--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sbsv1_os/e32toolp/e32util/efreeze.pl Tue Feb 02 01:39:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# all variables called *Path* are set up to end with a backslash
+# all variables called *Path or *File are stored as absolute (file)paths
+# all variables called UpPath* are stored as relative paths
+use strict;
+use FindBin; # for FindBin::Bin
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $PerlLibPath; # fully qualified pathname of the directory containing our Perl modules
+# check user has a version of perl that will cope
+ require 5.005_03;
+# establish the path to the Perl libraries: currently the same directory as this script
+ $PerlLibPath = $FindBin::Bin; # X:/epoc32/tools
+# do not convert slashes for linux
+ if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
+ $PerlLibPath =~ s/\//\\/g; # X:\epoc32\tools
+ $PerlLibPath .= "\\";
+ }
+use lib $PerlLibPath;
+use Defutl;
+use E32tpver;
+use Pathutl;
+ my %Options;
+ # process the command-line
+ unless (GetOptions(\%Options, 'compare', 'remove')) {
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ unless (@ARGV==2) {
+ &Usage;
+ }
+ my $FRZFILE;
+ my $GENFILE;
+ # if paths are not absolute, then convert them to absolute
+ if( !(File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($FRZFILE)) || !(File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($GENFILE)) )
+ {
+ ($FRZFILE,$GENFILE)=&Path_AbsToWork(@ARGV);
+ }
+# check the file exists
+ unless (-e $FRZFILE) {
+ warn "WARNING: $FRZFILE: File not found - OK if freezing for first time\n";
+ }
+ unless (-e $GENFILE) {
+ die "EFREEZE ERROR: $GENFILE: File not found\n";
+ }
+# Read the Frozen .DEF file if it exists
+ my @FrzDataStruct;
+ my $FrzExportsOn=0;
+ if (-e $FRZFILE) {
+ eval { &Def_ReadFileL(\@FrzDataStruct, $FRZFILE, $FrzExportsOn); };
+ die $@ if $@;
+ }
+# Read the New .DEF file
+ my @GenDataStruct;
+ my $Dummy;
+ if ($GENFILE) {
+ eval { &Def_ReadFileL(\@GenDataStruct, $GENFILE, $Dummy, ($Options{compare} or $Options{remove})); };
+ }
+ die $@ if $@;
+# Compare the frozen .DEF data with the new .DEF file
+ my (@NewDataStruct, @MissingDataStruct, @BadDataStruct);
+ eval { &CompareFrzGenL (\@NewDataStruct, \@MissingDataStruct, \@BadDataStruct, \@FrzDataStruct, \@GenDataStruct, $Options{remove}); };
+ die $@ if $@;
+# check for errors
+ my $NumRemoved;
+ my $Ref;
+ my @Errors;
+ my $Title='EFREEZE ERROR:';
+ if ($Options{compare}) {
+ $Title='EFREEZE:';
+ }
+ if (@MissingDataStruct and $Options{remove}) {
+# Mark missing exports as ABSENT in DEF file
+ $NumRemoved=@MissingDataStruct;
+ if ($Options{compare}) {
+ print "EFREEZE: Marking $NumRemoved Export(s) as ABSENT :\n";
+ } else {
+ print "EFREEZE: Marking $NumRemoved Export(s) as ABSENT in $FRZFILE :\n";
+ }
+ foreach (@MissingDataStruct) {
