto done;
  1979 		default:
  1980 			test.Printf(_L("Unknown command\n"));
  1981 			};
  1982 		__UHEAP_MARKEND;
  1983 		}
  1985 done:
  1987 	test.Printf(_L("Finished! Press any key...\r\n"));
  1988 	test.Getch();
  1989 	test.End();
  1990 	}
  1993 TInt E32Main()
  1994 	{
  1996 	test.SetLogged(ETrue);
  1997 	test.Title();
  1998 	__UHEAP_MARK;
  1999 	CTrapCleanup* cleanup=CTrapCleanup::New();
  2000 	TRAPD(error,RunAppL()); // Run the App
  2001 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(error==KErrNone,User::Panic(_L("EPOC32EX"),error));
  2002 	delete cleanup;
  2003 	__UHEAP_MARKEND;
  2004 	test.Close();
  2005 	return KErrNone;
  2006 	}