changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:29b1cd4cb562
     1 // Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    17 #include "blogger.h"
    19 #ifndef BLOGGING__
    20 EXPORT_C TAny* CBlogger::GetFloggerInfo()
    21 	{
    22 	return 0;
    23 	}
    24 #endif
    26 #ifdef BLOGGING__
    27 #include "rfcommmuxer.h"
    28 #include "rfcommframe.h"
    31 CBlogger::~CBlogger()
    32 	{
    33 	delete ifilename;
    34 	ifile.Close ();
    35 	ifileserv.Close ();
    36 	}
    38 CBlogger::CBlogger() : 
    39 	iOutputWindowSize(KBlogOutputWindowDefault),
    40 	iVerbosityLevel(KBlogVerbosityAllLevels), 
    41 	iLayersToLogMask(KBlogAllLayers),
    42 	iLoggingMask(KBlogTypeLogAllMask)
    43 	{
    44 	}
    46 CBlogger* CBlogger::NewL()
    47 	{
    48 	CBlogger* self = new (ELeave)CBlogger();
    49 	self->ConstructL();
    50 	return self;
    51 	}
    53 void CBlogger::ConstructL()
    54 	{
    55 	User::LeaveIfError(ifileserv.Connect());
    56 	MakefilenameL(_L("Blog.txt"));
    57 	iFileExists = EFalse;
    58 	}
    60 TInt CBlogger::LoggingMask(TInt aLayer, TInt aVerbosity) const
    61 	{
    62 	if(aLayer&iLayersToLogMask)
    63 		{
    64 		if(aVerbosity<=iVerbosityLevel)
    65 			{
    66 			return iLoggingMask;
    67 			}
    68 		}
    69 	//else
    70 	return 0;
    71 	}
    73 CBloggette* CBlogger::GetLayerBloggette(TInt aLayer)
    74 	{
    75 	switch(aLayer)
    76 		{
    77 		case KBlogLayerLinkLayer :
    78 			{
    79 			return iLLBloggette;
    80 			}
    81 		case KBlogLayerL2CAP :
    82 			{
    83 			return iL2Bloggette;
    84 			}
    85 		case KBlogLayerRFComm :
    86 			{
    87 			return iRFBloggette;
    88 			}
    89 		default:
    90 			{
    91 			Panic(EBloggerLayerRequestedOutOfRange);
    92 			return NULL; //for compiler to shut up
    93 			}
    94 		};
    95 	}
    97 void CBlogger::Register(CBloggette* aLayerBloggette)
    98 /** 
    99 	only one per layer please
   100 */
   101 	{
   102 	TUint layer = aLayerBloggette->Layer();
   103 	switch(layer)
   104 		{
   105 		case KBlogLayerLinkLayer:
   106 			{
   107 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLLBloggette==NULL,Panic(EBloggerLayerBloggetteAlreadyRegistered));
   108 			iLLBloggette=aLayerBloggette;
   109 			break;
   110 			}
   111 		case KBlogLayerL2CAP :
   112 			{
   113 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(iL2Bloggette==NULL,Panic(EBloggerLayerBloggetteAlreadyRegistered));
   114 			iL2Bloggette=aLayerBloggette;
   115 			break;
   116 			}
   117 		case KBlogLayerRFComm :
   118 			{
   119 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(iRFBloggette==NULL,Panic(EBloggerLayerBloggetteAlreadyRegistered));
   120 			iRFBloggette=aLayerBloggette;
   121 			break;
   122 			}
   123 		default:
   124 			{
   125 			Panic(EBloggerLayerRegistrationOutOfRange);
   126 			}
   127 		};
   128 	}
   131 TInt CBlogger::UpdateLoggingSettings(TUint aOptionType,const TDesC8& aOption)
   132 	{
   133 #define CHECK_OPT_IS_(type) {if (aOption.Size() != sizeof(type)) \
   134 										return KErrArgument;}
   135 	switch(aOptionType)
   136 		{
   137 		case KBloggerSetLayers:
   138 			{
   139 			CHECK_OPT_IS_(TInt);
   140 			iLayersToLogMask= *(TUint*)aOption.Ptr();
   141 			break;
   142 			}
   143 		case KBloggerSetVerbosity:
   144 			{
