changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
child 3 4e39398d58ed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetooth/btstack/linkmgr/physicallinks.h	Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "linkmgr.h"
+#include "RegistryHelpers.h"
+#include "MBtHostControllerEventInternalNotifier.h"
+#include "basebandsap.h"
+#include "bluetooth/physicallinksstate.h"
+#include "physicallinkmetrics.h"
+#include <bt_sock.h>
+#include <btmanclient.h>
+#include <bluetooth/hcicommandqueueclient.h>
+#include <bluetooth/hcicmdqcontroller.h>
+static const TBTDevRemoteHwVersion KInvalidRemoteHwVersion={0xFF};
+static const TUint64 KInvalidRemoteFeatures = KMaxTUint64; 
+static const TInt KBTArbitrationDelay = 1000000;	// 1s
+class CPhysicalLink;
+class CBTSynchronousLink;
+class CBTProxySAP;
+class MPINCodeResponseHandler;
+class MLinkKeyResponseHandler;
+class CBTRegistryHelperBase;
+class MPhysicalLinkObserver;
+class CBTPinRequester;
+class CACLLink;
+class CRoleSwitcher;
+class CBTNumericComparator;
+class CBTPasskeyEntry;
+enum TPhysicalLinkSimplePairingMode
+	{
+	EPhySimplePairingUndefined,
+	EPhySimplePairingDisabled,
+	EPhySimplePairingEnabled,
+	};
+enum TAuthStates
+	{
+	EAuthenticationRequestPending = 0x1,
+	ELinkKeyRequestPending = 0x2,
+	EPinRequestPending = 0x4,
+	ESimplePairingPending = 0x8,
+	};	
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CArbitrationDelayTimer) : public CTimer
+	This class provides a timer which is used when the physical link goes into active mode
+	to prevent an early switch back into a low power mode.
+	{
+	static CArbitrationDelayTimer* NewL(CPhysicalLink* aParent);
+	void Start();
+	CArbitrationDelayTimer(CPhysicalLink* aParent);
+	void ConstructL();
+	void RunL();
+	CPhysicalLink* 	iParent;
+	};
+	{
+	MLogicalLink*		iObserver;
+	TPhysicalLinkPort	iPort;
+	};
+	The following class controls low power mode command requests and related events. 
+	It bypasses HCI_Facade to keep deep control of all events including errors. 
+	Its aim is also to forbid having more than one outstanding low power mode command.
+	It doesn't manage the trasmission of the "cancel" command when the other one has
+	completed; it simply doesn't send a command if another one is pending.
+	However, using the Arbitrate and SAPSetOption mechanism, if a command is first dropped
+	because another one is pending, it will be executed (if necessary) when the new
+	arbitrate method will be called.
+	The class has a flag set when a new command is delivered and reset when the modechange
+	event is received or an error occurs. When the flag is set no other commands are executed.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TLowPowModeCmdController) : public MHCICommandQueueClient
+	{
+	TLowPowModeCmdController(CPhysicalLink& aLink, MHCICommandQueue& aCmdController);
+	void Abort();
+	TInt ExitMode(TBTLinkMode aMode, THCIConnHandle aHandle);
+	TInt ChangeMode(TBTLinkMode aMode, THCIConnHandle aHandle);
+private:	// events from MHCICommandQueueClient
+	virtual void MhcqcCommandEventReceived(const THCIEventBase& aEvent, const CHCICommandBase* aRelatedCommand);
+	virtual void MhcqcCommandErrored(TInt aErrorCode, const CHCICommandBase* aCommand);
+	void DoChangeModeL(TBTLinkMode aMode, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle);
+	void DoExitModeL(TBTLinkMode aMode, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle);
+	void SniffL(THCIConnHandle aHandleToRemote);
+	void ExitSniffL(THCIConnHandle aHandleToRemote);
+	void HoldL(THCIConnHandle aHandle);
+	void ParkL(THCIConnHandle aHandleToRemote);
+	void ExitParkL(THCIConnHandle aHandleToRemote);
+	CPhysicalLink&		iParent;
+	MHCICommandQueue&	iCmdController;
+	TBool				iOutstandingCmd;
+	};
+	The following class controls disconnect commands and related events. 
+	It bypasses HCI_Facade to keep deep control of all events including errors. 
