// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32std.h>
#include <bt_sock.h>
#include "L2CapPDU.h"
#include "L2CapSDUQueue.h"
#include "L2CapDataController.h"
#include "l2signalmgr.h"
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CL2CapStreamingController) : public CL2CapBasicDataController, public MPduOwner
CL2CapStreamingController(TL2CAPPort aLocalCID, TL2CAPPort aRemoteCID, CL2CAPMux& aMuxer, CL2CapSDUQueue& aSDUQueue, TL2CapDataControllerConfig* aConfig);
virtual ~CL2CapStreamingController();
virtual void ProcessFlushTimerExpiry();
// MPduOwner
virtual void HandlePduSendComplete(HL2CapPDU& aPdu);
virtual void HandlePduSendError(HL2CapPDU& aPdu);
virtual void HandleIncomingIFrameL(RMBufChain& aIFrame);
virtual TInt HandleOutgoingIFrame(HIFramePDU* aIFrame);
virtual HL2CapPDU* GetPduL();
// Window related information, as defined in the spec.
// Sequencer for outgoing I-Frame numbers.
TUint8 iNextTxSeq;
// Next expected incoming I-Frame number.
TUint8 iExpectedTxSeq;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(RL2CapErtmTimerManager) : public RL2CapRetransmissionModeTimerManager
RL2CapErtmTimerManager(class CL2CapEnhancedReTxController& aClient);
void Close();
void StartLocalBusyDelayTimer();
void StopLocalBusyDelayTimer();
inline TBool IsLocalBusyDelayTimerRunning() const;
void HandleLocalBusyDelayTimerExpired();
static TInt LocalBusyDelayTimerExpired(TAny* aTimerMan);
// Peer Retransmission Timer value is divided by this to obtain the LB delay timer
// value to use.
const static TInt KLocalBusyDelayTimerDenominator = 2;
TBool iLocalBusyDelayTimerRunning;
TDeltaTimerEntry iLocalBusyDelayTimerEntry;
class CL2CapEnhancedReTxController;
class RL2CapErtmOutgoingQueue;
// Encapsulates a list of unacknowledged I-Frames and an index for fast TxSeqs
// lookups for SREJ retransmissions.
void Close();
inline void Append(HIFramePDU& aFrame);
inline void Remove(HIFramePDU& aFrame);
inline HIFramePDU* First() const;
inline HIFramePDU* Last() const;
inline HIFramePDU* operator[](TUint8 aTxSeq) const;
inline TBool IsEmpty() const;
inline TDblQueIter<HIFramePDU> Iterator();
// Ordered chronologically, oldest to youngest.
TDblQue<HIFramePDU> iFrameList;
// Indexed by TxSeq.
TFixedArray<HIFramePDU*, KL2CapTxSeqValues> iFrameIndex;
static CL2CapErtmDataTransmitter* NewL(CL2CapEnhancedReTxController& aController);
virtual ~CL2CapErtmDataTransmitter();
void HandleIncomingIFrame(RMBufChain& aIFrame);
void HandleIncomingSFrameL(RMBufChain& aSFrame);
TBool HaveSpaceInOutgoingWindow() const;
HIFramePDU* GetIFrameToSendL();
void HciCompletedIFrame(HIFramePDU& aIFrame);
void AckTimerExpired();
inline TBool RemoteBusy() const;
inline TBool IsWaitAckStatePending() const;
inline void EnterWaitAckState();
inline TBool InWaitAckState() const;
inline TUint8 NextTxSeq() const;
inline TUint8 ExpectedAckSeq() const;
inline TBool IsReqSeqValid(TUint8 aReqSeq);
inline TBool HaveUnackedIFrames() const;
inline TBool IsRetransmittingUnackedIFrames() const;
inline TBool IsNextUnackedIFrameAwaitingHciCompletion() const;
CL2CapErtmDataTransmitter(CL2CapEnhancedReTxController& aController);
void HandleReqSeqAck(TUint8 aReqSeq);
void HandleFinalAck();
void HandleIncomingSRejL(RMBufChain& aSRejFrame);
void RetransmitUnackedIFrames();
inline void SendOrPendL(HIFramePDU& aIFrame);
inline RL2CapRetransmissionModeTimerManager& TimerMan();
inline RL2CapErtmOutgoingQueue& OutgoingQ();
CL2CapEnhancedReTxController& iController;
// Outgoing window information, as defined by the spec.
