// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef PANAGT_H
#define PANAGT_H
@note PAN agent agent class definitions and global constants
#include <comms-infras/cagentbase.h>
#include <comms-infras/eintsock.h>
#include <panprog.h>
#include <panerr.h>
#include <bt_sock.h>
#include "pancommon.h"
#include "panagtincoming.h"
#include "panagtremdevselector.h"
#include "panagtutils.h"
#include "pancoexistenceconnectioncontroller.h"
using namespace PanHelper;
#include <elements/nm_node.h>
#include <comms-infras/ss_common.h>
class CPanProvisionInfo;
namespace PanAgent
@since v8.1
const TUint KMajorVersionNumber = 1;
const TUint KMinorVersionNumber = 0;
const TUint KBuildVersionNumber = 0;
Priority of active objects in the PAN agent (mainly the state machine(s) and callbacks)
@see KPanAgtAoRemoteDevicePromptPriority
const TInt KPanAgtAoPriority = CActive::EPriorityStandard;
const TUint KPanAgtConnectionRetryAttempts = 1;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPanAgentFactory) : public CNifAgentFactory
Create instances of the PAN agent
void InstallL();
CNifAgentBase* NewAgentL(const TDesC& aName);
TInt Info(TNifAgentInfo& aInfo, TInt aIndex) const;
// Connection management objects
// Interface for upcalls from remote device management objects
class CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine;
class MRemoteDeviceNotify
Upcalls from CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine
Call to initiate an outgoing PAN connection from the remote device state machine.
@param aLocalRole The local role will be decided by the PAN agent state machine logic.
No value should be passed into this method call for this parameter.
When this method returns with KErrNone this value will contain the local role to connect to.
@param aRemoteRole The remote role will be decided by the PAN agent state machine logic.
No value should be passed into this method call for this parameter
When this method returns with KErrNone this value will contain the remote role to connect to.
@param aWorthTryingRemoteRoles This is a list of the remote PAN roles that are worth trying to connect to this device.
@return A system wide or PAN agnet specific error code indicating if the connection should continue
virtual TInt InitiateOutgoingConnection(TBluetoothPanRole& aLocalRole, TBluetoothPanRole& aRemoteRole, TPanDeviceWorthTryingRolesList& aWorthTryingRemoteRoles) = 0;
Call to initiate an outgoing role change with an existing remote device from the remote device state machine.
@param aLocalRole The local role will be decided by the PAN agent state machine logic.
No value should be passed into this method call for this parameter.
When this method returns with KErrNone this value will contain the local role to connect to.
@param aRemoteRole The remote role will be decided by the PAN agent state machine logic.
No value should be passed into this method call for this parameter
When this method returns with KErrNone this value will contain the remote role to connect to.
@return A system wide or PAN agnet specific error code indicating if the role change procedure should continue
virtual TInt PerformLocalRoleChangeRequest(TBluetoothPanRole& aLocalRole, TBluetoothPanRole& aRemoteRole) = 0;
Called from the remote device state machine when it has received a role change request from the peer device.
@param aLocalRole The requested local role from the peer BNEP Setup Request.
@param aRemoteRole The requested remote role from the peer BNEP Setup Request.
@return A system wide or PAN agnet specific error code indicating if the role change procedure should continue.
virtual TInt RoleChangeRequestFromPeer(TBluetoothPanRole aLocalRole, TBluetoothPanRole aRemoteRole) = 0;
Called from the remote device state machine when it has received a incoming connection request from a peer device.
@param aLocalRole The requested local role from the peer BNEP Setup Request.
@param aRemoteRole The requested remote role from the peer BNEP Setup Request.
