--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/srcanamdw_os/leavescan/source/leavescan.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:39:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,3343 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Limitations:
+// Leavescan will attempt to avoid comments, strings and char literals which it
+// finds within the code. It is also capable of recognising escaped quotes,
+// but complex combinations of escaping e.g. "\\\"\"\'" may fool the parser and
+// result in false positives, or cause parsing to terminate prematurely (resulting
+// in possible unreported problems.
+// Leavescan can only parse what it sees, and is therefore oblivious to any
+// non-trivial attempt to call a leaving function (i.e. by function pointer)
+// Macros can also fool the parser (as is), but leavscan will now indicate
+// whether the leaving invocation may, in fact, be a macro.
+// Multiple files are now supported on the command-line, along with some basic
+// options such as '-v' which will dump the version. Invoking with no
+// parameters will dump the version & help, so that automated build systems can
+// check the version and cater for enhanced behaviour.
+// Local Version:
+// $Id: leavescan2.cpp,v 1.6 2003/02/19 12:59:00 AndrewHa Exp $
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <list>
+#define FOREVER for(;;)
+//static const char Kversion[] = "0.06"; // Version updated 07 March 08
+static const char Kversion[] = "0.07"; // suprrot L class, fix some defects.Version updated 07/2008
+// Shorthand
+typedef unsigned int uint;
+// Set of match types. E_Last must be at the end of the list.
+enum TMatchTypes {
+ E_LCleanedUp=0,
+ E_LString,
+ E_LManaged,
+ E_LData,
+ E_Ell ,
+ E_Trap,
+ E_BlockComment,
+ E_LineComment,
+ E_Eleave,
+ E_UserEleave,
+ E_String,
+ E_Quote,
+ E_OpenBrace,
+ E_CloseBrace,
+ E_OrLeave,
+ E_Last };
+// Set of return values of GetFunc().
+enum TReturnTypes {
+ E_False = 0,
+ E_True,
+ E_Continue };
+enum TPPState {
+ };
+enum TClassMemberTypes {
+ E_NA= 0,
+ E_MemberData,
+ E_MemberFunctionDecl,
+ E_MemberFunctionDef,
+ E_Enum
+ };
+using namespace std;
+struct ClassMeta {
+ string className ;
+ int startPos;
+ int endPos;
+class TLeaveScanModel
+ bool Scan(ifstream& aStream);
+ void SetFileName(char* aName);
+ char* FileName();
+ int Verbose;
+ bool OnlyPrePrecess;
+ void FileToText(ifstream& aStream, string& aText);
+ enum TReturnTypes GetFunc(const string& aFile, string &name, uint &start, uint &end);
+ bool CheckFunc(const string& aFile, string& aName, uint start, uint end, bool& aIsLeaver);
+ bool MoveToEndOfTrapHarness(const string& aStr, uint& aIndex, uint aLen);
+ void MoveToEndOfComment(const string& aStr, uint& aIndex, uint aLen);
+ void MoveToEndOfLine(const string& aStr, uint& aIndex, uint aLen);
+ void MoveToEndOfString(const string& aStr, uint& aIndex, uint aLen, char aQuote);
+ uint GetRealStartPosition(const string& aFile, uint aStart, uint aIsvalidDoublecolon);
+ void Peek(const string aStr, uint aPos);
+ uint SmartFind(const string& aStr, const string& aTarget, uint aStart);
+ uint SmartFindEndOfString(const string& aStr, uint aPos, char aQuote);
+ bool IsInCommentScopeOrKeyword(const string& aFile, string &aName, uint aStartposition, uint aStartbraceposn);
+ bool IsFunctionNameStringNotAMacro(const string& aFile, uint aStartbraceposn, uint aTempParenPos, uint aNstart);
+ bool IsSemiColonAndAssignmentOccurs(const string& aFile, uint aStartbraceposn, uint aTempParenPos);
+ bool CheckValidFuncName(const string& aFile, uint aStart);
+ bool CheckForTemplateFunc(const string& aFile, uint nstart, uint nend);
+ uint FindFirstMatchType(uint aMatchSet[]);
+ string PreProcess(const string& aFile);
+ string CombineLine(const string& aFile);
+ list<ClassMeta> GetClass(const string& aFile);
+ int GetLeftParenthesis(const string& aText, uint pos);
+ int GetRightParenthesis(const string& aText, uint pos);
+ int GetLeftTmpltParentBack(const string& aText,uint pos);
+ int GetRightTmpltParent(const string& aText,uint pos);
+ bool IsClassKeyword(const string& aText, uint aBegin, uint aEnd);
+ int GetLeftBracket(const string& aText,uint pos);
+ int GetRightBracket(const string& aText,uint pos);
+ void CheckClass(const string& aText , const string& aClassName, uint start,uint end);
+ void CheckInClassFunc(const string& aText , const string& aClassName, const string& aFuncName, uint start,uint end);
+ bool IsLClassCtor(const string& aName);
+ bool IsInClassScope(uint pos);
+ string GetFunctNameFromFuncHead(const string& aFuncHead);
+ string GetFunctionParam(const string& aText, uint aStart);
+ string GetFunctionHead(const string& aText, uint aStart);
+ string GetErrorLineHead(const string& aText,uint aStart);
+ string GetClassName(uint aStart);
+ void ReportErrorLineAndString(uint aStart);
+ bool AppendCommentToErrorString(uint aEnd);
+ bool IdentifyMacro(const string& str, const uint aPos);
+ void Test1();
+ void Test2L();
+ void Test3();
+ void Test4();
+ inline bool IsNewLine(const char& aCurChar) {return ((aCurChar)=='\n'||(aCurChar)=='\r')?true:false;}
+ inline bool IsLastChar(uint aCurPos, uint aStringLength) { return ((aCurPos+1)==aStringLength)?true:false;}
+ inline bool HasEnoughChar(uint aCurPos,uint aStringLength,uint aWanted) {return (aStringLength-aCurPos-1>=aWanted)?true:false;}
+ inline string TrimString(const string& aStr)
+ {
+ string result = aStr;
+ result.erase(result.find_last_not_of(" \t\n\r")+1);
+ result.erase(0,result.find_first_not_of(" \t\n\r"));
+ return result;
+ }
+ string iText;
+ string iBody;
+ string iErrorString;
+ list<ClassMeta> iClassList;
+ int iPositionOfError;
+ char* iFileName;
+void pversion()
+ cout << "Leavescan version: " << Kversion <<"(build time:"<<__DATE__<<" "<<__TIME__<<")\n";
+void pusage()
+ pversion();
+ cout << "syntax: \n\tleavescan [-h|-n|-v|-N] <iFilename.cpp> [<iFilename.cpp> ...]\n\n";
+ cout << "\t-h: This help.\n";
+ cout << "\t-n: Noisy output - provides diagnostics (if available).\n";
+ cout << "\t-N: Very noisy output - provides diagnostics (if available).\n";
+ cout << "\t-v: Displays version (for build & automation systems).\n";
+ cout << "\t-E: Only do pre-process\n\n";
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ int noisy = 0;
+ bool onlyPreProcess =false;
+ if (argc < 2)
+ {
+ pusage();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ for (int clparam = 1; clparam < argc; clparam++)
+ {
+ if (argv[clparam][0] == '-')
+ {
+ switch(argv[clparam][1])
+ {
+ case 'n':
+ noisy = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'N':
+ noisy = 2;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ pusage();
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ pversion();
+ break;
+ case 'E':
+ {
+ onlyPreProcess = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ pusage();
+ break;
+ }
+ } //if
+ else
+ {
+ // invoked once per file
+ TLeaveScanModel model;
+ model.SetFileName(argv[clparam]);
+ model.Verbose = noisy;
+ if(onlyPreProcess)
+ {
+ model.OnlyPrePrecess = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ model.OnlyPrePrecess = false;
+ }
+ ifstream file(model.FileName());
+ (void) model.Scan(file);
+ file.close();
+ // return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+void TLeaveScanModel::SetFileName(char *aName)
+ iFileName = aName;
+char* TLeaveScanModel::FileName()
+ return iFileName;
+// Main processing function which converts the file to a basic::string
+// and then searches through for methods, analysing them as they are
+// located.
+bool TLeaveScanModel::Scan(ifstream& aStream)
+ FileToText(aStream, iText);
+ string oldText(iText);
+ iText = PreProcess(iText);
+ if(OnlyPrePrecess)
+ {
+ cout<<iText;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!iText.length())
+ {
+ cout << "File not found or empty.\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint start = 0;
+ uint end = 0;
+ bool isLeaver;
+ enum TReturnTypes getFuncReturnTypes;
+ //init class list
+ iClassList = GetClass(iText);
+ //check function
+ while (start < iText.length())
+ {
+ string name;
+ getFuncReturnTypes = E_Continue;
+ while(getFuncReturnTypes == E_Continue)
+ {
+ getFuncReturnTypes = GetFunc(iText, name, start, end);
+ }
+ if (!getFuncReturnTypes)
+ break;
+ bool clean = CheckFunc(iText, name, start, end, isLeaver);
+ bool isLCFunc =false;
+ if(name[name.length()-1] == 'C' && name[name.length()-2] == 'L')
+ {
+ isLCFunc = true;
+ }
+ if (isLeaver) // was a leaving container(safe) and no leavers found
+ {
+ if (clean)
+ {
+ iPositionOfError=0;
+ iErrorString = "Warning - " + name + " appears to contain no leavers.";
+ if(!IsInClassScope(start))
+ {
+ ReportErrorLineAndString(start);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(isLCFunc)
+ {
+ uint lcleanedupPos = iErrorString.find("LCleanedup");
+ if(lcleanedupPos!=string::npos)
+ {
+ uint callPos = iErrorString.find(" calls ");
+ uint lcleanedupPosInFuncName = name.find("LCleanedup");
+ if(callPos!=string::npos && lcleanedupPosInFuncName!=string::npos && lcleanedupPos<callPos)
+ {;}
+ else
+ {
+ iErrorString = "LCleanedup class is used in a function suffixed LC";
+ if(!IsInClassScope(start))
+ {
+ ReportErrorLineAndString(start);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // any leavers info can be supressed here since container was leaver
+ }
+ else // wasn't a leaving container
+ {
+ if (!clean) // was dirty, so report
+ if(!IsInClassScope(start))
+ {
+ ReportErrorLineAndString(start);
+ }
+ }
+ start = end;
+ }
+ //check class
+ list<ClassMeta>::iterator iter;
+ for(iter=iClassList.begin();iter!=iClassList.end();iter++)
+ {
+ CheckClass(iText,iter->className,iter->startPos,iter->endPos);
+ }
+ return true;
+// Spool a file into one large basic::string
+void TLeaveScanModel::FileToText(ifstream& aStream, string& aText)
+ char data[1024];
+ int len;
+ do
+ {
+ aStream.read(data,1024);
+ len = aStream.gcount();
+ aText.append(data, len);
+ }
+ while(len);
+// To get the actual position of starting parenthesis for a function definition
+uint TLeaveScanModel::GetRealStartPosition(const string& aFile,uint aStart, uint aIsvaliddoublecolon)
+ uint realstartpos = 0;
+ // The opening parenthesis which comes fist after opening brace while moving
+ // in backward direction is a valid candidate for function name.
