changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
child 11 20fda83a6398
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetooth/btstack/secman/secman.h	Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#ifndef SECMAN_H
+#define SECMAN_H
+#include <es_prot.h>
+#include <bt_sock.h>
+#include <btmanclient.h>
+#include <btextnotifiers.h>
+#include <bluetooth/hcicommandqueueclient.h>
+#include "notification.h"
+#include "SecManNotifiers.h"
+#include "btaccessrequesterstatemachine.h"
+#include <btextnotifierspartner.h>
+//forward decs
+class CBTSecMan;
+class CPairingServer;
+class CBTAccessRequester;
+class CBTAuthorisor;
+class CPhysicalLink;
+class CPhysicalLinksManager;
+class CLinkMgrProtocol;
+class CBTInquiryMgr;
+class CBTHostResolver;
+class CBTAccessRequesterStateFactory;
+class MHCICommandQueue;
+class THCICommandCompleteEvent;
+class COobDataManager;
+class CSimplePairingResultList;
+class CAuthenticationResultList;
+// used in physicallinks.cpp
+const TInt KDeviceNotObtained = KMaxTInt;
+Interface for a class that is making an access request - typically a SAP
+enum TBTSecurityClearance
+	{
+	EBTSecManAccessGranted,
+	EBTSecManAccessDenied,
+	EBTSecManAccessDeferred,
+	};
+Security Notifier Update Class
+Handles the updating of the Bluetooth Notifiers
+template <class T>
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSecNotifierUpdateAO) : public CActive
+	{
+	static CSecNotifierUpdateAO<T>* NewL(RNotifier& aNotifier, TUid aNotifierUid);
+	static CSecNotifierUpdateAO<T>* NewLC(RNotifier& aNotifier, TUid aNotifierUid);
+	~CSecNotifierUpdateAO();
+	void DoUpdate(const T& aPckg);
+	void DoUpdateSynchronous(const T& aPckg);
+private: // from CActive
+	void DoCancel();
+	void RunL();
+	TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+	CSecNotifierUpdateAO();
+	void ConstructL(RNotifier& aNotifier, TUid aNotifierUid);
+	RNotifier	iNotifier;
+	TUid		iNotifierUid;
+	TBuf8<1>	iAnswer;
+	T			iPckg;
+	RArray<T>	iPckgQueue;
+	};
+Base class that makes requests using RNotifier.
+This is used by the security manager to queue the notifier requests.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSecNotifierRequester) : public CActive, public MResolverNotify
+	{
+	virtual void DoRequest() = 0;
+	virtual void DoUpdateNotifier() = 0;
+	virtual void HandleTimeout();
+	~CSecNotifierRequester();
+	CSecNotifierRequester(CBTSecMan& aSecMgr);
+	void ConstructL(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr);
+	void QueryComplete(TInt aResult);
+	void RemoveMyselfFromQue();
+	const TDesC8*			iDeviceName;	//non-owned; points to InqMgr result
+	TBTDevAddr				iDevAddr;
+	TBool					iIsAddedToNotifierQue;
+	RNotifier				iNotifier;
+	CBTHostResolver*		iHR;
+	TNameRecord*			iHRNameRecord;
+	CBTInquiryMgr&			iInquiryMgr;
+	CBTSecMan&				iSecMgr;
+	};
+	: public CTimer
+	{
+	static CSecNotifierRequesterTimer* NewL(CSecNotifierRequester& aObserver);
+	~CSecNotifierRequesterTimer();
+	void Start(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aTimeout);
+	CSecNotifierRequesterTimer(CSecNotifierRequester& aObserver);