@return A system wide or PAN agnet specific error code indicating if the incoming connection request should be accepted.
virtual TInt IncomingConnectionFromPeer(TBluetoothPanRole aLocalRole, TBluetoothPanRole aRemoteRole) = 0;
PAN role with the remote device has completed successfully
@pre This should follow a call to RoleRequest
@param aNewDevice The class managing the device which is now active in the PAN
virtual void DeviceActive(CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine& aNewDevice) = 0;
The attempt to switch roles failed
@note This should only be called by devices marked as negotiating
@param aDevice The class managing the device which completed the remote connection
virtual void DeviceRoleChangeFailed(CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine& aDevice) = 0;
BNEP level connection to the remote device has been closed, and all necessary cleanup has been performed
@note This can occur because we couldn't negotiate mutually satifactory PAN roles, or because the device has disconnected (or we disconnected it)
@note This will delete the remote device object from the device array
@param aDevice The class managing the device which completed the remote connection
virtual void DeviceDisconnected(CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine& aDevice) = 0;
virtual const Messages::TNodeId& BnepConnectionManager() = 0;
virtual void RestartIncomingConnectionListener(TInt aError) = 0;
Get a handle to the BNEP connection manager
@return A reference to the BNEP connection manager
virtual MBnepConnectionManager& BnepConnectionManager() = 0;
Get a handle to the BNEP link controller
@return A reference to the BNEP link controller
virtual MPanLinkControlBase& BnepConnectionController() = 0;
Retry the connection to the specified device.
@param A reference to the remote device that should be reconnected to.
virtual void SetRetryConnect(CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine& aDevice) = 0;
Populate the PAN connection list provided as an argument
@param A reference to the PAN connection list contained that should be populated.
virtual void GetExistingConnections(TPanConnectionList& aPanConnectionList) = 0;
Close existing connection (there can be only zero or one) that has access to the uplink.
virtual void CloseExistingConnectionWithUplinkAccess() = 0;
Check if it is worth trying the connection. If we have a fixed role and this role is not worth trying return EFalse.
@param remote worth trying roles.
virtual TBool WorthTrying(const TPanDeviceWorthTryingRolesList& aRemoteWorthTryingRoles) const= 0;
virtual ~MRemoteDeviceNotify() {};
// Pan agent state machine base classes
class MRemoteDeviceNotifyForState
A mirror class of MRemoteDeviceNotify, but with leaving versions of the methods to allow easier
error handling for each state. This class should be kept in sync with the methods in MRemoteDeviceNotify,
except for simple getter methods, such as BnepConnectionManager, which are merely to allow sharing of
handles between the remote device and role state machines.
@see MRemoteDeviceNotify
@see MRemoteDeviceNotify::InitiateOutgoingConnectionL
virtual void InitiateOutgoingConnectionL(TBluetoothPanRole& aLocalRole, TBluetoothPanRole& aRemoteRole, TPanDeviceWorthTryingRolesList& aWorthTryingRemoteRoles) = 0;
@see MRemoteDeviceNotify::PerformLocalRoleChangeRequestL
virtual void PerformLocalRoleChangeRequestL(TBluetoothPanRole& aLocalRole, TBluetoothPanRole& aRemoteRole) = 0;
@see MRemoteDeviceNotify::RoleChangeRequestFromPeerL
virtual void RoleChangeRequestFromPeerL(TBluetoothPanRole aLocalRole) = 0;
@see MRemoteDeviceNotify::IncomingConnectionFromPeerL
virtual void IncomingConnectionFromPeerL(TBluetoothPanRole aLocalRole) = 0;
@see MRemoteDeviceNotify::DeviceActive
@note Leaving will cause the connection to be shut down
