changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
child 10 8a27654f7b62
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetooth/btstack/l2cap/L2CapFecNegotiator.inl	Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+// Not needed, but keeps Carbide's semantic analyzer a bit happier.
+#include "L2CapFecNegotiator.h"
+// TFecOptionHandlerDelegator inlines
+inline TBool TFecOptionHandlerDelegator::IsOptionValid(const TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& aFecOption) const
+	{
+	const TModeSpecificFecOptionHandlerBase* handler = ModeToHandler(aFecOption.LinkMode());
+	// handler == NULL means invalid mode field
+	return handler && handler->IsOptionValid(aFecOption);
+	}
+inline TBool TFecOptionHandlerDelegator::IsPeerResponseAcceptable(const TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& aPreferred,
+																  const TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& aPeer) const
+	{
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+	LogCurrentValues(aPreferred, aPeer);
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aPeer.LinkMode() == aPreferred.LinkMode(), Panic(EL2CAPPeerAndPreferredChannelModesNotEqual));
+	// Logically it's Preferred checking whether Peer is acceptable, so dispatch on preferred.
+	// (If we're here then both modes are equal though, so it doesn't really matter, but just
+	// sayin' in case it changes).
+	return Handler(aPreferred).IsPeerResponseAcceptable(aPreferred, aPeer);
+	}
+inline TBool TFecOptionHandlerDelegator::BuildPositiveResponse(TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& aPreferred,
+															   const TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& aPeer) const
+	{
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+	LogCurrentValues(aPreferred, aPeer);
+	// Response will have peer - proposed mode so dispatch on peer.
+	return Handler(aPeer).BuildPositiveResponse(aPreferred, aPeer);
+	}
+inline void TFecOptionHandlerDelegator::BuildNegativeResponse(TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& aPreferred,
+															  const TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& aPeer) const
+	{
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+	LogCurrentValues(aPreferred, aPeer);
+	// Response will have our preferred mode so dispatch on preferred.
+	Handler(aPreferred).BuildNegativeResponse(aPreferred, aPeer);
+	}
+inline void TFecOptionHandlerDelegator::PrepareImplicitPeerResponse(TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& aImplicitResponse,
+																	const TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& aPreferred) const
+	{
+	// Response will have our preferred mode so dispatch on preferred.
+	Handler(aPreferred).PrepareImplicitPeerResponse(aImplicitResponse, aPreferred);
+	}
+inline void TFecOptionHandlerDelegator::SetMaxTransmit(TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& aFecOption, TUint8 aMaxTransmit) const
+	{
+	Handler(aFecOption).SetMaxTransmit(aFecOption, aMaxTransmit);
+	}
+inline void TFecOptionHandlerDelegator::ZeroUnspecifiedRequestFields(TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& aFecOption) const
+	{
+	Handler(aFecOption).ZeroUnspecifiedRequestFields(aFecOption);
+	}
+inline void TFecOptionHandlerDelegator::ZeroUnspecifiedResponseFields(TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& aFecOption) const
+	{
+	Handler(aFecOption).ZeroUnspecifiedResponseFields(aFecOption);
+	}
+// TL2CapSingleDirectionFecNegotiatorBase inlines
+inline TL2CapSingleDirectionFecNegotiatorBase::TL2CapSingleDirectionFecNegotiatorBase(const TL2CapFecNegotiator& aFecNegotiator)
+ :	iFecNegotiator(aFecNegotiator),
+	iConfigStatus(EOptionConfigOutstanding)
+	{}
+inline TL2CapConfigurationOptionGroupBase::TOptionConfigStatus TL2CapSingleDirectionFecNegotiatorBase::ConfigOptionStatus() const
+	{
+	return iConfigStatus;
+	}
+inline void TL2CapSingleDirectionFecNegotiatorBase::SetPeer(const TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& aFec)
+	{
+	iPeer = aFec;
+	}
+inline void TL2CapSingleDirectionFecNegotiatorBase::SetPreferred(const TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& aFec)
+	{
+	iPreferred = aFec;
+	}
+inline const TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& TL2CapSingleDirectionFecNegotiatorBase::Peer() const
+	{
+	return iPeer;
+	}
+inline const TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& TL2CapSingleDirectionFecNegotiatorBase::Preferred() const
+	{
+	return iPreferred;
+	}
+inline TL2CapIncomingFecNegotiator::TL2CapIncomingFecNegotiator(const TL2CapFecNegotiator& aFecNegotiator)
+ :	TL2CapSingleDirectionFecNegotiatorBase(aFecNegotiator)
+	{}
+inline TL2CapOutgoingFecNegotiator::TL2CapOutgoingFecNegotiator(const TL2CapFecNegotiator& aFecNegotiator)
+ :	TL2CapSingleDirectionFecNegotiatorBase(aFecNegotiator),
+	iIncludeValueInPositiveConfigResponse(EFalse)
+	{}
