--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetooth/btcomm/src/btcomm.cpp Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <bluetooth/logger.h>
+#include <cs_port.h>
+#include "btcomm.h"
+#include "btstate.h"
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+extern "C"
+ {
+ IMPORT_C CSerial* LibEntry(); // Force export
+ }
+EXPORT_C CSerial* LibEntry()
+ Lib main entry point.
+ {
+ CBTPortFactory* c=NULL;
+ TRAPD(ret,c=CBTPortFactory::NewL());
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ return NULL;
+ return c;
+ }
+#pragma warning (disable : 4100) // Unreferenced formal parameter
+static void CleanupCObject(TAny* aCObject)
+ Clean up a CObject.
+ This static callback is invoked upon destruction of factory
+ by c32 to close it down.
+ {
+ ((CObject*)aCObject)->Close();
+ }
+CPort* CBTPortFactory::NewPortL(const TUint aUnit)
+ CBTPortFactory NewPortL.
+ Create a new port for the supplied unit number.
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aUnit<=KCommHighUnit,User::Leave(KErrNotSupported));
+ // need to pass the factory instance through to the port.
+ CBTPort *port=CBTPort::NewL(aUnit,iPortStateFactory);
+ return port;
+ }
+void CBTPortFactory::Info(TSerialInfo& aSerialInfo)
+ Fill in the supplied structure.
+ {
+ aSerialInfo.iDescription=SERIAL_DESCRIPTION;
+ aSerialInfo.iName=SERIAL_NAME;
+ aSerialInfo.iLowUnit=KCommLowUnit;
+ aSerialInfo.iHighUnit=KCommHighUnit;
+ }
+void CBTPortFactory::ConstructL()
+ Construct CBTPort Factory.
+ Also construct the CBTPortStateFactory here too.
+ {
+ iPortStateFactory=CBTPortStateFactory::NewL();
+ TName name(SERIAL_NAME);
+ SetNameL(&name);
+ }
+CBTPortFactory* CBTPortFactory::NewL()
+ Create new CBTPortFactory.
+ This factory is derived from CSerial.
+ Corresponds to the BTCOMM in BTCOMM::0 etc.
+ {
+ CBTPortFactory* c=new(ELeave) CBTPortFactory;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanupCObject, c));
+ c->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return c;
+ }
+ CBTPortFactory c'tor.
+ {
+// iVersion=TVersion(KMajorVersion,KMinorVersion,KBuild);
+ }
+ CBTPortFactory destructor.
+ {
+ delete iPortStateFactory;
+ }
+TSecurityPolicy CBTPortFactory::PortPlatSecCapability (TUint /**aPort*/) const
+ //return the security policy for the given port number, aPort. All the ports
+ //are treated the same so always return a security policy defining local services
+ {
+ return TSecurityPolicy(ECapabilityLocalServices);
+ }
+ C'Tor sets-up the TCommconfigV01 and TCommCapsV02 structs of the CSY.
+ {
+ iConfig.iRate = EBps9600;
+ iConfig.iDataBits = EData8;
+ iConfig.iStopBits = EStop1;
+ iConfig.iParity = EParityNone;
+ iConfig.iFifo = EFifoEnable;
+ iConfig.iHandshake = 0; // KConfigObeyCTS
+ iConfig.iParityError = KConfigParityErrorIgnore;
+ iConfig.iSIREnable = ESIRDisable;
+ iConfig.iTerminatorCount = 0;
+ iConfig.iXonChar = 0x11; // XON
+ iConfig.iXoffChar = 0x13; // XOFF
+ iConfig.iSpecialRate = 0;
+ iConfig.iParityErrorChar = 0;
+ // set CSY TCommCapsV02 capabilities struct
+ iCaps.iRate = KCapsBps9600;
+ iCaps.iDataBits = KCapsData8;
+ iCaps.iStopBits = KCapsStop1;
+ iCaps.iParity = KCapsParityNone;
+ iCaps.iHandshake = 0;
+ iCaps.iSignals = 0;
+ iCaps.iFifo = KCapsHasFifo;
+ iCaps.iSIR = 0;
+ iCaps.iNotificationCaps = 0;
+ iCaps.iRoleCaps = 0;
+ iCaps.iFlowControlCaps = 0;
+ }
+CBTPort* CBTPort::NewL(TUint aUnit,CBTPortStateFactory* aFactory)
+ CBTPort NewL, make a new CPort for the Comm server.
+ This port is derived from CPort. This CBTPort is used by
+ the Comms server to serve all the client RComm requests.
