changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Defines the avdtp logical channel factory
    15 // which creates the logical (L2CAP) channels for transport and signalling channels
    16 // 
    17 //
    19 /**
    20  @file
    21  @internalComponent
    22 */
    24 #include <bt_sock.h>
    25 #include <es_prot.h>
    30 #include "avdtpAllocators.h"
    32 class XLogicalChannelFactoryClient;
    33 class CManagedLogicalChannel;
    34 class CProtocolBase;
    35 struct TLogicalChannelRecord;
    36 class CLogicalChannelFactory;
    37 class CBluetoothProtocolBase;
    39 const TInt KInitialSequenceNumber = 1;
    40 const TInt KAvdtpChannelArraySize = 3;
    42 typedef TInt8 TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId;
    45 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TRequestIdManager) : public TBitFieldAllocator
    46 	{
    47 public:
    48 	inline TInt	GetId(TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId& aId);
    49 	inline void	FreeId(TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId);
    50 	};
    52 // abstract
    53 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CLogicalChannelFactoryRequest) : public CBase
    54 	{
    55 friend class CLogicalChannelFactory;
    56 protected:	
    57 	CLogicalChannelFactoryRequest(XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient, TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId);
    58 	XLogicalChannelFactoryClient&	iClient;
    59 	TSglQueLink						iFactoryQLink;
    60 	TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId iId;
    61 	TInt							iNumChannelsRequired; // those left to connect
    62 	};
    64 // abstract
    65 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CLogicalChannelFactoryPassiveRequest) : public CLogicalChannelFactoryRequest
    66 	{
    67 public:
    68  	~CLogicalChannelFactoryPassiveRequest();
    69 protected:
    70 	CLogicalChannelFactoryPassiveRequest(XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient,
    71 										 TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId,
    72 										 CBluetoothProtocolBase& aAvdtp);
    73  	void BaseConstructL();
    74 private:
    75  	CBluetoothProtocolBase& iAvdtp;
    76 	};
    78 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CExpectSignallingLogicalChannel) : public CLogicalChannelFactoryPassiveRequest
    79 	{
    80 public:
    81  	static CExpectSignallingLogicalChannel* NewL(XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient, TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId, CBluetoothProtocolBase& aAvdtp);
    82 private:
    83  	void ConstructL();
    84  	CExpectSignallingLogicalChannel(XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient, TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId, CBluetoothProtocolBase& aAvdtp);
    85 	};
    86 /**
    87 Use to tell factory to expect explicitly sequenced logical channels, typically used for Direct Transport channels
    88 */
    89 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CExpectSessionLogicalChannels) : public CLogicalChannelFactoryPassiveRequest
    90 	{
    91 public:
    92 	static CExpectSessionLogicalChannels* NewL(XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient, TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId,
    93 												TInt aNumRequired, CBluetoothProtocolBase& aAvdtp);
    94 private:
    95 	void ConstructL();
    96 	CExpectSessionLogicalChannels(XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient, TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId,
    97 									TInt aNumRequired, CBluetoothProtocolBase& aAvdtp);
    98 	};
   100 /**
   101 For clients to issue requests to the ChannelFactory
   102 */
   103 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CLogicalChannelFactoryActiveRequest) : public CLogicalChannelFactoryRequest
   104 	{
   105 friend class CLogicalChannelFactory;
   106 public:
   107 	~CLogicalChannelFactoryActiveRequest();
   108 protected:
   109 	CLogicalChannelFactoryActiveRequest(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient, TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId);
   110 protected:
   111 	TFixedArray<CManagedLogicalChannel*, KAvdtpChannelArraySize>	iLogicalChannels;
   112 	TBTDevAddr				iRemoteDev;
   113 	};
   115 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCreateSignallingLogicalChannel) : public CLogicalChannelFactoryActiveRequest
   116 	{
   117 public:
   118 	static CCreateSignallingLogicalChannel* NewL(const TBTDevAddr&, 
   119 												 XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient,
   120 												 TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId,
   121 												 CLogicalChannelFactory& aLogicalChannelFactory);
   123 	static CCreateSignallingLogicalChannel* NewLC(const TBTDevAddr&,
   124 												  XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient,
   125 												  TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId,