+ $$_{Absent} = 1;
+ my $Comment='';
+ if ($$_{Comment}) {
+ $Comment=" ; $$_{Comment}";
+ }
+ my $r3unused = $$_{R3Unused} ? " R3UNUSED" : "";
+ print " $$_{Name} \@ $$_{Ordinal} NONAME$r3unused$Comment\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (@MissingDataStruct) {
+ my $Num=@MissingDataStruct;
+ push @Errors, "$Title $FRZFILE: $Num Frozen Export(s) missing from $GENFILE (POSSIBLE COMPATIBILITY BREAK):\n";
+ foreach $Ref (@MissingDataStruct) {
+ my $r3unused = $$Ref{R3Unused} ? " R3UNUSED" : "";
+ push @Errors, " $$Ref{LineNum}: $$Ref{Name} \@ $$Ref{Ordinal} NONAME$r3unused\n";
+ }
+ push @Errors, "\n";
+ }
+ if (@BadDataStruct) {
+ my $Num=@BadDataStruct;
+ push @Errors, "$Title $GENFILE: $Num function(s) exported at wrong ordinal:\n";
+ foreach $Ref (@BadDataStruct) {
+ my $r3unused = $$Ref{R3Unused} ? " R3UNUSED" : "";
+ push @Errors, " $$Ref{LineNum}: $$Ref{Name} \@ $$Ref{Ordinal} NONAME$r3unused\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (@Errors) {
+ unless ($Options{compare}) {
+ die @Errors;
+ }
+ else {
+ print @Errors;
+ }
+ }
+# Update the frozen .DEF file
+ eval { &UpdateFrzFileL(\@NewDataStruct, \@FrzDataStruct, $FRZFILE, $FrzExportsOn, $Options{compare}, $NumRemoved); };
+ die $@ if $@;
+ exit;
+sub Usage () {
+ print(
+ "\n",
+ "EFREEZE - .DEF file maintenance utility (Build ",&E32tpver,")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "EFREEZE {options} [frozen .DEF file] [new .DEF file]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "options: (case-insensitive)\n",
+ " -Compare\n",
+ " -Remove\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ exit 1;
+sub CompareFrzGenL ($$$$$$) {
+ my ($NewStructRef, $MissingStructRef, $BadStructRef, $FrzStructRef, $GenStructRef, $remove)=@_;
+# compare the input export data with the frozen data
+# take a copy of the frozen .DEF file structure that we can trash
+ my @TmpStruct=@$FrzStructRef;
+# remove any entries not containing export data and get the highest ordinal value used
+ my $LastOrdinal=0;
+ foreach (@TmpStruct) {
+ if ($$_{Name}) {
+ if ($LastOrdinal<$$_{Ordinal}) {
+ $LastOrdinal=$$_{Ordinal};
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ undef $_;
+ }
+ my $GenRef;
+ my $TmpRef;
+ GENLOOP: foreach $GenRef (@$GenStructRef) {
+ next unless $$GenRef{Name}; # ignore lines in the .DEF file not containing an export
+ foreach $TmpRef (@TmpStruct) {
+ next unless defined $TmpRef; # ignore nullified entries in the temporary array
+# does the function name match?
+ if ($$GenRef{Name} eq $$TmpRef{Name}) {
+# check the names have the same ordinals
+ if ($remove or $$GenRef{Ordinal}==$$TmpRef{Ordinal}) {
+ undef $TmpRef;
+ next GENLOOP;
+ }
+# store exports with the wrong ordinals
+ push @$BadStructRef, $GenRef;
+ undef $TmpRef;
+ next GENLOOP;
+ }
+# Absent export?
