// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef BTCOMM_H__
#define BTCOMM_H__
#include <es_sock.h>
#include <cs_port.h>
#include <bt_sock.h>
#include <btmanclient.h>
#include <btdefcommport.h>
static const TInt KBTCOMMRecvBufferLength=1024;
static const TInt KBTCOMMSendBufferLength=1024;
static const TInt KBTCOMMCircularBufferLength=4096;
static const TInt KBTCOMMCircularBufferHighWatermark=3072;
static const TInt KBTCOMMCircularBufferLowWatermark=2048;
const TUint KCommLowUnit=0;
const TInt KBtcommShutdownTimer=6000000; //2 secs
#define SERIAL_DESCRIPTION _L("BT RFComm Serial Emulation")
// Concrete factory makes the CPort which does the work
// This uses the "highlander pattern". ie there can only
// be one factory. Note that the one factory instance
// can make many CPort instances however.
class CBTPortStateFactory;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CBTPortFactory) : public CSerial
static CBTPortFactory* NewL();
virtual CPort* NewPortL(const TUint aUnit);
virtual void Info(TSerialInfo& aSerialInfo);
inline CBTPortStateFactory* GetPortStateFactory() {return iPortStateFactory;};
//From CSerial
virtual TSecurityPolicy PortPlatSecCapability(TUint aPort) const;
void ConstructL();
CBTPortStateFactory* iPortStateFactory;
class CBTPortProxy;
class CBTPortLocker;
class CBTPortReader;
class CBTPortWriter;
Concrete implementation of the BTComm CSY.
This is in effect the server of the RComm client requests.
friend class CBTPortProxy;
static CBTPort* NewL(TUint aUint,CBTPortStateFactory* aFactory);
virtual void StartRead(const TAny* aClientBuffer,TInt aLength);
virtual void ReadCancel();
virtual TInt QueryReceiveBuffer(TInt& aLength) const;
virtual void ResetBuffers(TUint aFlags);
virtual void StartWrite(const TAny* aClientBuffer,TInt aLength);
virtual void WriteCancel();
virtual void Break(TInt aTime);
virtual void BreakCancel();
virtual TInt GetConfig(TDes8& aPackage) const;
virtual TInt SetConfig(const TDesC8& aPackage);
virtual TInt SetServerConfig(const TDesC8& aPackage);
virtual TInt GetServerConfig(TDes8& aPackage);
virtual TInt GetCaps(TDes8& aPackage);
virtual TInt GetSignals(TUint& aSignals);
virtual TInt SetSignalsToMark(TUint aSignals);
virtual TInt SetSignalsToSpace(TUint aSignals);
virtual TInt GetReceiveBufferLength(TInt& aLength) const;
virtual TInt SetReceiveBufferLength(TInt aLength);
virtual ~CBTPort();
virtual void Destruct();
virtual void FreeMemory();
// extra functions introduced by v6 c32
virtual void NotifySignalChange(TUint aSignalMask);
virtual void NotifySignalChangeCancel();
virtual void NotifyConfigChange();
virtual void NotifyConfigChangeCancel();
virtual void NotifyFlowControlChange();
virtual void NotifyFlowControlChangeCancel();
virtual void NotifyBreak();
virtual void NotifyBreakCancel();
virtual void NotifyDataAvailable();
virtual void NotifyDataAvailableCancel();
virtual void NotifyOutputEmpty();
virtual void NotifyOutputEmptyCancel();
virtual TInt GetFlowControlStatus(TFlowControl& aFlowControl);
virtual TInt GetRole(TCommRole& aRole);
virtual TInt SetRole(TCommRole aRole);
void ConstructL(TUint aUnit,CBTPortStateFactory *aFactory);
void DestructNow(); //called by CBTPortproxy to signal shutdown
TCommRole iRole;
TCommConfigV01 iConfig;
TCommCapsV02 iCaps;
CBTPortProxy *iPortProxy;
TInt iTerminatorCount; //Number of terminator characters
TText8 iTerminatorChars[KConfigMaxTerminators];
TInt iNextCharToFindIdx; // index in the array of the next char in the sequence
// to search for
class CBTTimerSimple;
class CBTPortBuffer;
class TBTPortState;
class CSockServConnector;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CBTPortProxy) : public CActive
// Context class in state pattern.
