changeset 23 5b153be919d4
parent 22 786b94c6f0a4
child 24 e9b924a62a66
--- a/bluetooth/gavdp/test/tavsrcStreamer.cpp	Thu Aug 19 11:01:00 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,830 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-#include "tavsrcStreamer.h"
-#include "tavsrcUI.h"
-#include "tavsrcUtils.h"
-#include <bluetoothav.h>
-static const TSize KStreamerConsole(55,12);
-using namespace SymbianBluetoothAV;
-using namespace SymbianSBC;
-// class CSbcTrackInfo
-	{
-	iFrameInfo.Close();
-	}
-TInt CSbcTrackInfo::GetLastFrameSize()
-	{
-	TInt frameSize = KErrNotFound;
-	TInt count = iFrameInfo.Count();
-	if (count > 0)
-		{
-		frameSize = iFrameInfo[count - 1].iFrameSize;
-		}
-	return frameSize;
-	}
-TInt CSbcTrackInfo::AddNewFrame(TInt aFrameSize)
-	{
-	TInt rerr = KErrNone;
-	TInt count = iFrameInfo.Count();
-	if ((count > 0) && (iFrameInfo[count - 1].iFrameSize == aFrameSize))
-		{
-		// another frame of the same size
-		iFrameInfo[count - 1].iFrameCount++;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		// add new frame info
-		rerr = iFrameInfo.Append(TSbcTrackFrameInfo());
-		if (rerr == KErrNone)
-			{
-			iFrameInfo[count].iFrameSize = aFrameSize;
-			iFrameInfo[count].iFrameCount = 1;
-			}
-		}
-	return rerr;
-	}
-TInt CSbcTrackInfo::RemoveLastFrame()
-	{
-	TInt rerr = KErrNotFound;
-	TInt count = iFrameInfo.Count();
-	if (count > 0)
-		{
-		if (iFrameInfo[count - 1].iFrameCount > 1)
-			{
-			// remove one of the instances of the last frame size
-			iFrameInfo[count - 1].iFrameCount--;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			// remove the last frame info
-			iFrameInfo.Remove(count - 1);
-			}
-		rerr = KErrNone;
-		}
-	return rerr;	
-	}
-void CSbcTrackInfo::Reset()
-	{
-	iFrameInfo.Reset();
-	}
-// class CActiveStreamer
-CActiveStreamer* CActiveStreamer::NewL(RSocketArray aSockets,
-									   CConsoleBase& aConsole,
-									   MActiveStreamerUser& aUser,
-									   TUint aDisplayMode,
-									   TBool aPreloadFile)
-	{
-	CActiveStreamer* self = new (ELeave) CActiveStreamer (aConsole, aUser, aDisplayMode, aPreloadFile);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-	self->ConstructL(aSockets);
-	CleanupStack::Pop();
-	return self;
-	}
-CActiveStreamer::CActiveStreamer(CConsoleBase& aConsole, MActiveStreamerUser& aUser, TUint aDisplayMode, TBool aPreloadFile)
-: iConsole(aConsole), iUser(aUser), iDisplayMode(aDisplayMode), iPreloadFile(aPreloadFile), iSbcFrameRate(1), iDirectionForward(ETrue)
-	{
-	iRTPCanSend = ETrue;
-	}
-	{
-	delete iTimer;
-	iSendSource.Close();
-	iSession.Close();
-	iSockets[0].Close();
-	delete iFiles;
-	iFile.Close();
-	iRFs.Close();
-	delete iProgressBar;
-	DestroyBucket();
-	delete iStreamingInfoConsole;	
-	delete iFileBuf;
-	iFileBuf = NULL;
-	delete iStreamerUI;
-	iStreamerUI = NULL;	
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::Stream(TBool aIsSink)
-	{
-	if (!aIsSink)
-		{
-		iStartedTime.UniversalTime();
-		iTimer->Start(iNominalSendClockInterval);
-		Drip();		
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		//as sink, we do want to start up rtp and await its notification of a NewSource
-		//Nothing to do at the moment, because when INT is a SNK, 
-		//it just needs to get the RTP packets running and wait for notification.
-		//This has already been done in constructor of the class.		
