changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetooth/gavdp/test/tavsrc.cpp	Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2678 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "tavsrc.h"
+#include "tavsrcUtils.h"
+#include "tavsrcSock.h"
+#include "tavsrcController.h"
+#include "tavsrcStreamer.h"
+#include <es_sock.h>
+#include <bt_sock.h>
+#include <bluetoothav.h>
+#include <btsdp.h>
+#include <flogger.h>
+#include <btmanclient.h>
+#include <remconinterfaceselector.h>
+#include <remconcoreapitarget.h>
+#include <remcontrackinfotarget.h>
+#include <remconabsvoltarget.h>
+#include <remconmediainformationtargetobserver.h>
+#include <remconinterfaceselector.h>
+#include <remconaddress.h>
+#include <bacline.h> 
+#ifdef DBAWARE
+#include "tavsrcmtupdaterdatabaseaware.h"
+#include "tavsrcmtupdaterdatabaseunaware.h"
+#include "tavsrcAbsoluteVolume.h"
+#ifdef __WINS__
+static const TSize KMainConsole(75,30);
+static const TSize KLogConsole(75,30);
+static const TSize KMainConsole(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen);
+static const TSize KLogConsole(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen);
+using namespace SymbianBluetoothAV;
+using namespace SymbianSBC;
+void CAVTestApp::PreventLowPowerModes()
+	{
+	// Prevent any other application from setting to low power mode
+	TInt err = iPhy.PreventLowPowerModes(EAnyLowPowerMode);
+	__LOG(_L("Low power mode prevented, result %d\n"), err);
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::AllowLowPowerModes()
+	{
+	// Allow any other application to set to low power mode
+	TInt err = iPhy.AllowLowPowerModes(EAnyLowPowerMode);
+	__LOG(_L("Low power mode allowed, result %d\n"), err);
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::EchoStorm()
+	{
+	//UPF test
+	//connect phy
+	CBluetoothPhysicalLinks* phys = NULL;
+	TRAP_IGNORE(phys = CBluetoothPhysicalLinks::NewL(*this, iSockServ));
+	if (phys)
+		{
+		phys->CreateConnection(iDevAddr);
+		}
+	}
+ void CAVTestApp::HandleCreateConnectionCompleteL(TInt /*aErr*/)
+ 	{
+ 	TBuf8<32> echo;
+ 	RSocket sock;
+ 	sock.Open(iSockServ, _L("L2CAP"));
+ 	TL2CAPSockAddr addr;
+ 	addr.SetBTAddr(iDevAddr);
+ 	addr.SetPort(1);
+ 	TRequestStatus status;
+ 	__LOG(_L("Connecting l2cap"));
+ 	sock.Connect(addr, status);
+ 	User::WaitForRequest(status);
+	echo.SetMax();
+	echo.Fill('!');
+	__LOG(_L("Echooing"));
+		{
+ 		sock.Ioctl(KL2CAPEchoRequestIoctl, status, &echo, KSolBtL2CAP);
+ 		User::WaitForRequest(status);
+		}
+ 	}
+void CAVTestApp::HandleDisconnectCompleteL(TInt /*aErr*/)
+ 	{ 	
+ 	}
+void CAVTestApp::HandleDisconnectAllCompleteL(TInt /*aErr*/)
+	{
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::CreateStreamerL(RSocketArray aSockets)
+	{
+	__LOG(_L("Creating new streamer\n"));
+	iStreamer = CActiveStreamer::NewL(aSockets,iLogConsole->Console(), *this, iDisplayMode, iPreloadFile);
+	__LOG(_L("OK\n"));		
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::Abort()
+	{
+	__PRINT(_L("\n (!ABORT!) Enter remote SEID to ABORT"));
+	TInt seid = TTavsrcUtils::GetIntFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console());
+	__PRINT(_L("\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("Aborting SEID &d...\n"),seid);
+	iGavdp.AbortStream(TSEID(seid, EFalse));	
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::SendSecurityControl()
+	{
+	__PRINT(_L("\n Enter remote SEID to Send Security Control"));
+	TInt seid = TTavsrcUtils::GetIntFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console());
+	__PRINT(_L("\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("Sending security control to SEID %d...\n"),seid);
+	TBuf8<20> secBuf(_L8("Danger!\n"));
+	iGavdp.SendSecurityControl(TSEID(seid, EFalse), secBuf);	
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::GetCapabilities()
+	{
+	if (!iLocalReconfigure) // Don't change the remote SEID if we're reconfiguring
+		{
+		if (iAutoStream)
+			{
+			// start at first in shortlisted sep array
+			iCurrentSEID = iShortlistedSEIDs[0];
+			iShortlistedSEIDs.Remove(0); // so next time around, take head again
+			}
+		else
+			{		
+			__PRINT(_L("\n Enter remote SEID to get caps for"));		
+			iCurrentSEID = TSEID(TTavsrcUtils::GetIntFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console()), EFalse);
+			}
+		}
+	__PRINT(_L("\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("Getting Capabilities for SEID %d...\n"),iCurrentSEID.Value());
+	iSEPCapabilities.ResetAndDestroy(); //clear what's already there
+	// we're interested in all caps as we are *TEST CODE*
+	// some GCs should only register interest in the capabilities they might select
+	TAvdtpServiceCategories caps;
+	caps.SetCapability(EAllServiceCategories);
+	iGavdp.GetRemoteSEPCapabilities(iCurrentSEID, caps);
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::GAVDP_SEPCapability(TAvdtpServiceCapability* aCapability)
+	{
+	TInt err;
+	PrettyPrint(*aCapability);
+	// we own cap, stash it in our RPointerArray for owning and later use
+	err = iSEPCapabilities.Append(aCapability);
+	if(err == KErrNone)
+		{
+		// check if remote does SBC
+		if (aCapability->Category() == EServiceCategoryMediaCodec)
+			{
+			if (static_cast<TAvdtpMediaCodecCapabilities*>(aCapability)->MediaCodecType() == EAudioCodecSBC)
+				{
+				iChosenSEP = ETrue;
+				__LOG(_L("Found remote suitable SEP with SEID %d\n"), iCurrentSEID.SEID());
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		delete aCapability;
+		}
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::GAVDP_SEPDiscoveryComplete()
+	{
+	// complete the operation
+	iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpDiscoverSEPs, KErrNone);
+	__LOG(_L("GAVDP:SEP Discovery complete.\n"));
+	if (iAutoStream)
+		{
+		// go through all the shortlisted SEPs to find the SBC one
+		GetCapabilities();
+		}
+	TestMenu();
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::GAVDP_SEPCapabilityComplete()
+	{
+	// complete the operation
+	iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpGetCapabilities, KErrNone);
+	__LOG(_L("GAVDP:SEP has no more capabilities.\n"));
+	if ((iAutoStream && iChosenSEP) || iLocalReconfigure)
+		{
+		// configure iCurrentSEID
+		TRAPD(err, ConfigureSEPL());
+		if (err != KErrNone)
+			{
+			__LOG(_L("Error configuring remote SEP: %d\n"), err);
+			}
+		}
+	else if (iAutoStream && !iShortlistedSEIDs.Count())
+		{
+		__LOG(_L("Error: Remote does not have SBC codec available\n"));
+		}
+	else if (iAutoStream)
+		{
+		//try next sep
+		GetCapabilities();
+		}
+	TestMenu();
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::GAVDP_ConnectConfirm(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr)
+	{
+	// complete the operation
+	iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpConnect, KErrNone);
+	// update our tiny state...