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TDisconnectCmdController) : public MHCICommandQueueClient
+	{
+	TDisconnectCmdController(CPhysicalLink& aLink, MHCICommandQueue& aCmdController);
+	void Abort();
+	TInt Disconnect(THCIErrorCode aReason);
+private:	// events from MHCICommandQueueClient
+	virtual void MhcqcCommandEventReceived(const THCIEventBase& aEvent, const CHCICommandBase* aRelatedCommand);
+	virtual void MhcqcCommandErrored(TInt aErrorCode, const CHCICommandBase* aCommand);
+	void DoDisconnectL(THCIErrorCode aReason);
+	CPhysicalLink&		iParent;
+	MHCICommandQueue&	iCmdController;
+	};
+	The following class controls authentication requests and related events. 
+	It bypasses HCI_Facade to keep deep control of all events including errors. 
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TAuthenticationCmdController) : public MHCICommandQueueClient
+	{
+	TAuthenticationCmdController(CPhysicalLink& aLink, MHCICommandQueue& aCmdController);
+	void Abort();
+	// events from MLinkKeyResponseHandler
+    TInt LinkKeyRequestReply(const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr, const TDesC8& aLinkKey) const;
+    TInt LinkKeyRequestNegativeReply(const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr) const;
+private:	// events from MHCICommandQueueClient
+	virtual void MhcqcCommandEventReceived(const THCIEventBase& aEvent, const CHCICommandBase* aRelatedCommand);
+	virtual void MhcqcCommandErrored(TInt aErrorCode, const CHCICommandBase* aCommand);
+	CPhysicalLink&		iParent;
+	MHCICommandQueue&	iCmdController;
+	};
+ * CEncryptionEnforcer.
+ * The following class avoid that a wanted encrypted connection becomes an unencrypted connection permanently.
+ * Due to the use of a timer, it switchs the encryption on when a previous "switch off" command is not paired
+ * with the corrisponding "switch on" one. 
+ * i.e.: due to a switch role the remote device disables the encryption but it doesn't enables it when the
+ * operation is finished. In this case, after a while, CEncryptionEnforcer enables the encryption on its own.
+ * If a request to enable the encryption is refused CEncryptionEnforcer try to disconnect the physical link
+ * because is not wanted that a requested encrypted connection is unencrypted.
+ **/
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CEncryptionEnforcer) : public CActive
+	{
+	enum TState
+		{
+		EInactive,
+		ENoRoleSwitchTimerInProgress,
+		ERoleSwitchTimerInProgress,
+		EForcingInProgress,
+		};
+	~CEncryptionEnforcer();
+	static CEncryptionEnforcer* NewL(CPhysicalLink& aLink, THCIEncryptModeFlag aEncryptionMode);
+	static CEncryptionEnforcer* NewLC(CPhysicalLink& aLink, THCIEncryptModeFlag aEncryptionMode);
+	void EncryptionEnabled();
+	void EncryptionDisabled(TBool aSecurityModeFour);
+	void RoleSwitchEvent();
+	CEncryptionEnforcer(CPhysicalLink& aLink, THCIEncryptModeFlag aEncryptionMode);
+	void ConstructL();
+	void ChangeState(TState aState);
+	void Start(TInt delay);
+	void Stop();
+	// inherited from CActive
+	void RunL();
+	void DoCancel();
+	TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+	static const TInt	KTimeOutDelay		= 	5000000;	// 5 secs delay
+	CPhysicalLink&		iLink;
+	THCIEncryptModeFlag	iEncryptionMode;
+	TState				iState;
+	RTimer				iTimer;
+	};
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(XAutoKeyRefreshToken): public MBluetoothControlPlaneToken
+	{
+	TDblQueLink iQueLink;
+	virtual void Release();
+	};
+ 	This class avoid requesting to store device info to the registry, if a pending 
+ 	request for the same device info already exists.
+ **/
+	{
+	TRegistryDeviceBeingModified();
+	TBool InUse() const;
+	TBool IsEqual(const TBTNamelessDevice& aDevice) const;
+	void Begin(const TBTNamelessDevice& aDevice);
+	void RequestCompleted();
+	TInt					iReferenceCount;	
+	TBTNamelessDevice 		iDevice;
+	};
+	The following class captures all the 'physical link' stuff such as
+	whether parked/sniffed, role, etc; to a *given* device - as that is 
+	what can be done: and is incorrect to talk about a parked 'ACL' transport
+	as its a physical property that impacts SCO too.
