changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:29b1cd4cb562
     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Base class for implementation of signalling handlers.  This class is able to sort incoming CFramePDUs and 
    15 // queue outgoing l2cap commands. This class can be derived by classes wanting to handle subsets of the 
    16 // signalling commands.
    17 // 
    18 //
    20 /**
    21  @file
    22  @internalComponent
    23 */
    25 #include <bluetooth/logger.h>
    27 #include "l2capSignalHandler.h"
    29 #include "l2capCommand.h"
    30 #include "l2signalmgr.h"
    32 #include "l2capSigPacketCommandReject.h"
    34 #include "l2util.h"
    35 #include "L2CapDebugControlInterface.h"
    37 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
    38 _LIT8(KLogComponent, LOG_COMPONENT_L2CAP);
    39 #endif
    41 //Constructor as used by the link signal handler
    42 CL2CapSignalHandler::CL2CapSignalHandler(CL2CAPMux* aMuxer)
    43  : iMuxer(aMuxer),
    44    iDrainPendingCommands(EFalse),
    45    iPendingCommands(_FOFF(HL2CapCommand, iLink)),
    46    iCommandsAwaitingResponse(_FOFF(HL2CapCommand, iLink)),
    47    iSentResponses(_FOFF(HL2CapCommand, iLink))
    48 	{
    49 	LOG_FUNC
    50 	L2CAP_DEBUG(ObjectAllocation(L2capDebugInfo::ESigHandlers,
    51 	                             L2capDebugInfo::EAllocated));	
    52 	}
    54 CL2CapSignalHandler::~CL2CapSignalHandler()
    55 /**
    56 	Destruct the signal handler.
    57 **/
    58 	{
    59 	LOG_FUNC
    60 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iPendingCommands.IsEmpty(), Panic(EL2CAPSigHandlerDeletedWithResources));
    61 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iCommandsAwaitingResponse.IsEmpty(), Panic(EL2CAPSigHandlerDeletedWithResources));
    63 	HL2CapCommand *cmd = NULL;
    64 	TDblQueIter<HL2CapCommand> responseIter(iSentResponses);
    65 	responseIter.SetToFirst();
    66 	while((cmd = responseIter++) != NULL)
    67 		{
    68 		delete cmd;
    69 		}
    71 	L2CAP_DEBUG(ObjectAllocation(L2capDebugInfo::ESigHandlers,
    72 	                             L2capDebugInfo::EDeleted));
    73 	}
    75 // Returns a signalling pdu awaiting transmission (might contain more than one L2CAP Command)
    76 HL2CapPDU* CL2CapSignalHandler::GetPDU()
    77 	{
    78 	LOG_FUNC
    79 	TBool pduComplete = EFalse;
    80 	TBool pduValid = EFalse;
    81 	TInt err = KErrNone;
    83 	HCFramePDU* pdu = NULL;
    85 	// 1. Check whether there are any commands to send
    86 	if(!iPendingCommands.IsEmpty())
    87 		{
    88 		// 2. Create a new PDU to put the commands into
    89 		pdu = HCFramePDU::New(iMuxer->GetACLMTU());
    91 		if(pdu)
    92 			{
    93 			TDblQueIter<HL2CapCommand> iter(iPendingCommands);
    94 			HL2CapCommand* cmd;
    95 			while((cmd = iter++) != NULL && !pduComplete)
    96 				{
    97 				// 3. Attempts to add command onto end of pdu.
    98 				err = pdu->AddCommand(*cmd, *iMuxer);
   100 				if(err == KErrNone)
   101 			 		{
   102 			 		// The command has been added.  Remove it from the
   103 			 		// pending list.
   104 					pduValid = ETrue;
   105 			 		cmd->iLink.Deque();
   107 					if(cmd->IsRequest())
   108 						{
   109 						// Add this to the awaiting response queue.
   110 						iCommandsAwaitingResponse.AddLast(*cmd);	
   112 						// Start response timer.
   113 						cmd->StartRTXTimer(HL2CapCommand::ERTXTimer, *this);
   114 						}
   115 					else 
   116 						{
   117 						if(cmd->StatefulResponse())
   118 							{
   119 							iSentResponses.AddLast(*cmd);
   120 							}
   121 						else
   122 							{
   123 							delete cmd;
   124 							}
   125 						}
   126 					}
   127 				else
   128 					{
   129 					if(err == KErrCompletion)
   130 						{
   131 						// The command could not be added.  This indicates that the
   132 						// CFrame is full.