+ uint firstcurlybrace = SmartFind(aFile, "{", aStart + 1 ); // advance start
+ if ((firstcurlybrace == string::npos) || (firstcurlybrace >= aFile.length()))
+ {
+ return realstartpos;
+ }
+ // This variable will store the first paranthesis position
+ uint tempParenPos = aFile.find_last_of('(',firstcurlybrace);
+ if (tempParenPos == string::npos)
+ {
+ // No '(' found yet
+ return realstartpos;
+ }
+ if (aIsvaliddoublecolon == 1)
+ {
+ tempParenPos = aStart;
+ }
+ string whiteSpaceChars = " \t\n\r*&";
+ // ignore all tab and spaces between function name and opening parenthesis
+ uint nend = aFile.find_last_not_of(whiteSpaceChars, --tempParenPos);
+ uint pos = aFile.find_last_of(whiteSpaceChars, nend);
+ if (pos == string::npos)
+ {
+ return realstartpos;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return pos;
+ }
+This function checks the following :
+1) Whether the name is in comment scope, name is checked for both C-style comments(or block comments) and C++-style comments(Line Comments)
+2) The function name is not a keyword having same program construct as function name(i.e. is not among 'while', 'for','if' and 'for'
+@param aFile - Buffer storing the whole source file contents(input)
+@param aName - String that is to be checked whether it lies in the scope of the comment(input)
+@param aStartposition - Starting offset of name in file.(input)
+@param aStartbraceposn - Starting offset of function block (input)
+@param true - if name is in comment scope(output)
+@param false - if name is not in comment scope
+Following patterns are handled in this function:
+NOTE: in order to remove compile warning, i use "|" stand for "/" in this section of comment
+Pattern 1: String is in the scope of both c-style and C++-style comments
+ |*
+ || name1
+ * |
+Pattern 2: String is in the scope of both c-style comments
+ |*
+ name2()
+ * |
+Pattern 3: String is in comment scope and the comment scope llies in a string
+ printf(" |* * | || ")
+Pattern 4: String is in the scope of C++-style comments but C-style comments is also available in souurce file
+ |*
+ * |
+ || function()
+Pattern 5: String is in the scope of C-style comments but C+++-style comments is also available in souurce file
+ || function()
+ |*
+ * |
+Pattern 6: The string is a keyword and the program construct for the keyword is same as for the functions
+ for()
+ { }
+Pattern 7: Both C-style and C++-style comments are avialable in file and the way of specifying comments
+ is complex.(i.e. it is difficult to identify whether it is a C-Style comment or C++-style comment
+ ||*******
+ fun()
+ |******
+ **** |
+ {}
+bool TLeaveScanModel::IsInCommentScopeOrKeyword(const string& aFile, string &aName, uint aStartposition,uint aStartbraceposn)
+ uint blockCommentStartPosn = aFile.rfind("/*",aStartposition); // In backward direction
+ uint lineCommentStartPosn = aFile.rfind("//",aStartposition);
+ uint blockCommentEndPosn = aFile.find("*/", aStartposition); // In forward direction
+ uint semicolon = aFile.rfind(";",aStartposition);
+ uint isvalidlocationforBlock;
+ uint isvalidlocationforLine ;
+ if( (0 == strcmp(aName.c_str(),"if")) || (0 == strcmp(aName.c_str(),"while")) ||
+ (0 == strcmp(aName.c_str(),"for"))|| (0 == strcmp(aName.c_str(),"switch")) ||
+ (0 == strcmp(aName.c_str(),"defined")))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // There is no comment of any type either block comment or line comment
+ if(blockCommentStartPosn == string::npos && lineCommentStartPosn == string::npos)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // A semiclon exists and semicolon is followed by both (1) the end of block comment scope and (2) the end of line comment scope
+ else if((semicolon != string::npos)&&
+ ((semicolon > blockCommentEndPosn) && (blockCommentStartPosn < blockCommentEndPosn)) &&
+ (semicolon > lineCommentStartPosn))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if(lineCommentStartPosn == string::npos)
+ {
+ // Valid Block comment, verify that the function name by applying smartfind
+ isvalidlocationforBlock = SmartFind(aFile, aName, blockCommentStartPosn);
+ if( (isvalidlocationforBlock == string::npos) || // There is no occurrence of name
+ ((isvalidlocationforBlock > aStartbraceposn) && (isvalidlocationforBlock != string::npos))) // The name exists but that is inside function block
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(blockCommentStartPosn == string::npos)
+ {
+ isvalidlocationforLine = SmartFind(aFile,aName, lineCommentStartPosn);
+ if( (isvalidlocationforLine == string::npos) || // There is no occurrence of name
+ ((isvalidlocationforLine > aStartbraceposn) && (isvalidlocationforLine != string::npos) ) ) // The name exists but that is inside function block
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ isvalidlocationforBlock = SmartFind(aFile,aName, blockCommentStartPosn);
+ isvalidlocationforLine = SmartFind(aFile,aName, lineCommentStartPosn);
+ if((isvalidlocationforLine == string::npos) )
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if(( (isvalidlocationforLine > aStartbraceposn) && (isvalidlocationforLine != string::npos)) )
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if( (0 == isvalidlocationforBlock) || ((isvalidlocationforBlock > aStartbraceposn) && (isvalidlocationforBlock != string::npos)) )
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if(( blockCommentStartPosn < aStartbraceposn) && (blockCommentEndPosn < aStartbraceposn ) && (blockCommentStartPosn < blockCommentEndPosn) && ((isvalidlocationforBlock == string::npos)))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+This function checks whether the function name is a macro or not
+@param aFile - Buffer storing the whole source file contents
+@param aStartbraceposn - Starting offset of function block (input)
+@param aParenPos - End position of function signature
+@param aStartposnofname - Starting offset of string that is to be considered as a function name
+@param true - If function name is not a macro
+@param false - If function name is a macro
+Following patterns are handled in this function:
+Pattern 1: Function is invoked in macro
+ #if defined macro()
+ #endif
+ struct s1
+ {
+ }
+Pattern 2: Function is invoked in macro but the macro itself is in comment scope
+ void fun()
+ // #if macro()
+ // #endif
+ {
+ struct s1
+ {
+ }
+ }
+Pattern 3: There is parameterized Constructor e.g.
+ Foobar(CFileMan* aFileMan) : iFileMan(aFileMan), iCurrentStep(0) {}
+Pattern 4: Function is defined on the preprocessor statement e.g
+ #define __KTRACE_ALL(a,p) {if((DEBUGMASK&(a))==(a))p;}
+Pattern 5: All the functions name in comment scope will be ignored
+ void func()
+ // #if comments()
+ {
+ }
+Pattern 6: All the functions name (e.g. comments) in comment scope will be ignored
+ #if defined()
+ // comments()
+ struct{
+ }
+bool TLeaveScanModel::IsFunctionNameStringNotAMacro(const string& aFile, uint aStartbraceposn, uint aParenPos, uint aStartposnofname)
+ uint startofword = 0;
+ uint endofword = 0;
+ uint tempParenPos = 0;
+ bool posn = true;
+ string whiteSpaceChars = " \t\n\r";
+ uint tempColonPosn = SmartFind(aFile,":",aParenPos);
+ string colonString(":");
+ bool isColonInCommentScope = IsInCommentScopeOrKeyword(aFile,colonString,aParenPos,aStartbraceposn);
+ if( (tempColonPosn != string::npos) &&
+ (false == isColonInCommentScope) &&
+ (tempColonPosn < aStartbraceposn) )
+ {
+ return true; // Not a macro
+ }
+ // The function ignores all the strings which are in the scope of block comments.
+ while( startofword < aStartbraceposn && endofword < aStartbraceposn && posn == true)
+ {
+ if(tempParenPos == 0)
+ {
+ tempParenPos = aParenPos; // First word
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tempParenPos = endofword; // Next word
+ }
+ startofword = aFile.find_first_not_of(whiteSpaceChars, tempParenPos+1);
+ if(startofword != aStartbraceposn) // No string between function signature and function start block
+ {
+ // get the posn of word end boundary
+ endofword = aFile.find_first_of(whiteSpaceChars, startofword);
+ string tmpString = aFile.substr(startofword,endofword-startofword);
+ string &aName = tmpString;
+ //is throw?
+ if(0==aName.find("throw"))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if( (0 == strcmp(aName.c_str(),"const")) ||
+ (0 == strncmp(aName.c_str(),"//",2)) ||
+ (0 == strncmp(aName.c_str(),"*/",2)) ||
+ (0 == strncmp(aName.c_str(),"/*",2)) )
+ {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If string is in comment scope then it is fine i.e. the function returns true;
+ posn = IsInCommentScopeOrKeyword(aFile,aName,startofword,aStartbraceposn);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Pattern 1: only spaces are there between ')' and '{' e.g. void fun() {}
+ posn = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(posn == false)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint endOfLine=aFile.rfind('\n',aStartposnofname); // Get the new line position while backtracking
+ uint aIndex=(endOfLine==string::npos ? 0 : endOfLine);
+ uint preprocessorDirective = aFile.rfind("#",aStartposnofname); // Get the first char of the line starting with #
+ if(preprocessorDirective != string::npos && aIndex <= preprocessorDirective)
+ {
+ return false; // // Yes, the first char is #, so the name on this line can not be a valid function name
+ }
+ // Check whether it is a macro
+ return true;
+This function checks whether any semocolon (';') or assignment(=) is encountered
+when the backtracking is done to look for function name.
+@param aFile - Buffer storing the whole source file contents
+@param aStartbraceposn - Starting offset of function block (input)
+@param aTempParenPos - End position of function signature
+@param true - if either assignment expression '=' or ':' occurs between function signature and starting curly brace of function block.
+@param false - if neither assignment expression '=' nor ':' occurs between function signature and starting curly brace of function block.
+Following patterns are handled in this function:
+Pattern 1: The semicolon is encountered while backtracking in the search of function name
+ _LT();
+ struct s1
+ {
+ }
+Pattern 2: The semicolon is encountered while backtracking in the search of function name
+ fun();
+ a = 2;
+ struct str1
+ {
+ }
+Pattern 3: The assignment is encountered while backtracking in the search of function name
+ voidmain()
+ a[2] =
+ {
+ 1,2,3
+ }
+bool TLeaveScanModel::IsSemiColonAndAssignmentOccurs(const string& aFile,uint aStartbraceposn ,uint aTempParenPos)
+ string semicolon(";");
+ string assignment("=");
+ uint tempSemicolonPosn = SmartFind(aFile,semicolon,aTempParenPos-1);
+ //uint tempAssignMentPosn = SmartFind(aFile,assignment,aTempParenPos-1);
+ bool isSemicolonInCommentScope = IsInCommentScopeOrKeyword(aFile,semicolon,aTempParenPos,aStartbraceposn);
+ bool isAssignmentInCommentScope = IsInCommentScopeOrKeyword(aFile,assignment,aTempParenPos,aStartbraceposn);
+ if( (tempSemicolonPosn != string::npos) &&
+ ((false == isSemicolonInCommentScope) || (false == isAssignmentInCommentScope)) &&
+ (tempSemicolonPosn < aStartbraceposn)
+ )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+This function checks whether the function definition is terminated by semi colon
+If the function definition is terminated with semicolon, then it is
+more likely to be a class/struct declaration rather than a function definition.
+@param aFile - Buffer storing the whole source file contents
+@param aStart - Starting offset of the function name string
+@return true - If closing brace corresponding to function names is followed by semicolon
+@return false - If closing brace corresponding to function names is not by semicolon
+Following patterns are handled in this function:
+ {
+ };
+Pattern 2: function definition is terminated by semicolon
+ aaa(...)