+	void ConstructL();
+	void RunL();
+	CSecNotifierRequester&	iObserver;
+	};
+	This class handles CBTSecMan commands to and from the HCI
+	It is owned, constructed and destructed by CBTSecMan
+	: public CBase
+	, public MHCICommandQueueClient
+	{
+	~CSecManCommandController();
+	static CSecManCommandController* NewL(CBTSecMan& aSecMan);
+	static CSecManCommandController* NewLC(CBTSecMan& aSecMan);
+	void SetHCICommandQueue(MHCICommandQueue& aCommandQueue);
+	void ClearHCICommandQueue();
+public: // command functions
+	void WriteSimplePairingModeL(TUint8 aSimplePairingMode);
+	void WriteSimplePairingDebugModeL(TUint8 aSimplePairingDebugMode);
+	void IOCapabilityRequestReplyL(const TBTDevAddr& aBDADDR, THCIIoCapability aIOCapability, THCIOobDataPresence aOOBDataPresent, THCIAuthenticationRequirement aAuthenticationRequirements);
+	void IOCapabilityRequestNegativeReplyL(const TBTDevAddr& aBDADDR, TUint8 aReason);
+	void UserConfirmationRequestReplyL(const TBTDevAddr& aBDADDR);
+	void UserConfirmationRequestNegativeReplyL(const TBTDevAddr& aBDADDR);
+	void RemoteOOBDataRequestReplyL(const TBTDevAddr& aBDADDR, const TBluetoothSimplePairingHash& aC, const TBluetoothSimplePairingRandomizer& aR);
+	void RemoteOOBDataRequestNegativeReplyL(const TBTDevAddr& aBDADDR);
+private: // events from MHCICommandQueueClient
+	void MhcqcCommandEventReceived(const THCIEventBase& aEvent, const CHCICommandBase* aRelatedCommand);
+	void MhcqcCommandErrored(TInt aErrorCode, const CHCICommandBase* aCommand);
+	CSecManCommandController(CBTSecMan& aSecMan);
+	void ConstructL();
+	MHCICommandQueue& CommandQueue() const;
+	void CommandCompleteEvent(const THCIEventBase& aEvent);
+	void CommandStatusEvent(const THCIEventBase& aEvent);
+	void IOCapabilityRequestEvent(const THCIEventBase& aEvent);
+	void IOCapabilityResponseEvent(const THCIEventBase& aEvent);
+	void UserConfirmationRequestEvent(const THCIEventBase& aEvent);
+	void UserPasskeyNotificationEvent(const THCIEventBase& aEvent);
+	void RemoteOOBDataRequestEvent(const THCIEventBase& aEvent);
+	void SimplePairingCompleteEvent(const THCIEventBase& aEvent);
+	void KeypressNotificationEvent(const THCIEventBase& aEvent);
+	void WriteSimplePairingModeOpcode(const THCICommandCompleteEvent& aCompleteEvent);
+	void RemoteOOBDataRequestReplyOpcode(const THCICommandCompleteEvent& aCompleteEvent);
+	void RemoteOOBDataRequestNegativeReplyOpcode(const THCICommandCompleteEvent& aCompleteEvent);
+	void WriteSimplePairingDebugModeOpcode(const THCICommandCompleteEvent& aCompleteEvent);
+private: // checking cast functions.
+	static THCIIoCapability CastToIoCapability(TUint8 aIOCapability);
+	static THCIOobDataPresence CastToOobDataPresence(TUint8 aOOBDataPresent);
+	static THCIAuthenticationRequirement CastToAuthenticationRequirements(TUint8 aAuthenticationRequirements);
+	CBTSecMan&			iSecMan;
+	MHCICommandQueue*	iCommandQueue;
+	};
+enum TAccessType
+	{
+	EGeneralBonding,
+	EGeneralBondingSecurityMode4Outgoing,
+	EDedicatedBonding,
+	};
+BT Security Manager.
+Provides access to all functionality of the security manager.