+	iGavdpState = ESigConnected;	
+	// hack :o)
+	iDevAddr = aAddr;
+	__LOG(_L("Signalling channel connected = GAVDP ready\n"));
+	// Open RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter for prevention of low power modes during streaming
+	TInt err = iPhy.Open(iSockServ, iDevAddr);
+	__LOG(_L("Opened iPhy, result %d\n"), err);
+	TestMenu();
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::GAVDP_SEPDiscovered(const TAvdtpSEPInfo& aSEPInfo)
+	{
+	// this test code at present doesnt "remember" the SEPs
+	switch (aSEPInfo.MediaType())
+		{
+		case EAvdtpMediaTypeAudio:
+			__LOG(_L("Audio"));
+			break;
+		case EAvdtpMediaTypeVideo:
+			__LOG(_L("Video"));
+			break;
+		case EAvdtpMediaTypeMultimedia:
+			__LOG(_L("Multimedia"));
+			break;
+		}
+	if (aSEPInfo.IsSink())
+		{
+		__LOG(_L(" Sink"));
+		}
+	else 
+		{
+		__LOG(_L(" Source"));
+		}
+	__LOG(_L(" SEP (SEID %d)"), aSEPInfo.SEID().Value());
+	if (aSEPInfo.InUse()) 
+		{
+		__LOG(_L("[In use]"));
+		}
+	// as we intend streaming audio, we need a free audio sink sep							
+	if (aSEPInfo.MediaType()==EAvdtpMediaTypeAudio && aSEPInfo.IsSink() && !aSEPInfo.InUse())
+			{
+			 __LOG(_L("<-- Shortlisted SEP"));
+			(void)iShortlistedSEIDs.Append(aSEPInfo.SEID());
+			}
+	__LOG(_L("\n"));
+	TestMenu();
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::GAVDP_AbortStreamConfirm()
+	{
+	// complete the operation
+	iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpAbort, KErrNone);
+	__LOG(_L("GAVDP:Aborted\n"));
+	delete iStreamer;
+	iStreamer = NULL;
+	AllowLowPowerModes();
+	TestMenu();
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::GAVDP_SecurityControlConfirm(const TDesC8& aResponseData)
+	{
+	// complete the operation
+	iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpContentProtection, KErrNone);
+	__LOG(_L("GAVDP:Security control complete\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("GAVDP:Security control rsp=%S\n"), &aResponseData);
+	TestMenu();
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::GAVDP_StartStreamsConfirm()
+	{
+	// complete the operation
+	iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpStartStreams, KErrNone);
+	__LOG(_L("GAVDP: StartStreamConfirm: now ready for use\n"));
+	RThread().SetPriority(EPriorityRealTime);
+	if (iLocalReconfigure)
+		{
+		iStreamer->ReStream();
+		iStreamState = EStreaming;
+		iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpStream, KErrNone);
+		iLocalReconfigure = EFalse;
+		}
+	else if (iAutoStream)
+		{
+		//this maynot be true as SNK can be INT (but tavsrc only looks for remote SNKs)
+		iStreamer->Stream(CurrentSEIDIsSink());
+		iStreamState = EStreaming;
+		iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpStream, KErrNone);
+		}
+	iAutoStream = EFalse;	// done
+	iLocalReconfigure = EFalse;
+	PreventLowPowerModes();
+	TestMenu();
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::GAVDP_SuspendStreamsConfirm()
+	{
+	// complete the operation
+	iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpSuspendStreams, KErrNone);
+	iGavdpState = ESuspended;
+	__LOG(_L("Suspending stream!\n"));
+	iStreamer->Suspend();
+	iStreamState = EPaused;
+	// we might be doing a reconfigure due to a request from the streamer
+	if (iLocalReconfigure)
+		{
+		GetCapabilities();
+		}
+	AllowLowPowerModes();
+	TestMenu();
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::GAVDP_ConfigurationConfirm()
+	{ 
+	// complete the operation
+	if (iRegisteringLocalSEP)
+		{
+		__LOG(_L("SEP [SEID %d]: Local Configuration complete\n"), iCurrentSEID.SEID());
+		iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpRegisterSEP, KErrNone);
+		iRegisteringLocalSEP = EFalse;
+		// time to listen now SEP  registered, ignore error, logged in Listen()
+		Listen();		
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__LOG(_L("SEP [SEID %d]: Remote Configuration complete\n"), iCurrentSEID.SEID());
+		iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpConfigureSEP, KErrNone);
+		// we might be doing a reconfigure due to a request from the streamer	
+		if (iLocalReconfigure)
+			{
+			StartStreams();
+			}
+		// if we;re doing autoCSR stuff we choose to go straight to open
+		else if (iAutoStream)
+			{
+			CreateBearers();
+			}
+		}
+	TestMenu();
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::GAVDP_Error(TInt aError, const TDesC8& /*aErrorData*/)
+	{
+	__LOG(_L("GAVDP: **Error**: %d:\n"), aError);
+	// complete the outstanding operation with an error
+	iOperations->EndOperation(0, aError);
+	switch (aError)
+		{
+		case KErrAvdtpBaseError-KErrAvdtpRequestTimeout: 
+			{
+			__LOG(_L("AVDTP Request timed out\n"));
+			break;
+			}
+		case -6305:
+		case KErrDisconnected:
+			{
+			iPhy.Close();
+			__LOG(_L("Closed iPhy\n"));
+			__LOG(_L("Signalling disconnected\nTest code is going to Re-listen...\n"));
+			aError = Listen();
+			iAutoStream = EFalse;
+			if (iStreamer)
+				{
+				iStreamer->Stop();
+				}
+			iStreamState = EStopped;
+			// reset the state
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpDisconnectSrc, aError);
+			break;
+			}
+		// Errors we can't match to a specific command
+		case EAvdtpBadHeaderFormat:
+		case EAvdtpBadLength:
+		case EAvdtpBadACPSEID:
+		case EAvdtpBadPayloadFormat:
+		case EAvdtpNotSupportedCommand:
+		case EAvdtpBadState:
+			{
+			__LOG(_L("Couldn't determine operation that caused error\n"));
+			break;
+			}
+		// Errors on SetConfig/Reconfig
+		case EAvdtpSEPInUse:
+		case EAvdtpSepNotInUse:
+		case EAvdtpBadServCategory:
+		case EAvdtpInvalidCapabilities:
+		case EAvdtpBadRecoveryType:	
+		case EAvdtpBadMediaTransportFormat:	
+		case EAvdtpBadReportingFormat:			
+		case EAvdtpBadRecoveryFormat:
+		case EAvdtpBadRohcFormat:
+		case EAvdtpBadCpFormat:
+		case EAvdtpBadMultiplexingFormat:
+		case EAvdtpUnsupportedConfiguration:	
+		case EGavdpBadService:	
+		case EGavdpInsufficientResource:
+		case EA2dpInvalidCodec:
+		case EA2dpNotSupportedCodec:
+		case EA2dpInvalidSamplingFrequency:
+		case EA2dpNotSupportedSamplingFrequency:
+		case EA2dpInvalidChannelMode:
+		case EA2dpNotSupportedChannelMode:
+		case EA2dpInvalidSubbands:
+		case EA2dpNotSupportedSubbands:
+		case EA2dpInvalidAllocationMethod:
+		case EA2dpNotSupportedAllocationMethod:
+		case EA2dpInvalidMinimumBitPoolValue:
+		case EA2dpNotSupportedMinimumBitPoolValue:
+		case EA2dpInvalidMaximumBitPoolValue:
+		case EA2dpNotSupportedMaximumBitPoolValue:
+		case EA2dpInvalidLayer:
+		case EA2dpNotSupportedLayer:
+		case EA2dpNotSupportedCRC:
+		case EA2dpNotSupportedMPF:
+		case EA2dpNotSupportedVBR:
+		case EA2dpInvalidBitRate:
+		case EA2dpNotSupportedBitRate:
+		case EA2dpInvalidObjectType:
+		case EA2dpNotSupportedObjectType:
+		case EA2dpInvalidChannels:
+		case EA2dpNotSupportedChannels:
+		case EA2dpInvalidVersion:
+		case EA2dpNotSupportedVersion:
+		case EA2dpNotSupportedSUL:
+		case EA2dpInvalidBlockLength:
+		case EA2dpInvalidCPType:
+		case EA2dpInvalidCPFormat:
+			{
+			__LOG(_L("Error setting configuration\n"));
+			break;
+			};
+		}
+	TestMenu();
+	}
+// passive gubbins
+void CAVTestApp::GAVDP_ConfigurationStartIndication(TSEID aLocalSEID, TSEID aRemoteSEID)
+	{
+	// ah - remote is attempting to confuigure us
+	// we need to set our state
+	__LOG(_L("Remote SEP [SEID %d] is configuring Local SEP [SEID %d]\n"), aRemoteSEID.Value(), aLocalSEID.Value());
+	// the seid has already been checked, but we could see which of our endpoints this refers to
+	iGavdpState = ERemoteReconfiguring;
+	iCurrentSEID = aRemoteSEID;
+	iCurrentLocalSEID = aLocalSEID;
+	}
+TInt CAVTestApp::GAVDP_ConfigurationIndication(TAvdtpServiceCapability* aCapability)
+	{
+	// the new capability proposed by remote
+	__LOG(_L("Configuration proposed: category %d\n"), aCapability->Category());
+	// for this test code we currently accept everything
+	PrettyPrint(*aCapability);
+	TInt ret = KErrNone;
+	if (aCapability->Category() == EServiceCategoryRecovery)
+		{
+		TAvdtpRecoveryCapabilities* recCap = static_cast<TAvdtpRecoveryCapabilities*>(aCapability);
+		if (static_cast<TInt>(recCap->RecoveryType()) == 0xff)
+			{
+			ret = ConvertToSymbianError::AvdtpError(EAvdtpBadRecoveryType);
+			}
+		}
+	if (ret == KErrNone)
+		{
+		delete aCapability;
+		}
+	return ret;
+	}
+TInt CAVTestApp::GAVDP_ConfigurationEndIndication()
+	{
+	// just accept all we saw
+	__LOG(_L("GAVDP: Remote configuration proposals now finished"));
+	__LOG(_L(" - we are replying that all is OK\n"));
+	// real GC should think about what remote has said!!
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt CAVTestApp::GAVDP_StartIndication(TSEID aLocalSEID)
+	{
+	__LOG(_L("Start indication for Local SEID %d\n"), aLocalSEID.SEID());
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	if(iStreamer)
+		{
+		__LOG(_L("Starting streamer (passively!)\n"));
+		TBool sink = EFalse;
+		for (TInt i=0; i<iLocallyRegisteredSEPs.Count(); i++)
+			{
+			// see if we are being a sink or source
+			if (aLocalSEID==iLocallyRegisteredSEPs[i].SEID())
+				{
+				sink = iLocallyRegisteredSEPs[i].IsSink();
+				}
+			}
+		iCurrentLocalSEID = aLocalSEID;
+		iStreamer->Stream(sink);
+		iStreamState = EStreaming;
+		iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpStream, KErrNone);
+		PreventLowPowerModes();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__LOG(_L("No streamer! Rejecting start\n"));
+		err = KErrNotReady;
+		}
+	TestMenu();
+	return err;
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::GAVDP_AbortIndication(TSEID aSEID)
+	{
+	__LOG(_L("GAVDP:Stream %d ABORTED by peer\n"), aSEID.SEID());
+	iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpAbort, KErrNone);
+	delete iStreamer;
+	iStreamer = NULL;
+	iPhy.Close();
+	__LOG(_L("Closed iPhy\n"));
+	TestMenu();
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::GAVDP_ReleaseIndication(TSEID aSEID)
+	{
+	__LOG(_L("GAVDP:Stream %d RELEASED by peer\n"), aSEID.SEID());
+	AllowLowPowerModes();
+	}
+TInt CAVTestApp::GAVDP_SuspendIndication(TSEID aSEID)
+	{
+	__LOG(_L("GAVDP:Stream %d SUSPENDED by peer\n"), aSEID.SEID());
+	iStreamer->Suspend();
+	// should ask the streamer object what SEID it is streaming really
+	// as test code we always consume this for now
+	iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpSuspendStreams, KErrNone);
+	AllowLowPowerModes();
+	TestMenu();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt CAVTestApp::GAVDP_SecurityControlIndication(TSEID aSEID, TDes8& aSecurityData)
+	{
+	__LOG(_L("GAVDP:Got security control data length %d for SEID %d\n"), aSecurityData.Length(), aSEID.Value());
+	TBool identical = TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(), _L("Security control data: respond identically?"));
+	if (!identical)
+		{
+		aSecurityData[0]^='!';
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::GAVDP_BearerReady(RSocket aNewSocket, const TAvdtpSockAddr& aAddr)
+	{
+	// wrap socket with active wrapper...
+	__LOG(_L("Got a bearer, for session %d\n"), aAddr.Session());
+	// we'll make a streamer now (easy way to keep this socket)
+	// set the PHY to be AV friendly!
+	switch(aAddr.Session())
+		{
+	case EMedia:
+		{
+		iPendingSockets[0] = aNewSocket;				
+		// complete the operation
+		iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpCreateBearers, KErrNone);
+		iGavdpState = EOpen;
+		// all bearers ready!