+ {
+ } // comment
+ ;
+Pattern 3: Class is defined in macro
+ #define MACRO(arg) class name { };
+bool TLeaveScanModel::CheckValidFuncName(const string &aFile, uint aStart)
+ bool returnValue=false;
+ unsigned long uiNumberOfCurlyBraces = 1;
+ unsigned int TempPosn = aStart;
+ unsigned int open_brace = 0;
+ unsigned int close_brace = 0;
+ // Continue till than at least any of open curly or close curly brace is remaining
+ while( !(open_brace == string::npos) || !(close_brace == string::npos) )
+ {
+ open_brace = SmartFind(aFile, "{", TempPosn+1);
+ close_brace = SmartFind(aFile, "}", TempPosn+1);
+ if(open_brace < close_brace) // Handle which curly comes first
+ {
+ if((open_brace != string::npos)&& open_brace < aFile.size())
+ {
+ uiNumberOfCurlyBraces++; // Update the curly counter
+ TempPosn = open_brace; // move forward to the value from where the search of next curly to be started
+ }
+ }
+ else // close brace comes first
+ {
+ if((close_brace != string::npos)&& close_brace < aFile.size())
+ {
+ uiNumberOfCurlyBraces--;
+ TempPosn = close_brace; // move forward to the value from where the search of next curly to be started
+ }
+ if(uiNumberOfCurlyBraces == 0) // Match to the corresponding close curly
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(0 == uiNumberOfCurlyBraces)
+ {
+ string whiteSpaceChars = " \t\n\r";
+ unsigned int braceFollowsSemicolon1 = 0;
+ unsigned int braceFollowsSemicolon2 = 0;
+ braceFollowsSemicolon1 = SmartFind(aFile, ";", close_brace); // check if any semocolon exists after }
+ braceFollowsSemicolon2 = aFile.find_first_not_of(whiteSpaceChars,close_brace+1); // Get the next character after close_brace
+ if( (braceFollowsSemicolon1 == braceFollowsSemicolon2) && (braceFollowsSemicolon1 != string::npos) && (braceFollowsSemicolon2 != string::npos))
+ {
+ returnValue = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return returnValue;
+This function checks whether the function name is specified with template class definition
+@param nstart - starting offset of the function name string
+@param nend - end offset of the function name string
+@return true - If function name is specified with template class functtion definition
+@return false - If function name is not specified with template class functtion definition
+Following patterns are handled in this function:
+Pattern 1:
+template <class T, class S, class L, class R>
+GLDEF_C void TestTDes<T,S,L,R>::Test1()
+ T a(_TL("ABc"));
+bool TLeaveScanModel::CheckForTemplateFunc(const string& aFile,uint nstart,uint nend)
+ bool returnValue = false;
+ uint OpennAnglebracket = aFile.find_first_of("<", nstart); // advance start
+ if(nend == OpennAnglebracket ) // The first invalid char name is <
+ {
+ uint OpennParen = aFile.find_first_of("(", nstart); // advance start
+ uint CloseAnglebracket = SmartFind(aFile, ">::", nstart );
+ if( (CloseAnglebracket < OpennParen) && (CloseAnglebracket > OpennAnglebracket))
+ {
+ returnValue = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return returnValue;
+// Seek out mathod functions and return their name and start/end bounds in the
+// string file.
+enum TReturnTypes TLeaveScanModel::GetFunc(const string& aFile, string &aName, uint &start, uint &end)
+ uint nstart = 0;//, cstart = 0;
+ uint initStart = start;
+ int realnstart = string::npos;
+ uint safety = 1000000;
+ string validNameChars = ":~abcdefghilkjmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_1234567890";
+ uint prevstart = string::npos;
+ FOREVER// do // forever
+ {
+ if(
+ (start == string::npos) ||
+ (prevstart == start && prevstart != string::npos)
+ )
+ {
+ return E_False;
+ }
+ prevstart = start;
+ if (safety-- == 0)
+ {
+ cout << "ERROR: GetFunc context failure in " << iFileName << "\n";
+ exit(6);
+ }
+ // move start along to 'real' double-colon
+ uint startColon = SmartFind(aFile, "::", start);
+ uint parenPostn = SmartFind(aFile, "(", start + 1);
+ if (startColon == string::npos || startColon >= aFile.length() )
+ {
+ // Function Definition do not have any :: and function body contains
+ nstart = start;
+ // For 1st function, the value of start will be zero and for the
+ // second function onwards, it will start after the first function ends
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint Realstartpost = GetRealStartPosition(aFile,parenPostn,0);
+ // If no real function name exists after double colon
+ // if (Realstartpost == 0)
+ // return E_False;
+ uint Realstartopnparen = SmartFind(aFile, "(", Realstartpost + 1);
+ if(startColon < Realstartopnparen)
+ {
+ // If the double colon is used for function name then get function name which exists after ::
+ nstart = startColon;
+ //Get funcName before :: for "La :: La"
+ //step1 ':: L...'
+ uint fileLen = aFile.length();
+ int tmpnstart=nstart+2;
+ bool step1 = false;
+ while (tmpnstart<fileLen)
+ {
+ char curChar = aFile[tmpnstart];
+ if (curChar==' ' || curChar =='\n' || curChar=='\r' ||curChar=='\t')
+ {
+ tmpnstart++;
+ }
+ else if(curChar=='L')
+ {
+ step1=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ step1 = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(step1)
+ {
+ //step2 L...(<>)? :: L... -->skip all the blank
+ bool step2 = true;
+ tmpnstart = nstart-1;
+ while (tmpnstart>=0)
+ {
+ char curChar = aFile[tmpnstart];
+ if (curChar==' ' || curChar =='\n' || curChar=='\r' ||curChar=='\t')
+ {
+ tmpnstart--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(tmpnstart<=0)
+ {
+ tmpnstart = 0;
+ step2 = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char curChar = aFile[tmpnstart];
+ if (curChar=='>')
+ {
+ tmpnstart = GetLeftTmpltParentBack(aFile,tmpnstart-1);
+ if(tmpnstart==string::npos)
+ {
+ //bad pattern
+ step2 =false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tmpnstart --;
+ }
+ }
+ if(tmpnstart==string::npos)
+ {
+ //bad pattern
+ step2 =false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (tmpnstart>=0)
+ {
+ curChar = aFile[tmpnstart];
+ if (curChar==' ' || curChar =='\n' || curChar=='\r' ||curChar=='\t')
+ {
+ tmpnstart--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(tmpnstart <=0)
+ {
+ tmpnstart=0;
+ step2=false;
+ }
+ while (tmpnstart>=0)
+ {
+ curChar = aFile[tmpnstart];
+ if (curChar=='_' || (curChar>='a' && curChar<='z') || (curChar>='A' && curChar<='Z') ||(curChar>='0' && curChar<='9'))
+ {
+ tmpnstart--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ tmpnstart++;
+ if (tmpnstart<0)
+ {
+ tmpnstart=0;
+ step2=false;
+ }
+ if ( step2 && aFile[tmpnstart]=='L')
+ {
+ realnstart = tmpnstart;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // start looking for function name after '('
+ nstart = aFile.find_last_of(validNameChars,parenPostn-1);
+ if(nstart == string::npos)
+ return E_False;
+ }
+ }
+ uint semiPos = SmartFind(aFile, ";", nstart + 1);
+ if (semiPos == string::npos || semiPos >= aFile.length())
+ return E_False;
+ uint parenPos = SmartFind(aFile, "(", nstart + 1);
+ if (parenPos == string::npos || parenPos >= aFile.length())
+ return E_False;
+ start = SmartFind(aFile, "{", nstart + 1); // advance start
+ if (start == string::npos || start >= aFile.length())
+ return E_False;
+ uint nstart2 = SmartFind(aFile, "::", nstart + 1); // next fn
+ // Either (1) Second instance of Double collon is not there and first occurrence of double colon is valid
+ // or (2) second occurrence of double colon is inside the function and first occurrence of double colon is valid
+ if((nstart2 == string::npos && startColon < parenPos && startColon < start) || ( nstart2 > start && startColon < parenPos && startColon < start ))
+ {
+ // This variable will store the first paranthesis position in a temporary variable
+ // uint TempparenPos = parenPos;
+ uint Realstartpost = GetRealStartPosition(aFile,parenPos,1 /*To indicate that a valid double colon exists*/);
+ nstart = Realstartpost+1; // reset
+ break;
+ }
+ // Either Second occurrence of Double-colon is invalid
+ // or Second occurrence of Double-colon exists inside the function
+ // while first occurrence of double colon is valid
+ else if (nstart2 == string::npos || nstart2 >= aFile.length() || (nstart2 != string::npos && nstart2 > start && startColon < parenPos && startColon < start))
+ {
+ // The opening parenthesis which comes fist after opening brace while moving
+ // in backward direction is a valid candidate for function name.
