--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetooth/btstack/avdtp/gavdpinterface/gavdpinterface.h Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,687 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Contains internalTechnology types, values etc to allow AVDTP and GAVDP to communicate
+ @file
+ @internalTechnology
+#include <bluetoothav.h>
+#include <gavdp.h>
+using namespace SymbianBluetoothAV;
+class AvdtpInternalUtils
+ {
+ static inline TInt NumberOfTransportObjects(TBool aReporting, TBool aRecovery);
+@return SymbianOS error code
+@param AVDTP error code
+ static inline TAvdtpSignallingErrorCode SymbianErrorToAvdtpError(TInt aSymbianError);
+ static inline void PacketErrorLeaveL(TAvdtpSignallingErrorCode aCode);
+ };
+enum TBTAVDTPOptions
+ {
+ EDiscoverSEPs,
+ EGetCapabilities,
+ ESelectSEP,
+ ESetConfiguration,
+ EStartStreaming,
+ EStartConfiguringLocal,
+ EStartConfiguringRemote,
+ EAddCapabilitySelection,
+ ESuspendStreaming,
+ EAbortStream,
+ EGetProposedConfiguration,
+ EGetSecurityControl,
+ EGetAVDTPCapabilityResponse,
+ ERegisterSEP,
+ EAwaitPassiveSignallingChannel,
+ ESetAsSecondarySAP,
+ EBindToSecondarySAP,
+ EAwaitIndication,
+ ESendSetConfigurationResponse,
+ ESendSecurityControlResponse,
+ ESendStartResponse,
+ ESendSuspendResponse,
+ ESendConfigurationResponse,
+ ESendSecurityControl,
+ EStopAwaitPassiveSignallingChannel,
+ EGetReportingAndRecoveryConfig,
+ EShutdown,
+ };
+const TUint KMaximumRealSEID = KMaxTUint6;
+const TTCID KInvalidTCID = KMaxTUint8;
+const TTCID KDirectChannelTCID = KMaxTUint8-1; // the spec (unclearly) says that Direct channels have *no* TCID, not even one unseen by remote
+const TTCID KRequestTCID = 0;
+const TTCID KMinimumRealTCID = 1;
+const TTSID KInvalidTSID = KMaxTUint8;
+const TTCID KMinimumRealTSID = 1;
+const TTCID KMinimumRealSEID = 1;
+const TTSID KMaximumRealTSID = KMaxTUint5;
+const TTCID KMaximumRealTCID = KMaxTUint5;
+const TUint KAvdtpPacketSEIDOffset = 2; // the SEIDs are all in top 6 bits when in packets
+const TUint KAvdtpPacketSEIDMask = 0x3f;
+static const TUint KAvdtpServiceCapabilitiesHeaderLen = 2;
+static const TUint8 KUnknownLOSC = KMaxTUint8;
+Assign a matching error code here equal to the panic value. This can then be returned and used to panic the client.
+New panic errors can be added by assigning a value between -994 and -999 in the TGavdp enum.
+const TInt KErrPanicAvdtpOpenInBadState = EGavdpOpenInBadState;
+enum TAvdtpMessage
+ {
+ EAvdtpNull =0xff, //This is a special value for asserting on
+ EReserved =0x00,
+ EAvdtpDiscover =0x01,
+ EAvdtpGetCapabilities =0x02,
+ EAvdtpSetConfiguration =0x03,
+ EAvdtpGetConfiguration =0x04,
+ EAvdtpReconfigure =0x05,
+ EAvdtpOpen =0x06,
+ EAvdtpStart =0x07,
+ EAvdtpRelease =0x08,
+ EAvdtpSuspend =0x09,
+ EAvdtpAbort =0x0a,
+ EAvdtpSecurityControl =0x0b,
+ /* This should be have the largest valid signal identifier value in TAvdtpMessage.
+ * In order to acheive this all the new signal identifier should be added before it.
+ */
+ EAvdtpLargestValidSignalIndentifier
+ };
+struct TInternalGetSEPCapability
+@internalTechnology - for communication from GAVDP to AVDTP
+ {
+ TAvdtpServiceCategory iServiceCategory;
+ };
+struct TInternalGetProposedConfiguration
+@internalTechnology - for communication from GAVDP to AVDTP
+This is used for casting purposes - to retrieve the configuration
+an a descripto large enough (see indication) is created. This struct
+is then overload into the HBuf to send information for the GetOpt
+The outward direction contains the capability.
