// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
//! @file
//! @SYMTestSuiteName T_BTUserAPI
//! @SYMScriptTestEnvironment This test script requires a basic ROM with bluetooth dongle.
//! @SYMScriptDescription Tests all published partner elements of the TAvdtpSockAddr class
//! as a means of confidence that the API works as expected.
//! The purpose is to provide a regression test suite of PublishedPartner APIs for
//! BT USER related classes.
//! Negative testing is performed to confirm that correct errors are returned
//! when incorrect parameters are given. The tests are fully automated.
//! @SYMAuthor Wekey Weng
//! @SYMCreationDate 10/03/2008
RUN_UTILS MkDir ${SYSDRIVE}\bluetooth\user\
// ****************************************************************************
// TAvdtpSockAddr
// ****************************************************************************
START_TESTCASE BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0001
//! @SYMTestCaseID BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0001
//! @SYMAPI TAvdtpSockAddr::TAvdtpSockAddr()
//! @SYMAuthor Wekey Weng
//! @SYMCreationDate 02/29/2008
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Default constructor using 0 as the parameter for setPort()
//! @SYMTestActions 1. Create a TAvdtpSockAddr object using default constructor
//! 2. Destruct the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
//! @SYMTestPriority Low
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults TAvdtpSockAddr object is created successfully
//! @SYMTestType CIT
START_TEST_BLOCK 10 T_BTUserAPI \bluetooth\user\BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner.ini
CREATE_OBJECT TAvdtpSockAddr avdtpsockaddr
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr new
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr ~
END_TESTCASE BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0001
//This case has problem. Need some investigation.
START_TESTCASE BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0002
//! @SYMTestCaseID BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0002
//! @SYMAPI TAvdtpSockAddr::TAvdtpSockAddr(const TSockAddr {ref})
//! @SYMAuthor Wekey Weng
//! @SYMCreationDate 02/29/2008
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Copy constructor from original socket address
//! @SYMTestActions 1. Create a TSockAddr object
//! 2. Create a TAvdtpSockAddr object with TSockAddr object
//! 3. Destruct the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults TAvdtpSockAddr object is created successfully using copy constructor
//! @SYMTestType CIT
START_TEST_BLOCK 10 T_BTUserAPI \bluetooth\user\BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner.ini
CREATE_OBJECT TSockAddr sockaddr
CREATE_OBJECT TAvdtpSockAddr avdtpsockaddr
COMMAND sockaddr Construct
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr new BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0002-0001-new_Command2
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr ~
COMMAND sockaddr ~
END_TESTCASE BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0002
//This case may has problem. Need some investigation.
START_TESTCASE BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0003
//! @SYMTestCaseID BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0003
//! @SYMAPI TAvdtpSockAddr::Cast(const TSockAddr {ref})
//! @SYMAuthor Wekey Weng
//! @SYMCreationDate 02/29/2008
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Utility function to downcast a TSockAddr to a TAvdtpSockAddr
//! @SYMTestActions 1. Create a TSockAddr object
//! 2. Downcast the TSockAddr object to a TAvdtpSockAddr
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults Return TAvdtpSockAddr as expected and no panic caused
//! @SYMTestType CIT
START_TEST_BLOCK 10 T_BTUserAPI \bluetooth\user\BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner.ini
CREATE_OBJECT TSockAddr sockaddr
CREATE_OBJECT TAvdtpSockAddr avdtpsockaddr
COMMAND sockaddr Construct
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr Cast BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0003-0001-Cast_Command2
COMMAND sockaddr ~
END_TESTCASE BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0003
START_TESTCASE BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0004
//! @SYMTestCaseID BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0004
//! @SYMAPI TAvdtpSockAddr::SetSession(TAvdtpTransportSessionType );
//! TAvdtpSockAddr::Session()
//! @SYMAuthor Wekey Weng
//! @SYMCreationDate 02/29/2008
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Set the AVDTP session type into the socket address and get AVDTP session type from socket address
//! @SYMTestActions 1. Create a TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 2. Set the AVDTP session type (EMedia) into the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 3. Get AVDTP session type
//! 4. Set the AVDTP session type (EReporting) into the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 5. Get AVDTP session type
//! 6. Set the AVDTP session type (ERecovery) into the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 7. Get AVDTP session type
//! 8. Set the AVDTP session type (ESignalling) into the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 9. Get AVDTP session type