+		__LOG(_L("Got all bearers, can now start\n"));
+		RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter phy;
+		// AV sockets don't foward opts yet so use addr version
+		TInt err = phy.Open(iSockServ, iDevAddr);
+		TUint16 packets = EPacketsDH1|EPacketsDH3|EPacketsDH5;
+		err = phy.RequestChangeSupportedPacketTypes(packets);
+		__LOG(_L("Modified PHY, result %d\n"), err);
+		TRAP(err, CreateStreamerL(iPendingSockets)); //FIXME arrange array better for different #bearers
+		if(err)
+			{
+			__LOG(_L("Creating streamer failed with err %d, closing socket\n"), err);
+			aNewSocket.Close();
+			}
+		if (iAutoStream)
+			{
+			StartStreams();
+			}
+		// but not start streaming until manually started
+		TestMenu();
+		break;
+		}
+	case EReporting:
+		{
+		iPendingSockets[1] = aNewSocket;
+			TInt err(KErrNone);
+			// Create the active socket reader
+			TRAP(err,iRepReader = CActiveSockReader::NewL(iPendingSockets[1], EReporting));
+			if (err != KErrNone)
+				{
+				__LOG(_L("Creating active socket reader failed with error %d"),err);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				iRepReader->Start();
+				}
+			// Create the active socket writer
+			TRAP(err,iRepWriter = CActiveSockWriter::NewL(iPendingSockets[1], EReporting));
+			if (err != KErrNone)
+				{
+				__LOG(_L("Creating active socket writer failed with error %d"),err);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				iRepWriter->Send();		
+				}
+		}
+		break;
+	case ERecovery:
+		{
+		iPendingSockets[2] = aNewSocket;
+			TInt err(KErrNone);
+			// Create the active socket reader
+			TRAP(err,iRecvReader = CActiveSockReader::NewL(iPendingSockets[2], ERecovery));
+			if (err != KErrNone)
+				{
+				__LOG(_L("Creating active socket reader failed with error %d"),err);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				iRecvReader->Start();
+				}
+			// Create the active socket writer
+			TRAP(err,iRecvWriter = CActiveSockWriter::NewL(iPendingSockets[2], ERecovery));
+			if (err != KErrNone)
+				{
+				__LOG(_L("Creating active socket writer failed with error %d"),err);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				iRecvWriter->Send();		
+				}
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		__DEBUGGER();
+		break;
+		}
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::PrettyPrint(TAvdtpServiceCapability& aCapability)
+	{
+	__LOG(_L("Capability = "));
+	switch (aCapability.Category())
+		{
+	case EServiceCategoryMediaTransport:
+		__LOG(_L("Media Transport\n"));
+		break;
+	case EServiceCategoryReporting:
+		__LOG(_L("Reporting\n"));
+		break;
+	case EServiceCategoryRecovery:
+		__LOG(_L("Recovery\n"));
+		break;
+	case EServiceCategoryContentProtection:
+		__LOG(_L("Content Protection: Type %d\n"), static_cast<TAvdtpContentProtectionCapabilities&>(aCapability).ContentProtectionType());
+		break;
+	case EServiceCategoryHeaderCompression:
+		__LOG(_L("Header Compression\n"));
+		break;
+	case EServiceCategoryMultiplexing:
+		__LOG(_L("Multiplexing\n"));
+		break;
+	case EServiceCategoryMediaCodec:
+		__LOG(_L("Media Codec\n-----------\n"));
+		// print name of codec
+		TAvdtpMediaCodecCapabilities& codecCaps = static_cast<TAvdtpMediaCodecCapabilities&>(aCapability);
+		switch (codecCaps.MediaType())
+			{
+		case EAvdtpMediaTypeAudio:
+			__LOG(_L("Audio:"));
+			break;
+		case EAvdtpMediaTypeVideo:
+			__LOG(_L("Video:"));
+			break;
+		case EAvdtpMediaTypeMultimedia:
+			__LOG(_L("Multimedia:"));
+			break;
+			}
+		if (codecCaps.MediaCodecType() == EAudioCodecSBC) 
+			{
+			__LOG(_L("SBC\n"));
+			TSBCCodecCapabilities& sbcCaps = static_cast<TSBCCodecCapabilities&>(aCapability);
+			__LOG(_L("Sampling frequencies: "));
+			if (sbcCaps.SamplingFrequencies() & E48kHz) __LOG(_L("48kHz "));
+			if (sbcCaps.SamplingFrequencies() & E44100Hz) __LOG(_L("44.1kHz "));
+			if (sbcCaps.SamplingFrequencies() & E32kHz) __LOG(_L("32kHz "));
+			if (sbcCaps.SamplingFrequencies() & E16kHz) __LOG(_L("16kHz"));
+			__LOG(_L("\nChannel modes: "));
+			if (sbcCaps.ChannelModes() & EMono) __LOG(_L("Mono "));
+			if (sbcCaps.ChannelModes() & EStereo) __LOG(_L("Stereo "));
+			if (sbcCaps.ChannelModes() & EJointStereo) __LOG(_L("JointStereo "));
+			if (sbcCaps.ChannelModes() & EDualChannel) __LOG(_L("DualChannel"));
+			__LOG(_L("\nBlockLengths: "));
+			if (sbcCaps.BlockLengths() & EBlockLenFour) __LOG(_L("4 "));
+			if (sbcCaps.BlockLengths() & EBlockLenEight) __LOG(_L("8 "));
+			if (sbcCaps.BlockLengths() & EBlockLenTwelve) __LOG(_L("12 "));
+			if (sbcCaps.BlockLengths() & EBlockLenSixteen) __LOG(_L("16"));					
+			__LOG(_L("\nSubbands: "));
+			if (sbcCaps.Subbands() & EFourSubbands) __LOG(_L("4 "));
+			if (sbcCaps.Subbands() & EEightSubbands) __LOG(_L("8"));
+			__LOG(_L("\nAllocation: "));
+			if (sbcCaps.AllocationMethods() & ELoudness) __LOG(_L("Loudness "));
+			if (sbcCaps.AllocationMethods() & ESNR) __LOG(_L("SNR"));
+			__LOG(_L("\nMinBitpool: %d"), sbcCaps.MinBitpoolValue());
+			__LOG(_L("\nMaxBitpool: %d\n"), sbcCaps.MaxBitpoolValue());
+			}
+		else 
+			{
+			TNonSBCCodecCapabilities& nonSbcCaps = static_cast<TNonSBCCodecCapabilities&>(aCapability);
+			TPtrC8 codecData = nonSbcCaps.CodecData();
+			switch (codecCaps.MediaCodecType())
+				{
+			case EAudioCodecMPEG12Audio:
+				__LOG(_L("MPEG1,2 Audio\n"));
+				__LOG(_L("Manually parsing caps of length %d\n"), codecData.Length());
+				__LOG(_L("Layers: "));
+				if (codecData[0] & 0x80) __LOG(_L("mp1"));
+				if (codecData[0] & 0x40) __LOG(_L("mp2"));
+				if (codecData[0] & 0x20) __LOG(_L("mp3"));
+				__LOG(_L("\nCRC protection: "));
+				codecData[0] & 0x10 ? __LOG(_L("yes")) : __LOG(_L("no"));
+				__LOG(_L("\nChannel modes: "));
+				if (codecData[0] & 0x08) __LOG(_L("Mono "));
+				if (codecData[0] & 0x04) __LOG(_L("DualChannel "));
+				if (codecData[0] & 0x02) __LOG(_L("Stereo "));
+				if (codecData[0] & 0x01) __LOG(_L("JointStereo"));
+				__LOG(_L("\nMPF: %d"), codecData[1] & 0x40 ? 1 : 0);
+				__LOG(_L("\nSampling frequencies: "));
+				if (codecData[1] & 0x20) __LOG(_L("16kHz "));
+				if (codecData[1] & 0x10) __LOG(_L("22.05kHz "));
+				if (codecData[1] & 0x08) __LOG(_L("24kHz "));
+				if (codecData[1] & 0x04) __LOG(_L("32kHz "));
+				if (codecData[1] & 0x02) __LOG(_L("44.1kHz "));
+				if (codecData[1] & 0x01) __LOG(_L("48kHz"));
+				__LOG(_L("\nVBR: "));
+				codecData[2] & 0x80 ? __LOG(_L("yes")) : __LOG(_L("no"));
+				__LOG(_L("\nBit rate index: %b\n"), codecData[3]+((codecData[2] & 0x7f)<<8));
+				break;
+			case EAudioCodecMPEG24AAC:
+				__LOG(_L("MPEG 2,4 AAC\n"));
+				__LOG(_L("Not parsing caps of length %d\n"), nonSbcCaps.CodecData().Length());
+				break;
+			case EAudioCodecATRAC:
+				__LOG(_L("ATRAC\n"));
+				__LOG(_L("Not parsing caps of length %d\n"), nonSbcCaps.CodecData().Length());
+				break;
+			default:
+				__LOG(_L("Unknown codec, Type %d\n"), codecCaps.MediaCodecType());
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+TInt CAVTestApp::Listen()
+	{
+	TInt err = iGavdp.Listen();
+	__LOG(_L("Listening (result %d)\n"), err);
+	return err;
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::StartStreams()
+	{
+	iGavdpState = EOpen;
+	TSEID seid;
+	if (iAutoStream)
+		{
+		seid = iCurrentSEID;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__PRINT(_L("\n Enter remote SEID to start streaming"));
+		seid = TSEID(TTavsrcUtils::GetIntFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console()),EFalse);
+		}
+	__PRINT(_L("\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("Starting remoteSEP %d streaming...\n"),seid.SEID());
+	iGavdp.StartStream(seid);
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::SuspendStreams()
+	{
+	TSEID seid;
+	if (iAutoStream)
+		{
+		seid = iCurrentSEID;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__PRINT(_L("\n Enter remote SEID to suspend streaming"));
+		seid = TSEID(TTavsrcUtils::GetIntFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console()),EFalse);
+		}
+	__PRINT(_L("\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("Suspending remoteSEP %d streaming...\n"),seid.SEID());
+	iGavdp.SuspendStream(seid);
+	iGavdpState = EOpen; 
+	}
+TSBCCodecCapabilities CAVTestApp::InteractiveSBCMediaCodecConfig(TSBCCodecCapabilities& caps)
+	{
+	TSBCCodecCapabilities res;
+	TSBCSamplingFrequencyBitmask freqs = caps.SamplingFrequencies();
+	TBool resp = EFalse;
+	if (freqs)
+		{
+		__PRINT(_L("\nFreqs: Remote Supports: "));
+		if (freqs & E48kHz && !resp)
+			{
+			resp=TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("48kHz Use"));