   126 												  CLogicalChannelFactory& aLogicalChannelFactory);
   127 private:
   128 	CCreateSignallingLogicalChannel(const TBTDevAddr&, XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient, TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId);
   129 	void ConstructL(CLogicalChannelFactory& aLogicalChannelFactory);
   130 	};
   133 /**
   134 To create n logical channels
   135 */
   136 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCreateSessionLogicalChannels) : public CLogicalChannelFactoryActiveRequest
   137 	{
   138 public:
   139 	static CCreateSessionLogicalChannels* NewL(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient,
   140 									   		   TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId, TInt aNumRequired);
   141 	static CCreateSessionLogicalChannels* NewLC(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient,
   142 									   		   TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId, TInt aNumRequired);
   143 private:
   144 	CCreateSessionLogicalChannels(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient,
   145 						   TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId, TInt aNumRequired);
   146 	};
   148 /** 
   149 To close logical channels
   150 */
   151 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCloseSessionLogicalChannels) : public CLogicalChannelFactoryRequest
   152 	{
   153 friend class CLogicalChannelFactory;
   154 public:
   155 	static CCloseSessionLogicalChannels* NewL(XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient, 
   156 										TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId);
   157 	static CCloseSessionLogicalChannels* NewLC(XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient, 
   158 										TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId);
   159 	~CCloseSessionLogicalChannels();
   161 	void StartJob(TInt aTimeout);
   162 	void ChannelClosed(CManagedLogicalChannel* aChannel);
   163 private:
   164 	CCloseSessionLogicalChannels(XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient,
   165 						  TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId);
   166 	static TInt WatchdogBarked(TAny* aCloseLogicalChannels);
   167 	void CloseChannels(TBool aNotifyCompletion);
   169 private:
   170 	TFixedArray<CManagedLogicalChannel*, KAvdtpChannelArraySize> iLogicalChannels;
   171 	TDeltaTimerEntry iTimerEntry;
   172 	};
   174 #ifdef _DEBUG	
   175 #define DEBUG_STORE_FACTORY_REQUEST 	iChannelFactoryRequest = &\
   177 #else
   179 #endif
   181 /**
   182 Class representing the job the factory has undertaken
   183 This is always returned synchronously - the client should inspect if the job has been completed synchronously
   184 via the State() method.
   185 If the job is process asynchronously then a new one is returned upon completion
   186 */
   187 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TLogicalChannelFactoryTicket)
   188 	{
   189 friend class CLogicalChannelFactory;
   190 public:
   191 	enum TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestState
   192 		{
   193 		ERequestIdle,
   194 		ERequestOutstanding,
   195 		ERequestComplete,
   196 		ERequestErrored
   197 		};
   199 	TLogicalChannelFactoryTicket(CLogicalChannelFactory* aFactory, TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId);
   200 	TLogicalChannelFactoryTicket();
   201 	TLogicalChannelRecord GetLogicalChannel(TInt aSequenceNumber=1);	
   203 	inline TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestState State() const { return iState; }
   204 	inline TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId Id() const { return iId; }
   206 private:
   207 	void SetState(TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestState aNewState);
   209 private:
   210 	CLogicalChannelFactory*			iFactory; // non-owned, cannot be reference in default ctor
   211 	TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId iId;
   212 	TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestState	iState;
   213 	};
   216 /*	
   217 The class provides a callback for someone that asked for logical channels
   218 @note this is an X class (see Programming DB) as it is effectively an M-class
   219 but must have a member to be que-able.
   220 */
   221 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(XLogicalChannelFactoryClient)
   222 	{
   223 public:
   224 	virtual void LogicalChannelFactoryRequestComplete(TLogicalChannelFactoryTicket, TInt aResult)=0;
   225 	TSglQueLink	iFactoryQLink;
   226 	};
   229 /**
   230 Knows about ordering of L2CAP channels
   231 Hands ownership of newly established channels to clients
   232 Provides them with the TransportSession to
   233 	a) remind them
   234 	b) to assert it's ok
   236 The use of this class will to some extent be by someone who
   237 additionally knows (or is implcitily designed as such) of the
   238 channel order - for we cannot go adding a reporting bearer merely
   239 to obtain a recovery bearer....(presumably :o)