+	At present the stack does not keep track of which of these are in the
+	same piconet (hopping sequence): that would be a PhysicalLink class
+	Whether there is need for that - possibly for piconet broadcast - then
+	there might be a use for a CBTBroadcast connection - which would begin
+	to reflect a piconet
+ **/
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPhysicalLink) : public CBase,
+					  public MBTRegistryTaskNotifier,
+					  public MBtHostControllerEventInternalNotifier,
+					  public MPINCodeResponseHandler
+	{
+	static CPhysicalLink* NewLC(CPhysicalLinksManager& aConnectionMan,
+								CRegistrySession& aRegSess, const TBTNamelessDevice& aDevice);
+	static CPhysicalLink* NewL(CPhysicalLinksManager& aConnectionMan,
+								CRegistrySession& aRegSess, const TBTNamelessDevice& aDevice);
+	~CPhysicalLink();
+	TInt SubscribeProxySAP(CBTProxySAP& aProxySAP);
+	void UnsubscribeProxySAP(CBTProxySAP& aProxySAP);
+	void SubscribeLinkObserver(MPhysicalLinkObserver& aSubscriber);
+	void UnsubscribeLinkObserver(MPhysicalLinkObserver& aSubscriber);
+	TInt TryToAndThenPreventHostEncryptionKeyRefresh(TAny* aOutToken);
+	inline const TBTDevAddr& BDAddr() const;
+	inline const TBTBasebandLinkState& LinkState() const;
+	inline TBool IsConnected() const;
+	inline TBool IsListening() const;
+	inline TBTBasebandRole Role() const;
+	void SetDeviceNamePending(TBool aBool);
+	TInt GetOption(TUint aLevel,TUint aName,TDes8& aOption) const;
+	TInt Connect(TBasebandPageTimePolicy aPolicy=EPagingNormal);
+	TInt SCOConnect();
+	TInt SCOConnect(const TUint16 aUserHVPacketTypes);
+	TInt SynchronousConnect(TUint aTransmitBandwidth, TUint aReceiveBandwidth,
+		TUint16 aMaxLatency, TUint16 aVoiceSettings,
+		TUint8 aRetransmissionEffort, const TBTSyncPacketTypes aUserPacketTypes);
+	TInt PassiveOpen();
+	TInt Arbitrate(const TBool aImmediately=EFalse, const TBool aLocalPriority=EFalse);	
+	void SetPassKey(const TDesC8& aPassKey);
+	const TBTPinCode& PassKey() const;		
+	void StartArbitrationTimer() const;
+	// from RegistryNotifier
+	virtual void RegistryTaskComplete(CBTRegistryHelperBase* aHelper, TInt aResult);
+	virtual void RegistryTaskComplete(CBTRegistryHelperBase* aHelper, const TBTNamelessDevice& aDevice, TInt aResult);
+	virtual void RegistryTaskComplete(CBTRegistryHelperBase* aHelper, const TRegistryUpdateStatus aRegUpdateStatus, TInt aResult);
+	void SetModesAllowed(TUint8 aModesAllowed, TBool aRoleSwitchAllowed);
+	TBool IsModeSupportedRemotely(TBTLinkMode aMode) const;
+	TBool IsEncryptionPauseResumeSupported() const;
+	TBool IsRoleSwitchSupported() const;
+	TBool IsEncryptionSupported() const;
+	inline TBool Authenticated() const;
+	inline TBool Encrypted() const;
+	TInt ChangeEncryption(THCIEncryptModeFlag aEnable);
+	TInt Authenticate(TBool aRequireAuthenticatedLinkKey);
+	TInt ChangeLinkKey();
+	TInt ChangeConnectionPacketType(TUint16 aType);
+	TInt ExitMode(TBTLinkMode aMode);
+	TInt RequestHold();
+	TInt RequestSniff();
+	TInt RequestPark();
+	TInt RequestActive();
+	TInt RequestChangeRole(TBTBasebandRole aRole);
+	void ReadNewPhysicalLinkMetricValue(TUint aIoctlName, CBTProxySAP& aSAP, TInt aCurrentValue);
+	TInt OverridePark();
+	TInt UndoOverridePark();
+	TInt OverrideLPMWithTimeout(TUint aTimeout);
+	TInt OverrideLPM();
+	TInt UndoOverrideLPM();
+	inline TBool IsParked() const;
+	TBool ACLConnectPending() const;
+	TBool SyncConnectPending() const;
+	// events from MBtHostControllerEventInternalNotifier
+	virtual void ConnectionComplete(THCIErrorCode aErr, const TBTConnect& aConn);