// Sequencer for outgoing I-Frame numbers. With the little exception that when
// a decision to retransmit all unacked I-Frames is made, this gets set to the
// first number of the bunch and frames are retransmitted until iUnackedIFrames[iNextTxSeq]
// is NULL again.
TUint8 iNextTxSeq;
// I-Frames preceding this number have been acknowledged by the peer.
TUint8 iExpectedAckSeq;
RL2CapErtmUnacknowledgedIFrames iUnackedIFrames;
// If remote indicates busy condition we keep transmitting within send window limits,
// but disable our retransmission timer.
TBool iRemoteBusy;
// For protecting against duplicates. Explained in HandleIncomingSFrameL().
// See state tables in the spec.
TBool iSRejActioned;
TUint8 iSRejSaveReqSeq;
// Signals to GetPdu that we need to enter WAIT_ACK.
TBool iWaitAckStatePending;
// Xmit state WAIT_ACK (syncing ReqSeq to start retransmission from) - see spec.
TBool iInWaitAckState;
class CL2CapErtmDataReceiver;
// Register SREJ-requested I-Frame TxSeq.
inline void AppendTxSeq(TUint8 aTxSeq);
// Received an SREJ requested I-Frame. Take note of this fact and indicate whether
// it was out of sequence wrt to previous ones. If so, GetNextTxSeqForResend() needs
// to be called in a loop to return all the TxSeqs to re-request.
TBool ReceivedTxSeq(TUint8 aTxSeq);
inline TBool GetNextTxSeqForResend(TUint8& aTxSeq);
TBool IsTxSeqOnTheList(TUint8 aTxSeq) const;
inline TUint8 LastTxSeq() const;
inline TBool IsEmpty() const;
inline TBool AllRequestedFramesReceived() const;
inline TUint8 ExpectedSRejTxSeq() const;
inline TInt NumMissingTxSeqs() const;
inline TBool HaveSpaceForNewTxSeqs(TInt aNumTxSeqs) const;
inline void Reset();
#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
void Log();
const static TUint KMaxSRejsInFlight = 1;
TFixedArray<TUint8, KMaxSRejsInFlight> iMissingTxSeqs;
// Number of TxSeqs missing since entering SREJ_SENT.
// The array is split in two parts - frames already received and the ones we're still
// waiting for.
TInt iNumMissingTxSeqs;
// Frames below this index have been received.
TInt iExpectedRecvIdx;
// Frames starting from this index need to be re-requested.
TInt iResendIdx;
// Note: think about the frame parameter as "the frame that caused the transition",
// though it's only really used for SREJ_SENT. Still, this is the cleanest form
// of passing the required information.
virtual void EnterL(RMBufChain* aIFrame);
virtual void ExitL();
virtual void HandleIncomingIFrameL(RMBufChain& aIFrame) = 0;
virtual void HandlePollL() = 0;
virtual TBool IsLocalBusySupported() const;
// Called to notify the state that the incoming SDU Q has just consumed some
// I-Frames and we could slide the receive window if we can (we can't in SREJ_SENT).
virtual void TxSeqExpectedBySduQChanged(TUint8 aTxSeq) = 0;
TL2CapErtmReceiverStateBase(CL2CapErtmDataReceiver& aReceiver);
CL2CapErtmDataReceiver& iReceiver;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TL2CapErtmReceiverStateRecv) : public TL2CapErtmReceiverStateBase
TL2CapErtmReceiverStateRecv(CL2CapErtmDataReceiver& aReceiver);
virtual void EnterL(RMBufChain* aIFrame);
virtual void HandleIncomingIFrameL(RMBufChain& aIFrame);
virtual void HandlePollL();
virtual TBool IsLocalBusySupported() const;
virtual void TxSeqExpectedBySduQChanged(TUint8 aTxSeq);
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TL2CapErtmReceiverStateRejSent) : public TL2CapErtmReceiverStateBase
TL2CapErtmReceiverStateRejSent(CL2CapErtmDataReceiver& aReceiver);
virtual void EnterL(RMBufChain* aIFrame);
virtual void HandleIncomingIFrameL(RMBufChain& aIFrame);
virtual void HandlePollL();
virtual void TxSeqExpectedBySduQChanged(TUint8 aTxSeq);
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TL2CapErtmReceiverStateSRejSent) : public TL2CapErtmReceiverStateBase
TL2CapErtmReceiverStateSRejSent(CL2CapErtmDataReceiver& aReceiver);
virtual void EnterL(RMBufChain* aIFrame);
virtual void ExitL();
virtual void HandleIncomingIFrameL(RMBufChain& aIFrame);
virtual void HandlePollL();
virtual void TxSeqExpectedBySduQChanged(TUint8 aTxSeq);
void SendSRejsUpToReceivedIFrameL(RMBufChain& aIFrame);
TBool iGoToRej;
TL2CapErtmMissingTxSeqs iMissingTxSeqs;
// Incoming I-Frame queue. Used both when the SDU Q is full and we have to buffer incoming
// frames (a whole window is buffered) and when SREJ_SENT is entered and we wait for
// SREJ-requested retransmissions to come through.