-		}
-	iStreamerUI->Play();
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::Suspend()
-	{
-	iTimer->Cancel(); // stop callbacks to send
-	iStreamerUI->Pause();
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::ReStream()
-	{
-	iTimer->Start(iNominalSendClockInterval);
-	Drip();
-	iStreamerUI->Play();
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::Stop()
-	{
-	iTimer->Cancel();
-	iStreamerUI->Stop();
-	iFillLevel = 0;
-	iPos = 0;
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::Pause()
-	{
-	iTimer->Cancel();
-	iStreamerUI->Pause();
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::NextTrack()
-	{
-	iPos=0;
-	if (iCurrentFile < iFiles->Count() - 1)
-		{
-		iCurrentFile++;
-		iStreamerUI->Next();
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		iCurrentFile = 0;
-		iStreamerUI->First();
-		}
-	TRAPD(err, InitL());		
-	if (err)
-		{
-		iConsole.Printf(_L("InitL failed with error: %d"),err);
-		}
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::PrevTrack()
-	{
-	iPos=0;
-	if (iCurrentFile>0)
-		{
-		iCurrentFile--;
-		iStreamerUI->Prev();
-		}
-	TRAPD(err, InitL());		
-	if (err)
-		{
-		iConsole.Printf(_L("InitL failed with error: %d"),err);
-		}
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::InitL()
-	{
-	// close current file
-	iFile.Close();
-	delete iProgressBar;
-	iProgressBar = NULL;
-	// get file details
-	RBuf filename;
-	filename.Create(100);
-	filename.Append(KSBCFileRoot);
-	filename.Append(iFiles->operator[](iCurrentFile).iName);
-	User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Open(iRFs,filename,EFileRead | EFileShareReadersOnly));
-	TInt numChannels, chMode, numSubbands, blkLen, bitPool, freq, allocMethod;
-	User::LeaveIfError(TTavsrcUtils::GetCodecSettingsFromSBCFile(filename, chMode, numChannels, numSubbands, blkLen, bitPool, freq, allocMethod));
-	if (iStreamingInfoConsole)
-		{
-		iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("\nFirst SBC frame info for: %S...\n"), &filename);
-		}
-	filename.Close();
-	// determine if a re-configuration is required
-	if ((iNumChannels != numChannels) || (iFreq != freq) ||
-		(iChMode != chMode) || (iBitPool != bitPool) ||
-		(iBlkLen != blkLen) || (iNumSubbands != numSubbands) ||
-		(iAllocMethod != allocMethod))
-		{		
-		iNumChannels = numChannels;
-		iChMode = chMode;
-		iNumSubbands = numSubbands;
-		iBlkLen = blkLen;
-		iBitPool = bitPool;
-		iFreq = freq;
-		iAllocMethod = allocMethod;
-		// configuration is set first time around
-		if (iSBCFrameSize != 0)
-			{
-			TSBCCodecCapabilities cfg;
-			TSBCSubbandsBitmask subbands = numSubbands == 8 ? EEightSubbands : EFourSubbands;
-			TSBCAllocationMethodBitmask alloc = allocMethod == 0 ? ELoudness : ESNR;
-			TSBCSamplingFrequencyBitmask freqs(0);
-			if (freq == 48000) freqs = E48kHz;
-			else if (freq == 44100) freqs = E44100Hz; // note else if now as only select one
-			else if (freq == 32000) freqs = E32kHz;
-			else if (freq == 16000) freqs = E16kHz;
-			TSBCChannelModeBitmask chs(0); // set it to anything to prevent warning
-			if (chMode == 0) chs=EMono; 
-			else if (chMode == 1) chs=EDualChannel; 
-			else if (chMode == 2) chs=EStereo; 
-			else if (chMode == 3) chs=EJointStereo; 
-			TSBCBlockLengthBitmask blkLens(0); // set it to anything to prevent warning
-			if (blkLen == 4) blkLens = EBlockLenFour;
-			else if (blkLen == 8) blkLens = EBlockLenEight;
-			else if (blkLen == 12) blkLens = EBlockLenTwelve;
-			else if (blkLen == 16) blkLens = EBlockLenSixteen;
-			cfg.SetSamplingFrequencies(freqs);
-			cfg.SetChannelModes(chs);
-			cfg.SetBlockLengths(blkLens);
-			cfg.SetSubbands(subbands);
-			cfg.SetAllocationMethods(alloc);
