changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:29b1cd4cb562
     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Implements the code for AVCTP SAPs
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 /**
    19  @file
    20  @internalTechnology
    21 */
    23 #include <bluetooth/logger.h>
    24 #include <es_mbuf.h>
    25 #include "Avctp.h"
    26 #include "avctpsap.h"
    27 #include "avctpmuxer.h"
    28 #include "avctpcommon.h"
    29 #include "avctputils.h"
    30 #include "avctppacket.h"
    31 #include "avctpPacketMgr.h"
    32 #include "AvctpMessageParameters.h"
    34 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
    35 _LIT8(KLogComponent, LOG_COMPONENT_AVCTP);
    36 #endif
    38 #ifdef _DEBUG
    39 PANICCATEGORY("avctpsap");
    40 #endif
    42 using namespace SymbianAvctp;
    44 /** 
    45 Avctp Sap Security policy  
    46 We don't need to check LocalServices as BluetoothSAP does that for us
    47 */
    48 _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_S0(KAvctpSapSecurityPolicy, KDefaultSidforPids);
    50 /** Diagnostic string identifying this module when calling security policy checking methods,
    51 in builds without platsec diagnostics this will be NULL */
    52 const char * const KAvctpSapSecurityPolicyDiagnostic = __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Avctp Sap");
    54 /**
    55 Static AVCTP SAP factory function
    57   @internalComponent
    58   @leave KErrNoMemory if the SAP object could not be allocated
    59   @param aProt Lower protocol object
    60   @return A pointer to the new SAP
    61 */
    62 CAvctpSap* CAvctpSap::NewL(CAvctpProtocol& aProt)
    63 	{
    66 	CAvctpSap* sap = new(ELeave) CAvctpSap(aProt);
    67 	CleanupStack::PushL(sap);
    68 	sap->ConstructL();
    69 	CleanupStack::Pop(sap);
    70 	return sap;
    71 	}
    73 /**
    74 Second-phase construction of a SAP
    76 Set up the async. callback.
    78   @internalComponent
    79 */
    80 void CAvctpSap::ConstructL()
    81 	{
    82 	LOG_FUNC
    84 	CBluetoothSAP::ConstructL();
    86 	TCallBack cb(SendAsyncCallBack, this);
    87 	iSendAsyncCallBack = new(ELeave) CAsyncCallBack(cb, EActiveHighPriority);
    88 	}
    90 /**
    91 Constructor for an AVCTP SAP
    93   @internalComponent
    94   @param aProt The AVCTP protocol object
    95 */
    96 CAvctpSap::CAvctpSap(CAvctpProtocol& aProtocol)
    97 	: CBluetoothSAP(aProtocol.SecMan(), aProtocol.CodMan()),
    98 	  iProtocol(aProtocol),
    99 	  iOutgoingSdus(),
   100 	  iIncomingSdus(_FOFF(HAvctpIncomingSdu, iQueLink)),
   101 	  iChannel(KAvctpInvalidChannel),
   102 	  iIsInList(EFalse)
   103 	{
   104 	LOG_FUNC
   105 	// we set the channel because "0" is a real channel, so we want to know that iChannel is unset at time of construction
   106 	}
   109 /**
   110 Destructor for an AVCTP SAP
   112 Called when ESock deletes the SAP, when user app calls RSocket::Close()
   114   @internalAll
   115 */
   116 CAvctpSap::~CAvctpSap()
   117 	{
   118 	LOG_FUNC
   120 	// Delete any remaining packets that the sap owns
   121 	TDblQueIter<HAvctpOutgoingSdu> outgoingIter = iOutgoingSdus.Iter();
   122 	while (outgoingIter)
   123 		{
   124 		delete outgoingIter++; // deques sdu
   125 		}
   126 	TDblQueIter<HAvctpIncomingSdu> incomingIter(iIncomingSdus);
   127 	while (incomingIter)
   128 		{
   129 		delete incomingIter++; // deques sdu
   130 		}	
   132 	iSendAsyncCallBack->Cancel();
   133 	delete iSendAsyncCallBack;
   134 	}
   136 MSocketNotify& CAvctpSap::Socket() const
   137 	{
   138 	LOG_FUNC
   139 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSocket, Panic(EAvctpDataSAPNullSocket));
   140 	return *iSocket;
   141 	}
   143 /****************************************************************************/
   144 /* Implementation of CControlledServProvider methods */
   145 /****************************************************************************/
   148 /**
   149 Set the local name to anAddr.
   151 @internalAll
   152 @param anAddr The address with the PID
   153 @return KErrNone if successful
   154 */
   155 TInt CAvctpSap::SetLocalName(TSockAddr& aAddr)
   156 	{
   157 	LOG_FUNC
   159 	TAvctpSockAddr avctpAddr = TAvctpSockAddr::Cast(aAddr);
   160 	iChannel = avctpAddr.Channel(); 
   161 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iChannel == KAvctpPrimaryChannel || iChannel == KAvctpSecondaryChannel, Panic(EAvctpInvalidChannel));
   163 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   164 	if (iChannel != KAvctpPrimaryChannel && iChannel != KAvctpSecondaryChannel)
   165 		{
   166 		err = KErrInvalidChannel;
   167 		}
   168 	if (err == KErrNone)
   169 		{
   170 		err = SetPid(avctpAddr.Pid());
   171 		}
   172 	if (err == KErrNone)
   173 		{
   174 		err = iProtocol.AddSap(*this);
   175 		}
   176 	return err;
   177 	}
   179 /**
   180 Read the Local Name into anAddr.
   182 AVCTP knows only the PID on which the device is
   183 registered but this is OK since that's all they want.
   185   @internalAll
   186   @param anAddr The address to read into
   187 */
   188 void CAvctpSap::LocalName(TSockAddr& aAddr) const
   189 	{
   190 	LOG_FUNC
   192 	// Copy iPid into TSockAddr and return
   193 	TAvctpSockAddr avctpAddr(aAddr);
   194 	avctpAddr.SetChannel(iChannel);
   195 	avctpAddr.SetPid(iPid);
   196 	aAddr = avctpAddr;
   197 	}
   199 /**
   200 Read the remote name into anAddr.
   202 AVCTP knows only the PID on which the device is
   203 registered but this is OK since that's all they want.