   145 			CHECK_OPT_IS_(TInt);
   146 			TInt verbosity=*(TUint*)aOption.Ptr();
   147 			if((verbosity<KBlogVerbosityOff)||(verbosity>KBlogVerbosityAllLevels))
   148 				{
   149 				return KErrArgument;
   150 				}
   151 			iVerbosityLevel= verbosity;
   152 			break;
   153 			}
   154 		case KBloggerSetLoggingMask:
   155 			{
   156 			CHECK_OPT_IS_(TInt);
   157 			iLoggingMask= *(TInt*)aOption.Ptr();
   158 			break;
   159 			}
   160 		case KBloggerSetMedium:
   161 			{
   162 			CHECK_OPT_IS_(TInt);
   163 			TInt mediumType=*(TUint*)aOption.Ptr();
   164 			if((mediumType!=KBlogOutputTypeIsFlogger)||(mediumType!=KBlogOutputTypeIsRDebug))
   165 				{//otherwise we will panic when we try to output
   166 				return KErrArgument;
   167 				}
   168 			iMediumType= mediumType;
   169 			break;
   170 			}
   171 		case KBloggerSetTestCaseName:
   172 			{
   173 			TInt length=Min(KRDBMaxLit,aOption.Length());
   174 			iTestCaseLit.Copy(((TDesC16*)aOption.Ptr())->Left(length));
   175 			BlogTestCase(iTestCaseLit);
   176 			break;
   177 			}
   178 		case KBloggerSetOutputWindow:
   179 			{
   180 			CHECK_OPT_IS_(TInt);
   181 			TInt windowSize=*(TUint*)aOption.Ptr();
   182 			if((windowSize<1)||(windowSize>KRDBMaxLit))
   183 				{
   184 				return KErrArgument;
   185 				}
   186 			iOutputWindowSize=windowSize;			
   187 			break;
   188 			}
   189 		case KBloggerSetTestCaseResult:
   190 			{
   191 			CHECK_OPT_IS_(TInt);
   192 			TInt tcResult=*(TUint*)aOption.Ptr();
   193 			if(tcResult>KBlogTestCaseResultUpperNo)
   194 				{
   195 				return KErrArgument;	
   196 				}
   197 			BlogTestCaseResult(tcResult);
   198 			break;
   199 			}
   200 		case KBloggerSetTesterMessage:
   201 			{
   202 			BlogTesterMessage(*(TDesC16*)aOption.Ptr());						
   203 			break;
   204 			}
   205 		case KBloggerSetAllOptions:
   206 			{
   207 			CHECK_OPT_IS_(TBlogSettings); // we care about the data pckgd not he pckg itself
   208 			TBlogSettingsPckg theSettings;
   209 			theSettings.Copy(aOption);
   211 			TInt verbosity=(theSettings()).iVerbosity;
   212 			if((verbosity<KBlogVerbosityOff)||(verbosity>KBlogVerbosityAllLevels))
   213 				{
   214 				return KErrArgument;
   215 				}
   217 			TInt mediumType=(theSettings()).iMediumToLog;
   218 			if((mediumType!=KBlogOutputTypeIsFlogger)&&(mediumType!=KBlogOutputTypeIsRDebug))
   219 				{//otherwise we will panic when we try to output
   220 				return KErrArgument;
   221 				}
   223 			TInt windowSize=(theSettings()).iOutputWindowSize;
   224 			if((windowSize<1)||(windowSize>KRDBMaxLit))
   225 				{
   226 				return KErrArgument;
   227 				}
   229 			iLayersToLogMask  =(theSettings()).iLayersToLog;
   230 			iVerbosityLevel   =verbosity;
   231 			iLoggingMask      =(theSettings()).iLoggingMask;
   232 			iMediumType       =mediumType;
   233 			iOutputWindowSize =windowSize;
   234 			iTestCaseLit      =(theSettings()).iTestCaseLit;
   236 			if (iTestCaseLit!=KNullDesC)
   237 				BlogTestCase(iTestCaseLit);
   239 			break;
   240 			}
   241 		default:
   242 			{
   243 			return KErrArgument;
   244 			}
   245 		};
   246 	return KErrNone;
   247 	}
   250 void CBlogger::Panic(TBloggerPanic aPanic)
   251 	{
   252 	User::Panic(_L("BLogger Panic"),aPanic);
   253 	}
   255 void CBlogger::Blog(const TDesC& aMessage,TInt aFrameWindow)