   241 Once ownership is transferred the caller will synchronously have to set
   242 itself as the SocketNotify of the L2CAP SAP
   243 @internalComponent
   244 */
   245 class CDirectChannel;
   246 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CLogicalChannelFactory) : public CBase, public MSocketNotify, public XLogicalChannelFactoryClient
   247 	{
   248 friend class TLogicalChannelFactoryTicket;
   249 public:
   250 	static CLogicalChannelFactory* NewL(CBluetoothProtocolBase& iProtocol, CProtocolBase& aSAPFactory);
   252 	TLogicalChannelFactoryTicket CreateSignallingLogicalChannelL(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr,
   253 										 XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient);
   255 	TLogicalChannelFactoryTicket CreateSessionLogicalChannelsL(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr,
   256 									   XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient, TInt aNumRequired);
   258 	void CloseSessionLogicalChannelsL(TArray<CDirectChannel*>& aChannels,
   259 									   TInt aTimeout);
   261 	TLogicalChannelFactoryTicket  ExpectSignallingLogicalChannelL(XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient);
   263 	TLogicalChannelFactoryTicket ExpectSessionLogicalChannelsL(XLogicalChannelFactoryClient& aClient,
   264 																	TInt aNumRequired);
   266 	void LogicalChannelLost(CManagedLogicalChannel* aChannel);
   267 	void Cancel(TLogicalChannelFactoryTicket& aJobSpec);
   268 	~CLogicalChannelFactory();
   269 	inline CProtocolBase& SAPFactory() const;
   270 	TInt BearerConnectComplete(const TBTDevAddr& /*aAddr*/,
   271 								CServProviderBase* aSAP); // forward from AVDTP protocol when listen complete
   272 private:
   273 // from MSocketNotify
   274 	virtual void NewData(TUint aCount);
   275 	virtual void CanSend();
   276 	virtual void ConnectComplete();
   277 	virtual void ConnectComplete(const TDesC8& aConnectData);
   278     virtual void ConnectComplete(CServProviderBase& aSSP);
   279 	virtual void ConnectComplete(CServProviderBase& aSSP,const TDesC8& aConnectData);
   280 	virtual void CanClose(TDelete aDelete=EDelete);
   281 	virtual void CanClose(const TDesC8& aDisconnectData,TDelete aDelete=EDelete);
   282 	virtual void Error(TInt aError,TUint aOperationMask=EErrorAllOperations);
   283 	virtual void Disconnect();
   284 	virtual void Disconnect(TDesC8& aDisconnectData);
   285 	virtual void IoctlComplete(TDesC8* aBuf);
   286 	virtual void NoBearer(const TDesC8& aConnectionInfo);
   287 	virtual void Bearer(const TDesC8& aConnectionInfo);
   289 private:
   290 // from XLogicalChannelFactoryClient
   291 	virtual void LogicalChannelFactoryRequestComplete(TLogicalChannelFactoryTicket, TInt aResult);
   293 private:
   294 	CLogicalChannelFactory(CBluetoothProtocolBase& iProtocol, CProtocolBase& aSAPFactory);
   295 	void ConstructL();
   296 	void DoObtainChannelL();
   297 	static TInt TryNextJob(TAny* aAny);
   298 	void TryNextActiveJob();
   299 	TBool CheckActiveJobComplete(CLogicalChannelFactoryActiveRequest& aJob);
   300 	void CompleteActiveJob(TInt aError);
   301 	void NotifyComplete(TInt aError, CLogicalChannelFactoryRequest& aRequest);
   302 	void SetId(CLogicalChannelFactoryActiveRequest& aRequest);
   303 	static void FreeId(TAny* aId);
   304 	void DeleteRequest(CLogicalChannelFactoryRequest *aRequest);
   306 	TLogicalChannelRecord ClaimLogicalChannel(TInt aSequenceNumber, TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId, TBool& aFinished);
   307 	CManagedLogicalChannel* FindUnclaimedLogicalChannel(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr,
   308 														TInt aSequenceNumber,
   309 														TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId& aId);
   310 	TInt TryToTakeConnection(const TBTDevAddr& aRemote,	CServProviderBase* aSAP, 
   311 							TSglQue<CLogicalChannelFactoryPassiveRequest>& aJobQueue);
   313 private:
   314 	CBluetoothProtocolBase&				iProtocol;	 //AVDTP
   315 	CProtocolBase&						iBearerSAPFactory; //L2CAP
   316 	TDblQue<CManagedLogicalChannel>		iUnclaimedLogicalChannels;
   317 	TSglQue<CLogicalChannelFactoryActiveRequest>	iPendingActiveJobs;
   318 	TSglQue<CLogicalChannelFactoryPassiveRequest>	iPendingPassiveSignallingJobs;
   319 	TSglQue<CLogicalChannelFactoryPassiveRequest>	iPendingPassiveSessionJobs;
   320 	TSglQue<CCloseSessionLogicalChannels>			iCloseChannelJobs;
   321 	CLogicalChannelFactoryActiveRequest*		iCurrentActiveJob;
   322 	TBool								iCurrentJobCancelled;
   323 	TRequestIdManager					iIdManager;
   324 	TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId 	iId;  // used for cleaning up if the got (getid) is to be lost due to a leave
   325 	CAsyncCallBack*						iAsyncTryNextJob;
   326 	};
   329 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CManagedLogicalChannel) : public CBase, public MSocketNotify
   330 /**
   331 	for queuing inbound unclaimed SAPs.  needs to be a socket so that SAP
   332 	can declare newdata, disconnection etc.