   205   @internalAll
   206   @param anAddr The address to read into
   207 */
   208 void CAvctpSap::RemName(TSockAddr& aAddr) const
   209 	{
   210 	LOG_FUNC
   211 	// no BT Addr to fill on for data saps :-)
   212 	TAvctpSockAddr avctpAddr(aAddr);
   213 	avctpAddr.SetPid(iPid);
   214 	aAddr = avctpAddr;   // Convert back
   215 	}
   217 /**
   218 Set the remote name to anAddr.
   220   @internalAll
   221   @param anAddr The address to set
   222 */
   223 TInt CAvctpSap::SetRemName(TSockAddr& aAddr)
   224 	{
   225 	LOG_FUNC
   227 	// Copy this over
   228 	TAvctpSockAddr avctpAddr = TAvctpSockAddr::Cast(aAddr);
   230 	iChannel = avctpAddr.Channel();
   231 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iChannel == KAvctpPrimaryChannel || iChannel == KAvctpSecondaryChannel, Panic(EAvctpInvalidChannel));
   233 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   234 	if (iChannel != KAvctpPrimaryChannel && iChannel != KAvctpSecondaryChannel)
   235 		{
   236 		err = KErrInvalidChannel;
   237 		}
   239 	if (err == KErrNone)
   240 		{
   241 		err = SetPid(avctpAddr.Pid());
   242 		}
   244 	return err;
   245 	}
   247 /**
   248 Auto bind from ESock.
   250 We're not expecting this as a connectionless protocol so panic
   252   @internalAll
   253 */
   254 void CAvctpSap::AutoBind()
   255 	{
   256 	LOG_FUNC
   258 	}
   260 /**
   261 Get a socket option.
   263 AVCTP doesn't support socket options, so fail it if it's for AVCTP.
   265   @internalAll
   266   @param aLevel The socket option level
   267   @param aName The socket option name
   268   @param aOption The socket option data
   269 */
   270 TInt CAvctpSap::GetOption(TUint /*aLevel*/, TUint /*aName*/, TDes8& /*aOption*/) const
   271 	{
   272 	LOG_FUNC
   274 	return KErrNotSupported;
   275 	}
   277 /**
   278 Set a socket option. (BluetoothSAP version)
   280 AVCTP doesn't support socket options, so fail it if it's for AVCTP.
   282   @internalAll
   283   @param aLevel The socket option level
   284   @param aName The socket option name
   285   @param aOption The socket option data
   286 */
   287 TInt CAvctpSap::SAPSetOption(TUint /*aLevel*/, TUint /*aName*/, const TDesC8& /*aOption*/)
   288 	{
   289 	LOG_FUNC
   290 	return KErrNotSupported;
   291 	}
   294 // start-up/Shutdown
   296 // NB: All ActiveOpen / PassiveOpen / Start calls require a connection-
   297 //     oriented socket, so we just panic!
   299 /**
   300 Active open an AVCTP socket...
   302 Wait a minute!  AVCTP is connectionless, so panic!
   304   @internalAll
   305 */
   306 void CAvctpSap::ActiveOpen()
   307 	{
   308 	LOG_FUNC
   309 	Panic(EActiveOpenNotSupported); // control sap does this
   310 	}
   312 /**
   313 Active open an AVCTP socket (data overload)...
   315 Wait a minute!  AVCTP is connectionless, so panic!
   317   @internalAll
   318   @param aConnectionData Data to send on connection
   319 */
   320 void CAvctpSap::ActiveOpen(const TDesC8& /*aConnectionData*/)
   321 	{
   322 	LOG_FUNC
   323 	Panic(EActiveOpenNotSupported);
   324 	}
   326 /**
   327 Passive open an AVCTP socket...
   329 Wait a minute, passive opens are only for connection-oriented protocols too! Panic.
   331   @internalAll
   332   @param aQueSize How many connections to complete before they are Accept()ed...
   333   @return KErrNotSupported, obviously...
   334 */
   335 TInt CAvctpSap::PassiveOpen(TUint /*aQueSize*/)
   336 	{
   337 	LOG_FUNC
   338 	Panic(EPassiveOpenNotSupported);
   339 	return KErrNotSupported;
   340 	}
   342 /**
   343 Passive open an AVCTP socket (data overload)...
   345 Wait a minute, passive opens are only for connection-oriented protocols too! Panic.
   347   @internalAll
   348   @param aQueSize How many connections to complete before they are Accept()ed...
   349   @param aConnectionData Data to send on connection
   350   @return KErrNotSupported, obviously...
   351 */
   352 TInt CAvctpSap::PassiveOpen(TUint /*aQueSize*/, const TDesC8& /*aConnectionData*/)
   353 	{
   354 	LOG_FUNC
   355 	Panic(EPassiveOpenNotSupported);
   356 	return KErrNotSupported;
   357 	}
   359 /**
   360 We ignore this.
   362   @internalAll
   363 */
   364 void CAvctpSap::Start()
   365 	{
   366 	LOG_FUNC
   367 	}
   369 /**
   370 Close the SAP down.
   372   @internalAll
   373   @param aCloseType How fast we're going down
   374 */
   375 void CAvctpSap::Shutdown(TCloseType aCloseType)
   376 	{
   377 	LOG_FUNC
   378 	LOG1(_L("option = %d"), aCloseType);
   380 	if (aCloseType != EImmediate)
   381 		{
   382 		// We need to remember we've been asked to close so:
   383 		iIsClosing = ETrue;
   385 		// Normal Shutdown - ESOCK will wait for us to say we can end		
   386 		// Esock is no longer interested in our incoming packets so delete them
   387 		TDblQueIter<HAvctpIncomingSdu> incomingIter(iIncomingSdus);
   388 		while (incomingIter)
   389 			{
   390 			delete incomingIter++; // deques sdu
   391 			}	
   393 		CheckForCanClose();	
   394 		}
   395 	else
   396 		{
   397 		// Note: Esock doesn't require us to call CanClose on an EImmediate Shutdown
   398 		iClosed = ETrue;
   400 		iProtocol.RemoveSap(*this);
   401 		}
   402 	}
   404 /**
   405 Close the SAP down (data overload).
   407   @internalAll
   408   @param aCloseType How fast we're going down
   409   @param aDisconnectionData Data to send on disconnect
   410 */
   411 void CAvctpSap::Shutdown(TCloseType /*aCloseType*/, const TDesC8& /*aDisconnectionData*/)
   412 	{
   413 	LOG_FUNC
   414 	Panic(EDisconnectDataNotSupported);
   415 	}
   417 /**
   418 Send some data.
   420 Just pass this over to our state.
   422   @internalAll
   423   @param aDesc The data to send
   424   @param aOptions The message parameters
   425   @param aAddr The address to send to
   426   @return 0 if the write failed or 1 if we took ownership of the data
   427 */
   428 TInt CAvctpSap::Write(RMBufChain& aData, TUint aOptions, TSockAddr* aAddr)
   429 	{
   430 	LOG_FUNC
   432 	// We've been asked to close so esock shouldn't be giving us any more data
   433 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(!iIsClosing, Panic(EUnexpectedEsockEvent));
   435 	TUint ret = 0;
   437 	if (iOutgoingSdus.Count() < KSapOutboundQHighMark)
   438 		{
   439 		TAvctpMessageParameters parameters(aOptions);
   440 		TAvctpNormalHeaderInfo headerInfo = TAvctpNormalHeaderInfo(
   441 												parameters.iTransaction, 
   442 												ENormalPkt, 
   443 												parameters.Type(),
   444 												ETrue, // hasValidPid
   445 												Pid());
   447 		HAvctpOutgoingSdu* sdu = NULL;
   449 		TRAPD(err,sdu = HAvctpOutgoingSdu::NewL(headerInfo, 
   450 												TAvctpSockAddr(*aAddr).BTAddr(),
   451 												aData));
   452 		if (err == KErrNone)
   453 			{
   454 			iOutgoingSdus.Insert(*sdu);
   455 			StartSendAsyncCallBack();
   456 			ret = 1; //one sdu
   457 			}
   458 		}
   460 	if (!ret)
   461 		{
   462 		iSendBlocked = ETrue;
   463 		iPendingSendAddress = TAvctpSockAddr::Cast(*aAddr).BTAddr();
   464 		}
   465 	return ret;
   466 	}
   468 /**
   469 This function is called on the Sap by Esock when it wants to receive the
   470 data we told it about in NewData upcalls from us.