+inline TBool TL2CapOutgoingFecNegotiator::NeedToIncludeInPositiveConfigResponse()
+	{
+	return iIncludeValueInPositiveConfigResponse;
+	}
+inline void TL2CapOutgoingFecNegotiator::SetIncludeInPositiveConfigResponse(TBool aVal)
+    {
+    iIncludeValueInPositiveConfigResponse = aVal;
+    }
+// TL2CapFecNegotiator inlines
+inline TL2CapFecNegotiator::TL2CapFecNegotiator()
+ :	iIncomingNegotiator(*this),
+ 	iOutgoingNegotiator(*this),
+ 	iNegotiationBehavior(EState1),
+ 	iDesiredMode(EL2CAPBasicMode)
+	{}
+inline TInt TL2CapFecNegotiator::PeerRequestsOption(const TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& aFecOption)
+	{
+	if (iModeSpecificHandlers.IsOptionValid(aFecOption))
+		{
+		return iOutgoingNegotiator.ProcessPeerValue(aFecOption);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return KErrBadPacketReceived;
+		}
+	}
+inline TInt TL2CapFecNegotiator::PeerRequestsLastAcceptedValue()
+	{
+	TInt err = iOutgoingNegotiator.ProcessPeerValue(iOutgoingNegotiator.Peer());
+	iOutgoingNegotiator.SetIncludeInPositiveConfigResponse(EFalse);
+	return err;
+	}
+inline TInt TL2CapFecNegotiator::PeerRejectsOption(const TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& aFecOption)
+	{
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+    // Peer has sent us an Unacceptable Parameters response with a Retransmission And Flow Control
+    // option in it. The only useful information there is the Channel Mode field - this is the one
+    // actually being rejected, all the rest of them are non-negotiable (informational).
+    // Some implementations send their default values for those informational parameters, others
+    // just set them to 0 (that's what we do). Whatever their values are, we don't use them - we
+    // use our own based on the mode suggested by the remote.
+    // This is why we don't (and can't - they may be 0) check all the parameters with IsOptionValid
+    // - channel mode is all we're interested in.
+    if (TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption::IsModeValid(aFecOption.LinkMode()))
+		{
+		iIncomingNegotiator.ProcessPeerValue(aFecOption, ETrue);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		err = KErrBadPacketReceived;
+		}
+	return err;
+	}
+inline TInt TL2CapFecNegotiator::PeerAcceptsOption(const TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& aFecOption)
+	{
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	if (iModeSpecificHandlers.IsOptionValid(aFecOption))
+		{
+		iIncomingNegotiator.ProcessPeerValue(aFecOption, EFalse);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		err = KErrBadPacketReceived;
+		}
+	return err;
+	}
+inline void TL2CapFecNegotiator::PeerAcceptsOption()
+	{
+	iIncomingNegotiator.ProcessImplicitPeerValue();
+	}
+inline TBool TL2CapFecNegotiator::NeedToIncludeInPositiveConfigResponse()
+	{
+	return iOutgoingNegotiator.NeedToIncludeInPositiveConfigResponse();
+	}
+inline const TL2CapEntityInfo& TL2CapFecNegotiator::PeerSupportedModes() const
+	{
+	return iPeerSupportedModes;
+	}
+inline TL2CapFecNegotiator::TNegotiationBehavior TL2CapFecNegotiator::NegotiationBehavior() const
+	{
+	return iNegotiationBehavior;
+	}
+inline TL2CapChannelMode TL2CapFecNegotiator::DesiredMode() const
+	{
+	return iDesiredMode;
+	}
+inline TUint8 TL2CapFecNegotiator::MaxTransmit() const
+    {
+    return iMaxTransmit;
+    }
+inline const TFecOptionHandlerDelegator& TL2CapFecNegotiator::ModeSpecificHandlers() const
+	{
+	return iModeSpecificHandlers;
+	}
+inline const TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& TL2CapFecNegotiator::IncomingPreferred() const
+	{
+	return iIncomingNegotiator.Preferred();
+	}
+inline const TRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption& TL2CapFecNegotiator::OutgoingPreferred() const
+	{
+	return iOutgoingNegotiator.Preferred();
+	}
+inline TL2CapConfigurationOptionGroupBase::TOptionConfigStatus TL2CapFecNegotiator::IncomingConfigOptionStatus() const
+	{
+	return iIncomingNegotiator.ConfigOptionStatus();
+	}
+inline TL2CapConfigurationOptionGroupBase::TOptionConfigStatus TL2CapFecNegotiator::OutgoingConfigOptionStatus() const
+	{
+	return iOutgoingNegotiator.ConfigOptionStatus();
+	}
+inline TL2CapDataControllerConfig TL2CapFecNegotiator::DataControllerConfig() const
+	{
+	return TL2CapDataControllerConfig(OutgoingLinkMode(),
+									  OutgoingTxWindowSize(),
+									  OutgoingMaxTransmit(),
+									  OutgoingRetransmissionTimeout(),
+									  IncomingMonitorTimeout(),
+									  IncomingTxWindowSize(),
+									  IncomingRetransmissionTimeout(),
+									  IncomingMaximumPDUSize());
+	}
+// The general rule for methods below is that for the Outgoing direction we get the parameters
+// from the Preferred fields since in case of wildcard params (TxWin, MPS), these fields contain
+// the correct minimized values. For the same reason the Incoming direction parameters are fetched
+// from the Peer values.