+	virtual void SynchronousConnectionComplete(THCIErrorCode aErr, const TBTConnect& aConn, const TBTSyncConnectOpts& aSyncOpts);
+	virtual void ConnectionRequest(const TBTConnect& aConn);
+	virtual void Disconnection(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH, THCIErrorCode aResult);
+	virtual void CompletedPackets(THCIConnHandle aConnH, TUint16 aNumPackets);
+	virtual void AuthenticationComplete(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH);
+	virtual void EncryptionChange(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH,TBool aEncrypted);
+	virtual void ACLDataReceived(THCIConnHandle aConnH, TUint8 aFlag, const TDesC8& aData);
+	virtual void SCODataReceived(THCIConnHandle aConnH, const TDesC8& aData);
+	virtual void PinRequest(const TBTDevAddr& aBDAddr, MPINCodeResponseHandler& aRequester);
+	virtual void NewLinkKey(const TBTDevAddr& aBDAddr, const TBTLinkKey& aLinkKey, THCILinkKeyType aLinkKeyType);
+	virtual void LinkKeyRequest(const TBTDevAddr& aBDAddr, MLinkKeyResponseHandler& aRequester);
+	virtual void ReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesComplete(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH, const TBTFeatures& aBitMask);
+	virtual void ReadRemoteExtendedFeaturesComplete(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH, TUint64 aBitMask, TUint8 aPageNumber, TUint8 aMaximumPageNumber);
+	virtual void ReadRemoteVersionInfoComplete(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH, const TBTDevRemoteHwVersion& aVer);
+	virtual void PacketTypeChange(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH, TUint16 aNewPacket);
+	virtual void LinkSupervisionTimeoutChange(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH, TUint16 aNewTimeout);
+	virtual void MaxSlotsChange(THCIConnHandle aConnH, TUint8 aSlots);
+	virtual void ModeChange(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH, TBTLinkMode aMode, TBasebandTime aInterval);
+	virtual void WriteLinkPolicySettingsCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH);
+	virtual void RoleChange(THCIErrorCode aErr, const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TBTBasebandRole aRole);
+	virtual void ClockOffset(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH, TBasebandTime aClockOffset);
+	virtual void RemoteName(THCIErrorCode aErr, const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, const TBTDeviceName8& aName);
+	TBool LinkKeyRequestPending();
+	void SetAuthenticationPending(TUint8 aFlag);
+	virtual void AuthenticationComplete(TUint8 aFlag);
+	static TInt OverrideLPMTimeoutCallback(TAny* aCPhysicalLink);// async callback
+	static TInt TerminateCallback(TAny* aCPhysicalLink);// async callback
+	TInt Terminate(THCIErrorCode aReason);
+	TInt AttachLogicalLink(TLinkType aLink, CBTBasebandSAP& aSAP);
+	void DetachLogicalLink(TLinkType aLink, CBTBasebandSAP& aSAP);
+	void PhysicalLinkUserIdle();
+	void PinRequestSent();
+	void PinRequestComplete();
+	void ConfirmationComplete();
+	void DeleteLinkKeyL();
+	TBool IsConnectionRequestPending() const;
+	void PendingConnectionRequest(TInt aError);
+	inline THCIConnHandle Handle() const;
+	TBool HasHandle(THCIConnHandle aConnH) const;
+	inline const TBTNamelessDevice& RemoteDevice() const;
+	void GetCurrentBasebandState(TBTBasebandEventNotification & aEvent);
+	void TryToSend();
+	TBool HasSyncLink() const;
+	void GetDeviceFromRegistryL();
+	TBTLinkMode LinkMode() const; 
+	void AsyncDeleteRoleSwitcher();
+	inline const TLinkPolicy& LinkPolicy() const;
+	inline const TBTFeatures& RemoteFeatures() const;