+ {
+ TSEID iSEID; //inward
+ };
+struct TInternalGetSecurityControl
+@internalTechnology - for communication from GAVDP to AVDTP
+This is used for casting purposes - to retrieve the securitycontrol
+an a descripto large enough (see indication) is created. This struct
+is then overload into the HBuf to send information for the GetOpt
+The outward direction contains the securitycontrol.
+ {
+ };
+struct TInternalSelectRemoteSEP
+@internalTechnology - for communication from GAVDP to AVDTP
+ {
+ TSEID iRemoteSEID;
+ };
+const TInt KAvdtpMaxInternalIndicationDataSize = 32;
+ {
+ enum TInternalAvdtpIndicationType
+ {
+ EError, // internal initiated avdtp error needs propagation to gavdp
+ EAir, // inbound signalling command needs propagation to gavdp
+ EObject, // internal object wishes to communicate with gavdp
+ };
+ TInternalAvdtpIndicationType iType;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TInternalAvdtpErrorIndication) : public TInternalAvdtpIndication
+ {
+ inline TInternalAvdtpErrorIndication();
+ TInt iError;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TInternalAvdtpObjectIndication) : public TInternalAvdtpIndication
+ {
+ enum TInternalAvdtpObjectIndicationType
+ {
+ ESignallingReady,
+ };
+ TInternalAvdtpObjectIndicationType iObjectIndication;
+ TBuf8<KAvdtpMaxInternalIndicationDataSize> iBuf;
+ inline TInternalAvdtpObjectIndication();
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TInternalAvdtpAirIndication) : public TInternalAvdtpIndication
+ {
+ inline TInternalAvdtpAirIndication();
+ TAvdtpMessage iIndication;
+ TInt iPayloadLength;
+ TAvdtpTransactionLabel iTransactionLabel;
+ };
+Used for SetConfiguration and Reconfigure
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TInternalAvdtpConfigurationIndication) : public TInternalAvdtpAirIndication
+ {
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TInternalAvdtpStreamReadyIndication) : public TInternalAvdtpAirIndication
+ {
+ TInternalAvdtpStreamReadyIndication()
+ {
+ iPayloadLength = 0;
+ iIndication = EAvdtpOpen;
+ };
+ TBool iReportingPresent;
+ TBool iRecoveryPresent;
+ TSEID iRemoteSEID;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TInternalAvdtpSignallingReadyIndication) : public TInternalAvdtpObjectIndication
+ {
+ TInternalAvdtpSignallingReadyIndication()
+ {
+ iObjectIndication = ESignallingReady;
+ };
+ };
+Base struct for returning responses to indications from GAVDP to AVDTP
+struct TAvdtpInternalResponse
+ {
+ TAvdtpTransactionLabel iTransactionLabel;
+ TInt iResult;
+ };
+Used to return from GC the result of a SetConfiguration or Reconfiguration indication
+struct TAvdtpInternalConfigurationResponse : public TAvdtpInternalResponse
+ {
+ TAvdtpServiceCategory iCategory;
+ TBool iIsReconfigure;
+ };
+Used for sending security control command
+struct TAvdtpInternalSendSecurityControl
+ {
+ TSEID iRemoteSEID;
+ TAvdtpSecurityControlInfo iSecurityControlInfo;
+ };
+Used for sending security control response
+struct TAvdtpInternalSecurityControlResponse : public TAvdtpInternalResponse
+ {
+ TAvdtpSecurityControlInfo iSecurityControlInfo;
+ };
+static const TInt KMaxAvdtpNumSEPs = 32;
+struct TAvdtpInternalDiscoverConfirm
+ {
+ TInt iResult;
+ TInt iNumSEPs;
+ TPckgBuf<TFixedArray<TAvdtpSEPInfo, KMaxAvdtpNumSEPs> > iDiscoveredSEPs;
+ };
+struct TAvdtpInternalStartResponse : public TAvdtpInternalResponse
+ {
+ };
+struct TAvdtpInternalSuspendResponse : public TAvdtpInternalResponse
+ {
+ };
+// visitors for processing the config PDUs
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCapabilityVisitor) : public CBase
+ {
+ /*
+ Return ETrue if visitor believes it's not worth iterating further
+ */
+ virtual TBool Capability(TAvdtpServiceCategory aCat)=0;
+ // begin the whole shebang
+ IMPORT_C void Process(TDes8& aCapabilityBuffer);
+ // Constructor
+ IMPORT_C CCapabilityVisitor();
+ // Get a non-modifiable descriptor to the payload of the current capability
+ // (excluding Service Category and LOSC)
+ IMPORT_C const TDesC8& CapabilityPayload();
