author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Fri, 12 Mar 2010 15:49:00 +0200
changeset 10 8a27654f7b62
parent 0 29b1cd4cb562
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201001 Kit: 201008

// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:

#ifndef EPOCSVR_H
#define EPOCSVR_H

#include <e32base.h>
#include <btdevice.h>
#include <bluetooth/eirpublisher.h>
#include "SDPDatabase.h"

class CSdpServSession;
class CSdpDatabaseSubSession;
class CSdpUuidManager;

SDP Server Shutdown Timer.
Closes the SDP server after a preset delay. Activated before the first client connects
and after the last client disconnects.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSdpServerShutdown) : public CTimer
	enum {KSdpServerShutdownDelay=5000000};	// approx 5s
	inline CSdpServerShutdown();
	inline void ConstructL();
	inline void Start();
	void RunL();

enum TSdpServerPanic
	ESdpStoredAttrValNotEncoded = 0,
	ESdpAttributeEncodingFailed = 1,
	ESdpBadState = 2,
	ESdpReadAlreadyOutstanding = 3,
	ESdpOutstandingOperation = 4,

void PanicServer(TSdpServerPanic aPanic);
void PanicClient(const RMessage2& aMessage, TSdpClientPanic aPanic);

   The EPOC SDP Server.
   This is the start of the EPOC client/server
   class hierarchy
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSdpServer) : public CPolicyServer
	//construct / destruct
	static CSdpServer* NewLC();
	CSdpDatabase* Database();
	void BuildRecordZeroL();

	void AddSession();
	void DropSession();

	inline CSdpListener& Listener() const;

	TInt RunError(TInt aError);
	//database operations
	CSdpServRecord* CreateServiceRecordL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
	CSdpServRecord* FindAndCheckServiceRecordForDeletion(const RMessage2& aMessage);
	void UpdateAttributeL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
	void DeleteAttribute(const RMessage2& aMessage);
	void DeleteServiceRecord(CSdpServRecord* aServiceRecord);
	void ConstructL();
	//open/close a session
	CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion &aVersion) const;
	CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion,const RMessage2& aMessage) const;

	void CheckAllowedL(const RMessage2& aMessage, const CSdpServRecord& aRecord);
	TBool Allowed(const RMessage2& aMessage, const CSdpServRecord& aRecord);
	CSdpServRecord* FindRecordByHandle(const TSdpServRecordHandle aHandle);
	CSdpAttr* FindAttributeByID(CSdpServRecord& aRecord, const TSdpAttributeID aAttrId);

	void UpdateOrCreateAtributeL(CSdpServRecord& aRecord, TSdpAttributeID aAttrId, const TDesC8& aPtr);
	void DatabaseStateChange();

	TInt iMaxSessionCount;
	TInt iSessionCount;

	CSdpServerShutdown		iShutdown;
	RSocketServ				iSocketServ;
	CSdpListener*			iSdpListener;
	CSdpDatabase*			iSdpDatabase;

	CSdpServRecord*			iRecZero;
	CSdpAttrValueUint*		iDbState;			// This value is used to update a state attribute whenever a record is 
												// added or removed to facilitate caching by remotes
	CAttrEncoderVisitor*	iEncoderVisitor;	// We maintain a pre-alloced encoder visitor so we can update 
												// attributes without having to allocate memory.
	RBuf8					iEncodeBuf;			// Used by the encoder to encode into
	CSdpUuidManager*		iUuidManager;

   SDP Server Session.
   General purpose session used to create functionally specific subsessions.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSdpServSession) : public CSession2
	enum TSubSessionType{ESdpAgent, ESdpDatabase}; /*however sdpagent is still 
												     part of esock and may never
													 be moved here*/

	CSdpServSession(const RMessage2& aMessage);

	void ServiceL(const RMessage2 &aMessage);

	//Create/delete subsession
	void NewSubSessionL(TSubSessionType aType, const RMessage2& aMessage);
	void CloseSubSession(const RMessage2& aMessage); //can't fail - can panic client

	//resource counting
	void NumResourcesL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
	TInt CountResources();

	CSdpServer& Server();
	void CreateL(const CServer2& aServer);

	void ConstructL();
	void CreateL();

	void DeleteSubsession(TUint aHandle, const RMessage2& aMessage);
	void RemoveSessionRecords();
	TUint iSubSessionCount;
	RPointerArray<CSdpServRecord> iSessionRecords;

// CEirPublisherSdpUuidBase
CEirPublisherSdpUuidBase provides base class for Sdp Uuid Eir Publisher.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CEirPublisherSdpUuidBase) : public CBase, public MEirPublisherNotifier
	static CEirPublisherSdpUuidBase* NewL(CSdpUuidManager& aSdpUuidManager, TEirTag aTag);

	void UpdateUuids(TInt aLength);

	CEirPublisherSdpUuidBase(CSdpUuidManager& aSdpUuidManager, TEirTag aTag);
	void ConstructL();

	CSdpUuidManager& iParent;
	CEirPublisher* iPublisher; 
	TEirTag iTag;

// CEirPublisherSdpUuid16
Provides functionality to publish 16 bit UUIDs to EIR.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CEirPublisherSdpUuid16) : public CEirPublisherSdpUuidBase
	static CEirPublisherSdpUuid16* NewL(CSdpUuidManager& aSdpDatabase);

	CEirPublisherSdpUuid16(CSdpUuidManager& aSdpDatabase);

	// From MEirPublisherNotifier
	void MepnSpaceAvailable(TUint aBytesAvailable);
	void MepnSetDataError(TInt aResult);

	HBufC8* iExtracted;

// CEirPublisherSdpUuid128
Provides functionality to publish 128 bit UUIDs to EIR.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CEirPublisherSdpUuid128) : public CEirPublisherSdpUuidBase
	static CEirPublisherSdpUuid128* NewL(CSdpUuidManager& aSdpDatabase);

	CEirPublisherSdpUuid128(CSdpUuidManager& aSdpDatabase);

	// From MEirPublisherNotifier
	void MepnSpaceAvailable(TUint aBytesAvailable);
	void MepnSetDataError(TInt aResult);

	HBufC8* iExtracted;

// CSdpUuidManager
Retrieve UUIDs from CSdpDatabase and then store them in 16 or 128 bit Eir Uuid PublishersUUIDs
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSdpUuidManager) : public CBase
	static CSdpUuidManager* NewL(CSdpDatabase& aSdpDatabase);
	void NotifySdpRecordChange();
	void AddUuid(TUUID aUuid);
	void ResetUuids();
	HBufC8* GetAll16BitUUIDs(TInt aBytesAvailable, TBool& aPartial);
	HBufC8* GetAll128BitUUIDs(TInt aBytesAvailable, TBool& aPartial);

	CSdpUuidManager(CSdpDatabase& aSdpDatabase);
	void ConstructL();

	CSdpDatabase& 				iSdpDatabase;
	CAttrUuidVisitor*			iUuidVisitor;
	CEirPublisherSdpUuid16* 	iEirPublisherSdpUuid16;
	CEirPublisherSdpUuid128*	iEirPublisherSdpUuid128;
	RUUIDContainer				i16BitUUIDs;
	RUUIDContainer				i128BitUUIDs;

enum TSdpServerPanics
	ESdpServerUuidFlattenBroken = 0,
	ESdpServerDeleteServiceRecordHandleZero = 1,
	ESdpServerUpdateAttributeRecordHandleZero = 2,
	ESdpServerDeleteAttributeRecordHandleZero = 3
_LIT(KSdpServerPanicName, "SdpServer");
