--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetooth/btstack/l2cap/L2CapPDU.cpp Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1374 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <bluetooth/logger.h>
+#include <es_prot.h>
+#include <bluetooth/hci/aclpacketconsts.h>
+#include "L2CapPDU.h"
+#include "l2capCommand.h"
+#include "l2signalmgr.h"
+#include "L2CapDataController.h"
+#include "L2CapSDU.h"
+#include "L2CapDebugControlInterface.h"
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+TDataPlaneElementHandle::TDataPlaneElementHandle(MDataPlaneElement* aDataElement, TUint16 aElementID)
+ {
+ SetUserLen(sizeof(SDataPlaneElementHandle));
+ SDataPlaneElementHandle* handlePtr = reinterpret_cast<SDataPlaneElementHandle*>(UserPtr());
+ handlePtr->iDataElement = aDataElement;
+ handlePtr->iElementID = aElementID;
+ }
+MDataPlaneElement& TDataPlaneElementHandle::DataPlaneElement() const
+ {
+ SDataPlaneElementHandle* handlePtr = reinterpret_cast<SDataPlaneElementHandle*>(UserPtr());
+ return *(handlePtr->iDataElement);
+ }
+TUint16 TDataPlaneElementHandle::ElementID() const
+ {
+ SDataPlaneElementHandle* handlePtr = reinterpret_cast<SDataPlaneElementHandle*>(UserPtr());
+ return (handlePtr->iElementID);
+ }
+// Base class for all PDU types.
+// Disable warning WINS 4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
+// This will not cause any problems in this usage and is preferable to the use of a
+// non-owned pointer.
+#pragma warning (disable: 4355)
+HL2CapPDU::HL2CapPDU(RMBufChain& aPDUData, TInt aOptimalFragmentSize)
+ : iIsFlushed(EFalse),
+ iSendingError(EFalse),
+ iQueuedForSend(EFalse),
+ iAwaitingHciCompletion(EFalse), // first transmission never waits for a previous one to finish
+ iElementHandle(this),
+ iPduOwner(NULL),
+ iOptimalFragmentSize(aOptimalFragmentSize),
+ iTotalNumberOfFragments(KNumberOfFragmentsUnknown),
+ iFragmentAcksReceived(0)
+ {
+ iPDUData.Assign(aPDUData);
+ iPDUData.Align(Min(iPDUData.Length(), KMaxPDUHeaderLength));
+ L2CAP_DEBUG(ObjectAllocation(L2capDebugInfo::EBasePDU,
+ L2capDebugInfo::EAllocated));
+ }
+HL2CapPDU::HL2CapPDU(TInt aOptimalFragmentSize)
+ : iIsFlushed(EFalse),
+ iSendingError(EFalse),
+ iQueuedForSend(EFalse),
+ iAwaitingHciCompletion(EFalse), // first transmission never waits for a previous one to finish
+ iElementHandle(this),
+ iPduOwner(NULL),
+ iOptimalFragmentSize(aOptimalFragmentSize),
+ iTotalNumberOfFragments(KNumberOfFragmentsUnknown),
+ iFragmentAcksReceived(0)
+ {
+ L2CAP_DEBUG(ObjectAllocation(L2capDebugInfo::EBasePDU,
+ L2capDebugInfo::EAllocated));
+ }
+#pragma warning (default: 4355)
+ {
+ iPDUData.Free();
+ iLink.Deque();
+ L2CAP_DEBUG(ObjectAllocation(L2capDebugInfo::EBasePDU,
+ L2capDebugInfo::EDeleted));
+ }
+// Static Message Accessors.
+/*static*/ TBool HL2CapPDU::AddFragment(RMBufChain& aPDU, RMBufChain& aPDUFragment)
+ {
+ if(aPDUFragment.First()!= NULL)
+ {
+ aPDU.Append(aPDUFragment);
+ return ((aPDU.Length() - KPDUHeaderLength) >= PDUPayloadLength(aPDU));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return(EFalse);
+ }
+ }
+/*static*/ TUint16 HL2CapPDU::PDUPayloadLength(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPDU.First() && (aPDU.First())->Length() >= KPDUHeaderLength,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ return LittleEndian::Get16((aPDU.First())->Ptr()+KLengthByteOffset);
+ }
+/*static*/ TUint16 HL2CapPDU::PDUCID(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPDU.First() && (aPDU.First())->Length() >= KPDUHeaderLength,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ return LittleEndian::Get16((aPDU.First())->Ptr()+KCIDByteOffset);
+ }
+void HL2CapPDU::SetPDUPayloadLength(TUint16 aLength)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iPDUData.First() && (iPDUData.First())->Length() >= KPDUHeaderLength,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ LittleEndian::Put16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KLengthByteOffset, aLength);
+ }
+void HL2CapPDU::SetPDUCID(TUint16 aCID)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iPDUData.First() && (iPDUData.First())->Length() >= KPDUHeaderLength,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ LittleEndian::Put16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KCIDByteOffset, aCID);
+ }
+void HL2CapPDU::WritePDUPayloadLength()
+ {
+ SetPDUPayloadLength(static_cast<TUint16>(iPDUData.Length() - KPDUHeaderLength));
+ }
+ * Function to return the PDU L2CAP overhead.