+ // Get a modifiable descriptor to the current capability data
+ // (including Service Category and LOSC)
+ IMPORT_C TDes8& CapabilityDes();
+ TPtrC8 iCapabilityPayload;
+ TPtr8 iCapabilityPtr;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCapabilityPresentVisitor) : public CCapabilityVisitor
+ {
+ IMPORT_C CCapabilityPresentVisitor(TAvdtpServiceCategory aRequiredCapability);
+ virtual TBool Capability(TAvdtpServiceCategory aCat);
+ inline TBool IsPresent() const
+ {
+ return iPresent;
+ }
+ TAvdtpServiceCategory iRequiredCapability;
+ TBool iPresent;
+ };
+typedef TFixedArray<TAvdtpServiceCapability*, ENumberOfServiceCategories> TCapabilitiesArray;
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCapabilityParseVisitor) : public CCapabilityVisitor
+ {
+ IMPORT_C CCapabilityParseVisitor(TAvdtpServiceCategories aRequiredCategories);
+ IMPORT_C TCapabilitiesArray GetCapabilities();
+ virtual TBool Capability(TAvdtpServiceCategory aCat);
+ virtual ~CCapabilityParseVisitor();
+ TCapabilitiesArray iCapabilities;
+ TAvdtpServiceCategories iRequiredCategories;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCapabilitySummaryVisitor) : public CCapabilityVisitor
+ {
+ IMPORT_C CCapabilitySummaryVisitor();
+ virtual TBool Capability(TAvdtpServiceCategory aCat);
+ IMPORT_C TAvdtpServiceCategories CapabilitiesPresent() const;
+ TAvdtpServiceCategories iSeen;
+ };
+/*static*/ inline TInt AvdtpInternalUtils::NumberOfTransportObjects(TBool aReporting, TBool aRecovery)
+ {
+ TInt num = 1;
+ num+= aReporting ? 1:0;
+ num+= aRecovery ? 1:0;
+ return num;
+ }
+class TAvdtpMultiplexingCapability : public TAvdtpServiceCapability
+@internalTechnology - used by bt_v2.prt and test code
+ {
+ inline TAvdtpMultiplexingCapability();
+ IMPORT_C virtual TInt AsProtocol(RBuf8& aBuffer) const; // write into buffer as per protocol
+ // this implementation always can do mux and frag
+ IMPORT_C virtual void Parse(const TDesC8& aDes);
+ IMPORT_C void Reset();
+ TBool iFrag;
+ // cannot always know the semantics of each entry in the capability
+ // so it's up to the user to consult with objects to find that
+ // 0 will always be media
+ // 1 is either reporting or recovery
+ // 2 is always recovery if present
+ // a helper class is provided - see below
+ TFixedArray<TTSID,3> iSIDs;
+ TFixedArray<TTCID,3> iCIDs;
+ enum TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityPanic
+ {
+ EInvalidCapabilityDataLength,
+ };
+ inline void Panic(TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityPanic aPanic);
+ };
+inline void TAvdtpMultiplexingCapability::Panic(TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityPanic aPanic)
+ {
+ _LIT(KAvdtpMuxHelperPanic, "TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityPanic");
+ User::Panic(KAvdtpMuxHelperPanic, aPanic);
+ }
+inline TAvdtpMultiplexingCapability::TAvdtpMultiplexingCapability()
+: TAvdtpServiceCapability(EServiceCategoryMultiplexing)
+ {
+ // have to set packet length later for this capability
+ Reset();
+ }
+Helps getting/setting the right TCID and TSID in the capability
+@see TAvdtpMultiplexingCapability
+ {
+ inline TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityHelper(TAvdtpMultiplexingCapability& aMuxCap,
+ TBool aRequireReporting,
+ TBool aRequireRecovery);
+ inline TTCID MediaCID() const;
+ inline TTSID MediaSID() const;
+ inline TTCID ReportingCID() const;
+ inline TTSID ReportingSID() const;
+ inline TTCID RecoveryCID() const;
+ inline TTSID RecoverySID() const;
+ inline void SetMediaCID(TTCID aTCID);
+ inline void SetMediaSID(TTSID aTSID);
+ inline void SetReportingCID(TTCID aTCID);
+ inline void SetReportingSID(TTSID aTSID);
+ inline void SetRecoveryCID(TTCID aTCID);
+ inline void SetRecoverySID(TTSID aTSID);
+ TAvdtpMultiplexingCapability& iMuxCap;
+ const TInt iMediaIndex;
+ const TInt iReportingIndex;
+ TInt iRecoveryIndex;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ TBool iRequireReporting;
+ TBool iRequireRecovery;
+ enum TAvdtpMuxHelperPanic
+ {
+ EAvdtpMuxHelperWronglyUsed,