   256 /**
   257 	Formats the message with a date and time preamble and blogs it.
   258 	But a limitation is that although it breaks the message in parts of
   259 	aFrameWindow size characters, it cannot accept amessage which is longer 
   260 	than KBlogMessageMaxLitLength
   261 */
   262 	{
   263 	__ASSERT_DEBUG((KBlogMessageMaxLitLength-KBlogDateTimeLitLength)>=aMessage.Length(),Panic(EBloggerMessageLengthTooLong));
   264 	TBuf<KBlogMessageMaxLitLength> logMessage;
   265 	DoDateTimeFormat(logMessage);
   266 	logMessage.Append(aMessage);
   267 	DoBlog(logMessage,aFrameWindow);
   268 	}
   270 void CBlogger::Blog(const TDesC& aMessage)
   271 /**
   272 	Formats the message with a date and time preamble and blogs it.
   273 	But a limitation is that it cannot accept a message which is longer 
   274 	than KBlogMessageMaxLitLength.
   275 */
   276 	{	
   277 	Blog(aMessage,iOutputWindowSize);
   278 	}
   281 void CBlogger::BlogTestCase(TDesC& aTestCaseName)
   282 	{
   283 	// output a preamble indicating new test case (or a repeat of the previous one:-)
   284 	// include time date and a Lit for the preamble
   285 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(KBlogTestCaseMaxLitLength>=KBlogDateTimeLitLength,Panic(EBloggerDescriptorLengthWasShorter));
   286 	TBuf<KBlogTestCaseMaxLitLength> testCaseString;
   287 	DoDateTimeFormat(testCaseString); // no need for ret val check here	
   288 	testCaseString.Append(KBlogTestCaseLit);
   289 	testCaseString.Append(aTestCaseName);
   290 	DoBlog(testCaseString,iOutputWindowSize);
   291 	}
   293 void CBlogger::BlogTesterMessage(TDesC& aTesterMessage)
   294 /**
   295 	A Test App can output a string in the Blogger logs through this method.
   296 	To do this the test app should issue a SetOpt of type KBloggerSetTesterMessage
   297 	and pass a packaged TDesC16.
   298 */
   299 	{
   300 	TBuf<KBlogTesterMessageInfoMaxLitLength> tstInfoString;
   301 	DoDateTimeFormat(tstInfoString);
   302 	tstInfoString.Append(KBlogTesterMessageInfoLit);
   303 	tstInfoString.Append(aTesterMessage);
   304 	DoBlog(tstInfoString,iOutputWindowSize);
   305 //	DoBlog(aTesterMessage,iOutputWindowSize);
   306 	}
   308 void CBlogger::BlogTestCaseResult(TInt aTestCaseResult)
   309 	{
   310 	if(!(iTestCaseLit.Length())) //in the case the TC Lit was not setup
   311 		{
   312 		return;
   313 		}
   315 	TBuf<KBlogTestCaseResultMaxLitLength> tcMessage;
   316 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(KBlogTestCaseResultMaxLitLength>KBlogDateTimeLitLength,Panic(EBloggerDescriptorLengthWasShorter));	
   317 	DoDateTimeFormat(tcMessage);
   319 	switch(aTestCaseResult)
   320 		{
   321 		case KBlogTestCaseResultPassed:
   322 			{
   323 			tcMessage.Append(KBlogTestCaseResultLitPass);
   324 			break;
   325 			}
   326 		case KBlogTestCaseResultFailed:
   327 			{
   328 			tcMessage.Append(KBlogTestCaseResultLitFailed);
   329 			break;
   330 			}
   331 		case KBlogTestCaseResultInconclusive:
   332 			{
   333 			tcMessage.Append(KBlogTestCaseResultLitInconclusive);
   334 			break;
   335 			}
   336 		case KBlogTestCaseResultSkipped:
   337 			{
   338 			tcMessage.Append(KBlogTestCaseResultLitSkipped);
   339 			break;
   340 			}
   341 		default:
   342 			{
   343 			// check your bounds checking in the handler
   344 			Panic(EBloggerTestCaseResultIsBogus); 
   345 			}
   346 		};
   348 	tcMessage.Append(iTestCaseLit);
   349 	DoBlog(tcMessage,iOutputWindowSize);
