--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetooth/btstack/linkmgr/VendorSAP.cpp Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "VendorSAP.h"
+#include "vendorspecific.h"
+#include "linkmgr.h"
+#include "hcifacade.h"
+#include "BTSec.h"
+//Diagnostic string for security check failures, in builds without platsec
+//diagnostics this will be NULL.
+// only does IOCTLs
+CVendorSAP* CVendorSAP::NewL(CLinkMgrProtocol& aProtocol)
+ {
+ return new(ELeave) CVendorSAP(aProtocol);
+ }
+CVendorSAP::CVendorSAP(CLinkMgrProtocol& aProtocol)
+: iDebugEventQueue(_FOFF(TVendorDebugEvent, iEventLink)),
+ iProtocol(aProtocol)
+ {
+ iProtocol.iVendorSpecificSAP = this;
+ }
+ {
+ iProtocol.iVendorSpecificSAP = NULL;
+ //need to empty the queue.
+ while (!(iDebugEventQueue.IsEmpty()))
+ {
+ TVendorDebugEvent* theEvent = iDebugEventQueue.First();
+ theEvent->iEventLink.Deque();
+ delete theEvent;
+ }
+ }
+void CVendorSAP::Ioctl(TUint aLevel,TUint aName,TDes8* aOption)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iIoctlLevel == 0, Panic(EVendorTwoIoctls));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iIoctlName == 0, Panic(EVendorTwoIoctls));
+ iIoctlLevel = aLevel;
+ iIoctlName = aName;
+ //Do security check on following Ioctls
+ TInt rerr = KErrNone;
+ switch(aName)
+ {
+ case KHCIWaitForVendorSpecificDebugEventIoctl:
+ case KHCIWriteVendorSpecificFrameIoctl:
+ case KHCIWriteVendorSpecificFrameNoEventExpectedIoctl:
+ {
+ //The above Ioctl require additional security checking, NetworkControl
+ //in addition to the LocalServices that was required to create the SAP
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iSecurityChecker, User::Panic(KSECURITY_PANIC, EBTPanicNullSecurityChecker));
+ rerr = iSecurityChecker->CheckPolicy(KNETWORK_CONTROL, KVENDOR_SAP_NAME_DIAG);
+ if (rerr != KErrNone)
+ {
+ NotifyIoctlComplete(rerr,
+ KSolBtHCI,
+ aName,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ // Other Ioctls require just LocalServices - effectively policed when BT socket is created/transferred
+ break;
+ }
+ if (rerr != KErrNone)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // have passed security check so continue to handle ioctl
+ switch(aName)
+ {
+ case KHCIWaitForVendorSpecificDebugEventIoctl:
+ {
+ /*
+ If VendorSpecificWaitForDebugEvent ioctl
+ See if we can complete it synchronously
+ */
+ TryToCompleteVendorDebugEventIoctl();
+ break;
+ }
+ case KHCIWriteVendorSpecificFrameIoctl:
+ {
+ if(aOption->Length() != sizeof(THCIWriteVendorSpecificFrameIoctl))
+ {
+ NotifyIoctlComplete(KErrBadDescriptor,
+ KSolBtHCI,
+ KHCIWriteVendorSpecificFrameIoctl,
+ NULL);
+ return;
+ }
+ const THCIWriteVendorSpecificFrameIoctl* ioctl =
+ reinterpret_cast<const THCIWriteVendorSpecificFrameIoctl*>(aOption->Ptr());
+ TRAPD(err,iProtocol.HCIFacade().VendorSpecificCommandL(ioctl->iOpcode, ioctl->iParams));
+ if (err)
+ {
+ NotifyIoctlComplete(err,
+ KSolBtHCI,
+ KHCIWriteVendorSpecificFrameIoctl,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ // if no error wait for event before completing
+ break;
+ }
+ case KHCIWriteVendorSpecificFrameNoEventExpectedIoctl:
+ {
+ if(aOption->Length() != sizeof(THCIWriteVendorSpecificFrameIoctl))
+ {
+ NotifyIoctlComplete(KErrBadDescriptor,
+ KSolBtHCI,
+ KHCIWriteVendorSpecificFrameNoEventExpectedIoctl,
+ NULL);
+ return;
+ }
+ const THCIWriteVendorSpecificFrameIoctl* ioctl =
+ reinterpret_cast<const THCIWriteVendorSpecificFrameIoctl*>(aOption->Ptr());
+ TRAPD(err,iProtocol.HCIFacade().VendorSpecificCommandL(ioctl->iOpcode, ioctl->iParams));
+ // notify completion now though really could wait until delivered from q
+ NotifyIoctlComplete(err,
+ KSolBtHCI,
+ KHCIWriteVendorSpecificFrameNoEventExpectedIoctl,
+ NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ NotifyIoctlComplete(
+ KErrNotSupported,
+ iIoctlLevel,
+ iIoctlName,
+ );
+ break;
+ } // END Switch
+ }
+void CVendorSAP::VendorCommandCompleteEvent(TInt aErr, const TDesC8* aEvent)
+ {
+ if(iIoctlName == KHCIWriteVendorSpecificFrameIoctl)
+ {
+ /*
+ A client is waiting for this.
+ */
+ NotifyIoctlComplete(aErr, iIoctlLevel, KHCIWriteVendorSpecificFrameIoctl, aEvent);
+ }
+ }
+void CVendorSAP::VendorDebugEvent(TInt aErr, const TDesC8* aEvent)
+ {
+ // Some events will not contain an event descriptor.
+ TPtrC8 eventDesc = aEvent?*aEvent:KNullDesC8;
+ // Holds the data from an *expected* event (expected as in conduit said so!).