   133 						pduComplete = ETrue;
   134 						}
   135 					else
   136 						{
   137 						// A different error has occurred.  Error the signal handler.
   138 						Error(err, MSocketNotify::EErrorAllOperations);
   139 						}
   140 					}
   142 			 	}
   144 			// Check if the PDU is valid, i.e., contains at least one command.
   145 			if(!pduValid)
   146 				{
   147 				delete pdu;
   148 				pdu = NULL;
   149 				}
   151 			// Check if any commands are outstanding.  If so request
   152 			// another callback.
   153 			if(!iPendingCommands.IsEmpty() || iDrainPendingCommands)
   154 				{
   155 				iMuxer->PDUAvailable();
   156 				}
   157 			}
   158 		else
   159 			{
   160 			// A C-Frame could not be created.
   161 			Error(KErrNoMemory, MSocketNotify::EErrorAllOperations);
   162 			}
   163 		}
   164 	else
   165 		{
   166 		if(iDrainPendingCommands && iCommandsAwaitingResponse.IsEmpty())
   167 			{
   168 			// Nothing more to send and nothing to wait for. 
   169 			// Signal disconnect to the state machine.
   170 			PendingCommandsDrained();
   171 			}
   172 		}
   173 	return pdu;
   174 	}
   177 HL2CapCommand* CL2CapSignalHandler::FindMatchingOutstandingRequest(TUint8 aExpectedCommandCode, TUint8 aId)
   178 	{
   179 	LOG_FUNC
   180 	HL2CapCommand* l2CapCommand = NULL;
   181 	HL2CapCommand* matchingCommand = NULL;
   183 	TDblQueIter<HL2CapCommand> iter(iCommandsAwaitingResponse);
   184 	while((l2CapCommand = iter++) != NULL)
   185 		{
   186 		if(l2CapCommand->ID() == aId)
   187 			{
   188 			if(l2CapCommand->Code() == aExpectedCommandCode || 
   189 			   (aExpectedCommandCode == EMatchAnyL2CAPRequest && l2CapCommand->IsRequest()))
   190 				{
   191 				matchingCommand = l2CapCommand;
   192 				break;
   193 				}
   194 			}
   195 		}
   196 	return matchingCommand;
   197 	}
   199 // Incoming PDU handler.
   200 TBool CL2CapSignalHandler::HandleIncomingCFrame(HCFramePDU* aCFrame)
   201 	{
   202 	LOG_FUNC
   203 	// The C-Frame can contain many L2CAP commands.  Not all of
   204 	// the commands will be for a SAP signal handler.  If a
   205 	// command can be processed it will be removed from the
   206 	// C-Frame.  Any remaining commands will be offered to the
   207 	// other SAP signal handlers, then the whole process of
   208 	// offering the commands to the SAP signal handlers is
   209 	// repeated until no more commands can be handled by them,
   210 	// after which the commands are offered to the link signal
   211 	// handler.  Only one command is handled at a time because a
   212 	// Command Reject may delete a SAP signal handler, thereby
   213 	// rendering it ineffective at processing further commands.
   215 	HL2CapCommand* cmd = aCFrame->FirstCommand();
   216 	while(cmd)
   217 		{
   218 		// This could be a duplicate sent from the peer due to an RTx timer.
   219 		// If the original was received and is being processed discard the
   220 		// command.
   221 		if(!IsDuplicateCommandRequest(cmd))
   222 			{
   223 			if (cmd->ProcessCommand(*this))
   224 				{
   225 				return ETrue;
   226 				}
   227 			}
   228 		cmd = aCFrame->NextCommand();
   229 		}
   230 	return EFalse;
   231 	}
   233 TBool CL2CapSignalHandler::IsDuplicateCommandRequest(HL2CapCommand* aCommand)
   234 	{
   235 	LOG_FUNC
   236 	TBool rcode = EFalse;
   238 	// Check if this is a duplicate still kicking about waiting to be sent
   239 	if(aCommand->IsRequest())
   240 		{
   241 		HL2CapCommand *response = NULL;
   243 		TDblQueIter<HL2CapCommand> pendIter(iPendingCommands);
   244 		while((response = pendIter++) != NULL)
   245 			{
   246 			// Check if this matches the last peer request.