+			if (resp)
+				{
+				res.SetSamplingFrequencies(E48kHz);
+				}
+			}
+		if (freqs & E44100Hz && !resp)
+			{
+			resp=TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\n44.1kHz Use"));
+			if (resp)
+				{
+				res.SetSamplingFrequencies(E44100Hz);
+				}
+			}
+		if (freqs & E32kHz && !resp)
+			{
+			resp=TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\n32kHz Use"));
+			if (resp)
+				{
+				res.SetSamplingFrequencies(E32kHz);
+				}
+			}
+		if (freqs & E16kHz && !resp)
+			{
+			resp=TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\n16kHz Use"));
+			if (resp)
+				{
+				res.SetSamplingFrequencies(E16kHz);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	resp = EFalse;
+	TSBCChannelModeBitmask chmodes = caps.ChannelModes();
+	if (chmodes)
+		{
+		__PRINT(_L("\nChModes: remote supports:"));
+		if (chmodes & EJointStereo && !resp)
+			{
+			resp=TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\nJointStereo Use"));
+			if (resp)
+				{
+				res.SetChannelModes(EJointStereo);
+				}
+			}
+		if (chmodes & EStereo && !resp)
+			{
+			resp=TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\nStereo Use"));
+			if (resp)
+				{
+				res.SetChannelModes(EStereo);
+				}
+			}
+		if (chmodes & EDualChannel && !resp)
+			{
+			resp=TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\nDual Ch Use"));
+			if (resp)
+				{
+				res.SetChannelModes(EDualChannel);
+				}
+			}
+		if (chmodes & EMono && !resp)
+			{
+			resp=TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\nMono Use"));
+			if (resp)
+				{
+				res.SetChannelModes(EMono);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	TSBCBlockLengthBitmask blockLens = caps.BlockLengths();
+	resp = EFalse;
+	if (blockLens)
+		{
+		__PRINT(_L("\nBlockLens: remote supports:"));
+		if (blockLens & EBlockLenFour && !resp)
+			{
+			resp=TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\n4 Use"));
+			if (resp)
+				{
+				res.SetBlockLengths(EBlockLenFour);
+				}
+			}
+		if (blockLens & EBlockLenEight && !resp)
+			{
+			resp=TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\n8 Use"));
+			if (resp)
+				{
+				res.SetBlockLengths(EBlockLenEight);
+				}
+			}
+		if (blockLens & EBlockLenTwelve && !resp)
+			{
+			resp=TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\n12 Use"));
+			if (resp)
+				{
+				res.SetBlockLengths(EBlockLenTwelve);
+				}
+			}
+		if (blockLens & EBlockLenSixteen && !resp)
+			{
+			resp=TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\n16 Use"));
+			if (resp)
+				{
+				res.SetBlockLengths(EBlockLenSixteen);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	resp = EFalse;
+	TSBCSubbandsBitmask subbands = caps.Subbands();
+	if (subbands)
+		{
+		__PRINT(_L("\nSubbands: remote supports:"));
+		if (subbands & EFourSubbands && !resp)
+			{
+			resp=TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\n4 Use"));
+			if (resp)
+				{
+				res.SetSubbands(EFourSubbands);
+				}
+			}
+		if (subbands & EEightSubbands && !resp)
+			{
+			resp=TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\n8 Use"));
+			if (resp)
+				{
+				res.SetSubbands(EEightSubbands);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	resp = EFalse;
+	TSBCAllocationMethodBitmask allocs = caps.AllocationMethods();
+	if (allocs)
+		{
+		__PRINT(_L("\nAllocation methods: remote supports:"));
+		if (allocs & ESNR && !resp)
+			{
+			resp=TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\nSNR Use"));
+			if (resp)
+				{
+				res.SetAllocationMethods(ESNR);
+				}
+			}
+		if (allocs & ELoudness && !resp)
+			{
+			resp=TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\nLoudness Use"));
+			if (resp)
+				{
+				res.SetAllocationMethods(ELoudness);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	// cat2 test	
+	//res.SetSamplingFrequencies(freqs);	
+	//res.SetBlockLengths(4);
+	//res.SetSubbands(1);
+	//res.SetAllocMethods(1);
+	// set bitpool to whatever they said - ok to set range - see A2DP
+	res.SetMaxBitpoolValue(caps.MaxBitpoolValue());
+	res.SetMinBitpoolValue(caps.MinBitpoolValue());
+	//dodgy iWish needs to select one
+	//res.SetMinBitpoolValue(42);
+	//res.SetMaxBitpoolValue(42);
+	return res;
+	}
+TBool CAVTestApp::CurrentSEIDIsSink()
+	{
+	TBool sink = EFalse;
+	TUint localSEPIndex = iCurrentLocalSEID.Value();
+	//Get the current local SEP index in iLocallyRegisteredSEPs, by screening out flags
+	localSEPIndex &= 0x3f;
+	sink = iLocallyRegisteredSEPs[localSEPIndex-1].IsSink();
+	return sink;
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::ConfigureSEPL()
+	{
+	TInt res;
+	// user for test code gets to choose "right" local sep to connect to remote sep
+	TSEID localSEPtoUse(1, ETrue); // settings for iAutoStream
+	if (!iAutoStream)
+		{
+		__PRINT(_L("Choose local SEP to use for Stream"));
+		localSEPtoUse.Set(TTavsrcUtils::GetIntFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console())); // it *is* local		
+		}
+	//Record the SEID of chosen local SEP
+	iCurrentLocalSEID = localSEPtoUse;
+	TSEID remoteSEPtoUse = iCurrentSEID; // settings for iAutoStream
+	if (!iAutoStream)
+		{
+		__PRINT(_L("\nChoose remote SEP to use for Stream"));
+		remoteSEPtoUse.Set(TTavsrcUtils::GetIntFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console()));
+		if (remoteSEPtoUse != iCurrentSEID)
+			{
+			__PRINT(_L("\nWARNING: Do not have the capabilities of the selected remote SEP, "));
+			__PRINT(_L("\nthis may lead to sending incorrect configuration information. To"));
+			__PRINT(_L("\nfix this Get Capabilities for selected remote SEP first and then"));	
+			if (!TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),
+					_L("\nconfigure. \nDo you still wish to continue this configuration?")))
+				{
+				User::Leave(KErrAbort);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	// we have to choose which of our seps to bind with the remote
+	// this test code assumes the local SEP to use has SEID 1.
+	// real code would have better code to fathom a good binding based on caps etc
+	res = iGavdp.BeginConfiguringRemoteSEP(remoteSEPtoUse, localSEPtoUse);
+	__LOG(_L("Begin configuring remote SEP returned %d\n"), res);
+	User::LeaveIfError(res);
+	for (TInt index=0; index<iSEPCapabilities.Count(); index++)		
+		{
+		TAvdtpServiceCapability* cap = iSEPCapabilities[index];
+		TAvdtpServiceCategory cat = cap->Category();
+		TBool use = EFalse;
+		if (cat==EServiceCategoryMediaTransport)
+			{
+			if (iAutoStream)
+				{
+				use = ETrue;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				use = (TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\nSEP Does Media Transport - use?")));
+				}
+			if (use)
+				{
+				res = iGavdp.AddSEPCapability(*cap);
+				__LOG(_L("completed: %d"),res);
+				}
+			}
+		if (cat==EServiceCategoryReporting)
+			{
+			if (iAutoStream)
+				{
+				use = /*ETrue*/EFalse;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				use = TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\nSEP Does Reporting - use?"));
+				}
+			if (use)
+				{
+				res = iGavdp.AddSEPCapability(*cap);
+				__LOG(_L("completed: %d"),res);
+				}
+			}
+		if (cat==EServiceCategoryRecovery)
+			{
+			if (iAutoStream)
+				{
+				use = /*ETrue*/EFalse;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				use = (TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\nSEP Does Recovery - use?")));
+				}
+			if (use)
+				{
+				res = iGavdp.AddSEPCapability(*cap);
+				__LOG(_L("completed: %d"),res);
+				}
+			}
+		if (cat==EServiceCategoryContentProtection)
+			{
+			if (iAutoStream)
+				{
+				use = EFalse;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				use = (TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\nSEP Does Content Protection - use?")));			
+				}
+			if (use)
+				{
+				res = iGavdp.AddSEPCapability(*cap);
+				__LOG(_L("completed: %d"),res);
+				}
+			}
+		if (cat==EServiceCategoryMediaCodec)
+			{
+			if (iAutoStream)
+				{
+				use = ETrue;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				use = (TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\nConfigure Media Codec?")));
+				}
+			if (use)
+				{
+				if (static_cast<TBluetoothAudioCodecType>(static_cast<TAvdtpMediaCodecCapabilities*>(cap)->MediaCodecType())==EAudioCodecSBC)
+					{
+					const TSBCCodecCapabilities& available = *static_cast<TSBCCodecCapabilities*>(cap);
+					TSBCCodecCapabilities cfg;
+					if (iAutoStream || TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(),_L("\nAutomatically Configure Media Codec?")))