void Close();
// Enqueue the new I-Frame and try to consume as much of the existing ones as possible.
void HandleIncomingIFrameL(RMBufChain& aIFrame, const CL2CapErtmDataReceiver& aReceiver);
// Pass as many consequent I-Frames to SDU Q ("consume them") as possible.
void ConsumeUpToFirstGapL(const CL2CapErtmDataReceiver& aReceiver);
inline void DeleteAllFrames();
inline TBool IsEmpty() const;
inline TUint8 TxSeqExpectedBySduQ() const;
void Insert(RMBufChain& aIFrame);
#ifdef _DEBUG
void LogQ();
RMBufPktQ iQueue;
// Next TxSeq in sequence for SDU Q.
// If we're not in SREJ_SENT, it's = BufferSeq.
// If we're in SREJ_SENT, it's >= BufferSeq.
TUint8 iTxSeqExpectedBySduQ;
static CL2CapErtmDataReceiver* NewL(CL2CapEnhancedReTxController& aController);
virtual ~CL2CapErtmDataReceiver();
void HandleIncomingIFrameL(RMBufChain& aIFrame);
void HandleIncomingSFrameL(RMBufChain& aSFrame);
// Recv window management.
void SendPeerAckTimerExpiredL();
TBool IsEndOfReceiveWindowApproaching() const;
template<typename FrameType>
void StampWithReqSeq(FrameType& aFrame);
// Send SREJ or REJ ?
TBool IsSRejPreferredToRej(TUint8 aExpectedTxSeq, TUint8 aReceivedTxSeq);
// Incoming SDU Q status/LocalBusy.
void SetIncomingSduQFullL(TBool aIncomingSduQFull);
void UpdateLocalBusyStatusL();
inline TBool IsIncomingSduQFull() const;
inline TBool LocalBusy() const;
void LocalBusyDelayTimerExpired();
inline void FlushBufferedIncomingIFrames();
inline TBool IsWaitFStatePending() const;
inline void EnterWaitFState();
inline TBool InWaitFState() const;
// Window state accessors, both for state objects and the controller.
inline TUint8 ExpectedTxSeq() const;
inline void SetExpectedTxSeq(TUint8 aTxSeq);
inline void IncExpectedTxSeq();
inline TUint8 BufferSeq() const;
inline void SetBufferSeq(TUint8 aTxSeq);
inline TUint8 LastAckReqSeq() const;
inline TUint8 TxSeqExpectedBySduQ() const;
inline TBool SendAck() const;
// As defined in the spec.
inline TBool IsTxSeqUnexpected(TUint8 aTxSeq);
inline TBool IsTxSeqInvalid(TUint8 aTxSeq);
// Handy helpers.
HSFramePDU* GetAckFrameL(TBool aFinal = EFalse);
inline void PassToIncomingQL(RMBufChain& aIFrame);
inline void PassToSduQL(RMBufChain& aIFrame) const;
inline void SetStateRecvL();
inline void SetStateRejSentL();
inline void SetStateSRejSentL(RMBufChain& aUnexpectedIFrame);
inline RL2CapErtmTimerManager& TimerMan();
inline RL2CapErtmOutgoingQueue& OutgoingQ();
inline CL2CapEnhancedReTxController& Controller() const;
CL2CapErtmDataReceiver(CL2CapEnhancedReTxController& aController);
void ConstructL();
void SetStateL(TL2CapErtmReceiverStateBase& aState, RMBufChain* aIFrame);
void HandleFinalAckL();
void EnterLocalBusyL();
void ExitLocalBusy();
// This value represents the number of frames the peer can still send within its current TxWin
// when we decide to send an acknowledgement. E.g. if the peer TxWindow is 20 then we'll send
// an acknowledgement after receiving the 18th frame, thus moving the peer's window and ready
// to receive next 18 frames before sending the next ack. Sending the ack before the end
// of the receive window is reached prevents transmission delays caused by the peer waiting
// for an ack before it can send more.