+	{
+	static CBTSecMan* NewL();
+	static CBTSecMan* NewLC();
+	~CBTSecMan();
+	void SetLocalSimplePairingMode(TBool aEnabled);
+	TBool LocalSimplePairingMode() const;
+	void SimplePairingSupportDetermined(const TBTDevAddr& aBDAddr);
+	void SetPhysicalLinksMgr(const CPhysicalLinksManager& aConnectionsMgr);
+	void ClearPhysicalLinksMgr();
+	void SetLinksMgrProtocol(CLinkMgrProtocol& aLinkMgrProtocol);
+	void ClearLinksMgrProtocol();
+	void SetHCICommandQueue(MHCICommandQueue& aCommandQueue);
+	void ClearHCICommandQueue();
+	CPhysicalLinksManager& ConnectionsManager() const;
+	COobDataManager& OobDataManager() const;
+	TBool DebugMode() const;
+	void SetDebugMode(TBool aOn);
+	void ClearDebugMode();
+	void DebugModeChanged(TBool aOn);
+	void AccessRequestL(const TBTServiceSecurity& aSecurity,
+						const TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice* const aOverride,
+						const TBTDevAddr& aBDAddr,
+						TAccessType aAccessType,
+						MAccessRequestResponseHandler& aRequester);
+	void AccessRequestComplete(CBTAccessRequester* aRequester, TInt aResult);
+	void AddNotifierRequestToQueL(CSecNotifierRequester& aRequest);
+	void RemoveNotifierRequestFromQue(CSecNotifierRequester& aRequest);
+	void CancelRequest(MAccessRequestResponseHandler& aRequester);
+	void DeleteLinkKeyL(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr);
+	void GetPassKeyLengthAndOriginator(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TUint& aPasskeyMinLength,
+									   TBool& aLocallyInitiatedAuthentication,
+									   TBool& aStrongKeyRequired);
+	void AuthenticationInProgress();
+	void IOCapabilityRequestFromRemote(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr);
+	void IOCapabilityAskForResponse(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, THCIIoCapability aIOCapability, THCIOobDataPresence aOOBDataPresent, THCIAuthenticationRequirement aAuthentication_Requirements);
+	void RemoteOOBDataRequest(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr);
+	void RemoteOOBDataRequestComplete(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr);
+	void UserConfirmationRequest(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TUint32 aNumericValue);
+	void UserConfirmationComplete(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TBool aResult, TInt aError);
+	void PasskeyNotification(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TUint32 aPasskey);
+	void PasskeyNotificationComplete(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TInt aError);
+	void KeypressNotification(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TUint8 aNotificationType);
+	void SimplePairingComplete(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, THCIErrorCode aError);
+	void AuthenticationComplete(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, THCIErrorCode aError);
+	TBool IsDedicatedBondingAttempted(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr);
+	TBool IsOutboundAccessRequest(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr);
+	CBTAccessRequesterStateFactory* StateMachine();
+	inline MHCICommandQueueClient& HCIEventHandler() const { return *iCommandController; }
+	inline CSecManCommandController& CommandController() const { return *iCommandController; }
+	CBTAccessRequester* FindActiveAccessRequester(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr) const;
+	MAccessRequestResponseHandler& FinishAccessRequest(CBTAccessRequester* aAccessRequester);
+	static TBool CompareAccessRequesterByBDAddr(const TBTDevAddr* aKey, const CBTAccessRequester& aAccessRequester);
+	static TBool CompareAccessRequesterByRequester(const MAccessRequestResponseHandler* aKey, const CBTAccessRequester& aAccessRequester);
+	CSecManCommandController* 				iCommandController;
+	CPairingServer*							iPairingServer;
+	COobDataManager*						iOobDataManager;
+	CSimplePairingResultList*				iSimplePairingResultList;
+	CAuthenticationResultList*				iAuthenticationResultList;
+	CBTSecMan();
+	void ConstructL();
+	CPhysicalLinksManager*					iPhysicalLinksManager;
+	RPointerArray<CBTAccessRequester>		iAccessRequesters;
+	RPointerArray<CBTAccessRequester>		iPendingAccessRequesters;
+	RPointerArray<CSecNotifierRequester>	iNotifierRequesters;
+	CSecNotifierRequester*					iActiveNotifierRequester;
+	TBool									iLocalSimplePairingMode;
+	TBool									iDebugMode;
+	CBTAccessRequesterStateFactory*			iStateMachine;
+	};
+Enforces security policy and answers access requests.