+ TVendorDebugEvent* newEvent = NewDebugEventData(eventDesc, aErr);
+ if(newEvent)
+ {
+ iDebugEventQueue.AddLast(*newEvent); // add this event to the end of the list of events already queued
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NotifyIoctlComplete(KErrNoMemory,
+ iIoctlLevel,
+ iIoctlName,
+ NULL);
+ return;
+ }
+ TryToCompleteVendorDebugEventIoctl();
+ }
+TInt CVendorSAP::SecurityCheck(MProvdSecurityChecker *aSecurityChecker)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aSecurityChecker, User::Panic(KSECURITY_PANIC, EBTPanicNullSecurityChecker));
+ iSecurityChecker = aSecurityChecker;
+ return iSecurityChecker->CheckPolicy(KLOCAL_SERVICES, KVENDOR_SAP_NAME_DIAG);
+ }
+void CVendorSAP::NotifyIoctlComplete(TInt aErr, TUint aLevel, TUint aName, const TDesC8* aBuffer)
+ {
+ if (iIoctlLevel == aLevel && iIoctlName == aName)
+ {
+ if (aErr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ if(iSocket)
+ iSocket->IoctlComplete(const_cast<TDesC8*>(aBuffer));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(iSocket)
+ iSocket->Error(aErr, MSocketNotify::EErrorIoctl);
+ }
+ }
+ iIoctlLevel=0;
+ iIoctlName=0;
+ }
+CVendorSAP::TVendorDebugEvent* CVendorSAP::NewDebugEventData(const TDesC8& aBuf, TInt aError)
+@param aBuf The Vendor event buffer. Must not be NULL
+ {
+ TVendorDebugEvent* event = new TVendorDebugEvent;
+ if(!event)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ event->iEventBuf.Copy(aBuf.Left(Min(CHctlCommandFrame::KHCIMaxCommandLength, aBuf.Length())));
+ event->iEventError = aError;
+ return event;
+ }
+void CVendorSAP::TryToCompleteVendorDebugEventIoctl()
+ {
+ // check to see if anyone expecting a debug event completion
+ if (iIoctlName != KHCIWaitForVendorSpecificDebugEventIoctl)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // nothing to do
+ if(iDebugEventQueue.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ TVendorDebugEvent* theEvent = iDebugEventQueue.First();
+ // belt and braces!
+ if(theEvent == NULL)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // De-queue the event, as it is being consumed
+ theEvent->iEventLink.Deque();
+ // Complete the waiting ioctl, passing the the first appropriate
+ // event in the queue back up.
+ NotifyIoctlComplete(
+ theEvent->iEventError,
+ KSolBtHCI,
+ KHCIWaitForVendorSpecificDebugEventIoctl,
+ &(theEvent->iEventBuf)
+ );
+ // Event has been consumed, may now be deleted
+ delete theEvent;
+ }
+void CVendorSAP::Start()
+ {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+void CVendorSAP::LocalName(TSockAddr& /*aAddr*/) const
+ {
+ Panic(EVendorSAPBadCall);
+ }
+TInt CVendorSAP::SetLocalName(TSockAddr& /*aAddr*/)
+ {
+ Panic(EVendorSAPBadCall);
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+void CVendorSAP::RemName(TSockAddr& /*aAddr*/) const
+ {
+ Panic(EVendorSAPBadCall);
+ }
+TInt CVendorSAP::SetRemName(TSockAddr& /*aAddr*/)
+ {
+ Panic(EVendorSAPBadCall);
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+TInt CVendorSAP::GetOption(TUint /*aLevel*/,TUint /*aName*/,TDes8& /*aOption*/) const
+ {
+ Panic(EVendorSAPBadCall);
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+void CVendorSAP::CancelIoctl(TUint __DEBUG_ONLY(aLevel),TUint __DEBUG_ONLY(aName))
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iIoctlLevel == aLevel, Panic(EVendorSAPBadIoctlCancel));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iIoctlName == aName, Panic(EVendorSAPBadIoctlCancel));
+ iIoctlName = 0;
+ iIoctlLevel = 0;
+ }
+TInt CVendorSAP::SetOption(TUint /*aLevel*/,TUint /*aName*/,const TDesC8& /*aOption*/)
+ {
+ Panic(EVendorSAPBadCall);
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+void CVendorSAP::ActiveOpen()
+ {
+ Panic(EVendorSAPBadCall);
+ }
+void CVendorSAP::ActiveOpen(const TDesC8& /*aConnectionData*/)
+ {
+ Panic(EVendorSAPBadCall);
+ }
+TInt CVendorSAP::PassiveOpen(TUint /*aQueSize*/)
+ {
+ Panic(EVendorSAPBadCall);
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+TInt CVendorSAP::PassiveOpen(TUint /*aQueSize*/,const TDesC8& /*aConnectionData*/)
+ {
+ Panic(EVendorSAPBadCall);
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+void CVendorSAP::AutoBind()
+ {
+ Panic(EVendorSAPBadCall);
+ }
+TUint CVendorSAP::Write(const TDesC8& /*aDesc*/, TUint /*aOptions*/, TSockAddr* /*aAddr*/)
+ {
+ Panic(EVendorSAPBadCall);
+ return 0;
+ }
+void CVendorSAP::GetData(TDes8& /*aDesc*/,TUint /*aOptions*/,TSockAddr* /*aAddr*/)
+ {
+ Panic(EVendorSAPBadCall);
+ }
+void CVendorSAP::Shutdown(TCloseType aCloseType)
+ {
+ if (aCloseType == ENormal)
+ {
+ iSocket->CanClose();
+ }
+ }
+void CVendorSAP::Shutdown(TCloseType /*aOption*/,const TDesC8& /*aDisconnectionData*/)
+ {
+ Panic(EVendorSAPBadCall);
+ }