+ */
+/*static*/ TInt HL2CapPDU::GetPDUOrFragmentOverhead(TBool aBasicMode)
+ {
+ if (aBasicMode)
+ {
+ // Basic mode does not segment into PDUs and therefore has no PDU overhead
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Non-basic mode overhead
+ return KPDUHeaderLength + KControlFieldLength + KFCSFieldLength;
+ }
+ * Return the payload size of the optimal pdu based on the baseband packet
+ * sizes, the negotiated MTU (aMTU) and the size of the buffers on the
+ * controller (aBufSize).
+ * SDU length field is taken into account when it get segmented by CL2CapSDU::SegmentSDUIntoPDUs
+ */
+/*static*/ TInt HL2CapPDU::GetPDUOrFragmentSize(TInt aMTU, TInt aMaxMps, TInt aBufSize, TBool aBasicMode)
+ {
+ // aBufSize == 0 means that getting the buffer size failed so assume the best
+ // case scenario for performance
+ TInt bufSize = aBufSize != 0 ? aBufSize : KBBPacketSize[KBaseBandPacketCount - 1];
+ // get the overhead size for every l2cap pdu
+ TInt packetOverhead = GetPDUOrFragmentOverhead(aBasicMode);
+ // it's possible that the buffer size is so small that when including the packet overhead there is no
+ // room for a payload, this is of course no good.
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS((bufSize - packetOverhead) > 0, Panic(EL2CAPACLBufferTooSmall));
+ // store the current baseband packet size as we go through the below for loop
+ TInt currentPacketSize;
+ // iterate backwards through the baseband packet sizes array
+ for (TInt index = KBaseBandPacketCount - 1; index >= 0; index--)
+ {
+ currentPacketSize = KBBPacketSize[index];
+ if (aMTU >= (index > 0 ? ((currentPacketSize + KBBPacketSize[index - 1]) / 2) : currentPacketSize))
+ {
+ if (bufSize >= currentPacketSize)
+ {
+ // if the current baseband packet size is less than the MTU size and the baseband
+ // packet will fit into the controllers buffer then use the baseband packet
+ return (aBasicMode ? (currentPacketSize - packetOverhead) : Min(aMaxMps, (currentPacketSize - packetOverhead)));
+ }
+ else if ((index > 0) && (bufSize >= ((currentPacketSize + KBBPacketSize[index - 1]) / 2)))
+ {
+ // if the current baseband packet is less than the MTU but the baseband packet
+ // won't fit into the controllers buffer see if the buffer size is closer to the
+ // current baseband packet than the next size down and if so use the buffer size
+ // of the controller
+ return (aBasicMode ? (bufSize - packetOverhead) : Min(aMaxMps, (bufSize - packetOverhead)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // to get here means that the buffer size of the controller or the MTU is less than the minimum
+ // baseband packet size. A small ACL buffer reduces performance as there is a big overhead to data
+ // ratio, but we handle that situation anyway.
+ return (aBasicMode ? (bufSize - packetOverhead) : Min(aMaxMps, (bufSize - packetOverhead)));
+ }
+/*static*/ TInt HL2CapPDU::CheckDecode(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ TInt rerr = KErrNone;
+ if(aPDU.Length() != (PDUPayloadLength(aPDU) + KPDUHeaderLength))
+ {
+ rerr = KErrCorrupt;
+ }
+ return rerr;
+ }
+void HL2CapPDU::AppendPayloadToBuffer(RMBufChain& /*aSDUData*/)
+ {
+ Panic(EL2CAPInvalidCallToAppendPayloadToBuffer);
+ }
+void HL2CapPDU::DeliverOutgoingPDU(MOutgoingPDUHandler& aPDUHandler)
+ {
+ iAwaitingHciCompletion = ETrue;
+ DeliverOutgoingPDUDoubleDispatch(aPDUHandler);
+ }
+void HL2CapPDU::PDUSendPending(TUint16 aTotalNumberOfFragments)
+ {
+ // The fragment sender has completed sending the PDU to the
+ // ACL.
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iTotalNumberOfFragments == KNumberOfFragmentsUnknown, Panic(EL2CAPPDUSendPendingCalledTwice));
+ iTotalNumberOfFragments = aTotalNumberOfFragments;
+ // In some error conditions the expected number of outstanding fragments might
+ // have been reached before this method is called.
+ if(iFragmentAcksReceived == iTotalNumberOfFragments)
+ {
+ PDUSendComplete();
+ }
+ }
+void HL2CapPDU::PDUSendComplete()
+ {
+ iAwaitingHciCompletion = EFalse;
+ if(!iIsFlushed && iPduOwner)
+ {
+ iFragmentAcksReceived = 0;
+ iTotalNumberOfFragments = KNumberOfFragmentsUnknown;
+ if(!iSendingError)
+ {
+ // Do frame-type specific stuff.
+ SendComplete();
+ iPduOwner->HandlePduSendComplete(*this);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSendingError = EFalse; // in case the owner decides to resend us
+ iPduOwner->HandlePduSendError(*this);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // No references are held to this PDU. Delete it.
+ delete this;
+ }
+ }
+// MDataPlaneElement Interface
+void HL2CapPDU::DataElementSent(TUint16 /*aElementID*/)
+ {
+ // Check if the PDU has been fully sent to the peer.
+ if(++iFragmentAcksReceived == iTotalNumberOfFragments)
+ {
+ PDUSendComplete();
+ }
+ }
+void HL2CapPDU::DataElementFlushed(TUint16 aElementID)
+ {
+ // Check if this PDU has been flushed.