+An object of this class is created when an access request is first made from a particular device to a
+particular service.  It is destroyed when the request may be answered with "accepted" or "denied".
+	: public CBase
+	, public MPhysicalLinkObserver
+	, public MBluetoothPrefetchNotifier
+	{
+	static CBTAccessRequester* NewLC(CPhysicalLink& aConnection,
+									 const TBTServiceSecurity& aSecurity,
+									 const TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice* const aOverride,
+									 MAccessRequestResponseHandler& aRequester,
+									 TAccessType aAccessType,
+									 CBTSecMan& aParent);
+	~CBTAccessRequester();
+	void Start();
+	TBool SendEvent( TBTSecEvent& aEvent );
+public: // State machine actions
+	void Ready( TBTSecEvent& aEvent );
+	void AuthenticationRequested( TBTSecEvent& aEvent );
+	void RequestAuthentication( TBTSecEvent& aEvent );
+	void AuthenticationComplete( TBTSecEvent& aEvent );
+	void EncryptionChangePending( TBTSecEvent& aEvent );
+	void EncryptionChangeComplete( TBTSecEvent& aEvent );
+	void AuthorisationRequested( TBTSecEvent& aEvent );
+	void RequestAuthorisation( TBTSecEvent& aEvent );
+	void AuthorisationComplete( TBTSecEvent& aEvent );
+	void IOCapsResponse( TBTSecEvent& aEvent );
+	void IOCapsRequested( TBTSecEvent& aEvent );
+	void UserConfirmation( TBTSecEvent& aEvent );
+	void PasskeyEntry( TBTSecEvent& aEvent );
+	void RemoteOOBDataRequest( TBTSecEvent& aEvent );
+	void SimplePairingPending( TBTSecEvent& aEvent );
+	const MAccessRequestResponseHandler& ServiceRequester() const;
+	const TBTDevAddr& DeviceAddress() const;
+	TBool IsAuthenticationReqPending(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TUint& aPasskeyMinLength, TBluetoothMitmProtection& aMitmLevel);
+	TBool AuthenticationRequired() const;
+	TBool EncryptionRequired() const;
+	TBool AuthenticationInProgress() const;
+	TBool UnableToBond() const;
+	TBool BasebandConnected() const;
+	void CompleteRequest(TInt aReason);
+	void SetCurrentState(TBTAccessRequesterState aState);
+	TBool RequirementsDenied();
+	TAccessType AccessType() const;
+	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAuthenticationTimer)
+		: public CTimer
+		{
+	private:
+		static const TInt KAuthenticationRequestTimeout = 60000000; // 60 seconds in microseconds
+	public:
+		static CAuthenticationTimer* NewL(CBTAccessRequester& aObserver);
+		~CAuthenticationTimer();
+		void Start();
+	private:
+		CAuthenticationTimer(CBTAccessRequester& aObserver);
+		void ConstructL();
+		void RunL();
+	private:
+		CBTAccessRequester&	iObserver;
+		};
+	CBTAccessRequester(CPhysicalLink& aConnection,
+					   const TBTServiceSecurity& aServiceSecurity,
+					   const TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice* const aOverride,
+					   MAccessRequestResponseHandler& aRequester,
+					   TAccessType aDedicatedBonding,
+					   CBTSecMan& aParent);
+	void ConstructL();
+	void SubscribeToLinkObserver();
+	TBTAccessRequirements OverallRequirements(const TBTServiceSecurity& aServiceSecurity,
+											  const TBTNamelessDevice& aDevice);
+	void PhysicalLinkChange(const TBTBasebandEventNotification & aEvent);
+	void QueryComplete(TInt aErr);
+	void SetDeviceName();
+	TBool LinkKeyGoodEnough() const;
+	TBool AuthenticationRecommended() const;
+	void SetAuthenticationInProgress();
+	void AuthenticationTimerElapsed();
+	void LinkError(TInt aError);
+private: //from MPhysicalLinkObserver
+	void PhysicalLinkChange(const TBTBasebandEventNotification & aEvent, CPhysicalLink& aPhysicalLink);
+	TPhysicalLinkObserverQLink& ObserverQLink();
+private: // from MBluetoothPrefetchNotifier
+	TPrefetchNotifierQLink& MbpnQueLink();
+	void MbpnPrefetchComplete(TInt aError);
+	MAccessRequestResponseHandler&	iRequester;                     //< the SAP who instructed us to check sec
+	CBTSecMan&						iSecMan;                        //< our parent
+	CPhysicalLink*					iBaseband;                      //< the baseband we're operating on
+	TBTDevAddr						iDevAddr;                       //< Bluetooth device address we are representing.