virtual void DeviceActiveL(CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine& aNewDevice) = 0;
@see MRemoteDeviceNotify::DeviceRoleChangeFailed
@note Leaving will cause the connection to be shut down
virtual void DeviceRoleChangeFailedL(CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine& aDevice) = 0;
@see MRemoteDeviceNotify::DeviceDisconnected
@note Leaving will cause the connection to be shut down
virtual void DeviceDisconnectedL(CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine& aDevice) = 0;
virtual ~MRemoteDeviceNotifyForState() {};
class MPanAgtStateMachineNotify;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPanAgtStateBase) : public CBase, public MRemoteDeviceNotifyForState
Base class for PAN agent states
friend class CPanAgent;
enum TPanAgtStates
// MRemoteDeviceNotify methods (downcalls from state machine)
virtual void InitiateOutgoingConnectionL(TBluetoothPanRole& aLocalRole, TBluetoothPanRole& aRemoteRole, TPanDeviceWorthTryingRolesList& aWorthTryingRemoteRoles);
virtual void PerformLocalRoleChangeRequestL(TBluetoothPanRole& aLocalRole, TBluetoothPanRole& aRemoteRole);
virtual void RoleChangeRequestFromPeerL(TBluetoothPanRole aLocalRole);
virtual void IncomingConnectionFromPeerL(TBluetoothPanRole aLocalRole);
virtual void DeviceActiveL(CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine& aDevice);
virtual void DeviceRoleChangeFailedL(CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine& aDevice);
virtual void DeviceDisconnectedL(CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine& aDevice);
virtual void StateSendRoleNotification(); // overridden for states EPanAgtStateURole and EPanAgtStateGnRole
Call to make a new state "active" - called when the state is set as the active state in the state machine
@note All states should perform initialisation on this call
virtual void OnEntryL() = 0;
virtual void Connect();
virtual void CancelConnect();
virtual void CancelReconnect();
TInt IsRoleRequestValid(TBluetoothPanRole aRequestedLocalRole, TBluetoothPanRole aRequestedRemoteRole) const;
CPanAgtStateBase(MPanAgtStateMachineNotify& aStateMachine, TPanAgtStates aStateNumber);
void BaseConstructL();
void StartNegotiationWithFirstPendingDevice();
// methods for standard operations common to many/all states
void DoDeviceDisconnectL(CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine& aDevice);
// methods for negotiation
TInt SelectRemoteRoleBasedOnLocalRole(TBluetoothPanRole aSelectedLocalRole, TBluetoothPanRole& aRemoteRole, TPanDeviceWorthTryingRolesList& aWorthTryingRemoteRoles);
TInt FindDeviceInArray(const CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine& aDevice) const;
TInt DeviceCountInState(TRemoteDeviceState aState) const;
// methods for making sure GN and NAP work correctly!
void LockDeviceAsPiconetMasterL();
TInt ReleasePiconetMasterLock();
// methods for ASSERTs
TInt NegotiatingDeviceCount() const;
TInt ActiveDeviceCount() const;
MPanAgtStateMachineNotify& StateMachine();
const MPanAgtStateMachineNotify& StateMachine() const;
// Methods for SDP registration and listener starting/stopping.
void StartListenerL();
void StopListener();
void PanicInState(TPanAgentPanic aPanic) const;
// debugging methods
#ifdef _DEBUG
void DumpDeviceArray() const;
#endif // _DEBUG
static TInt ServiceStartedCb(TAny* aThisPtr);
static TInt ConnectCompleteCb(TAny* aThisPtr);
void ServiceStarted();
CAsyncCallBack* iServiceStartedCallback;
CAsyncCallBack* iConnectCompleteCallback;
MPanAgtStateMachineNotify& iStateMachine;
TPanAgtStates iStateNumber;
class CPanAgentStateShutdown;
class CPanHelperLocalSdpRegistrar;
class MPanAgtStateMachineNotify
Upcalls from PAN agent role states to PAN agent role state machine
friend class CPanAgtStateShutdown; // to ensure that only the shutdown state can call FullShutdownComplete()
// Accessor methods
Get a handle to the device array
@return A handle to the device array
