--- a/bluetooth/btdocs/Designs/generate-bnep-document.ebs Wed Mar 31 23:19:43 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1315 +0,0 @@
-' Generate-report.ebs
-' This is a RoseScript utility with which a user can traverse a
-' Rational Rose model and generate a Microsoft Word Document
-' from the template "Formal.dot"
-' A lot of the early versions of this script were derived from
-' work previously published on the Rational Developer's Network
-' and made freely available.
-' TBD:
-' 3. Provide cleaning subroutine or external utility to curb growth of %TEMP%
-' with rosedXXX.wmf files of rendered diagrams.
-' 4. Provide a package selection drop-down on the Dialog so that many projects can
-' coexist in the same model (bonus - reduces the probability of a
-' mook accidentally choosing to document the EPOC32 "include" package).
-Const DefaultTool$ = "ReportGen"
-' Different report type specs
-Const RepAnalysisType = 0
-Const RepDesignType = 1
-Const RepAnalysisNDesignType = 2
-Const RepTestType = 3
-' Model verification options
-Const RepVerifyNot = 0
-Const RepVerifySection = 1
-Const RepVerifyEmbed = 2
-' There is a state machine in here and these are the states
-Const RPh_StartUp = 0
-Const RPh_Dynamic = 1
-Const RPh_Static = 2
-Const RPh_TailBoiler = 3
-Const RPh_Crosscheck = 4
-' For proofreading purposes
-Const MissingTextStr$ = "ATTENTION: Do You Need Documentation For This Item?"
-' Useful type declaraions
-' Told you there was a state machine in here
-Type GeneratorStateType
- Phase As Integer
-End Type
-' Configurability - if this was Python, I'd serialise it
-' and make it a config file
-Type ReportOptionsType
- Title As String
- FileName As String
- Template As String
- Generate As Boolean
- WhiteBlock As Boolean
- ClassDiagrams As Boolean
- ScenarioDiagrams As Boolean
- StateDiagrams As Boolean
- UseCaseDiagrams As Boolean
- CppSyntax As Boolean
- PublicOnly As Boolean
- FEBoiler As Boolean
- BEBoiler As Boolean
- SupportSubheadingTags As Boolean
- HighlightDocGaps As Boolean
- DocType As Integer
- VerifyType As Integer
-End Type
-' When verifying the model, we need to establish relationships
-' between scenario/sequence diagrams and their title. Also, on each iteration, we need to
-' check that we don't create duplicate entries where a method is used
-' more than once in the same context.
-Type DiagEntry
- FigureTitle As String
- Diagram As ScenarioDiagram
- SeenBefore As Boolean
-End Type
-' Globals - don't we just lurve Basic?
-Private ReportOptions As ReportOptionsType
-Private GeneratorState As GeneratorStateType
-' An array of DiagEntry
-Public GlobalDiagList() As DiagEntry
-' So, the documentation doesn't explain how one would elicit the
-' size of a dynamic array, so the counts have to be externalised.
-' Just exactly how crap is that?
-Public DiagListCount As Integer
-Public GlobalDiagListSize As Integer
-Public LicensedRoseApplication As Application
-Private resIFace As Object
-Public RWU_DiagramCount As Integer
-' Sort of like an Application Constructor - yech!
-Sub WordUtilInit()
- Let RWU_DiagramCount = 1
- Let DiagListCount = 0
- Let GlobalDiagListSize = 0
- ReDim GlobalDiagList(0)
-End Sub
-' Helper function
-Sub Para(WordApp As Object)
- WordApp.InsertPara
-End Sub
-' For banging in a huge bunch of whitespace
-Sub WhiteBlock(WordApp As Object)
- Para WordApp
- Para WordApp
- Para WordApp
- Para WordApp
- Para WordApp
-End Sub
-' Helper for page breaks
-Sub Break(WordApp As Object)
- WordApp.InsertPageBreak
-End Sub
-' This is to overcome the limitations of Word as a programmable application
-' and all I can say is that the details are nasty.
-Sub ReplaceFinalParagraphKludge (WordApp As Object)
- WordApp.linedown
- WordApp.charright 1, 1 ' go right one character and select
- WordApp.insertpara ' overwrite the selected para marker with a new one
- WordApp.lineup
-End Sub
-' Will need to reset the state on these objects regularly
-Sub ResetGlobalDiagList
- For i% = 0 To GlobalDiagListSize-1
- GlobalDiagList(i).SeenBefore = False
- Next i
-End Sub
-' We need this for extracting diagrams and rendering them
-' on the file system before inserting them into a Word
-' document. Note that this does not clean up after itself
-' which means that you are likely to accumulate rosedXXX.wmf
-' files in your %TEMP% directory. The good news is that it
-' transparently reuses files on each run, so this is not inevitable
-' and unrestrained growth.
-Function GetTmpFileName
- Dim tmpFileName As String
- Dim tmpPathName As String
- tmpPathName = Environ("TEMP")
- If tmpPathName = "" Then
- tmpPathName = CurDir
- End If
- Do
- tmpFileName = tmpPathName + "\rosed" & RWU_DiagramCount & ".wmf"
- If Not Dir(tmpFileName)="" Then
- Kill(tmpFileName)
- End If
- Loop Until (Dir(tmpFileName)="")
- RWU_DiagramCount = RWU_DiagramCount + 1
- GetTmpFileName = tmpFileName
-End Function
-' Specialist Word-related subroutines
-' Generic Diagram insertion
-Sub WordInsertDiagram(fileName As String, WordApp As Object)
- 'ReplaceFinalParagraphKludge WordApp
- WordApp.CenterPara
- WordApp.InsertPicture fileName, false, false
- Para WordApp
- ReplaceFinalParagraphKludge WordApp
-End Sub
-' Each diagram type is literally a different type in the object model, so
-' since Basic has no polymorphic facilities, we have to resort to
-' coding up a subroutine for each type. Yawn!
