--- a/bluetooth/btstack/linkmgr/hcifacade.cpp Tue Apr 27 17:48:21 2010 +0300
+++ b/bluetooth/btstack/linkmgr/hcifacade.cpp Tue May 11 17:15:36 2010 +0300
@@ -35,10 +35,11 @@
#include <bluetooth/hcicommandqitem.h>
#include <bluetooth/hcicmdqcontroller.h>
+#include <bluetooth/hci/hciopcodes.h>
#include <bluetooth/hci/controllerinitialisationinterface.h>
#include <bluetooth/hci/hcidataframer.h>
#include <bluetooth/hci/readlocalsupportedfeaturescommand.h>
-#include <bluetooth/hci/hostbuffersizecommand.h>
#include <bluetooth/hci/resetcommand.h>
#include <bluetooth/hci/readbdaddrcommand.h>
#include <bluetooth/hci/readlocalversioninfocommand.h>
@@ -192,10 +193,6 @@
// used later to ensure that we have enough data to call SetEventMask
iReadLocalSupportedFeaturesComplete = EFalse;
iReadLocalVersionComplete = EFalse;
- iMBufPool = CHostMBufPool::NewL(*this);
void CHCIFacade::SetLinkMuxer(CLinkMuxer& aLinkMuxer)
@@ -319,9 +316,6 @@
delete iAFHTimer;
- delete iMBufPool;
- #endif
delete iCoreHciPlugin;
@@ -430,9 +424,12 @@
// Reset UI
+ //
- // The h/w CoD has been reset, so we need to clear our persistent value, to reflect this
+ // The h/w has been (or will be) reset, so we need to clear our locally cached data
+ //
+ iLinkMgrProtocol.LinkMuxer().ResetFlowControlMode();
// Removes any pending AFH Channel Classification command
@@ -529,58 +526,39 @@
switch (aMode)
- case ENoFlowControl:
- {
-#ifndef _DEBUG
- Panic(ELinkMgrBadFlowControlSetInReleaseBuild);
- break;
- }
- case EFlowControlToHostControllerOnly:
- {
- // the host will not tell the Controller about its buffers
- User::LeaveIfError(
- SendInitialisationCommand(CReadBufferSizeCommand::NewL()));
- break;
- }
- case EFlowControlFromHostControllerOnly:
- {
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- CHCICommandBase *command = CHostBufferSizeCommand::NewL(KLinkMgrIncomingBufferSize,
- KStackSCOBuffersSize, KStackACLBuffersNum,
- KStackSCOBuffersNum);
- User::LeaveIfError(SendInitialisationCommand(command));
- command = CSetControllerToHostFlowControlCommand::NewL(ETrue);
- User::LeaveIfError(SendInitialisationCommand(command));
- Panic(ELinkMgrBadFlowControlSetInReleaseBuild);
- break;
- }
- case ETwoWayFlowControlEnabled:
- {
- CHCICommandBase *command = CHostBufferSizeCommand::NewL(KLinkMgrIncomingBufferSize,
- KStackSCOBuffersSize, KStackACLBuffersNum,
- KStackSCOBuffersNum);
- User::LeaveIfError(SendInitialisationCommand(command));
- command = CSetControllerToHostFlowControlCommand::NewL(ETrue);
- User::LeaveIfError(SendInitialisationCommand(command));
- break;
- }
- default:
- Panic(ELinkMgrNoSuchFlowControlMode);
- break;
+ case ENoFlowControl:
+ case EFlowControlToHostControllerOnly:
+ case EFlowControlFromHostControllerOnly:
+ case ETwoWayFlowControlEnabled:
+ // a valid argument has been provided
+ break;
+ default:
+ Panic(ELinkMgrNoSuchFlowControlMode);
+ break;
+ }
+ TBool ctrlerToHostFlowControl = (aMode == ETwoWayFlowControlEnabled) || (aMode == EFlowControlFromHostControllerOnly);
+ TBool hostToCtrlerFlowControl = (aMode == ETwoWayFlowControlEnabled) || (aMode == EFlowControlToHostControllerOnly);
+ if(hostToCtrlerFlowControl)
+ {
+ LEAVEIFERRORL(SendInitialisationCommand(CReadBufferSizeCommand::NewL()));
+ }
+ if(ctrlerToHostFlowControl)
+ {
+ static const TUint8 KControllerToHostFlowControlAclOnSyncOff = 0x01;
+ CHCICommandBase* command =
+ CSetControllerToHostFlowControlCommand::NewL(KControllerToHostFlowControlAclOnSyncOff);
+ LEAVEIFERRORL(SendInitialisationCommand(command));
+ // When this command successfully completes then host buffer size command will be issued.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iLinkMuxer->RecordHostControllerToHostFlowControl(EFalse);
@@ -639,14 +617,6 @@
return 0;
-RMBufChain CHCIFacade::TakeInboundACLDataBufferFromPool(const THCIConnHandle& aForConnHandle)
- {
- return iMBufPool->TakeBuffer(aForConnHandle);
- }
// MControllerInitialisationObserver
void CHCIFacade::McioPreResetCommandComplete(TInt aError)
@@ -1098,177 +1068,3 @@
return KErrNone;
-CHostMBufPool* CHostMBufPool::NewL(CHCIFacade& aHCIFacade)
- {
- CHostMBufPool* self = new (ELeave) CHostMBufPool(aHCIFacade);
- CleanupStack::PushL(self);
- self->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop(self);
- return self;
- }
-void CHostMBufPool::DeletePool(TSglQue<TPoolBuffer>& aQueue)
- {
- TPoolBuffer* tmpItem = NULL;
- TSglQueIter<TPoolBuffer> iter(aQueue);
- while(iter)
- {
- tmpItem=iter++;
- aQueue.Remove(*tmpItem);
- delete tmpItem;
- }
- }
- {
- Cancel();
- DeletePool(iBufferPool);
- DeletePool(iWaitingAllocPool);
- }
-CHostMBufPool::CHostMBufPool(CHCIFacade& aHCIFacade) :
- CActive(0),iHCIFacade(aHCIFacade),iBufferPool(_FOFF(TPoolBuffer,iLink)),
- iWaitingAllocPool(_FOFF(TPoolBuffer,iLink)),iCurrAckHandle(KErrNotFound),iCurrCompletedPackets(0)
- {
- }
-void CHostMBufPool::ConstructL()
-2nd phase constructor for the Host MBuf Pool.
