synchronize from nokia internal Synergy depository buildtools/92, including fix to bugs 151,468,2049,1371,325,2539, etc.
# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Version Info:
# Run with the substed build drive as the current directory.
# e.g. subst m: <mapped drive to build machine>/04640/output>
# m:
# <location of tool>\ <absolute target directory of new packages> <codeline-tree>
use Win32::Registry;
package AllKitsRebaseline;
use Win32::Process;
use Win32::Registry;
use File::Path;
use File::Copy;
use KitStandardLocations;
use ZipLog2Pkg;
# ------------------------------------- Global variables -----------------------------------
# Drive/directory for new packages
my $SaveToDir = "";
my $iprTool = "$SourceDir\\os\\buildtools\\bldsystemtools\\commonbldutils\\";
my $commonToolsDirectory = "";
# --------------------------------- Start of CreatePackages() ----------------------------------
sub CreateFileLists()
# main array: within each entry is:
# file name
# IPR category to filter on
# directory to filter on
# a flag to indicate if warnings should be ignored if the directory does not exist
# additional flags for CreateProcess call
my @RequiredLists =
# common generic
["GT-common-A", "A", "$SourceDir\\common\\generic"],
["GT-common-B", "B", "$SourceDir\\common\\generic"],
["GT-common-I", "I", "$SourceDir\\common\\generic"],
["GT-common-O", "O", "$SourceDir\\common\\generic"],
["GT-common-C", "C", "$SourceDir\\common\\generic"],
["GT-common-DET", "DET", "$SourceDir\\common\\generic", "", "-e"],
["GT-common-FG", "FG", "$SourceDir\\common\\generic"],
# tree generic
["GT-$Platform-A", "A", "$SourceDir\\$Platform\\generic"],
["GT-$Platform-B", "B", "$SourceDir\\$Platform\\generic"],
["GT-$Platform-I", "I", "$SourceDir\\$Platform\\generic"],
["GT-$Platform-O", "O", "$SourceDir\\$Platform\\generic"],
["GT-$Platform-C", "C", "$SourceDir\\$Platform\\generic"],
["GT-$Platform-DET", "DET", "$SourceDir\\$Platform\\generic", "", "-e"],
["GT-$Platform-FG", "FG", "$SourceDir\\$Platform\\generic"],
# common UI
["UI-common-A", "A", "$SourceDir\\common\\techview"],
["UI-common-B", "B", "$SourceDir\\common\\techview"],
["UI-common-I", "I", "$SourceDir\\common\\techview"],
["UI-common-O", "O", "$SourceDir\\common\\techview"],
["UI-common-C", "C", "$SourceDir\\common\\techview"],
["UI-common-DET", "DET", "$SourceDir\\common\\techview"],
["UI-common-FG", "FG", "$SourceDir\\common\\techview"],
# tree UI
["UI-$Platform-A", "A", "$SourceDir\\$Platform\\techview", "nowarn"],
["UI-$Platform-B", "B", "$SourceDir\\$Platform\\techview", "nowarn"],
["UI-$Platform-I", "I", "$SourceDir\\$Platform\\techview", "nowarn"],
["UI-$Platform-O", "O", "$SourceDir\\$Platform\\techview", "nowarn"],
["UI-$Platform-C", "C", "$SourceDir\\$Platform\\techview", "nowarn"],
["UI-$Platform-DET", "DET", "$SourceDir\\$Platform\\techview", "nowarn"],
["UI-$Platform-FG", "FG", "$SourceDir\\$Platform\\techview", "nowarn"],
# testtools
["TestTools", "DEFGT", "$SourceDir\\os\\unref\\orphan\\comtt"],
# docs
["Doc-DET", "DET", "$OutputDir\\documentation"],
["Doc-FGX", "FGX", "$OutputDir\\documentation"],
["Doc-common-DET", "DET", "$SourceDir\\common\\developerlibrary"],
["Doc-common-FGX", "FGX", "$SourceDir\\common\\developerlibrary"],
["Doc-common-system-FGX", "FGX", "$SourceDir\\common\\system"],
["Conn-common-Src", "DEFGT", "$SourceDir\\common\\epocconnect", "nowarn"],
["Conn-$Platform-Src", "DEFGT", "$SourceDir\\$Platform\\epocconnect", "nowarn"],
["Conn-Bin", "DEFGXT", "$OutputDir\\symbianconnect", "nowarn"],
["TechViewExampleSDK", "DEFGXT","$SourceDir\\$Platform\\product\\TechViewExampleSDK"]
) ;
sub ErrorReport
print "Error: ".Win32::FormatMessage( Win32::GetLastError() );
# get Perl bin directory
if ( ( $main::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->Open("SOFTWARE\\Perl", $RegObj) ) && ( $RegObj->QueryValueEx("bindir", my $Type, $Value) ) )
# fix problem where Perl 5.6's bindir registry variable contains the exe, but 5.005's doesn't; remove exe name
$Value =~ s|\\perl\.exe$||i;
print "Unable to find Perl key\n";
# preserve STDOUT, STDERR
open(OLDOUT, ">&STDOUT") or die $!; # backup filehandles
open(OLDERR, ">&STDERR") or die $!;
open(STDERR, ">NUL") or die $!;
# start the processes
my @Processes ;
my $ProcessObj;
foreach $entry (@RequiredLists)
my $FileName = $entry->[0];
my $Category = $entry->[1];
my $Directory = $entry->[2];
my $noWarn = $entry->[3];
my $ExtraFlag = $entry->[4];
if (-d "$Directory")
# direct STDOUT to output file
select(STDOUT); # force a flush on stdout so that any output will be in sync.