//! 10. Destruct the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults 1. The methods SetSession() is called without causing panic
//! 2. The method Session() returns value as expected without causing panic
//! 2.1 Step 3 returns EMedia
//! 2.2 Step 5 returns EReporting
//! 2.3 Step 7 returns ERecovery
//! 2.4 Step 9 returns ESignalling
//! @SYMTestType CIT
START_TEST_BLOCK 10 T_BTUserAPI \bluetooth\user\BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner.ini
CREATE_OBJECT TAvdtpSockAddr avdtpsockaddr
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr new
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr SetSession BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0004-0001-SetSession_Command2
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr Session BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0004-0001-Session_Command3
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr SetSession BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0004-0001-SetSession_Command4
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr Session BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0004-0001-Session_Command5
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr SetSession BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0004-0001-SetSession_Command6
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr Session BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0004-0001-Session_Command7
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr SetSession BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0004-0001-SetSession_Command8
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr Session BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0004-0001-Session_Command9
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr ~
END_TESTCASE BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0004
START_TESTCASE BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0005
//! @SYMTestCaseID BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0005
//! @SYMAPI TAvdtpSockAddr::SetSEID(TSEID );
//! TAvdtpSockAddr::SEID()
//! @SYMAuthor Wekey Weng
//! @SYMCreationDate 02/29/2008
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Set the Stream endpoint identifier (SEID) into the socket address and get the SEID from socket address
//! @SYMTestActions 1. Create a TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 2. Create a TSEID(10, ETrue) object
//! 3. Create a TSEID(11, EFalse) object
//! 4. Set the 1st TSEID object into the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 5. Get TSEID object from the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 6. Set the 2nd TSEID object into the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 7. Get TSEID object from the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 8. Destruct the TAvdtpSockAddr object and 2 TSEID objects.
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults 1. The method SetSEID() is called without causing panic
//! 2. Step 4 returns TSEID object as expected
//! @SYMTestType CIT
START_TEST_BLOCK 10 T_BTUserAPI \bluetooth\user\BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner.ini
CREATE_OBJECT TAvdtpSockAddr avdtpsockaddr
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr new
COMMAND seid new BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0005-0001-new_Command2
COMMAND seid2 new BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0005-0001-new_Command3
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr SetSEID BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0005-0001-SetSEID_Command4
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr SEID BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0005-0001-SEID_Command5
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr SetSEID BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0005-0001-SetSEID_Command6
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr SEID BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0005-0001-SEID_Command7
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr ~
COMMAND seid ~
COMMAND seid2 ~
END_TESTCASE BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0005
START_TESTCASE BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0006
//! @SYMTestCaseID BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0006
//! @SYMAPI TAvdtpSockAddr::TAvdtpSockAddr(const TSockAddr {ref})
//! @SYMAuthor Jason Lin
//! @SYMCreationDate 03/25/2008
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Copy constructor from original socket address
//! @SYMTestActions 1. Create a TAvdtpSockAddr object (avdtpsockaddr) using the default constructor
//! 2. Create a TSEID object referring to a remote endpoint with 10
//! 3. Set TSEID object (seid) into the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 4. Set the AVDTP session type (EReporting) into the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 5. Create the 2nd TAvdtpSockAddr object (avdtpsockaddr1) with tht 1st TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 6. Get TSEID object from the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 7. Get the AVDTP session from the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 8. Destruct the TAvdtpSockAddr object(avdtpsockaddr1)
//! 9. Destruct the TSEID object
//! 10. Destruct the TAvdtpSockAddr object(avdtpsockaddr)