+ @param aUnit Corresponds to the digit in BTCOMM::0 etc.
+ Note that each digit corresponds to a different
+ legacy CSY port.
+ @param aFactory Is the factory object used to reach each state
+ {
+ CBTPort* p=new(ELeave) CBTPort;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanupCObject, p));
+ p->ConstructL(aUnit,aFactory);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return p;
+ }
+void CBTPort::ConstructL(TUint aUnit,CBTPortStateFactory* aFactory)
+ ConstructL(..) is the second phase construction of CBTPort.
+ This sets the CSY role to DTE, instantiates the state machine and
+ registers the CPort name to whatever the aUnit is.
+ @param aUnit is the virtual BTComm port number
+ @param aFactory is the state machine factory used to access the
+ proxy states
+ {
+ iRole=ECommRoleDTE; // set to DTE by default.
+ iPortProxy=CBTPortProxy::NewL(TUint32(aUnit),this,aFactory);
+ TName name;
+ name.Format(_L("%d"), aUnit);
+ SetNameL(&name);
+ }
+ The CBTPort destructor is either invoked immediately from destruct or
+ via deferred deletion mechanism via the "active shutterdowner".
+ {
+ delete iPortProxy;
+ }
+void CBTPort::Destruct()
+ CBTPort Destruct, is invoked by c32 to destroy the port.
+ At this point it is necessary to either destroy the port immediately or
+ invoke a deferred deletion "active shutterdowner" mechanism.
+ {
+ if (iPortProxy)
+ iPortProxy->Close();
+ }
+void CBTPort::DestructNow()
+ To be called by CBTPortProxy to signal the shutdown.
+ {
+ delete this;
+ }
+void CBTPort::StartRead(const TAny* aClientBuffer,TInt aLength)
+ Reads any inbound data into the client buffer supplied.
+ The read is passed over to the CBTPortProxy for completion and when it is
+ eventually completed to RFComm; read completion is signalled to the client
+ by invoking the CPort::ReadCompleted mechanism.
+ @param aClientBuffer is the pointer to the client buffer to be filled
+ @param aLength the desired amount of bytes to be filled in the buffer
+ {
+ iPortProxy->Read(aClientBuffer,aLength);
+ }
+void CBTPort::ReadCancel()
+ Cancels the pending read.
+ {
+ iPortProxy->ReadCancel();
+ }
+TInt CBTPort::QueryReceiveBuffer(TInt& aLength) const
+ Retrieval of the number of bytes waiting in the receive buffer.
+ @param aLength is set to zero
+ @return KErrNone
+ {
+ return iPortProxy->QueryReceiveBuffer(aLength);
+ }
+void CBTPort::ResetBuffers(TUint aFlags)
+ Resets the Rx buffers, does nothing about the Tx buffer.
+ The reason why we don't do anything about the Tx buffer is
+ because the CSY passes the client data straight to ESock.
+ @param aFlags may be KCommResetRx, KCommResetTx or KCommResetRx|KCommResetTx
+ {
+ if((aFlags==KCommResetTx)||(aFlags==0)) //only
+ {
+ return; //nothing to do
+ }
+ iPortProxy->ResetRxBuffer();// holds true for the case > KCommResetRx|KCommResetTx
+ // as well, since we cannot signal the client
+ }
+void CBTPort::StartWrite(const TAny* aClientBuffer, TInt aLength)
+ Uses the supplied buffer to read out data from.
+ These data are destined to be send to the RFComm layer of the Bluetooth stack.
+ @param aClientBuffer the pointer to the clients buffer from which to read from
+ @param aLength the number of desired bytes to be read out.
+ {
+ iPortProxy->Write(aClientBuffer,aLength);
+ }
+void CBTPort::WriteCancel()
+ Cancels the last requested Write if possible.
+ {
+ iPortProxy->WriteCancel();
+ }
+void CBTPort::Break(TInt /*aTime*/)
+ CBTPort Break is Not supported.
+ {
+ }
+void CBTPort::BreakCancel()
+ CBTPort BreakCancel is not supported.
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* BreakCancel *) used by client"));
+ }
+TInt CBTPort::GetConfig(TDes8& aPackage) const
+ CBTPort GetConfig gives the CSY's configuration TCommConfigV01 to the client.
+ @param aPackage is the packaged TCommConfigV01 supplied by the client, to be filled.