   472 Rather than letting Esock call the descriptor overload, this function
   473 deals with the request directly for two reasons. The intention is to 
   474 implement AVCTP in terms of MBufs in future but also because the descriptor 
   475 overload doesn't get called correctly by esock since it doesn't know how
   476 long our datagrams will be and so presents us with a TDes8 which is too 
   477 short.
   479   @internalAll
   480   @param aData The data to be received
   481   @param aOptions The message parameters
   482   @param aAddr The address the data is received from
   483   @return the error associated with the read. Could be KErrNoMBufs (a likely case) in which case esock 
   484   		   would attempt an allocation for us and would then try again. If it's some other error then it's up to us 
   485   		   to tell esock when to retry (by signalling with NewData(0)). If it was some error that we couldn't
   486   		   handle at all then we should have set the error upon the socket  	
   487 */
   488 TInt CAvctpSap::GetData(RMBufChain& aData, TUint /*aLength*/, TUint /*aOptions*/, TSockAddr* aAddr)
   489 	{
   490 	LOG_FUNC
   492 	// We've been asked to close so esock shouldn't be asking us for more data
   493 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(!iIsClosing, Panic(EUnexpectedEsockEvent));
   494 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!iClosed, Panic(EAvctpSapClosed));
   496 	HAvctpIncomingSdu* sdu = iIncomingSdus.First();
   497 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(sdu, Panic(ENullPacket));
   499 	aData.Assign(const_cast<RMBufChain&>(sdu->Data()));
   501 	if (aAddr)
   502 		{
   503 		TAvctpSockAddr avctpAddr = TAvctpSockAddr::Cast(*aAddr);
   504 		avctpAddr.SetPid(iPid);
   505 		avctpAddr.SetBTAddr(sdu->BTAddr());
   506 		avctpAddr.SetChannel(iChannel);
   507 		(*aAddr) = avctpAddr;   // Convert back
   508 		}	
   509 	delete sdu; // deques pkt in ~HAvctpIncomingSdu				
   511 	return KErrNone;	
   512 	}
   514 /**
   515 Perform an Ioctl.
   517   @internalAll
   518   @param aLevel The Ioctl level
   519   @param aName The Ioctl name
   520   @param aOption The Ioctl data
   521 */
   522 void CAvctpSap::Ioctl(TUint /*aLevel*/, TUint /*aName*/, TDes8* /*aOption*/)
   523 	{
   524 	LOG_FUNC
   525 	Socket().Error(KErrNotSupported, MSocketNotify::EErrorIoctl);
   526 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(NULL, Panic(EIoctlsNotSupported));
   527 	}
   529 /**
   530 Cancel an Ioctl.
   532 Just pass it to the state machine.
   534   @internalAll
   535   @param aLevel The Ioctl level
   536   @param aName The Ioctl name
   537 */
   538 void CAvctpSap::CancelIoctl(TUint /*aLevel*/, TUint /*aName*/)
   539 	{
   540 	LOG_FUNC
   541 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(NULL, Panic(EIoctlsNotSupported));
   542 	}
   544 TInt CAvctpSap::SecurityCheck(MProvdSecurityChecker* aSecurityChecker)
   545 	{
   546 	LOG_FUNC
   548 	// Store for later use when asked to bind to a particular PID.
   549 	iSecurityChecker = aSecurityChecker;
   550 	return KErrNone;
   551 	}
   553 /************************************************************************
   555   Events interface (between muxer and Sap via Protocol)
   557  ************************************************************************/
   559 /**
   560 There is new data from the muxer for us.
   561 We take ownership if the packet is suitable for us otherwise ignore
   563   @internalComponent
   564   @param aData The new data from the muxer
   565   @param aMux The mux this data came from
   566   @return ETrue if we took ownership of the data, or EFalse otherwise
   567 */
   569 TBool CAvctpSap::NewData(HAvctpIncomingSdu* aSdu, TInt aChannel)
   570 	{
   571 	LOG_FUNC
   572 	LOG1(_L("New Sdu 0x%08x"), aSdu);	
   574 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!iClosed, Panic(EAvctpSapClosed));
   576 	TBool acceptsPdu = EFalse;
   578 	if (SymbianAvctp::Pid(CAvctpPacket::GetHeader(aSdu->Data())) == Pid()
   579 					&& aChannel == iChannel)
   580 				{
   581 				if (!iIsClosing)
   582 					{
   583 					iIncomingSdus.AddLast(*aSdu);
   584 					Socket().NewData(1);
   585 					acceptsPdu = ETrue;
   586 					}
   587 				}
   589 	return acceptsPdu;
   590 	}
   595 TBool CAvctpSap::HasDataFor(const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr)
   596 	{
   597 	LOG_FUNC
   599 	TBool ans = EFalse;
   601 	TDblQueIter<HAvctpOutgoingSdu> iter = iOutgoingSdus.Iter();
   602 	HAvctpOutgoingSdu* sdu;
   604 	while (iter)
   605 		{
   606 		sdu = iter++;
   607 		if (sdu->BTAddr() == aRemoteAddr)
   608 			{
   609 			ans = ETrue;
   610 			break;
   611 			}
   612 		}
   614 	LOG1(_L("result %d"), ans);
   615 	return ans;
   616 	}
   618 /**
   619 This function is called when a muxer goes down and is used to get rid of
   620 any packets that are now stale. If a packet remains in the system after 
   621 the muxer to it's remote device goes down, it'll cause a reconnection
   622 attempt which we don't want.
   624 We also need to delete any partial incoming packets from this muxer since
   625 they obviously won't be competed.
   626 */
   627 void CAvctpSap::MuxerDown(const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr)
   628 	{
   629 	LOG_FUNC
   631 	HAvctpOutgoingSdu* sdu;
   633 	TDblQueIter<HAvctpOutgoingSdu> iter = iOutgoingSdus.Iter();
   634 	while (iter)
   635 		{
   636 		sdu = iter++;
   637 		if (sdu->BTAddr() == aRemoteAddr)
   638 			{
   639 			delete sdu;
   640 			}
   641 		}
   643 	if (!iIsClosing && iSendBlocked && iPendingSendAddress == aRemoteAddr)
   644 		{
   645 		Socket().Error(KErrDisconnected, MSocketNotify::EErrorSend);
   646 		}
   648 	CheckForCanSend();
   649 	CheckForCanClose();
   650 	}
   652 /****************************************************************************/
   653 /* Implementation of private methods */
   654 /****************************************************************************/
   656 /**
   657 This function checks the Secure ID of the client process that is trying to 
   658 use an RAvctp object on aPid. Currently all PIDs are checked against the 
   659 default SID provided in avctpconstants.h
   661 If a licensee wanted to change behaviour, they would have to branch the stack
   662 to do so. This is obviously undesirable though they should question why they
   663 aren't using the RemCon server in the first place.