const static TUint8 KReceiveWinFreeSpaceLeftToTriggerAck = 2;
// Used to decide whether to send an SREJ or a REJ. An SREJ will never be sent if the gap
// between ExpectedTxSeq and the received frame's TxSeq is wider than this value.
const static TUint8 KSRejMissingFrameThreshold = 1;
__ASSERT_COMPILE(KSRejMissingFrameThreshold <= TL2CapErtmMissingTxSeqs::KMaxSRejsInFlight);
CL2CapEnhancedReTxController& iController;
// Window variables as defined in the spec.
// Next expected I-Frame num.
TUint8 iExpectedTxSeq;
// Ack num (ReqSeq) that can be sent to the peer. Usually equal to ExpectedTxSeq,
// unless SDU Queue is full or we're in SREJ_SENT. IOW the beginning of our receive window.
TUint8 iBufferSeq;
// Stores the acknowledgment number most recently sent to the peer.
// Used to detect that we're reaching the end of peer's send window and hence should
// send an ack.
TUint8 iLastAckReqSeq;
// This means SDU queue won't accept any more data, so we can't acknowledge anything new.
// Whether LocalBusy can be entered depends on the receive state (RECV only) and other nasty
// details.
TBool iIncomingSduQFull;
// This means we're sending out RNRs instead of RRs. Proper LocalBusy.
TBool iLocalBusy;
// Xmit state WAIT_F (exiting Local Busy) - see spec.
TBool iInWaitFState;
// Signals to GetPdu that we need to enter WAIT_F.
TBool iWaitFStatePending;
// This is set to True when we're approaching the end of receive window or the send peer ack
// timer expires, or sending a generic ack is needed for some other reason.
// While flags are bad bad bad in general because they don't store time-ordering information
// of related events (that's why we have the outgoing Q instead), it is fine this case -
// - it's legitimate to send a vanilla ack at any time. It's an optimization that prevents
// multiple acks to be queued when the outgoing pipe gets clogged for a while but we keep
// receiving incoming I-Frames.
TBool iSendAck;
RL2CapErtmIncomingIFrameQueue iIncomingIFrameQ;
// "Heavyweight" State pattern.
TL2CapErtmReceiverStateBase* iReceiveState;
TL2CapErtmReceiverStateRecv iStateRecv;
TL2CapErtmReceiverStateRejSent iStateRejSent;
TL2CapErtmReceiverStateSRejSent iStateSRejSent;
// This encapsulates the managament of the outgoing packet queue.
// Every packet should go through the queue before it's sent - certain actions need to be
// executed when a packet is enqueued/dequeued and to make sure that it's always done
// the queue is hidden in this class.
RL2CapErtmOutgoingQueue(CL2CapEnhancedReTxController& aController);
void Close();
// These queue frames that can be sent immediately.
void QueueIFrameL(HIFramePDU& aIFrame);
void QueueAckingSFrame(HSFramePDU& aSFrame);
void QueueNonAckingSFrame(HSFramePDU& aSFrame, TUint8 aReqSeq);
// This queues the I-Frame onto a separate list pending clearing of WAIT_ACK.
// It's used for I-Frames requested with SREJs coming through in WAIT_ACK.
void PendRetransmitIFrameL(HIFramePDU& aIFrame);
// This requeues the I-Frames from the pending list onto the normal send queue.
void SendPendingRetransmitIFramesL();
// Used when we decide to retransmit all I-Frames when we still haven't sent
// out the SREJ-requested ones.
void CancelPendingRetransmitIFrames();
void DeleteAllFrames();
// Called by controller's GetPdu when the link muxer asks for a frame to send.