+						{
+						// we might be doing a reconfigure due to a request from the streamer
+						if (iLocalReconfigure)
+							{
+							cfg = iReconfigInfo;
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							// CSR board ignores the configuration
+							// which makes playlisting quite easy
+							// will need to fix this to playlist to boards that do care
+							TInt err, numChannels, chMode, numSubbands, blkLen, bitPool, freq, allocMethod;
+							err = TTavsrcUtils::GetCodecSettingsFromSBCFile(iFilename, chMode, numChannels, numSubbands, blkLen, bitPool, freq, allocMethod);
+							if (err != KErrNone)
+								{
+								__LOG(_L("Problem accessing SBC file: %d\n"), err);
+								__LOG(_L("Warning - Codec settings not obtained\n"));
+								}
+							else
+								{
+								TSBCSubbandsBitmask subbands = numSubbands == 8 ? EEightSubbands : EFourSubbands;
+								TSBCAllocationMethodBitmask alloc = allocMethod == 0 ? ELoudness : ESNR;
+								TSBCSamplingFrequencyBitmask freqs(0);
+								if (freq == 48000) freqs = E48kHz;
+								else if (freq == 44100) freqs = E44100Hz; // note else if now as only select one
+								else if (freq == 32000) freqs = E32kHz;
+								else if (freq == 16000) freqs = E16kHz;
+								TSBCChannelModeBitmask chs(0); // set it to anything to prevent warning
+								if (chMode == 0) chs=EMono; 
+								else if (chMode == 1) chs=EDualChannel; 
+								else if (chMode == 2) chs=EStereo; 
+								else if (chMode == 3) chs=EJointStereo; 
+								TSBCBlockLengthBitmask blkLens(0); // set it to anything to prevent warning
+								if (blkLen == 4) blkLens = EBlockLenFour;
+								else if (blkLen == 8) blkLens = EBlockLenEight;
+								else if (blkLen == 12) blkLens = EBlockLenTwelve;
+								else if (blkLen == 16) blkLens = EBlockLenSixteen;
+								cfg.SetSamplingFrequencies(freqs);
+								cfg.SetChannelModes(chs);
+								cfg.SetBlockLengths(blkLens);
+								cfg.SetSubbands(subbands);
+								cfg.SetAllocationMethods(alloc);
+								}
+							}
+						// use the available bitpool
+						cfg.SetMaxBitpoolValue(available.MaxBitpoolValue());
+						cfg.SetMinBitpoolValue(available.MinBitpoolValue());
+						}
+					else if (use && !iAutoStream)
+						{
+						cfg = InteractiveSBCMediaCodecConfig(*static_cast<TSBCCodecCapabilities*>(cap));
+						}
+					res = iGavdp.AddSEPCapability(cfg);
+					__LOG(_L("Add SEP Capability completed: %d"),res);
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					__LOG(_L("MP3 codec, choosing fixed configuration...\n"));
+					// assume mp3 for now
+					// testing with blueant, just choose stereo, 44.1khz
+					TBuf8<4> mp3Cfg;
+					mp3Cfg.SetLength(4);
+					mp3Cfg[0]=0x32;
+					mp3Cfg[1]=0x02;
+					mp3Cfg[2]=0x00;
+					mp3Cfg[3]=0x02;
+					TNonSBCCodecCapabilities mp3codecCaps(EAvdtpMediaTypeAudio,EAudioCodecMPEG12Audio);
+					mp3codecCaps.SetCodecData(mp3Cfg);
+					res = iGavdp.AddSEPCapability(mp3codecCaps);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}// for			
+	__LOG(_L("\nCommiting configuration...\n"));
+	iGavdp.CommitSEPConfiguration();
+	}
+TInt CAVTestApp::StartSrc()
+	{
+	TBool failed = EFalse;
+	// register source/sink records in sdp
+	__LOG(_L("Registering A2DP Sink SDP Record"));
+	TRAPD(err, TTavsrcUtils::RegisterSinkSDPRecordL(iSdpDB, iSnkHandle, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue));
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		__LOG(_L("Failed to Register A2DP Sink SDP Record: %d"), err);
+		__DEBUGGER();
+		failed = ETrue;
+		}
+	__LOG(_L("Registering A2DP Source SDP Record"));
+	TRAP(err, TTavsrcUtils::RegisterSourceSDPRecordL(iSdpDB, iSrcHandle, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue, ETrue));
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		__LOG(_L("Failed to Register A2DP Source SDP Record: %d"), err);
+		__DEBUGGER();
+		failed = ETrue;
+		}
+	__LOG(_L("Opening GAVDP Session"));
+	err = iGavdp.Open(*this, iSockServ);
+	if (err == KErrNone)
+		{
+		RHostResolver hostResolver;
+		err = hostResolver.Open( iSockServ, KBTAddrFamily, KBTLinkManager);
+		if (err == KErrNone)
+			{
+			err = hostResolver.SetHostName(_L("Boom Box!")); 
+			hostResolver.Close();
+			}
+		iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Set Host Name (ret:%d)\r\n"),err);
+		iGavdpState = EIdle;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__LOG(_L("Failed to Open GAVDP Session: %d"), err);
+		__DEBUGGER();
+		failed = ETrue;
+		}
+	err = RegisterSEP();
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		__LOG(_L("Failed to Register SEP: %d"), err);
+		__DEBUGGER();
+		failed = ETrue;
+		}
+	TRAP(err, CreateRemConInterfacesL());
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		__LOG(_L("Failed to Register RemCon interfaces: %d"), err);
+		__DEBUGGER();
+		failed = ETrue;
+		}
+	if(failed)
+		{
+		return KErrGeneral;
+		}
+    return KErrNone;
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::StopSrc()
+	{
+	// Close RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter
+	iPhy.Close();
+	__LOG(_L("Closed iPhy\n"));
+	iSdpDB.DeleteRecord(iSrcHandle);
+	iSdpDB.DeleteRecord(iSnkHandle);
+	delete iStreamer;
+	iStreamer = NULL;
+	iGavdp.Close();
+	iAutoStream = EFalse;
+	iGavdpState = ENoClientOpen;
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::DisconnectSrc()
+	{
+	// Close RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter
+	iPhy.Close();
+	__LOG(_L("Closed iPhy\n"));
+	delete iStreamer;
+	iStreamer = NULL;
+	iGavdp.Shutdown();
+	iAutoStream = EFalse;
+	iGavdpState = EIdle;
+	Listen();
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::Connect()
+	{
+	__LOG(_L("Connecting...\n"));
+	iGavdp.Connect(iDevAddr);
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::CreateBearers()
+	{
+	TInt ret = KErrNone;
+	TSEID seid;
+	if (iAutoStream)
+		{
+		seid = iCurrentSEID;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__PRINT(_L("\n-> Create bearers for remote SEID"));
+		seid = TSEID(TTavsrcUtils::GetIntFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console()), EFalse);
+		}
+	ret = iGavdp.CreateBearerSockets(seid);
+	__LOG(_L("Asking for Bearers..(sync_result) %d.\n"), ret);
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::CloseBearers()
+	{
+	__LOG(_L("Closing Bearer 0 (via Streamer dtor)...\n\r"));
+	delete iStreamer;
+	iStreamer = NULL;	
+	__LOG(_L("Bearer closed (via Streamer dtor)...\n\r"));
+	AllowLowPowerModes();
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::DiscoverSEPs()
+	{
+	__LOG(_L("Sending SEP Discovery...\n\r"));
+	iGavdp.DiscoverRemoteSEPs();
+	}
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	StopSrc();
+	delete iActiveConsole;
+	delete iLogConsole;
+	delete iMtUpdater;
+	delete iTavsrcAbsoluteVolume;
+	delete iStreamer;
+	delete iRemConInterfaceSelector;
+	delete iController;
+	delete iPacketDropIoctl;
+	delete iOperations;
+	delete iRepReader;
+	delete iRepWriter;
+	delete iRecvReader;
+	delete iRecvWriter;
+	iFilename.Close();	
+	iLocallyRegisteredSEPs.Close();
+	iSockServ.Close();
+	iSdpDB.Close();
+	iSdp.Close();
+	iSEPCapabilities.ResetAndDestroy();
+	iShortlistedSEIDs.Close();
+	}
+CAVTestApp* CAVTestApp::NewL()
+	{
+	CAVTestApp* thisapp = new (ELeave) CAVTestApp;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(thisapp);
+	thisapp->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return thisapp;
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::ConstructL()
+	{
+	iLogConsole = CActiveConsole::NewL(*this,_L("Event Log"),KLogConsole);
+	iActiveConsole = CActiveConsole::NewL(*this,_L(" Boom Box "),KMainConsole);
+	User::LeaveIfError(iSockServ.Connect());
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::CreateRemConInterfacesL()
+	{
+	iRemConInterfaceSelector = CRemConInterfaceSelector::NewL();
+	RArray<TRemConCoreApiOperationId> coreFeatures;
+	for(TInt i = 0; i<0x76; i++)
+		{
+		coreFeatures.Append(static_cast<TRemConCoreApiOperationId>(i));
+		}
+	if(iRemConInterfaces & ECoreApiTarget)
+		{
+		iRemConTarget = CRemConCoreApiTarget::NewL(*iRemConInterfaceSelector, *this, coreFeatures);
+		}
+	coreFeatures.Close();
+	if(iRemConInterfaces & EGroupNavigation)
+		{
+		iGroupNavigation = CRemConGroupNavigationApiTarget::NewL(*iRemConInterfaceSelector, *this, ETrue, ETrue);
+		}
+	if(iRemConInterfaces & EMediaInformation)
+		{
+		iMediaInformation = CRemConMediaInformationTarget::NewL(*iRemConInterfaceSelector, *this);
+		}
+	if(iRemConInterfaces & EBatteryStatus)
+		{
+		iBatteryStatus = CRemConBatteryApiTarget::NewL(*iRemConInterfaceSelector, *this);
+		}
+	if(iRemConInterfaces & (EAbsoluteVolumeTarget | EAbsoluteVolumeController))
+		{
+		iTavsrcAbsoluteVolume = CTavsrcAbsoluteVolume::NewL(*iRemConInterfaceSelector);
+		}
+	if(iRemConInterfaces & EVendorTrackInfoTarget)
+		{
+		iTrackInfo = CRemConTrackInfoTarget::NewL(*iRemConInterfaceSelector, *this);
+		}
+	if(iRemConInterfaces & (EPlayerInformation | ENowPlaying | EMediaBrowse ))
+		{
+		iMtUpdater = CTavsrcMtUpdater::NewL(*iRemConInterfaceSelector, iRemConInterfaces);
+		}
+	if(iRemConInterfaces & EVendorAbsoluteVolumeTarget)
+		{
+		iAbsoluteVolume = CRemConAbsVolTarget::NewL(*iRemConInterfaceSelector, *this);
+		}
+	iController = CTavsrcController::NewL(*iRemConInterfaceSelector, *iLogConsole);
+	_LIT8(KTavsrcName, "Tavsrc");
+	iRemConInterfaceSelector->OpenTargetL(ERemConAudioPlayer, ERemConNoSubType, KTavsrcName);
+	iRemConInterfaceSelector->OpenControllerL();
+	iOperations = CTavsrcOperations::NewL();
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::DisplayHelp()
+	{
+	__LOG(_L("\nUsage: tavsrc [-A <Remote BT Addr>] [-D <Display Mode>] [-P] [-H]\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("\n-A <Remote BT Addr>: Optional argument to specify remote\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("Bluetooth address. If not specified then you will be prompted\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("using notifiers.\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("\n-D <Display Mode>: Optional argument to specify the display mode\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("to use. The possible values are a logical AND of the following:\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("	0x00: Status and Command windows only\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("	0x01: Streamer Info window\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("	0x02: Progress Bar window\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("	0x04: Playlist window\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("	0x08: Chunky Icon window\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("For example, for all the windows except the Progress Bar: -D d\n"));	
