changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:29b1cd4cb562
     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #ifndef PANAGTUTILS_H
    17 #define PANAGTUTILS_H
    19 #include <e32std.h>
    20 #include <e32base.h>
    22 /**
    23 @file
    24 @note Global panic function and async event helper class for role state machine
    25 The async event helper class is used because the main agent class cannot be derived from CActive, so the helper class is just a small proxy to allow the role state machine to handle async events
    26 */
    28 namespace PanAgent
    29 /**
    30 @internalComponent
    31 @released
    32 @since v8.1
    33 */
    34 {
    36 _LIT(KPanAgentName, "PanAgent");
    37 _LIT(KPanAgentPanic, "PanAgentPanic");
    39 enum TPanAgentPanic
    40 /**
    41 PAN agent panic codes
    42 @internalComponent
    43 */
    44 	{
    45 	// General panics
    46 	ENullNifmanNotifyPointer = 0,								//< Attempt to use iNotify pointer to nifman when it was null
    47 	ENullCommdbHandle = 1,										//< Attempt to access commdb when the agent has not got a handle yet
    48 	ENullBnepConnectionManager = 2,								//< Attempt to use the BNEP connection manager before the handle has been fetched from the BNEP packet driver
    49 	EPanAgentDeletedWithDevicesStillAttached = 3,				//< Attempt to delete the pan agent when there are still devices in the device array
    50 	ENullDeviceSelector = 4,									//< Attempt to use the device selector when is doesn't exist
    51 	ENullTAnyPointer = 5,										//< Someone's tried to perform a callback with a NULL pointer instead of the this pointer
    52 	EOldFormatPanRoleBeingUsedInCommdb = 6,						//< An old format commdb is being used, which contains a PAN role of 0xffff. This was removed during development (there was no need for EPanRoleUnknown and EPanRoleNone, so they were folded into one). This panic is here purely to stop people using those old commdb databases by mistake.
    53 	ESomeoneLeftWithoutGivingAReason = 7,						//< A state has left, but no-one recorded an error code to indicate what the problem was!
    54 	EAttemptToDisconnectBeforeConnectComplete = 8,				//< Attempt to use the wrong error path - before ConnectComplete() has been called on nifman, all errors should be signalled via there; only once connected should we try to disconnect
    55 	EAsyncOperationOnOutgoingConnectionStarterWhenItsNotPerformingAnAsyncRequest = 9, //< Attempt to call RunL() or DoCancel() on the outgoing connection starter when it's not doing anything that requires an async operation - this suggests it has got into an incorrect state
    56 	EDelayedOpenHelperActiveWhenBothListeningAndAcceptingSocketsAreOpen = 10,
    57 	// PAN role state machine related panics
    58 	ENoState = 11,												//< Attempted call to state when there isn't one
    59 	EPanAgentRoleStateMachineSelectedUnknownAsLocalRole = 12,	//< The PAN agent role state machine selected an illegal role as the local role
    60 	EPanAgentRoleStateMachineInvalidLocalRole = 13,				//< The PAN agent role state machine selected an invalid local role.
    61 	EDeviceInNegotiatingModeOnEntryToUState = 14,				//< Suggests that the negotiating state forgot to update the state of the device in the array when negotiation completed
    62 	EDeviceInNegotiatingModeOnEntryToGnOrNapState = 15,				//< Suggests that the negotiating state forgot to update the state of the device in the array when negotiation completed
    63 	EDeviceAttemptingToNegotiateThatIsNotInArray = 16,			//< Attempt to negotiate by a device that is not in the array
    64 	EIncomingConnectionListenerStillActiveAtShutdown = 17,		//< No-one's cancelled the incoming connection listener before shutting down
    65 	EActiveDevicesInArrayInInitialisingState = 18,				//< There are active devices in the array when the role state machine is in the initialising state (so either there was an incorrect transition to this state in the role state machine, or someone's put entries in the device array in the wrong state)
    66 	ENegotiatingDevicesInArrayInInitialisingState = 19,			//< There are negotiating devices in the array when the role state machine is in the initialising state (so either there was an incorrect transition to this state in the role state machine, or someone's put entries in the device array in the wrong state)
    67 	EActiveDevicesInArrayInNegotiatingPanUState = 20,			//< There are active devices in the array when we are negotiating PAN-U role (in which case we shouldn't be negotiating PAN-U role)
    68 	EActiveDevicesInArrayInRenegActConnToGnOrNapRoleAtOurBehest = 21, //< There is an active device in the array, and since we negotiating with a device to go to GN/NAP state, there shouldn't be (we're not in GN/NAP state yet!)