virtual RPointerArray<CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine>& Devices() = 0;
Get a const handle to the device array
@return A const handle to the device array
virtual const RPointerArray<CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine>& Devices() const = 0;
Get a handle to the fixed remote role field in the state machine
@note This is not const, so can be used to read or write the field in the state machine
virtual TBluetoothPanRole& FixedLocalRole() = 0;
Get a handle to the fixed remote role field in the state machine
@note This is not const, so can be used to read or write the field in the state machine
virtual TBluetoothPanRole& FixedRemoteRole() = 0;
Check if the agent configured to allow incoming connections
@return ETrue if incoming connections are allowed
virtual TBool AllowIncoming() const = 0;
Set if the agent configured to allow incoming connections
@param ETrue if incoming connections are allowed
virtual void SetAllowIncoming(TBool aAllowIncoming) = 0;
Check if the agent configured to allow connections to the local role of NAP
@return ETrue if connections to the local role of NAP are allowed
virtual TBool NapEnabled() const = 0;
Set if the agent configured to allow connections to the local role of NAP
@param ETrue if connections to the local role of NAP are allowed
virtual void SetNapEnabled(TBool aNapEnabled) = 0;
Get the handle to commdb
@return A handle to the comms database
virtual CCommsDbAccess& Database() = 0;
Get the handle to the PAN local SDP registrar
virtual CPanHelperLocalSdpRegistrar& PanLocalSdpRegistrar() = 0;
Return the IAP ID of this connection
virtual TInt IapId() = 0;
// Do-er methods
Suppress outgoing connections
virtual void SetSuppressOutgoing() = 0;
Stop outgoing connections being suppressed
virtual void ResetSuppressOutgoing() = 0;
Send a progress notification to clients via nifman
virtual void SendProgress(TInt aProgress, TInt aError) = 0;
Start the incoming connection listener
@return KErrNone if successful, or one of the Symbian standard error codes
virtual TInt StartIncomingConnectionListener() = 0;
Stop and delete the incoming connection listener
virtual void CloseIncomingConnectionListener() = 0;
Start the process of setting up any outgoing connections we might need
virtual void SetupOutgoingConnectionsL() = 0;
Forwarding call to Nifman
virtual void ServiceStarted() = 0;
Forwarding call to Nifman
virtual void ConnectComplete() = 0;
Forwarding call to Nifman
virtual void ReconnectComplete(TInt aError) = 0;
// Getter methods
Find out whether outgoing connections are suppressed
virtual TBool SuppressOutgoing() const = 0;
Is the incoming connection listener active?
@return Whether the incoming connection listener is enabled (including in pause mode) or not
virtual TBool IsIncomingConnectionListenerEnabled() const = 0;
Is the user being shown the device selection notifier?
virtual TBool IsPromptingUserForDeviceSelection() const = 0;
Check whether we're allowed to act as a U (according to commdb settings)
virtual TBool IsUAllowedByFixedLocalRole() const = 0;
Check whether we're allowed to act as the GN (according to commdb settings)
virtual TBool IsGnAllowedByFixedLocalRole() const = 0;
Check whether we're allowed to act as a NAP (according to commdb settings)
virtual TBool IsNapAllowedByFixedLocalRole() const = 0;
// Setter methods
Put the state machine into a new state
@param aState The new state
virtual void SetState(CPanAgtStateBase& aState) = 0;
virtual void HandleAllPanConnectionsClosed() = 0;
virtual TBool IsNewPanConnectionAllowed() const = 0;
Inform the state machine that the shutdown state has finished shutting down the remote connections
virtual void FullShutdownComplete() = 0;
Stop anyone deleting the object through its M-class pointer
virtual ~MPanAgtStateMachineNotify(){};
class CPanRemoteDeviceSelector;