+ if(!iIsFlushed)
+ {
+ iSendingError = ETrue;
+ }
+ DataElementSent(aElementID);
+ }
+TUint16 HL2CapPDU::CalcCRC(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ TUint16 crcValue = 0;
+ TUint8 dataByte;
+ TInt i, bufLength;
+ TUint16 carryBit, bitCount;
+ const RMBuf* bufPtr = aPDU.First();
+ TInt fcsLength = aPDU.Length() - KFCSFieldLength;
+ TInt byteCount = 0;
+ while(bufPtr)
+ {
+ // Check if this is the last buffer. If so don't
+ // process the FCS bytes.
+ bufLength = bufPtr->Length();
+ for(i=0;i<bufLength;i++)
+ {
+ if(byteCount < fcsLength)
+ {
+ dataByte = bufPtr->Get(i);
+ byteCount++;
+ for(bitCount=0;bitCount<8;bitCount++)
+ {
+ carryBit = static_cast<TUint16>(crcValue & 0x8000 ? 1 : 0);
+ crcValue <<= 1;
+ if ((dataByte & 1) ^ carryBit)
+ {
+ crcValue ^= 0x8005;
+ }
+ dataByte >>= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bufPtr = bufPtr->Next();
+ }
+ carryBit = 0;
+ for(bitCount=0;bitCount<16;bitCount++)
+ {
+ carryBit = static_cast<TUint16>((carryBit >> 1) | (crcValue & 0x8000));
+ crcValue <<= 1;
+ }
+ return carryBit;
+ }
+void HL2CapPDU::SendComplete()
+ {
+ // Nothing to do for most PDUs.
+ }
+// Class used to fragment and send any type of PDU.
+// An instance of this class is currently owned by the Mux
+HFragmentedPDUSender::HFragmentedPDUSender(CL2CAPMux& aMuxer)
+ : iPDU(NULL),
+ iPDUBuffer(NULL),
+ iMuxer(aMuxer),
+ iCurrentWriteIndex(0),
+ iCurrentFragmentID(0),
+ iPDULength(0)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ delete iPDUBuffer;
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iPDU == NULL, Panic(EL2CAPFragmentSenderDeletedWhileSending));
+ }
+TInt HFragmentedPDUSender::FragmentPDU(HL2CapPDU& aPDU)
+ {
+ TInt rerr = KErrNone;
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(!iCurrentWriteIndex && !iCurrentFragmentID, Panic(EL2CAPRequestToFragmentWhileBufferContainsData));
+ RMBufChain& pduData = aPDU.PDUBuffer();
+ if(!iPDUBuffer || iPDUBuffer->Size() < pduData.Length())
+ {
+ // Increase the size of the buffer.
+ delete iPDUBuffer;
+ iPDUBuffer = HBufC8::New(pduData.Length());
+ }
+ if(iPDUBuffer)
+ {
+ iPDU = &aPDU;
+ iPDULength = pduData.Length();
+ // Copy the Buffer into the descriptor
+ TPtr8 ptr = iPDUBuffer->Des();
+ ptr.SetLength(iPDULength);
+ pduData.CopyOut(ptr);
+ // store the optimal fragment size
+ iPDUFragmentSize = aPDU.OptimalFragmentSize();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rerr = KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ return rerr;
+ }
+HFragmentedPDUSender::TFragmentSenderStatus HFragmentedPDUSender::WriteNextFragment(CServProviderBase& aSender, TInt aACLMTU)
+ {
+ // If optimal fragment size not set then this PDU should only have been segmented, not fragmented
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((iPDULength <= aACLMTU) || (iPDUFragmentSize != 0), Panic(EL2CAPUnexpectedFragmentation));
+ if (iPDUFragmentSize == 0)
+ {
+ // For udeb builds we know that this PDU can fit into the ACL buffer so just set the fragment size
+ // to be the ACL buffer size to allow logic below to work. For urel builds this can also recover the
+ // situation if the debug assert fails above, just not using optimal performance.
+ iPDUFragmentSize = aACLMTU;
+ }
+ // Ensure that the optimal fragment size will fit into the ACL buffer.
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aACLMTU >= iPDUFragmentSize, Panic(EL2CAPOptimalFragmentSizeTooBigForACLBuffer));
+ TFragmentSenderStatus rStatus = EFragmentOK;
+ TUint8 flags = iCurrentWriteIndex ? KContinuingHLFragment : KFirstHLFragment;
+ TInt fragLength = Min(iPDULength - iCurrentWriteIndex, Min(iPDUFragmentSize, aACLMTU));
+ // The 'Write' returns the number of fragments (NOT bytes)
+ // that will be sent. This is typically either 0 or 1.
+ TUint fragmentsSent = aSender.Write(iPDUBuffer->Mid(iCurrentWriteIndex, fragLength), flags, &iPDU->ElementHandle());
+ if(!fragmentsSent)
+ {
+ rStatus = EFlowControlledOff;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iCurrentWriteIndex += fragLength;
+ iCurrentFragmentID++;
+ }
+ // Check if the PDU has been fully sent.
+ if(iCurrentWriteIndex >= iPDULength)
+ {
+ rStatus = EFragmentationComplete;
+ // Inform the PDU that it has been sent.
+ iPDU->PDUSendPending(iCurrentFragmentID);
+ // Reset the internal state of this sender.