+	CBTAuthorisor*					iAuthorisor;                    //< looks after authorisation UI/state
+	const TBTServiceSecurity		iServiceRequirements;           //< the security required by our service
+	TBTAccessRequirements			iRequirements;                  //< the requirements of device and service and its UID
+	const TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice* const	iOverride;          //< any overrides the service has
+	TBool							iIsSubscribedToConnection;
+	TBool							iDeviceRetrievedFromRegistry;
+	const TDesC8*					iDeviceName;                    //< non-owned; points to InqMgr result
+	TPhysicalLinkObserverQLink		iQueLink;
+	TPrefetchNotifierQLink			iPrefetchQueueLink;
+	TBool 							iAuthenticationInProgress;      //< If authentication is in progress
+	TAccessType						iAccessType;
+	TBool							iDedicatedBondingNotAvailable;  //< Remote IOCapabilitiesResponse says no dedicated bonding
+	THCIIoCapability				iRemoteIOCapability;
+	THCIOobDataPresence				iRemoteOOBDataPresence;
+	CAuthenticationTimer*			iTimer;
+	TBTAccessRequesterState 		iCurrentState;
+	};
+Prompts the user for permission for a particular connection to proceed.
+Uses the RNotifier framework to produce a dialog containing information
+about the remote device and the local service in question.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CBTAuthorisor) : public CSecNotifierRequester
+	{
+	static CBTAuthorisor* NewL(CBTAccessRequester& aAccessRequester, CBTSecMan& aSecMan, TUid aServiceUID);
+	static CBTAuthorisor* NewLC(CBTAccessRequester& aAccessRequester, CBTSecMan& aSecMan, TUid aServiceUID);
+	~CBTAuthorisor();
+private: // from CActive
+	void DoCancel();
+	void RunL();
+	TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+private: // from CSecNotifierRequester
+	void DoRequest();
+	void DoUpdateNotifier();
+	CBTAuthorisor(CBTAccessRequester& aAccessRequester, CBTSecMan& aSecMan, TUid aServiceUID);
+	CSecNotifierUpdateAO<TBTNotifierUpdateParamsPckg>*	iUpdateNotifierAO;
+	CBTAccessRequester&			iAccessRequester;
+	TBTAuthorisationParamsPckg	iAuthorisationParamsPckg;
+	TPckgBuf<TBool>				iResultPckg;
+	};
+RNotifier Pin Provider.
+Uses an RNotifier plugin to get a pin from the user.