+	__LOG(_L("Default value is 1 - Status, Command and Streamer Info windows\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("\n-P: Preload SBC file before streaming.\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("\n-H: Display this help information.\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("\n-R <RemCon interfaces>: Optional argument to specify what interfaces to use:\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("		ECoreApiTarget = 1 << 0\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("		ECoreApiController = 1 << 1\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("		EGroupNavigation = 1 << 2\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("		EMediaInformation = 1 << 3\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("		EBatteryStatus = 1 << 4\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("		EAbsoluteVolumeTarget = 1 << 5\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("		EAbsoluteVolumeController = 1 << 6\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("		EPlayerInformation = 1 << 7\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("		ENowPlaying = 1 << 8\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("		EMediaBrowse = 1 << 9\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("		EDatabaseAware = 1 << 10\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("		ESeparateThreadForBrowse = 1 << 11\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("		EVendorTrackInfoTarget = 1 << 12\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("		EVendorAbsoluteVolumeTarget = 1 << 13\n"));
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::ParseCommandLineL()
+	{
+	CCommandLineArguments *cmdLine = CCommandLineArguments::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(cmdLine);
+	// set defaults
+	iDisplayMode = 0x01;
+	iPreloadFile = EFalse;
+	TBool btAddrFound = EFalse;
+	TBool remConInterfacesFound = EFalse;
+	TBuf<20> arg;
+	for (TInt argIndex = 1; argIndex < cmdLine->Count(); argIndex++)
+		{
+		arg = cmdLine->Arg(argIndex);
+		arg.UpperCase();
+		// look for help
+		if (arg.FindF(_L("-H")) != KErrNotFound)
+			{
+			DisplayHelp();
+			User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+			}
+		// look for preload file
+		if (arg.FindF(_L("-P")) != KErrNotFound)
+			{
+			iPreloadFile = ETrue;
+			continue;
+			}
+		// look for remote device address
+		if (arg.FindF(_L("-A")) != KErrNotFound)
+			{
+			if (argIndex != cmdLine->Count() - 1)
+				{
+				btAddrFound = ETrue;
+				iDevAddr.SetReadable(cmdLine->Arg(++argIndex));
+				continue;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				__LOG(_L("No address found for -A option\n"));
+				DisplayHelp();
+				User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+				}
+			}
+		// look for display mode
+		if (arg.FindF(_L("-D")) != KErrNotFound)
+			{
+			if(argIndex != cmdLine->Count() - 1)
+				{
+				TLex lex(cmdLine->Arg(++argIndex));
+				lex.Val(iDisplayMode, EHex);
+				continue;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				__LOG(_L("No display mode found for -D option\n"));
+				DisplayHelp();
+				User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+				}
+			}
+		// look for remcon interfaces
+		if (arg.FindF(_L("-R")) != KErrNotFound)
+			{
+			if(argIndex != cmdLine->Count() - 1)
+				{
+				TLex lex(cmdLine->Arg(++argIndex));
+				TInt err = lex.Val(iRemConInterfaces, EHex);
+				if(!err)
+					{
+					remConInterfacesFound = ETrue;
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					__LOG(_L("Badly formatted interface bitmask\n"));
+					}
+				continue;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				__LOG(_L("No remconinterfaces found for -R option\n"));
+				DisplayHelp();
+				User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+				}
+			}
+		// if we got here it means that we have an unhandled argument
+		__LOG(_L("Unrecognised argument\n"));
+		DisplayHelp();
+		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // cmdLine
+	if (!btAddrFound)
+		{
+		__LOG(_L("No address found on command line - please enter an address\n"));
+		TTavsrcUtils::GetDeviceAddressL(iDevAddr);
+		}
+	if(!remConInterfacesFound)
+		{
+		__LOG(_L("No interfaces found on command line, defaulting to all interfaces\n"));
+		iRemConInterfaces = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+		}
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::StartL()
+	{
+	// connect to sdp
+	__LOG(_L("Connecting to ESOCK\n"));
+	User::LeaveIfError(iSockServ.Connect());
+	__LOG(_L("Connecting to SDP Server\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("Connecting to SDP Server\n"));
+	User::LeaveIfError(iSdp.Connect());
+	__LOG(_L("Opening subsession on SDP Server\n"));
+	__LOG(_L("Opening subsession on SDP Server\n"));
+	User::LeaveIfError(iSdpDB.Open(iSdp));
+	TBuf<512> cmdline;
+	// ensure that we have something to stream
+	RFs fs;
+	CDir* files;
+	User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
+	TInt err = fs.GetDir(KSBCFiles, KEntryAttNormal, ESortByName, files);
+	fs.Close();
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		__LOG(_L("Error getting files %S: %d \n"), &KSBCFiles, err);		
+		User::Leave(err);		
+		}
+	if (files->Count() > 0)
+		{
+		// store the filename for registering the SEP later
+		iFilename.Create(KMaxFileName);	
+		iFilename.Append(KSBCFileRoot);
+		iFilename.Append(files->operator[](0).iName);
+		delete files;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__LOG(_L("\nNo files matching %S found, at least one is required,\n"), &KSBCFiles);
+		__LOG(_L("please add files and restart the application\n"));
+		delete files;
+		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+		}
+	TRAP(err, ParseCommandLineL());
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		iActiveConsole->Console().ClearScreen();
+		iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("\nProblem with Command Line arguments, see status window for"));
+		iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("\nmore information or press ESC to exit.\n"));
+		iActiveConsole->RequestKey();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		err = StartSrc();
+		if(err == KErrNone)
+			{
+			TestMenu();
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iActiveConsole->Console().ClearScreen();
+			iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("\nProblem starting source, see status window for"));
+			iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("\nmore information or press ESC to exit.\n"));
+			iActiveConsole->RequestKey();
+			}
+		}
+	CActiveScheduler::Start();
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::Stop()
+	{
+	CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+	}
+ void CAVTestApp::MrccatoCommand(TRemConCoreApiOperationId aOperationId, 
+		TRemConCoreApiButtonAction aButtonAct)
+ 	{
+ 	__LOG(_L("RemCon::Command received 0x%02x\t Button Act %d\n"), aOperationId, aButtonAct);
+ 	if((aOperationId == ERemConCoreApiStop) &&
+ 	   (aButtonAct == ERemConCoreApiButtonClick || aButtonAct == ERemConCoreApiButtonPress) )
+ 		{
+	 	__LOG(_L("RemCon::Stop received\n"));
+		iAutoStream = EFalse;
+		if (iStreamer)
+			{
+			iStreamer->Stop();
+			}
+		iStreamState = EStopped;
+		iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpStopStream, KErrNone);
+ 		}
+ 	else if (((aOperationId == ERemConCoreApiBackward) || (aOperationId == ERemConCoreApiRewind)) && iStreamer)
+ 		{
+ 		if (aButtonAct == ERemConCoreApiButtonClick)
+ 			{
+			iStreamer->PrevTrack();
+ 			}
+ 		else if ((aButtonAct == ERemConCoreApiButtonPress) && (iStreamState == EStreaming))
+ 			{
+			iStreamer->Backward();
+			iStreamer->Faster();
+ 			}
+ 		else if ((aButtonAct == ERemConCoreApiButtonRelease) && (iStreamState == EStreaming))
+ 			{
+			iStreamer->Forward();
+			iStreamer->Slower();
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 	else if (((aOperationId == ERemConCoreApiForward) || (aOperationId == ERemConCoreApiFastForward)) && iStreamer)
+ 		{
+ 		if (aButtonAct == ERemConCoreApiButtonClick)
+ 			{
+			iStreamer->NextTrack();
+ 			}
+ 		else if ((aButtonAct == ERemConCoreApiButtonPress) && (iStreamState == EStreaming))
+ 			{
+ 			iStreamer->Faster();
+ 			}
+ 		else if ((aButtonAct == ERemConCoreApiButtonRelease) && (iStreamState == EStreaming))
+ 			{
+			iStreamer->Slower();
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 	else if ((aOperationId == ERemConCoreApiPause) && (aButtonAct != ERemConCoreApiButtonRelease))
+ 		{
+ 		TInt operation = KTavsrcOpStream;
+		if (iStreamState == EStreaming)
+			{
+			// this demo app doesn't suspend GAVDP, just the streamer
+			if (iStreamer)
+				{
+				iStreamer->Suspend();
+				}
+			iStreamState = EPaused;
+			operation = KTavsrcOpStopStream;
+			}
+		iOperations->EndOperation(operation, KErrNone);
+ 		}	
+ 	if (iStreamState == EStreaming)
+ 		{
+ 		PreventLowPowerModes();
+ 		}
+ 	TestMenu();
+ 	}
+ void CAVTestApp::MrccatoPlay(TRemConCoreApiPlaybackSpeed /*aSpeed*/, 
+		TRemConCoreApiButtonAction aButtonAct)
+ 	{
+ 	__LOG(_L("RemCon::Play received\t Button Act %d\n"), aButtonAct);
+ 	if((aButtonAct == ERemConCoreApiButtonClick || aButtonAct == ERemConCoreApiButtonPress))
+ 	   	{
+ 	   	TInt operation = KTavsrcOpStream;
+   		// kick everything off
+	   	if (iGavdpState == ESigConnected)
+			{			
+			// auto
+			iAutoStream = ETrue;
+			// kick off
+			DiscoverSEPs();
+			}
+ 		else if (iGavdpState == ESuspended)
+ 			{
+			if (iStreamer)
+				iStreamer->ReStream();
+			iStreamState = EStreaming;
+			}
+		else if (iGavdpState == EOpen)
+			{
+			if (iStreamState == EPaused)
+	 			{
+				// this demo app doesn't unsuspend GAVDP, just the streamer
+				if (iStreamer)
+					iStreamer->ReStream();
+				iStreamState = EStreaming;
+				}
+			else if (iStreamState == EStopped)
+				{
+				// this demo app doesn't unsuspend GAVDP, just the streamer
+				if (iStreamer)
+					iStreamer->Stream(CurrentSEIDIsSink()); //could be source or sink
+				iStreamState = EStreaming;
+				}
+			else if (iStreamState == EClosed)
+				{
+				if (iStreamer)
+					iStreamer->Stream(CurrentSEIDIsSink());
+				iStreamState = EStreaming;
+				}
+			}
+		iOperations->EndOperation(operation, KErrNone);
+	 	if (iStreamState == EStreaming)
+	 		{
+	 		PreventLowPowerModes();
+	 		}
+	 	TestMenu();
+ 	   	}
+ 	}
+void CAVTestApp::MediaCodecConfigurationRequired(TSBCCodecCapabilities& aConfig)
+	{
+	if (!iLocalReconfigure)
+		{
+		// set the reconfigure information
+		iReconfigInfo = aConfig;
+		iLocalReconfigure = ETrue;
+		// start streaming automatically after the reconfigure
+		iAutoStream = ETrue;