-Sub WordInsertScenarioDiagram(aDiagram As ScenarioDiagram, WordApp As Object)
- Dim tmpFileName As String
- Let tmpFileName = GetTmpFileName
- aDiagram.RenderEnhanced tmpFileName
- WordInsertDiagram tmpFileName, WordApp
-End Sub
-Sub WordInsertStateDiagram(aDiagram As StateDiagram, WordApp As Object)
- Dim tmpFileName As String
- Let tmpFileName = GetTmpFileName
- aDiagram.RenderEnhanced tmpFileName
- WordInsertDiagram tmpFileName, WordApp
-End Sub
-Sub WordInsertClassDiagram(aDiagram As ClassDiagram, WordApp As Object)
- Dim tmpFileName As String
- Let tmpFileName = GetTmpFileName
- aDiagram.RenderEnhanced tmpFileName
- WordInsertDiagram tmpFileName, WordApp
-End Sub
-' So we want to be able to translate our "depth" in the model into the
-' appropriate heading style in Word.
-Function GetWordHeadingStyleName(HeadingNumber As Integer) As String
- GetWordHeadingStyleName = "Heading " & CStr(HeadingNumber)
-End Function
-' Generalised heading insertion by number
-Sub WordInsertHeading(aLevel As Integer, aString As String, WordApp As Object)
- ' If you do not do it, it will not run.
- ReplaceFinalParagraphKludge WordApp
- ' Here's the real code that actually does something
- WordApp.FormatStyle GetWordHeadingStyleName(aLevel)
- WordApp.Insert aString
- Para WordApp
- WordApp.FormatStyle "Normal"
-End Sub
-Sub WordInsertDocumentation(HeadingLevel As Integer, Documentation As String, WordApp As Object)
- '
- ' It was requested that the script support the insertion of
- ' an HTML-like tag in the object documentation that would force the
- ' insertion of a subheading in the output text.
- ' This will interefere with the real HTML generation capabilities
- ' of Rose, so it was originally only supported as a variant on the
- ' script. This presents boring maintenance duplication issues, however, so it
- ' was reincorporated as a configurable option. Unfortunately, it does change
- ' the signature of this method such that it requires a HeadingLevel even when it
- ' doesn't use one.
- '
- Dim Astr As String
- Dim Bstr As String
- Dim Cstr As String
- If Documentation <> "" Then
- If ReportOptions.SupportSubheadingTags Then
- Astr = Trim(Documentation)
- Print "Astr: ", Astr
- x% = InStr(1,Astr,"<h>",1)
- y% = InStr(1,Astr,"</h>",1)
- While x% <> 0 And y% <> 0
- Cstr = Left(Astr,x%-1)
- Print "Cstr : ", Cstr
- WordApp.FormatStyle "Normal"
- WordApp.Insert Trim(Cstr)
- Para WordApp
- Bstr = Mid(Astr,x%+3,y%-(x%+3))
- Print "Bstr : ", Bstr
- WordInsertHeading HeadingLevel,Trim(Bstr),WordApp
- Astr = Right(Astr,Len(Astr)-(y%+3))
- Print "Astr : ",Astr
- x% = InStr(1,Astr,"<h>",1)
- y% = InStr(1,Astr,"</h>",1)
- Wend
- WordApp.FormatStyle "Normal"
- WordApp.Insert Trim(Astr)
- Para WordApp
- Else
- WordApp.FormatStyle "Normal"
- WordApp.Insert Trim(Documentation)
- Para WordApp
- End If
- Else
- ' Oh no - we seem to have missed out a piece of documentation.
- ' Another proofreading setting will highlight this lacuna for
- ' you in lucky red text.
- If ReportOptions.HighlightDocGaps Then
- WordApp.FormatStyle "Body Text"
- WordApp.Insert MissingTextStr
- Para WordApp
- End If
- End If
- '
- ' To assist in the proofreading phases, it seemed useful
- ' to have a mode in which large chunks of whitespace were
- ' inserted into the document at every point where the hard working
- ' editor might wish to scribble notes and comments during the development
- ' of the text. Run the script with this set and print out the resultant document
- ' and you have a doc that facilitates the inveterate scribbler.
- ' I'm a great believer in appropriate technology.
- '
- If ReportOptions.WhiteBlock Then
- WhiteBlock WordApp
- End If
-End Sub
-' Of course we want each of our diagrams to be numbered and titled.
-' It's the done thing, and it's the thing that gets done here.
-Sub WordInsertFigureName(aFigureName As String, WordApp As Object)
- WordApp.FormatStyle "Centered"
- WordApp.Insert "Figure " + CStr(RWU_DiagramCount-1) & ": " & aFigureName
- Para WordApp
- WordApp.FormatStyle "Normal"
-End Sub
-' Unfortunately, we have to operate slightly differently for scenarios, because of
-' the verifications we may wish to run.
-Sub WordInsertScenarioFigureName(aFigureName As String, WordApp As Object, XCEntry As DiagEntry)
- Dim tstr$
- tstr = "Figure " + CStr(RWU_DiagramCount-1) & ": " & aFigureName
- WordApp.FormatStyle "Centered"
- 'WordApp.Insert "Figure " + CStr(RWU_DiagramCount-1) & ": " & aFigureName
- WordApp.Insert tstr
- Para WordApp
- WordApp.FormatStyle "Normal"
- ' Need to keep track of titles applied to scenario diagrams.
- XCEntry.FigureTitle = tstr
- Let GlobalDiagList(DiagListCount) = XCEntry
- DiagListCount = DiagListCount + 1
-End Sub
-' Some handy utility muffins.
