changeset 0 83f4b4db085c
child 1 d4b442d23379
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sbsv1_os/e32toolp/test/fixeabidefs.bat	Tue Feb 02 01:39:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+@rem Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+@rem All rights reserved.
+@rem This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+@rem under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+@rem which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+@rem at the URL "".
+@rem Initial Contributors:
+@rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+@rem Contributors:
+@rem Description:
+@rem = '--*-Perl-*--
+@echo off
+if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT
+perl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
+goto endofperl
+perl -x -S "%0" %*
+if NOT "%COMSPEC%" == "%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" goto endofperl
+if %errorlevel% == 9009 echo You do not have Perl in your PATH.
+goto endofperl
+@rem ';
+#line 14
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $toolVersion = 1.0;
+my $RVCTVersion = 2.1;
+my $RVCTBuild = 416;
+my @redundantExportsRegEx = (qr/^_ZTI/, qr/^_ZTV/);
+# 1. Check arguments, output help etc.
+if (@ARGV == 0)
+	{
+	print (STDERR "\nFIXEABIDEFS.BAT - Version $toolVersion for RVCT$RVCTVersion b$RVCTBuild\n");
+	print STDERR << 'END_OF_HELP';
+Usage: fixeabidefs.bat [-analyse|-list|-update] build_log.log 
+Parses the output from build_log.log and locates all MAKEDEF errors where ARMV5 built
+object files do not include exports specified in the current, frozen, EABI .def file.
+Where this has occurred, the tool checks against an internal list to determine
+whether these are redundant exports that are no longer required.
+-analyse  Process MAKEDEF errors and warnings list .def files that cannot be updated by this tool.
+-list     Lists all .def files that will be updated by the tool.
+-update   Creates updated .def files with redundant exports removed.
+Updated .def files have redundant exports removed by "back-filling" from unfrozen exports
+flagged against the same .def file.  If no unfrozen exports are available, the "ABSENT"
+export placeholder is used to effectively remove the export, but maintain a degree of BC.
+NOTE: The tool assumes that the original build source layout is replicated on the drive
+where it is being executed.
+Redundant exports processed on the following regex:
+	foreach my $redundantExportRegEx (@redundantExportsRegEx)
+		{
+		print ("\t$redundantExportRegEx\n");
+		}
+	exit(1);
+	}
+my $list = 0;
+my $update = 0;
+my $analyse = 0;
+GetOptions ('list' => \$list, 'update' => \$update, 'analyse' => \$analyse);
+# 2. Parse the log and record the detail of all relevant MAKEDEF errors and warnings
+my $BUILD_LOG = $ARGV[0];
+open BUILD_LOG, "< $BUILD_LOG" or die "\nCan't read $BUILD_LOG!\n\n";
+my $line;
+my @buildLog;
+while ($line = <BUILD_LOG>)
+	{
+	push @buildLog, $line;
+	}
+close BUILD_LOG;
+my $defFile;
+my $export;
+my $processExport;
+my $variant;
+# All hashes keyed on fully pathed .def file
+my %impactedDefFiles;
+my %missingURELExports;
+my %missingUDEBExports;
+my %unfrozenURELExports;
+my %unfrozenUDEBExports;
+my $parseWarning = 0;
+my $parseError = 0;
+my @exports;
+# Scan the log and build up UREL and UDEB lists of unfrozen and missing exports