   333 */
   334 	{
   335 friend class CLogicalChannelFactory; //for quing
   336 public:
   337 	static CManagedLogicalChannel* NewL(CLogicalChannelFactory& aFactory,
   338 								 		const TBTDevAddr& aAddr,
   339 								 		TInt aSequenceNumber,
   340 								 		TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId,
   341 								 		CServProviderBase* aSAP = NULL);
   342 	static CManagedLogicalChannel* NewL(CLogicalChannelFactory& aFactory,
   343 								 		TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId);
   345 	~CManagedLogicalChannel();
   347 	void Shutdown();
   349 private:	
   350 // from MSocketNotify
   351 	virtual void NewData(TUint aCount);
   352 	virtual void CanSend();
   353 	virtual void ConnectComplete();
   354 	virtual void ConnectComplete(const TDesC8& aConnectData);
   355     virtual void ConnectComplete(CServProviderBase& aSSP);
   356 	virtual void ConnectComplete(CServProviderBase& aSSP,const TDesC8& aConnectData);
   357 	virtual void CanClose(TDelete aDelete=EDelete);
   358 	virtual void CanClose(const TDesC8& aDisconnectData,TDelete aDelete=EDelete);
   359 	virtual void Error(TInt aError,TUint aOperationMask=EErrorAllOperations);
   360 	virtual void Disconnect();
   361 	virtual void Disconnect(TDesC8& aDisconnectData);
   362 	virtual void IoctlComplete(TDesC8* aBuf);
   363 	virtual void NoBearer(const TDesC8& aConnectionInfo);
   364 	virtual void Bearer(const TDesC8& aConnectionInfo);
   366 private:
   367 	CManagedLogicalChannel(CLogicalChannelFactory& aFactory,
   368 						   const TBTDevAddr& aAddr,
   369 						   TInt aSequenceNumber,
   370 						   TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId);
   372 	CManagedLogicalChannel(CLogicalChannelFactory& aFactory,
   373 						   TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId);
   375 	void ConstructL(CServProviderBase* aPrecreatedSAP);
   376 	CServProviderBase* ObtainSAP();
   377 	void ProvideSAP(CServProviderBase* aSAP);
   379 private:
   380 	CLogicalChannelFactory&	iFactory;
   381 	TBTDevAddr				iRemoteAddress;
   382 	TInt					iSequenceNumber;	// for sequence creations/MCs
   383 	CServProviderBase*		iLogicalChannelSAP;
   384 	TUint					iDataCount;
   385 	TBool					iEndOfData;		// bit annoying, but safer that bittwiddling on iDataCount
   386 	TDblQueLink				iFactoryQLink;
   387 	TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId iId; // the request this was part of
   388 	};
   390 inline TInt	TRequestIdManager::GetId(TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId& aId)
   391 	{
   392 	TInt val, res;
   393 	res = Get(val, 30, 1); // 0 is "invalid"
   394 	aId = static_cast<TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId>(val);
   395 	return res;
   396 	}
   398 inline void	TRequestIdManager::FreeId(TLogicalChannelFactoryRequestId aId)
   399 	{
   400 	Free(aId);
   401 	}
   403  inline CProtocolBase& CLogicalChannelFactory::SAPFactory() const
   404  	{
   405  	return iBearerSAPFactory;
   406  	}
   408 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TLogicalChannelRecord)
   409 /*
   410 Effectively a struct for transferring ownership of resulting logical channels
   411 Binds together the SAP, and any data count that has appeared whilst the logical channel
   412 lay unclaimed.
   413 */
   414 	{
   415 public:
   416 	inline TLogicalChannelRecord();
   417 	inline void Reset();
   418 public:
   419 	CServProviderBase*	iLogicalChannelSAP;	// non-owned
   420 	TUint				iDataCount;
   421 	TBool				iEndOfData;		// bit annoying, but safer that bittwiddling on iDataCount	
   422 	};
   424 /**
   425 To help claim logical channels
   426 */	
   427 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TLogicalChannelFactoryTicketInspector)
   428 	{
   429 public:
   430 	TLogicalChannelFactoryTicketInspector(TLogicalChannelFactoryTicket& aTicket,
   431 										TBool aRequireReporting,
   432 										TBool aRequireRecovery,
   433 										TBool aMuxed);
   434 	TLogicalChannelRecord GetLogicalChannel(TAvdtpTransportSessionType aType);
   435 private:
   436 	TLogicalChannelFactoryTicket& iTicket;
   437 	const TInt iSignallingSequenceNumber;
   438 	const TInt iMediaSequenceNumber; // always first whether muxed or not
   439 	TInt iReportingSequenceNumber;
   440 	TInt iRecoverySequenceNumber;										
   441 	TLogicalChannelRecord iCachedRecord; // eg for Reporting which is the same LC as media
   442 	TBool iCached;
   443 #ifdef _DEBUG
   444 	TBool iRequireReporting;
   445 	TBool iRequireRecovery;
   446 #endif
   447 	};
   450 inline TLogicalChannelRecord::TLogicalChannelRecord()
   451 	{
   452 	Reset();
   453 	}
   455 inline void TLogicalChannelRecord::Reset()
   456 	{
   457 	iLogicalChannelSAP = NULL;
   458 	iDataCount = 0;
   459 	iEndOfData = EFalse;
   460 	}