changeset 0 83f4b4db085c
child 1 d4b442d23379
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolsandutils/productionbldtools/	Tue Feb 02 01:39:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# Version Info:
+# Version 001: initial version
+# Version 002: Typhoon: added for CustKit 
+# Version 003: Typhoon: calls GenerateLicenseeBuild.exe before building
+# Version 004: Typhoon: auto-generates packages before building; 
+# produces differences between this report & previous build's
+# calls script to produce CustKit as ZIPs
+# Version 005: Typhoon: calls docplugintool script 
+# Version 006: Typhoon: Master Codeline
+# Version 007: Master Codeline
+# Version 007: Master Codeline - beech/cedar split & DocPlugInTool removed
+# Version 008: Master Codeline - custkit.txt generation removed
+use Cwd;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Path;
+use FindBin;                # where does this script live?
+use lib $FindBin::Bin;      # use this directory for libraries, to find...
+use KitStandardLocations;
+my $PlatformProductToolsDir = $FindBin::Bin;
+$PlatformProductToolsDir =~ s/common/$Platform/i;    # change "common" to platform name in path to tools directory
+unshift (@INC, $PlatformProductToolsDir);            # add this to the @INC list of library paths
+require KitPlatformSpecific;                         # and read the platform-specific definitions
+require AllKitsRebaseline;
+require BuildKit;
+require TestKit;
+require MakeCustKitZips;
+# ------------------------------ Global variables ----------------------------
+my $Company = "Symbian";
+my $BuildNumber = $ARGV[0];
+$Kit_ID = $BuildNumber;
+my $pkgSrcDefDevKitDir = "$DevKitPath\\$SrcDefDir";
+my $pkgSrcDefCustKitDir ="$CustKitPath\\$SrcDefDir";
+my $outputCustKitZipsDir =  "$ProductPath\\_PACKAGES\\CustKit_Zips";
+my $outputInternalZipsDir = "$ProductPath\\generated";
+my $KitBuilderSrcDir =    "$SourceDir\\common\\generic\\tools\\CustKits\\KitBuilder";
+my $KitBuilderBldDir =    "$OutputDir\\techview\\epoc32\\tools\\CustKits\\KitBuilder";
+my $NavigationPagesDir =  "$SourceDir\\common\\generic\\tools\\CustKits\\NavigationPages";
+my $sourceListDevKit =  "DevKit.srcdef";
+my $sourceListCustKit = "CustKit.srcdef";
+my $buildPkg =     "$OutputDir\\generic\\epoc32\\tools\\buildpkg";
+my $createPkgSrc = "$OutputDir\\generic\\epoc32\\tools\\createpkgsrc";
+my $diff =         "$OutputDir\\generic\\epoc32\\gcc\\bin\\diff";
+my $scriptFile =     "";
+my $scriptFileZips = "";
+my $scriptHelpFile = "ReadMe_First.txt";
+# ----------------- Start of main() ------------------------
+open STDERR, ">&STDOUT" ;
+select STDOUT; $| = 1;
+select STDERR; $| = 1;
+my $time=localtime;
+print "===  Build process for Kit $Kit_ID started at $time\n";
+# get the drive we're running on - use for various parameters later on
+my $initialDir = cwd();
+$initialDir =~ m/^(\w:)/ ;
+my $initialDrive = $1;
+my $CommonProductToolsDir = $FindBin::Bin;
+$CommonProductToolsDir =~ s|/|\\|g;
+$PlatformProductToolsDir =~ s|/|\\|g;
+# Generate a list of available files
+print "** generate .lis files\n";
+my $logsPath = "$ProductPath\\generated\\logs";		# ensure we can create log files
+(mkpath $logsPath or print "WARNING:  Couldn't create directory for logs\n") if (! -d $logsPath);
+system("perl $CommonProductToolsDir\\bfrc\\ --files epoc32 > $logsPath\\GT.lis");
+system("perl $CommonProductToolsDir\\bfrc\\ --files epoc32 > $logsPath\\TechView.lis");
+# run tools to produce up-to-date packages and compare to previous build's package definitions
+print "** RebaselineAndCompare()\n";
+# generate the licencee list of restricted files
+print "** LicenceeRestrictionsList\n";
+# build the packages into Kits
+print "** BuildKits()\n";
+# produce CustKit as a set of ZIPs, with script and HTML navigation pages
+# print "** CustKit as ZIPs\n";
+# CustKitAsZips();
+# produce kit report and difference between this report & previous build's
+system ("$diff --text --speed-large-files $ENV{'PublishLocation'}\\$ENV{'Type'}\\$ENV{'Previousbuildnumber'}\\logs\\KitReport.txt $ENV{'LogsDir'}\\KitReport.txt > $ENV{'LogsDir'}\\KitReportDiffs.txt");
+print "===  Build process for Kit $Kit_ID ended at $time\n";
+# ----------------- Start of LicenceeRestrictionsList() ------------------------
+sub LicenceeRestrictionsList()
+	my $PackageDefs_copy = "\\PackageDefinitions_copy";
+	mkdir $KitBuilderBldDir."\\".$PackageDefs_copy, 0777 ;
+	system("xcopy  $pkgDefDevKitDir  $KitBuilderBldDir$PackageDefs_copy /E /Z /I /Q"); 
+	system("del $KitBuilderBldDir\\$PackageDefs_copy /F /Q");
+# ----------------- Start of RebaselineAndCompare() ------------------------
+sub RebaselineAndCompare()
+	chdir($CommonProductToolsDir) or die "Unable to change to $CommonProductToolsDir\n";
+	AllKitsRebaseline::AllKitsRebaseline("$ProductPath\\generated");
+# ----------------- Start of CustKitAsZips() ------------------------
+sub CustKitAsZips()
+	chdir($PlatformProductToolsDir) or die "Unable to change to $PlatformProductToolsDir\n";
+	MakeCustKitZIPs::MakeCustKitZIPs ($pkgDefCustKitDir, $pkgDefDevKitDir, $outputCustKitZipsDir, "$ProductPath\\generated", $outputInternalZipsDir);
+	system("copy ".$PlatformProductToolsDir."\\".$scriptFileZips." ".$outputCustKitZipsDir);
+	system("xcopy ".$NavigationPagesDir." ".$outputCustKitZipsDir." /S /I /Q") ;
+	system("del ".$outputCustKitZipsDir."\\distribution.policy /F /Q") ;