+ Reset();
+ }
+ return rStatus;
+ }
+void HFragmentedPDUSender::Reset()
+ {
+ iPDU = NULL;
+ iPDULength = iCurrentWriteIndex = 0;
+ iCurrentFragmentID = 0;
+ iPDUFragmentSize = 0;
+ }
+void HFragmentedPDUSender::CheckForFlushed()
+ {
+ // Check if the PDU currently being sent(if there is one)
+ // needs to be flushed.
+ if(iPDU)
+ {
+ if(iPDU->IsPDUFlushed())
+ {
+ // Inform the PDU that it has been sent.
+ iPDU->PDUSendPending(iCurrentFragmentID);
+ // Reset the internal state of this sender.
+ Reset();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void HFragmentedPDUSender::PDUSenderFailed()
+ {
+ if(iPDU)
+ {
+ // Inform the PDU that it has been sent.
+ iPDU->PDUSendPending(iCurrentFragmentID);
+ // Reset the internal state of this sender.
+ Reset();
+ }
+ }
+// Basic frame PDU class.
+HBFramePDU::HBFramePDU(RMBufChain& aPDUData, TInt aOptimalFragmentSize)
+ : HL2CapPDU(aPDUData, aOptimalFragmentSize)
+ {
+ L2CAP_DEBUG(ObjectAllocation(L2capDebugInfo::EBFrame,
+ L2capDebugInfo::EAllocated));
+ }
+ {
+ L2CAP_DEBUG(ObjectAllocation(L2capDebugInfo::EBFrame,
+ L2capDebugInfo::EDeleted));
+ }
+HBFramePDU* HBFramePDU::New(RMBufChain& aPayloadData, TInt aOptimalFragmentSize)
+ {
+ HBFramePDU* self = NULL;
+ TRAPD(rerr, aPayloadData.PrependL(KPDUHeaderLength));
+ if(rerr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ self = new HBFramePDU(aPayloadData, aOptimalFragmentSize);
+ }
+ if(self)
+ {
+ self->WritePDUPayloadLength();
+ }
+ return self;
+ }
+void HBFramePDU::DeliverOutgoingPDUDoubleDispatch(MOutgoingPDUHandler& aPDUHandler)
+ {
+ aPDUHandler.HandleOutgoingBFrame(this);
+ }
+void HBFramePDU::AppendPayloadToBuffer(RMBufChain& aSDUData)
+ {
+ // Remove header and trailing bytes.
+ iPDUData.TrimStart(KPDUHeaderLength);
+ aSDUData.Append(iPDUData);
+ }
+/*static*/ void HBFramePDU::RemoveHeaderBytes(RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ // Remove header bytes.
+ aPDU.TrimStart(KPDUHeaderLength);
+ }
+void HBFramePDU::SendComplete()
+ {
+ L2CAP_DEBUG_PDU(PDUTimer(L2capDebugInfo::EPDUSent, this, PDUCID()));
+ }
+// Information frame PDU class.
+HIFramePDU::HIFramePDU(RMBufChain& aPDUData)
+ : HL2CapPDU(aPDUData, 0),
+ iTransmissionCount(0),
+ iAcked(EFalse)
+ {
+ L2CAP_DEBUG(ObjectAllocation(L2capDebugInfo::EIFrame,
+ L2capDebugInfo::EAllocated));
+ }
+ {
+ LOG1(_L("Deleting TxSeq = %d"), TxSeqNumber());
+ L2CAP_DEBUG(ObjectAllocation(L2capDebugInfo::EIFrame,
+ L2capDebugInfo::EDeleted));
+ }
+HIFramePDU* HIFramePDU::New(RMBufChain& aPayloadData, TL2CapSAR aPduSAR)
+ {
+ TInt rerr = KErrNone;
+ HIFramePDU* self = NULL;
+ switch(aPduSAR)
+ {
+ case EStartOfL2CapSDU:
+ TRAP(rerr, aPayloadData.PrependL(KPDUHeaderLength + KControlFieldLength + KSDULengthFieldLength));
+ break;
+ case EUnsegmentedL2CapSDU:
+ case EEndOfL2CapSDU:
+ case EContinuationOfL2CapSDU:
+ TRAP(rerr, aPayloadData.PrependL(KPDUHeaderLength + KControlFieldLength));
+ break;
+ default:
+ Panic(EL2CAPInvalidPDUSAR);
+ break;
+ };
+ if(rerr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ TRAP(rerr, aPayloadData.AppendL(KFCSFieldLength));
+ }
+ if(rerr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ self = new HIFramePDU(aPayloadData);
+ if(self)
+ {
+ self->WritePDUPayloadLength();
+ self->SetIFrameControlDefault();
+ self->SetSAR(aPduSAR);
+ }
+ }
+ return self;
+ }
+void HIFramePDU::DeliverOutgoingPDUDoubleDispatch(MOutgoingPDUHandler& aPDUHandler)
+ {
+ aPDUHandler.HandleOutgoingIFrame(this);
+ }
+// Message Accessors.