   350 	}
   352 void CBlogger::DoBlog(const TDesC& aMessage,TInt aFrameWindow)
   353 	{	
   354 	TInt msgLength=aMessage.Length();
   355 	if(!msgLength)
   356 		{return;}
   358 	TInt min=Min(KRDBMaxLit,aMessage.Length());
   359 	TInt len=Min(min,aFrameWindow);
   361 	TInt frames=msgLength/len; 
   362 	TInt lastFrameSize=msgLength%len;// i.e the remainder
   364 	TInt position=0;
   365 	for(TInt f=0;f<frames;f++,position=f*len)
   366 		{
   367 		DoOutputToResourceL(aMessage.Mid(position,len)); //Qualified
   368 		}
   369 	// log last frame
   370 	if(lastFrameSize)
   371 		{		
   372 		DoOutputToResourceL(aMessage.Mid(position));  //Qualified
   373 		}
   374 	}
   376 TInt CBlogger::DoDateTimeFormat(TDes& aDesToPrepend)
   377 	{
   379 	//FIXME:if the options are for time critical logging then spare the date and time 
   381 	if(aDesToPrepend.MaxLength()<KBlogDateTimeLitLength)
   382 		{
   383 		return KErrArgument;
   384 		}
   385 	TBuf<KBlogDateTimeLitLength> timeLit; // abit more bytes than needed
   386 	TTime time;
   387 	time.HomeTime();
   388 	TRAPD(errD,time.FormatL(aDesToPrepend,KBlogDateFormat));
   389 	if(errD)
   390 		{
   391 		//since we OOMed
   392 		aDesToPrepend.Append(KBlogBlankDate);
   393 		}
   394 	TRAPD(errT,time.FormatL(timeLit,KBlogTimeFormat));
   395 	if (errT)
   396 		{
   397 		timeLit.Copy(KBlogBlankTime);
   398 		}
   400 	aDesToPrepend.Append(timeLit);
   402 	// although OOM may have happened, but the point is to get the log out quickly
   403 	return KErrNone; 
   404 	}
   407 void CBlogger::HexDump(const TDesC& aDescription,const TDesC8& aHexFrame, TInt aFrameWindow)
   408 /**
   409 	It will trim the sDescription to fit in the aFrameWindow size.
   410 	It also log the HexFrame in chunks of size=aFrameWindow.
   411 */
   412 	{
   413 	//255 is the max RDebug::Print size
   415 	DoBlog(aDescription,aFrameWindow);
   417 	TInt bufferSize=aHexFrame.Length();
   418 	if(!bufferSize)
   419 		{return;}
   421 	TInt frames=bufferSize/(aFrameWindow/5); // 5 is the size of the formating lit 
   422 	TInt lastFrameSize=(bufferSize*5)%aFrameWindow;// i.e the remainder
   424 	TInt i=0;
   425 	TBuf<KRDBMaxLit> outBuf;
   427 	for ( TInt f=0;f<frames;f++)
   428 		{
   429 		outBuf.Zero();
   430 		for ( i = 0; i < aFrameWindow/5; ++i)
   431 			{// 5 is the size of the formating lit :-)
   432 			outBuf.AppendFormat(_L("0x%02x "),aHexFrame[(f*aFrameWindow/5)+i]);			
   433 			}
   434 		DoOutputToResourceL(outBuf); //Qualified
   435 		}
   437 	// log last frame
   438 	if(lastFrameSize)
   439 		{
   440 		outBuf.Zero();
   441 		for(i=(frames*aFrameWindow/5);i<bufferSize;i++)
   442 			{
   443 			outBuf.AppendFormat(_L("0x%02x "),aHexFrame[i]);
   444 			}
   445 		DoOutputToResourceL(outBuf); //Qualified
   446 		}
   447 	}
   448 void CBlogger::CreateBlogFileL()
   449 	{
   450 	//User::LeaveIfError(ifileserv.Connect());
   451 	User::LeaveIfError(ifile.Replace(ifileserv, *ifilename, EFileStream|EFileWrite));
   452 	}
   454 void CBlogger::DoFileL()
   455 	{
   456 	/*
   457 	if the file exists and is open then write to it 
   458 	otherwise create and open it
   459 	*/
   460 	TInt ret;
   461 	ret=ifile.Open(ifileserv,*ifilename,EFileStream|EFileWrite);	
   462 	if (ret==KErrNotFound) // file does not exist - create it
   463 		{
   464 		CreateBlogFileL();
   465 		}
   466 	iFileExists = ETrue;
   467 	}
   469 void CBlogger::MakefilenameL(const TDesC &aFileName)