class CPanIncomingConnectionListener;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPanAgent) : public CAgentBase, public Messages::ASimpleNodeIdBase,
public MPanCoexistenceConnectionObserver, private MNifAgentExtendedManagementInterface,
private MPanAgtStateMachineNotify, private MRemoteDeviceNotify,
private MIncomingConnectionAcceptor, private MOutgoingConnectionCreator
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPanAgent) : public CAgentBase,
private MNifAgentExtendedManagementInterface,
private MPanAgtStateMachineNotify, private MRemoteDeviceNotify,
private MIncomingConnectionAcceptor, private MOutgoingConnectionCreator,
private MPanLinkControl
The core agent class, including PAN role state machine
static CPanAgent* NewL();
// C(Nif)AgentBase methods
virtual TInt Notification(TNifToAgentEventType aEvent, TAny* aInfo);
virtual TInt Control(TUint aOptionLevel, TUint aOptionName, TDes8& aOption);
virtual void Info(TNifAgentInfo& aInfo) const;
virtual void Connect(TAgentConnectType aType);
virtual void Connect(TAgentConnectType aType, CStoreableOverrideSettings* aOverrideSettings);
virtual void CancelConnect();
virtual void Reconnect();
virtual void CancelReconnect();
virtual void Disconnect(TInt aReason);
virtual TInt GetExcessData(TDes8& aDes);
virtual TInt IncomingConnectionReceived();
virtual void GetLastError(TInt& aError);
virtual TBool IsReconnect() const;
// MPanCoexistenceConnectionObserver
virtual void MpccoPanCoexistenceConnectionUpdated(TIPBearerCoexistenceStatus aStatus);
// MNifAgentExtendedManagementInterface methods
virtual TInt GetInterfaceType(TConnectionType& aConnectionType);
virtual TInt EnumerateSubConnections(TUint& aCount);
virtual TInt GetSubConnectionInfo(TUint aIndex, TDes8& aSubConnectionInfo);
virtual TInt GetSubConnectionInfo(TDes8& aSubConnectionInfo);
// MPanAgtStateMachineNotify methods
virtual RPointerArray<CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine>& Devices();
virtual const RPointerArray<CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine>& Devices() const;
virtual TBluetoothPanRole& FixedLocalRole();
virtual TBluetoothPanRole& FixedRemoteRole();
virtual CPanHelperLocalSdpRegistrar& PanLocalSdpRegistrar();
virtual CCommsDbAccess& Database();
virtual TInt IapId();
virtual TBool SuppressOutgoing() const;
virtual void SetSuppressOutgoing();
virtual void ResetSuppressOutgoing();
virtual void SendProgress(TInt aProgress, TInt aError);
virtual TBool IsIncomingConnectionListenerEnabled() const;
virtual TBool IsPromptingUserForDeviceSelection() const;
virtual TBool IsUAllowedByFixedLocalRole() const;
virtual TBool IsGnAllowedByFixedLocalRole() const;
virtual TBool IsNapAllowedByFixedLocalRole() const;
virtual TInt StartIncomingConnectionListener();
virtual void CloseIncomingConnectionListener();
virtual void SetupOutgoingConnectionsL();
virtual void ServiceStarted();
virtual void ConnectComplete();
virtual void ReconnectComplete(TInt aError);
virtual void SetState(CPanAgtStateBase& aState);
virtual void FullShutdownComplete();
virtual void HandleAllPanConnectionsClosed();
virtual TBool IsNewPanConnectionAllowed() const;
// MIncomingConnectionAcceptor methods
virtual void CreateNewConnectionFromIncomingL(RInternalSocket& aConnectedSocket);
// MOutgoingConnectionCreator methods
virtual void CreateNewConnectionForOutgoingL(const TBTDevAddr& aRemDevAddr);
virtual TInt DeviceSelectionError(TInt aErr);
// MRemoteDeviceNotify methods
virtual TInt InitiateOutgoingConnection(TBluetoothPanRole& aLocalRole, TBluetoothPanRole& aRemoteRole, TPanDeviceWorthTryingRolesList& aWorthTryingRemoteRoles);
virtual TInt PerformLocalRoleChangeRequest(TBluetoothPanRole& aLocalRole, TBluetoothPanRole& aRemoteRole);
virtual TInt RoleChangeRequestFromPeer(TBluetoothPanRole aLocalRole, TBluetoothPanRole aRemoteRole);