   665 This function should only be called once when the Pid of the Sap is first set.
   667 TODO: provide a resource / SPD file matching PIDs <-> SIDs, using KRemConSrvUid as the default SID
   668 */
   669 TInt CAvctpSap::CheckPidAllowed(TPid /*aPid*/)
   670 	{
   671 	LOG_FUNC
   672 	// iSecurityChecker should've been provided in SecurityCheck by now
   673 	ASSERT_DEBUG(iSecurityChecker);
   674 	TBool ret = iSecurityChecker->CheckPolicy(KAvctpSapSecurityPolicy, KAvctpSapSecurityPolicyDiagnostic);
   675 	iSecurityChecker = NULL; // we're finished with it and it's not owned by us
   676 	return ret;
   677 	}
   679 void CAvctpSap::CheckForCanSend()
   680 	{
   681 	LOG_FUNC
   683 	if (!iIsClosing && iOutgoingSdus.Count() < KSapOutboundQLowMark)
   684 		{
   685 		Socket().CanSend(); // Okay to call at any time from Esock's point of view
   686 		iSendBlocked = EFalse;
   687 		}	
   688 	}
   690 void CAvctpSap::CheckForCanClose()
   691 	{
   692 	LOG_FUNC
   694 	if ((iIsClosing && iOutgoingSdus.Count() == 0) && !iClosed)
   695 		{
   696 		iClosed = ETrue;	// Ensure CanClose() is only called once, otherwise it hits an assert
   697 		iProtocol.RemoveSap(*this);
   698 		Socket().CanClose();
   699 		}
   700 	}
   702 /**
   703 Asynchronous callback function to deal with actually sending stuff to 
   704 the muxers for delivery.
   706 Attempts to send all packets that it can from the iOutgoingSdus Q
   708   @internalComponent
   709   @param aSap The SAP being called back
   710   @return EFalse - i.e. the callback should not be called again
   711 */
   712 /*static*/ TInt CAvctpSap::SendAsyncCallBack(TAny* aSap)
   713 	{
   715 	LOG1(_L("for Sap: 0x%08x"), aSap);
   717 	CAvctpSap& sap = *static_cast<CAvctpSap*>(aSap);
   719 	TDblQueIter<HAvctpOutgoingSdu> iter = sap.iOutgoingSdus.Iter();
   720 	HAvctpOutgoingSdu* sdu = NULL;
   721 	MAvctpSDUSender* sduSender = NULL;
   723 	while (iter)
   724 		{
   725 		sdu = iter++;
   726 		const TBTDevAddr& addr = sdu->BTAddr();
   727 		// Get a SDU Sender (tied to transport) if we don't have one yet
   728 		if (!sduSender)
   729 			{
   730 			sduSender = sap.iProtocol.GetSDUSender(addr, sap.iChannel);
   731 			}
   733 		if (!sduSender)	// means the muxer has not been created 
   734 			{
   735 			delete sdu;	// I cannot send it due to a muxer creation failure
   736 			continue;
   737 			}
   739 		// Try to send the sdu
   740 		if (sduSender->IsClearToSend(sap.iChannel))
   741 			{
   742 			// Note if the write succeeds the ownership of the sdu is transferred and the sdu will
   743 			// be deleted which will deque the sdu from the sap's outboundQ. If the write fails
   744 			// the sap retains ownership and the packet will remain on the outboundQ.
   745 			// Hence we don't need to check the return value
   747 			(void)sduSender->Write(sdu, sap.iChannel);
   748 			}
   749 		else // may as well skip all sdus that are for the same transport
   750 			{
   751 			while (iter)
   752 				{
   753 				sdu = iter++;
   754 				if (sdu->BTAddr() != addr)
   755 					{
   756 					iter--; // don't want to skip this sdu when we go round the outer loop again
   757 					sduSender = NULL; // we're finished with this muxer
   758 					break; // inner while
   759 					}
   760 				}
   761 			}
   762 		}
   764 	sap.CheckForCanSend();
   765 	sap.CheckForCanClose();
   767 	return EFalse;
   768 	}
   770 /**
   771 Set the PID for this SAP & add us to the Protocol's Q
   773   @internalComponent
   774   @param aPid The SAP's PID
   775   @return KErrInUse if there is already a Sap on aPid, otherwise KErrNone
   776 */
   777 TInt CAvctpSap::SetPid(TPid aPid)
   778 	{
   779 	LOG_FUNC
   780 	LOG1(_L("to PID: 0x%x"), aPid);
   782 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iPid == 0 || iPid == aPid, Panic(ESapAlreadyBound));
   784 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   785 	if (iPid == 0 || iPid == aPid)
   786 		{
   787 		err = CheckPidAllowed(aPid);
   788 		if (err == KErrNone)
   789 			{
   790 			iPid = aPid;
   791 			}
   792 		}
   793 	else
   794 		{
   795 		err = KErrSapAlreadyBound;
   796 		}
   798 	return err;
   799 	}	
   802 // Pure virtuals From MSocketNotify
   803 // It's not used in favour of the public overloaded NewData()
   804 void CAvctpSap::NewData(TUint /*aCount*/)
   805 	{
   806 	LOG_FUNC
   807 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(NULL, Panic(ENewDataNotSupported));