+ @return KErrNone always
+ {
+ // copy back local iConfig
+ aPackage.FillZ();
+ TPckg<TCommConfigV01> cfg(iConfig);
+ aPackage.Copy(cfg);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CBTPort::SetConfig(const TDesC8& aPackage)
+ CBTPort SetConfig allows for the configuration of the CSY.
+ Currently the only configuration which is allowed and is meaningful, is the
+ configuration associated with terminated reads; the rest are not honoured.
+ @param aPackage is a packaged TCommConfigV01 struct.
+ @return KErrNone or KErrNotSupported if the terminator count is
+ greater than KConfigMaxTerminators
+ {
+ TCommConfigV01 c;
+ Mem::FillZ(&c,sizeof(c));
+ TInt len=Min(aPackage.Length(),sizeof(c));
+ Mem::Copy(&c, aPackage.Ptr(),len);
+ if(c.iTerminatorCount)
+ {
+ if (c.iTerminatorCount>KConfigMaxTerminators)
+ {
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iPortProxy->iTerminatedReads=ETrue;
+ iPortProxy->iTerm.iTerminatorCount=c.iTerminatorCount;
+ for (TInt i=0;i<c.iTerminatorCount;i++)
+ {
+ iPortProxy->iTerm.iTerminatorChars[i]=c.iTerminator[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iPortProxy->iTerminatedReads=EFalse;
+ }
+ iConfig=c;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CBTPort::SetServerConfig(const TDesC8& /*aTCommServerConfigV01-Package*/)
+ CBTPort SetServerConfig is not supported.
+ SetServerConfig is otherwise used to mandate the buffering strategy within
+ the CSY. The Bluetooth CSY uses it's own buffering startegy which is not
+ exposed to the client nor it is reconfigurable by it.
+ @return KErrNotSupported
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* SetServerConfig *) used by client"));
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+TInt CBTPort::GetServerConfig(TDes8& /*aPackage*/)
+ CBTPort GetServerConfig is not supported
+ @return KErrNotSupported
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* GetServerConfig *) used by client"));
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+TInt CBTPort::GetCaps(TDes8& aPackage)
+ Get current Bluetooth CSY serial port emulation capabilities.
+ Capabilities are defined in c32comm.h.
+ @param aPackage can either be a packaged TCommCapsV01 or TCommCapsV02
+ @return KErrNone
+ {
+ aPackage.FillZ();
+ TPckg<TCommCapsV02> caps(iCaps);
+ TInt len=Min(caps.Length(),aPackage.Length());
+ //to be on the safe side just in case the package is v01
+ aPackage.Copy(caps.Left(len));
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CBTPort::GetSignals(TUint& /*aSignals*/)
+ GetSignal is not supported.
+ Would otherwise gets current signal emulation states.
+ @return KErrNotSupported
+ {
+ // Signals are set as follows (from c32comm.h):
+ // KSignalCTS, KSignalDSR, KSignalDCD, KSignalRNG, KSignalRTS, KSignalDTR.
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* GetSignals *) used by client"));
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+TInt CBTPort::SetSignalsToMark(TUint /*aSignals*/)
+ SetSignalsToMark is not supported.
+ @return KErrNotSupported
+ {
+ // Set signals to Mark (high).
+ // Signals are defined as follows (from c32comm.h):
+ // KSignalCTS, KSignalDSR, KSignalDCD, KSignalRNG, KSignalRTS, KSignalDTR.
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* SetSignalsToMark *) used by client"));
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+TInt CBTPort::SetSignalsToSpace(TUint /*aSignals*/)
+ Set Signals to Space is not supported.
+ @return KErrNotSupported
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* SetSignalsToSpace *) used by client"));
+ // Signals are defined as follows (from c32comm.h):
+ // KSignalCTS, KSignalDSR, KSignalDCD, KSignalRNG, KSignalRTS, KSignalDTR.
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+TInt CBTPort::SetReceiveBufferLength(TInt /*aLength*/)
+ Setting of the receiver buffer length is not allowed.
+ @return KErrNotSupported
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* SetReceiveBufferLength *) used by client"));
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+TInt CBTPort::GetReceiveBufferLength(TInt& aLength) const
+ Assigns to the parameter the max length of the CSY's receive buffer.
+ @param aLength the max size of the receive buffer in the CSY
+ @return KErrNone or an appropriate error code
+ {
+ return iPortProxy->GetReceiveBufferLength(aLength);
+ }
+void CBTPort::FreeMemory()
+ CBTPort FreeMemory, this function is called by nothing and is not supported.