+// Note that it's not always that simple in case of non-negotiated parameters like MaxTransmit,
+// Retransmission & Monitor TO, which is the reason these methods exist.
+inline TL2CapChannelMode TL2CapFecNegotiator::OutgoingLinkMode() const
+	{
+	return iOutgoingNegotiator.Preferred().LinkMode();
+	}
+inline TL2CapChannelMode TL2CapFecNegotiator::IncomingLinkMode() const
+	{
+	return iIncomingNegotiator.Peer().LinkMode();
+	}
+inline TUint8 TL2CapFecNegotiator::OutgoingLinkModeAsUnsignedByte() const
+	{
+	return iOutgoingNegotiator.Preferred().LinkModeAsUnsignedByte();
+	}
+inline TUint8 TL2CapFecNegotiator::IncomingLinkModeAsUnsignedByte() const
+	{
+	return iIncomingNegotiator.Peer().LinkModeAsUnsignedByte();
+	}
+inline TUint8 TL2CapFecNegotiator::OutgoingTxWindowSize() const
+	{
+	return iOutgoingNegotiator.Preferred().TxWindowSize();
+	}
+inline TUint8 TL2CapFecNegotiator::IncomingTxWindowSize() const
+	{
+	return iIncomingNegotiator.Peer().TxWindowSize();
+	}
+inline TUint8 TL2CapFecNegotiator::OutgoingMaxTransmit() const
+	{
+	// Peer sends us the value to use in its Config Request.
+	return iOutgoingNegotiator.Peer().MaxTransmit();
+	}
+inline TUint8 TL2CapFecNegotiator::IncomingMaxTransmit() const
+	{
+	// We send the peer the value to use in our Config Request.
+	return iIncomingNegotiator.Preferred().MaxTransmit();
+	}
+inline TUint16 TL2CapFecNegotiator::OutgoingRetransmissionTimeout() const
+	{
+	return iOutgoingNegotiator.Preferred().RetransmissionTimeout();
+	}
+inline TUint16 TL2CapFecNegotiator::IncomingRetransmissionTimeout() const
+	{
+	return iIncomingNegotiator.Peer().RetransmissionTimeout();
+	}
+// Outgoing traffic -> Incoming S-Frames -> Monitor TO that our peer will use.
+inline TUint16 TL2CapFecNegotiator::OutgoingMonitorTimeout() const
+	{
+	if (iIncomingNegotiator.Preferred().LinkMode() == EL2CAPEnhancedRetransmissionMode ||
+		iIncomingNegotiator.Preferred().LinkMode() == EL2CAPStreamingMode)
+		{
+		// Peer sends the time-outs it'll use in its Config Response.
+		return iIncomingNegotiator.Peer().MonitorTimeout();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Negotiated in the direction it relates to.
+		return iOutgoingNegotiator.Preferred().MonitorTimeout();
+		}
+	}
+// Incoming traffic -> Outgoing S-Frames -> Monitor TO that we will use.
+inline TUint16 TL2CapFecNegotiator::IncomingMonitorTimeout() const
+	{
+	if (iIncomingNegotiator.Preferred().LinkMode() == EL2CAPEnhancedRetransmissionMode ||
+		iIncomingNegotiator.Preferred().LinkMode() == EL2CAPStreamingMode)
+		{
+		// We send the time-outs we'll use in our Config Response.
+		return iOutgoingNegotiator.Preferred().MonitorTimeout();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Negotiated in the direction it relates to.
+		return iIncomingNegotiator.Peer().MonitorTimeout();
+		}
+	}
+inline TUint16 TL2CapFecNegotiator::OutgoingMaximumPDUSize() const
+	{
+	return iOutgoingNegotiator.Preferred().MaximumPDUSize();
+	}
+inline TUint16 TL2CapFecNegotiator::IncomingMaximumPDUSize() const
+	{
+	return iIncomingNegotiator.Peer().MaximumPDUSize();
+	}