-			// reconfig required
-			iUser.MediaCodecConfigurationRequired(cfg);
-			// ensure no more timer events until we have finished reconfiguring
-			iTimer->Cancel();
-			}
-		if (chMode == 0 || chMode == 1)
-			{
-			iSBCFrameSize = 4+TReal((4*numSubbands*numChannels))/8+TTavsrcUtils::CEIL(TReal(blkLen*numChannels*bitPool)/8);
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			TBool join = chMode == 0x03;
-			iSBCFrameSize = 4+TReal((4*numSubbands*numChannels))/8+TTavsrcUtils::CEIL(TReal((join*numSubbands+blkLen*bitPool))/8);
-			}
-		iSBCBitrate = 8*iSBCFrameSize*freq/(numSubbands*blkLen);
-		TUint64 numerator = TUint64(8000000)*iSBCFrameSize;
-		iSBCFrameInterval = (numerator)/iSBCBitrate; //microsecs
-		}
-	iSbcTrackInfo.Reset();
-	iSbcTrackInfo.AddNewFrame(iSBCFrameSize);
-	iDirectionForward = ETrue;
-	iSbcFrameRate = 1;
-	User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Size(iFileSize));
-	if (iStreamingInfoConsole)
-		{
-		iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("Sampling Frequency: %d Hz\n"), iFreq);
-		iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("Subbands: %d\n"), iNumSubbands);
-		iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("BlkLen: %d\n"), iBlkLen);
-		iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("ChannelMode: %d\n"), iChMode);
-		iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("AllocMethod: %d\n"), iAllocMethod);
-		iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("Bitpool: %d\n"), iBitPool);
-		iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("SBC Frame size: %d bytes\n"), iSBCFrameSize);
-		iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("Bitrate: %d bps\n"), iSBCBitrate);
-		}
-	TInt err = LoadFile();
-	if(err==KErrNone)
-		{
-		if (iDisplayMode & EProgressBarWindow)
-			{
-			iProgressBar = CProgressBar::NewL(iFileSize);
-			}
-		FillBucket();
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		User::Leave(err);
-		}
-	// start the timer for this file
-	iStartTime.UniversalTime();
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::UpdateFrameInfo()
-	{
-	TInt numChannels, chMode, numSubbands, blkLen, bitPool, freq, allocMethod;
-	User::LeaveIfError(TTavsrcUtils::GetCodecSettingsFromSBCFile(iFile, iPos, chMode, numChannels, numSubbands, blkLen, bitPool, freq, allocMethod));
-	// determine if a re-configuration is required
-	if ((iNumChannels != numChannels)|| (iFreq != freq) ||
-		(iChMode != chMode) || (iBitPool != bitPool) ||
-		(iBlkLen != blkLen) || (iNumSubbands != numSubbands) ||
-		(iAllocMethod != allocMethod))
-		{		
-		iNumChannels = numChannels;
-		iChMode = chMode;
-		iNumSubbands = numSubbands;
-		iBlkLen = blkLen;
-		iBitPool = bitPool;
-		iFreq = freq;
-		iAllocMethod = allocMethod;
-		TInt newFrameSize = 0;
-		if (chMode == 0 || chMode == 1)
-			{
-			newFrameSize = 4+TReal((4*numSubbands*numChannels))/8+TTavsrcUtils::CEIL(TReal(blkLen*numChannels*bitPool)/8);
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			TBool join = chMode == 0x03;
-			newFrameSize = 4+TReal((4*numSubbands*numChannels))/8+TTavsrcUtils::CEIL(TReal((join*numSubbands+blkLen*bitPool))/8);
-			}
-		if (newFrameSize != iSBCFrameSize)
-			{
-			// work out timer for SBC frame
-			iSBCBitrate = 8*newFrameSize*freq/(numSubbands*blkLen);
-			TUint64 numerator = TUint64(8000000)*iSBCFrameSize;
-			iSBCFrameInterval = (numerator)/iSBCBitrate; //microsecs
-			}
-		iSBCFrameSize = newFrameSize;
-		}	
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::TimerEvent(CAdaptiveHighResPeriodic& /*aTimer*/)
-	{
-	if (iRTPCanSend)
-		{
-		iSent++;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		// move iPos on anyway?