// Friendship is extended to this class so that it
// can see the CPort instance private data.
friend class CBTPort;
friend class CBTPortLocker;
friend class CBTPortWriter;
friend class CBTPortReader;
friend class CBTTimerSimple;
friend class TBTPortDefaultState;
friend class TBTPortCommonBaseState;
friend class TBTPortStateIdle;
friend class TBTPortStateLoadingProtocol;
friend class TBTPortStateDiscovering;
friend class TBTPortStateSDPConnected;
friend class TBTPortStateSDPServiceQuery;
friend class TBTPortStateSDPAttributeListRetrieved;
friend class TBTPortStateConnectionSecuritySetup;
friend class TBTPortStateConnecting;
friend class TBTPortStateOpen;
friend class TBTPortStateClosing;
friend class TBTPortErrorState;
friend class TBTPortStateServiceIDListRetrieved;
static CBTPortProxy* NewL(TUint32 aPortNo, CBTPort *aParent,CBTPortStateFactory *aFactory);
inline void SetState(TBTPortState& aState){ iState=&aState;};
void MoveToErrorState();
// from CActive
virtual void RunL();
virtual void DoCancel();
// interface of proxy
void Read(const TAny* aClientBuffer,TInt aLength);
void ReadCancel();
void Write(const TAny* aClientBuffer,TInt aLength);
void WriteCancel();
TInt QueryReceiveBuffer(TInt &aLength);
TInt GetReceiveBufferLength(TInt &aLength);
void ResetRxBuffer();
void Close();
CBTPortProxy(TUint32 aPortNo);
void InitL(CBTPort *aParent,CBTPortStateFactory *aFactory);
void DestructContext();
// context locker AO
void StartLocker();
void DoLockedAction();
TBool IsLockerOn();
void StopLocker();
// context writer AO
void StartWriter();
void DoWriteCompleted(TInt aError);
void StopWriter();
// context reader AO
void StartReader();
void DoReadCompleted(TInt aError);
void StopReader();
// To be called by the active friendly states
void DoWriteCancel();
// void DoReadCancel(); not needed since read cancels are not propagated to the underlying socket
void StartShutdownTimerL();
void CancelShutDownTimer();
void ShutdownAlarm();
// To be called by the Open state only
// void SetReadCancelPending(); not needed since read cancels are not propagated to the underlying socket
void SetWriteCancelPending();
TBool IsWriteCancelPending();
// TBool IsReadCancelPending(); not needed since read cancels are not propagated to the underlying socket
TBool ReadInBufferLowWatermarkReached();
TBool ReadInBufferHighWatermarkReached();
// To be called by Closing and SDP Discovering states only
TBool IsNetDbInUse();
void SetNetDbInUse();
void SetNetDbNotInUse();
TInt iLastError;
TBTPortState* iState;
CBTPort* iPort;
TUint32 iPortNo;
CBTPortStateFactory* iPortStateFactory;
CBTPortLocker* iPortLocker;
CBTPortReader* iPortReader;
CBTPortWriter* iPortWriter;
CSockServConnector* iSockServConnector;
RSocketServ iSockServ;
RSocket iSocket;
CBTPortBuffer* iCircularReadBuf;
HBufC8* iSendBuf;
TPtr8 iSendBufPtr;
HBufC8* iReadBuf;
TPtr8 iReadBufPtr;
// temp FIX
HBufC8* iReadOutBuf; // to be used for reading from the circular buf to the client
TBool iMoreSendsToCome;
TAny* iClientWritePtr;
TInt iClientWriteLength;
TInt iClientLengthWrittenSoFar;
TAny* iClientReadPtr;
TInt iClientReadLength;
TInt iClientRemainderToRead;
TInt iClientWriteOffset;
TBool iClientReadOneOrMore;
RNetDatabase iNetDatabase;
TNameEntry iLog;
TUint iRemoteDevAddr;
TBool iTerminatedReads;
TReadTerminator iTerm;
TInt iReadTerminatorOffset;
// TBool iReadCancelationPending; not needed because the read cancel is not propagated to the underlying socket
TBool iWriteCancelationPending;
TRfcommSockAddr iAddr;
TBuf8<512> iSDPResult;
TBuf8<512> iSDPServRecordHandle;
TBuf8<255> iSDPRequest;
TUint8 iRemoteRfcommPortNumber;
TBTDevAddr iBdaddr;
TBool iNetDbInUse;
RBTRegServ iRegServ;
RBTCommPortSettings iPortSettings;
TBTCommPortSettings iDefaultService;
CBTTimerSimple* iShutdownTimer;
#ifdef _DEBUG
TInt iReadsPending; //for debugging calls to the reader