   470 	{
   471 	//Connect to Fileserver
   472 	User::LeaveIfNull(ifilename=aFileName.AllocL());
   473 	TInt err = ifileserv.MkDirAll(*ifilename);
   474 	if ( (err != KErrAlreadyExists) && (err != KErrNone))
   475 		User::Leave(err);
   476 	}
   478 void CBlogger::DoOutputToResourceL(const TDesC& aMessage)
   479 	{
   480 	// It is reasonable to assume we only gonna have 2 types of output resource
   481 	// either COM:0 or File Flogging thus do the sipmlest thing here
   483 	//iMediumType=1; //need this to be 1 for output to a file. 
   485 	switch(iMediumType) //yes I like dynamic binding myself but we only gonna have 2 isn't it ?
   486 		{
   487 		case KBlogOutputTypeIsRDebug:
   488 			{
   489 			RDebug::Print(_L("%S"),&aMessage);
   490 			break;
   491 			}
   492 		case KBlogOutputTypeIsFlogger:
   493 			{
   494 			//User::LeaveIfError(ifileserv.Connect());
   495 			//Makefilename(_L("Blog.txt"));
   496 			if(!iFileExists)
   497 				{
   498 				DoFileL();
   499 				}			
   500 			TBuf8<256> buf8;
   501 			buf8.Copy(aMessage);
   502 			User::LeaveIfError(ifile.Write(buf8));
   503 			User::LeaveIfError(ifile.Write(_L8("\r\n")));
   504 			User::LeaveIfError(ifile.Flush());
   505 			break;
   506 			}
   507 		default:
   508 			{
   509 			Panic(EBloggerResourceTypeIsBogus);
   510 			}
   511 		};
   513 	}
   515 void CBlogger::StoreFloggerInfo(TAny* aLogInfo)
   516 /**
   517 	Store the pointer from the HCI's TLS that indicates to which file the floffer should log.
   518 	This is necessary in order to be able (at will) to accomodate both Flogger
   519 	and Blogger functionality in the stack.
   521 	This method will only be used from the LinkMgr when Flogging is enabled.
   522 */
   523 	{
   524 	iFloggerInfo=aLogInfo;
   525 	}
   528 EXPORT_C TAny* CBlogger::GetFloggerInfo()
   529 	{
   530 	return iFloggerInfo;
   531 	}
   533 void CBlogger::DoBloggerTests()
   534 	{
   535 #ifdef BLOGGING__SELF_TESTS__
   536 	LLQBLOG(1,Log(_L(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is %d <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"),1));
   537 	LLQBLOG(1,Log(_L("123456789a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789h123456789i")));
   538 	LLQBLOG(1,Log(_L(" a string %S and a number %d"),&_L("Andy"), 1));
   539 	LLQBLOG(1,HexDump(_L("A hex dump"),_L8(" read hex mate?"),10));
   540 	LLQBLOG(1,HexDump(_L("A long hex dump"),_L8("123456789a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g"),80));
   542 	// Testing test case Lit setup 
   543 	TBuf<KRDBMaxLit> tcName(_L("My First Test Case ,NO1"));
   544 	TPckgBuf<TBlogTestCaseLit> tcNamePckg(tcName);
   545 	UpdateLoggingSettings(KBloggerSetTestCaseName,tcNamePckg);
   547 	// Testing Test Case Results
   548 	TPckgBuf<TInt> tcResult(KBlogTestCaseResultPassed);
   549 	UpdateLoggingSettings(KBloggerSetTestCaseResult,tcResult);
   551 	//Testing Test app messages
   552 	TBuf<KRDBMaxLit> tstMsg(_L("This is message from the tester saying it is doing a test"));
   553 	TPckgBuf<TBlogTestCaseLit> tstMsgPckg(tstMsg);
   554 	UpdateLoggingSettings(KBloggerSetTesterMessage,tstMsgPckg);
   555 #endif
   556 	}
   558 // Blogettes
   560 CBloggette::~CBloggette()
   561 	{
   562 	}
   564 CBloggette::CBloggette(CBlogger* aProvider, TInt aLayer) : 
   565 	iLayer(aLayer),
   566 	iBlogger(aProvider)
   567 	{
   568 	}
   570 void CBloggette::Log(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFormatingLit, ...)