+/*static*/ TBool HIFramePDU::IFrameIdentifier(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPDU.First() && (aPDU.First())->Length() >= KControlFieldLength + KControlFieldByteOffset,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ TUint16 ctrl = LittleEndian::Get16((aPDU.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset);
+ return (!(ctrl & KCtrlFrameTypeMask));
+ }
+/*static*/ TUint8 HIFramePDU::TxSeqNumber(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPDU.First() && (aPDU.First())->Length() >= KControlFieldLength + KControlFieldByteOffset,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ TUint16 ctrl = LittleEndian::Get16((aPDU.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset);
+ return static_cast<TUint8>((ctrl & KCtrlTxSeqMask) >> KCtrlTxSeqShift);
+ }
+/*static*/ TBool HIFramePDU::FinalBit(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPDU.First() && (aPDU.First())->Length() >= KControlFieldLength + KControlFieldByteOffset,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ TUint16 ctrl = LittleEndian::Get16((aPDU.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset);
+ return (ctrl & KCtrlFinalBitMask);
+ }
+void HIFramePDU::SetFinalBit(TBool aFinalBit)
+ {
+ SetRetransmitDisable(aFinalBit);
+ }
+void HIFramePDU::SetTxSeqNumber(TUint8 aTxSeqNum)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iPDUData.First() && (iPDUData.First())->Length() >= KControlFieldLength + KControlFieldByteOffset,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ TUint16 ctrl = LittleEndian::Get16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset);
+ ctrl &= ~KCtrlTxSeqMask;
+ ctrl |= (aTxSeqNum << KCtrlTxSeqShift);
+ LittleEndian::Put16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset, ctrl);
+ }
+/*static*/ TBool HIFramePDU::RetransmitDisable(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPDU.First() && (aPDU.First())->Length() >= KControlFieldLength + KControlFieldByteOffset,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ return (LittleEndian::Get16((aPDU.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset) & KCtrlReTxDisableMask);
+ }
+void HIFramePDU::SetRetransmitDisable(TBool aReTxDisable)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iPDUData.First() && (iPDUData.First())->Length() >= KControlFieldLength + KControlFieldByteOffset,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ TUint16 ctrl = LittleEndian::Get16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset);
+ ctrl &= ~KCtrlReTxDisableMask;
+ ctrl |= (aReTxDisable << KCtrlReTxDisableShift);
+ LittleEndian::Put16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset, ctrl);
+ }
+/*static*/ TUint8 HIFramePDU::ReqSeqNumber(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPDU.First() && (aPDU.First())->Length() >= KControlFieldLength + KControlFieldByteOffset,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ TUint16 ctrl = LittleEndian::Get16((aPDU.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset);
+ return static_cast<TUint8>((ctrl & KCtrlReqSeqMask) >> KCtrlReqSeqShift);
+ }
+void HIFramePDU::SetReqSeqNumber(TUint8 aReqSeqNum)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iPDUData.First() && (iPDUData.First())->Length() >= KControlFieldLength + KControlFieldByteOffset,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ TUint16 ctrl = LittleEndian::Get16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset);
+ ctrl &= ~KCtrlReqSeqMask;
+ ctrl |= (aReqSeqNum << KCtrlReqSeqShift);
+ LittleEndian::Put16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset, ctrl);
+ }
+/*static*/ TBool HIFramePDU::IsStartOfSDU(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ return (SAR(aPDU) == EUnsegmentedL2CapSDU || SAR(aPDU) == EStartOfL2CapSDU);
+ }
+/*static*/ TL2CapSAR HIFramePDU::SAR(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPDU.First() && (aPDU.First())->Length() >= KControlFieldLength + KControlFieldByteOffset,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ TUint16 ctrl = LittleEndian::Get16((aPDU.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset);
+ return TL2CapSAR((ctrl & KCtrlSARMask) >> KCtrlSARShift);
+ }
+void HIFramePDU::SetSAR(TL2CapSAR aSARValue)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iPDUData.First() && (iPDUData.First())->Length() >= KControlFieldLength + KControlFieldByteOffset,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ TUint16 ctrl = LittleEndian::Get16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset);
+ ctrl &= ~KCtrlSARMask;
+ TUint8 sar = static_cast<TUint8>(aSARValue);
+ ctrl |= (sar << KCtrlSARShift);
+ LittleEndian::Put16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset, ctrl);
+ }
+/*static*/ TUint16 HIFramePDU::SDUSize(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPDU.First() && (aPDU.First())->Length() >= KSDULengthFieldLength + KSDULengthFieldByteOffset,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ return LittleEndian::Get16((aPDU.First())->Ptr()+KSDULengthFieldByteOffset);
+ }
+void HIFramePDU::SetSDUSize(TUint16 aSDUSize)
+ {
+ LittleEndian::Put16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KSDULengthFieldByteOffset, aSDUSize);
+ }
+void HIFramePDU::CalculateAndSetFCS()
+ {
+ TUint16 fcs = HL2CapPDU::CalcCRC();
+ RMBuf* buf = iPDUData.Last();
+ if(buf->Length() < KFCSFieldLength)
+ {
+ // This can only mean that the last buffer contains one byte.
+ // Get a pointer to the penultimate buffer.
+ buf = iPDUData.First();
+ for(TInt i=1;i<(iPDUData.NumBufs() - 1);i++)
+ {
+ buf = buf->Next();
+ }
+ buf->Put(static_cast<TUint8>(fcs & 0x00ff), buf->Length() - 1);
+ fcs = static_cast<TUint16>(fcs >> 8);
+ buf = buf->Next();
+ buf->Put(static_cast<TUint8>(fcs & 0x00ff), 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LittleEndian::Put16(buf->Ptr()+buf->Length()-KFCSFieldLength, fcs);
+ }
+ }
+/*static*/ TBool HIFramePDU::CheckFCS(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPDU.First() && (aPDU.First())->Length() >= KPDUHeaderLength + KFCSFieldLength,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ TUint16 msgFCS;
+ RMBuf* buf = aPDU.Last();
+ if(buf->Length() < KFCSFieldLength)
+ {
+ // This can only mean that the last buffer contains one byte.