+ // This variable will store the first paranthesis position
+ uint tempParenPos = aFile.find_last_of('(',start);
+ //void foo() throw () {;}
+ if(tempParenPos != string::npos)
+ {
+ uint throwPos = aFile.find("throw",initStart);
+ if(throwPos!=string::npos && throwPos>=initStart && throwPos<start)
+ {
+ tempParenPos = aFile.find_last_of('(',throwPos);
+ if(tempParenPos==string::npos || tempParenPos<initStart)
+ {
+ tempParenPos = aFile.find_last_of('(',throwPos);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (tempParenPos == string::npos)
+ {
+ //FIX this pattern
+ //class A{};
+ //void foo(){fooL();}
+ if(start!=string::npos && semiPos!=string::npos && parenPos!=string::npos&&start<semiPos&&semiPos<parenPos)
+ {
+ start=semiPos+1;
+ return E_Continue;
+ }
+ //FIX this pattern
+ //class B;
+ //class B{};
+ //void foo(){fooL();}
+ else if(start!=string::npos && semiPos!=string::npos && parenPos!=string::npos&&start<parenPos&&semiPos<start)
+ {
+ int tmpRightBracket = GetRightBracket(aFile,start+1);
+ int tmpNextLeftBracket = GetLeftBracket(aFile,tmpRightBracket);
+ int tmpSemiPos = aFile.find(";",tmpRightBracket);
+ if(tmpRightBracket!=string::npos&&tmpNextLeftBracket!=string::npos&&tmpSemiPos!=string::npos)
+ {
+ if(tmpRightBracket<tmpSemiPos && tmpSemiPos<tmpNextLeftBracket)
+ {
+ //skip the content before B{};
+ start = tmpSemiPos;
+ return E_Continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //pattern:
+ //class temp
+ //{
+ //LData func();
+ //};
+ //LData func()
+ //{
+ // foo();
+ //}
+ if(start!=string::npos && semiPos!=string::npos && parenPos!=string::npos&&start<semiPos&&semiPos>parenPos)
+ {
+ int tmpRightBracket = GetRightBracket(aFile,semiPos);
+ if(tmpRightBracket!=string::npos)
+ {
+ start = tmpRightBracket;
+ return E_Continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // No '(' found yet
+ return E_False;
+ }
+ string whiteSpaceChars = " \t\n\r*&";
+ // ignore all tab and spaces and pointer between function name and opening parenthesis
+ uint nend = aFile.find_last_not_of(whiteSpaceChars, --tempParenPos);
+ uint currPos = aFile.find_last_of(whiteSpaceChars, nend);
+ uint startOfBlock = SmartFind(aFile, "{", tempParenPos ); // advance start
+ if (startOfBlock == string::npos || startOfBlock >= aFile.length())
+ return E_False;
+ if (start < tempParenPos || nstart2 < tempParenPos)
+ {
+ start = startOfBlock;
+ }
+ if ((currPos != string::npos) && (currPos < tempParenPos)) // fn1 before fn2
+ nstart = currPos+1; // reset
+ break;
+ }
+ if (semiPos < start) // semi came before brace = prototype
+ start = semiPos;
+ else
+ if (nstart < nstart2 // fn1 before fn2
+ && nstart2 < parenPos) // fn2 before paren
+ start = nstart2; // reset
+ else
+ break;
+ } //while (true);
+ // nstart should be left pointing to first of double colons
+ // start should point to curly brace
+ assert(aFile[start] == '{');
+ // locate the end of the method name
+ nstart = aFile.find_first_of(validNameChars,nstart);
+ if(nstart == string::npos)
+ return E_False;
+ int nend = aFile.find_first_not_of(validNameChars, nstart);
+ if(true == CheckForTemplateFunc(aFile,nstart,nend))
+ {
+ nend = aFile.find_first_of("(",nstart);
+ }
+ if(realnstart!=string::npos && realnstart<nstart)
+ {
+ aName = aFile.substr(realnstart, nend - realnstart);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aName = aFile.substr(nstart, nend - nstart);
+ }
+ //operator
+ if(aName.find("operator")!=string::npos)
+ {
+ nend = aFile.find_first_of("(",nstart);
+ while(nend>=0)
+ {
+ char tmpChar = aFile[nend];
+ if(tmpChar == ' ' || tmpChar == '\n' ||tmpChar == '\t' ||tmpChar == 'r')
+ {
+ nend--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ aName = aFile.substr(nstart, nend - nstart);
+ }
+int typeEnd = aFile.find_last_of(validNameChars,nstart-1);
+int typeStart= aFile.find_last_of(" \t\n\r*&",typeEnd)+1;
+string type=TrimString(aFile.substr(typeStart, typeEnd - typeStart+1));
+ uint closeparenposn = aFile.find_first_of(")", nstart); // advance start
+ if(
+ (false == IsFunctionNameStringNotAMacro(aFile,start,closeparenposn,nstart)) ||
+ (false == IsSemiColonAndAssignmentOccurs(aFile,start,closeparenposn))
+ )
+ {
+ start = SmartFind(aFile, "}", start);
+ return E_Continue;
+ }
+ // rewind nstart until non valid char found
+ safety = 1000000;
+ while (validNameChars.find_first_of(aFile[--nstart]) != string::npos)
+ {
+ if (safety-- == 0)
+ {
+ cout << "ERROR: GetFunc context failure in " << iFileName << "\n";
+ exit(7);
+ }
+ }
+ nstart++; // skip forward to acceptable character
+ // cut name out
+ if(realnstart!=string::npos && realnstart<nstart)
+ {
+ aName = aFile.substr(realnstart, nend - realnstart);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aName = aFile.substr(nstart, nend - nstart);
+ }
+ // truncate the name with zero
+ if(realnstart!=string::npos && realnstart<nstart)
+ {
+ aName[nend-realnstart] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aName[nend-nstart] = 0;
+ }
+ aName = TrimString(aName);
+ uint NameSpaceinFunctionName = SmartFind(aName, "::",0);
+ // Continue processing when Either function name is in comment scope
+ // Or close curly corresponding to function name is followed by semicolon and pattern
+ // for scope resolution operator does not exists in function name
+ if(((true == IsInCommentScopeOrKeyword(aFile,aName,nstart,start))) ||
+ ( (string::npos == NameSpaceinFunctionName) && ((true == CheckValidFuncName(aFile,start)))))
+ {
+ // Yes it is in comment scope
+ start = SmartFind(aFile, "}", start);
+ return E_Continue;
+ }
+ if (Verbose)
+ cout << "Processing method " << iFileName << ": " << aName << "()\n";
+ end = start+1; // start was a curly brace, so place end inside the brace
+ int braceCount = 1; // count the one we've just stepped over & prime loop
+ //uint sanity = 0;
+ uint lpos = end;
+ uint match[E_Last];
+ uint braceDepth = 1;
+ // keep progressing 'end' until braces match, end finishes up at brace+1
+ while (braceCount > 0)
+ {
+ if (Verbose > 1)
+ cout << ".";
+ // reset all types (in case we don't use all of them)
+ int counter;
+ for (counter = E_LCleanedUp; counter < E_Last; counter++)
+ match[counter] = string::npos;
+ match[E_OpenBrace] = aFile.find("{", lpos);
+ match[E_CloseBrace] = aFile.find("}", lpos);
+ match[E_BlockComment] = aFile.find("/*", lpos);
+ match[E_LineComment] = aFile.find("//", lpos);
+ match[E_String] = aFile.find("\"", lpos);
+ match[E_Quote] = aFile.find("\'", lpos);
+ // Check for at least one match-type
+ bool nothingFound = true;
+ for(counter = E_LCleanedUp; counter < E_Last; counter++)
+ {
+ if(match[counter] != string::npos) // if found an item
+ nothingFound = false;
+ }
+ if(nothingFound)
+ {
+ if (Verbose > 1)
+ cout << "\n";
+ cout << "ERROR: " << iFileName << ":" << aName << " failed brace check.\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ // Find the match-type which occurs first and set
+ // lps to its position
+ uint lowestMatchType = FindFirstMatchType(match);
+ lpos = match[lowestMatchType];
+ switch(lowestMatchType)
+ {
+ case E_BlockComment:
+ MoveToEndOfComment(aFile, lpos, string::npos); // lpos modified
+ break;
+ case E_LineComment:
+ MoveToEndOfLine(aFile, lpos, string::npos); // lpos modified
+ break;
+ case E_OpenBrace:
+ braceCount++;
+ if (braceCount > (int)braceDepth)
+ braceDepth = braceCount;
+ lpos++;
+ break;
+ case E_CloseBrace:
+ braceCount--;
+ lpos++;
+ break;
+ case E_String:
+ // we're sat on a quote, so advance
+ lpos++;
+ // Peek(file,lpos);
+ lpos = SmartFindEndOfString(aFile, lpos, '\"');
+ if (lpos != string::npos)
+ lpos++; // skip closing quote
+ break;
+ case E_Quote:
+ lpos++;
+ lpos = SmartFindEndOfString(aFile, lpos, '\'');
+ if (lpos != string::npos)
+ lpos++; // skip closing quote
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (Verbose > 1)
+ cout << "\n";
+ cout << "ERROR: " << iFileName << ":" << aName << " bad match type.\n";
+ exit(1);
+ } //endsw
+ if (lpos == string::npos || lpos == 0 || lpos > aFile.length())
+ {
+ if (Verbose > 1)
+ cout << "\n";
+ cout << "ERROR: " << iFileName << ":" << aName << " failed brace check (EOF).\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ } //endwhile
+ // advance 'end'
+ end = lpos;
+ if (braceDepth > 10)
+ {
+ if (Verbose > 1)
+ cout << "\n";
+ cout << "WARNING: " << iFileName << ":" << aName << " unexpectedly large brace depth.\n";
+ }
+ return E_True;
+// Diagnostic function for displaying the contents of a string
+// starting at 'pos'
+void TLeaveScanModel::Peek(const string aStr, uint aPos)
+#define PEEKBUFFSIZE 20
+ static char peekBuf[PEEKBUFFSIZE];
+ int posn = aPos;
+ int remaining = aStr.length() - posn;
+ if (remaining > (PEEKBUFFSIZE - 1))
+ remaining = PEEKBUFFSIZE;
+ for (int i = 0; i < remaining; i++)
+ peekBuf[i] = aStr[i+posn];
+ peekBuf[remaining] = 0;
+ cout << "-------- Peek -----------\n" << peekBuf << "\n";
+ cout << "-------------------------\n";
+// Given an array of match types, work out which one actually comes first
+// in the string. Effectively this function returns the match type with the
+// lowest 'pos' value.
+uint TLeaveScanModel::FindFirstMatchType(uint aMatchSet[])
+ // load indexOfLowestMatch with the item which comes first in the fn
+ int lowestMatch = 0;
+ for(int i = E_LCleanedUp; i < E_Last; i++)
+ {
+ if((aMatchSet[lowestMatch] == string::npos) // if didn't find one
+ ||(aMatchSet[lowestMatch] > aMatchSet[i] && aMatchSet[i] != string::npos))
+ lowestMatch = i;
+ }
+ // cout << "Lowest match found: " << (int)lowestMatch << "\n";
+ return lowestMatch;
+// Given a string, see if it looks like a macro (e.g. is capitalised)
+bool TLeaveScanModel::IdentifyMacro(const string& str, const uint aPos)
+ string validNameChars = ":~abcdefghilkjmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_1234567890";
+ string LowerNameChars = "abcdefghilkjmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+ // backwind until not valid
+ int start = str.find_last_not_of(validNameChars, aPos);
+ // check for any lower case between start and pos
+ int lower = str.find_first_of(LowerNameChars, start);
+ bool result = false;
+ if (lower < (int)aPos)
+ result = false; // lower case == not macro
+ else
+ result = true;
+ return result;
+// Given a method function bound, search thorough it looking for what appear to be
+// leaving functions (unless it's a leaver itself).
+// Returns false if error was detected signifying that caller should dump the
+// error string.
+bool TLeaveScanModel::CheckFunc(const string& aFile, string &aName,
+ uint start, uint end, bool& aIsLeaver)
+ // entry criteria: name points to the container function name (after double-colon) which
+ // is now null-terminated.
+ // end is the bound for the end of the function (closing curly brace)
+ string extraTypes="CDX";
+ // Look for container name ending in L, or LC, LD, or LX
+ bool isLCFunc =false;
+ aName = TrimString(aName);
+ string className="";
+ className = GetClassName( start);
+ if(className!="")
+ {
+ aName = className+"::"+aName;
+ }
+ if (Verbose > 1)
+ {
+ cout << "Evaluating code:\n";
+ Peek(aFile, start);
+ }
+ if (aName[aName.length()-1] == 'L' ||
+ (aName[aName.length()-2] == 'L' && string::npos != extraTypes.find(aName[aName.length()-1]) ) )
+ //return true; // happy - we can exit since this container is marked as a leaver
+ aIsLeaver = true; // container is marked Leaver - used to return here
+ else if(IsLClassCtor(aName))
+ {
+ aIsLeaver = true;
+ }
+ else
+ aIsLeaver = false; // container not marked Leaver
+ if (aName[aName.length()-1] == 'C' && aName[aName.length()-2] == 'L' )
+ {
+ isLCFunc =true;
+ }
+ //CheckFuncDecl
+ //CheckFuncParam
+ int classNamePos = aFile.rfind(aName, start);
+ if(classNamePos == string::npos)
+ {
+ uint coloncolonPos = aName.find("::");
+ if(coloncolonPos != string::npos)
+ {
+ string shortFuncName = aName.substr(coloncolonPos+2);
+ classNamePos = aFile.rfind(shortFuncName,start);
+ }
+ }
+ string funcParam = GetFunctionParam(aFile, classNamePos-1);
+ if(funcParam != "")
+ {
+ if(funcParam.find("LString")!=string::npos||(funcParam.find("LData")!=string::npos))
+ {
+ if(!aIsLeaver)
+ {
+ cout<<GetErrorLineHead(aFile,classNamePos)<<aName + " uses LString/LData class as parameter"<<endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //CheckFuncHead
+ string funcHead = GetFunctionHead(aFile, classNamePos-1);
+ if(funcHead != "")
+ {
+ if(funcHead.find("LString")!=string::npos||(funcHead.find("LData")!=string::npos))
+ {
+ if(!aIsLeaver)
+ {
+ cout<<GetErrorLineHead(aFile,classNamePos)<<aName + " returns LString/LData class"<<endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // remainder of function exists to deal with non-leaving container
+ bool ok = true;
+ uint bodyLen = end - start;
+ iBody = aFile.substr(start, bodyLen); // bound the string to end
+ uint lpos = 0;
+ uint match[E_Last]; // create some search-result slots
+ string extraTypesAndSpace=" CDX";
+ bool keepProcessing = true; // keep going unless we run out of data or bail
+ uint sanity = 1000000;
+ while (lpos < bodyLen && keepProcessing == true)
+ {
+ if (sanity-- == 0)
+ {
+ cout << "\nERROR: " << iFileName << ": " << aName << " context failure.\n";
+ exit(4);
+ }
+ if (Verbose > 1)
+ cout << "?";
+ // Scans for a whole set of items from position lpos.