   571 /**
   572 	The maximum length of the allowed string is 255.
   573 */
   574 	{
   575 	VA_LIST tmpArgList;
   576 	VA_START(tmpArgList,aFormatingLit);
   577 	TBuf<KRDBMaxLit> blogBuf; 
   578 	blogBuf.Zero();
   579 	blogBuf.AppendFormatList(aFormatingLit, tmpArgList); //FIXME overflow handler possibly ?
   580 	iBlogger->Blog(blogBuf);
   581 	VA_END(tmpArgList);
   582 	}
   585 void CBloggette::HexDump(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aDescription,const TDesC8& aHexFrame, TInt aFrameWindow)
   586 	{
   587 	iBlogger->HexDump(aDescription,aHexFrame,aFrameWindow);
   588 	}
   590 TInt CBloggette::Layer() const
   591 	{
   592 	return iLayer;
   593 	}
   596 // Link Layer Bloggette
   598 CLLBloggette* CLLBloggette::NewL(CBlogger* aProvider, TInt aLayer)
   599 	{
   600 	CLLBloggette* self = new (ELeave)CLLBloggette(aProvider,aLayer);
   601 	self->iBlogger->Register(self);
   602 	return self;
   603 	}
   605 CLLBloggette::CLLBloggette(CBlogger* aProvider, TInt aLayer) 
   606 	: CBloggette(aProvider,aLayer)
   607 	{	
   608 	}
   610 CLLBloggette::~CLLBloggette()
   611 	{
   612 	}
   614 TDesC CLLBloggette::NameDes()
   615 	{
   616 	return _L("LL Dummy Bloggette");
   617 	}
   619 // L2CAP Bloggette
   621 CL2Bloggette* CL2Bloggette::NewL(CBlogger* aProvider, TInt aLayer)
   622 	{
   623 	CL2Bloggette* self = new (ELeave)CL2Bloggette(aProvider,aLayer);
   624 	self->iBlogger->Register(self);
   625 	return self;
   626 	}
   628 CL2Bloggette::CL2Bloggette(CBlogger* aProvider, TInt aLayer) 
   629 	: CBloggette(aProvider,aLayer)
   630 	{	
   631 	}
   633 CL2Bloggette::~CL2Bloggette()
   634 	{
   635 	}
   637 TDesC CL2Bloggette::NameDes()
   638 	{
   639 	return _L("L2CAP Dummy Bloggette");
   640 	}
   642 // RFCOMM Bloggette
   644 CRFBloggette* CRFBloggette::NewL(CBlogger* aProvider, TInt aLayer)
   645 	{
   646 	CRFBloggette* self = new (ELeave)CRFBloggette(aProvider,aLayer);
   647 	self->iBlogger->Register(self);
   648 	return self;
   649 	}
   651 CRFBloggette::CRFBloggette(CBlogger* aProvider, TInt aLayer) 
   652 	: CBloggette(aProvider,aLayer)
   653 	{	
   654 	}
   656 CRFBloggette::~CRFBloggette()
   657 	{
   658 	}
   660 TDesC CRFBloggette::NameDes()
   661 	{
   662 	return _L("RFComm Dummy Bloggette");
   663 	}
   665 void CRFBloggette::Timeout(/*CRfcommSAP* aSAP, CRfcommMuxer* aMux,*/ CRfcommFrame* aFrm )
   666 	{
   667 	TUint8 ctrlfield = aFrm->Ctrl();
   669 	switch((ctrlfield&~KPollFinalBitmask))
   670 		{
   671 		case KSABMCtrlField:
   672 			Log(KBlogTimeout);
   673 			Log(KBlogSABM);
   674 			break;
   675 		case KDISCCtrlField:
   676 			Log(KBlogTimeout);
   677 			Log(KBlogDISC);
   678 			break;
   679 		default:
   680 			break;
   681 		};
   682 	}
   684 void CRFBloggette::LogMuxCommand(CRfcommSAP* aSAP, CRfcommMuxer* aMux, TUint8 aCommand)