+	inline const TBTDeviceClass& DeviceClass() const;
+	TInt GetConnectionHandles(RHCIConnHandleArray& aConnectionHandles,
+							  TLinkType aLinkType) const;
+	TInt GetNumPendingHandles(TInt& aConnectionHandles,
+							  TLinkType aLinkType) const;
+	TBool IsEncryptionDisabledForRoleSwitch() const;
+	void IOCapabilityAskForResponse(THCIIoCapability aIOCapability, THCIOobDataPresence aOOBDataPresence, THCIAuthenticationRequirement aAuthenticationRequirement);
+	void SetLocalMITM(TBool aLocalMITM);
+	TBool AuthWithMITM() const;
+	TUint LSTO() const { return iLSTO; }
+	TPhysicalLinkSimplePairingMode SimplePairingMode() const;
+	TBool HasRemoteOobData() const;
+	THCIAuthenticationRequirement AuthenticationRequirement() const;
+	void NewNumericComparatorL(const TBTDevAddr aAddr,CBTSecMan& aSecMan,TUint32 aNumericValue, TBool aInternallyInitiated);
+	CBTNumericComparator* InstanceNumericComparator() const;
+	TBool IsNumericComparatorActive()const;
+	void DeleteNumericComparator();
+	void CancelNumericComparator();
+	void NewPasskeyEntryL(const TBTDevAddr aAddr,CBTSecMan& aSecMan,TUint32 aNumericValue, TBool aInternallyInitiated);
+	CBTPasskeyEntry* InstancePasskeyEntry() const;
+	TBool IsPasskeyEntryActive()const;
+	void DeletePasskeyEntry();
+	void CancelPasskeyEntry();
+	void PasskeyEntryKeyPressed(THCIPasskeyEntryNotificationType aKey);
+	TBasebandTime GetSniffInterval() const;
+	TBool IsPairable() const;
+	CPhysicalLink(CPhysicalLinksManager& aParent, CRegistrySession& aRegSess, const TBTNamelessDevice& aDevice);
+	void ConstructL();
+	void GetRemoteDetailsL(const TBTConnect& aConn);
+	void DoUpdateNameL(const TBTDeviceName8& aName);
+	void NotifyLogicalLinkUp(const TBTConnect& aConnect);
+	void NotifyLogicalSyncLinkUp(const TBTConnect& aConnect, const TBTSyncConnectOpts& aSyncOpts);
+	void NotifyLogicalLinkDown(TPhysicalLinkPort aPort);
+	void NotifyLogicalLinkError(TPhysicalLinkPort aPort, TInt aError);
+	void RejectConnection(const TBTConnect& aConn);
+	void DoPinRequestL(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, MPINCodeResponseHandler& aRequester);
+	void UpdateFromInquiryCache();
+	void StoreDeviceL(TBool aPreventDeviceAddition);
+	void SetLinkKey(const TBTLinkKey& aLinkKey, TBTLinkKeyType aLinkKeyType);
+	void QueueIdleTimer(TInt aTime);
+	void RemoveIdleTimer();
+	void QueueLPMOverrideTimer(TInt aTimeout);
+	void NotifyStateChange(TBTBasebandEventNotification & aEvent);
+	TBool IsPhysicalLinkIdle() const;
+	TInt RequestMode(TBTLinkMode aMode);
+	TBasebandTime CalculatePageTimeout(TBasebandPageTimePolicy aPolicy, TUint8 aRepMode, TBool aValidClockOffset);
+	TBool IsPasskeyMinLengthOK();
+	TBool PeerSupportsLinkKeyRegeneration() const;
+	void DeleteRoleSwitcher();
+	static TInt RoleSwitchCompleteCallBack(TAny* CPhysicalLink);
+	TInt ManageEncryptionEnforcement(THCIEncryptModeFlag aEnable);
+	void HandlePrefetch();
+	void PINCodeRequestReply(const TBTDevAddr& aDevAddr,const TDesC8& aPin);
+	void PINCodeRequestNegativeReply(const TBTDevAddr& aDevAddr);
+	inline TBool IsAuthenticationPending() const;
+private: // from MPINCodeResponseHandler
+	TInt PINCodeRequestReply(const TBTDevAddr& aDevAddr,const TDesC8& aPin) const;
+	TInt PINCodeRequestNegativeReply(const TBTDevAddr& aDevAddr) const;
+	CPhysicalLinksManager&					iLinksMan; // The manager of remote physical link representations
+	CRegistrySession&						iRegSess; // The RegistryServer session
+	// the PHY's properties
+	TBTNamelessDevice						iDevice; // names not stored here by in InqMgr
+	TBTNamelessDevice						iRegistryDevice; // the view from the registry.