   808 	}
   810 /**
   811 Notification from a muxer that we can send again.
   812 */
   813 void CAvctpSap::CanSend()
   814 	{
   815 	LOG_FUNC
   816 	StartSendAsyncCallBack();
   817 	}
   819 // Not implemented because CAvctpSap is a connectionless sap
   820 void CAvctpSap::ConnectComplete()
   821 	{
   822 	LOG_FUNC
   823 	}
   825 // Not implemented because CAvctpSap is a connectionless sap
   826 void CAvctpSap::ConnectComplete(const TDesC8& /*aConnectData*/)
   827 	{
   828 	LOG_FUNC
   829 	}
   831 // Not implemented because CAvctpSap is a connectionless sap
   832 void CAvctpSap::ConnectComplete(CServProviderBase& /*aSSP*/)
   833 	{
   834 	LOG_FUNC
   835 	}
   837 // Not implemented because CAvctpSap is a connectionless sap
   838 void CAvctpSap::ConnectComplete(CServProviderBase& /*aSSP*/,const TDesC8& /*aConnectData*/)
   839 	{
   840 	LOG_FUNC
   841 	}
   843 // Not implemented because CAvctpSap is a connectionless sap
   844 void CAvctpSap::CanClose(TDelete /*aDelete*/)
   845 	{
   846 	LOG_FUNC
   847 	}
   849 // Not implemented because CAvctpSap is a connectionless sap
   850 void CAvctpSap::CanClose(const TDesC8& /*aDisconnectData*/,TDelete /*aDelete*/)
   851 	{
   852 	LOG_FUNC
   853 	}
   855 void CAvctpSap::Error(TInt aError, TUint aOperationMask)
   856 	{
   857 	iSocket->Error(aError, aOperationMask);
   858 	}
   860 // Not implemented because CAvctpSap is a connectionless sap	
   861 void CAvctpSap::Disconnect()
   862 	{
   863 	LOG_FUNC
   864 	}
   866 // Not implemented because CAvctpSap is a connectionless sap
   867 void CAvctpSap::Disconnect(TDesC8& /*aDisconnectData*/)
   868 	{
   869 	LOG_FUNC
   870 	}
   872 // Not implemented because CAvctpSap is a connectionless sap
   873 void CAvctpSap::IoctlComplete(TDesC8* /*aBuf*/)
   874 	{
   875 	LOG_FUNC
   876 	// if we forward ioctls (NO!) then we'd expect this
   877 	}
   879 void CAvctpSap::NoBearer(const TDesC8& /*aConnectionInfo*/) {}
   880 void CAvctpSap::Bearer(const TDesC8& /*aConnectionInfo*/) {}
   882 CAvctpControlSAP* CAvctpControlSAP::NewL(CAvctpProtocol& aProtocol)
   883 	{
   885 	return new (ELeave) CAvctpControlSAP(aProtocol);
   886 	}
   888 CAvctpControlSAP::CAvctpControlSAP(CAvctpProtocol& aProtocol)
   889 :CBluetoothSAP(aProtocol.SecMan(), aProtocol.CodMan())
   890 ,iProtocol(aProtocol),
   891 iIndicationQueue(_FOFF(HQueuedIndication, iLink))
   892 	{
   893 	LOG_FUNC
   894 	}
   896 /**
   897  This method is called by CAvctpControlSAP::Ioctl() when the aName is an active request
   898  (i.e. an attach request, a detach request, for both channels). In this case we want to set
   899  an oustanding ioctl to be completed later. And it has priority on other incoming events, so we
   900  want it to be served first. We can have only one oustanding ioctl. This method creates it and put 
   901  it at first in the queue.
   902  **/
   903 void CAvctpControlSAP::SetOutstandingIndication(const TControlIoctlMessage& aMessage)
   904 	{
   905 	LOG_FUNC
   906 	HQueuedIndication* ind = HQueuedIndication::New(aMessage);
   907 	if (ind)
   908 		{
   909 		iIndicationQueue.AddFirst(*ind);
   910 		}
   911 	else
   912 		{
   913 		Error(KErrNoMemory);
   914 		}
   915 	}
   917 void CAvctpControlSAP::CompleteIoctlWithError(const TControlIoctlMessage& aMessage)
   918 	{
   919 	LOG_FUNC
   920 	TPckgC<TControlIoctlMessage> pck(aMessage);
   921 	iSocket->IoctlComplete(&pck);
   922 	ClearIoctl();
   923 	}
   925 /**
   926  In some cases the Ioctl (i.e. an AttachAgreement) does not wait for a reply. So, 
   927  AvctpRemoteDevices, after sending an AgreeAttachment, cancels the ioctl and submit a new Listen one.
   928  Hence, we need to queued the error completion, and when the listening ioctl comes we complete it with
   929  the queued error. It is queued with priority as we want it to be the first completed.
   930  */
   931 void CAvctpControlSAP::QueueErrorIoctlComplete(const TControlIoctlMessage& aMessage)
   932 	{
   933 	SetOutstandingIndication(aMessage);
   934 	}
   936 /**
   937  Dequeues an iocl and if it is an oustanding iocl (and not an incoming indication) then it 
   938  completes it with the error code passed on.
   939  In some cases the outstanding ioctl will be already completed and hence not queued anymore.
   940  for example, if we are trying to attach to ourself (so the address passed in the attach request
   941  is the local device's address) the transport immediately notify an error up that completes the
   942  outstanding ioctl. Then the transport is destroyed, and so iProtocol.ProvideTransport returns an
   943  error. So this method is called but it won't find the outstanding ioctl because already completed
   944  but NotifyError(). In this case we do nothing as the client has been already notified.
   945  */
   946 void CAvctpControlSAP::CompleteQueuedIoctlWithError(TInt aError)
   947 	{
   948 	LOG_FUNC
   949 	if (!iIndicationQueue.IsEmpty())
   950 		{
   951 		HQueuedIndication* ind = iIndicationQueue.First();
   952 		SymbianAvctp::TControlIoctls ioctl = ind->Indication().iIoctl;
   954 		if (ioctl == EPrimaryChannelAttachToTransport || 
   955 			ioctl == ESecondaryChannelAttachToTransport ||
   956 			ioctl == EPrimaryChannelDetachFromTransport ||
   957 			ioctl == ESecondaryChannelDetachFromTransport)
   958 			{
   959 			iIndicationQueue.Remove(*ind);
   960 			ind->Indication().iError = aError;
   961 			CompleteIoctlWithError(ind->Indication());
   962 			delete ind;
   963 			ind = NULL;
   964 			}
   966 		}
   967 	}
   969 /**
   970  This method process the queue and it complete the ioctl.
   971  In some cases it changes the indication type (i.e. from ELinkUp to EAttachIndicate).
   972  If the ioctl type is EError it doesn't do anything because we want the error to be propagated to 
   973  the client.