+ msgFCS = static_cast<TUint16>((buf->Get(0)) << 8);
+ // Get a pointer to the penultimate buffer.
+ const RMBuf* cBuf = aPDU.First();
+ for(TInt i=1;i<(aPDU.NumBufs() - 1);i++)
+ {
+ cBuf = cBuf->Next();
+ }
+ msgFCS |= cBuf->Get(cBuf->Length() - 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ msgFCS = LittleEndian::Get16(buf->Ptr()+buf->Length()-KFCSFieldLength);
+ }
+ return (msgFCS == HL2CapPDU::CalcCRC(aPDU));
+ }
+TBool HIFramePDU::CheckFCS()
+ {
+ return CheckFCS(iPDUData);
+ }
+void HIFramePDU::SetIFrameControlDefault()
+ {
+ LittleEndian::Put16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset, KIFrameControlDefault);
+ }
+void HIFramePDU::AppendPayloadToBuffer(RMBufChain& aSDUData)
+ {
+ // Remove header and trailing bytes.
+ if(SAR() == EStartOfL2CapSDU)
+ {
+ iPDUData.TrimStart(KPDUHeaderLength + KControlFieldLength + KSDULengthFieldLength);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iPDUData.TrimStart(KPDUHeaderLength + KControlFieldLength);
+ }
+ iPDUData.TrimEnd(iPDUData.Length()-KFCSFieldLength);
+ aSDUData.Append(iPDUData);
+ }
+/*static*/ void HIFramePDU::RemoveHeaderAndFCSBytes(RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ // Remove header and trailing bytes.
+ if(SAR(aPDU) == EStartOfL2CapSDU)
+ {
+ aPDU.TrimStart(KPDUHeaderLength + KControlFieldLength + KSDULengthFieldLength);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aPDU.TrimStart(KPDUHeaderLength + KControlFieldLength);
+ }
+ aPDU.TrimEnd(aPDU.Length()-KFCSFieldLength);
+ }
+/*static*/ TInt HIFramePDU::CheckPayloadDecode(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ TInt rerr = KErrNone;
+ if(PDUCID(aPDU) < KL2CapDynamicCIDStart)
+ {
+ rerr = KErrCorrupt;
+ }
+ else if(!CheckFCS(aPDU))
+ {
+ rerr = KErrCorrupt;
+ }
+ return rerr;
+ }
+/*static*/ TInt HIFramePDU::CheckLengthWithinLimits(const RMBufChain& aPDU, TUint16 aMps)
+ {
+ // Check that the PDU size is >= than minimal and that the information payload size is <= MPS.
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ TBool hasSduLength = (SAR(aPDU) == EStartOfL2CapSDU);
+ TInt infoPayloadSize = PDUPayloadLength(aPDU) - KControlFieldLength - KFCSFieldLength;
+ if (hasSduLength)
+ {
+ infoPayloadSize -= KSDULengthFieldLength;
+ }
+ if (infoPayloadSize > aMps)
+ {
+ err = KErrL2CAPIncomingIFrameTooBig;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aPDU.Length() < (KPDUHeaderLength + KControlFieldLength + KFCSFieldLength))
+ {
+ err = KErrL2CAPIncomingIFrameTooSmall;
+ }
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+/*static*/ TInt HIFramePDU::CheckStartSduLength(const RMBufChain& aPDU, TUint16 aMtu)
+ {
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ if (aPDU.Length() < (KPDUHeaderLength + KControlFieldLength + KSDULengthFieldLength + KFCSFieldLength))
+ {
+ err = KErrL2CAPIncomingIFrameTooSmall;
+ }
+ else if (SDUSize(aPDU) > aMtu)
+ {
+ err = KErrL2CAPIncomingSduTooBig;
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+void HIFramePDU::SendComplete()
+ {
+ iTransmissionCount++;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ if(SAR() == EEndOfL2CapSDU || SAR() == EUnsegmentedL2CapSDU)
+ {
+ L2CAP_DEBUG_PDU(PDUTimer(L2capDebugInfo::EPDUSent, this, PDUCID()));
+ }
+ }
+// Supervisory frame PDU class.
+HSFramePDU* HSFramePDU::New(TSupervisoryFunction aFunction)
+ {
+ TInt rerr = KErrNone;
+ HSFramePDU* self = NULL;
+ RMBufChain frameBuffer;
+ TRAP(rerr, frameBuffer.AllocL(KSFrameLength));
+ if(rerr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ self = new HSFramePDU(frameBuffer);
+ if(self)
+ {
+ self->WritePDUPayloadLength();
+ self->SetSFrameControlDefault();
+ self->SetSupervisoryFunction(aFunction);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ frameBuffer.Free();
+ }
+ }
+ return self;
+ }
+HSFramePDU* HSFramePDU::NewL(TSupervisoryFunction aFunction)
+ {
+ HSFramePDU* self = New(aFunction);
+ if (self == NULL)
+ {
+ LEAVEL(KErrNoMemory);
+ }
+ return self;
+ }
+HSFramePDU::HSFramePDU(RMBufChain& aPDUData)
+ : HL2CapPDU(aPDUData, 0)
+ {
+ L2CAP_DEBUG(ObjectAllocation(L2capDebugInfo::ESFrame,
+ L2capDebugInfo::EAllocated));
+ }
+ {
+ L2CAP_DEBUG(ObjectAllocation(L2capDebugInfo::ESFrame,
+ L2capDebugInfo::EDeleted));
+ }
+void HSFramePDU::DeliverOutgoingPDUDoubleDispatch(MOutgoingPDUHandler& aPDUHandler)
+ {
+ aPDUHandler.HandleOutgoingSFrame(this);
+ }
+/*static*/ TInt HSFramePDU::CheckLengthField(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ // The length field doesn't include the L2CAP Basic header.