   685 	{
   686 	TUint8 signals;
   688 	switch(aCommand)
   689 		{
   690 	case KTestType:
   691 			Log(KBlogTestCommand); 
   692 			break;
   693 		case KPNType:
   694 			Log(KBlogPN);//
   695 			break;
   696 		case KRPNType:
   697 			Log(KBlogRPN);//
   698 			break;
   699 		case KFConType:
   700 			//may need length byte value
   701 			Log(KBlogFcOn);//
   702 			break;
   703 		case KFCoffType:
   704 			Log(KBlogFcOff);//
   705 			break;
   706 		case KMSCType:
   707 			signals = aSAP->Signals();//V.24 signals in MSC
   708 			Log(KBlogMSC);//
   709 			break;
   710 		case KNSCType:
   711 			Log(KBlogNSC);//
   712 			break;
   713 		case KRLSType:
   714 			Log(KBlogRLS);//
   715 		};
   717 	}
   718 void CRFBloggette::ExplainOutgoingFrame(CRfcommFrame* aFrm, CRfcommMuxer* aMux )
   719 	{
   720 #ifndef TCI
   721 	//Show what type of frame we have sent and the various parts of the frame which are important.
   723 	TInt frametype = aFrm->Type(); //Is it a Ctrl Frame, Data Frame, CreditDataFrame or Mux Ctrl Frame ?
   724 	TUint8 ctrlfield = aFrm->Ctrl();
   725 	TUint8 ctrl = ctrlfield&~KPollFinalBitmask; //tells whether SABM, DISC, UA, DM
   726 	TUint8 addressfield = aFrm->Address(); //Contains EA, CR, DLCI
   727 //	TUint8 dlci = aMux->DecodeDLCI(addressfield); //extracts dlci
   728 	TBool EA = addressfield & KEABitmask; //Is the EA bit set? 
   729 	TBool CR = addressfield & KCRBitmask; //Is the CR bit set?
   730 	TBool poll = ctrlfield & KPollFinalBitmask; //Is the p/f bit set?
   732 	switch(frametype)
   733 		{
   734 		case KCtrlFrameType:
   735 			{
   736 			//CRfcommCtrlFrame* ctrlfrm=static_cast<CRfcommCtrlFrame*>(aFrm);
   737 			//TUint16 ctrlframelength = ctrlfrm->DataLength();
   738 			Log(_L("Tx:"));
   740 			if(ctrl==KSABMCtrlField)
   741 				{
   742 				Log(_L("Tx: SABM"));
   743 				}
   744 			if(ctrl==KUACtrlField)
   745 				{
   746 				Log(_L("Tx: UA"));
   747 				}
   748 			if(ctrl==KDMCtrlField)
   749 				{
   750 				Log(_L("Tx: DM"));
   751 				}
   752 			if(ctrl==KDISCCtrlField)
   753 				{
   754 				Log(_L("Tx: DISC"));
   755 				}
   756 			}
   757 			break;
   758 		case KDataFrameType: //CRfCommUIHFrame
   759 			{
   760 			CRfcommUIHFrame* uihfrm=static_cast<CRfcommUIHFrame*>(aFrm);
   761 			TUint16 uihframelength = uihfrm->DataLength();
   763 			if(poll)
   764 				Log(_L("Tx: UIH credit data frame"));
   766 			if (uihframelength<=127)
   767 				{
   768 				Log(_L("Tx: UIH simple data frame"));
   769 				}
   770 			else
   771 				{
   772 				Log(_L("Tx: UIH simple data frame"));
   773 				}
   774 			}
   775 			break;
   776 		case KCreditDataFrameType: //CRfcommCreditDataFrame
   777 			{
   778 			CRfcommCreditDataFrame* creditfrm=static_cast<CRfcommCreditDataFrame*>(aFrm);
