1 WIN Tunnel serial driver for EKA2 |
2 |
3 |
4 Usage |
5 ----- |
6 |
7 Compile this module for either WINS or WINSCW |
8 bldmake bldfiles |
9 abld build wins |
10 or |
11 bldmake bldfiles |
12 abld build winscw |
13 |
14 Set WIN_TUNNEL emulator property by either |
15 A) Add the following to epoc.ini |
16 |
17 WIN_TUNNEL=[Commport],[Hostname],[TCPport] |
18 |
19 Commport is Emulator Comm port to reroute to tunnel machine. (Must be less than 10) |
20 Hostname is the tunnel machine. (Either ip address or DNS name) |
21 TCPport is the port on the tunnel machine to use. |
22 |
23 E.G. |
24 WIN_TUNNEL=9,,110 |
25 |
26 To use more than one serial port the syntax is as follows |
27 WIN_TUNNEL=9,,110;8,,110 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 b) Start emulator passing in WIN_TUNNEL setting |
32 |
33 E.G. |
34 epoc -dWIN_TUNNEL=9,,110 -- |