+	TBTBasebandLinkState					iLinkState;
+	THCIConnHandle							iHandle;
+	TBTFeatures								iRemoteFeatures;
+	TBTDevRemoteHwVersion					iRemoteVersion;
+	TInt									iDeviceResult; // Whether we got device from registry OK
+	// the PHY's subscribers
+	TDblQue<TPhysicalLinkObserverQLink>		iBasebandSubscribers;
+	// the PHY's outstanding registry helpers
+	TSglQue<CBTRegistryHelperBase>			iRegistryHelpers;
+	// the PHY's UI handlers
+	CBTPinRequester*						iPinRequester;	// looks after PIN entry UI/state
+	CBTNumericComparator*					iNumericComparator; // looks after the numeric comparison UI/state
+	CBTPasskeyEntry*						iPasskeyEntry; // looks after the passkey entry UI/state
+	CEncryptionEnforcer*					iEncryptionEnforcer;
+	// the PHY's supported logical links...
+	RPointerArray<CACLLink>					iACLLogicalLinks;
+	CBTSynchronousLink*						iSyncLogicalLink; // stack only supports a signal one per PHY
+	MPINCodeResponseHandler*	iPinHandler;
+	TBTConnect 					iLastPendingConnection;		// for if we have to wait for Registry to decide whether to rject or accept a connection
+	TBool						iPendingConnection;  // is a connection request waiting for a reply
+	TSglQue<CBTProxySAP>		iProxySAPs;			// the proxies bound to us
+	TDeltaTimerEntry			iIdleTimerEntry;
+	TBool						iIdleTimerQueued;
+	TDeltaTimerEntry			iOverrideLPMTimerEntry;
+	TLinkPolicy					iLinkPolicy;
+	TUint8 						iPreviousRequestedModeMask;
+	TBool						iOverrideParkRequests; //for maybe temporary unpark
+	TBool						iOverrideLPMRequests; //for maybe temporary force active
+	TBool						iLPMOverrideTimerQueued;
+	TBool						iConnectionPacketTypeChanged; //for triggering h/w 
+	TBool						iPreventLinkKeyUpdateReg; //for case e.g. user has called unpair when there is a paired logical channel
+	TUint8						iAuthStateMask; // Authentication state mask to keep track of the authentication process
+	TBool						iLinkKeyPending; //PIN has been sent, awaiting a link key.
+	TBool						iPeerInSecurityMode3;
+	TBasebandTime				iSniffInterval;
+	CArbitrationDelayTimer*		iArbitrationDelay; //for lower power modes
+	CRoleSwitcher*				iRoleSwitcher; //class handles role switch, prevents LPM, removes encryption		
+	CAsyncCallBack*				iRoleSwitchCompleteCallBack;// Async Callback to delete role swticher class.
+	TLowPowModeCmdController	iLowPowModeCtrl;
+	CPhysicalLinkMetrics*		iPhysicalLinkMetrics;
+	TDisconnectCmdController	iDisconnectCtrl;
+	TAuthenticationCmdController iAuthenticationCtrl;
+	TBool						iIOCapsReceived;
+	THCIIoCapability				iIOCapability;
+	THCIOobDataPresence			iOOBDataPresence;
+	THCIAuthenticationRequirement	iAuthenticationRequirement;
+	TBool						iRequireAuthenticatedLinkKey;
+	TBool						iLocalMITM; // Whether MITM protection was requested
+	TUint						iLSTO;
+	TPhysicalLinkSimplePairingMode		iSimplePairingMode;
+	TDblQue<XAutoKeyRefreshToken>		iAutoKeyRefreshQue;
+	TRegistryDeviceBeingModified		iRegistryDevBeingMod;	// avoid duplicate equal registry device store req
+	TInt						iIdleTimeout;
+	TBool						iNewPinCodeValid;
+	TBTPinCode					iNewPinCode;
+	TBool						iWaitingForLinkKeyFromRegistry;
+	/**
+	Enumeration to represent the current state of the physical links storage in the registry,
+	this is to cover the asynchronous properties of actions to the registry.
+	*/
+	enum TRemoteDeviceRecordedByStack
+		{
+		ENull,
+		EPending,
+		EComplete
+		};
+	TRemoteDeviceRecordedByStack	iRemoteDeviceRecordedByStack;
+	TBool						iDisconnectRequested; //
+	};
+// Removed - LogicalLinkTrackers - if needed to prevent Park mode for legacy apps see in Perforce
+#include "physicallinks.inl"