-Public Function GetResourceString(resourceID As Long) As String
- If (resIFace Is Nothing) then
- Set resIFace = CreateObject("rvsreportgenres.rvsrepgeninterface")
- End If
- GetResourceString = resIFace.GetString(resourceID)
-End Function
-Function GetLicensedRoseApplication() As Application
- Set GetLicensedRoseApplication = RoseApp.GetLicensedApplication("{A567222E-CBBE-11D0-BC0B-00A024C67143}")
-End Function
-Function ReportDialogLoop(controlname$, action%, suppvalue%) As Integer
- If controlname$ = "Browse" Then
- FileName$ = SaveFilename$ ("Create a Word document", "Word Documents:*.DOC")
- If FileName$ <> "" Then
- DlgText "FileName", FileName$
- End If
- ReportDialogLoop = 1
- End If
-End Function
-Function EnclosingDirPath(FileName As String)
- ' Extracts the enclosing directory path from a file name
- Dim Pos1, Pos2, Pos3
- On Error GoTo EnclosingDirPath_exception
- Pos3 = 255
- Pos2 = 1
- Pos1 = 1
- Do
- Pos3 = InStr(Pos2 + 1, FileName, "\")
- If Pos3 <> 0 Then
- Pos1 = Pos2
- Pos2 = Pos3
- Else
- Exit Do
- End If
- Loop
- EnclosingDirPath = Left(FileName, Pos2 - 1)
- Exit Function
- Resume EnclosingDirPath_end
- 'Exit with the full path
- EnclosingDirPath = FileName
-End Function
-Function GetAllOfClasses(aCategory As Category) As ClassCollection
- Dim theCatClassCollection As New ClassCollection
- Dim theCatClass As Class, theCatInnerClass As Class
- Dim I As Integer, J As Integer
- For I = 1 To aCategory.Classes.Count
- Set theCatClass = aCategory.Classes.GetAt(I)
- theCatClassCollection.Add theCatClass
- For J = 1 To theCatClass.GetAllNestedClasses.Count
- Set theCatInnerClass = theCatClass.GetAllNestedClasses.GetAt(J)
- theCatClassCollection.Add theCatInnerClass
- Next J
- Next I
- Set GetAllOfClasses = theCatClassCollection
-End Function
-Function MakeFileName (Path As String, FileName As String) As String
- ' Check to see if the last character is a separator
- If Instr ("\/", Right$(Path, 1)) Then
- MakeFileName$ = Path & FileName
- Else
- MakeFileName$ = Path & "\" & FileName
- End If
-End Function
-Function ChangeFileExtension (FullFileName As String, NewExtension As String) As String
- FilePath$ = FileParse$ (FullFileName, 2)
- FileRoot$ = FileParse$ (FullFileName, 4)
- ChangeFileExtension$ = MakeFileName$ (FilePath$, FileRoot$ & "." & NewExtension$)
-End Function
-' Rose collections are unsorted. This is not considered sightly.
-Sub sortalpha( aCategory As Category, myAlpha() As String)
- Dim theCatClassCollection As ClassCollection
- Set theCatClassCollection = GetAllOfClasses(aCategory)
- For ike = 1 To theCatClassCollection.count
- myAlpha(ike) = theCatClassCollection.GetAt(ike).Name
- Next ike
- arraysort myAlpha
- Set theCatClassCollection = Nothing
-End Sub
-Sub sortalphaclassdiagrams( aCategory As Category, myAlpha() As String)
- Dim classDiagrams As ClassDiagramCollection
- Set classDiagrams = aCategory.ClassDiagrams
- For ike = 1 To classDiagrams.count
- myAlpha(ike) = classDiagrams.GetAt(ike).Name
- Next ike
- arraysort myAlpha
- Set classDiagrams = Nothing
-End Sub
-Sub sortalphascenariodiagrams( aCategory As Category, myAlpha() As String)
- Dim scenarioDiagrams As ScenarioDiagramCollection
- Set scenarioDiagrams = aCategory.ScenarioDiagrams
- For ike = 1 To ScenarioDiagrams.count
- myAlpha(ike) = ScenarioDiagrams.GetAt(ike).Name
- Next ike
- arraysort myAlpha
- Set ScenarioDiagrams = Nothing
-End Sub
-' These higher level procedures pretty much do what their names say they do.
-Sub SearchForClassDiagramsInPackage(WordApp As Object, aCategory As Category, HeadingNumber As Integer)
- Dim classDiagrams As ClassDiagramCollection
- Dim aClassDiagram As ClassDiagram
- Dim Alpha() As String
- Set classDiagrams = aCategory.ClassDiagrams
- ReDim Alpha(classDiagrams.Count)
- SortAlphaClassDiagrams aCategory, alpha
- If classDiagrams.Count Then
- 'Dim theClass As Class
- 'Dim NestedClasses As ClassCollection
- For CLSID = 1 To classDiagrams.Count
- Ike = classDiagrams.FindFirst(Alpha(CLSID))
- Set aClassDiagram = classDiagrams.GetAt(Ike)
- If Not (aClassDiagram.IsUseCaseDiagram) Then
- WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
- WordInsertClassDiagram aClassDiagram, WordApp
- WordInsertFigureName aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
- WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aClassDiagram.Documentation, WordApp
- End If
- Next CLSID
- End If
- 'For clsID = 1 To classDiagrams.Count
- ' Set aClassDiagram=classDiagrams.GetAt(clsID)
- ' If Not (aClassDiagram.IsUseCaseDiagram) Then
- ' WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
- ' WordInsertClassDiagram aClassDiagram, WordApp
- ' WordInsertFigureName aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
- ' WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aClassDiagram.Documentation, WordApp
- ' End If
- 'Next clsID
-End Sub
-Sub SearchForSeqAndCollabDiagramsInPackage(WordApp As Object, aCategory As Category, HeadingNumber As Integer)
- Dim ScenarioDiagrams As ScenarioDiagramCollection
- Dim aScenarioDiagram As ScenarioDiagram
- Dim Alpha() As String
- Set ScenarioDiagrams = aCategory.ScenarioDiagrams
- ReDim Alpha(ScenarioDiagrams.Count)
- SortAlphaScenarioDiagrams aCategory, alpha
- Dim XCEntry As DiagEntry
- GlobalDiagListSize = GlobalDiagListSize + ScenarioDiagrams.Count
- ReDim Preserve GlobalDiagList(GlobalDiagListSize)
- For ScenID = 1 To ScenarioDiagrams.Count
- Ike = ScenarioDiagrams.FindFirst(Alpha(ScenID))
- Set aScenarioDiagram=ScenarioDiagrams.GetAt(Ike)
- WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aScenarioDiagram.Name, WordApp
- WordInsertScenarioDiagram aScenarioDiagram, WordApp
- Set XCEntry.Diagram = aScenarioDiagram
- WordInsertScenarioFigureName aScenarioDiagram.Name, WordApp, XCEntry
- WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aScenarioDiagram.Documentation, WordApp
- Next ScenID
-End Sub
-Sub SearchForClassDiagramsInUseCase(WordApp As Object, aUseCase As UseCase, HeadingNumber As Integer)
- Dim classDiagrams As ClassDiagramCollection
- Dim aClassDiagram As ClassDiagram
- Set classDiagrams = aUseCase.ClassDiagrams
- For clsID = 1 To classDiagrams.Count
- Set aClassDiagram=classDiagrams.GetAt(clsID)
- If Not (aClassDiagram.IsUseCaseDiagram) Then
- WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
- WordInsertClassDiagram aClassDiagram, WordApp
- WordInsertFigureName aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
- WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aClassDiagram.Documentation, WordApp
- Else
- If (aClassDiagram.IsUseCaseDiagram) And (ReportOptions.UseCaseDiagrams) Then
- WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
- WordInsertClassDiagram aClassDiagram, WordApp
- WordInsertFigureName aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
- WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aClassDiagram.Documentation, WordApp
- End If
- End If
- Next clsID
-End Sub
-Sub SearchForSeqAndCollabDiagramsInUseCase(WordApp As Object, aUseCase As UseCase, HeadingNumber As Integer)
- Dim ScenarioDiagrams As ScenarioDiagramCollection
- Dim aScenarioDiagram As ScenarioDiagram
- Set ScenarioDiagrams = aUseCase.ScenarioDiagrams
- Dim XCEntry As DiagEntry
- GlobalDiagListSize = GlobalDiagListSize + ScenarioDiagrams.Count
- ReDim Preserve GlobalDiagList(GlobalDiagListSize)
- For ScenID = 1 To ScenarioDiagrams.Count
- Set aScenarioDiagram=ScenarioDiagrams.GetAt(ScenID)
- WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aScenarioDiagram.Name, WordApp
- WordInsertScenarioDiagram aScenarioDiagram, WordApp
- Set XCEntry.Diagram = aScenarioDiagram
- WordInsertScenarioFigureName aScenarioDiagram.Name, WordApp, XCEntry
- WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aScenarioDiagram.Documentation, WordApp
- Next ScenID
-End Sub
-Sub SearchForStateDiagramsInPackage(WordApp As Object, aCategory As Category, HeadingNumber As Integer)
- Dim aStateMachineOwner As StateMachineOwner
- Dim aStateMachineCollection As StateMachineCollection
- Dim aStateMachine As StateMachine
- Dim aStateDiagram As StateDiagram
- Dim aStateDiagramCollection As StateDiagramCollection
- Dim aStateCollection As StateCollection
- Dim aState As State
- Set aStateMachineOwner = aCategory.StateMachineOwner
- Set aStateMachineCollection = aStateMachineOwner.StateMachines
- If aStateMachineCollection.Count Then
- For SMID = 1 To aStateMachineCollection.Count
- Set aStateMachine = aStateMachineCollection.GetAt(SMID)
- Set aStateDiagramCollection = aStateMachine.Diagrams
- WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aStateMachine.Name, WordApp
- If aStateDiagramCollection.Count Then
- For SDID = 1 To aStateDiagramCollection.Count
- Set aStateDiagram = aStateDiagramCollection.GetAt(SDID)
- WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aStateDiagram.Name, WordApp
- WordInsertStateDiagram aStateDiagram, WordApp
- WordInsertFigureName aStateDiagram.Name, WordApp
- WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aStateDiagram.Documentation, WordApp
- Next SDID
- End If
- Set aStateCollection = aStateMachine.States
- If aStateCollection.Count Then
- For STID = 1 To aStateCollection.Count
- Set aState = AstateCollection.GetAt(STID)
- WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber+1, aState.Name, WordApp
- WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aState.Documentation, WordApp
- Next STID
- End If
- Next SMID
- End If
-End Sub
-' Cunningly, we find that Use Case diagrams are not a distinct type,
-' but are a specialised state of ClassDiagram
-' Ho ho, go figure.
-Sub SearchForUseCaseDiagramsInPackage(WordApp As Object, aCategory As Category, HeadingNumber As Integer)
- Dim ClassDiagrams As ClassDiagramCollection
- Dim aClassDiagram As ClassDiagram
- Set ClassDiagrams = aCategory.ClassDiagrams
- For ClsID = 1 To ClassDiagrams.Count
- Set aClassDiagram = ClassDiagrams.GetAt(ClsID)
- If aClassDiagram.IsUseCaseDiagram Then
- WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
- WordInsertClassDiagram aClassDiagram, WordApp
- WordInsertFigureName aClassDiagram.Name, WordApp
- WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aClassDiagram.Documentation, WordApp
- End If
- Next ClsID
-End Sub
-' We live in a C++ world, so we need to be able to show our attributes
-' in a way familiar to code monkeys.
-Sub GenerateAttribute(WordApp As Object, anAttribute As Attribute, HeadingNumber As Integer)
- Dim theAttribute As String
- If ReportOptions.CppSyntax Then
- Select Case anAttribute.ExportControl
- Case rsPublicAccess
- theAttribute = "Public: "
- Case rsProtectedAccess
- theAttribute = "Protected: "
- Case rsPrivateAccess
- theAttribute = "Private: "
- End Select
- theAttribute = theAttribute & anAttribute.Type & " "
- End If
- theAttribute = theAttribute & anAttribute.Name
- If ReportOptions.CppSyntax Then
- If Len(anAttribute.InitValue) > 0 Then
- theAttribute = theAttribute & " = " & anAttribute.InitValue
- End If
- End If
- WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, theAttribute, WordApp
- WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, anAttribute.Documentation, WordApp
-End Sub
-' We like our attributes grouped according to their access specification, of course
-Sub GenerateClassAttributeAccessGroup(WordApp As Object, attColl As AttributeCollection, HeadingNumber As Integer)
- If attColl.Count Then
- For AttrID = 1 To attColl.Count
- GenerateAttribute WordApp, attColl.GetAt(AttrID), HeadingNumber
- Next AttrID
- End If
-End Sub
-' So this procedure iterates across the lot and groups them accordingly.