+ // string::npos returned if not found
+ // reset all types (in case we don't use all of them)
+ int counter;
+ for (counter = E_LCleanedUp; counter < E_Last; counter++)
+ match[counter] = string::npos;
+ match[E_Ell] = iBody.find("L", lpos);
+ match[E_Trap] = iBody.find("TRAP", lpos);
+ match[E_BlockComment] = iBody.find("/*", lpos);
+ match[E_LineComment] = iBody.find("//", lpos);
+ match[E_Eleave] = iBody.find("ELeave", lpos);
+ match[E_UserEleave] = iBody.find("User::Leave", lpos);
+ match[E_String] = iBody.find("\"", lpos);
+ match[E_Quote] = iBody.find("\'", lpos);
+ match[E_OrLeave] = iBody.find("OR_LEAVE", lpos);
+ match[E_LCleanedUp] = iBody.find("LCleanedup", lpos);
+ match[E_LString] = iBody.find("LString", lpos);
+ match[E_LManaged] = iBody.find("LManaged", lpos);
+ match[E_LData] = iBody.find("LData", lpos);
+ // Check for at least one match-type
+ bool doBreak = true;
+ for(counter = E_LCleanedUp; counter < E_Last; counter++)
+ {
+ if(match[counter] != string::npos) // if found an item
+ doBreak = false;
+ }
+ if(doBreak)
+ break; // found nothing of interest in this method function
+ // Find the match-type which occurs first and set
+ // lps to its position
+ uint lowestMatchType = FindFirstMatchType(match);
+ lpos = match[lowestMatchType];
+ switch(lowestMatchType) // what type was it?
+ {
+ case E_BlockComment:
+ MoveToEndOfComment(iBody, lpos, bodyLen); // lpos modified
+ break;
+ case E_LineComment:
+ MoveToEndOfLine(iBody, lpos, bodyLen); // lpos modified
+ break;
+ case E_Trap:
+ if (! MoveToEndOfTrapHarness(iBody, lpos, bodyLen)) // lpos modified
+ {
+ iErrorString = aName + " structure Fault-Unclosed bracket after TRAP harness.";
+ iPositionOfError = lpos;
+ keepProcessing = false; // bail
+ }
+ break;
+ case E_Eleave:
+ ok = false;
+ iErrorString = aName + " calls new(ELeave).";
+ iPositionOfError = match[E_Eleave];
+ keepProcessing = false; // bail
+ break;
+ case E_OrLeave:
+ ok = false;
+ iErrorString = aName + " calls OR_LEAVE.";
+ iPositionOfError = match[E_OrLeave];
+ keepProcessing = false; // bail
+ break;
+ case E_LCleanedUp:
+ ok = false;
+ iErrorString = aName + " uses LCleanedup* class.";
+ iPositionOfError = match[E_LCleanedUp];
+ keepProcessing = false; // bail
+ break;
+ case E_LString:
+ ok = false;
+ iErrorString = aName + " uses LString* class.";
+ iPositionOfError = match[E_LString];
+ keepProcessing = false; // bail
+ break;
+ case E_LManaged:
+ ok = false;
+ iErrorString = aName + " uses LManaged* class.";
+ iPositionOfError = match[E_LManaged];
+ keepProcessing = false; // bail
+ break;
+ case E_LData:
+ ok = false;
+ iErrorString = aName + " uses LData* class.";
+ iPositionOfError = match[E_LData];
+ keepProcessing = false; // bail
+ break;
+ case E_UserEleave:
+ ok = false;
+ iErrorString = aName + " calls User::Leave() or User::LeaveIfError().";
+ iPositionOfError = match[E_UserEleave];
+ AppendCommentToErrorString(bodyLen);
+ keepProcessing = false; // bail
+ break;
+ case E_Ell:
+ // Found an L, but is there an underbar before it,
+ // AND (one of 'CDX ' AND a brace OR just a brace) _L[CDX ](
+ if ((iBody[lpos - 1] != '_') &&
+ (((string::npos != extraTypesAndSpace.find(iBody[lpos + 1]))
+ && (iBody[lpos + 2] == '(')) || (iBody[lpos + 1] == '(')) )
+ {
+ if (IdentifyMacro(iBody, lpos))
+ {
+ ok = false;
+ iErrorString = aName + " may employ a macro.";
+ iPositionOfError = match[E_Ell];
+ if(!AppendCommentToErrorString(bodyLen))
+ keepProcessing = false; // keep going if possible
+ lpos++;
+ break; // don't bail - false alarm
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (Verbose > 1)
+ {
+ cout << "Leaver found: \n";
+ Peek(iBody, lpos);
+ }
+ }
+ ok = false;
+ iErrorString = aName + " calls a function that can leave.";
+ iPositionOfError = match[E_Ell];
+ if(!AppendCommentToErrorString(bodyLen))
+ keepProcessing = false; // keep going if possible
+ }
+ lpos++; // move on over the L
+ break;
+ case E_String:
+ lpos++;
+ lpos = SmartFindEndOfString(iBody, lpos, '\"');
+ if (lpos == string::npos)
+ keepProcessing = false;
+ else
+ lpos++; // skip closing quote
+ break;
+ case E_Quote:
+ lpos++;
+ lpos = SmartFindEndOfString(iBody, lpos, '\'');
+ if (lpos == string::npos)
+ keepProcessing = false;
+ else
+ lpos++; // skip closing quote
+ break;
+ default:
+ cout << "\nERROR: " << iFileName << ": " << aName << " unexpected match type.\n";
+ exit(1);
+ } // endsw
+ //LCleanedup and LManaged cann't be TRAPed
+ /*
+ if (match[E_LCleanedUp]==string::npos && match[E_LManaged]==string::npos)
+ {
+ }
+ if(match[E_LCleanedUp]!=string::npos && match[E_LManaged]==string::npos)
+ {
+ ok = false;
+ iErrorString = aName + " uses LCleanedup class.";
+ iPositionOfError = match[E_LCleanedUp];
+ keepProcessing = false; // bail
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(match[E_LManaged]!=string::npos && match[E_LCleanedUp]==string::npos)
+ {
+ ok = false;
+ iErrorString = aName + " uses LManaged* class.";
+ iPositionOfError = match[E_LManaged];
+ keepProcessing = false; // bail
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(match[E_LCleanedUp]<match[E_LManaged])
+ {
+ ok = false;
+ iErrorString = aName + " uses LCleanedup class.";
+ iPositionOfError = match[E_LCleanedUp];
+ keepProcessing = false; // bail
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(match[E_LCleanedUp]>match[E_LManaged])
+ {
+ ok = false;
+ iErrorString = aName + " uses LManaged* class.";
+ iPositionOfError = match[E_LManaged];
+ keepProcessing = false; // bail
+ break;
+ }
+ */
+ //check:An LCleanedup class is used in the same function body as the Classic cleanup stack API
+ if(match[E_LCleanedUp]!=string::npos)
+ {
+ uint newLCPos = iBody.find("NewLC");
+ uint pushLPos = string::npos; //Cleanedup::PushL()-->find Cleanedup
+ uint bodyLen = iBody.length();
+ for(uint tmpPos = 0;tmpPos<bodyLen;)
+ {
+ pushLPos = iBody.find("CleanupStack",tmpPos);
+ if (pushLPos == string::npos)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(pushLPos>0)
+ {
+ if(iBody[pushLPos-1]=='L')
+ {
+ tmpPos++;
+ pushLPos = string::npos;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //uint new
+ uint lcleanedUpPos = match[E_LCleanedUp];
+ if(newLCPos!=string::npos && pushLPos!=string::npos)
+ {
+ if(newLCPos<pushLPos)
+ {
+ cout<<GetErrorLineHead(aFile,start+newLCPos)<<aName<<" uses NewLC method with LCleanedup* class.\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cout<<GetErrorLineHead(aFile,start+pushLPos)<<aName<<" uses classic CleanupStack method with LCleanedup* class.\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(newLCPos!=string::npos)
+ {
+ cout<<GetErrorLineHead(aFile,start+newLCPos)<<aName<<" uses NewLC method with LCleanedup* class.\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(pushLPos!=string::npos)
+ {
+ cout<<GetErrorLineHead(aFile,start+pushLPos)<<aName<<" uses classic CleanupStack with LCleanedup* class.\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } // endwhile
+ if (Verbose > 1)
+ cout << "END\n";
+ return ok;
+// Move an index forward to the start of a close-comment
+void TLeaveScanModel::MoveToEndOfComment(const string& aStr, uint& aIndex, uint aLen)
+ uint endOfComment=aStr.find("*/",aIndex);
+ aIndex=(endOfComment == string::npos ? aLen : endOfComment+2);
+// Move an index forward to the EOL (\n)
+void TLeaveScanModel::MoveToEndOfLine(const string& aStr, uint& aIndex, uint aLen)
+ uint endOfLine=aStr.find('\n',aIndex);
+ aIndex=(endOfLine==string::npos ? aLen : endOfLine);
+// Move an index forward to a closing quote (specified by x)
+void TLeaveScanModel::MoveToEndOfString(const string& aStr, uint& aIndex, uint aLen, char aQuote)
+ uint endOfLine=aStr.find(aQuote,aIndex);
+ aIndex=(endOfLine==string::npos ? aLen : endOfLine);
+// Move to end of a trap harness
+bool TLeaveScanModel::MoveToEndOfTrapHarness(const string& aStr, uint& aIndex, uint aLen)
+ uint bracketLevel=1;
+ uint closeBracket;
+ uint openBracket=aStr.find('(',aIndex);
+ bool cleanExit=true;
+ uint newIndex;
+ for(newIndex = openBracket; bracketLevel;)
+ {
+ closeBracket=aStr.find(')',newIndex+1);
+ openBracket=aStr.find('(',newIndex+1);
+ if (openBracket<closeBracket && openBracket!=string::npos)
+ {
+ bracketLevel++;
+ newIndex=openBracket;
+ }
+ else if ((closeBracket<openBracket && closeBracket!=string::npos)
+ || (closeBracket!=string::npos && openBracket==string::npos))
+ {
+ bracketLevel--;
+ newIndex=closeBracket;
+ }
+ else //bad structure
+ {
+ cleanExit=false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ aIndex=(cleanExit ? newIndex : aLen);
+ return cleanExit;
+// Report the current error - note works on class member iText
+void TLeaveScanModel::ReportErrorLineAndString(uint aStart)
+ int positionInBody=aStart+iPositionOfError;
+ int positionOfNextLine=iText.find('\n',positionInBody+1);
+ if(positionOfNextLine==string::npos)
+ positionOfNextLine=iText.length()-1; //the first char could be '\n'
+ int positionOfLine=-1;
+ int lineNum;
+ for(lineNum=0 ;positionOfLine<positionOfNextLine;lineNum++)
+ positionOfLine=iText.find('\n',positionOfLine+1);
+ cout << iFileName <<"("<< lineNum << ") : " << iErrorString << "\n";
+//calculate filename ,fileline
+string TLeaveScanModel::GetErrorLineHead(const string& aText, uint aPos)
+ int lineNum=1;
+ char curChar=0;
+ //i did not count '\r'
+ for(int curPos=0;curPos<=aPos;curPos++)
+ {
+ curChar = aText[curPos];
+ if(curChar=='\n')
+ {
+ lineNum++;
+ }
+ }
+ stringstream sstrm;
+ sstrm<<iFileName << string("(")<<lineNum<<string(") : ");
+ return sstrm.str();
+//Get a class name from class list
+//may return wrong name if there are inner classes
+string TLeaveScanModel::GetClassName(uint aStart)
+ list<ClassMeta>::iterator iter;
+ for(iter=iClassList.begin();iter!=iClassList.end();iter++)
+ {
+ if(iter->startPos<=aStart && iter->endPos >= aStart)
+ {
+ return iter->className;
+ }
+ }
+ return "";
+// Add to the current error string - note works on class member iBody
+bool TLeaveScanModel::AppendCommentToErrorString(uint aEnd)
+ bool qualified = true;
+ uint commentPosition = iBody.find("//",iPositionOfError+1);
+ uint endOfLinePosition = iBody.find('\n',iPositionOfError+1);
+ if((commentPosition < endOfLinePosition) && (commentPosition != string::npos))
+ iErrorString+=" QUALIFIED WITH-> "+iBody.substr(commentPosition,endOfLinePosition-commentPosition);
+ else if(endOfLinePosition==string::npos && commentPosition!=string::npos)
+ iErrorString+=" QUALIFIED WITH-> "+iBody.substr(commentPosition,aEnd-commentPosition);
+ else //no comment
+ {
+ iErrorString+=" UnQualified.";
+ qualified = false;
+ }
+ return qualified;
+// Find the end of a string, but cope with escaped quotes
+uint TLeaveScanModel::SmartFindEndOfString(const string& aStr, uint aPos, char aQuote)
+ FOREVER//while(true)
+ {
+ MoveToEndOfString(aStr, aPos, string::npos, aQuote);
+ if (aPos == string::npos) // end of fn
+ return aPos;
+ if (aStr[aPos - 1] != '\\')
+ return aPos;
+ // looks like we have an escaped quote
+ if (aStr[aPos - 2] == '\\')
+ { // escape was itself quoted, so string end is real
+ return aPos;
+ }
+ else
+ { // quote is escaped - carry on
+ if (Verbose > 1)
+ cout << "\n";
+ cout << "WARNING: " << iFileName << ": detected quoted string.\n";
+ aPos++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ } //while
+// Find a target string from a given start position, but ignore targets buried
+// within comments, or strings.