+foreach $line (@buildLog)
+	{
+	if (($line !~ /^  /))
+		{
+		if ($parseError)
+			{
+			$variant =~ /UREL/ ? push @{$missingURELExports{$defFile}}, [@exports] : push @{$missingUDEBExports{$defFile}}, [@exports];
+			$parseError = 0;
+			$impactedDefFiles{$defFile} = 1;
+			}
+		elsif ($parseWarning)
+			{
+			$variant =~ /UREL/ ? push @{$unfrozenURELExports{$defFile}}, [@exports] : push @{$unfrozenUDEBExports{$defFile}}, [@exports];
+			$parseWarning = 0;
+			$impactedDefFiles{$defFile} = 1;
+			}
+		@exports = ();
+		}
+	if ($line =~ /^  make.* CFG\=/)
+		{
+		$variant = $line;
+		$variant =~ s/^.*CFG\=//;
+		$variant =~ s/ .*$//;
+		$variant =~ s/\s//g;
+		next;
+		}
+	if ($line =~ /MAKEDEF WARNING:.*not yet Frozen in/)
+		{			
+		$parseError = 0;
+		$parseWarning = 1;
+		$defFile = $line;
+		$defFile =~ s/^.*not yet Frozen in//;
+		$defFile =~ s/:$//;
+		$defFile =~ s/\s//g;
+		$defFile = lc $defFile;
+		next;
+		}
+	if ($line =~ /MAKEDEF ERROR:/)
+		{
+		$parseError = 1;
+		$parseWarning = 0;
+		next;
+		}
+	if (($line =~ /^  /) && ($parseError || $parseWarning))
+		{			
+		$export = $line;
+		$export =~ s/^.* : //;
+		$export =~ s/ .*$//;
+		$export =~ s/\s//g;
+		if ($parseError)
+			{
+			$defFile = $line;
+			$defFile =~ s/\(.*$//;
+			$defFile =~ s/\s//g;
+			$defFile = lc $defFile;
+			}
+		push @exports, $export;
+		next;
+		}
+	}
+my %validDefFiles = %impactedDefFiles;
+my %missingExportDifferences;
+my %unfrozenExportDifferences;
+my %sharedDifferences;
+my $redundantExportRegEx;
+my %invalidExports;
+my $validExport;
+my $URELelements;
+my $UDEBelements;
+my $index1;
+my $index2;
+foreach $defFile (sort keys %impactedDefFiles)
+	{
+	if ($missingURELExports{$defFile})
+		{			
+		$URELelements = @{$missingURELExports{$defFile}};
+		$UDEBelements = @{$missingUDEBExports{$defFile}};
+		for ($index1 = 0; $index1 < $URELelements; $index1++)
+			{
+			foreach $export (@{@{$missingURELExports{$defFile}}[$index1]})
+				{
+				for ($index2 = 0; $index2 < $UDEBelements; $index2++)
+					{
+					if (!grep (/$export/, @{@{$missingUDEBExports{$defFile}}[$index2]}))
+						{
+						if (!$index1 && !$index2)
+							{
+							$missingExportDifferences{$defFile} = 1;
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							$sharedDifferences{$defFile} = 1;
+							}
+						delete $validDefFiles{$defFile};
+						}
+					}
+				$validExport = 0;
+				foreach $redundantExportRegEx (@redundantExportsRegEx)
+					{
+					if ($export =~ /$redundantExportRegEx/)
+						{
+						$validExport = 1;
+						}
+					}
+				if (!$validExport)
+					{
+					${$invalidExports{$defFile}}{$export} = 1;
+					delete $validDefFiles{$defFile};
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		for ($index1 = 0; $index1 < $URELelements; $index1++)
+			{
+			foreach $export (@{@{$missingUDEBExports{$defFile}}[$index1]})
+				{
+				for ($index2 = 0; $index2 < $URELelements; $index2++)
+					{
+					if (!grep (/$export/, @{@{$missingURELExports{$defFile}}[$index2]}))
+						{
+						if (!$index1 && !$index2)
+							{
+							$missingExportDifferences{$defFile} = 1;
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							$sharedDifferences{$defFile} = 1;
+							}
+						delete $validDefFiles{$defFile};
+						}
+					}
+				$validExport = 0;
+				foreach $redundantExportRegEx (@redundantExportsRegEx)