+ if (PDUPayloadLength(aPDU) != KControlFieldLength + KFCSFieldLength)
+ {
+ err = KErrL2CAPInvalidIncomingSFrameSize;
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+/*static*/ TInt HSFramePDU::CheckPayloadDecode(RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ TInt rerr = KErrNone;
+ if(!CheckFCS(aPDU))
+ {
+ rerr = KErrCorrupt;
+ }
+ return rerr;
+ }
+/*static*/ TSupervisoryFunction HSFramePDU::SupervisoryFunction(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPDU.First() && (aPDU.First())->Length() >= KControlFieldLength + KControlFieldByteOffset,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ TUint16 ctrl = LittleEndian::Get16((aPDU.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset);
+ return TSupervisoryFunction((ctrl & KCtrlSupervisoryMask) >> 2);
+ }
+/*static*/ TUint8 HSFramePDU::ReqSeqNumber(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPDU.First() && (aPDU.First())->Length() >= KControlFieldLength + KControlFieldByteOffset,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ TUint16 ctrl = LittleEndian::Get16((aPDU.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset);
+ return static_cast<TUint8>((ctrl & KCtrlReqSeqMask) >> 8);
+ }
+void HSFramePDU::SetSupervisoryFunction(TSupervisoryFunction aSupervisoryFunction)
+ {
+ TUint16 ctrl = LittleEndian::Get16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset);
+ ctrl &= ~KCtrlSupervisoryMask;
+ ctrl |= (aSupervisoryFunction << 2);
+ LittleEndian::Put16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset, ctrl);
+ }
+/*static*/ TBool HSFramePDU::RetransmitDisable(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPDU.First() && (aPDU.First())->Length() >= KControlFieldLength + KControlFieldByteOffset,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ return (LittleEndian::Get16((aPDU.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset) & KCtrlReTxDisableMask);
+ }
+/*static*/ TBool HSFramePDU::FinalBit(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPDU.First() && (aPDU.First())->Length() >= KControlFieldLength + KControlFieldByteOffset,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ return (LittleEndian::Get16((aPDU.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset) & KCtrlFinalBitMask);
+ }
+/*static*/ TBool HSFramePDU::PollBit(const RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPDU.First() && (aPDU.First())->Length() >= KControlFieldLength + KControlFieldByteOffset,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ return (LittleEndian::Get16((aPDU.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset) & KCtrlPollBitMask);
+ }
+void HSFramePDU::SetFinalBit(TBool aFinalBit)
+ {
+ TUint16 ctrl = LittleEndian::Get16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset);
+ ctrl &= ~KCtrlFinalBitMask;
+ ctrl |= (aFinalBit << 7);
+ LittleEndian::Put16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset, ctrl);
+ }
+void HSFramePDU::SetPollBit(TBool aPollBit)
+ {
+ TUint16 ctrl = LittleEndian::Get16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset);
+ ctrl &= ~KCtrlPollBitMask;
+ ctrl |= (aPollBit << 4);
+ LittleEndian::Put16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset, ctrl);
+ }
+void HSFramePDU::SetRetransmitDisable(TBool aReTxDisable)
+ {
+ TUint16 ctrl = LittleEndian::Get16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset);
+ ctrl &= ~KCtrlReTxDisableMask;
+ ctrl |= (aReTxDisable << 7);
+ LittleEndian::Put16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset, ctrl);
+ }
+void HSFramePDU::SetReqSeqNumber(TUint8 aReqSeqNum)
+ {
+ TUint16 ctrl = LittleEndian::Get16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset);
+ ctrl &= ~KCtrlReqSeqMask;
+ ctrl |= (aReqSeqNum << 8);
+ LittleEndian::Put16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset, ctrl);
+ }
+void HSFramePDU::CalculateAndSetFCS()
+ {
+ TUint16 fcs = HL2CapPDU::CalcCRC();
+ RMBuf* lastBuf = iPDUData.Last();
+ if(lastBuf->Length() < KFCSFieldLength)
+ {
+ // This can only be 8 bytes long. Align the buffer.
+ iPDUData.Align(iPDUData.Length());
+ lastBuf = iPDUData.Last();
+ }
+ LittleEndian::Put16(lastBuf->Ptr()+lastBuf->Length()-KFCSFieldLength, fcs);
+ }
+/*static*/ TBool HSFramePDU::CheckFCS(RMBufChain& aPDU)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPDU.First() && (aPDU.First())->Length() >= KPDUHeaderLength + KFCSFieldLength,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidLength));
+ TUint16 msgFCS;
+ RMBuf* buf = aPDU.Last();
+ if(buf->Length() < KFCSFieldLength)
+ {
+ // This can only be 8 bytes long. Align the buffer.