+		SuspendStreams();
+		}	
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::PrintCommandOption(TChar aOperation, TPtrC aDesc)
+	{
+	if (iOperations->IsOperationAllowed(aOperation))
+		{		
+		iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("%c%s"), aOperation.IsUpper() ? aOperation.GetUpperCase() : aOperation.GetLowerCase(), aDesc.Ptr());
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L(" %s"), aDesc.Ptr());	
+		}
+	}
+// from MRemConMediaInformationTargetObserver
+void CAVTestApp::MrcmitoGetCurrentlyPlayingMetadata( TMediaAttributeIter& aAttributeIter )
+	{
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Got MrcpitoGetElementAttributes \n") );	
+	// Make sure total of these defines is greater than KAVCMaxFrame (512 bytes)
+	// to ensure that fragmentation is performed on this response
+	_LIT8(KMediaTitle,     "Frederic Chopin (1810-1849): Ballade for Piano #1 in A flat major, Opus 23, CT 2 - Largo allegretto, Moderato con brio vivace, Presto con fuoco");
+	_LIT8(KArtistName,     "Maurizio Pollini and the London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Sir Colin Davis, recorded live at the Royal Albert Hall at the 1987 Proms season");
+	_LIT8(KAlbumName,      "Frederic Chopin (1810-1849): Four Ballades, Two Preludes, the Valse in D-flat major - Op. 64 No. 1 and the Andante Spianato & Grand Polonaise Brillante Op. 22");
+	_LIT8(KTrackNumber,    "10345");
+	_LIT8(KNumberOfTracks, "6876436456");
+	_LIT8(KGenre,          "Alternative super cool Classical Music with a lemon twist and a hint of progressive rock");
+	_LIT8(KPlayingTime,    "150000");
+	TBuf8<255> buffer;
+	// for each element requested
+	TMediaAttributeId id;
+	while (aAttributeIter.Next(id))
+		{
+		switch(id)
+			{
+			case ETitleOfMedia:
+				buffer.Copy(KMediaTitle);
+				break;
+			case ENameOfArtist:
+				buffer.Copy(KArtistName);
+				break;
+			case ENameOfAlbum:
+				buffer.Copy(KAlbumName);
+				break;
+			case ETrackNumber:
+				buffer.Copy(KTrackNumber);
+				break;
+			case ENumberOfTracks:
+				buffer.Copy(KNumberOfTracks);
+				break;
+			case EGenre:
+				buffer.Copy(KGenre);
+				break;
+			case EPlayingTime:
+				buffer.Copy(KPlayingTime);
+				break;
+			default:
+				__DEBUGGER();
+				break;
+			}
+		// return the element value
+		iMediaInformation->AttributeValue( id, buffer );
+		// convert the element value to unicode for display
+		TBuf16<255> buf16;
+		buf16.Copy(buffer);
+		buf16.ZeroTerminate();
+		iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Element:%d value:%s \n"),  id, buf16.Ptr() );	
+		}
+	// send response complete
+	iMediaInformation->Completed();
+	}
+TInt CAVTestApp::MrcmtcGetElementAttributes(TUint64 /* aElement */, TUint32 aAttribute, HBufC8*& aOutValueOwnershipTransferred)
+	{
+//	__DEBUGGER(); //try this out
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Got GEA, attrib %d!\n"), aAttribute);	
+	aOutValueOwnershipTransferred = HBufC8::New(20);
+	if (aOutValueOwnershipTransferred)
+		{
+		aOutValueOwnershipTransferred->Des() = _L8("Hello");
+		}
+	return KErrNone;	
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::MrcncRegisterPlaybackStatusChangedNotification()
+	{
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Queued notify: PlayStatusChanged!\n"));	
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::MrcncRegisterTrackChangedNotification()
+	{
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Queued notify: TrackChanged!\n"));	
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::MrcncRegisterTrackReachedEndNotification()
+	{
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Queued notify: TrackReachedEnd!\n"));	
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::MrcncRegisterTrackReachedStartNotification()
+	{
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Queued notify: TrackReachedStart!\n"));	
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::MrcncRegisterPositionChangedNotification(TUint32 aInterval)
+	{
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Queued notify: PositionChanged (0x%08x)!\n"), aInterval);	
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::MrcncRegisterBatteryStatusChangedNotification()
+	{
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Queued notify: BatteryStatusChanged!\n"));	
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::MrcncRegisterSystemStatusChangedNotification()
+	{
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Queued notify: SystemStatusChanged!\n"));	
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::MrcncRegisterPlayerApplicationStatusChangedNotification()
+	{
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Queued notify: PlayerAppStatusChanged!\n"));	
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::MrcbstoBatteryStatus(TControllerBatteryStatus&  aBatteryStatus )
+	{
+	switch(aBatteryStatus)
+		{
+		case ENormal:
+			iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Battery status: Normal \n"));	
+			break;
+		case EWarning:   
+			iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Battery status: Warning \n"));	
+			break;
+		case ECritical:  
+			iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Battery status: Critical \n"));	
+			break;
+		case EExternal:  
+			iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Battery status: External \n"));	
+			break;
+		case EFullCharge:
+			iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Battery status: FullCharge \n"));	
+			break;
+		default:
+			iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Battery status: %d \n"), aBatteryStatus);	
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::MrcgntoNextGroup(TRemConCoreApiButtonAction aButtonAct )
+	{
+	switch(aButtonAct)
+		{
+		case ERemConCoreApiButtonPress:
+			iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Got NextGroup! Button Press \n"));	
+			break;
+		case ERemConCoreApiButtonRelease:
+			iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Got NextGroup! Button Release \n"));	
+			break;
+		case ERemConCoreApiButtonClick:
+			iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Got NextGroup! Button Click \n"));	
+			break;
+		default:
+			iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Got NextGroup! Button ??? \n"));	
+			break;
+		}
+	// for testing return an error	
+	TRequestStatus status;
+	TRequestStatus* ptrStatus = &status;
+	iGroupNavigation->NextGroupResponse( ptrStatus, KErrNone);
+	User::WaitForRequest(status);
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::MrcgntoPreviousGroup(TRemConCoreApiButtonAction  aButtonAct )
+	{
+	switch(aButtonAct)
+		{
+		case ERemConCoreApiButtonPress:
+			iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Got PreviousGroup! Button Press \n"));	
+			break;
+		case ERemConCoreApiButtonRelease:
+			iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Got PreviousGroup! Button Release \n"));	
+			break;
+		case ERemConCoreApiButtonClick:
+			iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Got PreviousGroup! Button Click \n"));	
+			break;
+		default:
+			iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Got PreviousGroup! Button ??? \n"));	
+			break;
+		}
+	// return success	
+	TRequestStatus status;
+	TRequestStatus* ptrStatus = &status;
+	iGroupNavigation->PreviousGroupResponse( ptrStatus, KErrNone );
+	User::WaitForRequest(status);
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::MrcavtoGetAbsoluteVolume()
+	{
+	TRequestStatus status;
+	iAbsoluteVolume->GetAbsoluteVolumeResponse(status, 1, 2, KErrNone);
+	User::WaitForRequest(status);
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::MrcavtoSetAbsoluteVolume(TUint /*aAbsVol*/, TUint /*aMaxVol*/)
+	{
+	TRequestStatus status;
+	iAbsoluteVolume->SetAbsoluteVolumeResponse(status, KErrNone);
+	User::WaitForRequest(status);
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::MrctitoGetTrackName()
+	{
+	TRequestStatus status;
+	_LIT(KTrackName, "trackname");
+	iTrackInfo->GetTrackNameResponse(status, KTrackName, KErrNone);
+	User::WaitForRequest(status);
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::MrctitoGetArtist()
+	{
+	TRequestStatus status;
+	_LIT(KArtist, "artist");
+	iTrackInfo->GetArtistResponse(status, KArtist, KErrNone);
+	User::WaitForRequest(status);
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::MrctitoGetTrackDuration()
+	{
+	TRequestStatus status;
+	_LIT(KTrackDuration, "0.2.56");
+	TTime trackDuration(KTrackDuration);
+	iTrackInfo->GetTrackDurationResponse(status, trackDuration, KErrNone);
+	User::WaitForRequest(status);
+	}
+_LIT(KOn, "On");
+_LIT(KOff, "Off");
+void CAVTestApp::TestMenu()
+	{
+	iActiveConsole->Console().ClearScreen();
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Safe Mode: %S\n"), iOperations->SafeMode() ? &KOn() : &KOff());
+	if (iGavdpState!=EIdle)
+		{
+		iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Connected \n\r"));	
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("          \n\r"));	
+		}
+	RProperty property;
+	TBuf8<6> addr;
+	TInt err = property.Get(KPropertyUidBluetoothCategory,
+					KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetLocalDeviceAddress, addr);
+	if ((err) || (addr.Length()!=6))
+		{
+		iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("P&S: ERROR retrieving local address\n"));
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TBTDevAddr localAddress(addr);
+		TBuf<20> dispBuf;
+		localAddress.GetReadable(dispBuf);
+		TBuf<20> rBuf;
+		iDevAddr.GetReadable(rBuf);
+		iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Local address = 0x%S; Using Remote Addr = 0x%S\n"),&dispBuf,&rBuf);
+		}
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("\n"));
+	switch (iGavdpState)
+		{
+		case ENoClientOpen:
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpStartSrc, _L(". Open GAVDP for Src\n"));
+			break;
+		case EIdle:
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpConnect, _L(". Connect\n"));
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpCancel, _L(". Cancel\n"));
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpRegisterSEP, _L(". Register SEP\n"));
+			break;
+		case ESigConnected:
+		case EOpen:
+		case ESuspended:
+		case ERemoteReconfiguring:
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpAutoStream, _L(". Auto Stream\n"));
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpDiscoverSEPs, _L(". Discover remote SEPs             "));
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpCreateBearers, _L(". Create Bearers\n"));
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpGetCapabilities, _L(". Get Remote SEP Capabilites       "));
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpCloseBearers, _L(". Close Bearers\n"));