    69 	ENoActiveDeviceInArrayInRenegActConnToURoleAtPeersBehest = 22, //< There is NOT an active device in the array
    70 	ENoActiveDevicesInArrayInRenegActConnToGnOrNapRoleAtPeersBehest = 23, //< There is NOT an active device in the array
    71 	EMoreThanOneDeviceInNegotiatingModeInArray = 24,				//< There is more than one negotiating device in the array (which there shouldn't be, as negotiation should be serialised)
    72 	EUnexpectedDeviceInNegotiatingModeInArray = 25,				//< A local device is in the negotiating state when it shouldn't be.
    73 	EDeletingRemoteDeviceWithoutDisconnecting = 26,				//< The remote device object has been deleted without disconnecting the remote device first (suggests an incorrect state transition in remote device state machine)
    74 	ETooManyDevicesAttachedInURole = 27,							//< Attempt to enter a PAN-U role with more than one device attached
    75 	EUnexpectedDeviceActiveReceivedByState = 28,					//< DeviceActive() received by state that does not allow active devices
    76 	EUnexpectedDeviceRoleChangeFailedReceivedByState = 29,		//< DeviceRoleChangeFailed() received by state in which devices should not be changing roles 
    77 	EUnexpectedDeviceDisconnectedReceivedByState = 30,			//< DeviceDisconnected() received by state that does not allow devices to disconnect
    78 	EUnexpectedIncomingConnectionFromPeerReceivedByState = 31,	//< Incoming connection from peer received by state in which devices should not be receiving incoming connections
    79 	EUnexpectedRoleChangeRequestFromPeerReceivedByState = 32,	//< Role change request from peer received by state in which devices should not be receiving incoming role changes from the peer device
    80 	EUnexpectedInitiateOutgoingConnectionReceivedByState = 33,	//< Initiate outgoing connectionreceived by state in which devices should not be initiating an outgoing connection
    81 	EUnexpectedPerformLocalRoleChangeRequestReceivedByState = 34, //< Local r	ole change request received by state in which devices should not be perfroming a local role change
    82 	EDeviceActiveCalledByDeviceNotInActiveState = 35,			//< A device has sent a DeviceActive() message, but it is not in the Active state
    83 	EDeviceDisconnectedThatWasNotInArray = 36,
    84 	ETooManyDevicesAttachedWhenRenegotiatingActiveConnectionForGnOrNapUpgrade = 37, //< The renegotiating active connection for GN/NAP upgrade state can only be used from U role
    85 	ENoActiveDeviceInArray = 38,									//< We're trying to find an active device and there isn't one in the array
    86 	EShutdownStateNotLastState = 39,								//< The PAN agent was deleted without the shutdown state being the last state used.
    87 	ENoActiveDeviceAfterNegotiationCompleted = 40,				//< A DeviceActive() was received, but there is no active device in the array
    88 	EMoreThanOneActiveDeviceWhenTryingToRenegotiateUToGnOrNapRoleChange = 41, //< We're attempt to upgrade from U to GN/NAP, but there's more than one active device in the array (which is wrong if we've just come out of U role)
    89 	ETryingToLockBasebandRolesWhenDevicesAreNegotiating = 42,	//< Don't want to do this - we should only try locking roles when we're in a non-negotiating state