-' However, I'm pretty sure we would frown on any public class attributes, wouldn't we?
-' And I always think that protected class attributes have to be well justified.
-' Generally they are used to get round analysis errors, otherwise.
-Sub GenerateClassAttributes(WordApp As Object, aClass As Class, HeadingNumber As Integer)
- Dim PublicAttributes As New AttributeCollection
- Dim ProtectedAttributes As New AttributeCollection
- Dim PrivateAttributes As New AttributeCollection
- Dim anAttribute As Attribute
- If aClass.Attributes.Count Then
- For AttrID = 1 To aClass.Attributes.Count
- Set anAttribute = aClass.Attributes.GetAt(AttrID)
- Select Case anAttribute.ExportControl
- Case rsPublicAccess
- PublicAttributes.Add anAttribute
- Case rsProtectedAccess
- ProtectedAttributes.Add anAttribute
- Case rsPrivateAccess
- PrivateAttributes.Add anAttribute
- End Select
- Next AttrID
- WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aClass.Name & " Attributes", WordApp
- GenerateClassAttributeAccessGroup WordApp, PublicAttributes, HeadingNumber+1
- If Not ReportOptions.PublicOnly Then
- GenerateClassAttributeAccessGroup WordApp, ProtectedAttributes, HeadingNumber+1
- GenerateClassAttributeAccessGroup WordApp, PrivateAttributes, HeadingNumber+1
- End If
- End If
-End Sub
-' So here we go, doing the same with operations as we did with attributes.
-Function GenerateParameter (aParameter As Parameter) As String
- Code$ = aParameter.Name + ":" + aParameter.Type
- GenerateParameter = Code$
-End Function
-Sub GenerateOperation(WordApp As Object, anOperation As Operation, HeadingNumber As Integer)
- Dim theOperation As String
- If ReportOptions.CppSyntax Then
- Select Case anOperation.ExportControl
- Case rsPublicAccess
- theOperation = "Public: "
- Case rsProtectedAccess
- theOperation = "Protected: "
- Case rsPrivateAccess
- theOperation = "Private: "
- End Select
- End If
- theOperation = theOperation + anOperation.Name
- If ReportOptions.CppSyntax Then
- Params$ = ""
- If anOperation.Parameters.Count Then
- For OperID = 1 To anOperation.Parameters.Count - 1
- Params$ = Params$ + GenerateParameter(anOperation.Parameters.GetAt(OperID))
- Params$ = Params$ + ", "
- Next OperID
- Params$ = Params$ + GenerateParameter(anOperation.Parameters.GetAt(anOperation.Parameters.Count))
- End If
- theOperation = theOperation & "( " & Params$ & ")"
- End If
- WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, theOperation, WordApp
- WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, anOperation.Documentation, WordApp
- If ReportOptions.VerifyType = RepVerifyEmbed Then
- GenerateMethodUsageEntry anOperation, WordApp
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub GenerateClassOperationAccessGroup(WordApp As Object, attColl As OperationCollection, HeadingNumber As Integer)
- If attColl.Count Then
- For AttrID = 1 To attColl.Count
- GenerateOperation WordApp, attColl.GetAt(AttrID), HeadingNumber
- Next AttrID
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub GenerateClassOperations(WordApp As Object, aClass As Class, HeadingNumber As Integer)
- Dim PublicOperations As New OperationCollection
- Dim ProtectedOperations As New OperationCollection
- Dim PrivateOperations As New OperationCollection
- Dim anOperation As Operation
- WordApp.FormatStyle "Normal"
- If ReportOptions.VerifyType = RepVerifyEmbed Then
- Para WordApp
- WordApp.FormatFont Bold:=True
- WordApp.Insert aClass.Name
- WordApp.FormatFont Bold:=False
- If aClass.Operations.Count = 0 Then
- WordApp.Insert " has no operations defined in this model."
- 'Para WordApp
- Else
- WordApp.Insert " has "
- WordApp.Insert CStr(aClass.Operations.Count)
- WordApp.Insert " operations defined in this model:"
- 'Para WordApp
- End If
- End If
- If aClass.Operations.Count <> 0 Then
- For OperID = 1 To aClass.Operations.Count
- Set anOperation = aClass.Operations.GetAt(OperID)
- Select Case anOperation.ExportControl
- Case rsPublicAccess
- PublicOperations.Add anOperation
- Case rsProtectedAccess
- ProtectedOperations.Add anOperation
- Case rsPrivateAccess
- PrivateOperations.Add anOperation
- End Select
- Next OperID
- 'WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aClass.Name & " Operations", WordApp
- GenerateClassOperationAccessGroup WordApp, PublicOperations, HeadingNumber
- If Not ReportOptions.PublicOnly Then
- GenerateClassOperationAccessGroup WordApp, ProtectedOperations, HeadingNumber
- GenerateClassOperationAccessGroup WordApp, PrivateOperations, HeadingNumber
- End If
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub GenerateTheClassBody(WordApp As Object, aClass As Class, HeadingNumber As Integer)
- WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aClass.Documentation, WordApp
- If aClass.Persistence Then
- WordApp.Insert "Persistent Class"
- Para WordApp
- End If
- Dim SuperClasses As ClassCollection
- Dim theSuperClass As Class
- Set SuperClasses = aClass.GetSuperClasses
- If SuperClasses.Count Then
- ClassList$ = ""
- For CLSID = 1 To SuperClasses.Count
- Set theSuperClass = SuperClasses.GetAt(CLSID)
- If ClassList$ <> "" Then
- ClassList$ = ClassList$ & ", "
- End If
- ClassList$ = ClassList$ & theSuperClass.Name
- Next CLSID
- WordApp.Insert "Derived from " & ClassList$
- Para WordApp
- End If
- GenerateClassAttributes WordApp, aClass, HeadingNumber+1
- GenerateClassOperations WordApp, aClass, HeadingNumber+1
-End Sub
-' For each class in the category
-Sub GenerateLogicalClass(WordApp As Object, aClass As Class, HeadingNumber As Integer)
- On Error Resume Next
- WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aClass.Name, WordApp
- GenerateTheClassBody WordApp, aClass, HeadingNumber
-End Sub
-Sub PrintClassesForCategory (WordApp As Object, aCategory As Category, HeadingNumber As Integer, myAlpha() As String)
- Dim lastNoNameClassIndex As Integer
- Dim theCatClassCollection As ClassCollection
- Set theCatClassCollection = GetAllOfClasses(aCategory)
- If theCatClassCollection.Count Then
- Dim theClass As Class
