synchronize from nokia internal Synergy depository buildtools/92, including fix to bugs 151,468,2049,1371,325,2539, etc.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Aug 3rd 2009. Written for use during the SOS production build.
# Parameter 1 : Directory to search
# The script will search through the directory provided. (This is \clean-src in the current SOS production build.)
# It will produce an advisory note for any missing distribution.policy.s60 files.
# It will produce a migration note for any unnecessary distribution.policy.s60 files.
use File::Find;
my $dirToSearch = shift;
# Iterate through all sub-directories checking the distribution.policy.s60 status.
finddepth(sub{if ($_ !~ /^\.\.?$/ ) {$entry = Cwd::cwd."\\"."$_"; if (-d $entry) {checkDir($entry)}}}, $dirToSearch);
# A directory is considered empty for this purpose if it contains no files (it may contain other directories)
sub dirIsEmpty($)
my $currentDir = shift;
opendir DIR, $currentDir;
while(my $entry = readdir DIR) {
next if(($entry =~ /^\.\.?$/) || (-d "$currentDir"."\\"."$entry")); # ignore all directory entries (including . and ..)
closedir DIR;
return 0; # first file has been found
closedir DIR;
return 1; # no files found
# Checks if a directory contains files other than an S60 distribution policy file.
sub onlyPolicyFileExists($)
my $currentDir = shift;
my $file = "distribution.policy.s60";
opendir DIR, $currentDir;
while(my $entry = readdir DIR) {
# ignore directories (including . and ..) and S60 distribution file
next if(($entry =~ /^\.\.?$/) || (-d "$currentDir"."\\"."$entry") || ($entry =~ /^$file$/i));
closedir DIR;
return 0; # first file (except distribution.policy.s60) has been found
closedir DIR;
return 1; # no extra files found
# checkDir
# Check the distribution.policy.s60 status of the directory passed as parameter.
# 4 cases are checked for
# Case 1: Empty directory , no policy file - this is fine
# Case 2: The directory is empty except for the distribution.policy.s60 file - produce migration note
# Case 3: Non-empty directory with policy file in place - this is fine
# Case 4: Directory is not empty and does not contain a distribution.policy.s60 file - produce an advisory note
sub checkDir($) {
my $currentDir = shift;
my $file = "distribution.policy.s60";
# An empty directory should not have a policy file.
if (dirIsEmpty($currentDir) )
{ # Case 1: Empty directory , no policy file - this is fine
# print "\nok, $currentDir has no files so no distribution.policy.s60 file is necessary \n";
else # Directory is not empty
# Check if a policy file exists
if (-e "$currentDir"."\\"."$file")
# Check that it is necessary i.e. that there are other files in the directory
if (onlyPolicyFileExists($currentDir))
# Case 2: The directory is empty except for the distribution.policy.s60 file - produce migration note
print "MIGRATION_NOTE: Unnecessary distribution.policy.s60 file in $currentDir\n";
# Case 3: Non-empty directory with policy file in place.
# print "\nok, distribution.policy.s60 and other files exist in $currentDir\n";
else # no policy file exists in a non-empty directory
# Case 4: Directory is not empty and does not contain a distribution.policy.s60 file - produce an advisory note
print "ADVISORY NOTE: Missing distribution.policy.s60 file in $currentDir \n";
} # end directory is not empty
} # end checkDir;