+					{
+					if ($export =~ /$redundantExportRegEx/)
+						{
+						$validExport = 1;
+						}
+					}
+				if (!$validExport)
+					{
+					${$invalidExports{$defFile}}{$export} = 1;
+					delete $validDefFiles{$defFile};
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	if (!$unfrozenURELExports{$defFile} && $unfrozenUDEBExports{$defFile})
+		{
+		$unfrozenExportDifferences{$defFile}  = 1;
+		}
+	elsif ($unfrozenURELExports{$defFile})
+		{
+		$URELelements = @{$unfrozenURELExports{$defFile}};
+		$UDEBelements = @{$unfrozenUDEBExports{$defFile}};
+		for ($index1 = 0; $index1 < $URELelements; $index1++)
+			{
+			foreach $export (@{@{$unfrozenURELExports{$defFile}}[$index1]})
+				{
+				for ($index2 = 0; $index2 < $UDEBelements; $index2++)
+					{
+					if (!grep (/$export/, @{@{$unfrozenUDEBExports{$defFile}}[$index2]}))
+						{
+						if (!$index1 && !$index2)
+							{
+							$unfrozenExportDifferences{$defFile} = 1;
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							delete $validDefFiles{$defFile};
+							$sharedDifferences{$defFile} = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		for ($index1 = 0; $index1 < $URELelements; $index1++)
+			{
+			foreach $export (@{@{$unfrozenUDEBExports{$defFile}}[$index1]})
+				{
+				for ($index2 = 0; $index2 < $URELelements; $index2++)
+					{
+					if (!grep (/$export/, @{@{$unfrozenURELExports{$defFile}}[$index2]}))
+						{
+						if (!$index1 && !$index2)
+							{
+							$unfrozenExportDifferences{$defFile} = 1;
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							delete $validDefFiles{$defFile};
+							$sharedDifferences{$defFile} = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+if ($analyse)
+	{
+	if (%missingExportDifferences)
+		{
+		print ("\nThe following .def files differ in the number of missing exports between UREL and UDEB builds.\n");
+		print ("These files will not be treated by this tool.\n\n");
+		foreach $defFile (sort keys %missingExportDifferences)
+			{
+			print ("\t$defFile\n");
+			}
+		}
+	if (%unfrozenExportDifferences)
+		{	
+		print ("\nThe following .def files differ in the number of unfrozen exports between UREL and UDEB builds.\n");
+		print ("These files will be or were back-filled with regard to any UREL unfrozen exports available.");
+		print ("If no UREL unfrozen exports are available, the classes in question have to be marked non-sharable.\n\n");
+		foreach $defFile (sort keys %unfrozenExportDifferences)
+			{
+			print ("\t$defFile\n");
+			}
+		}
+	if (%sharedDifferences)
+		{
+		print ("\nThe following .def files are shared between multiple components, and differ in exports\n");
+		print ("between either UDEB or UREL builds, or between the build of the components from which they are used.\n");
+		print ("These files will not be treated by this tool.\n\n");
+		foreach $defFile (sort keys %sharedDifferences)
+			{
+			print ("\t$defFile\n");
+			}
+		}
+	if (%invalidExports)
+		{
+		print ("\nThe following .def files contain missing exports that cannot be resolved by this tool.\n");
+		foreach $defFile (sort keys %invalidExports)
+			{
+			print ("\n\t$defFile\n");
+			foreach $export (sort keys %{$invalidExports{$defFile}})
+				{
+				print ("\t\t$export\n");
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	if (!%missingExportDifferences && !%unfrozenExportDifferences && !%sharedDifferences && !%invalidExports)