+ aPDU.Align(aPDU.Length());
+ buf = aPDU.Last();
+ }
+ msgFCS = LittleEndian::Get16(buf->Ptr()+buf->Length()-KFCSFieldLength);
+ return (msgFCS == HL2CapPDU::CalcCRC(aPDU));
+ }
+TBool HSFramePDU::CheckFCS()
+ {
+ return CheckFCS(iPDUData);
+ }
+void HSFramePDU::SetSFrameControlDefault()
+ {
+ LittleEndian::Put16((iPDUData.First())->Ptr()+KControlFieldByteOffset, KSFrameControlDefault);
+ }
+// Group frame PDU class.
+HGFramePDU::HGFramePDU(RMBufChain& aPDUData)
+ : HL2CapPDU(aPDUData, 0)
+ {
+ L2CAP_DEBUG(ObjectAllocation(L2capDebugInfo::EGFrame,
+ L2capDebugInfo::EAllocated));
+ }
+ {
+ L2CAP_DEBUG(ObjectAllocation(L2capDebugInfo::EGFrame,
+ L2capDebugInfo::EDeleted));
+ }
+void HGFramePDU::DeliverOutgoingPDUDoubleDispatch(MOutgoingPDUHandler& aPDUHandler)
+ {
+ aPDUHandler.HandleOutgoingGFrame(this);
+ }
+void HGFramePDU::AppendPayloadToBuffer(RMBufChain& aSDUData)
+ {
+ // Remove header and trailing bytes.
+ iPDUData.TrimStart(KPDUHeaderLength + KGFramePSMLength);
+ aSDUData.Append(iPDUData);
+ }
+// Control frame PDU class.
+/*static*/ HCFramePDU* HCFramePDU::New(TInt aOptimalFragmentSize)
+ {
+ RMBufChain buf;
+ HCFramePDU* cFrame = NULL;
+ TRAPD(err, buf.AllocL(KCFrameHeaderLength));
+ if(err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ cFrame = new HCFramePDU(buf, aOptimalFragmentSize);
+ if(cFrame)
+ {
+ cFrame->SetPDUCID(KL2CapSignallingCID);
+ cFrame->WritePDUPayloadLength();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ buf.Free();
+ }
+ }
+ return cFrame;
+ }
+HCFramePDU::HCFramePDU(RMBufChain& aPDUData, TInt aOptimalFragmentSize)
+ : HL2CapPDU(aPDUData, aOptimalFragmentSize),
+ iCommands(_FOFF(HL2CapCommand, iLink)),
+ iCommandIter(iCommands)
+ {
+ L2CAP_DEBUG(ObjectAllocation(L2capDebugInfo::ECFrame,
+ L2capDebugInfo::EAllocated));
+ }
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iCommands.IsEmpty(), Panic(EL2CAPDeleteCFrameWhileContainingCommands));
+ while(!iCommands.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ HL2CapCommand *cmd = iCommands.First();
+ cmd->iLink.Deque();
+ delete cmd;
+ }
+ L2CAP_DEBUG(ObjectAllocation(L2capDebugInfo::ECFrame,
+ L2capDebugInfo::EDeleted));
+ }
+void HCFramePDU::DeliverOutgoingPDUDoubleDispatch(MOutgoingPDUHandler& aPDUHandler)
+ {
+ aPDUHandler.HandleOutgoingCFrame(this);
+ }
+TInt HCFramePDU::CheckDecode()
+ {
+ TInt rerr = KErrNone;
+ if(iPDUData.Length() != (PDUPayloadLength() + KPDUHeaderLength))
+ {
+ rerr = KErrCorrupt;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rerr = CheckPayloadDecode();
+ }
+ return rerr;
+ }
+TInt HCFramePDU::CheckPayloadDecode()
+ {
+ return CreateCommands();
+ }
+// Takes this original PDU and extracts out a list of the contained Command Frames
+// Upon completion the original PDU will be freed, but this class will hold a list
+// CFrames.
+TInt HCFramePDU::CreateCommands()
+ {
+ // Trim off the standard header.
+ iPDUData.TrimStart(KCFrameHeaderLength);
+ HL2CapCommand* cmd = NULL;
+ // If a command is decoded it will be removed from the
+ // start of the buffer.
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ while(err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ err = HL2CapCommand::DecodeCommand(iPDUData, cmd);
+ LOG1(_L("HCFramePDU::CreateCommands, DecodeCommand returned %d"), err);
+ if(err == KErrNone && cmd)
+ {
+ iCommands.AddLast(*cmd);
+ }
+ }
+ // A C-Frame must contain at least one command.
+ if(iCommands.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ err = KErrCorrupt;
+ }
+ return (err == KErrCompletion ? KErrNone : err);
+ }
+HL2CapCommand* HCFramePDU::FirstCommand()
+ {
+ iCommandIter.SetToFirst();
+ return iCommandIter++;
+ }
+HL2CapCommand* HCFramePDU::NextCommand()
+ {
+ return iCommandIter++;
+ }
+TInt HCFramePDU::AddCommand(HL2CapCommand& aCommand, CL2CAPMux& aMuxer)
+ {
+ TInt rerr = KErrNone;
+ // Check if there is room in the PDU.
+ if((aCommand.CommandLength() + PDUPayloadLength()) <= aMuxer.SigMTU())
+ {
+ // Add this command onto end of PDU buff
+ RMBufChain buf;
+ rerr = aCommand.GetCommand(aMuxer, buf);
+ if(rerr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iPDUData.Append(buf);
+ WritePDUPayloadLength();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rerr = KErrCompletion;
+ }
+ return rerr;
+ }