-		iFailedSend++;
-		}
-	DoTimerEvent();
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::TimerError(CAdaptiveHighResPeriodic& /*aTimer*/, TInt aError)
-	{
-	iConsole.Printf(_L("*ERROR %d*\n"), aError);
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::DoTimerEvent()
-	{
-	FillBucket();
-	Drip();
-	CheckJammed();	
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::FillBucket()
-	{
-	// fill up bucket - it may be fully empty or partially full, but top it up in all cases	
-	if (iFillLevel < KLowTidemark)
-		{
-		for (/*iFillLevel*/; iFillLevel < KSendBucketSize; iFillLevel++)
-			{
-			// get the next RTP packet to send
-			RRtpSendPacket& sendPacket = iSendPackets[iFillLevel];
-			TDes8& payload = sendPacket.WritePayload();
-			payload.Zero();
-			payload.Append(0); // update this later with number of frames in packet.
-			TInt spaceInRtpPacket = iSBCFrameBytesPerRTP;
-			TInt framesAdded = 0;
-			TInt packetInterval = 0;
-			TInt nextFrameSize = iDirectionForward ? iSBCFrameSize : iSbcTrackInfo.GetLastFrameSize();
-			TBool moreFrames = ETrue;
-			while ((nextFrameSize > 0) && (nextFrameSize <= spaceInRtpPacket) && (framesAdded <= 15) && moreFrames)
-				{
-				// add frame
-				if (iPreloadFile)
-					{
-					TPtrC8 ptr(iFileBuf->Des().Ptr()+iPos, nextFrameSize);
-					payload.Append(ptr);
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					TPtr8 ptr(const_cast<TUint8*>(iFileBuf->Des().Ptr()), 0, nextFrameSize);
-					iFile.Read(iPos, ptr);
-					payload.Append(ptr);
-					}
-				framesAdded++;
-				packetInterval+=iSBCFrameInterval;			
-				spaceInRtpPacket-=nextFrameSize;
-				// get next frame information
-				for (TInt count = 0; (count != iSbcFrameRate) && moreFrames; count++)
-					{
-					iPos = iDirectionForward ? iPos + nextFrameSize : iPos - nextFrameSize;
-					// determine if we are done with the current file
-					if ((iPos >= iFileSize) || (iPos < 0))
-						{
-						moreFrames = EFalse;
-						}
-					else 
-						{
-						TInt err = KErrNone;
-						if (iDirectionForward)
-							{
-							// keep track of the frame sizes as we go, this is used to rewind,
-							// i.e. iDirectionForward = EFalse
-							if ((err = iSbcTrackInfo.AddNewFrame(iSBCFrameSize)) != KErrNone)
-								{
-								iConsole.Printf(_L("Error adding SBC frame information: %d\n"), err);
-								__DEBUGGER();
-								}
-							}
-						else
-							{
-							if ((err = iSbcTrackInfo.RemoveLastFrame()) != KErrNone)
-								{
-								// this should never happen as we always check the length first
-								iConsole.Printf(_L("Error removing SBC frame information: %d\n"), err);
-								__DEBUGGER();
-								}
-							}
-						UpdateFrameInfo();
-						nextFrameSize = iDirectionForward ? iSBCFrameSize : iSbcTrackInfo.GetLastFrameSize();
-						}
-					}				
-				}
-			// has the interval changed since last time we set the timer
-			if ((iNominalSendClockInterval != packetInterval) && moreFrames)
-				{
-				// adjust timer
-				if (iStreamingInfoConsole)
-					{
-					iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("Interval change from: %d to %d\n"), iNominalSendClockInterval, packetInterval);
-					}
-				iNominalSendClockInterval = packetInterval;
-				iTimer->SetInterval(iNominalSendClockInterval);
-				}
-			// write number of SBC frames into packet
-			payload[0] = TChar(framesAdded);
-			//DrawBucket();	//<--- to animate the display
-			if (iPos > iFileSize)
-				{
-				// time to do some metrics, and loop back to beginning
-				TTime finTime;
-				finTime.UniversalTime();
-				TInt64 secs;
-				secs = (finTime.MicroSecondsFrom(iStartTime)).Int64();
-				TInt bps = (iFileSize*8LL*1000000LL)/secs;