+uint TLeaveScanModel::SmartFind(const string& aStr, const string& aTarget, uint aStart)
+ uint found,cstart;
+ FOREVER//while(1)
+ {
+ // cout << "Searching for target from: " << aStart << "\n";
+ // record found target
+ found = aStr.find(aTarget, aStart);
+ if (found == string::npos)
+ return(string::npos);
+ // cout << "Target candidate found at: " << found << "\n";
+ // look for earlier comment
+ cstart = aStr.find("//", aStart);
+ if (cstart < found) // earlier
+ {
+ aStart = cstart; // reset start to after comment
+ // cout << "Earlier comment found at: " << start << "\n";
+ MoveToEndOfLine(aStr, aStart, string::npos);
+ // cout << "Start advanced to: " << aStart << "\n";
+ if (aStart == string::npos)
+ return(aStart);
+ else
+ continue; // start search again
+ }
+ // do the same for block comments
+ cstart = aStr.find("/*", aStart);
+ if (cstart < found)
+ {
+ aStart = cstart;
+ // cout << "Earlier block found at: " << aStart << "\n";
+ MoveToEndOfComment(aStr, aStart, string::npos);
+ // cout << "Start advanced to: " << aStart << "\n";
+ if (aStart == string::npos)
+ return(aStart);
+ else
+ continue;
+ }
+ cstart = aStr.find("\"", aStart);
+ if (cstart < found)
+ {
+ aStart = cstart + 1;
+ MoveToEndOfString(aStr, aStart, string::npos, '\"');
+ if (aStart == string::npos)
+ return(aStart);
+ else
+ {
+ aStart++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ cstart = aStr.find("\'", aStart);
+ if (cstart < found)
+ {
+ aStart = cstart + 1;
+ MoveToEndOfString(aStr, aStart, string::npos, '\'');
+ if (aStart == string::npos)
+ return(aStart);
+ else
+ {
+ aStart++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ return(found); // quit loop
+ } // endwhile
+ * Decide the "class" is keyword
+ * e.g
+ * class -> true
+ * Aclass ->false
+ * classA ->false
+ */
+bool TLeaveScanModel::IsClassKeyword(const string& aText, uint aBegin, uint aEnd)
+ bool tmpBefore =false;
+ bool tmpAfter =false;
+ int len = aText.size();
+ if(aBegin==0)
+ {
+ tmpBefore = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char tmpChar = aText[aBegin-1];
+ if(tmpChar==' ' || tmpChar=='\n' || tmpChar=='\r' || tmpChar=='\t' || tmpChar=='{'|| tmpChar=='}'|| tmpChar==';')
+ {
+ tmpBefore = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(aEnd==len-1)
+ {
+ tmpAfter = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char tmpChar = aText[aEnd+1];
+ if(tmpChar==' ' || tmpChar=='\n' || tmpChar=='\r' || tmpChar=='{' || tmpChar=='('|| tmpChar==':')
+ {
+ tmpAfter = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return tmpAfter&&tmpBefore;
+ * combine escaped lines to one line.
+ */
+string TLeaveScanModel::CombineLine(const string& aText)
+ if(aText.size()<0) return string("");
+ int curPos = 0;
+ int curState = PPSTATE_NORMAL;
+ int firstPos = 0;
+ int stringSize = aText.size();
+ int newlineCount=0;
+ string newText("");
+ while(curPos< stringSize)
+ {
+ //remove "\"
+ switch(curState)
+ {
+ {
+ char curChar=aText[curPos];
+ if(curChar=='\\')
+ {
+ // '\\\n" | "\\\r"
+ if(stringSize>(curPos+1)&&IsNewLine(aText[curPos+1]))
+ {
+ newText.append(aText.substr(firstPos,curPos-firstPos));
+ curPos+=1;
+ newlineCount+=1;
+ }
+ else if(IsLastChar(curPos,stringSize))
+ {
+ curPos++;
+ firstPos++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curPos++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(IsNewLine(curChar))
+ {
+ if (newlineCount>0)
+ {
+ newText.append(aText.substr(firstPos,curPos-firstPos));
+ while(newlineCount>= 0)
+ {
+ newText.append("\n");
+ newlineCount--;
+ }
+ newlineCount=0;
+ curPos++;
+ firstPos=curPos;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curPos++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curPos++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if(stringSize-curPos>1)
+ {
+ if(
+ (aText[curPos]=='\n'&&aText[curPos+1]=='\r')
+ ||
+ (aText[curPos]=='\r'&&aText[curPos+1]=='\n')
+ )
+ {
+ curPos+=2;
+ firstPos=curPos;
+ }
+ else if(IsNewLine(aText[curPos]))
+ {
+ curPos+=1;
+ firstPos=curPos;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //EOF
+ return newText;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ newText.append(aText.substr(firstPos,curPos-firstPos));
+ return newText;
+ * C Preprocess
+ * a.remove single line comment
+ * b.remove mul-lines comment
+ * c.remove #command
+ * e.string literal -> blank string
+ */
+string TLeaveScanModel::PreProcess(const string& aText)
+ string afterCombine = CombineLine(aText);
+ //cout<<"before:"<<endl<<afterCombine<<endl;
+ if(afterCombine.size()<0) return string("");
+ int curPos = 0;
+ int curState = PPSTATE_NORMAL;
+ int firstPos = 0;
+ int stringSize = aText.size();
+ int newlineCount=0;
+ int blankCount=2;
+ string newText("");
+ while(curPos< stringSize)
+ {
+ switch(curState)
+ {
+ {
+ char curChar = afterCombine[curPos];
+ if(curChar=='/')
+ {
+ if(HasEnoughChar(curPos,stringSize,1))
+ {
+ if('/'==afterCombine[curPos+1])
+ {
+ newText.append(afterCombine.substr(firstPos,curPos-firstPos));
+ curPos+=2;
+ }
+ else if('*'==afterCombine[curPos+1])
+ {
+ newText.append(afterCombine.substr(firstPos,curPos-firstPos));
+ curPos+=2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curPos++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curPos++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(curChar=='"')
+ {
+ if(curPos>0&&(afterCombine[curPos-1]!='\\'&&afterCombine[curPos-1]!='\''))
+ {
+ newText.append(afterCombine.substr(firstPos,curPos-firstPos+1));
+ }
+ curPos+=1;
+ }
+ else if(curChar=='#')
+ {
+ //if # is the first non-blank char of line, comment this line
+ bool checkSharp=true;
+ for(int i=curPos-1;i>=0;i--)
+ {
+ char tmpChar = afterCombine[i];
+ if(tmpChar==' '||tmpChar=='\t'||tmpChar=='\f')
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if(tmpChar=='\n' || tmpChar=='\t')
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ checkSharp=false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(checkSharp)
+ {
+ newText.append(afterCombine.substr(firstPos,curPos-firstPos));
+ }
+ curPos+=1;
+ }
+ else if(HasEnoughChar(curPos,stringSize,5))
+ {
+ if(curChar=='s'&&afterCombine[curPos+1]=='t'&&afterCombine[curPos+2]=='r'&&afterCombine[curPos+3]=='u'&&afterCombine[curPos+4]=='c'&&afterCombine[curPos+5]=='t'&&IsClassKeyword(aText,curPos,curPos+5))
+ {
+ newText.append(afterCombine.substr(firstPos,curPos-firstPos));
+ newText.append("class ");
+ curPos+=6;
+ firstPos=curPos;
+ }
+ else if(curChar=='N'&&HasEnoughChar(curPos,stringSize,11)&&afterCombine[curPos+1]=='O'&&afterCombine[curPos+2]=='N'&&afterCombine[curPos+3]=='S'&&afterCombine[curPos+4]=='H'&&afterCombine[curPos+5]=='A'&&afterCombine[curPos+6]=='R'&&afterCombine[curPos+7]=='A'&&afterCombine[curPos+8]=='B'&&afterCombine[curPos+9]=='L'&&afterCombine[curPos+10]=='E'&&afterCombine[curPos+11]=='_')
+ {
+ if(HasEnoughChar(curPos,stringSize,5))
+ {
+ if(afterCombine[curPos+12]=='C'&&afterCombine[curPos+13]=='L'&&afterCombine[curPos+14]=='A'&&afterCombine[curPos+15]=='S'&&afterCombine[curPos+16]=='S'&&IsClassKeyword(aText,curPos,curPos+16))
+ {
+ newText.append(afterCombine.substr(firstPos,curPos-firstPos));
+ newText.append("class");
+ for(int i=0;i<12;i++)
+ {
+ newText.append(" ");
+ }
+ curPos+=17;
+ firstPos=curPos;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(HasEnoughChar(curPos,stringSize,6))
+ {
+ if(afterCombine[curPos+12]=='S'&&afterCombine[curPos+13]=='T'&&afterCombine[curPos+14]=='R'&&afterCombine[curPos+15]=='U'&&afterCombine[curPos+16]=='C'&&afterCombine[curPos+17]=='T'&&IsClassKeyword(aText,curPos,curPos+17))
+ {
+ newText.append(afterCombine.substr(firstPos,curPos-firstPos));
+ newText.append("class");
+ for(int i=0;i<13;i++)
+ {
+ newText.append(" ");
+ }
+ curPos+=18;
+ firstPos=curPos;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ curPos++;
+ }//end of nonsharable
+ else
+ {
+ curPos++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curPos++;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ while(curPos< stringSize)
+ {
+ if(IsNewLine(afterCombine[curPos]))
+ {
+ if(stringSize-curPos>1)
+ {
+ if(
+ (afterCombine[curPos]=='\n'&&afterCombine[curPos+1]=='\r')
+ ||
+ (afterCombine[curPos]=='\r'&&afterCombine[curPos+1]=='\n')
+ )
+ {
+ curPos+=2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curPos+=1;
+ }
+ firstPos=curPos;
+ newText.append("\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newText.append("\n");
+ return newText;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curPos++;
+ }
+ }