   974  */
   975 void CAvctpControlSAP::ProcessIoctlQueue()
   976 	{
   977 	LOG_FUNC
   978 	if (!iIndicationQueue.IsEmpty())
   979 		{
   980 		HQueuedIndication* ind = iIndicationQueue.First();
   981 		iIndicationQueue.Remove(*ind);
   983 		switch(ind->Indication().iIoctl)
   984 			{
   985 			case ELinkUp:
   986 				ind->Indication().iIoctl = EAttachIndicate;
   987 				break;
   988 			case ELinkDown:
   989 				ind->Indication().iIoctl = EDetachIndicate;
   990 				break;
   991 			default:
   992 				break;	// propagate it
   993 			}
   996 		TPckgC<TControlIoctlMessage> pck(ind->Indication());
   997 		iSocket->IoctlComplete(&pck);
   998 		delete ind;
   999 		ClearIoctl();
  1000 		}
  1001 	}
  1003 TBool CAvctpControlSAP::IsActiveRequest(TUint aName)
  1004 	{
  1005 	LOG_FUNC
  1006 	return (aName == EPrimaryChannelAttachToTransport || 
  1007 			aName == ESecondaryChannelAttachToTransport ||
  1008 			aName == EPrimaryChannelDetachFromTransport || 
  1009 			aName == ESecondaryChannelDetachFromTransport);
  1010 	}
  1012 void CAvctpControlSAP::Ioctl(TUint aLevel,TUint aName, TDes8* aOption)
  1013 	{
  1014 	LOG_FUNC
  1016 	TInt err = KErrNone;
  1018 	TControlIoctlMessage msg;
  1019 	TPckg<TControlIoctlMessage> pck(msg);
  1020 	pck.Copy(*aOption);
  1022 	TBTDevAddr addr = pck().iAddr.BTAddr();
  1023 	TPid pid = pck().iAddr.Pid();
  1024 	TInt channel = pck().iAddr.Channel();
  1026 	if (aLevel == KSolBtAVCTP)
  1027 		{
  1028 		iIoctlLevel = aLevel;
  1029 		iIoctlName = aName;
  1031 		if (IsActiveRequest(aName))
  1032 			{
  1033 			SetOutstandingIndication(pck());
  1034 			}
  1036 		switch (aName)
  1037 			{
  1038 			case EPrimaryChannelAttachToTransport:
  1039 				{
  1040 				__ASSERT_DEBUG(channel == KAvctpPrimaryChannel, Panic(EAvctpInvalidChannelIoctl));
  1041 				// we should complete the ioctl with an error if this function returns an error
  1042 				if ((err = iProtocol.ProvideTransport(addr, pid, *this)) != KErrNone)
  1043 					{
  1044 					CompleteQueuedIoctlWithError(err);
  1045 					}
  1046 				}
  1047 			break;
  1048 			case EAwaitProvidedTransport:
  1049 				{
  1050 				__ASSERT_DEBUG(channel == KAvctpPrimaryChannel, Panic(EAvctpInvalidChannelIoctl));
  1051 				iProtocol.AwaitTransport(pid, *this);
  1052 				}
  1053 			break;
  1054 			case EPrimaryChannelAgreeAttachment:
  1055 				{
  1056 				__ASSERT_DEBUG(channel == KAvctpPrimaryChannel, Panic(EAvctpInvalidChannelIoctl));
  1057 				LOG(_L("EPrimaryChannelAgreeAttachment, then reset aName"))
  1058 				if ((err = iProtocol.PrimaryChannelAgreeAttachment(pid, addr)) == KErrNone)
  1059 					{
  1060 					ClearIoctl();				// this ioctl is not expecting an answer
  1061 					iIoctlName = EUndefinedIoctl;	// just used to not execute the iIoctlName update
  1062 					}
  1063 				else
  1064 					{
  1065 					pck().iError = err;
  1066 					QueueErrorIoctlComplete(pck());
  1067 					}
  1068 				}
  1069 			break;
  1070 			case ESecondaryChannelAttachToTransport:
  1071 				{
  1072 				__ASSERT_DEBUG(channel == KAvctpSecondaryChannel, Panic(EAvctpInvalidChannelIoctl));
  1073 				// note this SAP is only managing the transport: the demuxing of control and second AVCTP data is handled
  1074 				// by having different data SAPs for each traffic flow
  1075 				// rare that we'd actively connect the second channel, but using at least for test purposes
  1077 				// should return the error through the confirm completion than via Error()?
  1078 				if ((err = iProtocol.ActiveExtendTransport(addr, pid, *this)) != KErrNone)
  1079 					{
  1080 					CompleteQueuedIoctlWithError(err);
  1081 					}
  1082 				}
  1083 			break;
  1084 			case ESecondaryChannelAgreeAttachment:
  1085 				{
  1086 				__ASSERT_DEBUG(channel == KAvctpSecondaryChannel, Panic(EAvctpInvalidChannelIoctl));
  1087 				if ((err = iProtocol.SecondaryChannelAgreeAttachment(pid, addr)) == KErrNone)
  1088 					{
  1089 					ClearIoctl();				// this ioctl is not expecting an answer
  1090 					iIoctlName = EUndefinedIoctl;	// just used to not execute the iIoctlName update
  1091 					}
  1092 				else
  1093 					{
  1094 					pck().iError = err;
  1095 					QueueErrorIoctlComplete(pck());
  1096 					}
  1097 				}
  1098 			break;
  1099 			case EAwaitExtendedTransport:
  1100 				{
  1101 				__ASSERT_DEBUG(channel == KAvctpSecondaryChannel, Panic(EAvctpInvalidChannelIoctl));
  1102 				iProtocol.AwaitForExtendedTransport(pid, *this);
  1103 				}
  1104 			break;
  1105 			case EPrimaryChannelRefuseAttach:
  1106 				{
  1107 				__ASSERT_DEBUG(channel == KAvctpPrimaryChannel, Panic(EAvctpInvalidChannelIoctl));
  1108 				iProtocol.PrimaryChannelRefuseAttach(addr, pid);
  1109 				}
  1110 			break;
  1111 			case ESecondaryChannelRefuseAttach:
  1112 				{
  1113 				__ASSERT_DEBUG(channel == KAvctpSecondaryChannel, Panic(EAvctpInvalidChannelIoctl));
  1114 				iProtocol.SecondaryChannelRefuseAttach(addr, pid);
  1115 				}
  1116 			break;
  1117 			case EPrimaryChannelDetachFromTransport:
  1118 				{
  1119 				__ASSERT_DEBUG(channel == KAvctpPrimaryChannel, Panic(EAvctpInvalidChannelIoctl));
  1120 				if ((err = iProtocol.ReleaseTransport(addr, pid)) != KErrNone)
  1121 					{
  1122 					CompleteQueuedIoctlWithError(err);		
  1123 					} 
  1124 				}
  1125 			break;
  1126 			case ESecondaryChannelDetachFromTransport:
  1127 				{
  1128 				__ASSERT_DEBUG(channel == KAvctpSecondaryChannel, Panic(EAvctpInvalidChannelIoctl));
  1129 				if ((err = iProtocol.ReleaseExtendedTransport(addr, pid)) != KErrNone)
  1130 					{
  1131 					CompleteQueuedIoctlWithError(err);		
  1132 					} 
  1133 				}
  1134 			break;
  1135 			default:
  1136 				{
  1137 				iSocket->Error(KErrNotSupported, MSocketNotify::EErrorIoctl);		
  1138 				}
  1139 			break;
  1140 			}
  1142 		if (err == KErrNone && iIoctlName != EUndefinedIoctl)
  1143 			{
  1144 			if (!IsActiveRequest(aName))
  1145 				{
  1146 				ProcessIoctlQueue();
  1147 				}
  1148 			}
  1149 		else
  1150 			{
  1151 			LOG(_L("No outstanding ioctl"));
  1152 			}
  1153 		}
  1154 	}
  1156 void CAvctpControlSAP::CancelIoctl(TUint/* aLevel*/,TUint /*aName*/)
  1157 	{
  1158 	LOG_FUNC
  1159 	// do nothing for now, though should in future inform protocol that a transport is not needed
  1160 	HQueuedIndication* ind = iIndicationQueue.First();
  1161 	if (ind && IsActiveRequest(ind->Indication().iIoctl))
  1162 		{
  1163 		iIndicationQueue.Remove(*ind);
  1164 		delete ind;
  1165 		ind = NULL;
  1166 		}
  1167 	ClearIoctl();
  1168 	}
  1170 TInt CAvctpControlSAP::SetRemName(TSockAddr& /*aAddr*/)
  1171 	{
  1172 	LOG_FUNC
  1173 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1174 	return KErrNone;
  1175 	}
  1177 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from CBluetoothSAP to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1178 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1179 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1180 void CAvctpControlSAP::ActiveOpen()
  1181 	{
  1182 	LOG_FUNC
  1183 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1184 	}
  1186 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from CBluetoothSAP to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1187 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1188 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1189 TInt CAvctpControlSAP::PassiveOpen(TUint /*aQueueSize*/)
  1190 	{
  1191 	LOG_FUNC
  1192 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1193 	return KErrNotSupported;
  1194 	}
  1196 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from CBluetoothSAP to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1197 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1198 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1199 void CAvctpControlSAP::ActiveOpen(const TDesC8& /*aConnectionData*/)
  1200 	{
  1201 	LOG_FUNC
  1202 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1203 	}
  1205 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from CBluetoothSAP to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1206 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1207 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1208 TInt CAvctpControlSAP::PassiveOpen(TUint /*aQueueSize*/,const TDesC8& /*aConnectionData*/)
  1209 	{
  1210 	LOG_FUNC
  1211 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1212 	return KErrNotSupported;
  1213 	}
  1216 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from CBluetoothSAP to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1217 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1218 // so, many socket functions are not implemented or left empty cause called by the framework
  1219 void CAvctpControlSAP::Start()
  1220 	{
  1221 	LOG_FUNC
  1222 	}
  1224 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from CBluetoothSAP to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1225 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1226 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1227 void CAvctpControlSAP::LocalName(TSockAddr& /*aAddr*/) const