- Dim NestedClasses As ClassCollection
- For CLSID = 1 To theCatClassCollection.Count
- If(myAlpha(CLSID) = "") Then
- If (lastNoNameClassIndex = 0) Then
- Ike = theCatClassCollection.FindFirst("")
- lastNoNameClassIndex = Ike
- Else
- Ike = theCatClassCollection.FindNext(lastNoNameClassIndex,"")
- lastNoNameClassIndex = Ike
- End If
- Else
- Ike = theCatClassCollection.FindFirst(myAlpha(CLSID))
- End If
- Set theClass = theCatClassCollection.GetAt(Ike)
- GenerateLogicalClass WordApp, theClass, HeadingNumber+1
- Next CLSID
- End If
- Set theClassCollection = Nothing
-End Sub
-Sub PrintCategoryClasses(WordApp As Object, aCategory As Category, HeadingNumber As Integer)
- Dim Alpha() As String
- Dim theCatClassCollection As ClassCollection
- If HeadingNumber > 1 Then
- WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aCategory.Name, WordApp
- End If
- WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aCategory.Documentation, WordApp
- Set theCatClassCollection = GetAllOfClasses(aCategory)
- ReDim Alpha(theCatClassCollection.Count)
- SortAlpha aCategory, alpha
- If ReportOptions.ClassDiagrams Then
- SearchForClassDiagramsInPackage WordApp, aCategory, (HeadingNumber+1)
- End If
- If ReportOptions.StateDiagrams Then
- SearchForStateDiagramsInPackage WordApp, aCategory, (HeadingNumber+1)
- End If
- If ReportOptions.UseCaseDiagrams Then
- SearchForUseCaseDiagramsInPackage WordApp, aCategory, (HeadingNumber+1)
- End If
- If ReportOptions.ScenarioDiagrams Then
- SearchForSeqAndCollabDiagramsInPackage WordApp, aCategory, (HeadingNumber+1)
- End If
- 'PrintClassesForCategory WordApp, aCategory, HeadingNumber, Alpha
-End Sub
-Sub GenerateUseCase (WordApp As Object, aUseCase As UseCase, HeadingNumber As Integer)
- WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aUseCase.Name, WordApp
- WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aUseCase.Documentation, WordApp
- If ReportOptions.ClassDiagrams Then
- SearchForClassDiagramsInUseCase WordApp, aUseCase, (HeadingNumber+1)
- End If
- If ReportOptions.ScenarioDiagrams Then
- SearchForSeqAndCollabDiagramsInUseCase WordApp, aUseCase, (HeadingNumber+1)
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub PrintCategoryUseCases(WordApp As Object, aCategory As Category, HeadingNumber As Integer)
- Dim Alpha() As String
- Dim theCatClassCollection As ClassCollection
- If HeadingNumber > 1 Then
- WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, aCategory.Name, WordApp
- End If
- WordInsertDocumentation HeadingNumber+1, aCategory.Documentation, WordApp
- SearchForClassDiagramsInPackage WordApp, aCategory, (HeadingNumber+1)
- SearchForStateDiagramsInPackage WordApp, aCategory, (HeadingNumber+1)
- SearchForUseCaseDiagramsInPackage WordApp, aCategory, (HeadingNumber+1)
- SearchForSeqAndCollabDiagramsInPackage WordApp, aCategory, (HeadingNumber+1)
- If aCategory.UseCases.Count Then
- Dim theUseCase As UseCase
- Dim numberOfApplicableUseCases As Integer
- Dim UseCaseNames$()
- numberOfApplicableUseCases = 0
- For ucID = 1 To aCategory.UseCases.Count
- Set theUseCase = aCategory.UseCases.GetAt(ucID)
- ReDim Preserve UseCaseNames$(numberOfApplicableUseCases +1)
- UseCaseNames$(numberOfApplicableUseCases) = theUseCase.Name
- numberOfApplicableUseCases = numberOfApplicableUseCases +1
- Next ucID
- ArraySort UseCaseNames$()
- For i% = 1 To numberOfApplicableUseCases
- ucID = aCategory.UseCases.FindFirst(UseCaseNames$(i%))
- Set theUseCase = aCategory.UseCases.GetAt(ucID)
- If theUseCase Is Nothing Then
- Else
- GenerateUseCase WordApp, theUseCase, (HeadingNumber +1)
- End If
- Next i%
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub PrintCategory(WordApp As Object, aCategory As Category, HeadingNumber As Integer)
- Dim Beta() As String
- If aCategory.Name <> "Undocument" Then
- Select Case GeneratorState.Phase
- Case RPh_Dynamic
- If HeadingNumber = 1 Then
- WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, "Analysis", WordApp
- End If
- Call PrintCategoryUseCases(WordApp, aCategory, HeadingNumber)
- Call PrintCategoryClasses(WordApp, aCategory, HeadingNumber)
- Case RPh_Static
- If HeadingNumber = 1 Then
- WordInsertHeading HeadingNumber, "Design", WordApp
- End If
- Call PrintCategoryClasses(WordApp, aCategory, HeadingNumber)
- Case RPh_StartUp
- Case RPh_TailBoiler
- Case RPh_Crosscheck
- End Select
- ReDim Beta(aCategory.Categories.Count)
- For Ike = 1 To aCategory.Categories.Count
- Beta(Ike) = aCategory.Categories.GetAt(Ike).Name
- Next Ike
- ArraySort Beta
- For CatID = 1 To aCategory.Categories.Count
- Ike = aCategory.Categories.FindFirst(Beta(CatID))
- Call PrintCategory(WordApp, aCategory.Categories.GetAt(Ike), HeadingNumber+1)
- Next CatID
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub GenerateBehaviouralAnalysisSection(WordApp As Object)
- Break WordApp
- 'WordInsertHeading 1, "Behavioural Analysis", WordApp
- GeneratorState.Phase = RPh_Dynamic
- PrintCategory WordApp, LicensedRoseApplication.CurrentModel.RootUseCaseCategory, 1
-End Sub
-Sub GenerateStaticRelationshipSection(WordApp As Object)
- Break WordApp
- 'WordInsertHeading 1, "Static Relationships", WordApp
- GeneratorState.Phase = RPh_Static
- PrintCategory WordApp, LicensedRoseApplication.CurrentModel.RootCategory, 1
-End Sub
-Sub GenerateMethodUsageEntry(Op As Operation, WordApp As Object)
- ResetGlobalDiagList
- Dim Mc As MessageCollection
- Dim Used As Boolean
- Used = False
- WordApp.FormatStyle "Normal"
- For i% = 0 To GlobalDiagListSize-1
- Set Mc = GlobalDiagList(i).Diagram.GetMessages
- For j% = 1 To Mc.Count
- If Mc.GetAt(j).GetOperation Is Not Nothing Then
- If Mc.GetAt(j).GetOperation.GetUniqueId = Op.GetUniqueId Then
- Used = True
- If GlobalDiagList(i).SeenBefore = False Then
- WordApp.Insert "Used in "
- WordApp.Insert GlobalDiagList(i).FigureTitle
- Para WordApp
- GlobalDiagList(i).SeenBefore = True
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next j
- Next i
- If Used = False Then
- WordApp.Insert "Not used in any Sequence or Collaboration in this view of the model."