    90 	EFixedLocalRoleUForListeningIap = 43,							//< A fixed local role is set for a listening IAP.
    91 	EActiveDeviceThatIsNotInArray = 44,
    92 	EDeviceNotActive = 45,
    93 	EInvalidLocalRoleFromRoleChangeRequestFromPeer = 46,			//< Invalid role provide to RoleChangeRequestFromPeer method
    94 	EInvalidRoleForIncomingConnectionFromPeerL = 47,				//< Invalid role provide to IncomingConnectionFromPeerL method
    95 	// PAN remote device state machine related panics
    96 	ENoRemDevState = 48,											//< Attempted call to state when there isn't one
    97 	ESendingUnknownRoleInRoleRequest = 49,						//< Attempt to send EPanRoleUnknown in a role request - this is an absolute no-no
    98 	ECallToBnepChannelBeforeChannelSetup = 50,					//< Attempt to use BNEP channel to remote device before it has been created
    99 	EUnexpectedAsyncEventReceivedByState = 51,					//< A state has received an asynchronous event (from someone signalling the state machine's TRequestStatus), but wasn't expecting to (ie. there's something wrong with the sequence of states)
   100 	EInvalidReadyForRoleRequestReceived = 52,					//< The remote device object has been incorrectly signalled by the main role state machine (the remote device is not in a state where it can performing role negotiation)
   101 	EInvalidBnepRoleResponseReceived = 53,						//< The remote device object has been incorrectly signalled by BNEP indicating the remote device has responded to a role request (this occurs in states where the remote device has not been connected yet)
   102 	EInvalidBnepRoleRequestReceived = 54,						//< The remote device object has been incorrectly signalled by BNEP indicating the remote device has sent us a role request (this occurs in states where the remote device has not been connected yet)
   103 	EInvalidRemoteDeviceDisconnectReceived = 55,					//< The remote device object has been incorrectly signalled by BNEP indicating the remote device has disconnected (this occurs in states where the remote device has not been connected yet)
   104 	ENoStateOnExit = 56,											//< The remote device object is being deleted without being in any state (this suggests a serious problem - why was it created in the first place?)
   105 	EPanAgentRoleStateMachineReturnedUnexpectedErrorCode = 57,	//< The RoleRequest() returned an unexpected error code which we could not handle
   106 	EChannelControllerAlreadyExists = 58,						//< The remote device object is trying to create a BNEP channel when it already has one
   107 	ETryingToDecideWhetherToBecomePiconetMasterBasedOnInvalidRole = 59, //< like it says, the local role was not U, GN, or NAP
   108 	ENullRemoteDeviceAddress = 60,								//< The address of the remote device is not set
   109 	EDoubleShutdownAttemptOnDevice = 61,							//< Two attempts have been made to use the preallocated shutdown state (perhaps the shutdown state itself left?)
   110 	ERemoteDeviceDidNotUsePreallocatedShutdownState = 62,		//< Attempt to shutdown by using something other than the state machine's internally held shutdown state (someone's new'ed up a shutdown state themselves)
   111 	ENoNextStateSet = 63,										//< No state was chosen as the next state
   112 	ERoleStateMachineRequestedWeRenegotiateRolesThenReturnedLocked = 64, //< If the role state machine triggers renegotiation on a device it should ensure it is ready to accept a role request (if it isn't, then something's gone very wrong)
   113 	ERoleStateMachineCalledReadyForRoleRequestThenReturnedLocked = 65, //< The role state machine told us it was unlocked, then returned locked!  Must be bug in the role state machine
   114 	EStillActiveOnExit = 66,										//< There's still a request outstanding when we're being deleted!
   115 	EInvalidResultCodeFromNapUplinkAuthorisationNotifier = 67,		//< Invalid result code received from Local Role selection notifier
   116 	// Local SDP helper class panics
   117 	EAttemptToRegisterIllegalPanRoleInLocalSdpDatabase = 68, 	//< Someone's trying to register a local role other than PAN U, GN, or NAP
   118 	EPanRoleOutOfBounds = 69,									//< The PAN role were were sent is invalid, and therefore cannot be used as an index to the SDP registration array
   119 	// CPanAgtRemDevSelector panics
   120 	EPanAgtRemDevSelectorNoDevicesToConnect = 70,				//The dev selector is asked to make a connection while there is no devices in the list
   122 	EPanAgtUnexpectedMessage = 71,                               // An sync message was received from somewhere that was not expected
   123 	EPanAgtUnexpectedStateChange = 72,                           // A response from BNEP was received but the state machine was not in a Paused state (meaning something else unexpectedly changed it while we waited)
   124 	EPanAgtMissingBinding = 73,                                  // There is probably a binding missing between ESock_IP and ESock_BT (also worth checking that there is one between ESock_DIP and ESock_BT)
   126 	EInvalidRemoteDeviceState = 74,
   128 	//RNDIS&BT P&S panics
   129 	EIPBearerCoexistancePropertyIsNotDefined = 75,                // The property is not defined when we require it, maybe it's deleted by mistakes.