   247 			if(aCommand->ID() == response->ID() &&
   248 			   (aCommand->Code() + 1) == response->Code())
   249 				{
   250 				delete aCommand;
   251 				rcode = ETrue;
   253 				break;
   254 				}
   255 			}
   256 		}
   258 	// Otherwise check if this is a response we've already sent
   259 	if(!rcode && aCommand->IsRequest())
   260 		{
   261 		HL2CapCommand *response = NULL;
   263 		TDblQueIter<HL2CapCommand> respIter(iSentResponses);
   264 		while((response = respIter++) != NULL)
   265 			{
   266 			// Check if this matches the last peer request.
   267 			if(aCommand->ID() == response->ID() &&
   268 			   (aCommand->Code() + 1) == response->Code())
   269 				{			
   270 				// Re-send the stored response.
   271 				response->iLink.Deque();
   272 				AddToOutgoingQueue(response);
   274 				delete aCommand;
   275 				rcode = ETrue;
   277 				break;
   278 				}
   279 			}
   280 		}
   282 	return rcode;
   283 	}
   285 /**
   286 Store this command on the outgoing queue.  
   288 @pre aCommand is not already on a queue.
   289 @param aCommand The command to add to the queue.
   290 */
   291 void CL2CapSignalHandler::AddToOutgoingQueue(HL2CapCommand* aCommand)
   292 	{
   293 	LOG_FUNC
   294 	if(aCommand->CommandLength() <= iMuxer->SigMTU())
   295 		{
   296 		// 1. Add to the list of outgoing commands.
   297 		iPendingCommands.AddLast(*aCommand);
   299 		// 2. Signal to the PDU that data is available in the queue.
   300 		iMuxer->PDUAvailable();
   301 		}
   302 	else
   303 		{
   304 		// At present the stack will not create a command greater in 
   305 		// length than the minimum SigMTU.
   306 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EL2CAPAttemptToCreateCommandLongerThanSigMTU));
   307 		}
   308 	}
   310 /**
   311 This is called when we know the remote has finished configuring this
   312 channel, ie when we've received data from it.  At this point we can
   313 flush the queued responses.
   314 */
   315 void CL2CapSignalHandler::ChannelConfigured()
   316 	{
   317 	LOG_FUNC
   318 	HL2CapCommand* cmd = NULL;
   319 	TDblQueIter<HL2CapCommand> responseIter(iSentResponses);
   320 	responseIter.SetToFirst();
   321 	while((cmd = responseIter++) != NULL)
   322 		{
   323 		cmd->iLink.Deque();
   324 		delete cmd;
   325 		}
   326 	}
   328 void CL2CapSignalHandler::DrainPendingCommands()
   329 	{
   330 	LOG_FUNC
   331 	iDrainPendingCommands = ETrue;
   332 	iMuxer->PDUAvailable();
   333 	}
   335 void CL2CapSignalHandler::FlushPendingCommands()
   336 	{
   337 	LOG_FUNC
   338 	// Remove all pending commands from the outgoing queue.
   339 	HL2CapCommand* cmd = NULL;
   340 	TDblQueIter<HL2CapCommand> pendIter(iPendingCommands);
   341 	while((cmd = pendIter++) != NULL)
   342 		{
   343 		LOG1(_L(" -- Removing 0x%02x command"), cmd->Code());
   344 		delete cmd;
   345 		}
   346 	LOG(_L(" - queue flushed"));
   347 	}
   349 void CL2CapSignalHandler::FlushAwaitingResponseCommands()
   350 	{
   351 	LOG_FUNC
   352 	DeleteCommands(iCommandsAwaitingResponse);
   353 	}
   355 void CL2CapSignalHandler::FlushAllQueues()
   356 	{
   357 	LOG_FUNC
   358 	DeleteCommands(iPendingCommands);
   359 	DeleteCommands(iCommandsAwaitingResponse);
   360 	DeleteCommands(iSentResponses);
   361 	}
   363 void CL2CapSignalHandler::HandleLinkError()
   364 	{
   365 	LOG_FUNC
   366 	// An error condition has occurred on the link.  
   367 	// Any commands awaiting transmission,
   368 	// or awaiting responses can be deleted as no more PDU can
   369 	// be sent or received on this link.