- Para WordApp
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub GenerateScenarioCrosscheckSection(WordApp As Object)
- Break WordApp
- GeneratorState.Phase = RPh_Crosscheck
- WordInsertHeading 1, "Model Verification and Checking", WordApp
- Dim AllClasses As ClassCollection
- Dim Op2 As Operation
- Dim Ops As OperationCollection
- Dim Used As Boolean
- Set AllClasses = LicensedRoseApplication.CurrentModel.GetAllClasses
- For i% = 1 To AllClasses.Count
- Dim UsedClassOps As New OperationCollection
- Dim UnusedClassOps As New OperationCollection
- WordInsertHeading 2,AllClasses.GetAt(i).Name,WordApp
- Set Ops = AllClasses.GetAt(i).Operations
- For j% = 1 To Ops.Count
- Set Op2 = Ops.GetAt(j)
- WordApp.FormatFont Bold:=True
- WordApp.Insert Op2.Name
- WordApp.FormatFont Bold:=False
- Para WordApp
- GenerateMethodUsageEntry Op2, WordApp
- Next j
- Next i
-End Sub
-Sub GenerateTailEndBoilerPlate(WordApp As Object)
- GeneratorState.Phase = RPh_TailBoiler
- Break WordApp
- WordInsertHeading 1, "Further Information", WordApp
- WordInsertHeading 2, "People", WordApp
- WordInsertHeading 2, "References", WordApp
- WordInsertHeading 2, "Open Issues", WordApp
- WordInsertHeading 2, "Glossary", WordApp
- WordInsertHeading 2, "Document History", WordApp
- WordInsertHeading 2, "Document Review Date", WordApp
-End Sub
-Sub GenerateReport(WordApp As Object)
-Dim UsedOperations As New OperationCollection
- WordApp.EndOfDocument
- If ReportOptions.FEBoiler = True Then
- WordInsertHeading 1, "Introduction", WordApp
- WordInsertHeading 2, "Overview", WordApp
- WordInsertHeading 2, "Purpose and Scope", WordApp
- End If
- Select Case ReportOptions.DocType
- Case RepAnalysisType
- GenerateBehaviouralAnalysisSection WordApp
- Case RepDesignType
- GenerateStaticRelationshipSection WordApp
- Case RepAnalysisNDesignType
- GenerateBehaviouralAnalysisSection WordApp
- GenerateStaticRelationshipSection WordApp
- Case RepTestType
- End Select
- If ReportOptions.VerifyType = RepVerifySection Then
- GenerateScenarioCrosscheckSection WordApp
- End If
- If ReportOptions.BEBoiler = True Then
- GenerateTailEndBoilerPlate WordApp
- End If
-End Sub
-Begin Dialog ReportDialog ,,224,320,"Generate Symbian Documentation",.ReportDialogLoop
- Text 8,4,148,8,"Report &Title",.TitleText
- TextBox 12,16,202,12,.Title
- Text 8,32,112,8,"&Template File Name:",.TemplateFileNameText
- TextBox 12,44,202,12,.TemplateFileName
- Text 8,60,112,8,"&Report File Name:",.FileNameText
- TextBox 12,72,202,12,.FileName
- PushButton 174,87,44,14,"Browse",.Browse
- GroupBox 8,102,92,60,"Report Document Type",.ReportTypeGroup
- OptionGroup .ReportType
- OptionButton 12,114,80,8,"Analysis",.AnalysisReport
- OptionButton 12,126,80,8,"Design",.DesignReport
- OptionButton 12,138,80,8,"Analysis and Design",.AnalysisNDesignReport
- OptionButton 12,150,80,8,"Test",.TestReport
- GroupBox 102,102,116,60,"Usage Verification",.VerifyTypeGroup
- OptionGroup .VerifyType
- OptionButton 106,114,80,8,"None",.NoVerify
- OptionButton 106,126,80,8,"Added Section",.SectionVerify
- OptionButton 106,138,80,8,"Embedded in Text",.EmbedVerify
- GroupBox 8,170,212,30,"Proofreading Options",.Proofing
- CheckBox 12,182,92,8,"Expanded Whitespace",.WhiteBlock
- CheckBox 106,182,92,8,"Highlight Gaps",.HighlightDocGaps
- GroupBox 8,205,212,80,"Content Options",.Content
- CheckBox 12,220,92,8,"Class Diagrams",.ClassDiagrams
- CheckBox 12,232,92,8,"Scenario Diagrams",.ScenarioDiagrams
- CheckBox 12,244,92,8,"State Diagrams",.StateDiagrams
- CheckBox 12,256,92,8,"Use Case Diagrams",.UseCaseDiagrams
- CheckBox 12,268,92,8,"C++ Syntax",.CppSyntax
- CheckBox 106,220,92,8,"Public Items Only",.PublicOnly
- CheckBox 106,232,92,8,"Front-end Boilerplate",.FEBoiler
- CheckBox 106,244,92,8,"Back-end Boilerplate",.BEBoiler
- CheckBox 106,256,92,8,"Use <h>Subhead</h>",.SubTag
- PushButton 8,292,76,14,"&Generate",.Generate
- CancelButton 144,292,76,14
-End Dialog
-Sub Main
- Dim MyDialog As ReportDialog
- Set LicensedRoseApplication = GetLicensedRoseApplication()
- LicensedRoseApplication.CurrentModel.DefaultTool = DefaultTool$
- 'NewDirectory$ = EnclosingDirPath(LicensedRoseApplication.ApplicationPath)
- NewDirectory$ = CurDir$
- If NewDirectory$ <> "" Then
- If Mid$(NewDirectory$, 2, 1) = ":" Then
- ChDrive NewDirectory$
- End If
- ChDir NewDirectory$
- Else
- MsgBox "Error: Directory not found."