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* FreeMemory *) used by client"));
+ }
+//*********************** EXTRAS FOR C32 v6 ************************
+void CBTPort::NotifySignalChange(TUint /*aChange*/)
+ Signal Change Notification is not supported by the Bluetooth CSY.
+ RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
+ which indicate that notification is not supported.
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifySignalChange *) used by client"));
+ }
+void CBTPort::NotifySignalChangeCancel(void)
+ Notify Signal Change Cancel is not supported.
+ RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
+ which indicate that notification is not supported.
+ Note: this method may be called implicitly by RComm::Cancel and will
+ have no effect.
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifySignalChangeCancel *) used by client"));
+ }
+void CBTPort::NotifyConfigChange(void)
+ NotifyConfigChange is not supported.
+ RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
+ which indicate that notification is not supported.
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyConfigChange *) used by client"));
+ }
+void CBTPort::NotifyConfigChangeCancel(void)
+ NotifyConfigChangeCancel is not supported.
+ RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
+ which indicate that notification is not supported.
+ Note: this method may be called implicitly by RComm::Cancel and will
+ have no effect.
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyConfigChangeCancel *) used by client"));
+ }
+void CBTPort::NotifyFlowControlChange(void)
+ NotifyFlowControlChange is not supported.
+ RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
+ which indicate that notification is not supported.
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyFlowControlChange *) used by client"));
+ }
+void CBTPort::NotifyFlowControlChangeCancel(void)
+ NotifyFlowControlChangeCancel is not supported.
+ RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
+ which indicate that notification is not supported.
+ Note: this method may be called implicitly by RComm::Cancel and will
+ have no effect.
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyFlowControlChangeCancel *) used by client"));
+ }
+void CBTPort::NotifyBreak(void)
+ Notify Break is not supported.
+ RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
+ which indicate that notification is not supported.
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyBreak *) used by client"));
+ }
+void CBTPort::NotifyBreakCancel(void)
+ NotifyBreakCancel is not supported.
+ RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
+ which indicate that notification is not supported.
+ Note: this method may be called implicitly by RComm::Cancel and will
+ have no effect.
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyBreakCancel *) used by client"));
+ }
+void CBTPort::NotifyDataAvailable(void)
+ NotifyDataAvailable is not supported.
+ RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
+ which indicate that notification is not supported.
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyDataAvailable *) used by client"));
+ }
+void CBTPort::NotifyDataAvailableCancel(void)
+ NotifyDataAvailableCancel is not supported.
+ RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
+ which indicate that notification is not supported.
+ Note: this method may be called implicitly by RComm::Cancel and will
+ have no effect.
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyDataAvailableCancel *)used by client"));
+ }
+void CBTPort::NotifyOutputEmpty(void)
+ NotifyOutputEmptyIndication is not supported.
+ RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
+ which indicate that notification is not supported.
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyOutputEmpty *) used by client"));
+ }
+void CBTPort::NotifyOutputEmptyCancel(void)
+ NotifyOutputEmptyCancel.
+ RComm::Caps(..) should be called to read the CSY's capabilities,
+ which indicate that notification is not supported.
+ Note: this method may be called implicitly by RComm::Cancel and will
+ have no effect.
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* NotifyOutputEmptyCancel *) used by client"));
+ }
+TInt CBTPort::GetFlowControlStatus(TFlowControl& /*aFlowControl*/)
+ Getting of serial port emulation flow control status is not supported.
+ @return KErrNotSupported
+ {
+ LOG(_L("CBTPort: [WARNING] Non-implemented feature (* GetFlowControlStatus *) used by client"));
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+TInt CBTPort::GetRole(TCommRole& aRole)
+ Get serial port emulation mode.
+ Options in general are: ECommRoleDTE or ECommRoleDCE but the Bluetooth CSY
+ only supports the DTE role, hence aRole will always be set to DTE for now.
+ {
+ aRole=iRole;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CBTPort::SetRole(TCommRole aRole)
+ Set serial port emulation mode, options are: ECommRoleDTE only.
+ If the client tries to open the RComm session as a DCE then the client call
+ will cause a Leave in CPort::DoOpenL(..), this will subsequently be traped
+ and the error will be propagated to the client (which may Panic with a
+ EReqActiveObjectLeave if the error doesn't get handled).
+ @param aRole should be ECommRoleDTE
+ @return KErrNone or KErrNotSupported
+ {
+ if(aRole==ECommRoleDTE)
+ {
+ iRole=aRole;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+#pragma warning (default : 4100) // Unreferenced formal parameter