  1228 	{
  1229 	LOG_FUNC
  1230 	}
  1232 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from CBluetoothSAP to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1233 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1234 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1235 TInt CAvctpControlSAP::SetLocalName(TSockAddr& /*aAddr*/)
  1236 	{
  1237 	LOG_FUNC
  1238 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1239 	return KErrNotSupported;
  1240 	}
  1242 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from CBluetoothSAP to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1243 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1244 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1245 void CAvctpControlSAP::RemName(TSockAddr& /*aAddr*/) const
  1246 	{
  1247 	LOG_FUNC
  1248 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1249 	}
  1251 TInt CAvctpControlSAP::GetOption(TUint aLevel,TUint aName, TDes8& aOption) const
  1252 	{
  1253 	LOG_FUNC
  1254 	TInt err = KErrNotSupported;
  1256 	TOptionMessage msg;
  1257 	TPckg<TOptionMessage> pck(msg);
  1258 	pck.Copy(aOption);
  1260 	TInt mtu;
  1261 	if (aLevel == KSolBtAVCTP)
  1262 		{
  1263 		switch(aName)
  1264 			{
  1265 			case KAvctpBaseOutboundMTU:
  1266 				{
  1267 				err = iProtocol.GetChannelMtu(KAvctpPrimaryChannel, pck().iAddr, mtu);
  1268 				break;
  1269 				}
  1270 			case KAvctpExtendOutboundMTU:
  1271 				{
  1272 				err = iProtocol.GetChannelMtu(KAvctpSecondaryChannel, pck().iAddr, mtu);
  1273 				break;
  1274 				}
  1275 			default:
  1276 				break;
  1277 			};
  1278 		}
  1280 	if (err == KErrNone)
  1281 		{
  1282 		pck().iMtu = mtu;
  1283 		}
  1284 	aOption = pck;
  1285 	return err;
  1286 	}
  1288 void CAvctpControlSAP::Shutdown(CServProviderBase::TCloseType aOption)
  1289 	{
  1290 	LOG_FUNC
  1292 	if (aOption != EImmediate)
  1293 		{
  1295 		iSocket->CanClose(); 
  1296 		}
  1297 	else
  1298 		{
  1299 		// If immediate don't need to call back
  1300 		}
  1301 	}
  1303 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from CBluetoothSAP to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1304 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1305 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1306 void CAvctpControlSAP::Shutdown(CServProviderBase::TCloseType /*aOption*/, const TDesC8& /*aDisconnectionData*/)
  1307 	{
  1308 	LOG_FUNC
  1309 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1310 	}
  1312 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from CBluetoothSAP to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1313 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1314 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1315 void CAvctpControlSAP::AutoBind()
  1316 	{
  1317 	LOG_FUNC
  1318 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1319 	}
  1321 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from CBluetoothSAP to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1322 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1323 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1324 TUint CAvctpControlSAP::Write(const TDesC8& /*aDesc*/,TUint /*aOptions*/, TSockAddr* /*aAddr*/)
  1325 	{
  1326 	LOG_FUNC
  1327 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1328 	return 0;
  1329 	}
  1331 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from CBluetoothSAP to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1332 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1333 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1334 TInt CAvctpControlSAP::GetData(RMBufChain& /*aData*/, TUint /*aLength*/, TUint /*aOptions*/, TSockAddr* /*aAddr*/)
  1335 	{
  1336 	LOG_FUNC
  1337 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1338 	return KErrNotSupported;
  1339 	}
  1341 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from CBluetoothSAP to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1342 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1343 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1344 TInt CAvctpControlSAP::SecurityCheck(MProvdSecurityChecker* /*aSecurityChecker*/)
  1345 	{
  1346 	LOG_FUNC
  1347 	return KErrNone;
  1348 	}
  1350 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from CBluetoothSAP to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1351 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1352 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1353 TInt CAvctpControlSAP::SAPSetOption(TUint /*aLevel*/,TUint /*aName*/,const TDesC8& /*aOption*/)
  1354 	{
  1355 	LOG_FUNC
  1356 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1357 	return KErrNotSupported;
  1358 	}
  1360 // Pure virtuals From MSocketNotify
  1362 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from MSocketNotify to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1363 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1364 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1365 void CAvctpControlSAP::NewData(TUint /*aCount*/)
  1366 	{
  1367 	LOG_FUNC
  1368 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1369 	}
  1371 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from MSocketNotify to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1372 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1373 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1374 void CAvctpControlSAP::CanSend()
  1375 	{
  1376 	LOG_FUNC
  1377 	// the AVCTP Transport should not have given us tghis signal
  1378 	// only data saps for this
  1379 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1380 	}
  1382 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from MSocketNotify to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1383 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1384 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1385 void CAvctpControlSAP::ConnectComplete()
  1386 	{
  1387 	LOG_FUNC
  1388 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1389 	}
  1391 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from MSocketNotify to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1392 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1393 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1394 void CAvctpControlSAP::ConnectComplete(const TDesC8& /*aConnectData*/)
  1395 	{
  1396 	LOG_FUNC
  1397 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1398 	}
  1400 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from MSocketNotify to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1401 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1402 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1403 void CAvctpControlSAP::ConnectComplete(CServProviderBase& /*aSSP*/)
  1404 	{
  1405 	LOG_FUNC
  1406 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1407 	}
  1409 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from MSocketNotify to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1410 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1411 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1412 void CAvctpControlSAP::ConnectComplete(CServProviderBase& /*aSSP*/,const TDesC8& /*aConnectData*/)
  1413 	{
  1414 	LOG_FUNC
  1415 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1416 	}
  1418 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from MSocketNotify to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1419 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1420 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1421 void CAvctpControlSAP::CanClose(TDelete /*aDelete*/)
  1422 	{
  1423 	LOG_FUNC
  1424 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1425 	}
  1427 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from MSocketNotify to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1428 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1429 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1430 void CAvctpControlSAP::CanClose(const TDesC8& /*aDisconnectData*/,TDelete /*aDelete*/)
  1431 	{
  1432 	LOG_FUNC
  1433 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1434 	}
  1436 void CAvctpControlSAP::Error(TInt aError, TUint aOperationMask)
  1437 	{
  1438 	LOG_FUNC
  1439 	iSocket->Error(aError, aOperationMask);
  1440 	}
  1442 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from MSocketNotify to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1443 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1444 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1445 void CAvctpControlSAP::Disconnect()
  1446 	{
  1447 	LOG_FUNC
  1448 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1449 	}
  1451 // CAvctpControlSAP inherited from MSocketNotify to take advantage of the socket paradigm, 
  1452 // but it is used just as control channel between the client side and the server side.