- Exit Sub
- End If
- '
- ' Right, let's set some sensible default values
- '
- ModelName$ = LicensedRoseApplication.CurrentModel.GetFileName()
- If ModelName$ = "" Then
- MyDialog.FileName$ = MakeFileName$(NewDirectory$, DefaultFileName$)
- MyDialog.Title$ = FileParse$(DefaultFileName, 4)
- Else
- MyDialog.FileName$ = ChangeFileExtension$(ModelName$, "doc")
- MyDialog.Title$ = FileParse$(ModelName$, 4)
- End If
- MyDialog.TemplateFileName$ = ChangeFileExtension$(ModelName$, "dot")
- '
- ' Let's assume we're not proofreading at the moment
- '
- MyDialog.WhiteBlock = False
- MyDialog.HighlightDocGaps = False
- '
- ' I think we want all the diagrams we can get
- '
- MyDialog.ClassDiagrams = True
- MyDialog.ScenarioDiagrams = True
- MyDialog.StateDiagrams = True
- MyDialog.UseCaseDiagrams = True
- '
- ' We are a C++ shop, after all
- '
- MyDialog.CppSyntax = True
- '
- ' We can see everything for now
- '
- MyDialog.PublicOnly = False
- '
- ' The options to generate boilerplate and tagged headings are turned off
- '
- MyDialog.FEBoiler = False
- MyDialog.BEBoiler = False
- MyDialog.SubTag = False
- '
- ' Let's assume that we want to run across the entire model for the time being
- '
- MyDialog.ReportType = RepAnalysisNDesignType
- '
- ' The default is to verify in the body of the document
- '
- MyDialog.VerifyType = RepVerifyEmbed
- '
- ' Right let's give the user a chance to set some preferences, in case
- ' they differ from these eminently sensible ones.
- '
- Result = Dialog (MyDialog)
- If Result = 0 Then
- Exit Sub
- End If
- '
- ' I suppose that if we give them the UI to change them, we ought to actually
- ' take notice of them
- '
- If Result = 2 Then
- ReportOptions.Generate = TRUE
- ReportOptions.Title = MyDialog.Title
- ReportOptions.FileName = MyDialog.FileName
- ReportOptions.Template = MyDialog.TemplateFileName
- ReportOptions.WhiteBlock = MyDialog.WhiteBlock
- ReportOptions.HighlightDocGaps = MyDialog.HighlightDocGaps
- ReportOptions.ClassDiagrams = MyDialog.ClassDiagrams
- ReportOptions.ScenarioDiagrams = MyDialog.ScenarioDiagrams
- ReportOptions.StateDiagrams = MyDialog.StateDiagrams
- ReportOptions.UseCaseDiagrams = MyDialog.UseCaseDiagrams
- ReportOptions.CppSyntax = MyDialog.CppSyntax
- ReportOptions.PublicOnly = MyDialog.PublicOnly
- ReportOptions.FEBoiler = MyDialog.FEBoiler
- ReportOptions.BEBoiler = MyDialog.BEBoiler
- ReportOptions.SupportSubheadingTags = MyDialog.SubTag
- ReportOptions.DocType = MyDialog.ReportType
- ReportOptions.VerifyType = MyDialog.VerifyType
- GeneratorState.Phase = RPh_StartUp
- RoseAppDirectory$ = EnclosingDirPath(LicensedRoseApplication.ApplicationPath)
- If Not FileExists (ReportOptions.Template) Then
- ReportOptions.Template = RoseAppDirectory$ &"\Formal.dot"
- If Not FileExists (ReportOptions.Template) Then
- MsgBox "Error: Missing file [" & ReportOptions.Template & "]"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- End If
- End If
- '
- ' Crack open MS Word then
- '
- Dim WordApplication As Object
- Dim WordApp As Object
- WordUtilInit
- Set WordApplication = CreateObject("Word.Application")
- '
- ' This is a very lazy thing to do, and difficult to obtain
- ' documentation on now that Micro$oft have deprecated the interface
- '
- Set WordApp = WordApplication.WordBasic
- '
- ' But it makes some parts of life so easy
- '
- WordApp.AppMaximize
- '
- ' Create a new document based on our template
- '
- WordApp.FileNew ReportOptions.Template
- '
- ' Rush to the end of the new document
- '
- WordApp.EndOfDocument
- '
- ' Generate the filling
- '
- GenerateReport(WordApp)
- '
- ' Finalise the Table of Contents
- '
- WordApp.EditSelectAll
- WordApp.UpdateFields
- '
- ' Save it all away
- '
- WordApp.FileSaveAs ReportOptions.FileName
- '
- ' Night night
- '
- WordApp.FileExit
-End Sub