HL2CapPDU* DequeueNextToSend();
inline TBool HaveFramesToTransmit() const;
inline TBool HavePendingRetransmitIFrames() const;
CL2CapEnhancedReTxController& iController;
TSglQue<HL2CapPDU> iOutgoingQ;
// I-Frames SREJ-requested by the remote when we're in WAIT_ACK and thus can't send data.
TSglQue<HIFramePDU> iPendRetransmitIFrameQ;
: public CL2CapBasicDataController, public MPduOwner, public MRetransmissionModeTimerClient
static CL2CapEnhancedReTxController* NewL(TL2CAPPort aLocalCID, TL2CAPPort aRemoteCID, CL2CAPMux& aMuxer, CL2CapSDUQueue& aSDUQueue, TL2CapDataControllerConfig* aConfig);
virtual ~CL2CapEnhancedReTxController();
// MPduOwner
// Called back by I-Frames on HCI completion.
virtual void HandlePduSendComplete(HL2CapPDU& aPdu);
virtual void HandlePduSendError(HL2CapPDU& aPdu);
// Called back by PDUs going out through the HL2CapPDU::DeliverOutgoingPDU
// double-dispatch trickery, in the context of GetPduL.
virtual TInt HandleOutgoingIFrame(HIFramePDU* aIFrame);
virtual TInt HandleOutgoingSFrame(HSFramePDU* aSFrame);
// Called by the SDU Q when it gets full/space frees up.
virtual void SetIncomingSduQFull(TBool aIncomingSduQFull);
// Called by the SDU Q when the connection is being shutdown by the application
// and data needs to be delivered reliably before we disconnect.
virtual TBool DeliverOutgoingDataAndSignalToSduQWhenDone();
inline TBool IsOutgoingDataPathClosing();
// The data transmitter calls this when it wants to notify the SDU Q that it has
// delivered all outgoing data and so we can now be destroyed.
inline void SignalOutgoingDataDeliveredToSduQ();
// Incoming Q calls this to pass an I-Frame to the SDU Q.
inline void PassToSduQL(RMBufChain& aIFrame);
// Called from SDU Q when it's got new PDUs to send.
virtual void OutgoingPduAvailableOnSduQ();
// Called to evaluate whether we want to send anything.
inline void NotifyMuxerOfPdusToSendIfHaveSome();
// Puts the current acknowledgement number into the frame being queued for send.
// Templated to handle both I-Frames and S-Frames.
template<typename FrameType>
inline void StampWithReqSeq(FrameType& aFrame);
// A helper for when a ReqSeq/Final ack needs to be sent - tries to piggy-back on I-Frames.
void SendIOrRrOrRnrL(TBool aFinal);
virtual void LocalBusyDelayTimerExpired();
inline TBool IsPollOutstanding() const;
inline TBool IsFBitValid(TBool aFinal);
inline RL2CapErtmOutgoingQueue& OutgoingQ();
inline RL2CapErtmTimerManager& TimerMan();
CL2CapEnhancedReTxController(TL2CAPPort aLocalCID, TL2CAPPort aRemoteCID, CL2CAPMux& aMuxer, CL2CapSDUQueue& aSDUQueue, TL2CapDataControllerConfig* aConfig);
void ConstructL();
// These are the entry points for incoming PDUs, called and trapped by a dispatch routine
// in CL2CapBasicDataController.
virtual void HandleIncomingIFrameL(RMBufChain& aIFrame);
virtual void HandleIncomingSFrameL(RMBufChain& aSFrame);
// Provide a PDU for transmission. Called and trapped by GetPdu in CL2CapBasicDataController.
virtual HL2CapPDU* GetPduL();
void HandleFinalAck();
// From MErtmModeTimerClient
virtual void MonitorTimerExpired();
virtual void AckTimerExpired();
virtual void SendPeerAckTimerExpired();
virtual TUint16 MonitorTimeout();
virtual TUint16 RetransmissionTimeout();
virtual TUint16 PeerRetransmissionTimeout();
TUint8 iPollSFrameTransmitCount;
TBool iDeliverOutgoingDataAndSignalToSduQWhenDone;
RL2CapErtmOutgoingQueue iOutgoingQ;
RL2CapErtmTimerManager iTimerMan;
CL2CapErtmDataReceiver* iReceiver;
CL2CapErtmDataTransmitter* iTransmitter;
#include "L2CapEnhancedDataController.inl"