   130 	EBTPanIsAlreadyActive = 76,								     // BT PAN is active in a improper situation.
   131 	ERndisIsActiveWhenBTPanTriesToBeActive = 77,                  // Rndis is allready active when BT Pan tries to be active
   132 	EInvalidIPBearerCoexistanceProperty = 78,                     // Facing an invalid IP bearer property
   133 	EClearKeyWhenNoneIsActive = 79,		                         // BT PAN is going to clear the property, but non-service is active
   134 	EIPBearerCoexistancePropertyCanNotBeDefined = 80,             // The property define returns error other than KErrAlreadyExists
   135 	EIPBearerCoexistancePropertySetFailed = 81,                   // Setting Property failed 
   136 	EIPBearerCoexistancePropertyGetFailed = 82,	                 // Getting Property failed
   137 	EPropertyIsNoneIsActiveWhenBTPanIsActive = 83,                // Property is none active when BT Pan is active
   138 	EImproperSituationToSetPropertyToBTPanIsActive = 84,          // Set property to BT PAN is active in an improper situation
   139 	EBTPanInitiateDirectTransitionToRndis = 85,                   // BT PAN Initiate a direct transition to Rndis
   140 	ECreatePanCoexistenceConnectionControllerFailed = 86,         // Contruct PAN Coexistence connection controller failed during the contruction time
   141 	EIPBearerCoexistancePropertyShouldnotBePanIsActive = 87,      // The P&S key should not be BT PAN active
   142 	ENoPanConnectionExistsWhileInPanIsActiveCoexistencePandSState = 88, //P&S key is BT PAN active when there is no BT PAN connection existing
   143 	};
   145 /**
   146 Panics raised by state machine default behaviour are multiplied by this
   147 factor.  The less signifigant digits are then available to carry a state
   148 index, allowing more information when fixing defects.
   150 For example, a unexpected device active passed to the PAN local state machine may 
   151 raise panic 'PanAgentPanic 321008' if it occurs in the 'Negotiating Gn Role' state.
   152 */
   153 const TInt KStatePanicMultiplier = 10000;
   155 /**
   156 A delimiter to prevent a panic code of 0 creating ambigious panics.
   157 Without this panic code 0 in state 8 and panic code 8 (not in the state 
   158 machine) would be identical.
   159 */
   160 const TInt KStatePanicDelimiter = 1000; // '1' is the delimiter
   162 void PanAgentPanic(TPanAgentPanic aPanicCode);
   163 void PanAgentPanic(TPanAgentPanic aPanicCode, TInt aState);
   165 class MPanAgtTimerCallback
   166 /**
   167 Callback from timer helper class
   168 @internalComponent
   169 */
   170 	{
   171 public:
   172 	virtual void TimerComplete() = 0;
   173 	virtual void TimerError(TInt aError) = 0;
   175 protected:
   176 	virtual ~MPanAgtTimerCallback() {};
   177 	};
   179 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPanAgtTimerHelper) : public CActive
   180 /**
   181 A helper class for a state that is already using its TRS-type async event for something else
   182 @internalComponent
   183 */
   184 	{
   185 public:
   186 	static CPanAgtTimerHelper* NewL(MPanAgtTimerCallback& aCallback);
   187 	void SetTimer(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aInterval);
   189 	// CActive-derived methods
   190 	virtual void RunL();
   191 	virtual void DoCancel();
   193 private:
   194 	CPanAgtTimerHelper(MPanAgtTimerCallback& aCallback);
   195 	void ConstructL();
   197 private:
   198 	RTimer iTimer;
   199 	MPanAgtTimerCallback& iCallback;
   200 	};
   202 }	// PanAgent
   203 #endif // PANAGTUTILS_H