+Generally owned by physical link to cope with passive authentication
+	: public CSecNotifierRequester
+	{
+	static CBTPinRequester* NewL(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr,
+								 MPINCodeResponseHandler& aHandler,
+								 CBTSecMan& aSecMan,
+								 TUint aPasskeyMinLength,
+								 TBool aInternallyInitiated,
+								 TBool aStrongKeyRequired,
+								 TUint aRecommendedPasskeyMinLength);
+	static CBTPinRequester* NewLC(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr,
+								  MPINCodeResponseHandler& aHandler,
+								  CBTSecMan& aSecMan,
+								  TUint aPasskeyMinLength,
+								  TBool aInternallyInitiated,
+								  TBool aStrongKeyRequired,
+								  TUint aRecommendedPasskeyMinLength);
+	~CBTPinRequester();
+	void UpdateHandler(MPINCodeResponseHandler& aNewHandler);
+	void RequestPinL(const TBTDevAddr& aDevAddr, const TDesC8* aDeviceName);
+	virtual void FriendlyNameRetrieved(const TDesC& aName, TInt aResult);
+private: // from CActive
+	void RunL();
+	void DoCancel();
+	TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+private: //from CSecNotifierRequester
+	virtual void DoRequest();
+	virtual void DoUpdateNotifier();
+	virtual void HandleTimeout();
+	static const TInt KPinRequesterTimeout = 60000000; // 60 seconds in microseconds
+	CBTPinRequester(MPINCodeResponseHandler& aRequester,
+					CBTSecMan& aSecMan,
+					TUint aPasskeyMinLength,
+					TBool aInternallyInitiated,
+					TBool aStrongKeyRequired,
+					TUint aRecommendedPasskeyMinLength);
+	void ConstructL(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr);
+	void HandleSspAwareNotifierL();
+	void HandleLegacyNotifierL();
+	void UpdateSspAwareNotifier();
+	void UpdateLegacyNotifier();
+	enum TNotifierTypeInUse
+		{
+		EInvalid,
+		ESspAwareNotifier,
+		ELegacyNotifier,
+		};
+	MPINCodeResponseHandler*			iHandler;
+	CBTSecMan&							iSecMan;
+	TNotifierTypeInUse					iNotifierType;
+	TBTPinCodeEntryNotifierParamsPckg	iPinCodeEntryParamsPckg;
+	TBTPasskeyNotifierParamsPckg		iLegacyPinCodeParamsPckg;
+	union
+		{
+		CSecNotifierUpdateAO<TBTNotifierUpdateParamsPckg>*		iLegacyUpdater;
+		CSecNotifierUpdateAO<TBTDeviceNameUpdateParamsPckg>*	iNameUpdater;
+		} iUpdateNotifier;
+	CSecNotifierRequesterTimer*			iTimer;
+	TUint 								iPasskeyMinLength;
+	TBool 								iInternallyInitiated;
+	TBool								iStrongKeyRequired;
+	TUint								iRecommendedPasskeyMinLength;
+	TBTPinCode							iPassKey;
+	};
+Prompts the user to confirm whether or not the supplied numeric value is the same 
+as that of the remote device. 
+Uses the RNotifier framework to produce a dialog containing information
+about the remote device and the numeric value to be compared.
+	: public CSecNotifierRequester
+	{
+	static CBTNumericComparator* NewL(const TBTDevAddr aAddr,
+									  CBTSecMan& aSecMan, 
+									  TUint32 aNumericValue, 
+									  TBTNumericComparisonParams::TComparisonScenario aComparisonScenario, 
+									  TBool aInternallyInitiated);
+	static CBTNumericComparator* NewLC(const TBTDevAddr aAddr,
+									   CBTSecMan& aSecMan, 
+			  						   TUint32 aNumericValue, 
+									   TBTNumericComparisonParams::TComparisonScenario aComparisonScenario, 
+									   TBool aInternallyInitiated);
+	~CBTNumericComparator();
+private: // from CActive
+	void DoCancel();
+	void RunL();
+	TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+private: //from CSecNotifierRequester
+	virtual void DoRequest();