+		{
+		print ("\nAll MAKEDEF ERRORs and WARNINGs in the specified log can be treated by this tool.\n");
+		}
+	}
+if ($list)
+	{
+	foreach $defFile (sort keys %validDefFiles)
+		{
+		print ("$defFile\n");
+		}
+	}
+if ($update)
+	{
+	my %updatedDefFiles;
+	my $missingExport;
+	my $unfrozenExport;
+	foreach $defFile (keys %validDefFiles)
+		{
+		if (!open DEF_FILE, "< $defFile")
+			{
+			print "Can't read $defFile!\n";
+			next;
+			}
+		while ($line = <DEF_FILE>)
+		 	{
+# Either Back-fill or make 'ABSENT' any missing exports
+			if ($missingURELExports{$defFile})
+				{
+				foreach $missingExport (@{@{$missingURELExports{$defFile}}[0]})
+					{
+					if ($line =~ /$missingExport/)
+						{
+						$unfrozenExport = "";
+						if ($unfrozenURELExports{$defFile})
+							{
+							$unfrozenExport = pop @{@{$unfrozenURELExports{$defFile}}[0]};
+							}
+						if ($unfrozenExport)
+							{
+							$line =~ s/$missingExport/$unfrozenExport/;
+							# If there's an existing comment section, then update it appropriately
+							my $commentUpdate = '';
+							if ($unfrozenExport =~ /^_ZTV/)
+								{
+								$commentUpdate = '; #<VT>#';
+								}
+							elsif ($unfrozenExport =~ /^_ZTI/)
+								{
+								$commentUpdate = '; #<TI>#';
+								}
+							$line =~ s/;.*$/$commentUpdate/;
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							if ($line =~ / \;/)
+								{
+								$line =~ s/ \;/ ABSENT \;/;
+								}
+							else
+								{
+								$line.= ' ABSENT';
+								}
+							}
+						$line .= "\n" unless ($line =~ /\n$/);
+						last;
+						}
+					}
+			 	}
+			push (@{$updatedDefFiles{$defFile}}, $line);
+			}
+		close DEF_FILE;
+		}
+# Resolve any remaining unfrozen exports in the standard way
+	my $lastExportIndex;
+	my $lastExportOrdinal;
+	foreach $defFile (keys %updatedDefFiles)
+		{
+		if ($unfrozenURELExports{$defFile} && @{@{$unfrozenURELExports{$defFile}}[0]})
+			{
+			$lastExportIndex = @{$updatedDefFiles{$defFile}}-1;
+			while (@{$updatedDefFiles{$defFile}}[$lastExportIndex] =~ /^\s$/)
+				{
+				pop @{$updatedDefFiles{$defFile}};
+				$lastExportIndex--;
+				}
+			@{$updatedDefFiles{$defFile}}[$lastExportIndex] .= "\n" unless (@{$updatedDefFiles{$defFile}}[$lastExportIndex] =~ /\n$/);
+			$lastExportOrdinal = @{$updatedDefFiles{$defFile}}[$lastExportIndex];
+			$lastExportOrdinal =~ s/^.*@\s+//;
+			$lastExportOrdinal =~ s/ .*$//;
+			$lastExportOrdinal =~ s/\s//g;
+			foreach $unfrozenExport (@{@{$unfrozenURELExports{$defFile}}[0]})
+				{
+				$lastExportOrdinal++;
+				my $comment = '';
+				if ($unfrozenExport =~ /^_ZTV/)
+					{
+					$comment = ' ; #<VT>#';
+					}
+				elsif ($unfrozenExport =~ /^_ZTI/)
+					{
+					$comment = ' ; #<TI>#';
+					}
+				push (@{$updatedDefFiles{$defFile}}, "\t$unfrozenExport @ $lastExportOrdinal NONAME$comment\n");
+				}
+			push (@{$updatedDefFiles{$defFile}}, "\n");
+			}
+		}
+# Create the new .def files
+	foreach $defFile (sort keys %updatedDefFiles)
+		{		
+		if (!open NEW_DEF_FILE, ">$defFile")
+			{
+			print ("ERROR : Can\'t create \"$defFile\"\n");
+			next;
+			}
+		foreach $line (@{$updatedDefFiles{$defFile}})
+			{
+			print (NEW_DEF_FILE $line);
+			}
+		close NEW_DEF_FILE;
+		print ("Created : \"$defFile\"\n");
+		}
+	}