virtual TInt IncomingConnectionFromPeer(TBluetoothPanRole aLocalRole, TBluetoothPanRole aRemoteRole);
virtual void DeviceActive(CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine& aDevice);
virtual void DeviceRoleChangeFailed(CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine& aDevice);
virtual void DeviceDisconnected(CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine& aDevice);
virtual const Messages::TNodeId& BnepConnectionManager();
virtual void RestartIncomingConnectionListener(TInt aError);
virtual MBnepConnectionManager& BnepConnectionManager();
virtual MPanLinkControlBase& BnepConnectionController();
virtual void SetRetryConnect(CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine& aDevice);
virtual void GetExistingConnections(TPanConnectionList& aPanConnectionList);
virtual void CloseExistingConnectionWithUplinkAccess();
virtual TBool WorthTrying(const TPanDeviceWorthTryingRolesList& aRemoteWorthTryingRoles) const;
// MPanLinkControl methods
virtual TAny* MplcbGetInterface(const TUid & aInterface);
virtual TInt MplcRequestSniff(const TBTDevAddr &);
virtual TInt MplcRequestActive(const TBTDevAddr &);
MPanLinkControl* PanLinkControlInterface();
TBool AllowIncoming() const;
void SetAllowIncoming(TBool aAllowIncoming);
TBool NapEnabled() const;
void SetNapEnabled(TBool aNapEnabled);
// From ESock::MCFNode, via ESock::ACFNodeIdBase
void ReceivedL(const Messages::TRuntimeCtxId& aSender, const Messages::TNodeId& aRecipient, Messages::TSignatureBase& aCFMessage);
void ConstructL();
CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine* FindRemoteDeviceByAddress(const TBTDevAddr& remoteDeviceAddress);
void CheckDeviceIsNotAlreadyAttachedL(const TBTDevAddr& aDevAddr);
void RequestDisconnect(TInt aError);
void InitiateDisconnect();
static TInt InitiateDisconnectCb(TAny* aThisPtr);
void SendUplinkAccessRequiredProgressNotification();
TInt TryToCreateNewPanConnection();
RPointerArray<CPanRemoteDeviceStateMachine> iRemoteDevices;
Messages::TNodeId iBnepConnectionManager;
MBnepConnectionManager* iBnepConnectionManager; //< Central management object in packet driver; we don't own this, so don't delete it!
CPanIncomingConnectionListener* iIncomingConnectionListener;
TBool iAllowIncoming;
TBool iNapEnabled;
CPanRemoteDeviceSelector* iDeviceSelector; //< Device selector to handle all details of creating outgoing connections (commdb or prompting)
CPanHelperLocalSdpRegistrar* iPanLocalSdpRegistrar; //< Instance of local SDP registrar
CPanAgtStateBase* iState; //< pointer to the state we're currently in
CPanAgtStateBase* iShutdownState; //< Preallocated shutdown state so we can always close down, even if we're OOM
TInt iError; //< Used to store an error code to persist it during the callback process
TBool iNifmanConnected; //< Indicate if we've progressed past ConnectComplete(), and therefore need to use a different error path to signal errors to nifman
TBool iSuppressOutgoing; //< Suppress any outgoing connections that may be started by this IAP - used to allow UIs to start the ad-hoc IAP at boot time without a prompt appearing
TBluetoothPanRole iFixedLocalRole; //< If there is a local role set in commdb, then it is stored here (there will always be one set, but it might just be EPanRoleUnknown, in which case it is treated as unset)
TBluetoothPanRole iFixedRemoteRole; //< If there is a remote role set in commdb, then it is stored here (there will always be one set, but it might just be EPanRoleUnknown, in which case it is treated as unset)
CAsyncCallBack* iInitiateDisconnectCallback;
TBool iUplinkRequiredProgressSent; //< This is set when a uplink required progress is sent to the RConnection client. This will be cleared by sending a uplink not required progress notification
CPanCoexistenceConnectionController* iPanCoexistenceConnectionController; //< Manage co-existence with other IP bearers
} // PanAgent
#endif // PANAGT_H