+ firstPos=curPos;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ blankCount=2;
+ while(curPos< stringSize)
+ {
+ if(!HasEnoughChar(curPos,stringSize,1))
+ {
+ return newText;
+ }
+ if(afterCombine[curPos]=='*' && afterCombine[curPos+1]=='/')
+ {
+ curPos+=2;
+ firstPos=curPos;
+ blankCount+=2;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(IsNewLine(afterCombine[curPos]))
+ {
+ if(HasEnoughChar(curPos,stringSize,1))
+ {
+ if(
+ (afterCombine[curPos]=='\n'&&afterCombine[curPos+1]=='\r')
+ ||
+ (afterCombine[curPos]=='\r'&&afterCombine[curPos+1]=='\n')
+ )
+ {
+ curPos+=2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curPos+=1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curPos+=1;
+ }
+ while (blankCount-->0)
+ {
+ newText.append(" ");
+ }
+ newText.append("\n");
+ blankCount=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curPos++;
+ blankCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ firstPos=curPos;
+ while (blankCount-->0)
+ {
+ newText.append(" ");
+ }
+ blankCount=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ blankCount=0;
+ while(curPos< stringSize)
+ {
+ if((afterCombine[curPos]=='"' )&& (afterCombine[curPos-1]!='\\'))
+ {
+ curPos+=1;
+ firstPos=curPos;
+ while (blankCount-->0)
+ {
+ newText.append(" ");
+ }
+ newText.append("\"");
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(curPos>1 && (afterCombine[curPos]=='"' )&& (afterCombine[curPos-1]=='\\')&&(afterCombine[curPos-2]=='\\'))
+ {
+ curPos+=1;
+ firstPos=curPos;
+ while (blankCount-->0)
+ {
+ newText.append(" ");
+ }
+ newText.append("\"");
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curPos++;
+ blankCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ newText.append(afterCombine.substr(firstPos,curPos-firstPos));
+ return newText;
+ * Get next matched '{'
+ */
+int TLeaveScanModel::GetLeftBracket(const string& aText,uint pos)
+ int len =aText.size();
+ if(pos>=len)
+ {
+ return string::npos;
+ }
+ while(pos<len)
+ {
+ if(aText[pos]=='{')
+ {
+ return pos;
+ }
+ pos++;
+ }
+ return string::npos;
+ * Get next matched '}'
+ */
+int TLeaveScanModel::GetRightBracket(const string& aText,uint pos)
+ int len = aText.size();
+ if(pos>=len)
+ {
+ return string::npos;
+ }
+ int parentCount = 1;
+ while(pos<len)
+ {
+ if(aText[pos]=='{')
+ {
+ parentCount++;
+ }
+ else if (aText[pos]=='}' )
+ {
+ parentCount--;
+ if(parentCount==0)
+ {
+ return pos;
+ }
+ }
+ pos++;
+ }
+ return string::npos;
+ Get next '('
+ */
+int TLeaveScanModel::GetLeftParenthesis(const string& aText,uint pos)
+ int len =aText.size();
+ if(pos>=len)
+ {
+ return string::npos;
+ }
+ while(pos<len)
+ {
+ char curChar = aText[pos];
+ if(curChar=='(')
+ {
+ return pos;
+ }
+ pos++;
+ }
+ return string::npos;
+ * Get next matched ')'
+ */
+int TLeaveScanModel::GetRightParenthesis(const string& aText,uint pos)
+ int len = aText.size();
+ if(pos>=len)
+ {
+ return string::npos;
+ }
+ int parentCount = 1;
+ while(pos<len)
+ {
+ char curChar = aText[pos];
+ if(curChar=='(')
+ {
+ parentCount++;
+ }
+ else if (curChar==')' )
+ {
+ parentCount--;
+ if(parentCount==0)
+ {
+ return pos;
+ }
+ }
+ pos++;
+ }
+ return string::npos;
+ Get next '<' by pair
+ */
+int TLeaveScanModel::GetLeftTmpltParentBack(const string& aText,uint pos)
+ int count=1;
+ if (pos<=0)
+ {
+ return string::npos;
+ }
+ while(pos>0)
+ {
+ char curChar = aText[pos];
+ if(curChar=='<')
+ {
+ count--;
+ if (count <= 0)
+ return pos;
+ }
+ else if(curChar=='>')
+ {
+ count++;
+ }
+ pos--;
+ }
+ return string::npos;
+ * Get next matched '>'
+ */
+int TLeaveScanModel::GetRightTmpltParent(const string& aText,uint pos)
+ int len = aText.size();
+ if(pos>=len)
+ {
+ return string::npos;
+ }
+ int parentCount = 1;
+ while(pos<len)
+ {
+ char curChar = aText[pos];
+ if(curChar=='<')
+ {
+ parentCount++;
+ }
+ else if (curChar=='>' )
+ {
+ parentCount--;
+ if(parentCount==0)
+ {
+ return pos;
+ }
+ }
+ pos++;
+ }
+ return string::npos;
+ *Get the start and end position of a class
+ */
+list<ClassMeta> TLeaveScanModel::GetClass(const string& aFile)
+ int len= aFile.size();
+ int startPos=0;
+ int nextClassPos=-1;
+ list<ClassMeta> classList;
+ //struct ,NONSHARABLE_CLASS,NONSHARABLE_STRUCT should be parsed to 'class' in pp stage
+ while((nextClassPos = aFile.find("class",startPos))!=string::npos)
+ {
+ char classSuffix = aFile[nextClassPos+5]; //the char after class
+ if(classSuffix!=' '&& classSuffix!='\n' && classSuffix!='\r' && classSuffix!='\t'&& classSuffix!=':'&&classSuffix!='{')
+ {
+ nextClassPos++;
+ startPos=nextClassPos;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*no use*/
+ /*
+ if(nextClassPos>0)
+ {
+ char classPrfix = aFile[nextClassPos-1];
+ if (classPrfix =='_' || (classPrfix>='a' && classPrfix<='z') || (classPrfix>='A' && classPrfix<='Z') || (classPrfix>='0' && classPrfix<='9'))
+ {
+ nextClassPos++;
+ startPos=nextClassPos;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ if(nextClassPos >0 )
+ {
+ char classPrefix = aFile[nextClassPos-1];
+ if(classPrefix!=' '&& classPrefix!='\n' && classPrefix!='\r' && classPrefix!='\t'&& classPrefix!='{'&& classPrefix!='>'&& classPrefix!='}')
+ {
+ nextClassPos++;
+ startPos=nextClassPos;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ //pattern: template< ...class...>
+ int checkTemplate = nextClassPos-1;
+ bool isTemplateClass = false;
+ while(checkTemplate >= 0)
+ {
+ char checkTempChar = aFile[checkTemplate];
+ if(checkTempChar==' '|| checkTempChar=='\n' || checkTempChar=='\r' ||checkTempChar=='\t')
+ {
+ checkTemplate --;
+ }
+ else if(checkTempChar=='>') //template<> class
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(checkTempChar=='<')
+ {
+ isTemplateClass =true;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(checkTempChar==',') //template<typename a, class T>
+ {
+ isTemplateClass =true;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(isTemplateClass)
+ {
+ startPos = nextClassPos+1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ int classStart = GetLeftBracket(aFile,nextClassPos);
+ if(classStart==-1)
+ {
+ break; //there is no more class-body, so we can break dircetly
+ }
+ //skip this pattern
+ //class a;
+ uint semiPos = aFile.find(";",nextClassPos);
+ //such as this pattern:
+ //class a;
+ //class b{};
+ if(semiPos!=string::npos&&semiPos<classStart)
+ {
+ startPos = semiPos;
+ continue;
+ }
+ uint classEnd = GetRightBracket(aFile,classStart+1);
+ if(classEnd == -1)
+ {
+ classEnd = len-1;
+ }
+ //get class name
+ int curClassNamePos = classStart-1;
+ char curClassChar = 0;
+ //find pattern:
+ //class a:publlc b{...
+ uint colonPos = aFile.find(":",nextClassPos);
+ while(colonPos!=string::npos && colonPos<curClassNamePos)
+ {
+ if(colonPos != string::npos && colonPos < classStart)
+ {
+ uint secondColonPos = aFile.find(":",colonPos+1);
+ if(secondColonPos != string::npos && secondColonPos!=(colonPos+1))
+ {
+ curClassNamePos = colonPos-1;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if(secondColonPos == string::npos)
+ {
+ curClassNamePos = colonPos-1;
+ break;
+ }
+ //find ::
+ else
+ {
+ colonPos = aFile.find(":",colonPos+2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //skip white spaces
+ while(curClassNamePos >= nextClassPos)
+ {
+ curClassChar = aFile[curClassNamePos];
+ if(curClassChar ==' ' || curClassChar =='\t' || curClassChar =='\n' ||curClassChar=='\r' ||curClassChar==')')
+ {
+ curClassNamePos--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ int classNameEnd = curClassNamePos;
+ while(curClassNamePos>=nextClassPos)
+ {
+ curClassChar = aFile[curClassNamePos];
+ if(curClassChar ==' ' || curClassChar =='\t' || curClassChar =='\n' ||curClassChar=='\r'||curClassChar==':'||curClassChar=='(')
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curClassNamePos--;
+ }
+ }
+ int classNameStart = curClassNamePos+1; //cur is a blank
+ string curClassName = TrimString(aFile.substr(classNameStart,classNameEnd-classNameStart+1));
+ if (curClassName == "class")
+ {
+ curClassName = "anonymous-class";
+ }
+ ClassMeta curClass;
+ curClass.startPos=classStart;
+ curClass.endPos=classEnd;
+ curClass.className = curClassName;
+ classList.push_back(curClass);
+ startPos=nextClassPos+1;
+ }
+ return classList;
+ * parse the class and check it
+ * */
+void TLeaveScanModel::CheckClass(const string& aText ,const string& aClassName , uint start,uint end)
+ start=start+1;
+ int curPos = start;
+ end=end-1;
+ if(end<=start) return;
+ //int colonCount=0;
+ int curStart= curPos;
+ int curEnd = curStart;
+ int curType = E_NA;
+ int curLine = 0; // wrong!!!
