# Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
use Getopt::Long;
use strict;
my $outputFileName = "default.inf";
my $discard_noncallable_exports = 0;
my @inputFiles;
my @exports = ();
my %symsSeen = ();
sub args ()
my %opts = ();
my $result = GetOptions(\%opts, "output:s", "discard_noncallable_exports");
$outputFileName = $opts{'output'} if $opts{'output'} ;
$discard_noncallable_exports = 1 if $opts{'discard_noncallable_exports'};
@inputFiles = @ARGV;
sub main ()
foreach my $file (@inputFiles){
open( INFFILE, ">$outputFileName") or
die "Error: can't open $outputFileName\n";
foreach my $export (sort {$a cmp $b } @exports) {
print INFFILE $export;
close INFFILE;
sub ReadFromElf ($)
my ($filename) = @_;
my $line;
%symsSeen = ();
open(FROMELF, "getexports $filename|")
or die "Error: can't open $filename\n";
while ($_ = <FROMELF> )
if ($_ =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+((DATA)\s+(\d+))?\s*$/) {
my $sym = $1;
my $data = "";
unless ($symsSeen{$sym}) {
$symsSeen{$sym} = $sym;
# Indicate if this is a data symbol along with its size.
$data = " DATA $4";
if ($sym =~ /^_ZTV/ && !$discard_noncallable_exports) { # allow vtables thru
push @exports, " _$sym (#<VT>#)\n";
} elsif ($sym =~ /^_ZTI/ && !$discard_noncallable_exports) { # allow type info thru: comment out if we don't want it
push @exports, " _$sym (#<TI>#)\n";
} elsif ($sym =~ /^_ZThn\d/) { # allow thunk thru
push @exports, " _$sym (#<thunk>#)\n";
} elsif ($sym =~ /^_ZT/) { # punt all other type stuff: shouldn't be exported anyway
} elsif (C9Ctor($sym)) { #work around non-export of constructors
PushCtors($sym, $filename);
} elsif (D9Dtor($sym)) { #work around non-export of constructors
PushDtors($sym, $filename);
} else {
push @exports, " _$sym$data\n";
close FROMELF;
sub PushSym($$)
my ($s, $f) = @_;
unless ($symsSeen{$s}) {
$symsSeen{$s} = $s;
push @exports, " _$s\n";
sub simpleC9Ctor($)
my ($sym) = @_;
if ($sym =~ /_ZN(\d+)(.+)C9E.*$/) {
# Really check it
return 1 if ($1 == length($2));
return 0;
sub simpleD9Ctor($)
my ($sym) = @_;
if ($sym =~ /_ZN(\d+)(.+)D9E.*$/) {
# Really check it
return 1 if ($1 == length($2));
return 0;
sub C9Ctor($)
my ($sym) = @_;
return 1 if simpleC9Ctor($sym);
if ($sym =~ /_ZN(\d+)(.+)C9E.*$/) {
my $l = $1;
my $s = $2;
my $t_params = substr $s, $l;
return 1 if ($t_params =~ /^I.*I$/); # not totally convincing check for templated ctor
return 0;
sub PushCtors($$)
my ($sym, $filename) = @_;
return PushSimpleCtors($sym, $filename) if (simpleC9Ctor($sym));
my ($sym, $filename) = @_;
$sym =~ /(_ZN\d+.+IC)9E.*$/o;
my $s = $1;
my $i = length $s;
my $e = substr $sym, $i + 1;
my $C1 = "$s"."1"."$e";
my $C2 = "$s"."2"."$e";
push @exports, " _$sym\n";
PushSym($C1, $filename);
PushSym($C2, $filename);
sub PushSimpleCtors($$)
my ($sym, $filename) = @_;
$sym =~ /(_ZN\d+.+C)9E.*$/o;
my $s = $1;
my $i = length $s;
my $e = substr $sym, $i + 1;
my $C1 = "$s"."1"."$e";
my $C2 = "$s"."2"."$e";
push @exports, " _$sym\n";
PushSym($C1, $filename);
PushSym($C2, $filename);
sub D9Dtor($)
my ($sym) = @_;
return 1 if simpleD9Ctor($sym);
if ($sym =~ /_ZN(\d+)(.+)D9E.*$/) {
my $l = $1;
my $s = $2;
my $t_params = substr $s, $l;
return 1 if ($t_params =~ /^I.*I$/); # not totally convincing check for templated ctor
return 0;
sub PushDtors($$)
my ($sym, $filename) = @_;
return PushSimpleDtors($sym, $filename) if (simpleD9Ctor($sym));
my ($sym, $filename) = @_;
$sym =~ /(_ZN\d+.+ID)9E.*$/o;
my $s = $1;
my $i = length $s;
my $e = substr $sym, $i + 1;
my $D0 = "$s"."0"."$e";
my $D1 = "$s"."1"."$e";
my $D2 = "$s"."2"."$e";
push @exports, " _$sym\n";
PushSym($D0, $filename);
PushSym($D1, $filename);
PushSym($D2, $filename);
sub PushSimpleDtors($$)
my ($sym, $filename) = @_;
$sym =~ /(_ZN\d+.+D)9E.*$/o;
my $s = $1;
my $i = length $s;
my $e = substr $sym, $i + 1;
my $D0 = "$s"."0"."$e";
my $D1 = "$s"."1"."$e";
my $D2 = "$s"."2"."$e";
push @exports, " _$sym\n";
PushSym($D0, $filename);
PushSym($D1, $filename);
PushSym($D2, $filename);