   370 	HL2CapCommand* cmd = NULL;
   371 	FlushPendingCommands();
   373 	TDblQueIter<HL2CapCommand> waitIter(iCommandsAwaitingResponse);
   374 	waitIter.SetToFirst();
   375 	while((cmd = waitIter++) != NULL)
   376 		{
   377 		delete cmd;
   378 		}
   380 	TDblQueIter<HL2CapCommand> responseIter(iSentResponses);
   381 	responseIter.SetToFirst();
   382 	while((cmd = responseIter++) != NULL)
   383 		{
   384 		cmd->iLink.Deque();
   385 		delete cmd;
   386 		}
   387 	}
   390 TUint8 CL2CapSignalHandler::CurrentRTXTimerDuration(TUint8 aBaseRTXTimerDuration) const
   391 	{
   392 	LOG_FUNC
   393 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iMuxer,Panic(EL2CAPMuxerDeletedUnexpectedly));
   395 	return iMuxer->AdjustRTXTimerForSniffMode(aBaseRTXTimerDuration);
   396 	}
   399 // This base class does not handle any Frame types or commands.  These
   400 // default implementations are here to allow derived class to only specify
   401 // commands and frames that are handled.
   402 TBool CL2CapSignalHandler::HandleConnectionResponse(HConnectionResponse* /*aConnectionResponse*/)
   403 	{
   404 	LOG_FUNC
   405 	return EFalse;
   406 	}
   408 TBool CL2CapSignalHandler::HandleConnectionRequest(HConnectionRequest* /*aConnectionRequest*/)
   409 	{
   410 	LOG_FUNC
   411 	return EFalse;
   412 	}
   413 TBool CL2CapSignalHandler::HandleConfigureRequest(HConfigureRequest* /*aConfigRequest*/)
   414 	{
   415 	LOG_FUNC
   416 	return EFalse;
   417 	}
   419 TBool CL2CapSignalHandler::HandleConfigureResponse(HConfigureResponse* /*aConfigResponse*/)
   420 	{
   421 	LOG_FUNC
   422 	return EFalse;
   423 	}
   425 TBool CL2CapSignalHandler::HandleEchoResponse(HEchoResponse* /*aEchoResponse*/)
   426 	{
   427 	LOG_FUNC
   428 	return EFalse;
   429 	}
   431 TBool CL2CapSignalHandler::HandleEchoRequest(HEchoRequest* /*aEchoRequest*/) // Take incoming EchoRequest extract any data to form a valid Echo Response from CEchoResponse	
   432 	{
   433 	LOG_FUNC
   434 	return EFalse;	
   435 	}
   436 TBool CL2CapSignalHandler::HandleInformationRequest(HInformationRequest* /*aInformationRequest*/)
   437 	{
   438 	LOG_FUNC
   439 	return EFalse;	
   440 	}
   442 TBool CL2CapSignalHandler::HandleDisconnectRequest(HDisconnectRequest* /*aDisconnectRequest*/)
   443 	{
   444 	LOG_FUNC
   445 	return EFalse;	
   446 	}
   448 TBool CL2CapSignalHandler::HandleDisconnectResponse(HDisconnectResponse* /*aDisconnectResponse*/)
   449 	{
   450 	LOG_FUNC
   451 	return EFalse;	
   452 	}
   454 TBool CL2CapSignalHandler::HandleInformationResponse(HInformationResponse* /*aInformationResponse*/)
   455 	{
   456 	LOG_FUNC
   457 	return EFalse;
   458 	}
   460 TBool CL2CapSignalHandler::HandleCommandReject(HCommandReject* /*aCommandReject*/)
   461 	{
   462 	LOG_FUNC
   463 	return EFalse;
   464 	}
   466 TBool CL2CapSignalHandler::HandleInvalidCommand(HInvalidCommand* /*aInvalidCommand*/)
   467 	{
   468 	LOG_FUNC
   469 	return EFalse;
   470 	}
   473 void CL2CapSignalHandler::SendInvalidCIDCommandReject(TUint8 aId, TL2CAPPort aSourceCID, TL2CAPPort aDestinationCID)
   474 	{
   475 	LOG_FUNC
   476 	TL2CAPCommandRejectData reason;
   477 	reason.iReason = EInvalidCID;
   478 	reason.iMTUExceeded = 0;
   479 	reason.iLocalEndpoint = aDestinationCID;
   480 	reason.iRemoteEndpoint = aSourceCID;
   482 	HL2CapCommand* command = HCommandReject::New(reason, aId);
   483 	if(command)
   484 		{
   485 		AddToOutgoingQueue(command);
   486 		}
   487 	}
   489 void CL2CapSignalHandler::DeleteCommands(TDblQue<HL2CapCommand>& aCommandsToDelete)
   490 	{
   491 	LOG_FUNC
   492 	HL2CapCommand* cmd = NULL;
   493 	TDblQueIter<HL2CapCommand> aDelCmdIter(aCommandsToDelete);
   494 	while((cmd = aDelCmdIter++) != NULL)
   495 		{
   496 		delete cmd;
   497 		}
   498 	}