+ int len = aText.size();
+ string functionHead="";
+ string functionArgu="";
+ string functionBody="";
+ string memberDef="";
+ for(curPos = start;curPos<=end;curPos++)
+ {
+ char curChar = aText[curPos];
+ switch(curChar)
+ {
+ case ':':
+ if (aText[curPos+1]==':')// a '::'
+ {
+ //skip second :
+ curPos+=1;
+ }
+ //such as ctor_init_list
+ else if(curType == E_MemberFunctionDecl || curType==E_MemberFunctionDef)
+ {
+ //nothing
+ }
+ else //such as "public:" ->ignore
+ {
+ curStart = curPos+1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '{':
+ if(curType ==E_MemberFunctionDecl )
+ {
+ curType = E_MemberFunctionDef;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curType = E_Enum;
+ }
+ curEnd = GetRightBracket(aText,curPos+1);
+ functionBody = aText.substr(curPos,curEnd-curPos+1);
+ //check in class function
+ if(E_MemberFunctionDef==curType)
+ {
+ CheckInClassFunc(aText,aClassName,functionHead,curPos,curEnd);
+ }
+ curPos = curEnd;
+ curStart =curPos;
+ curType = E_NA;
+ break;
+ case '(':
+ curType = E_MemberFunctionDecl;
+ curEnd = GetRightParenthesis(aText,curPos+1);
+ functionHead = aText.substr(curStart,curPos-curStart);
+ functionArgu = aText.substr(curPos,curEnd-curPos+1);
+ curPos = curEnd;
+ curStart =curPos;
+ break;
+ case ';':
+ if(curType == E_NA)
+ {
+ curType = E_MemberData;
+ }
+ //check point
+ if (curType == E_MemberData)
+ {
+ memberDef = aText.substr(curStart,curPos-curStart);
+ if(memberDef.find("LCleanedup")!=string::npos)
+ {
+ iErrorString = "class "+aClassName+" defines a data member with LCleanedup* type.\n";
+ cout<<GetErrorLineHead(aText, curPos)<<iErrorString;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(curType == E_MemberFunctionDecl)
+ {
+ string funcName = GetFunctNameFromFuncHead(functionHead);
+ string extraTypes="CDX";
+ bool isLeaver = false;
+ if (funcName[funcName.length()-1] == 'L' ||
+ (funcName[funcName.length()-2] == 'L' && string::npos != extraTypes.find(funcName[funcName.length()-1]) ) )
+ {
+ isLeaver = true; // container is marked Leaver - used to return here
+ }
+ else if(IsLClassCtor(aClassName+"::"+funcName))
+ {
+ isLeaver = true;
+ }
+ else
+ isLeaver = false; // container not marked Leaver
+ if(functionHead.find("LString")!=string::npos ||functionHead.find("LData")!=string::npos)
+ {
+ iErrorString = aClassName+"::"+funcName+" returns LString/LData class.\n";
+ if(!isLeaver) cout<<GetErrorLineHead(aText, curPos)<<iErrorString;
+ }
+ if(functionArgu.find("LString")!=string::npos ||functionArgu.find("LData")!=string::npos)
+ {
+ iErrorString = aClassName+"::"+funcName+" uses LString/LData class as parameter.\n";
+ if(!isLeaver) cout<<GetErrorLineHead(aText, curPos)<<iErrorString;
+ }
+ }
+ //set up next check
+ curStart = curPos;
+ curType =E_NA;
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ //check if 'class' and skip the inner class
+ if (HasEnoughChar(curPos,len,5))
+ {
+ if ( aText[curPos+1]=='l' && aText[curPos+2]=='a' && aText[curPos+3]=='s' && aText[curPos+4]=='s' )
+ {
+ char delimiter = aText[curPos+5];
+ //exclude pattern: void classa ()
+ if (!((delimiter >='0' && delimiter <='9') || (delimiter>='a' && delimiter<='z') || (delimiter>='A' && delimiter<='Z') ||(delimiter=='_')))
+ {
+ delimiter = aText[curPos-1];
+ //exclude pattern: void aclass()
+ if(curPos>0 && !((delimiter >='0' && delimiter <='9') || (delimiter>='a' && delimiter<='z') || (delimiter>='A' && delimiter<='Z') ||(delimiter=='_')))
+ {
+ //pattern: template<class T> Ltemp(T x){}
+ uint templatePos = aText.find("template",curStart);
+ if(templatePos != string::npos && templatePos < curPos)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int tmpLeft = GetLeftBracket(aText,curPos+4);
+ int tempRight = GetRightBracket(aText,tmpLeft+1);
+ curPos = tempRight;
+ curStart = curPos;
+ curType = E_NA;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //ignore
+ break;
+ default:
+ //curPos++;
+ break;
+ }
+ //curPos++;
+ }
+ * Is a ctor of L class
+ * */
+bool TLeaveScanModel::IsLClassCtor(const string& aName)
+ //if(aName[0]=='L'&&aName.find("::")!=string::npos)%
+ //{
+ // return true;
+ //}
+ uint colonPos = aName.find("::");
+ if(colonPos == string::npos)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ string s1 = aName.substr(0,colonPos);
+ string s2 = aName.substr(colonPos+2);
+ s1.erase(s1.find_last_not_of(" \t\n\r")+1);
+ s1.erase(0,s1.find_first_not_of(" \t\n\r"));
+ s2.erase(s2.find_last_not_of(" \t\n\r")+1);
+ s2.erase(0,s2.find_first_not_of(" \t\n\r"));
+ uint tmpltPos = s1.find('<');
+ if(tmpltPos!=string::npos)
+ {
+ s1 = s1.substr(0,tmpltPos);
+ }
+ if(s1[0]!='L')
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(s1.find(s2)!=string::npos)
+ {
+ uint s1Len = s1.length();
+ uint s2Len = s2.length();
+ //s1=LAL
+ //s2=LA
+ if(s2Len>0 && s1Len > s2Len)
+ {
+ char diffChar = s1[s2Len];
+ if( (diffChar>='a' && diffChar<='z') || (diffChar>='A' && diffChar<='Z')
+ ||(diffChar>='0' && diffChar<='9') || (diffChar=='_'))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(s2.find("operator")==0)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(s2.find("new")==0)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+* Is sometiing defined in class scope?
+bool TLeaveScanModel::IsInClassScope(uint pos)
+ if (pos == string::npos)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ list<ClassMeta>::iterator iter;
+ for(iter=iClassList.begin();iter!=iClassList.end();iter++)
+ {
+ if(iter->startPos<=pos && iter->endPos >= pos)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Try to get the function name from a function head
+ * */
+string TLeaveScanModel::GetFunctNameFromFuncHead(const string& aFuncHead)
+ string funcName;
+ int len = aFuncHead.length();
+ int curPos=len-1;
+ char curChar;
+ int nameStart = -1;
+ int nameEnd;
+ //skip white spaces
+ while(curPos>=0)
+ {
+ curChar = aFuncHead[curPos];
+ if(curChar==' ' || curChar=='\t' ||curChar=='\n'||curChar=='\r')
+ {
+ curPos--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(curChar == '>')
+ {
+ int templateBalance = 1;
+ curPos--;
+ while(curPos>=0)
+ {
+ curChar = aFuncHead[curPos];
+ if(curChar=='>')
+ {
+ templateBalance++;
+ }
+ else if(curChar =='<')
+ {
+ templateBalance--;
+ }
+ curPos--;
+ if(templateBalance==0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(curPos<=0) return "";
+ nameEnd = curPos;
+ if(aFuncHead.find("operator")!=string::npos)
+ {
+ int tmpNameStart = aFuncHead.find("operator");
+ char delimiter = aFuncHead[tmpNameStart+8];
+ if (!((delimiter >='0' && delimiter <='9') || (delimiter>='a' && delimiter<='z') || (delimiter>='A' && delimiter<='Z') ||(delimiter=='_')))
+ {
+ if(tmpNameStart>0)
+ {
+ delimiter = aFuncHead[tmpNameStart-1];
+ if (!((delimiter >='0' && delimiter <='9') || (delimiter>='a' && delimiter<='z') || (delimiter>='A' && delimiter<='Z') ||(delimiter=='_')))
+ {
+ nameStart = tmpNameStart;
+ }
+ }
+ if(tmpNameStart==0)
+ {
+ nameStart = tmpNameStart;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(nameStart == -1)
+ {
+ while(curPos>=0)
+ {
+ curChar = aFuncHead[curPos];
+ if(curChar==' ' || curChar=='\t' ||curChar=='\n'||curChar=='\r'||curChar=='>')
+ {
+ nameStart = curPos+1;
+ if(nameStart<0)
+ {
+ nameStart = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curPos--;
+ }
+ }
+ if(curPos<0)
+ {
+ nameStart = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ funcName = aFuncHead.substr(nameStart,nameEnd-nameStart+1);
+ return funcName;
+ * Get the Param string of a function decl
+ * aStart usually is the position of '{'
+ * */
+string TLeaveScanModel::GetFunctionParam(const string& aText, uint aStart)
+ int curPos = aStart;
+ if(curPos == string::npos)
+ {
+ return "";
+ }
+ int leftParenthesis = GetLeftParenthesis(aText, curPos);
+ int rightParenthesis = GetRightParenthesis(aText, leftParenthesis+1);
+ if(leftParenthesis==string::npos || rightParenthesis==string::npos)
+ {
+ return "";
+ }
+ else if(rightParenthesis>leftParenthesis)
+ {
+ return aText.substr(leftParenthesis+1, rightParenthesis-leftParenthesis-1);
+ }
+ return "";
+/*Get the string from last member decl to aStart*/
+string TLeaveScanModel::GetFunctionHead(const string& aText, uint aStart)
+ int curPos = aStart;
+ char curChar;
+ if(curPos==string::npos || curPos<=0)
+ {
+ return "";
+ }
+ while(curPos >= 0)
+ {
+ curChar = aText[curPos];
+ if(curChar == '{' || curChar == '}' || curChar == ';')
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ curPos--;
+ }
+ if(curPos<0)
+ {
+ curPos = 0;
+ }
+ int tempPos = string::npos;
+ if( (aText.rfind("public",aStart)!=string::npos)||(aText.rfind("protected",aStart))!=string::npos ||(aText.rfind("private",aStart))!=string::npos)
+ {
+ tempPos = aText.rfind(':',aStart);
+ }
+ if(tempPos>curPos)
+ {
+ curPos = tempPos;
+ }
+ return aText.substr(curPos,aStart-curPos);
+/*Chech the function decl/define in a class*/
+void TLeaveScanModel::CheckInClassFunc(const string& aText , const string& aClassName, const string& aFuncName, uint start,uint end)
+ bool isLeaver;
+ bool clean;
+ string funcName = TrimString(GetFunctNameFromFuncHead(aFuncName));
+ string qualifiedFuncName = aClassName+"::"+funcName;
+ clean = CheckFunc(aText, funcName, start, end, isLeaver);
+ bool isLCFunc =false;
+ if(funcName[funcName.length()-1] == 'C' && funcName[funcName.length()-2] == 'L')
+ {
+ isLCFunc = true;
+ }
+ if (isLeaver) // was a leaving container(safe) and no leavers found
+ {
+ if (clean)
+ {
+ iPositionOfError=0;
+ iErrorString = "Warning - " + funcName + " appears to contain no leavers.";
+ ReportErrorLineAndString(start);
+ }
+ else if(isLCFunc)
+ {
+ uint lcleanedupPos = iErrorString.find("LCleanedup");
+ if(lcleanedupPos!=string::npos)
+ {
+ uint callPos = iErrorString.find(" calls ");
+ uint lcleanedupPosInFuncName = funcName.find("LCleanedup");
+ if(callPos!=string::npos && lcleanedupPosInFuncName!=string::npos && lcleanedupPos<callPos)
+ {;}
+ else
+ {
+ iErrorString = "LCleanedup class is used in a function suffixed LC";
+ ReportErrorLineAndString(start);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // any leavers info can be supressed here since container was leaver
+ }
+ else // wasn't a leaving container
+ {
+ if (!clean) // was dirty, so report
+ ReportErrorLineAndString(start);
+ }
+// Some test functions (for when leavescan parses its own source code)
+void TLeaveScanModel::Test1()
+ Test2L();
+void TLeaveScanModel::Test2L()
+ Test1();
+#define TEST2L Test2L
+void TLeaveScanModel::Test3()
+ TEST2L();
+void TLeaveScanModel::Test4()
+ Test2L(); // qualify me
+// warnings back to default levels
+//#pragma warning (pop)