# create process and inherit STDOUT
Win32::Process::Create($ProcessObj, "$Value\\perl.exe", "perl.exe ".$iprTool." -c $Category -f -1 -s $ExtraFlag", 1, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, "$Directory") || die ErrorReport();
push @Processes, $ProcessObj;
print OLDOUT "INFO: Directory not found: $Directory\n" if ($noWarn !~ /nowarn/i);
print FILE "\n"; # force all output files to exist, even if no content found by iprtool
close FILE;
# wait for them to complete
while (scalar(@Processes) > 0)
$ProcessObj = pop @Processes;
print ".";
} print "\n";
open(STDOUT, ">&OLDOUT") or die $!; # restore filehandle
open(STDERR, ">&OLDERR") or die $!;
my $SourceDirWithoutDrive = $SourceDir;
$SourceDirWithoutDrive =~ s/^\w://; # remove initial drive letter
$SourceDirWithoutDrive =~ s#\\#\\\\#g; # ensure slash is escaped
my $OutputDirWithoutDrive = $OutputDir;
$OutputDirWithoutDrive =~ s/^\w://; # remove initial drive letter
$OutputDirWithoutDrive =~ s#\\#\\\\#g; # ensure slash is escaped
# remove IPR status info and the initial directory (\src, \bin etc.)
foreach $entry (@RequiredLists)
my $FileName = $entry->[0];
# read in file
if (open (FILE, "<$SaveToDir\\$FileName"))
my @file = <FILE>;
if (open (FILE, ">$SaveToDir\\$FileName"))
foreach $line (@file)
if ($line =~ m/^\s*([\\\/].+[^\/\\]$)/)
# remove whitespace at start of line
$line =~ s/^\s*//i;
# if file name includes "common", replace preceeding part with ''
$line =~ s/^$SourceDirWithoutDrive([\\\/]common[\\\/].*$)/$1/i;
# if file name includes $Platform, replace preceeding part with ''
$line =~ s/^$SourceDirWithoutDrive([\\\/]$Platform[\\\/].*$)/$1/i;
# if file name includes bin\$Platform\<build_type>\epoc32, replace with 'epoc32'
$line =~ s/^$OutputDirWithoutDrive[\\\/][^\\\/]*([\\\/]epoc32[\\\/].*$)/$1/i;
# if file name includes bin\$Platform\, delete (for bin.connect, docs)
$line =~ s/^$OutputDirWithoutDrive//i;
# replace & with &
$line =~ s/&/&/i;
print FILE "$line\n" ;
print "ERROR: Couldn't create file $SaveToDir\\$FileName\n";
print "ERROR: Couldn't open file $SaveToDir\\$FileName\n";
return 0;
# --------------------------------- Start of ProcessPackageDefinitions() ----------------------------------------
sub ProcessPackageDefinitions()
my $PackageName = "com.symbian.src.package-definitions" ;
my $header1 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n\n<packagedef version=\"1.0\">\n <package name=\"";
my $header2 = "\" major-version=\"0\" minor-version=\"0\">\n <supplier>Symbian Ltd<\/supplier>\n <sdk-version>7.0s<\/sdk-version>\n";
my $depends = " <dependencies>\n <dependency name=\"$dependency\" major-version=\"0\" minor-version=\"0\" build-number=\"0\"\/>\n <\/dependencies>\n";
my $header3 = " <\/package>\n\n <manifest>\n";
my $footer = " <\/manifest>\n<\/packagedef>";
chdir ($commonToolsDirectory); # ensure correct drive
chdir $CustKitPath."\\".$PkgDefDir or die "Failed to change directory to ".$CustKitPath."\\".$PkgDefDir;