  1453 // so, many socket functions are not implemented
  1454 void CAvctpControlSAP::Disconnect(TDesC8& /*aDisconnectData*/)
  1455 	{	
  1456 	LOG_FUNC
  1457 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpControlSAPOpetationNotSupported));
  1458 	}
  1460 /*inline*/ void CAvctpControlSAP::ClearIoctl()
  1461 	{
  1462 	LOG_FUNC
  1463 	iIoctlLevel = 0;
  1464 	iIoctlName = 0;
  1465 	}
  1467 /**
  1468  Create an HQueuedIndication object with the aInd argument (incoming device address)
  1469  and put it at the end of the queue. It is used just for the incoming Ioctl complete 
  1470  **/
  1471 void CAvctpControlSAP::QueueIncomingIndication(const TControlIoctlMessage& aMessage)
  1472 	{
  1473 	LOG_FUNC
  1474 	HQueuedIndication* ind = HQueuedIndication::New(aMessage);
  1475 	if (ind)
  1476 		{
  1477 		LOG1(_L("Adding Indication to queue: "), aMessage.iIoctl);
  1478 		iIndicationQueue.AddLast(*ind);
  1479 		}
  1480 	else
  1481 		{
  1482 		// OOM'd - better tell client...they've lost an indication
  1483 		Error(KErrNoMemory);
  1484 		}
  1485 	}
  1487 /**
  1488  This method is called to notify back something to the client. both remote indications and 
  1489  confirmation for actions requested from the client
  1490  */
  1491 void CAvctpControlSAP::IoctlComplete(TDesC8* aBuf)
  1492 	{
  1493 	LOG_FUNC
  1495 	TControlIoctlMessage msg;
  1496 	TPckg<TControlIoctlMessage> pck(msg);
  1498 	pck.Copy(*aBuf);
  1500 	TBTDevAddr addr = pck().iAddr.BTAddr();
  1502 	// we can have the following cases:
  1503 	// 1) We are not waiting for a completion
  1504 	//	  Action: queue the indication to be served later
  1505 	// 2) The queue is not empty and there is an outstanding ioctl 
  1506 	//	  a) we had asked for a connection to a remote device
  1507 	//		I)  the ioctl complete is from the device we had requested.
  1508 	//		II) this ioctl complete is from another device
  1509 	//	  b) we were listening on an incoming connection
  1510 	// 3) we were listening on an incoming connection
  1511 	if (!iIoctlName)	// case 1
  1512 		{
  1513 		LOG(_L("iIoctlName is empty"));
  1514 		QueueIncomingIndication(msg);
  1515 		}
  1516 	else if (!iIndicationQueue.IsEmpty() )	// case 2
  1517 		{
  1518 		HQueuedIndication* ind = iIndicationQueue.First();
  1520 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(addr != TBTDevAddr(0), Panic(EAvctpInvalidAddress));
  1522 		if (ind->Indication().iAddr.BTAddr() == addr)	// case 2aI
  1523 			{
  1524 			iIndicationQueue.Remove(*ind);
  1525 			switch(ind->Indication().iIoctl)
  1526 				{
  1527 				case EPrimaryChannelAttachToTransport:
  1528 				case ESecondaryChannelAttachToTransport:
  1529 					__ASSERT_DEBUG(pck().iIoctl == ELinkUp || pck().iIoctl == EAttachConfirm || pck().iIoctl == EError, Panic(EAvctpUnexpectedIoctlCompletion));
  1530 					pck().iIoctl = EAttachConfirm;
  1531 					break;
  1532 				case EPrimaryChannelDetachFromTransport:
  1533 				case ESecondaryChannelDetachFromTransport:
  1534 					__ASSERT_DEBUG(pck().iIoctl == EDetachConfirm, Panic(EAvctpUnexpectedIoctlCompletion));
  1535 					break;	// do nothing the event is the same that goes back
  1536 				default:
  1537 					__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EAvctpUnexpectedIoctlCompletion));
  1538 					break;
  1539 				}
  1540 			iSocket->IoctlComplete(&pck);
  1541 			delete ind;
  1542 			}
  1543 		else	// case 2aII
  1544 			{
  1545 			LOG(_L("iIoctlName complete is for another device"));
  1546 			QueueIncomingIndication(msg);
  1547 			}	
  1548 		}
  1549 	else	// case 3
  1550 		{
  1551 		// tell client straight away
  1552         if (iSocket)
  1553             {
  1554             TControlIoctls ioctlValue = pck().iIoctl;
  1556             switch(pck().iIoctl)
  1557             	{
  1558             	case ELinkUp:
  1559             		pck().iIoctl = EAttachIndicate;	// notify an indication
  1560             		break;
  1561             	case ELinkDown:
  1562             		pck().iIoctl = EDetachIndicate;	// notify an indication
  1563             		break;
  1564             	default:
  1565             		break;	// pass it as it is
  1566             	}
  1567             iSocket->IoctlComplete(&pck);
  1568             }
  1569 		}
  1570 	ClearIoctl();
  1571 	}
  1573 HQueuedIndication* HQueuedIndication::New(const TControlIoctlMessage& aMessage)
  1574     {
  1576     HQueuedIndication* ind = new HQueuedIndication;
  1577     if (ind)
  1578     	{
  1579     	TRAPD(err, ind->ConstructL(aMessage));
  1580     	if (err)
  1581     	    {
  1582     	    delete ind;
  1583     	    ind=NULL;
  1584     	    }
  1585     	}
  1586     return ind;
  1587     }
  1589 void HQueuedIndication::ConstructL(const TControlIoctlMessage& aMessage)
  1590     {
  1591 	LOG_FUNC
  1592 	iMessage = new (ELeave) TControlIoctlMessage(aMessage);
  1593     }
  1595 HQueuedIndication::~HQueuedIndication()
  1596     {
  1597 	LOG_FUNC
  1598 	delete iMessage;
  1599     }
  1601 // Not used for avctp
  1602 void CAvctpControlSAP::NoBearer(const TDesC8& /*aConnectionInfo*/) {}
  1603 // Not used for avctp
  1604 void CAvctpControlSAP::Bearer(const TDesC8& /*aConnectionInfo*/) {}