+ if ($$TmpRef{Absent} and $$TmpRef{Ordinal}==$$GenRef{Ordinal}) {
+ next GENLOOP;
+ }
+ }
+# store new exports not found in the frozen .DEF file with the right ordinal value
+ $LastOrdinal++;
+ $$GenRef{Ordinal}=$LastOrdinal;
+ push @$NewStructRef, $GenRef;
+ }
+# all the exports left in the frozen .DEF file weren't found
+ foreach $TmpRef (@TmpStruct) {
+ next unless defined $TmpRef; # ignore nullified entries in the temporary array
+ next if $$TmpRef{Absent}; # skip entries marked as ABSENT in the DEF file
+ push @$MissingStructRef, $TmpRef;
+ }
+sub UpdateFrzFileL ($$$$$$) {
+ my ($NewStructRef, $FrzStructRef, $FILE, $ExportsOn, $Compare, $NumRemoved)=@_;
+# add the exports to the frozen .DEF file text
+ unless (@$NewStructRef or $NumRemoved) {
+ print "EFREEZE: DEF file up to date\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $NumNewExports=@$NewStructRef;
+ unless ($Compare) {
+# abort the operation unless the frozen .DEF file is writeable
+ if (-e $FILE and not -w $FILE) {
+ die
+ "EFREEZE ERROR: Can't append $NumNewExports New Export(s) to $FILE\n",
+ " as file is not writeable. Check source code control system.\n"
+ ;
+ }
+ print "EFREEZE: Appending $NumNewExports New Export(s) to $FILE:\n" if ($NumNewExports);
+ }
+ else {
+ print "EFREEZE: $NumNewExports New Export(s):\n" if ($NumNewExports);
+ }
+ my @Text;
+ my $ExportsDeclared;
+# Process the frozen .DEF file
+ if (@$FrzStructRef) { # there is already a frozen .DEF file
+ my $FrzRef;
+# get the lines of text from the frozen .DEF file
+ foreach $FrzRef (@$FrzStructRef) {
+ next if (!$FrzRef);
+ if (!defined($$FrzRef{Ordinal})) {
+ push @Text, $$FrzRef{Line};
+ $ExportsDeclared = 1 if ($$FrzRef{Line} =~ /^\s*EXPORTS\s*(\s+\S+.*)?$/io);
+ next;
+ }
+ my $Comment='';
+ if ($$FrzRef{Comment}) {
+ $Comment=" ; $$FrzRef{Comment}";
+ }
+ my $r3unused = $$FrzRef{R3Unused} ? " R3UNUSED" : "";
+ my $absent = $$FrzRef{Absent} ? " ABSENT" : "";
+ my $data = "";
+ if( !($$FrzRef{Name} =~ /^(_ZTI|_ZTV|_ZTT)/))
+ {
+# A symbol name with the above pattern indicates that it is a Data symbol.
+# Mark symbols as DATA only when it cannot be found from the name alone (i.e.,
+# explicitly exported data symbols).
+ if(($$FrzRef{Data}) and ($$FrzRef{Size}) ){
+ $data = " DATA $$FrzRef{Size}";
+ }
+ }
+ push @Text, "\t$$FrzRef{Name} \@ $$FrzRef{Ordinal} NONAME$data$r3unused$absent$Comment\n";
+ }
+# strip any blank lines at the end of the frozen .DEF file text
+ foreach (reverse @Text) {
+ if (/^\s*$/o) {
+ $_='';
+ next;
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+# Add an EXPORTS section header if there aren't already exports
+ unshift @Text, "EXPORTS\n" unless ($ExportsDeclared);
+ my $NewRef;
+ foreach $NewRef (@$NewStructRef) {
+ my $Comment='';
+ if ($$NewRef{Comment}) {
+ $Comment=" ; $$NewRef{Comment}";
+ }
+ my $r3unused = $$NewRef{R3Unused} ? " R3UNUSED" : "";
+ my $absent = $$NewRef{Absent} ? " ABSENT" : "";
+ my $data = "";
+ if( !($$NewRef{Name} =~ /^(_ZTV|_ZTI|_ZTT)/)) {
+# A symbol name with the above pattern indicates that it is a Data symbol.
+# Mark symbols as DATA only when it cannot be found from the name alone (i.e.,
+# explicitly exported data symbols).
+ if(($$NewRef{Data}) and ($$NewRef{Size}) ){
+ $data = " DATA $$NewRef{Size}";
+ }
+ }
+ print " $$NewRef{Name} \@ $$NewRef{Ordinal} NONAME$r3unused$Comment\n";
+ push @Text, "\t$$NewRef{Name} \@ $$NewRef{Ordinal} NONAME$data$r3unused$absent$Comment\n";
+ }
+# add a terminating newline
+ push @Text, "\n";
+ unless ($Compare) {
+# write the new frozen .DEF file
+ eval { &Def_WriteFileL(\@Text, $FILE); };
+ die $@ if $@;
+ }