+	virtual void DoUpdateNotifier();
+	CBTNumericComparator(CBTSecMan& aSecMan, 
+			  			 TUint32 aNumericValue, 
+						 TBTNumericComparisonParams::TComparisonScenario aComparisonScenario, 
+						 TBool aInternallyInitiated);
+	CSecNotifierUpdateAO<TBTDeviceNameUpdateParamsPckg>*	iNameUpdater;
+	CBTSecMan&												iSecMan;
+	TUint32 												iNumericValue;
+	TBTNumericComparisonParams::TComparisonScenario 		iComparisonScenario;
+	TBool 													iInternallyInitiated;
+	TBTNumericComparisonParamsPckg							iNumericComparisonParamsPckg;
+	TPckgBuf<TBool>											iResultPckg;
+	};
+Prompts the user to enter the supplied numeric value on the remote device 
+Uses the RNotifier framework to produce a dialog containing information
+about the remote device and the numeric value to be compared.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CBTPasskeyEntry) : public CSecNotifierRequester
+	{
+	static CBTPasskeyEntry* NewL(const TBTDevAddr aAddr, 
+									  CBTSecMan& aSecMan,
+									  TUint32 aNumericValue,
+									  TBool aInternallyInitiated);
+	static CBTPasskeyEntry* NewLC(const TBTDevAddr aAddr, 
+									   CBTSecMan& aSecMan,
+									   TUint32 aNumericValue,
+									   TBool aInternallyInitiated);
+	~CBTPasskeyEntry();
+	void KeyPressed(THCIPasskeyEntryNotificationType aKey);
+private: // from CActive
+	void DoCancel();
+	void RunL();
+	TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+private: // from CSecNotifierRequester
+	virtual void DoRequest();
+	virtual void DoUpdateNotifier();
+	CBTPasskeyEntry(CBTSecMan& aSecMan, TUint32 aNumericValue, TBool aInternallyInitiated);
+	CSecNotifierUpdateAO<TBTPasskeyDisplayUpdateParamsPckg>*	iKeypressUpdater;		
+	CSecNotifierUpdateAO<TBTDeviceNameUpdateParamsPckg>*		iNameUpdater;	
+	CBTSecMan&							iSecMan;
+	TUint32								iNumericValue;
+	TBool 								iInternallyInitiated;
+	TBTPasskeyDisplayParamsPckg			iPasskeyDisplayParamsPckg;
+	TBTDeviceNameUpdateParamsPckg		iDeviceNameUpdateParamsPckg;
+	TBuf8<1>							iResultPckg;
+	};
+_LIT(KBTSecPanic, "BT Security");
+enum TBTSecPanic
+	{
+	EBTSecBadAuthorisationRequest,
+	EBTSecBadNotifierArray,
+	EBTSecPinRequesterAlreadyExists,
+	EBTSecPINRequestedTwice,
+	EBTSecAuthorisationRequestAlreadyExists,
+	EBTSecBadNotifierUpdate,
+	EBTSecBadDeviceAddress,
+	EBTSecUnexpectedSecurityResponse,
+	EBTSecUnexpectedStateMachineEventId,
+	EBTSecUnexpectedStateMachineError,
+	EBTSecBadStateMachineEvent,
+	EBTSecConnectionNumericComparisonTwice,
+	EBTSecConnectionPasskeyNotificationTwice,
+	EBTSecNullPhysicalLinksManager,
+	EBTSecPhysicalLinkMissing,
+	EBTSecBadUserPasskeyRequest,
+	EBTSecNotImplemented,
+	EBTSecEncryptionRequestForDedicatedBond,
+	EBTSecUnexpectedIoCapability,
+	EBTSecUnexpectedOobDataPresence,
+	EBTSecUnexpectedAuthenticationRequirements,
+	EBTSecCommandQueueAlreadyProvided,
+	EBTSecCommandQueueNotAvailable,
+	EBTSecDebugModeTurnedOff,
+	EBTSecNoCommandAssociatedWithErrorEvent,
+	EBTSecUnknownHCIEvent,
+	EBTSecUnknownHCICommandCompleteOpcode,
+	EBTSecMultipleActiveAccessRequestersForService,
+	EBTSecMultiplePendingAccessRequestersForService,
+	EBTSecServiceTryingToQueueMultipleAccessRequesters,
+	EBTSecAccessRequesterCompletedWhenNotActive,
+	EBTSecEncryptionRequiredOnUnauthenticatedLink,
+	EBTSecCouldNotFindStateTransition,
+	EBTSecAccessRequesterShouldHaveNotBeenFound,
+	EBTSecAccessRequesterShouldHaveBeenFound,
+	EBTSecNotifierRequesterUsingTimerWithoutHandling,
+	};
+#endif // SECMAN_H