+ };
+ inline void Panic(TAvdtpMuxHelperPanic aPanic);
+ };
+Class used for communicating reporting and recovery configurations between Gavdp and Avdtp
+ {
+ TBool iReporting;
+ TBool iRecovery;
+ };
+const TInt KAvdtpMaxInternalIndicationSize = sizeof(TInternalAvdtpObjectIndication);
+inline TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityHelper::TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityHelper(
+ TAvdtpMultiplexingCapability& aMuxCap,
+ TBool aRequireReporting,
+ TBool aRequireRecovery)
+: iMuxCap(aMuxCap), iMediaIndex(0), iReportingIndex(1)
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // to assert against later
+ iRequireReporting = aRequireReporting;
+ iRequireRecovery = aRequireRecovery;
+ iRecoveryIndex = aRequireReporting & aRequireRecovery ? 2 : 1;
+ }
+inline TTCID TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityHelper::MediaCID() const
+ {
+ return iMuxCap.iCIDs[iMediaIndex];
+ }
+inline TTSID TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityHelper::MediaSID() const
+ {
+ return iMuxCap.iSIDs[iMediaIndex];
+ }
+inline TTCID TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityHelper::ReportingCID() const
+ {
+ return iMuxCap.iCIDs[iReportingIndex];
+ }
+inline TTSID TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityHelper::ReportingSID() const
+ {
+ return iMuxCap.iSIDs[iReportingIndex];
+ }
+inline TTCID TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityHelper::RecoveryCID() const
+ {
+ return iMuxCap.iCIDs[iRecoveryIndex];
+ }
+inline TTSID TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityHelper::RecoverySID() const
+ {
+ return iMuxCap.iSIDs[iRecoveryIndex];
+ }
+inline void TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityHelper::SetMediaCID(TTCID aTCID)
+ {
+ iMuxCap.iCIDs[iMediaIndex] = aTCID;
+ }
+inline void TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityHelper::SetMediaSID(TTSID aTSID)
+ {
+ iMuxCap.iSIDs[iMediaIndex] = aTSID;
+ }
+inline void TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityHelper::SetReportingCID(TTCID aTCID)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iRequireReporting, Panic(EAvdtpMuxHelperWronglyUsed));
+ iMuxCap.iCIDs[iReportingIndex] = aTCID;
+ }
+inline void TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityHelper::SetReportingSID(TTSID aTSID)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iRequireReporting, Panic(EAvdtpMuxHelperWronglyUsed));
+ iMuxCap.iSIDs[iReportingIndex] = aTSID;
+ }
+inline void TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityHelper::SetRecoveryCID(TTCID aTCID)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iRequireReporting, Panic(EAvdtpMuxHelperWronglyUsed));
+ iMuxCap.iCIDs[iRecoveryIndex] = aTCID;
+ }
+inline void TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityHelper::SetRecoverySID(TTSID aTSID)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iRequireReporting, Panic(EAvdtpMuxHelperWronglyUsed));
+ iMuxCap.iSIDs[iRecoveryIndex] = aTSID;
+ }
+inline TInternalAvdtpErrorIndication::TInternalAvdtpErrorIndication()
+ {
+ iType = TInternalAvdtpIndication::EError;
+ }
+inline TInternalAvdtpAirIndication::TInternalAvdtpAirIndication()
+ {
+ iType = TInternalAvdtpIndication::EAir;
+ }
+inline TInternalAvdtpObjectIndication::TInternalAvdtpObjectIndication()
+ {
+ iType = TInternalAvdtpIndication::EObject;
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+inline void TAvdtpMultiplexingCapabilityHelper::Panic(TAvdtpMuxHelperPanic aPanic)
+ {
+ _LIT(KAvdtpMuxHelperPanic, "AVDTPMuxHelperPanic");
+ User::Panic(KAvdtpMuxHelperPanic, aPanic);
+ }
+inline TAvdtpSignallingErrorCode AvdtpInternalUtils::SymbianErrorToAvdtpError(TInt aSymbianError)
+ {
+ return aSymbianError == KErrNotFound ? EAvdtpBadACPSEID :
+ static_cast<TAvdtpSignallingErrorCode>(KErrAvdtpSignallingErrorBase-aSymbianError);
+ }
+inline void AvdtpInternalUtils::PacketErrorLeaveL(TAvdtpSignallingErrorCode aCode)
+ {
+ User::Leave(ConvertToSymbianError::AvdtpError(aCode));
+ }