   779 			TUint8 credits = creditfrm->Credit();
   780 			//BLOG Credits
   781 			TUint16 length = creditfrm->DataLength();
   783 			if (length<=127)
   784 				{
   785 				Log(KBlogShortCreditUIH, credits);
   786 				}
   787 			else
   788 				{
   789 				Log(KBlogLongCreditUIH, credits);
   790 				}
   791 			}
   792 			break;
   793 		case KMuxCtrlFrameType: //CRfcommMuxCtrlFrame containing muxer messages/commands
   794 			{
   795 			//#ifndef TCI
   796 			CRfcommMuxCtrlFrame* muxfrm=static_cast<CRfcommMuxCtrlFrame*>(aFrm);
   797 			TUint8 muxdlci = muxfrm->iDLCI;
   798 			CRfcommSAP* sap = aMux->FindSAP(muxdlci); //Find the SAP that is on this dlci for aMux 
   799 			TUint8 command = muxfrm->CommandType(); 
   800 			LogMuxCommand(sap, aMux, command);
   801 			//#endif
   802 			}
   803 			break;
   804 		default: //CRfcommDataFrame
   805 			break;
   806 		};
   807 	Log(KBlogPFSet, poll);
   808 	Log(KBlogEASet, EA);
   809 	Log(KBlogCRSet, CR);
   811 	Log(KBlogFrameType, frametype);
   812 #endif
   813 	}
   815 void CRFBloggette::ExplainIncomingFrame(TUint8 aDlci, TUint8 aCtrl, TBool aPoll)
   816 	{
   817 	Log(_L("Rx: "));
   818 	switch (aCtrl)
   819 		{
   820 		case KSABMCtrlField:
   821 			Log(_L("Rx: SABM"));
   822 			break;
   823 		case KUACtrlField:
   824 			Log(_L("Rx: UA"));
   825 			break;
   826 		case KDMCtrlField:
   827 			Log(KBlogDM);
   828 			break;
   829 		case KDISCCtrlField:
   830 			Log(KBlogDISC);
   831 			break;
   832 		case KUIHCtrlField:
   833 			{
   834 			if(aDlci== KMuxDLCI)
   835 				{
   836 				Log(KBlogUIHCtrlFrame);
   837 				}
   838 			else
   839 				{
   840 				Log(KBlogSimpleUIH);
   841 				}
   842 			}
   843 			break;			
   844 		default:
   845 			//FLOG(_L("Error: RFCOMM: Unexpected frame ctrl field"));
   846 			break;
   847 		};
   848 	Log(KBlogDLCI, aDlci);
   849 	Log(KBlogPFSet, aPoll);
   850 	}
   852 void CRFBloggette::IncomingCtrlMessage(TUint8 aCommand, TInt aLength)
   853 	{
   854 	switch(aCommand)
   855 		{
   856 		case KTestType:
   857 			Log(KBlogTestCommand); 
   858 			break;
   859 		case KPNType:
   860 			Log(KBlogPN);
   861 			break;
   862 		case KRPNType:
   863 			Log(KBlogRPN);
   864 			break;
   865 		case KFConType:
   866 			{
   867 			Log(KBlogFcOn);
   868 			if(aLength!=0)
   869 				{
   870 				Log(KBlogNonZeroLength);
   871 				}
   872 			}
   873 			break;
   874 		case KFCoffType:
   875 			{
   876 			Log(KBlogFcOff);
   877 			if(aLength!=0)
   878 				{
   879 				Log(KBlogNonZeroLength);
   880 				}
   881 			}
   882 			break;
   883 		case KMSCType:
   884 			Log(KBlogMSC);
   885 			break;
   886 		case KNSCType:
   887 			Log(KBlogNSC);
   888 			break;
   889 		case KRLSType:
   890 			Log(KBlogRLS);
   891 		};
   892 	}
   894 #endif