# open pkgdef file here so it's included in it's own list!
open (FILE, ">$PackageName.pkgdef") or die "Couldn't open file $PackageName.pkgdef";
print FILE $header1.$PackageName.$header2.$header3;
# CustKit packages first
my @Packages = <com.symbian.*.pkgdef>;
foreach $package (@Packages)
print FILE " <item src=\"\\$CustKitDir\\$PkgDefDir\\$package\" dest=\"[sdkroot]\\src\\$Platform\\$ProductDir\\$CustKitDir\\$PkgDefDir\\$package\"/>\n";
print FILE " <item src=\"\\$CustKitDir\\$PkgDefDir\\distribution.policy\" dest=\"[sdkroot]\\src\\$Platform\\$ProductDir\\$CustKitDir\\$PkgDefDir\\distribution.policy\"/>\n" if (-e "$CustKitPath\\$PkgDefDir\\distribution.policy");
# single srcdef file & IPR
print FILE " <item src=\"\\$CustKitDir\\$SrcDefDir\\CustKit.srcdef\" dest=\"[sdkroot]\\src\\$Platform\\$ProductDir\\$CustKitDir\\$SrcDefDir\\CustKit.srcdef\"/>\n";
print FILE " <item src=\"\\$CustKitDir\\$SrcDefDir\\distribution.policy\" dest=\"[sdkroot]\\src\\$Platform\\$ProductDir\\$CustKitDir\\$SrcDefDir\\distribution.policy\"/>\n" if (-e "$CustKitPath\\$SrcDefDir\\distribution.policy");
# DevKit packages
chdir $DevKitPath."\\".$PkgDefDir or die "Failed to change directory to $DevKitPath\\$PkgDefDir" ;
@Packages = <com.symbian.*pkgdef>;
foreach $package (@Packages)
print FILE " <item src=\"\\$DevKitDir\\$PkgDefDir\\$package\" dest=\"[sdkroot]\\src\\$Platform\\$ProductDir\\$DevKitDir\\$PkgDefDir\\$package\"/>\n";
print FILE " <item src=\"\\$DevKitDir\\$PkgDefDir\\distribution.policy\" dest=\"[sdkroot]\\src\\$Platform\\$ProductDir\\$DevKitDir\\$PkgDefDir\\distribution.policy\"/>\n" if (-e "$DevKitPath\\$PkgDefDir\\distribution.policy");
# single srcdef file & IPR
print FILE " <item src=\"\\$DevKitDir\\$SrcDefDir\\DevKit.srcdef\" dest=\"[sdkroot]\\src\\$Platform\\$ProductDir\\$DevKitDir\\$SrcDefDir\\DevKit.srcdef\"/>\n";
print FILE " <item src=\"\\$DevKitDir\\$SrcDefDir\\distribution.policy\" dest=\"[sdkroot]\\src\\$Platform\\$ProductDir\\$DevKitDir\\$SrcDefDir\\distribution.policy\"/>\n" if (-e "$DevKitPath\\$SrcDefDir\\distribution.policy");
print FILE $footer;
# --------------------------------- Start of AllKitsRebaseline() ----------------------------------------
sub AllKitsRebaseline($)
$SaveToDir = shift;
# get initial directory so other tools/scripts in this directory can be found
$commonToolsDirectory = $FindBin::Bin;
my $platformToolsDirectory = $commonToolsDirectory;
$platformToolsDirectory =~ s/common/$Platform/i;
if ($SaveToDir eq "")
die "Parameter (SaveToDir) is required - please run with parameter\n";
# Create directory for saving temporary packages
if (! -e $SaveToDir)
mkpath $SaveToDir or die "Unable to create directory $SaveToDir - $!";
# Create the categorised lists of files
print "** CreateFileLists()\n";
# prepare special file lists for static packages - assumes supplementary packages will build correctly
open (FILE,">$SaveToDir\\static");
my $OutputDirWithoutDrive = $OutputDir;
$OutputDirWithoutDrive =~ s/^\w:[\/\\]//; # remove initial drive letter and slash
print FILE "$OutputDirWithoutDrive\\techview\\epoc32\\tools\\productinstaller\\License.txt\n" if (-e "$SourceDir\\common\\generic\\tools\\custkits\\ProductInstaller\\pkgdef\\License.txt");
print FILE "\n" if (-e "$ZipDir\\");
# copy package definition files from source code control system to build directories
(mkpath $DevKitPath or print "WARNING: Unable to create directory $DevKitPath - $!\n") if (! -d $DevKitPath);
(mkpath $SuppKitPath or print "WARNING: Unable to create directory $SuppKitPath - $!\n") if (! -d $SuppKitPath);
system ("xcopy $SourceDir\\$Platform\\$ProductDir\\$DevKitDir $DevKitPath /E /Z /I /Q");
system ("xcopy $SourceDir\\$Platform\\$ProductDir\\$SuppKitDir $SuppKitPath /E /Z /I /Q");
# generate the package definition files
chdir ("$SaveToDir") or print "Unable to change to directory $SaveToDir\n";
print "** Source packages\n";
ZipLog2Pkg::ZipLog2Pkg ("$platformToolsDirectory\\".$BuildBaseName."_src", "-batch");
print "** Static packages\n";
ZipLog2Pkg::ZipLog2Pkg ("$platformToolsDirectory\\".$BuildBaseName."_static", "-batch");
# change to directory of new files and generate the non-source files
chdir($FindBin::Bin) or print "Unable to change to directory $FindBin::Bin\n";
print "** NonSourceRebaseline - generating logs\n";
$ENV{"ProductDir"}=$ProductDir; # required by exports.bat
system ("call $commonToolsDirectory\\exports.bat");
print "** NonSourceRebaseline - generating non source packages\n";
ZipLog2Pkg::ZipLog2Pkg ("$platformToolsDirectory\\".$BuildBaseName."_bin", "-batch");
return 1;