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpStartStreams, _L(". Start Stream                     "));
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpSuspendStreams, _L(". Suspend Stream\n"));
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpContentProtection, _L(". Content Protection               "));
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpAbort, _L(". Abort Stream\n"));
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpConfigureSEP, _L(". Select Remote SEP (configure the doofer)\n"));
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpStream, _L(". Start Streamer                   "));
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpStopStream, _L(". Stop Streamer\n\n"));
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpPacketDropIoctl, _L(". Send \"Notify Media Packet Dropped\" IOCTL\n\n"));
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpDisconnectSrc, _L(". Disconnect GAVDP - don't close\n"));
+			PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpStopSrc, _L(". Close GAVDP\n"));			
+			break;
+		}
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("\n"));
+	PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpPlay, _L(". AVRCP Play                       "));
+	PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpStop, _L(". AVRCP Stop\n"));
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Up. AVRCP Volume Up                 "));
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Down. AVRCP Volume Down\n"));
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Left. AVRCP Backwards               "));
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Right. AVRCP Forwards\n"));
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("\n"));
+	PrintCommandOption(KTavsrcOpToggleSafeMode, _L(".\tToggle Safe Mode\n"));
+	iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Esc.\tStop\n"));
+	if (!iActiveConsole->IsActive())
+		{
+		iActiveConsole->RequestKey();
+		}
+	}
+void CAVTestApp::KeyPressed(TChar aKey)
+	{
+	TInt beginOperation = iOperations->BeginOperation(aKey);
+	if (beginOperation == KErrNone)
+		{
+		switch (aKey)
+			{
+		case KTavsrcOpConnect:
+			{
+			Connect();
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpCancel:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpCancel, KErrCancel);
+			iGavdp.Cancel();
+			__LOG(_L("Current Request Cancelled \n"));
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpDiscoverSEPs:
+			{
+			DiscoverSEPs();
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpCreateBearers:
+			{
+			CreateBearers();
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpCloseBearers:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpCloseBearers, KErrNone);
+			CloseBearers();
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpContentProtection:
+			{
+			SendSecurityControl();
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpGetCapabilities:
+			{
+			GetCapabilities();
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpStartStreams:
+			{
+			StartStreams();
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpSuspendStreams:
+			{
+			SuspendStreams();
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpEchoStorm:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpEchoStorm, KErrNone);
+			EchoStorm();
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpAbort:
+			{
+			Abort();
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpStream:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpStream, KErrNone);
+			iStreamer->Stream(CurrentSEIDIsSink());
+			iStreamState = EStreaming;
+			}
+			break;		
+		case KTavsrcOpStreamFaster:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpStreamFaster, KErrNone);
+			iStreamer->Faster();
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpStreamSlower:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpStreamSlower, KErrNone);
+			iStreamer->Slower();
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpAutoStream:
+			{
+			// auto
+			iAutoStream = ETrue;
+			// kick off
+			DiscoverSEPs();
+			}
+			break;
+		case KTavsrcOpStopStream:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpStopStream, KErrNone);
+			__LOG(_L("Stopping streaming... \n"));
+			iStreamState = EPaused;
+			iStreamer->Suspend();
+			}
+			break;
+		case KTavsrcOpRegisterSEP:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpRegisterSEP, KErrNone);
+			RegisterSEP();
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpRegisterMultipleSEPs:
+			{		
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpRegisterMultipleSEPs, KErrNone);
+			for (TInt i=0; i<=40; i++)
+				{
+				TAvdtpSEPInfo info; iGavdp.RegisterSEP(info);
+				}
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpStartSrc:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpStartSrc, KErrNone);
+			//reopen GAVDP
+			StartSrc();
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpStopSrc:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpStopSrc, KErrNone);
+			StopSrc();
+			break;
+			}	
+		case KTavsrcOpDisconnectSrc:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpDisconnectSrc, KErrNone);
+			DisconnectSrc();
+			break;
+			}	
+		case KTavsrcOpConfigureSEP:
+			{
+			TRAPD(err, ConfigureSEPL());
+			if (err != KErrNone)
+				{
+				iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpConfigureSEP, err);
+				}
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpPacketDropIoctl:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpPacketDropIoctl, KErrNone);
+			__LOG(_L("Sending packet drop IOCTL\n"));
+			iPacketDropIoctl = CActivePacketDropIoctl::NewL(iLogConsole, iPendingSockets);//Qualified
+			iPacketDropIoctl->Start();
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpVolumeUp:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpVolumeUp, KErrNone);
+			iController->Command(ERemConCoreApiVolumeUp);
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpVolumeDown:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpVolumeDown, KErrNone);
+			iController->Command(ERemConCoreApiVolumeDown);
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpBackwards:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpBackwards, KErrNone);
+			iController->Command(ERemConCoreApiBackward);
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpForwards:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpForwards, KErrNone);
+			iController->Command(ERemConCoreApiForward);
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpPlay:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpPlay, KErrNone);
+			iController->Command(ERemConCoreApiPlay);
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpStop:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpStop, KErrNone);
+			iController->Command(ERemConCoreApiStop);
+			break;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpExit:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpExit, KErrNone);
+			Stop();
+			return;
+			}
+		case KTavsrcOpToggleSafeMode:
+			{
+			iOperations->EndOperation(KTavsrcOpToggleSafeMode, KErrNone);
+			iOperations->SetSafeMode(!iOperations->SafeMode());
+			break;
+			}
+		default:
+			iActiveConsole->Console().Printf(_L("Unknown command\r\n"));
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__LOG(_L("Operation not allowed: %d\r\n"), beginOperation);		
+		}
+	TestMenu();
+	}
+TInt CAVTestApp::RegisterSEP()
+	{
+	TInt err;
+	TAvdtpSEPInfo info;
+	info.SetIsSink(TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(), _L("Sink ")));
+	info.SetMediaType(TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(), _L("Audio ")) ?
+									EAvdtpMediaTypeAudio :
+									EAvdtpMediaTypeVideo);
+	err = iGavdp.RegisterSEP(info);
+	if (err==KErrNone)
+		{
+		iLocallyRegisteredSEPs.Append(info);
+		}
+	__LOG(_L("Registering SEP [SEID %d] - completed with error %d\n"), info.SEID().SEID(), err);
+	if (err==KErrNone)
+		{
+		iCurrentLocalSEID = info.SEID();
+		// add some caps, not to all though for testing!
+		err = iGavdp.BeginConfiguringLocalSEP(info.SEID());
+		__LOG(_L("Begin config Local SEP [SEID %d] - completed with error %d\n"), info.SEID().SEID(), err);
+		TAvdtpMediaTransportCapabilities media;
+		err = iGavdp.AddSEPCapability(media);
+		__LOG(_L("Add configuration [Category %d] - completed with error %d\n"), media.Category(), err);
+		TAvdtpReportingCapabilities rep;
+		err = iGavdp.AddSEPCapability(rep);
+		__LOG(_L("Add configuration [Category %d] - completed with error %d\n"), rep.Category(), err);
+		TAvdtpRecoveryCapabilities rec;
+		rec.SetRecoveryType(ERFC2733Recovery);
+		rec.SetMaxWindowSize(5);
+		rec.SetMinWindowSize(1);
+		err = iGavdp.AddSEPCapability(rec);
+		__LOG(_L("Add configuration [Category %d] - completed with error %d\n"), rec.Category(), err);
+		TAvdtpContentProtectionCapabilities cp;
+		cp.SetContentProtectionType(0x1234);
+		cp.SetContentProtectionData(_L8("A test content protection method"));
+		err = iGavdp.AddSEPCapability(cp);
+	*/	
+		if(TTavsrcUtils::GetYNFromUser(iActiveConsole->Console(), _L("SBC ")))
+			{
+			TSBCCodecCapabilities sbc;
+			sbc.SetSamplingFrequencies(E48kHz|E44100Hz|E32kHz|E16kHz);
+			sbc.SetBlockLengths(EBlockLenFour | EBlockLenEight | EBlockLenTwelve | EBlockLenSixteen);
+			sbc.SetMinBitpoolValue(2);
+			sbc.SetMaxBitpoolValue(250);
+			sbc.SetChannelModes(EJointStereo | EStereo | EMono | EDualChannel);
+			sbc.SetSubbands(EFourSubbands|EEightSubbands);
+			sbc.SetAllocationMethods(ELoudness | ESNR);
+			// crazy stuff testing
+			/*
+			sbc.SetSamplingFrequencies(E16kHz);
+			sbc.SetBlockLengths(EBlockLenTwelve);
+			sbc.SetChannelModes(EJointStereo);
+			sbc.SetSubbands(EFourSubbands);
+			*/		
+			err = iGavdp.AddSEPCapability(sbc);
+			__LOG(_L("Add configuration [Category %d] - completed with error %d\n"), sbc.Category(), err);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			TNonSBCCodecCapabilities codec(SymbianBluetoothAV::EAvdtpMediaTypeAudio, SymbianBluetoothAV::EAudioCodecMPEG24AAC);
+			TBuf8<18> mpeg2aacData;
+			mpeg2aacData.Append(0x80);		// MPEG2 AAC LC
+			mpeg2aacData.Append(0x01);		// 44.1 kHz		
+			mpeg2aacData.Append(0x80);		// 48.0 kHz, Channels 1 & 2
+			mpeg2aacData.Append(0x80);		// VBR, unknown bitrate
+			mpeg2aacData.Append(0x00);		// unknown bitrate
+			mpeg2aacData.Append(0x00);		// unknown bitrate
+			codec.SetCodecData(mpeg2aacData);
+			err = iGavdp.AddSEPCapability(codec);
+			__LOG(_L("Add configuration [Category %d] - completed with error %d\n"), codec.Category(), err);
+			}
+		iRegisteringLocalSEP = ETrue;
+		iGavdp.CommitSEPConfiguration();
+		__LOG(_L("Commit configuration [SEID %d]\n"), info.SEID().SEID());	
+		}
+	return err;
+	}