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults 1. TAvdtpSockAddr objects (sockaddr and sockaddr1) were created without any panic
//! 2. TSEID object was created without any panic
//! 3. SetSession() and SetSEID() were called without any panic
//! 4. Step 6 return seid
//! 5. Step 7 return EReporting
//! @SYMTestType CIT
START_TEST_BLOCK 10 T_BTUserAPI \bluetooth\user\BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner.ini
CREATE_OBJECT TAvdtpSockAddr avdtpsockaddr
CREATE_OBJECT TAvdtpSockAddr avdtpsockaddr1
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr new
COMMAND seid new BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0006-0001-new_Command2
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr SetSEID BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0006-0001-SetSEID_Command3
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr SetSession BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0006-0001-SetSession_Command4
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr1 new BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0006-0001-new_Command5
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr1 SEID BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0006-0001-SEID_Command6
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr1 Session BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0006-0001-Session_Command7
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr1 ~
COMMAND seid ~
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr ~
END_TESTCASE BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0006
START_TESTCASE BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0007
//! @SYMTestCaseID BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0007
//! @SYMAPI TAvdtpSockAddr::Cast(const TSockAddr {ref})
//! @SYMAuthor Jason Lin
//! @SYMCreationDate 03/25/2008
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Utility function to downcast a TSockAddr to a TAvdtpSockAddr
//! @SYMTestActions 1. Create a TBTSockAddr object(btsockaddr)
//! 2. Create a TBTDevAddr object(btdevaddr)
//! 3. Create a TBTServiceSecurity object(btservsecurity)
//! 4. Set the address family Id(42) into TBTSockAddr object
//! 5. Set the length (12) for appended data into TBTSockAddr object
//! 6. Set the port(20) for address into TBTSockAddr object
//! 7. Set the BT address(btdevaddr) into TBTSockAddr object
//! 8. Set the security(btservsecurity) into TBTSockAddr object
//! 9. Downcast the TBTSockAddr object to a TAvdtpSockAddr(avdtpsockaddr)
//! 10. Get the address family Id from the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 11. Get the length for appended data from the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 12. Get the port for address from the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 13. Get the BT address from the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 14. Get the security from the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 15. Destruct the TAvdtpSockAddr object
//! 16. Destruct the TBTServiceSecurity object
//! 17. Destruct the TBTDevAddr object
//! 18. Destruct the TBTSockAddr object
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults 1. TBTSockAddr object was created successfully, and all methods were called without any panic
//! 2. Step 10 return 42
//! 3. Step 11 return 12
//! 4. Step 12 return 20
//! 5. Step 13 return devaddr
//! 6. Step 14 return servsecurity
//! @SYMTestType CIT
START_TEST_BLOCK 10 T_BTUserAPI \bluetooth\user\BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner.ini
CREATE_OBJECT TBTSockAddr btsockaddr
CREATE_OBJECT TBTServiceSecurity btservsecurity
CREATE_OBJECT TAvdtpSockAddr avdtpsockaddr
COMMAND btsockaddr Construct
COMMAND btservsecurity Construct
COMMAND btsockaddr SetFamily BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0007-0001-SetFamily_Command4
COMMAND btsockaddr PROTECTED-SetUserLen BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0007-0001-PROTECTED-SetUserLen_Command5
COMMAND btsockaddr SetPort BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0007-0001-SetPort_Command6
COMMAND btsockaddr SetBTAddr BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0007-0001-SetBTAddr_Command7
COMMAND btsockaddr SetSecurity BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0007-0001-SetSecurity_Command8
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr Cast BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0007-0001-Cast_Command9
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr Family BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0007-0001-Family_Command10
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr GetUserLen BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0007-0001-GetUserLen_Command11
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr Port BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0007-0001-Port_Command12
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr BTAddr BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0007-0001-BTAddr_Command13
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr BTSecurity BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0007-0001-BTSecurity_Command14
COMMAND avdtpsockaddr ~
COMMAND btservsecurity ~
COMMAND btsockaddr ~
END_TESTCASE BT-USER-AvdtpSockAddr-PublishedPartner-0007
DELAY 2000