-This method will attempt to reserve enough MBufs from the global pool
-for bluetooth use.
-@leave KErrNoMemory If the required number of MBufs couldn't be reserved
- {
- LOG2(_L("CHostMBufPool: now reserving %d size %d MBufChains"),KStackACLBuffersNum,KLinkMgrIncomingBufferSize);
- for (TInt i=0;i<=KStackACLBuffersNum-1;i++)
- {
- TPoolBuffer* thisBuffer = new (ELeave) TPoolBuffer();
- CleanupStack::PushL(thisBuffer);
- thisBuffer->iCurrentHandle=KErrNotFound; //we assert on this later
- thisBuffer->iMBufChain.AllocL(KLinkMgrIncomingBufferSize);
- iBufferPool.AddFirst(*thisBuffer);
- CleanupStack::Pop(thisBuffer);
- }
- CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
- }
-void CHostMBufPool::DoCancel()
- {
- iMBufRequester.Cancel();
- }
-RMBufChain CHostMBufPool::TakeBuffer(const THCIConnHandle& aConnHandle)
-Takes a buffer from the pool and schedules an asynchronous allocation
-of the next buffer. Only when that allocation has succeeded will the host
-controller be signalled with a host_number_of_completed_packets. Hence,
-if we cannot allocate a buffer from the global MBuf pool, the host controller
-will be flowed off and no data will be lost.
- {
- TPoolBuffer* ready = iBufferPool.First();
- iBufferPool.Remove(*ready);
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(!ready->iMBufChain.IsEmpty(),Panic(ELinkMgrHostControllerHasOverflowedHost));
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(ready->iCurrentHandle==KErrNotFound,Panic(ELinkMgrHostControllerHasOverflowedHost));
- ready->iCurrentHandle = aConnHandle;
- RMBufChain retChain;
- retChain.Assign(ready->iMBufChain);
- if (IsActive())
- {
- //This buffer will be reclaimed from the global pool
- //after the one(s) we're currently trying to reclaim
- LOG(_L("CHostMBufPool: TakeBuffer, buffer taken while alloc outstanding: queued alloc"));
- iWaitingAllocPool.AddLast(*ready);
- }
- else
- {
- LOG(_L("CHostMBufPool: TakeBuffer, buffer taken"));
- iBufferPool.AddLast(*ready); //NB the Controller cannot use this
- //buffer until it is alloced as it will
- //be flowed off.
- iMBufRequester.Alloc(ready->iMBufChain,KLinkMgrIncomingBufferSize,iStatus);
- SetActive();
- }
- return retChain;
- }
-void CHostMBufPool::RunL()
- {
- if (iStatus.Int()!=KErrNone)
- {
- LOG1(_L("Error! CHostMBufPool:: RunL %d"),iStatus.Int());
- }
- else
- {
- TPoolBuffer* justAllocd = iBufferPool.Last();
- if (iCurrAckHandle==KErrNotFound)
- {
- //This is the first completion we have ever seen
- iCurrAckHandle=justAllocd->iCurrentHandle;
- }
- TBool ackNow=((justAllocd->iCurrentHandle!=iCurrAckHandle));
- if (!ackNow)
- {
- iCurrCompletedPackets++;
- LOG2(_L("CHostMBufPool: CompletedPackets++ for conn: %d [->%d]"),justAllocd->iCurrentHandle,iCurrCompletedPackets);
- if (iCurrCompletedPackets>=KStackACLBuffersTideMarkNum)
- {
- ackNow=ETrue;
- }
- }
- if (ackNow)
- {
- TInt err=KErrNone;
- if (iCurrCompletedPackets>0)
- {
- LOG2(_L("CHostMBufPool: Sending HostNumberOfCompletedPackets for conn: %d [%d completed]"),iCurrAckHandle,iCurrCompletedPackets);
- //Acknowledge the completed packets
- TRAP(err, iHCIFacade.HostNumberOfCompletedPacketsL(iCurrAckHandle,iCurrCompletedPackets));
- //if this failed we probably couldn't alloc the memory for the command frame,
- //the HC is still flowed off.
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(err==KErrNone,Panic(ELinkMgrCouldNotSendHostNumberOfCompletedPackets));
- }
- iCurrCompletedPackets= (justAllocd->iCurrentHandle!=iCurrAckHandle) ? 1:0;
- iCurrAckHandle=justAllocd->iCurrentHandle;
- }
- justAllocd->iCurrentHandle=KErrNotFound;
- if (!iWaitingAllocPool.IsEmpty())
- {
- TPoolBuffer* needsAlloc = iWaitingAllocPool.First();
- iBufferPool.AddLast(*needsAlloc);
- iWaitingAllocPool.Remove(*needsAlloc);
- iMBufRequester.Alloc(needsAlloc->iMBufChain,KLinkMgrIncomingBufferSize,iStatus);
- SetActive();
- }
- }
- }