-				iConsole.Printf(_L("Looping. fail=%d, sent=%d, bytes=%d, secs=%Ld"), iFailedSend, iSent, iFileSize, secs);
-				iConsole.Printf(_L(" bps=%d\n"), bps);
-				iFailedSend=0;
-				iSent=0;
-				iPos=0; // loop
-				RDebug::Printf("Looping");
-				NextTrack();
-				// restart the timer
-				iTimer->Start(iNominalSendClockInterval);
-				}
-			else if (iPos <= 0)
-				{
-				PrevTrack();
-				}
-			else if (iProgressBar)
-				{
-				iProgressBar->Increment(iPos-iProgressBarPos);
-				iProgressBarPos = iPos;
-				}
-			}
-		iPreviousFillLevel = iFillLevel;
-		}
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::DrawBucket()
-	{
-	if (iStreamingInfoConsole)
-		{
-		iStreamingInfoConsole->SetPos(1,1);
-		TBuf<KSendBucketSize> bar;
-		bar.AppendFill('#',iFillLevel);
-		bar.AppendFill('.',KSendBucketSize-iFillLevel);
-		iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(bar);
-		}
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::Drip()
-	{
-	// take head packet
-	RRtpSendPacket& packet = iSendPackets[0]; //packet=oldpacket
-	// move previous packet to back - it is reusable, so we don't close
-	// instead just move to back so that the packet to send is at head
-	iSendPackets.Remove(0);
-	iSendPackets.Append(packet);
-	if (iRTPCanSend && iFillLevel > 0)
-		{
-		// take oldest packet and give to RTP
-		packet.Send();
-		iRTPCanSend = EFalse;
-		iFillLevel--;
-		//DrawBucket();	//<--- to animate the display
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		// not ready to send yet but when we are send straight away
-		iBonusDrip = ETrue;
-		// remember this as a fail to measure
-		// let code beneath recycle packet
-		iFailedSend++;
-		}		
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::ConstructL(RSocketArray aSockets)
-	{
-	iTimer = CAdaptiveHighResPeriodic::NewL(*this);
-	if (iDisplayMode & EStreamerInfoWindow)
-		{
-		iStreamingInfoConsole = Console::NewL(_L("Streamer"), KStreamerConsole);
-		}
-	User::LeaveIfError(iRFs.Connect());
-	iSockets = aSockets;
-	TPckgBuf<TInt> mruBuf;
-	iSockets[0].GetOpt(EAvdtpMediaGetMaximumReceivePacketSize, KSolBtAVDTPMedia, mruBuf);
-	// donate media socket to rtp
-	iSession.OpenL(iSockets[0], mruBuf());
-	// we get all RTP events in one place (could have them separately)
-	iSession.RegisterEventCallbackL(ERtpAnyEvent,
-									RTPCallbackL,
-									this);
-	iSendSource = iSession.NewSendSourceL();
-	iSendSource.RegisterEventCallbackL(ERtpAnyEvent,
-									RTPCallbackL,
-									this);
-	iStreamerUI = CStreamerUI::NewL((iDisplayMode & EPlaylistWindow), (iDisplayMode & EChunkyIconWindow));
-	TInt err = iRFs.GetDir(KSBCFiles, KEntryAttNormal, ESortByName, iFiles);	
-	// set playlist
-	for (TInt i=0; i<iFiles->Count(); i++)
-		{
-		iStreamerUI->AddTitle(iFiles->operator[](i).iName);
-		}
-	err = aSockets[0].GetOpt(EAvdtpMediaGetMaximumPacketSize, KSolBtAVDTPMedia, iMTU);
-	iSBCFrameBytesPerRTP = iMTU - 12 - 1;
-	iSendSource.SetDefaultPayloadSize(iSBCFrameBytesPerRTP+1);
-	CreateBucketL();
-	InitL();
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::CreateBucketL()
-	{
-	if (iSendPackets.Count() == KSendBucketSize)
-		{
-		RDebug::Printf("Bucket already created");
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		RDebug::Printf("Creating bucket");
-		// create all the RTP send packets now
-		for (TInt i=0; i<KSendBucketSize ; i++)
-			{
-			User::LeaveIfError(iSendPackets.Append(iSendSource.NewSendPacketL()));
-			RDebug::Printf("Adding Sendpacket 0x%08x in bucket", &iSendPackets[i]);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::DestroyBucket()
-	{
-	RDebug::Printf("Destroying bucket");
-	// rtp bug closing these packets?
-	iSendPackets.Reset();
-	}
-/*static*/ void CActiveStreamer::RTPCallbackL(CActiveStreamer* aStreamer, const TRtpEvent& aEvent)
-	{
-	switch (aEvent.Type())
-		{
-	case ERtpSendFail:
-		if (aStreamer->iStreamingInfoConsole)
-			{
-			aStreamer->iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("\n**RTP SEND FAILURE**"));			
-			}
-		break;
-	case ERtpSendSucceeded:
-		aStreamer->iRTPCanSend = ETrue;	
-		if (aStreamer->iBonusDrip)
-			{
-			aStreamer->Drip();
-			aStreamer->iBonusDrip = EFalse;
-			}
-		break;
-	case ERtpSourceFail:
-		if (aStreamer->iStreamingInfoConsole)
-			{
-			aStreamer->iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("\n**RTP SOURCE FAILURE**"));			
-			}
-		break;
-	case ERtpNewSource:
-		if (aStreamer->iStreamingInfoConsole)
-			{
-			aStreamer->iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("\n**NEW SOURCE!\n"));
-			}
-		aStreamer->StartSinkL();
-		break;
-	case ERtpPacketReceived:
-		RRtpPacket packet = aStreamer->iReceiveSource.Packet();
-		if (aStreamer->iStreamingInfoConsole)
-			{
-			aStreamer->iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("SNK Rxd packet "));
-			aStreamer->iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("SeqNo %d\n"),packet.SequenceNumber());
-			}
-		break;
-		}
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::StartSinkL()
-	{
-	iReceiveSource = iSession.NewReceiveSourceL();
-	iReceiveSource.RegisterEventCallbackL(ERtpAnyEvent,
-										RTPCallbackL,
-										this);
-	}
-TInt CActiveStreamer::LoadFile()
-	{
-	RDebug::Printf("Loading file");
-	delete iFileBuf;
-	iFileBuf = NULL;
-	TInt err = KErrNone;
-	if (iPreloadFile)
-		{
-		if (iStreamingInfoConsole)
-			{
-			iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("Preloading SBC file\n"));
-			}
-		// max heap is something or other	
-		const TInt KMaxHeap = 4000000;
-		TInt size = iFileSize;
-		size = Min(iFileSize, KMaxHeap);
-		TRAP(err, iFileBuf = HBufC8::NewL(size));	
-		if (err)
-			{
-			return err;
-			}
-		iFileSize = Min(KMaxHeap, iFileSize);
-		TPtr8 ptr(const_cast<TUint8*>(iFileBuf->Des().Ptr()), 0, iFileSize);	
-		const TEntry& entry = iFiles->operator[](iCurrentFile);
-		RFile test;
-		test.Open(iRFs, entry.iName, EFileRead);
-		ptr.Zero();
-		err=iFile.Read(ptr);
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		if (iStreamingInfoConsole)
-			{
-			iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("Streaming from file\n"));
-			}
-		// read from file to be more "streaming"-like
-		TRAP(err, iFileBuf = HBufC8::NewL(Min(iFileSize, iSBCFrameBytesPerRTP)));
-		}
-	return err;
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::Faster()
-	{
-	// limit the speed
-	if (iSbcFrameRate < 5)
-		{
-		iSbcFrameRate++;
-		}
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::Slower()
-	{
-	if (iSbcFrameRate > 1)
-		{
-		iSbcFrameRate--;		
-		}
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::Backward()
-	{
-	iDirectionForward=EFalse;
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::Forward()
-	{
-	iDirectionForward=ETrue;
-	}
-void CActiveStreamer::CheckJammed()
-	{
-	if (iFillLevel==iPreviousFillLevel)
-		{
-		if ((iBucketAppearsJammed++ > 500) && iStreamingInfoConsole)
-			{
-			iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("BUCKET JAMMED\n"));
-			iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("iFillLevel %d "),iFillLevel);
-			iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("iRTPCanSend %d "),iRTPCanSend);
-			iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("iFailedSend %d "),iFailedSend);
-			iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("iPos %d "),iPos);
-			TTime now;
-			now.UniversalTime();
-			TInt millisecs = now.MicroSecondsFrom(iLastPacketSentTime).Int64()/1000;
-			iStreamingInfoConsole->Printf(_L("time since last send %d ms "),millisecs);
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		iBucketAppearsJammed = 0;
-		}
-	}